A Healing Christmas...

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  • 8/10/2019 A Healing Christmas...


    A HEALINGCHRISTMASDaniel Jara, Daniela Carballido, Jennifer

    Ximena & Gabriela Morales.


  • 8/10/2019 A Healing Christmas...


    There was a family some years ago that didnt have a lot of Money and their

    situation was a little difficult. It was a family composed by a father named Bryan, a

    mother named Sarah, two girls Jana and Molly and one boy named andry, the two

    girls were twelve years old and the boy was seventeen years old.

    The father was a lumber!ac" that didnt have fortune in his !ob, he barely had

    enough money to feed his family and put a ceiling over their heads to protect them

    from cold. The woman wor"ed at home, ta"ing care of the children and coo"ing

    what they had to eat.

    Because they lived in a place that was far from the cities, in a cold forest on the

    mountains with very few people living there in that #one and in the same conditions

    they lived in, the children couldnt go to school so they received some education

    from their parents, but it was not a lot. They helped their parents in what they

    could. The two girls used to help their mom at home, and the boy used to help his

    dad sometimes in the forest cutting trees or carrying the wood home or to the

    factories where it was used.

    The relationship that Bryan and andry had was very special$ they were really

    closed because they spent a lot of time together. The "id used to help his father a

    lot at wor" and with this his father didnt feel lonely because as a lumber!ac" he

    wor"ed alone in the woods. They were the only two boys of the family and they

    used to tal" a lot to each other.

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    The girls spent most of the time at home helping Sarah coo"ing, cleaning the

    house or sewing their clothes. They didnt see their father a lot because he spent

    most of the day in the forest wor"ing. They had a tough life but even with this, they

    were a very united family, because they "new that the only thing they had was

    each other, they needed to be united in order to ma"e life a little easier.

    %ven with their hard economical situation they had, they were happy and they

    never complained about anything, they decided to be happy with what they had at


    They lived in a cabin made of wood, it was not very big, it only had one floor, and

    there were only two bedrooms, one for the parents and the other for the children,

    there was one bathroom and there was also a very small "itchen with a table for

    eating. They also had a fire place that helped them "eeping their home warm

    during winters because they were really cold in that #one because they were on

    the mountain and it was a very cold weather most part of the year, only during

    summer it was a little hotter and was easier for them to do their activities.

    In that #one of the mountains there were !ust a few families, and all of them lived in

    very similar situations. They all had small cabins with the same rooms and all men

    that were there used to wor" on the same things. Some of them were lumber!ac"s

    li"e Bryan, some others were hunters or fishers. &omen also used to do the samethings in each family$ they used to ta"e care of the house. %ven dough there were

    not a lot of children in that 'neighborhood(, the few that were living them were good

    friends and used to play together each time they could.

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    It is difficult to imagine how people were very happy in that place, even dough they

    didnt have money, they had a very difficult life because of the tough weather and

    the life in the mountains is not easy because they had to ta"e care from animals

    li"e bears or wolf pac"s and they were very isolated from cities. They didnt thin"

    about that, they never complained about anything, they !ust en!oyed what they had,

    wor"ed hard for beating any challenge that could present them and they were

    really happy, They were the living proof that you dont need money to be happy

    because money is !ust a resource and is not the only thing you need to be happy.

    There were about thirty people living in that #one of the mountains and they all

    were very united because they understood that their situation was very similar so

    when they could they helped each other and in that way they used to ma"e their

    lives a little easier and the atmosphere there was happy and made everybody feel

    they belonged there and when they were there, they felt they were at home.

    )hristmas was a very special time in the village, was tough because of the weather

    but was a very happy because they all li"ed )hristmas. * tradition that they

    developed while living there was that each family coo" something and they share

    their food with all the people from the village in a big dinner at the house of one of

    the families there. They used to be nice dinners although they used to have some

    problems with space because the houses there were not very big.

    )hristmas was a very special time in the village and it had a special meaning for

    each one of the people there. +uring this time everybody was happy and people

    were even more united than in common days. That is how life is in the village, were

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    from the many different holidays and celebrations, )hristmas was the most

    important for them.

    ne day on +ecember, andry went with his dad as usual to help him in his !ob to

    cut trees and that day they were going to the city to sell the wood they cut to a

    factory, but it was far from the forest so it was a long trip.

    &hen they finished cutting the trees, they put everything on their truc" and

    prepared for going to the city. It was an old truc" with a lot of problems because

    many parts of it were damaged and it didnt wor" as well as it used to do in the past

    when it was new, but they were fine with it because it was very useful for Bryans

    !ob because the trips to the city were shorter and easier, even dough the truc" was

    not very fast and because of the #one in which they used to live, the roads were

    not in very good conditions, so they couldnt go very fast because the truc" could

    stop wor"ing at any moment if they were not careful while driving it.

    So they started their trip to the city, it was a trip of about five hours from the forest

    to the place where the factory was, thats why they always say that those are really

    long and e-hausting trips.

    &hile Bryan and andry were on their trip, Sarah and the girls were at home

    starting to plan everything for the dinner they have each year with the people from

    the village. They were coo"ing the food they were going to ta"e to the party, they

    were also preparing the clothes of all the family because they always choose their

    best clothes and ta"e them to the dinner.

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    *fter some hours of traveling on the road, they decided to stop on a small town to

    have a brea" and eat something before they continue their trip to the factory.

    The place where they stopped was a very small town, !ust a little bigger than the

    village where they lived, but it was good because it had a small restaurant where

    they could eat and rest for a while before continuing their trip. It was a small

    restaurant with !ust a few tables and a small "itchen at the end of the room.

    They entered and too" a seat on one table that was close to the door at the side of

    a window where they could see the mountains, the road and their truc" on the

    par"ing lot, where there were only four other cars.

    They ordered something to eat and waited for the waitress to bring them what they

    wanted. The restaurant had also a bar with five or si- chairs where people could sit

    and eat there too.

    There in the bar, Bryan noticed that someone was watching them. It was a man

    with a big coat and a hat, with a pair of boots for the snow and a pair of big pants.

    e was !ust sitting there having a drin" and staring at Bryan and andry.

    Bryan started to feel uncomfortable and as"ed his son if he could also see the man

    on the bar with the big coat. &hen the "id told him that he did saw the man, Bryan

    decided to find out what was going on with him so he as"ed the man if they "new

    each other, even when he was sure that it was the first time that he saw him.

    *fter hearing the /uestion, the man !ust finished his drin", stood up, wal"ed to the

    door and left the place. Bryan was waiting for the man to enter one of the cars that

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    were on the par"ing lot but he didnt, he !ust got out of the restaurant and the father

    and his son didnt see what happened to him after he left the place, it was li"e if he

    !ust disappeared. Bryan and his son were confused and agreed that it was a

    strange moment and a strange man.

    They decided not to pay attention to what happened because they thought that the

    man was cra#y or something li"e that, so the !ust continued eating for starting their

    trip again. &hen they finished their food they paid and enter the truc".

    *fter a couple of hours they finally arrived to the factory, they delivered the wood,

    received their money and started their way bac" home.

    The night arrived while they were still on the road and they were hit by a snow

    storm. This made the trip a little harder for Bryan because he couldnt see the road

    because of the snow and the dar".

    e tried to continue straight ahead but then he crashed with a tree on the side of

    the road because he was going very fast and he didnt see a curve on the road and

    he hit the tree with the right part of the truc", with the side where andry was at the

    moment of the accident.

    *fter a few moments after the crash, Bryan started recovering his mind because

    the crash "ind of "noc"ed him out for a few moments. e turned to his right and

    saw that andry was hurt and was unconscious.

    *s fast as he could he got out of the car and ran to the other side of the truc" to

    see his son. e opened the door and saw if he was fine.

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    andry wo"e up but he started screaming because of the pain he was feeling. e

    had several bro"en bones and had some in!uries on his face.

    Bryan "new that the truc" was not going to wor" again so he could not drive home.

    This was a big problem at the moment because they needed help urgently and

    they were at the middle of the road, by car there were still two hours away from

    home and without the truc" and in the middle of the storm things were not going

    very well for them.

    andry decided to carry his son in his arms and wal" with the hope of finding

    someone who could help them, but this decision was not the best because he

    started wal"ing with his son on his arms and it was very cold because of the snow

    and it was even harder for him to "eep going.

    &hile he was wal"ing, he was wondering what his wife was doing, he was

    wondering if she was as"ing why they were not at home yet, but deep down he

    "new that he always arrive late when he goes to the city and that it was still "ind of

    early for her to as" why they were not at home yet.

    The situation of andry was starting to get worse and worse because the night was

    getting colder and he started to cough, and Bryan "new that probably his boy was

    getting sic". *lso because of the wind, the snow and the cold, andrys and Bryans

    fingers and ears started to free#e and Bryan started wondering how much time

    they had left to live, but could not stop, he still had hope that he and his son would

    survive and would arrive home, even dough they were still very far away from

    home and they had not seen anybody on the road.

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    *fter some more minutes wal"ing under the storm, andry was very wea" and was

    starting to cough more and more and Bryan was very worried at the time. e could

    barely feel his hands and his arms and he started to lose every hope he had left.

    e "ept wal"ing when finally he could saw a pair of lights in the distance that were

    headed to the direction where they were. Bryan used all the strength he had left

    and started screaming for help with the hope that the car could hear them and stop

    for helping them.

    e continued screaming and the car was each time closer to them. &hen it was

    close enough, the car started bra"ing and decreasing its speed.

    Bryan started running to it and he saw that the car door from the side of the driver

    opened and saw that a man with a big coat, a hat, and a pair of boots came out of

    the car. It was the man they saw on the restaurant, the man that was staring at

    them and that !ust left when they as"ed him if they had met before.

    Bryan got closer and desperately as"ed him to help his "id, he was so worried that

    he didnt even noticed at first that he was the man at the restaurant, and he noticed

    it, he didnt pay attention to that because his son was dying and he needed

    immediate help.

    The man told him to /uic"ly enter the car with his "id, and when they did he turned

    the car around and started driving to the village where Bryan and andry lived.

    Bryan than"ed him a lot and started telling the man what direction to ta"e for

    reaching the village fast.

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    They started tal"ing and the man told Bryan that his name was 0ichard. e as"ed

    Bryan what happened and why they were wal"ing on the road in the middle of the

    storm, and Bryan started telling him about the trip and about the crash.

    Bryan also started telling him about how their lives were in the village and started

    telling him about the people, the traditions and celebrations they had there. The

    man li"ed how all of that sounded and he told Bryan that he had not a home, that

    he !ust traveled around the country but didnt have family, friends or a normal life.

    andry was started to get worse and now Bryan was sure that he was sic", and he

    didnt "now if his son could survive that night. e was also starting to feel sic" and

    his fingers were still "ind of fro#en.

    0ichard "ept driving as fast as he could in order to arrive to the village on time and

    try to save andry.

    In the village there was a man that was "ind of a doctor because he "new how to

    heal people with plants and other different things that were on the village, he was

    the one always helped people from the village when they felt sic" or were in!ured,

    so they were hoping to be there on time and see if he could save andry.

    andry was suffering a lot not only because of the cold, the illness or the fro#en

    fingers, also because all his body hurt a lot because of the bro"en bones he had

    after the crash, and because 0ichard was driving very fast, he was moving a lot

    and each time he moved he felt the pain of the in!uries.

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    They finally arrived to the village and while 0ichard too" andry in his arms

    because Bryan was wea" and his arms hurt him a lot, Bryan ran to the house of

    the doctor or care ta"er as you want to call him, and as"ed him to /uic"ly go and

    help his son.

    In the house, Sarah and andrys sisters were very worried and were helping in

    whatever they could in order to safe andrys life.

    The doctor arrived /uic"ly to the house with a bag full of plants, medicines and

    other li/uids that nobody "new what they were, and started to treat andry and

    trying to save his life.

    *ll the people from the village were outside the house waiting and praying for

    andry to get better and survive. They also started bringing water, food, sheets and

    other things to help andry.

    *fter several minutes, almost an hour, the doctor came out of the house.

    %verybody started as"ing him if andry was going to be fine, and he told them that

    only with the time they could find out that.

    *s they "new that there was nothing they could do that night to help andry,

    everybody decided to go to sleep and wait to the ne-t day to see what happens

    with the boy.

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    *s Bryan "new that 0ichard had nowhere to go, he as"ed him if he would li"e to

    stay at his house that night as a way to than"ing him for everything he did that

    night for Bryan and andry, and he accepted.

    *t the ne-t day, everybody wo"e up and went to see how andry was doing, and

    everybody were surprised when they saw that he was actually a lot better, that he

    was wo"e up too and he told them that he was actually feeling a little better, and

    even dough he was still wea", they "new that he was going to survive.

    *fter this, everybody was happy and continued planning everything for the big

    )hristmas dinner.

    &hen 0ichard was about to leave, they as"ed him if he would li"e to stay there,

    people from the village told him that they would help him building a house for him

    and that if he wanted, he could be part of the village.

    0ichard agreed and with that he was part of the people there and for the first time

    in his life, he felt li"e he belonged somewhere.

    )hristmas day finally arrived and everybody en!oyed the party, the food, the music,

    the people and everything, !ust li"e each year. They also started planning how they

    would build the house of their newest member of their small community.

    It was "ind of a miracle that andry survived to that difficult night, but he did and he

    was healing very fast and the doctor told him that soon he could start helping his

    dad wor"ing again.

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