A few tips for a successful sales meeting

A few tips for a successful sales meeting If you head the sales department of your organization, you probably are, one of the most stressed out individuals on earth. But gives sales managers sleepless nights, is not the sky high targets or impossible deadlines, but conducting sales meetings. Here are a few tips to help you out! Keep it simple! Don’t try to cram your meeting with sales stats, instead pepper the meet with quotes, interesting trivia and open the floor to questions. PowerPoints are so passé. Use more interactive software, or ask your tech guys to come up with a custom built application that can grab eyeballs and one again the rule of thumb is to keep it simple. Add just the essential facts and engage rather than lecturing the gathering. Communicate on a personal level! Now this is one place where name dropping doesn’t hurt! When you address people by their names you can expect far better responses rather than the obligatory “umms and yeah’s”. It can not only liven up your meeting but also ensure those who were fiddling with their blackberries pay close attention to what is being discussed at the meeting. Get a transcript of your meeting A transcript of your sales meeting would help the attendees of your meet go through what was discussed in detail as more often than not the issues addressed and points discussed can be forgotten by the time people reach the car park. Record, your sales meeting, and call up a meeting transcription services provider (there are many out there) and transcribe your sales meet. Mailing across a text version of your sales meeting to your team can not only guarantee that you’ve not just made a point but pushed your points across. And choose a professional meetings transcription provider to avoid tripwires!


If you head the sales department of your organization, you probably are, one of the most stressed out individuals on earth. But gives sales managers sleepless nights, is not the sky high targets or impossible deadlines, but conducting sales meetings. Here are a few tips to help you out!

Transcript of A few tips for a successful sales meeting

A few tips for a successful sales meetingIf you head the sales department of your organization, you probably are, one of the most

stressed out individuals on earth. But gives sales managers sleepless nights, is not the sky

high targets or impossible deadlines, but conducting sales meetings. Here are a few tips to

help you out!

Keep it simple!

Don’t try to cram your meeting with sales stats, instead pepper the meet with quotes,

interesting trivia and open the floor to questions. PowerPoints are so passé. Use more

interactive software, or ask your tech guys to come up with a custom built application

that can grab eyeballs and one again the rule of thumb is to keep it simple. Add just the

essential facts and engage rather than lecturing the gathering.

Communicate on a personal level!

Now this is one place where name dropping doesn’t hurt! When you address people by

their names you can expect far better responses rather than the obligatory “umms and

yeah’s”. It can not only liven up your meeting but also ensure those who were fiddling

with their blackberries pay close attention to what is being discussed at the meeting.

Get a transcript of your meeting

A transcript of your sales meeting would help the attendees of your meet go through

what was discussed in detail as more often than not the issues addressed and points

discussed can be forgotten by the time people reach the car park. Record, your sales

meeting, and call up a meeting transcription services provider (there are many out there)

and transcribe your sales meet. Mailing across a text version of your sales meeting to

your team can not only guarantee that you’ve not just made a point but pushed your

points across.

And choose a professional meetings transcription provider to avoid tripwires!

With several meeting transcription services firms dotting the market you are spoilt for

choice! But do a little bit of home work or ask your secretary to as transcribing meetings

is a task that takes a lot of skills and expertise. A little blooper, or a misspelt name, can

defeat the whole purpose as nobody wants to continue reading a document that has

spelling mistakes, especially in the midst of a busy working day.

Finally, ensure that the audio recording of your meeting is clear, as most meeting

transcription firms, charge depending on the quality of your recording. All said and done

it is the ability to think on your feet that is going to avoid any last minute pitfalls. Good

luck on that.

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