a hebraic understanding of the biblical calendar

The regular daily color is formatted in this in order to easily find the Additional information for leavened Bread & Friday, the last day of These are the graphics schema is white and manner. beginning of each month. each Feast day is listed Sukkot) have this color each Hebrew month, and for the Astonomical blue. Ps 119: xxx-xxx within this section. schema (alternating dark each of the moedim. New Moon (ANM) and light purple). 5:08 PM (Example) and the Full Moon All days begin at sunset, The first day of each All of the Moedim dates The regular days of the Sunset times (see info All times are US Eastern (FM), with their hence, the color schema Hebrew month is green are yellow. two Feast weeks (Un- below) are listed for each Time Zone. times of occurrence. Created, written and designed by: Rick Blankenship, Fellowship Leader, GIFBG (Last revision: 10/13/2019) Edited by: Lee Miller, Fellowship Leader, HODF & Beth Mehaffey, HODF You will also notice on each month, the numbered year has a "circle-star" indicator, i.e., 5780. This numbering system is provided by Rabbinic Judaism, and is not agreed upon by many within the Hebrew day ends not at "sunset" or "sundown", but instead at "dark." However, trying to attach a specific time to "dark" on this calendar for each week is not possible. The best we can do is provide the standard "sunset" times published by various sites. It is with this understanding that we provide the "sunset" time as an estimate to be prepared for Shabbat to start at dark. instead, to simply use the numbered months: First Month, Second Month, etc. However, after doing research on the issue, I found the following study that was very well done. Based on their research, I no longer have an issue using the Hebrew month names. See the study: http://www.setapartpeople.com/the-names-of-other-deities. You will also note the 1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th months have Biblical names. respectively. I hope I succeded in keeping the explanation simple! For a fuller explanation, go to: http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/hebrew-numbers.html. While this is the current understanding of our research, we constantly review and update our understanding -- hence why we will always consider this calendar a "semi-final" product. numbering system, one is in essence agreeing to their attempt to prove Yeshua is not the Messiah. Again, as with the month names, I initially decided to not use the Rabbinic year numbering system. But in the end, trying to establish a true year counting system has eluded many who have tried, and even if we create a new year counting technique, it's not like it will be recognized. So, we are left with using the numbering system in place, but we can at least make it known it is a false, Yeshua-as-Messiah-denying system. Since we are talking about the Hebrew years, you will notice each month has the year identified in two ways, which are both the same numbers: 1) 5780 & 5781; and 2) @"Xt'h & a''pXt'h Without getting too far into the weeds of Hebrew numbering, the "apostrophes" within the letters are actually called geresh for the single ( ' ) and gershayim for the double ( " ). Their purpose is to Grafted In FellowshipBG & House of David Fellowship Present a hebraic understanding of the biblical calendar Why did we embark on this calendar? Why not use what is already out there? Valid questions. Much can be, and has been, written on the Hebraic calendar. However, for our fellowships (GIFBG & HODF), we are endeavoring to abide by YHWH's instruction as closely as possible. While we have this calendar posted on our web sites, our audience target is for those who attend our fellowship meetings. However, if you examine what we have put forth, and agree with it, you are more than welcome to use it. Prior to this "semi-final" product, we sought the counsel of several well known "Hebrew Roots" leaders requesting sincere feedback on our research. Only one acknowledged our request. To date, no feedback has been provided. So, we moved forward in our research which led to the creation of this calendar. We now invite you to review our research, and to provide thoughtful feedback. The following links will take you through the process. The first link below is to a basic, easy to understand teaching on the more in-depth information contained on Beth's New Moon Series blog. 1) Rick's Teaching at Sukkot 2019: Link posted on www.gifbg.org; 2) Beth's New Moon Series blog: https://tinyurl.com/HolyHighway-NewMoonSeries. Other items within our calendar: The HODF meetings take place on the first & third Shabbat days each month and the teachings cover multiple topics; whereas, the GIFBG meetings take place on the second & fourth (and fifth, which occurs once per quarter) Shabbat days of each month. For the GIFBG meetings, since we only meet twice a month, we took the liberty of spreading out the traditional one- year reading plan to be completed over a two-year time frame. In this way, all the Torah portions are covered without skipping any of them. We also read Psalm 119 through the first 22 days of each month. Lee has provided an in-depth study about when a day begins and ends. The study can be watched by following this link: https://tinyurl.com/YomWhenStart. Based on this teaching, we understand that Regarding the use of the Hebrew month names, which are derived from their time in Babylon and consist of many of the Babylonian gods' names, my first reaction was to not use the month names and Judaism. Futhermore, and more importantly, it must be understood that the Rabbinic year numbering system was purposefully established to repudiate Yeshua as the coming Messiah. By using this "nun", "pey" & "tzadi") were not used for numbers (or held the same value as the regular form of the letters). It wasn't until later years the "final" letters took on the values of 500, 600, 700, 800 & 900, delineate numbers instead of a word. When the numbers are within a sentence, it indicates to the reader that this is a number. The geresh indicates the "thousands" place (much like we use commas), and for 5780, the "hey" ( h ) equals 5, with the geresh indicating 1000, so it is 5000; the "tav" ( t ) equals 400; the "sheen" ( X ) equals 300; the "final pey" or "pey" ( @ or p ) equals 80. This can be seen as 80''300+400'5 = 5780. For 5781, the last letter is an "alef" ( a ), which equals 1. Again, the letters have the following values: 1''80+300+400'5. Finally, in the original Hebrew, the "final" letters ("kaf", "mem", the gershayim indicate the last place of the numbering. In the case of 5780, the last letter (which is a "final pey") is separated from the middle numbers. To break it out, the letters have the following values:

Transcript of a hebraic understanding of the biblical calendar

The regular daily color is formatted in this in order to easily find the Additional information for leavened Bread & Friday, the last day of These are the graphics schema is white and manner. beginning of each month. each Feast day is listed Sukkot) have this color each Hebrew month, and for the Astonomicalblue. Ps 119: xxx-xxx within this section. schema (alternating dark each of the moedim. New Moon (ANM)

and light purple). 5:08 PM (Example) and the Full MoonAll days begin at sunset, The first day of each All of the Moedim dates The regular days of the Sunset times (see info All times are US Eastern (FM), with theirhence, the color schema Hebrew month is green are yellow. two Feast weeks (Un- below) are listed for each Time Zone. times of occurrence.

Created, written and designed by: Rick Blankenship, Fellowship Leader, GIFBG (Last revision: 10/13/2019)

Edited by: Lee Miller, Fellowship Leader, HODF & Beth Mehaffey, HODF

� You will also notice on each month, the numbered year has a "circle-star" indicator, i.e., 5780�. This numbering system is provided by Rabbinic Judaism, and is not agreed upon by many within

the Hebrew day ends not at "sunset" or "sundown", but instead at "dark." However, trying to attach a specific time to "dark" on this calendar for each week is not possible. The best we can do is provide the

standard "sunset" times published by various sites. It is with this understanding that we provide the "sunset" time as an estimate to be prepared for Shabbat to start at dark.

instead, to simply use the numbered months: First Month, Second Month, etc. However, after doing research on the issue, I found the following study that was very well done. Based on their research, I no

longer have an issue using the Hebrew month names. See the study: http://www.setapartpeople.com/the-names-of-other-deities. You will also note the 1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th months have Biblical names.

respectively. I hope I succeded in keeping the explanation simple! For a fuller explanation, go to: http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/hebrew-numbers.html.

While this is the current understanding of our research, we constantly review and update our understanding -- hence why we will always consider this calendar a "semi-final" product.

numbering system, one is in essence agreeing to their attempt to prove Yeshua is not the Messiah. Again, as with the month names, I initially decided to not use the Rabbinic year numbering system. But in

the end, trying to establish a true year counting system has eluded many who have tried, and even if we create a new year counting technique, it's not like it will be recognized. So, we are left with using the

numbering system in place, but we can at least make it known it is a false, Yeshua-as-Messiah-denying system. Since we are talking about the Hebrew years, you will notice each month has the year identified in two ways, which are both the same numbers: 1) 5780 & 5781; and 2) @"Xt'h & a''pXt'hWithout getting too far into the weeds of Hebrew numbering, the "apostrophes" within the letters are actually called geresh for the single ( ' ) and gershayim for the double ( " ). Their purpose is to

Grafted In FellowshipBG & House of David Fellowship Presenta hebraic understanding of the biblical calendar

Why did we embark on this calendar? Why not use what is already out there? Valid questions. Much can be, and has been, written on the Hebraic calendar. However, for our fellowships (GIFBG &

HODF), we are endeavoring to abide by YHWH's instruction as closely as possible. While we have this calendar posted on our web sites, our audience target is for those who attend our fellowship meetings.

However, if you examine what we have put forth, and agree with it, you are more than welcome to use it.

Prior to this "semi-final" product, we sought the counsel of several well known "Hebrew Roots" leaders requesting sincere feedback on our research. Only one acknowledged our request. To date, no

feedback has been provided. So, we moved forward in our research which led to the creation of this calendar. We now invite you to review our research, and to provide thoughtful feedback. The following

links will take you through the process. The first link below is to a basic, easy to understand teaching on the more in-depth information contained on Beth's New Moon Series blog.

1) Rick's Teaching at Sukkot 2019: Link posted on www.gifbg.org; 2) Beth's New Moon Series blog: https://tinyurl.com/HolyHighway-NewMoonSeries.

Other items within our calendar: The HODF meetings take place on the first & third Shabbat days each month and the teachings cover multiple topics; whereas, the GIFBG meetings take place on the

second & fourth (and fifth, which occurs once per quarter) Shabbat days of each month. For the GIFBG meetings, since we only meet twice a month, we took the liberty of spreading out the traditional one-

year reading plan to be completed over a two-year time frame. In this way, all the Torah portions are covered without skipping any of them. We also read Psalm 119 through the first 22 days of each month.

Lee has provided an in-depth study about when a day begins and ends. The study can be watched by following this link: https://tinyurl.com/YomWhenStart. Based on this teaching, we understand that

Regarding the use of the Hebrew month names, which are derived from their time in Babylon and consist of many of the Babylonian gods' names, my first reaction was to not use the month names and

Judaism. Futhermore, and more importantly, it must be understood that the Rabbinic year numbering system was purposefully established to repudiate Yeshua as the coming Messiah. By using this

"nun", "pey" & "tzadi") were not used for numbers (or held the same value as the regular form of the letters). It wasn't until later years the "final" letters took on the values of 500, 600, 700, 800 & 900,

delineate numbers instead of a word. When the numbers are within a sentence, it indicates to the reader that this is a number. The geresh indicates the "thousands" place (much like we use commas), and

for 5780, the "hey" ( h ) equals 5, with the geresh indicating 1000, so it is 5000; the "tav" ( t ) equals 400; the "sheen" ( X ) equals 300; the "final pey" or "pey" ( @ or p ) equals 80. This can be seen as 80''300+400'5 = 5780. For 5781, the last letter is an "alef" ( a ), which equals 1. Again, the letters have the following values: 1''80+300+400'5. Finally, in the original Hebrew, the "final" letters ("kaf", "mem",

the gershayim indicate the last place of the numbering. In the case of 5780, the last letter (which is a "final pey") is separated from the middle numbers. To break it out, the letters have the following values:


Yom Rishon -- 1st Day Yom Sheni -- 2nd Day Yom Sh'lishi -- 3rd Day Yom Revi'i -- 4th Day Yom Chamishi -- 5th Day Yom Shishi -- 6th Day YOM SHABBAT!

1 2

HODF Meeting

Learn more about us

at our web sites: 6:10 PM

Grafted In House of David 5--9th Month--h 6--9th Month--wFellowshipBG Fellowship3 Daylight 4 5 6 7 8 9

Saving Ends GIFBG Meeting:

Noach5:03 PM

7--9th Month--z 8--9th Month--x 9--9th Month--j 10--9th Month--y 11--9th Month--ay 12--9th Month--by 13--9th Month--gy

10 11 Veteran's Day 12 13 14 15 16

FM: 8:34 AM HODF Meeting

4:57 PM14--9th Month--dy 15--9th Month--wj 16--9th Month--zj 17--9th Month--zy 18--9th Month--xy 19--9th Month--jy 20--9th Month--k

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

GIFBG Meeting:

Lech Lecha4:53 PM

21--9th Month--ak 22--9th Month--bk 23--9th Month--gk 24--9th Month--dk 25--9th Month--hk 26--9th Month--wk 27--9th Month--zkErev Hanukah Hanukah: Day 1 Hanukah: Day 2 Hanukah: Day 3

24 25 26 27 28 Thanksgiving 29 30

ANM: 10:06 AM Ps 119:1-8 Ps 119:9-16 Ps 119:17-24 GIFBG Meeting:

Vayera (5th Shabbat)

4:51 PM 4:50 PM Ps 119:25-32

28--9th Month--xk 29--9th Month--jk 1--10th Month--a 2--10th Month-- b 3--10th Month--g 4--10th Month--d 5--10th Month--hHanukah: Day 4 Hanukah: Day 5 Hanukah: Day 6 Hanukah: Day 7 Hanukah: Day 8

� - See explanation on the "Cover Page."



November 2019NINTH MONTH - 5780�




Yom Rishon -- 1st Day Yom Sheni -- 2nd Day Yom Sh'lishi -- 3rd Day Yom Revi'i -- 4th Day Yom Chamishi -- 5th Day Yom Shishi -- 6th Day YOM SHABBAT!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Ps 119:33-40 Ps 119:41-48 Ps 119:49-56 Ps 119:57-64 Ps 119:65-72 Ps 119:73-80 HODF Meeting

Ps 119:81-88

4:49 PM6--10th Month--w 7--10th Month--z 8--10th Month--x 9--10th Month--j 10--10th Month--y 11--10th Month--ay 12--10th Month--by

Asara B'Tevet

8 9 10 11 12 13 14Ps 119:89-96 Ps 119:97-104 Ps 119:105-112 Ps 119:113-120 FM: 12:12 AM Ps 119:129-136 GIFBG Meeting:

Ps 119:121-128 Chayei Sarah4:50 PM Ps 119:137-144

13--10th Month-- gy 14--10th Month--dy 15--10th Month--wj 16--10th Month--zj 17--10th Month--zy 18--10th Month--xy 19--10th Month--jy

15 16 17 18 19 20 21Ps 119:145-152 Ps 119:153-160 Ps 119:161-168 Ps 119:169-176 HODF Meeting

4:52 PM20--10th Month--k 21--10th Month--ak 22--10th Month--bk 23--10th Month--gk 24--10th Month--dk 25--10th Month--hk 26--10th Month--wk

22 23 24 25 Federal Holiday 26 27 28(Saturnalia) ANM: 12:13 AM Ps 119:1-8 GIFBG Meeting:

Toldot4:55 PM 4:56 PM Ps 119:9-16

27--10th Month--zk 28--10th Month--xk 29--10th Month--jk 30--10th Month--l 1--11th Month--a 2--11th Month--b 3--11th Month--g

29 30 31Ps 119:17-24 Ps 119:25-32 Ps 119:33-40

4--11th Month--d 5--11th Month--h 6--11th Month--w

� - See explanation on the "Cover Page."

Learn more about usat our web sites:

House of David Grafted In

Fellowship FellowshipBG

Asara B'TevetCommemorating the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem on 587 BCE. This is a traditional minor fast day (sunrise to sunset).There is no relation to Chanukah, which is a commem-oration of the Maccabean revolt hundreds of years later.



December 2019TENTH MONTH - 5780�




Yom Rishon -- 1st Day Yom Sheni -- 2nd Day Yom Sh'lishi -- 3rd Day Yom Revi'i -- 4th Day Yom Chamishi -- 5th Day Yom Shishi -- 6th Day YOM SHABBAT!

1 New Year 2020 2 3 4Ps 119:41-48 Ps 119:49-56 Ps 119:57-64 HODF Meeting

Learn more about us Ps 119:65-72

at our web sites: 5:01 PM

Grafted In House of David 7--11th Month--z 8--11th Month--x 9--11th Month--j 10--11th Month--yFellowshipBG Fellowship5 6 7 8 9 10 11Ps 119:73-80 Ps 119:81-88 Ps 119:89-96 Ps 119:97-104 Ps 119:105-112 FM: 2:41 PM GIFBG Meeting:

Ps 119:113-120 Vayetza

5:08 PM Ps 119:121-128

11--11th Month--ay 12--11th Month--by 13--11th Month--gy 14--11th Month--dy 15--11th Month--wj 16--11th Month--zj 17--11th Month--zyTu B'Shevat

12 13 14 15 16 17 18Ps 119:129-136 Ps 119:137-144 Ps 119:145-152 Ps 119:153-160 Ps 119:161-168 Ps 119:169-176 HODF Meeting

5:15 PM

18--11th Month--xy 19--11th Month--jy 20--11th Month--k 21--11th Month--ak 22--11th Month--bk 23--11th Month-- gk 24--11th Month--dk

19 20 MLK, Jr. Day 21 22 23 24 25ANM: 4:42 PM GIFBG Meeting:


5:22 PM Ps 119:1-8

25--11th Month--hk 26--11th Month--wk 27--11th Month--zk 28--11th Month--xk 29--11th Month--jk 1--12th Month--a 2--12th Month--b

26 27 28 29 30 31Ps 119:9-16 Ps 119:17-24 Ps 119:25-32 Ps 119:33-40 Ps 119:41-48 Ps 119:49-56

5:30 PM

3--12th Month--g 4--12th Month--d 5--12th Month--h 6--12th Month--w 7--12th Month--z 8--12th Month--x

� - See explanation on Tu B'Shevat

the "Cover Page." New Year for trees.





January 2020


Yom Rishon -- 1st Day Yom Sheni -- 2nd Day Yom Sh'lishi -- 3rd Day Yom Revi'i -- 4th Day Yom Chamishi -- 5th Day Yom Shishi -- 6th Day YOM SHABBAT!

1HODF Meeting

Learn more about us Ps 119:57-64

at our web sites:Grafted In House of David 9--12th Month--jFellowshipBG Fellowship2 3 4 5 6 7 8Ps 119:65-72 Ps 119:73-80 Ps 119:81-88 Ps 119:89-96 Ps 119:97-104 Ps 119:105-112 GIFBG Meeting:


5:38 PM Ps 119:113-120

10--12th Month--y 11--12th Month--ay 12--12th Month--by 13--12th Month--gy 14--12th Month--dy 15--12th Month--wj 16--12th Month--zjPurim Shushan Purim

9 10 11 12 13 14 15FM: 2:33 AM Ps 119:129-136 Ps 119:137-144 Ps 119:145-152 Ps 119:153-160 Ps 119:161-168 HODF Meeting

Ps 119:121-128 Ps 119:169-176

Full Moon 5:46 PM

17--12th Month--zy 18--12th Month--xy 19--12th Month--jy 20--12th Month--k 21--12th Month--ak 22--12th Month--bk 23--12th Month--gk

16 17 President's Day 18 19 20 21 22GIFBG Meeting:


5:53 PM

24--12th Month--dk 25--12th Month--hk 26--12th Month--wk 27--12th Month--zk 28--12th Month--xk 29--12th Month--jk 30--12th Month--l

23 24 25 26 27 28 29ANM: 10:32 AM Ps 119:1-8 Ps 119:9-16 Ps 119:17-24 Ps 119:25-32 Ps 119:33-40 GIFBG Meeting:

Vayigash (5th Shabbat)

5:55 PM 6:01 PM Ps 119:41-48

1--13th Month--a 2--13th Month--b 3--13th Month--g 4--13th Month--d 5--13th Month--h 6--13th Month--w 7--13th Month--z

� - See explanation on the "Cover Page."

Ta'anit EstherTraditional Fast Day: Dawn

to Dusk; Commemorating

the three-day fast in the

story of Esther.

Shushan PurimCelebrated in Jerusalem

and walled cities.




thirteenTH MONTH - 5780�ADAR BEIT

February 2020


Yom Rishon -- 1st Day Yom Sheni -- 2nd Day Yom Sh'lishi -- 3rd Day Yom Revi'i -- 4th Day Yom Chamishi -- 5th Day Yom Shishi -- 6th Day YOM SHABBAT!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Ps 119:49-56 Ps 119:57-64 Ps 119:65-72 Ps 119:73-80 Ps 119:81-88 Ps 119:89-96 HODF Meeting

Ps 119:97-104

6:08 PM

8--13th Month--x 9--13th Month--j 10--13th Month--y 11--13th Month--ay 12--13th Month--by 13--13th Month--gy 14--13th Month--dy

8 Daylight Saving 9 10 11 12 13 14Begins FM: 1:48 PM Ps 119:121-128 Ps 119:129-136 Ps 119:137-144 Ps 119:145-152 GIFBG Meeting:

Ps 119:105-112 Ps 119:113-120 Vayechi

7:15 PM Ps 119:153-160

15--13th Month--wj 16--13th Month--zj 17--13th Month--zy 18--13th Month--xy 19--13th Month--jy 20--13th Month--k 21--13th Month--ak

15 16 17 18 19 20 21Ps 119:161-168 Ps 119:169-176 Vernal Equinox: 11:50 PM HODF Meeting

7:21 PM

22--13th Month--bk 23--13th Month--gk 24--13th Month--dk 25--13th Month--hk 26--13th Month--wk 27--13th Month--zk 28--13th Month--xk

22 23 24 25 Work Permitted 26 27 28ANM: 5:28 AM BIBLICAL NEW YEAR Ps 119:9-16 Ps 119:17-24 GIFBG Meeting:

Exodus 12:2 Shemot

7:25 PM Ps 119:1-8 7:28 PM Ps 119:25-32

29--13th Month--jk 30--10th Month--l 1--1st Month--a 2--1st Month--b 3--1st Month--g 4--1st Month--d 5--1st Month--hRosh HaShanah

29 30 31Ps 119:33-40 Ps 119:41-48 Ps 119:49-56

6--1st Month--w 7--1st Month--z 8--1st Month--x

� - See explanation on the "Cover Page."

Learn more about usat our web sites:

House of David Grafted In

Fellowship FellowshipBG



FIRST MONTH - 5780�NISAN [AVIV (Deut 16:1)]

thirteenTH MONTH - 5780�ADAR BEIT

March 2020


Yom Rishon -- 1st Day Yom Sheni -- 2nd Day Yom Sh'lishi -- 3rd Day Yom Revi'i -- 4th Day Yom Chamishi -- 5th Day Yom Shishi -- 6th Day YOM SHABBAT!

1 2 3 Ps 119:73-80 4Ps 119:57-64 Ps 119:65-72 Lamb Inspection Began for HODF Meeting

Learn more about us Pesach Ps 119:81-88

at our web sites: 7:34 PMGrafted In House of David 9--1st Month--j 10--1st Month--y 11--1st Month--ay 12--1st Month--byFellowshipBG Fellowship5 6 7 Work Permitted 8 No Work/Meal Prep OK 9 10 11 Ps 119:137-144

Ps 119:89-96 Ps 119:97-104 Ps 119:105-112 FM: 11:35 PM Chag HaMatzot: Day 1 Chag HaMatzot:Day 2 Chag HaMatzot: Day 3 Chag HaMatzot: Day 4Ps 119:113-120 Ps 119:121-128 Ps 119:129-136 GIFBG Meeting:

7:38 PM 7:41 PM Va'era13--1st Month--gy 14--1st Month--dy 16--1st Month--zj 17--1st Month--zy 18--1st Month--xy 19--1st Month--jy

Pesach Omer: Day 1

12 13 14 No Work/Meal Prep OK 15 16 17 18Chag HaMatzot: Day 5 Chag HaMatzot:Day 6 Chag HaMatzot: Day 7 Ps 119:169-176 HODF MeetingPs 119:145-152 Ps 119:153-160 Ps 119:161-168

7:44 PM 7:47 PM20--1st Month--k 21--1st Month--ak 22--1st Month--bk 23--1st Month--gk 24--1st Month--dk 25--1st Month--hk 26--1st Month--wk

Omer: Day 2 Omer: Day 3 Omer: Day 4 Omer: Day 5 Omer: Day 6 Omer: Day 7 Omer: Day 8 Week 1

19 20 21 22 23 24 25Yom HaShoah ANM: 10:26 PM Ps 119:1-8 GIFBG Meeting:

Bo7:52 PM 7:54 PM Ps 119:9-16

27--1st Month--zk 28--1st Month--xk 29--1st Month--jk 30--1st Month--l 1--2nd Month--a 2--2nd Month--b 3--2nd Month--gOmer: Day 9 Omer: Day 10 Omer: Day 11 Omer: Day 12 Omer: Day 13 Omer: Day 14 Omer: Day 15 Week 2

26 27 28 29 30Ps 119:17-24 Yom HaZikaron Yom HaAtzma'ut Ps 119:41-48 Ps 119:49-56

Ps 119:25-32 Ps 119:33-40

4--2nd Month--d 5--2nd Month--h 6--2nd Month--w 7--2nd Month--z 8--2nd Month--xOmer: Day 16 Omer: Day 17 Omer: Day 18 Omer: Day 19 Omer: Day 20

� - See explanation on Yom HaShoah Yom HaAtzma'utthe "Cover Page." Holocaust Memorial Day Israeli Independence Day.

FIRST MONTH - 5780�NISAN [AVIV (Deut 16:1)]

SECOND MONTH - 5780�IYAR [ZIV (1 Kings 6:1)]

Lamb was slain betweenthe evenings*7:38 PM

15--1st Month--wjPesach Meal**

Remove leaven from home***

April 2020



Pesach / Chag HaMatzot Info:*Ex 12:6; Lev 23:5; Num 28:16**Ex 12:8***Ex 12:15

Yom HaZikaronIsraeli Memorial Day, honoring veterans, fallen soldiers who died in the modern Arab Israeli conflict; also fallen civilians slain by acts of terrorism.


Yom Rishon -- 1st Day Yom Sheni -- 2nd Day Yom Sh'lishi -- 3rd Day Yom Revi'i -- 4th Day Yom Chamishi -- 5th Day Yom Shishi -- 6th Day YOM SHABBAT!

1 2Ps 119:57-64 HODF Meeting

Learn more about us Ps 119:65-72

at our web sites: 8:00 PM

Grafted In House of David 9--2nd Month--j 10--2nd Month--yFellowshipBG Fellowship Omer: Day 21 Omer: Day 22 Week 3

3 4 5 6 7 Omer: Day 26 8 Omer: Day 27 9Ps 119:73-80 Ps 119:81-88 Ps 119:89-96 Ps 119:97-104 FM: 6:45 AM Ps 119:113-120 GIFBG Meeting:

Ps 119:105-112 Beshalach8:06 PM 8:07 PM 8:07 PM Ps 119:121-128

11--2nd Month--ay 12--2nd Month--by 13--2nd Month--gy 14--2nd Month--dy 15--2nd Month--wj 16--2nd Month--zj 17--2nd Month--zyOmer: Day 23 Omer: Day 24 Omer: Day 25 Pesach Sheni Work OK Pesach Meal Omer: Day 28 Omer: Day 29 Week 4

10 Mother's Day 11 12 13 14 15 16Ps 119:129-136 Ps 119:137-144 Ps 119:145-152 Ps 119:153-160 Ps 119:161-168 Ps 119:169-176 HODF Meeting

8:13 PM18--2nd Month--xy 19--2nd Month--jy 20--2nd Month--k 21--2nd Month--ak 22--2nd Month--bk 23--2nd Month--gk 24--2nd Month--dk

Omer: Day 30 Omer: Day 31 Omer: Day 32 Omer: Day 33 Omer: Day 34 Omer: Day 35 Omer: Day 36 Week 5

17 18 19 20 21 22 23ANM: 1:39 PM GIFBG Meeting:


8:19 PM Ps 119:1-8

25--2nd Month--hk 26--2nd Month--wk 27--2nd Month--zk 28--2nd Month--xk 29--2nd Month--jk 1--3rd Month--a 2--3rd Month--bOmer: Day 37 Omer: Day 38 Omer: Day 39 Omer: Day 40 Omer: Day 41 Omer: Day 42 Omer: Day 43 Week 6

24 25 Memorial Day 26 27 28 29 30 Ps 119:57-64

Ps 119:9-16 Ps 119:17-24 Ps 119:25-32 Ps 119:33-40 Ps 119:41-48 Ps 119:49-56 GIFBG Meeting:Mishpatim (5th Shabbat)

8:24 PM 8:26 PM3--3rd Month--g 4--3rd Month--d 5--3rd Month--h 6--3rd Month--w 7--3rd Month--z 8--3rd Month--x 9--3rd Month--j

Omer: Day 44 Omer: Day 45 Omer: Day 46 Omer: Day 47 Omer: Day 48 Omer: Day 49 Omer: Day 50 Week 7

31 No work/Meal Prep OK � - See explanation on Shavuot the "Cover Page."

Ps 119:65-72

10--3rd Month--y


SECOND MONTH - 5780�IYAR [ZIV (1 Kings 6:1)]


May 2020



Yom Rishon -- 1st Day Yom Sheni -- 2nd Day Yom Sh'lishi -- 3rd Day Yom Revi'i -- 4th Day Yom Chamishi -- 5th Day Yom Shishi -- 6th Day YOM SHABBAT!

1 2 3 4 5 6Ps 119:73-80 Ps 119:81-88 Ps 119:89-96 Ps 119:97-104 FM: 3:12 PM HODF Meeting

Ps 119:105-112 Ps 119:113-120

8:29 PM

11--3rd Month--ay 12--3rd Month--by 13--3rd Month--gy 14--3rd Month--dy 15--3rd Month--wj 16--3rd Month--zj

7 8 9 10 11 12 13Ps 119:121-128 Ps 119:129-136 Ps 119:137-144 Ps 119:145-152 Ps 119:153-160 Ps 119:161-168 GIFBG Meeting:


8:32 PM Ps 119:196-176

17--3rd Month--zy 18--3rd Month--xy 19--3rd Month--jy 20--3rd Month--k 21--3rd Month--ak 22--3rd Month--bk 23--3rd Month--gk

14 15 16 17 18 19 20HODF Meeting

8:35 PM

24--3rd Month--dk 25--3rd Month--hk 26--3rd Month--wk 27--3rd Month--zk 28--3rd Month--xk 29--3rd Month--jk 30--3rd Month--l

21 Father's Day 22 23 24 25 26 27ANM: 2:41 AM Ps 119:1-8 Ps 119:9-16 Ps 119:17-24 Ps 119:25-32 Ps 119:33-40 GIFBG Meeting:


8:35 PM 8:36 PM Ps 119:41-48

1--4th Month--a 2--4th Month--b 3--4th Month--g 4--4th Month--d 5--4th Month--h 6--4th Month--w 7--4th Month--z

28 29 30Ps 119:49-56 Ps 119:57-64 Ps 119:65-72

8--4th Month--x 9--4th Month--j 10--4th Month--y

� - See explanation on the "Cover Page."

Learn more about usat our web sites:

House of David Grafted In

Fellowship FellowshipBG

June 2020THIRD MONTH - 5780�






Yom Rishon -- 1st Day Yom Sheni -- 2nd Day Yom Sh'lishi -- 3rd Day Yom Revi'i -- 4th Day Yom Chamishi -- 5th Day Yom Shishi -- 6th Day YOM SHABBAT!

1 2 3 Federal Holiday 4 Independence

Ps 119:73-80 Ps 119:81-88 (July 4 Observed) Day

Learn more about us Ps 119:89-96 HODF Meeting

at our web sites: 8:35 PM Ps 119:97-104

Grafted In House of David 11--4th Month--ay 12--4th Month--by 13--4th Month--gy 14--4th Month--dyFellowshipBG Fellowship5 6 7 8 9 10 11

FM: 12:44 AM Ps 119:113-120 Ps 119:121-128 Ps 119:129-136 Ps 119:137-144 Ps 119:145-152 GIFBG Meeting:

Ps 119:105-112 Ki Tisa

8:33 PM Ps 119:153-160

15--4th Month--wj 16--4th Month--zj 17--4th Month--zy 18--4th Month--xy 19--4th Month--jy 20--4th Month--k 21--4th Month-- akTzom Tammuz

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Ps 119:161-168 Ps 119:169-176 HODF Meeting

8:30 PM

22--4th Month--bk 23--4th Month--gk 24--4th Month--dk 25--4th Month--hk 26--4th Month--wk 27--4th Month--zk 28--4th Month--xk

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

ANM: 1:33 PM Ps 119:1-8 Ps 119:9-16 Ps 119:17-24 Ps 119:25-32 GIFBG Meeting:


8:28 PM 8:25 PM Ps 119:33-40

29--4th Month--jk 1--5th Month--a 2--5th Month--b 3--5th Month--g 4--5th Month--d 5--5th Month--h 6--5th Month--w

26 27 28 29 30 31

Ps 119:41-48 Ps 119:49-56 Ps 119:57-64 Ps 119:65-72 Ps 119:73-80 Ps 119:81-88

8:19 PM

7--5th Month--z 8--5th Month--x 9--5th Month--j 10--5th Month--y 11--5th Month--ay 12--5th Month--byTish'a B'Av

� - See explanation on the "Cover Page."

Tzom Tammuz (17th of Tammuz)

The day the walls of Jerusalem were breached by Nebuchadnezzar - 586 BCE. This is a traditional fast day and begins the "Three Weeks of Sorrow" to commem-orate the tragic process of the destruction of the Temple. Tradition also holds this is the day Moses re-turned from Mt. Sinai and saw the Golden Calf.

Tish'a B'Av (9th of Av)

Day the Spies returned with the bad report of the Promised Land. The day has been cursed since. Significant events of this day: 1) Destruction of 1st Temple-586 BCE; 2) Desctruction of 2nd temple - 70 CE; 3) Romans plough Temple site, and build Aelia Capitolina on the site - 133 CE; 4) First Crusade declared by Pope Urban II - 1095 CE; 5) Jews expelled from England - 1290 CE; 6) Spanish Inquisition - 1492 CE; 7) First World War declared - 1914 CE; 8) Concentration camps begin - 1942 CE. This is a traditional fast day.



July 2020FOURTH MONTH - 5780�




Yom Rishon -- 1st Day Yom Sheni -- 2nd Day Yom Sh'lishi -- 3rd Day Yom Revi'i -- 4th Day Yom Chamishi -- 5th Day Yom Shishi -- 6th Day YOM SHABBAT!

1HODF Meeting

Learn more about us Ps 119:89-96

at our web sites:Grafted In House of David 13--5th Month--gyFellowshipBG Fellowship2 3 4 5 6 7 8Ps 119:97-104 FM: 11:59 AM Ps 119:113-120 Ps 119:121-128 Ps 119:129-136 Ps 119:137-144 GIFBG Meeting:

Ps 119:105-112 Pekudei8:12 PM Ps 119:145-152

14--5th Month--dy 15--5th Month--wj 16--5th Month--zj 17--5th Month--zy 18--5th Month--xy 19--5th Month--jy 20--5th Month--k

9 10 11 12 13 14 15Ps 119:153-160 Ps 119:161-168 Ps 119:169-176 HODF Meeting

8:03 PM21--5th Month--ak 22--5th Month--bk 23--5th Month--gk 24--5th Month--dk 25--5th Month--hk 26--5th Month--wk 27--5th Month--zk

16 17 18 19 20 21 22ANM: 10:41 PM Ps 119:1-8 Ps 119:9-16 GIFBG Meeting:

Vayikra7:58 PM 7:54 PM Ps 119:17-24

28--5th Month-- xk 29--5th Month--jk 30--5th Month--l 1--6th Month--a 2--6th Month--b 3--6th Month--g 4--6th Month--d

23 24 25 26 27 28 29Ps 119:25-32 Ps 119:33-40 Ps 119:41-48 Ps 119:49-56 Ps 119:57-64 Ps 119:65-72 GIFBG Meeting:

Tzav (5th Shabbat)

7:44 PM Ps 119:73-80

5--6th Month--h 6--6th Month--w 7--6th Month--z 8--6th Month--x 9--6th Month--j 10--6th Month--y 11--6th Month--ay

30 31 � - See explanation on Ps 119:81-88 Ps 119:89-96 the "Cover Page."

12--6th Month--by 13--6th Month--gy




August 2020SIXTH MONTH - 5780�


SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYYom Rishon -- 1st Day Yom Sheni -- 2nd Day Yom Sh'lishi -- 3rd Day Yom Revi'i -- 4th Day Yom Chamishi -- 5th Day Yom Shishi -- 6th Day YOM SHABBAT!

1 2 3 4 5Ps 119:97-104 FM: 1:22 AM Ps 119:113-120 Ps 119:121-128 HODF Meeting

Ps 119:105-112 Ps 119:129-136

7:34 PM14--6th Month--dy 15--6th Month--wj 16--6th Month--zj 17--6th Month--zy 18--6th Month--xy

6 7 Labor Day 8 9 10 11 12Ps 119:137-144 Ps 119:145-152 Ps 119:153-160 Ps 119:161-168 Ps 119:169-176 GIFBG Meeting:

Sh'mimi7:23 PM

19--6th Month--jy 20--6th Month--k 21--6th Month--ak 22--6th Month--bk 23--6th Month--gk 24--6th Month--dk 25--6th Month--hk

13 14 15 16 17 18 No Work/Meal Prep OK 19ANM: 7:00 AM RABBINIC NEW YEAR HODF Meeting

Ps 119:1-8 Ps 119:9-16

7:13 PM 7:12 PM26--6th Month--wk 27--6th Month--zk 28--6th Month--xk 29--6th Month--jk 1--7th Month--a 2--7th Month--b 3--7th Month--g

Yom Teruah

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Ps 119:65-72

Ps 119:17-24 Ps 119:24-32 Autumnal Equinox: 9:31 AM Ps 119:41-48 Ps 119:49-56 Ps 119:57-64 GIFBG Meeting:Ps 119:33-40 Tazria

7:01 PM 6:59 PM4--7th Month--d 5--7th Month--h 6--7th Month--w 7--7th Month--z 8--7th Month--x 9--7th Month--j 10--7th Month--y

Yom HaKippurim

27 Day of Fasting No Work 28 29 30Ps 119:73-80 Ps 119:81-88 Ps 119:89-96 Ps 119:97-104

11--7th Month--ay 12--7th Month--by 13--7th Month--gy 14--7th Month--dy

� - See explanation on the "Cover Page."

Learn more about usat our web sites:

House of David Grafted In

Fellowship FellowshipBG

@''Xt'h 'a''pXt'hSEVENTH - 5781�

TISHREI [ETHANIM (1 Kings 8:2)]

September 2020SIXTH MONTH - 5780�





Yom Rishon -- 1st Day Yom Sheni -- 2nd Day Yom Sh'lishi -- 3rd Day Yom Revi'i -- 4th Day Yom Chamishi -- 5th Day Yom Shishi -- 6th Day YOM SHABBAT!

1 2 No Work/Meal Prep OK 3FM: 12:44 AM Ps 119:113-120 HODF Meeting

Learn more about us Ps 119:105-112 Ps 119:121-128

at our web sites: 6:52 PM 6:50 PMGrafted In House of David 15--7th Month--wj 16--7th Month--zj 17--7th Month--zyFellowshipBG Fellowship Sukkot: Day 1 Sukkot: Day 2 Sukkot: Day 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 No Work/Meal Prep OK 10Ps 119:129-136 Ps 119:137-144 Ps 119:145-152 Ps 119:153-160 Ps 119:161-168 Ps 119:169-176 GIFBG Meeting:

Metzora6:41 PM 6:39 PM

18--7th Month--xy 19--7th Month--jy 20--7th Month--k 21--7th Month--ak 22--7th Month--bk 23--7th Month--gk 24--7th Month--dkSukkot: Day 4 Sukkot: Day 5 Sukkot: Day 6 Sukkot: Day 7 Shemini Atzeret

11 12 Columbus Day 13 14 15 16 17ANM: 3:31PM HODF Meeting

6:29 PM25--7th Month--hk 26--7th Month--wk 27--7th Month--zk 28--7th Month--xk 29--7th Month--jk 1--8th Month--a 2--8th Month--b

18 19 20 21 22 23 24GIFBG Meeting:Acharei Mot

6:20 PM3--8th Month--g 4--8th Month--d 5--8th Month--h 6--8th Month--w 7--8th Month--z 8--8th Month-- x 9--8th Month--j

25 26 27 28 29 30 31FM: 9:49 AM

GIFBG Meeting:6:12 PM Kedoshim (5th Shabbat)

10--8th Month--y 11--8th Month--ay 12--8th Month--by 13--8th Month--gy 14--8th Month--dy 15--8th Month--wj 16--8th Month--zj

� - See explanation on the "Cover Page."




EIGHTH MONTH - 5781�CHESVAN [BUL (1 Kings 6:38)]
