A HAPPY CHENAULT Lr 1 ih HOMEIs ht P I Wants Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w3r0pt968/data/0591.pdf · I j i...

I i tcs + + j 1 A HAPPY t i h t HOMEIs f where health abounds cannotl With a disordered LIVER there cannot be good blood Tutts Pills revivify the torpid LIVER and restore its natural action i puni e blood 1 Pure blood means health Health means happiness Take no Substitute All Druggists oi y r The Breckenridge News 1f < V WEDNESDAY June 28 1005 Hp Mw M M MMt 1tCt Nohe Pates big barbecue July 4 4 > Hardlnebnrg better than ever l l t Chas Wittiner of Cannelton was I hero last Wednesday < Every attraction at the big barbecue k at Hardinsbnrg July 4 2 Mrs H C Pate and son Raymond f Pate visited at Ekron Sunday Every attraction at Nobe Pates barbecue July 4 Hardinsbnrg Mr and Mrs N G Barbee ofI Union Star were in town Saturday Miss Mannie White left Sunday for v a visit to relatives In Memphis Tenn Alftod and Ed Miller left last Wed ¬ nesday for Hnthinson Kansas to- e xresicfe All surrounding towns invited to attend WIttmers celebration at Can ¬ i neltonJuly4i the big celebration atI Wittmers Garden on the Fourth ofI July at Cannelton i Miss Madison Bell arrived from I H Louisville Thursday for a visit to i Miss Marian Bowmer I Mr and Mrs D W Fairlelgh of 5 Louisville were the guests of Mrs J > D Babbage Sunday Mrs Margaret B Conway came i down from Louisville Wednesday for a visit to the Fisher Homestead Jesse Belle and Chas OConnell came down from Louisville yesterday to visit their nnnle Jno OConnell Mrs 0 T McClanahan and little I daughter went to Hardin Grove Ind j Wednesday to visit the Misses Wheel ¬ er Mrs Clyde Morrison returned Sat nrday to LoniHville after a three weeks visit to Mr and Mrs J Mor ¬ rison Mrs J Wood and daughter Miss j Etola and Mr and Mrs C G Natjz of Owensboro have been at the TarC SpringsMiss Rosie Peters of Pitts burg i who visited MrsJno Wei sen berg last summer is visiting Mrs Jacob Hanks at Holtc Mrs Chas B Skillman and little daughter Elizabeth are visiting her J parents Mr and Mrs Thos YoungI I at Morganfleld I r James L Patterson left last Wednes- day for his home at Alton Kan after a visit of several months here to t friends and relatives 1 Mr and Mrs Joseph Corney ot Louisville were the guests of her I parents Mr and Mrs R H McUav i ock near town Sunday Miss Huey Ballman of near town attended the annual meeting of the v State Educational Association ut tMammoth Lave last week V Morris and Franklin Klnuheloe Arthur Beard and Jas Walker of Hardinsbnrg were the guests of Poindexter Galloway Sunday Mesdames Wm Hoffins and Tillman I Panley went to fcvansvllie last Wed j nesday to Attend the wooden wedding Cotthe formers sister Mrs Ed Mc v Ginnls Mr and Mrs A G Wright and daughter Beulah of Lyonia and Rev T U Keer of Hodgenville were the guests of Mr and Mrs A N Simons Sunday Mrs Jesse Weatherholt and child ¬ ren Eva and Morris and Mrs Chas I spentI parents Mr Sites Harrington L Mrs Mollie Hambleton and grand daughter Miss Jeffle Htmbleton of Henderson who were the guests of I relatives here left Wednesday for a visit to Mrs J D Bates at Ha ves ville M I Hump Back C SCOTTS EMULSION wont make a back straight neither will It I Ihump leg diseased long but bone It feeds and soft Is makeI I the few genuine means of recovery Inc rickets and Send bone consumptionm SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409415 Pearl Street New York Soc and Ezoo aU druggists p CHENAULT John Allen Besley is on the sick list tJno Warren who has been on the sick list is improving Lawrence Hickerson attended I the moonlight picnic at Union Star Saturday Otto Kaufman and Ernes- Stallman passed through town Sunday enrouto to Derby Miss Lucile Cunningham who has been visiting in Louisville returned home last week Miss Nellie Lee Gilliland who has been visiting friends and re- latives at Wolf Creek returned home Sunday Miss Normal Butcher of Rock port is in our town giving music lessons Miss Normal has a l largo class and is liked by all I I who know her J F Jarlioo went to Hardins burg Monday on business Master Gerald Jarboe who I has been attending school at Hardinsburg returned home las Thursday A Cabbage Snake Story Patesviile Ky June 27Spe ¬ clapThe cabbage snake has proved not to be a fake as one was found by the family of J M Fawver last Sunday while eating dinnerThe cab- bage ¬ had been thoroughly picked over leaf by leaf and washed but no snake was found until after being cooked and eaten by some of the family The snake was wound in a knot and when stretched out was about two or tnree inches in length and about the size ol thread No 40 and color of the cooked cab bage The health of the family has not been affected by eating tne cabbage CASTORIA I For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the7J Signature of C E N LOCAL BRIEFS A praise service will be conducted at the Methodist church on Sunday even- ing ¬ July 2 by the Epworth League in the absence of the pastor Rev P L King who is spending his vacation nt Smith Grove Prof J P King will leai the service Specia music will be one of the features There will be noI preaching service at either of the two Protestant churches and the public- is cordially invited to attend A copy of the charter and ordinances of the city of Cloverport recently pub ¬ lished in book form by the job depart ¬ ment of the News has been placed for the use of the public in every business house in town + Geo N Harris road supervisor of this district cays that new flooring will be put in the iron bridge over Clover creek just as soon as lumber for the purpose can be secured The flooring is in very bad condition Last week Thos Satterfielfls horse came very near breaking its leg by stepping on a rotten plank A few more weeks and the flooring will be in a very dangerous j condition if not repaired D W Murray who has a position with the Henderson Route ou the ex- tension ¬ has been here part of the past week He has had an attack of malarial fever 1 R 0 Willis will go soon to Valley Station to take charge of one of the grading crews on the extension of the Henderson Route from West Point to Louisville He will remain until the i first season of the 1905 tobaco crop i when he will return here to resume his position of chief assistant to J D Brashear local agent of the American Tobacco company 1 Rev j T Lewis of Irvington who has accepted the call of the Baptist church of this city for the second and fourth Sundays in each month will move here next week with his family 1 ilMrs son Kan and daughter Mrs Lola West of Pueblo Col were here I last week visiting their cousins Mrs H Pate and sirs J U Weatherholt r They are now visiting relatives in Meade and Jefferson counties It is t their first visit to Kentucky in twen ¬ 1 r tyfour years I The K P lodge did not have its regular meeting Monday night be ¬ of the presence of too many embers at Swallow Marklos floating palace = Some graveling and work on the t 8 J ri I IR R Representing KEENE P Kill TAYLOR I I 1111 rf DENTISTS I i OWENSBORO I I IOF 1 I V Wlll bo In Dr Llgldfoots otaco one 1 1 1 1week out of each month prepared to Y I ht h r Will be Here July 10 1016 r 7r un sewers where badly needed has been done on Wall street Among those who went from hero to Hardinsbnrg Thursday to see Sweet Lavender presented that evnning by local talent were the following Misses Madison Bell of Louisville Marlon Bowmer Cleona Weatherholt Eliza May Lula Severs Mrs J P King Messrs Chas Moor ¬ man Roy Heyser Proutor Keith and Allen Pierce Those presenting tho play were Mrs J S Younger Mis ¬ ses Ray Heyser Katherine Moorman and Eva Plank Prof J P King and Messrs Lawrence Murray W St Younger Ira and Lute Behen Misses Eva and Eliza May rendered some excellent vocal and instrumental numbers between and during thb acts at Lewisport Saturday evening during the performance ofIA Noble Out ¬ cast by local talent Others who ably assisted in the play were Mrs Jno Neubauer and Messis JM Gregory and Wm Perkins The condition of Edward McAfee supervisor of bridges of the Henderson Route has been steadily improving since both ot his legs were broken at Gaston several I weeks ago The performance given here Satur ¬ day evening oy Frenchs New Sensa- tion ¬ the pioneer of river shows was mediocre to say the best of it and far below the standard maintained during the life of its founder the late Capt French Many very unfavorable comments about the performance have been heard The audience was a large one but it was disappointed Among the floating palaces which are yet to show here this summer are Prices Rices Eisenbartb Hen ¬ derson and Swallow Marklo No 2 Jno Burn and V G Bahbage were at Dukes Sunday afternoon and made addresses at a Sundayschool rally at the Presbyterian church Her Richey of Duke also made an ad ¬ dress There was a full house good mnsio and a good service ti This is an exceptionally good CotIl 25 cents nowI5C Q I Ameri ¬ I the original ticket Blues Grays r Redsl I IC Lawns Reduced in price 25 per cent 15c Lawns 12 l2c A C big line going at DC r teStr ti25c Plates with gold edges and I i iShirts terns delightful for98e hot weather at I The nine year old son ot Bnckby very painfully hurt Sun ¬ day afternoon by jumping trom fence onto a locust thorn which sunk deeply into his foot and made a bad t i Lr I I i Wants I + 7 Advertisements Inserted under this head at- one cent a word per week u u FOU SALETHAI AND HARNESS 1 trUIIUICI dltlon Apply to J H Rowland at postohVv j FOR RENTSTORE ROOM FOR ItENTOno Pogo store room In Mu andI i particulars apply to Compton Hiinllns erg I If v i FOR SALE I I PRINTING Presses and Cutting machines j lot of good Laundry UusoilncEnlncsIAnTI Louisville Ky t FOR SALETtITIOX CERTIFICATE i j pOR SALETultlon Certlficatelii Bryant it rufsvilleFor enrldKO News Cloverport Iy j Eon SALEFARM pOR SALEMy farm of 120 acres on Clover Johnsonfarm land An Ideal dairy farm Will sell on easy AdelftssJ HENDERSON ROUTE NOTES One way class colonist tickets to South and Southeast first and third Tuesdays each month at reduced rates Homeseekers Excursions to all points to which bomeseekers rates apply One way colonists rates to California and the Northwest March Ito May 15 and Sept 15 to Oct 11 1905 National Educational Association Asbury Park N J July 37 I For the above occasion rate of 52505 for the round trip Cloverport to Asbury park and return will be made on July 123 limited to return July 10th Tickets may be extended to return not late than Aug 31 on payment of 50 cents Through sleeper on train 44 Aug 20 Fourth of July Rates One fare plus 25 cents for round trip on July 12845 good to return July between all local points Niagara Falls ExcursionsJuly 27 Aug 3 Aug 17 Aug 24 On above dates rate of 1270 for round trip Cloverport to Niagara Falls ana return cood to return days from date of sale will be made Archdeacon M M Benton of the Episcopal church of Kentucky came down from Louisville Saturday and preached at the Methodist church Sunday morning and evening The marine band with Swallow Markles floating palace the best on the river it is generally conceded here gave a concert on the street Monday morning which was greatly appreciated by a crowd which gather ¬ ed The band marched to the r k Jill No tell the JI Alfred wound machines second twelve depot These Pants are going at just e A few of mens Linen e A large of ribbon in ser e Sets Our 42piece Dinner of dinner plates breakfast plates cups saucers ry bowls individual butters dishes meat dish our terms on these Dinner Sets MEET ME AT NOLTES NOTHING PLEASES THE SO THAT COSTS SO AS A NICE LINE OF NECK VAER STOCKS TURNOVE- RSI ARE DISPLAYING THIS SOME BEAUTIES VERY NEW AND EM FANS RIBBONS HANDKERCHIEFS SHIRTWAISTS IF YOU ARE THINKING OF TAKING A TRIP THIS SUMMER WE HAVE TRUNKS VALISES BAGS TELESCOPES J C Nolte Bro Cloverport Ky GRANDVIEW IND Send your Subscription to The and plared Auld Lang Syneas east bound train No 42 pulled out ot the depot with several employee of the bout aboard The employes here for W Va where they will join Swallow Markles second floating palace which it is said is much larger and tiner than here Monday and will be here in August j I- i THURSDAY SATURDAY i i- k i SPECIAL SALE DAYS I Jil- lj IliJill j+ 1 j jl l time to be wasted when money is to be saved These items will you exactly where bargains are I I i flattings i ICalicoes rand flowerdecorsIOC youtI a 5 Mens Pants 50great Linen Collars odd lots Col ¬ 5ues Ribbon lot 30c ¬ 20ferent Dinner Set consists 6 6 6 and 6 ber ¬ 6 2 vegetable 1 1 25ine See LADIES MUCH LITTLE AND 1 II WEEK LACES BROIDERED LACES BELTS C aCo NEWS left Parkersburg the one I FRIDAY iIli Boys Knee Pants N- A regular 50c value but we will close the lot atADC = Hens Furnishings Ask for bargains in this depart ¬ ment Socks Mens Fancy Stripes I light and medium colorings all 1sizes 1 this week lu e r Underwear I Mens Balbrigan Underwear all sizes Regular 50c val 9ff e- I ues now at I Ties TiesIJ We have a large variety of for summer wear 35c and 1 50c valuesto close at 25 e r r Mens Negligee Shirts it r BrandI I The Celebrated Monarch quality and finish is guaranteedr regular 125 value OSr reduced toI 11 1 Bibbage S Son 11 roverpor t Ky 1 X91 r r r tit h was Who has once used CADICKS GOLD DUST FLOUR is satisfied to use that and no otherIt is the flour that is demanded by good cooks and good livers Get the habit of using CADICKS GOLD DUST FLOUR It is a good habit sure to give the best satisfaction to all of your house ¬ hold in l II ST L TIME TABLE EAST BOUND No 46 Dally Fast Train leaves Cloverport 507 A ut West Point only arrlv es at Louisville 715 A M No 42 Dully Malian fcspress leaves Clo ¬ arrives P5J A M I stops ut all way stations Louisville 1235 p m Train No 44 Dally fast mall leaves Clu verport 44S p m stops at all way stations atLouisville aeeommodatlon ¬ WEST HOUND ovcrportaccommodattonleaves vlllnPOOam l expressleaves OwonsboroStanlt ansvlllearrly rDTrllin ar ¬ rives Cloverport 731 p m Evansvlllo 1030 p rue Stops at all stations No 45 dally St Louis fast train loaves Clo ASL lJawonllloOWensooro butweenLoulsvllll un4U Fordsille Branch FAST BOUND louvesFordsvl1lcl30a a inTrain leavesFordsvllk p m Train No fl Sunday only Fordsvllle 30 a m Irvington 905 n m WEST ItOlND loavesIrvington p mTrain pru I M tJlOlf 4hau I Dr A P Latham MAS Hnlll EIJ ELIZABETHTOWN and established TOI I The Latham Medical Where Chronic Diseases SlItlS1ty I CHARGES MODERATE It1- JLlf < lTllM oft oft 11 ir W A Walker I If- ij DENTIST 6- V Satisfaction guaranteed Jj f lf lfPatronize your homo dentist f fR H I j11HARDINSBURU jj r PISOS CURE FO CURESWHERE ALL ELSE FAILS GoodUse CONSUMPTION Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic Millionbottles Enclosed with every bottle Is a Ten Cent package of Groves Black Root Liver Pills J

Transcript of A HAPPY CHENAULT Lr 1 ih HOMEIs ht P I Wants Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w3r0pt968/data/0591.pdf · I j i...

Page 1: A HAPPY CHENAULT Lr 1 ih HOMEIs ht P I Wants Inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w3r0pt968/data/0591.pdf · I j i tcs+ + 1 A HAPPY t ih t f HOMEIs cannotl where health abounds With a disordered

I i tcs + +j1 A HAPPYtiht HOMEIsf where health aboundscannotlWith a disordered LIVER there

cannot be good blood

Tutts Pillsrevivify the torpid LIVER and restoreits natural action

ipuni eblood

1 Pure blood means healthHealth means happiness

Take no Substitute All Druggistsoi

y r The Breckenridge News1f< V WEDNESDAY June 28 1005Hp Mw M M MMt

1tCt Nohe Pates big barbecue July 4

4 > Hardlnebnrg better than everll t Chas Wittiner of Cannelton was

I hero last Wednesday< Every attraction at the big barbecuek at Hardinsbnrg July 4

2 Mrs H C Pate and son Raymondf Pate visited at Ekron Sunday

Every attraction at Nobe Patesbarbecue July 4 Hardinsbnrg

Mr and Mrs N G Barbee ofIUnion Star were in town Saturday

Miss Mannie White left Sunday forv a visit to relatives In Memphis Tenn

Alftod and Ed Miller left last Wed ¬

nesday for Hnthinson Kansas to-


xresicfeAll surrounding towns invited to

attend WIttmers celebration at Can ¬

ineltonJuly4i the big celebration atIWittmers Garden on the Fourth ofIJuly at Cannelton

i Miss Madison Bell arrived fromI H Louisville Thursday for a visit toi Miss Marian Bowmer

I Mr and Mrs D W Fairlelgh of5 Louisville were the guests of Mrs J

> D Babbage SundayMrs Margaret B Conway came

i down from Louisville Wednesday fora visit to the Fisher Homestead

Jesse Belle and Chas OConnellcame down from Louisville yesterdayto visit their nnnle Jno OConnell

Mrs 0 T McClanahan and little I

daughter went to Hardin Grove Ind j

Wednesday to visit the Misses Wheel ¬

erMrs Clyde Morrison returned Sat

nrday to LoniHville after a threeweeks visit to Mr and Mrs J Mor ¬

risonMrs J Wood and daughter Miss

j Etola and Mr and Mrs C G Natjzof Owensboro have been at the TarC


Rosie Peters of Pitts burg i

who visited MrsJno Wei sen berglast summer is visiting Mrs JacobHanks atHoltcMrs Chas B Skillman and littledaughter Elizabeth are visiting her

J parents Mr and Mrs Thos YoungII

at Morganfleld I

r James L Patterson left last Wednes-day for his home at Alton Kan aftera visit of several months here to t

friends and relatives 1

Mr and Mrs Joseph Corney otLouisville were the guests of her I

parents Mr and Mrs R H McUav i

ock near town SundayMiss Huey Ballman of near town

attended the annual meeting of thev State Educational Association ut

tMammoth Lave last weekV Morris and Franklin Klnuheloe

Arthur Beard and Jas Walker ofHardinsbnrg were the guests ofPoindexter Galloway Sunday

Mesdames Wm Hoffins and TillmanI Panley went to fcvansvllie last Wed

j nesday to Attend the wooden weddingCotthe formers sister Mrs Ed Mc

v GinnlsMr and Mrs A G Wright and

daughter Beulah of Lyonia andRev T U Keer of Hodgenville werethe guests of Mr and Mrs A NSimons Sunday

Mrs Jesse Weatherholt and child ¬

ren Eva and Morris and Mrs Chas

IspentIparents MrSites Harrington

L Mrs Mollie Hambleton and granddaughter Miss Jeffle Htmbleton of

Henderson who were the guests ofI relatives here left Wednesday for a

visit to Mrs J D Bates at Ha ves



Hump BackC

SCOTTS EMULSION wont make aback straight neither will It

IIhump legdiseasedlong but

boneIt feeds


makeIIthe few genuine means of recovery Incrickets and

Sendbone consumptionm

SCOTT BOWNE Chemists409415 Pearl Street New York

Soc and Ezoo aU druggists


CHENAULTJohn Allen Besley is on the

sick list

tJno Warren who has been onthe sick list is improving

Lawrence Hickerson attendedI

the moonlight picnic at UnionStar Saturday

Otto Kaufman and Ernes-Stallman passed through townSunday enrouto to Derby

Miss Lucile Cunningham whohas been visiting in Louisvillereturned home last week

Miss Nellie Lee Gilliland whohas been visiting friends and re-

latives at Wolf Creek returnedhome Sunday

Miss Normal Butcher of Rockport is in our town giving musiclessons Miss Normal has al

largo class and is liked by allII

who know herJ F Jarlioo went to Hardins

burg Monday on businessMaster Gerald Jarboe whoI

has been attending school atHardinsburg returned home lasThursday

A Cabbage Snake StoryPatesviile Ky June 27Spe ¬

clapThe cabbage snake has provednot to be a fake as one was foundby the family of J M Fawver lastSunday while eating dinnerThe cab-


had been thoroughly pickedover leaf by leaf and washed butno snake was found until after beingcooked and eaten by some of thefamily The snake was wound in aknot and when stretched out wasabout two or tnree inches in lengthand about the size ol thread No 40and color of the cooked cab bage Thehealth of the family has not beenaffected by eating tne cabbage

CASTORIAIFor Infants and Children

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Bears the7JSignature of C


A praise service will be conducted atthe Methodist church on Sunday even-ing


July 2 by the Epworth League inthe absence of the pastor Rev P LKing who is spending his vacation ntSmith Grove Prof J P King will leaithe service Specia music will be oneof the features There will be noIpreaching service at either of thetwo Protestant churches and the public-is cordially invited to attend

A copy of the charter and ordinancesof the city of Cloverport recently pub ¬

lished in book form by the job depart¬ment of the News has been placed forthe use of the public in every businesshouse in town

+Geo N Harris road supervisor of

this district cays that new flooring willbe put in the iron bridge over Clovercreek just as soon as lumber for thepurpose can be secured The flooringis in very bad condition Last weekThos Satterfielfls horse came verynear breaking its leg by stepping on arotten plank A few more weeks andthe flooring will be in a very dangerous j

condition if not repaired

D W Murray who has a positionwith the Henderson Route ou the ex-


has been here part of the pastweek He has had an attack of malarialfever


R 0 Willis will go soon to ValleyStation to take charge of one of thegrading crews on the extension of theHenderson Route from West Point toLouisville He will remain until the i

first season of the 1905 tobaco crop iwhen he will return here to resume hisposition of chief assistant to J DBrashear local agent of the AmericanTobacco company 1

Rev j T Lewis of Irvington whohas accepted the call of the Baptistchurch of this city for the second andfourth Sundays in each month willmove here next week with his family 1

ilMrsson Kan and daughter Mrs LolaWest of Pueblo Col were here Ilastweek visiting their cousins Mrs H

Pate and sirs J U Weatherholt r

They are now visiting relatives inMeade and Jefferson counties It is t

their first visit to Kentucky in twen ¬ 1r

tyfour years I

The K P lodge did not have itsregular meeting Monday night be ¬

of the presence of too manyembers at Swallow Marklos

floating palace =Some graveling and work on the


8Jri IIR R









OWENSBORO I IIOF 1IV Wlll bo In Dr Llgldfoots otaco one


1 11week out of each month prepared to YIhthr

Will be Here July 10 1016r


sewers where badly needed has beendone on Wall street

Among those who went from heroto Hardinsbnrg Thursday to see

Sweet Lavender presented thatevnning by local talent were thefollowing Misses Madison Bell ofLouisville Marlon Bowmer CleonaWeatherholt Eliza May Lula SeversMrs J P King Messrs Chas Moor¬

man Roy Heyser Proutor Keith andAllen Pierce Those presenting thoplay were Mrs J S Younger Mis ¬

ses Ray Heyser Katherine Moormanand Eva Plank Prof J P Kingand Messrs Lawrence Murray WStYounger Ira and Lute Behen

Misses Eva and Eliza May renderedsome excellent vocal and instrumentalnumbers between and during thb actsat Lewisport Saturday evening duringthe performance ofIA Noble Out¬

cast by local talent Others who ablyassisted in the play were Mrs JnoNeubauer and Messis JM Gregoryand Wm Perkins

The condition of Edward McAfeesupervisor of bridges of the HendersonRoute has been steadily improvingsince both ot his legs were broken atGaston severalI weeks ago

The performance given here Satur ¬

day evening oy Frenchs New Sensa-tion


the pioneer of river shows wasmediocre to say the best of it andfar below the standard maintainedduring the life of its founder the lateCapt French Many very unfavorablecomments about the performance havebeen heard The audience was alarge one but it was disappointed

Among the floating palaces whichare yet to show here this summerare Prices Rices Eisenbartb Hen ¬

derson and Swallow Marklo No 2

Jno Burn and V G Bahbagewere at Dukes Sunday afternoon andmade addresses at a Sundayschoolrally at the Presbyterian church HerRichey of Duke also made an ad ¬

dress There was a full house goodmnsio and a good service

tiThis is an exceptionally goodCotIl25 cents nowI5C


I Ameri ¬

I the originalticket Blues Graysr Redsl IIC

LawnsReduced in price 25 per cent15c Lawns 12 l2c A Cbig line going at DC

rteStrti25c Plates with gold edges and


iiShirtsterns delightful for98ehot weather at


The nine year old son otBnckby very painfully hurt Sun ¬

day afternoon by jumping tromfence onto a locust thorn which sunkdeeply into his foot and made a bad

ti LrI

Ii Wants I+ 7Advertisements Inserted under this head at-one cent a word per weeku u


1 trUIIUICIdltlon Apply to J H Rowland at postohVvj


FOR ItENTOno Pogo store room In MuandI i

particulars apply to Compton Hiinllnserg IIf v i


PRINTING Presses and Cutting machines j

lot of good Laundry

UusoilncEnlncsIAnTILouisville Ky t


pOR SALETultlon Certlficatelii Bryant itrufsvilleForenrldKO News Cloverport Iyj

Eon SALEFARMpOR SALEMy farm of 120 acres on CloverJohnsonfarmland An Ideal dairy farm Will sell on easyAdelftssJ


One way class colonist ticketsto South and Southeast first and thirdTuesdays each month at reduced rates

Homeseekers Excursions to all pointsto which bomeseekers rates apply

One way colonists rates to Californiaand the Northwest March Ito May 15and Sept 15 to Oct 11 1905

National Educational AssociationAsbury Park N J July 37 I

For the above occasion rate of 52505for the round trip Cloverport to Asburypark and return will be made on July123 limited to return July 10thTickets may be extended to return notlate than Aug 31 on payment of 50cents Through sleeper on train 44Aug 20

Fourth of July RatesOne fare plus 25 cents for round

trip on July 12845 good to returnJuly between all local points

Niagara Falls ExcursionsJuly 27Aug 3 Aug 17 Aug 24

On above dates rate of 1270 forround trip Cloverport to NiagaraFalls ana return cood to returndays from date of sale will be made

Archdeacon M M Benton of theEpiscopal church of Kentucky camedown from Louisville Saturday andpreached at the Methodist churchSunday morning and evening

The marine band with SwallowMarkles floating palace the best onthe river it is generally concededhere gave a concert on the streetMonday morning which was greatlyappreciated by a crowd which gather ¬

ed The band marched to the


k Jill


tell the








These Pants are going at just


A few of mens Linen


A large of ribbon in ser


SetsOur 42piece Dinnerof dinner plates breakfastplates cups saucersry bowls individual butters

dishes meat dish

our terms on these DinnerSets













J C Nolte BroCloverport Ky


Send your Subscription to The

and plared Auld Lang Syneas eastbound train No 42 pulled out ot thedepot with several employee of thebout aboard The employes herefor W Va where theywill join Swallow Markles secondfloating palace which it is said ismuch larger and tiner thanhere Monday and will be here inAugust










j+1 jjlltime to be wasted when money is to be saved These items will

you exactly where bargains areI


i flattings







Mens Pants

50greatLinen Collarsodd lots Col ¬5uesRibbon

lot 30c ¬


Set consists6 6

6 and 6 ber ¬

6 2vegetable 1 125ineSee










the one



Boys Knee Pants N-

A regular 50c value butwe will close the lot atADC=Hens Furnishings

Ask for bargains in this depart ¬

ment Socks Mens Fancy Stripes I

light and medium colorings all1sizes1

this week lu e r

Underwear IMens Balbrigan Underwear allsizes Regular 50c val 9ff e-

Iues now at


TiesTiesIJWe have a large variety of

for summer wear 35c and 1

50c valuesto close at 25e rr

Mens Negligee Shirts itr

BrandIIThe Celebrated Monarchquality and finish is guaranteedrregular 125 value OSrreducedtoI11


Bibbage S Son11roverport Ky1





Who hasonce used CADICKS GOLD DUSTFLOUR is satisfied to use that and nootherIt

is the flour that is demanded bygood cooks and good livers

Get the habit of using


DUST FLOURIt is a good habit sure to give the

best satisfaction to all of your house ¬




No 46 Dally Fast Train leaves Cloverport507 A ut West Point only arrlves at Louisville 715 A M

No 42 Dully Malian fcspress leaves Clo ¬

arrives P5J A MI stops ut all way stationsLouisville 1235 p m

Train No 44 Dally fast mall leaves Cluverport 44S p m stops at all way stationsatLouisvilleaeeommodatlon ¬


ovcrportaccommodattonleavesvlllnPOOamlexpressleavesOwonsboroStanltansvlllearrlyrDTrllin ar ¬

rives Cloverport 731 p m Evansvlllo 1030p rue Stops at all stations

No 45 dally St Louis fast train loaves CloASLlJawonllloOWensoorobutweenLoulsvllllun4UFordsille Branch



inTrainleavesFordsvllkp mTrain No fl Sunday onlyFordsvllle 30 a m Irvington 905 n m




M tJlOlf4hau

I Dr A P LathamMAS Hnlll EIJ

ELIZABETHTOWNand established TOIIThe Latham Medical

Where Chronic Diseases



JLlf < lTllM

oft oft11 irW A Walker IIf-


V Satisfaction guaranteed JjflflfPatronize your homo dentist ffRH Ij11HARDINSBURU





Groves Tasteless Chill TonicMillionbottlesEnclosed with every bottle Is a Ten Cent package of Groves Black Root Liver Pills