A Letter of Friendship

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  • 7/30/2019 A Letter of Friendship


    A letter of friendship

    My friend,

    Its always nice to have you near and to enjoy your company and your loyalty; its

    important to have the friendship and affection of someone with whom we can share our joys and

    sorrows, and discuss our problems without fear or reservations.

    But, the best part of knowing someone like you is not to feel obliged to do something

    when were together, is to be able to watch TV without saying a word, not feeling bored or

    wanting to be by yourself; and I miss you when youre far away, taking care of your life while I

    take care of mine.

    To be a friend is to be able to enjoy the best things the other person has to offer, to

    recognize their faults but to know they are bearable and, on the other hand, to be a friend is to

    offer our virtues with all the generosity in the world and to live without masks or farces to hide

    our faults, habits or differences.

    Ive been thinking about writing to you for a while now, to tell you about the meaning of

    friendship, something that surrounds us in such a natural way that we dont even bother much to

    understand what it truly means. Maybe I cant really express that meaning, but its good to know

    that theres someone supporting us, even if sometimes they dont fully agree with what we are

    thinking or doing and they dont hesitate to show their point of view. Thats what true friends are

    like, because they know that a different opinion will not change a deep feeling of mutual and

    sincere trust.

    My dear friend, always count on me and receive a kiss from Elena

  • 7/30/2019 A Letter of Friendship


    O scrisoare de prietenie

    Prietenul meu,

    Este ntotdeauna frumos s te am apropiat i s ma bucur de compania ta si loialitatea ta ;

    este important de a avea prietenia i afec iunea cuiva cu care putem mprt i bucuriile i

    necazurile noastre, i a discuta despre problemele noastre, fr team sau rezerve.

    Dar, cea mai bun parte de a tipe cineva ca tine este ca s nu se simt obligat s fac

    ceva atunci cnd suntem mpreun, este de a fi capabil sa ma uit la televizor fr s spun un

    cuvnt, nu se simte plictisit sau care doresc sa fie de unul singur, i mi-e dor atunci cnd e ti

    departe, avnd grij de via a ta n timp ce eu am grij de a mea.

    Pentru a fi un prieten este de a fi capabil s se bucure de cele mai bune lucruri alt

    persoan are de oferit, s recunoasc gre elile lor, dar s tiu c sunt suportabile i, pe de alt

    parte, pentru a fi un prieten este de a oferi virtu ile noastre, cu toate generozitate n lume i de a

    tri fr m ti sau farse pentru a ascunde gre elile noastre, obiceiurile sau diferen e.

    M-am gndit s iti scriu pentru un timp acum, s - i spun despre sensul prieteniei, ceva

    care ne nconjoar ntr -un mod natural, care nu ne deranja chiar mai mult pentru a n elege ce

    nseamn cu adevrat. Poate c nu pot exprima cu adevrat sensul cuvntului, dar e bine de stiut

    ca exista cineva care ma sprijin, chiar dac uneori nu este de acord n totalitate cu ceea cegndesc sau fac si nu eziti sa imi arati punctul tau de vedere. Asta e ceea ce prietenii adevra i

    sunt ca, deoarece ei tiu c o alt opinie nu se va schimba un sentiment profund de ncredere

    reciproc i sincer.

    Dragul meu prieten, conteaza mereu pe mine i primeste un srut de la Elena