A Evolução da Publicidade



O consumidor aprendeu a desligar-se da publicidade. A desviar-se de uma entrega de folhetos à saída de uma estação de metro de forma quase tão intuitiva como evita um buraco na calçada (se o vir...). Mas nem sempre foi assim, nem sempre existiram marcas, ou agências, ou sequer o conceito de publicitário como uma profissão. Nesta apresentação épica, (e uso o adjectivo sem qualquer problema de consciência, está mesmo muito boa) pode viajar um pouco pela história e evolução da publicidade ao longo do tempo, e ter um vislumbre de como o marketing pode combater a indiferença do consumidor no futuro.

Transcript of A Evolução da Publicidade

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There was a time when “tablet” meant this.

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Not this.

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There was a time when brands didn’t really exist …

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… much less have devoted fans like this.

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So much has changed in the world of marketing and advertising in last 20 years alone …

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So much has changed in the world of marketing and advertising in the last 20 years alone … That it’s easy to forget a few things …

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… Like that life existed before the internet, for example.

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Or that advertising today was molded by the centuries that came before it.

Photo: spin spin on Flickr

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Or that advertising today was molded by the centuries that came before it.

Photo: spin spin on Flickr

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There’s a reason why the majority of consumers are skeptical about brands.

Photo: Tom Raftery on Flickr

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There’s a reason why the majority of consumers are skeptical about brands.

Photo: Tom Raftery on Flickr | Source: Edelman Trust Barometer, 2012

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There’s a reason why you’re more likely to survive a plane crash than click a banner ad.

Photo: puuikibeach on Flickr | Source: Solve Media

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There’s a reason why

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advertising started to look a lot like


Over time,

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advertising started to look a lot like

marketing, and marketing started to look a lot like

Over time,

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advertising started to look a lot like

marketing, and marketing started to look a lot like

being a great company.

Over time,

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We now live in a world where advertisers are wrapped around the finger of the consumer …

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We now live in a world where advertisers are wrapped around the finger of the consumer … NOT the other way around.

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There are 3 BIG reasons why:

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There are 3 BIG reasons why: the proliferation of media,

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There are 3 BIG reasons why: the proliferation of media,

a history of deception,

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There are 3 BIG reasons why: the proliferation of media,

a history of deception, and the ability to time-shift with technology.

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This is the timeline and story of how advertising became so invasive, and consumers became so indifferent.

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Once upon a time, thousands of years ago, survival was top-of-mind.

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Once upon a time, thousands of years ago, survival was top-of-mind. People bartered.

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Once upon a time, thousands of years ago, survival was top-of-mind. People bartered. Mass production of goods was nonexistent.

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Once upon a time, thousands of years ago, survival was top-of-mind. People bartered. Mass production of goods was nonexistent. People were illiterate.

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Once upon a time, thousands of years ago, survival was top-of-mind. People bartered. Mass production of goods was nonexistent. People were illiterate. There was no need for advertising.

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Word of mouth was all that existed and all that mattered.

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Fast forward to just before the turn of the 20th century, and …

Photo: Theresa L Wysocki on Flickr

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Fast forward to just before the turn of the 20th century, and … BOOM!

Photo: Theresa L Wysocki on Flickr

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Fast forward to just before the turn of the 20th century, and … BOOM! You’ve got an industrializing America ready to start pummeling people with marketing messages for the next 120 years!

Photo: Theresa L Wysocki on Flickr

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We’ll get to the industrialized age. Let’s first start from the beginning.

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A T imeline

the History & evolution Of Advertising:

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The preindustrial age

1275 - 1900

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The preindustrial age

1275 - 1900

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The Chinese invent this thing called paper.

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The Chinese invent this thing called paper. It’s used to pad bronze mirrors and wrap things.

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Then, way later …

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Europe gets its first paper mill.

Photo: davydubbit on Flickr

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Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press in Germany.

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Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press in Germany.

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For the first time, the recording of information no longer just belongs to an elite few.

For the first time, the recording of information no longer belongs to just an elite few.

Photo: illuminaut on Flickr

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For the first time, the recording of information no longer just belongs to an elite few.

For the first time, the recording of information no longer belongs to just an elite few.

Photo: illuminaut on Flickr

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The first poster ad in English is placed on church doors in London.

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The first poster ad in English is placed on church doors in London.

Buy this cool prayer book!

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The first newspaper ad appears, offering a reward for 12 stolen horses.

Photo: David Feltkamp on Flickr

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The Boston News-Letter asks readers to place ads for real estate, ships, or goods for sale.

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The Boston News-Letter asks readers to place ads for real estate, ships, or goods for sale. Soon after, the newspaper places the first ad in America for a Long Island estate.

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Other colonial newspapers quickly follow suit, placing their own ads.

Photo: gillicious on Flickr

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Benjamin Franklin starts using headlines and illustrations in his newspaper.

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Benjamin Franklin starts using headlines and illustrations in his newspaper.

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The first American magazine is published in Philadelphia.

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And this is what ads look like.

Photo Courtesy of Archiving Early America | earlyamerica.com

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Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the headline

Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the headline

The first ads were essentially personal classifieds. Clever ad copy wasn’t a thing yet, so advertisers played with headlines to garner attention.

Advertising defined?

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A scholar named Samuel Johnson writes:

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A scholar named Samuel Johnson writes: Whatever is common

is despised.

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A scholar named Samuel Johnson writes: Whatever is common

is despised. Advertisements are now so numerous that they are very

negligently perused.

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A scholar named Samuel Johnson writes: Whatever is common

is despised. Advertisements are now so numerous that they are very

negligently perused.

It has become necessary to gain attention by magnificence

of promises.

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This is a BIG deal.

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This is a BIG deal. It means people have been sick of ads for 2 ½ centuries!

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This is a BIG deal. It means people have been sick of ads for 2 ½ centuries!!!!!!!!!!

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And it means “magnificence of promises” paves the way for puffery and deception in ads.

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And it means “magnificence of promises” paves the way for puffery and deception in ads.

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The Industrial Revolution starts to take place in North America.

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Animals are getting replaced by

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Animals are getting replaced by

Machines …

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… and uniform goods are starting to get manufactured in greater quantities.

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More products need advertising.

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More products need advertising. More people need advertising.

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Advertising as a profession gets its start when Volney B. Palmer sets up shop in Philadelphia.

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Advertising as a profession gets its start when Volney B. Palmer sets up shop in Philadelphia.

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The first magazine ad runs.

Photo: theseanster93 on Flickr

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The earliest billboards and transit ads emerge as modes of transportation develop.

Photo: http://railroad.lindahall.org/

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The commission-based agency model is born when 21 year-old Francis Ayer opens N.W. Ayer & Sons.

Photo: http://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/

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The commission-based agency model is born when 21 year-old Francis Ayer opens N.W. Ayer & Sons.

Photo: http://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/

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The commission-based agency model is born when 21 year-old Francis Ayer opens N.W. Ayer & Sons.

Photo: http://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/

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John E. Powers becomes known for “Powers’ Style” ad copy: short, to-the-point, truthful, and convincing.

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John E. Powers becomes known for “Powers’ Style” ad copy: short, to-the-point, truthful, and convincing.

Fine writing is offensive!

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John E. Powers becomes known for “Powers’ Style” ad copy: short, to-the-point, truthful, and convincing.

Fine writing is offensive!

If the truth isn't tellable, fix it

so it is.

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If the truth isn't tellable, fix it

so it is.

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Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the reason why

Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the reason why

“Powers’ Style” copywriting inspired an era of simple, straightforward ads that convey why the consumer should buy.

Advertising defined?

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Miracle cure patent medicine manufacturers break the mold with extravagant, hyperbolic ads.

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Miracle cure patent medicine manufacturers break the mold with extravagant, hyperbolic ads.

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Miracle double-chin-be-gone


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Miracle double-chin-be-gone

+ Cocaine-infused

dandruff remover


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Miracle double-chin-be-gone


Sick people.

Cocaine-infused dandruff remover


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America gets a heavy dose of these way-too-good-to-be-true remedies through the turn of the century.

Photo: RoguePriest on Flickr

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Nothin’ like some good ol’ bodily harm to engender enduring trust in advertising!

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Nothin’ like some good ol’ bodily harm to engender enduring trust in advertising!

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Moving on …

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Photo: Joanna Bourne on Flickr

Mailing post cards is the most recommended means of reaching consumers.

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Sears, Roebuck and Co. issues its first catalog.

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The Winton Motor Carriage Company places the first magazine ad for a car.

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President Grover Cleveland authorizes free rural mail delivery.

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President Grover Cleveland authorizes free rural mail delivery.

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Advertising becomes a discipline for the first time at Northwestern University.

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Advertising becomes a discipline for the first time at Northwestern University.

There’s a science to this stuff!

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• Newspapers, magazines, and direct mail are primary media types.

Preindustrial Recap

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• Newspapers, magazines, and direct mail are primary media types.

• Ad copy transforms from dry to cogent to hyperbolic.

Preindustrial Recap

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• Newspapers, magazines, and direct mail are primary media types.

• Ad copy transforms from dry to cogent to hyperbolic.

• A lack of regulation on advertising results in prevalent puffery and false claims.

Preindustrial Recap

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• Newspapers, magazines, and direct mail are primary media types.

• Ad copy transforms from dry to cogent to hyperbolic.

• A lack of regulation on advertising results in prevalent puffery and false claims.

• Preindustrial developments put the first marketing system in place.

Preindustrial Recap

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The branding boom

1901 - 1910

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The mass production of generic goods start to satisfy basic consumer needs.

Photo: ThirdLegReviews on Flickr

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So manufacturers focus their efforts on branding and packaging to differentiate.

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These future big-time brands are incorporated:

• The Pepsi-Cola Company • The Quaker Oats Company • United States Steel Company

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Unilever hires J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT) to advertise Lifebuoy Soap.

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Unilever hires J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT) to advertise Lifebuoy Soap.

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Baby formula brand Mellin’s Food commissions a balloonist to build the first airship to carry their ads on 25 flights.

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Baby formula brand Mellin’s Food commissions a balloonist to build the first airship to carry their ads on 25 flights.

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Commercial Pacific Cable Company lays the first Pacific telegraph cable.

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Commercial Pacific Cable Company lays the first Pacific telegraph cable. President Theodore Roosevelt sends a message around the world and receives it 12 minutes later.

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Grace Weidersein creates the “Campbell’s Kids,” which are still used (with modifications) today.

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Gillette creates the first national ad plan for its Safety Razor.

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Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the campaign

Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the campaign

Advertisers discover they can make a bigger impact by creating a series of ads.

Advertising defined?

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Congress cracks down on advertisers for unsubstantiated claims in drug and food advertising by passing the Pure Food and Drug Act.

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Airplane advertising emerges with the promotion of a Broadway play.

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The Ford Motor Company unveils the Model T for a whopping $850.

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Domestic electricity is standardized, creating a market for household appliances.

Photo: premasagar on Flickr

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John Wanamaker opens his monumental, 12-story department store in Philadelphia.

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• Branding and packaging become important.

1900-1910 Recap

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• Branding and packaging become important. • Print is the primary media type, but brands

are experimenting with new communication methods.

1900-1910 Recap

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• Branding and packaging become important. • Print is the primary media type, but brands

are experimenting with new communication methods.

• The federal government steps in to regulate food and drug advertising.

1900-1910 Recap

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• Branding and packaging become important. • Print is the primary media type, but brands

are experimenting with new communication methods.

• The federal government steps in to regulate food and drug advertising.

• Some of America’s most recognized brands are incorporated.

1900-1910 Recap

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• Branding and packaging become important. • Print is the primary media type, but brands

are experimenting with new communication methods.

• The federal government steps in to regulate food and drug advertising.

• Some of America’s most recognized brands are incorporated.

• The age of automobile advertising gets its start.

1900-1910 Recap

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The Dawn of Radio

1911 - 1920

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The advertising industry decides it should maybe clean up its act.

Photo: brandoncripps on Flickr

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The advertising industry decides it should maybe clean up its act. The American Advertising Federation establishes the first “truth in advertising” codes.

Photo: brandoncripps on Flickr

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For the first time, JWT agency flirts with sex appeal.

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For the first time, JWT agency flirts with sex appeal.

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This is also the first time advertisers attempt to focus ads on consumer needs above their own.

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Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the emotional appeal

Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the emotional appeal

Helen Lansdowne’s Woodbury Soap headline and new developments in advertising psychology encouraged advertisers to emphasize the pleasure a product will bring the consumer.

Advertising defined?

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P&G pays JWT to launch a product for the first time.

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Camel begins advertising for the first time while introducing packaged cigarettes.

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The Federal Trade Commission Act is established to further curb dishonest advertising.

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The first transcontinental telephone line opens between New York City and San Francisco.

Source: Thom Watson on Flickr

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America’s first radio station, KDKA, launches in Pittsburgh.

Photo: _jaaju on Flickr

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America’s advertising industry sits at nearly $3 billion.

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America’s advertising industry sits at nearly $3 billion.

Source: eMarketer

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America’s advertising industry sits at nearly $3 billion.

Source: eMarketer

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• Magazines and newspapers are the dominant media types.

1911-1920 Recap

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• Magazines and newspapers are the dominant media types.

• Radio emerges for the first time.

1911-1920 Recap

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• Magazines and newspapers are the dominant media types.

• Radio emerges for the first time. • Americans can make cross-country phone

calls for the first time.

1911-1920 Recap

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• Magazines and newspapers are the dominant media types.

• Radio emerges for the first time. • Americans can make cross-country phone

calls for the first time. • Ads attempt to appeal to the emotional needs

of the consumer (instead of the advertiser) for the first time.

1911-1920 Recap

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• Magazines and newspapers are the dominant media types.

• Radio emerges for the first time. • Americans can make cross-country phone

calls for the first time. • Ads attempt to appeal to the emotional needs

of the consumer (instead of the advertiser) for the first time.

• The retail industry experiences major growth spurred by a vast increase in mass production.

1911-1920 Recap

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The rise of consumerism

1921 - 1930

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Broadcast radio figures out how to finance its existence by selling its first ad.

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Broadcast radio figures out how to finance its existence by selling its first ad. WEAF in NYC offers 10 minutes for $100.

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Consumers are enabled to spend with newfound consumer credit.

Photo: Todd Elhers on Flickr

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Consumers start financing cars, home appliances, and radios.

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Ads look like this:

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Copywriter Claude Hopkins of Lord & Thomas agency publishes Scientific Advertising.

Photo: zhouxuan12345678 on Flickr

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He claims advertising is “based on fixed principles,” i.e. a copy strategy and a product claim.

Photo: zhouxuan12345678 on Flickr

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Sponsored content emerges when N.W. Ayer & Sons produce the first sponsored radio show, “The Eveready Hour.”

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NBC Radio Corp buys WEAF from AT&T and renames it WNBC, forming the first radio network with 19 whole stations.

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Copywriter John Caples writes one of the most famous headlines in an ad for the U.S. Music School.

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The second major radio network, CBS, launches.

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Listerine advertises its mouth wash as a cure for colds and sore throats.

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Listerine advertises its mouth wash as a cure for colds and sore throats.

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Lucky Strike spends $12.3 million on advertising – at the time, the most spent to promote one product.

Photo: oswaldo on Flickr

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The stock market crashes and sparks The Great Depression. Ad budgets take a nosedive.

Photo: buckle1535 on Flickr

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Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the market research

Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the market research

Massive budget cuts forced the industry to reinvent itself to improve effectiveness. Research companies emerge to align advertising with consumer behavior and attitudes.

Advertising defined?

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AdAge launches in Chicago.

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More than half of U.S. homes have a radio (55.2%).

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• Access to credit and post-WWI consumerism fuels spending.

1921-1930 Recap

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• Access to credit and post-WWI consumerism fuels spending.

• Many of the products advertised included household appliances, cars, and radios.

1921-1930 Recap

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• Access to credit and post-WWI consumerism fuels spending.

• Many of the products advertised included household appliances, cars, and radios.

• The 1929 stock market crash starts The Great Depression, resulting in advertising budget cuts and widespread unemployment.

1921-1930 Recap

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• Access to credit and post-WWI consumerism fuels spending.

• Many of the products advertised included household appliances, cars, and radios.

• The 1929 stock market crash starts The Great Depression, resulting in advertising budget cuts and widespread unemployment.

• Advertisements focus on clear product claims that start to become more informed by market research.

1921-1930 Recap

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the Soap Opera stage

1931 - 1940

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The Great Depression leaves publishers financially squeezed.

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Newspaper circulation wanes due to declining advertising profits.

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And radio starts to gain prominence as a source of entertainment.

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WGN-AM Chicago creates the first daytime radio soap opera, Clara, Lu, and Em.

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Colgate-Palmolive later becomes its sponsor to reach the stay-at-home housewife.

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55% of American homes have a radio.

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The Federal Communications Commission is established.

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LIFE publishes its first edition and later becomes the first magazine to carry $100 million in annual advertising.

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American Tobacco Co. pays a handful of senators $1,000 each to endorse Lucky Strike cigarettes.

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Radio ad revenue surpasses that of magazines.

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Congress passes the Wheeler-Lea Amendment to give the FTC greater authority to crack down on deceptive advertising.

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N.W. Ayer & Sons helps DeBeers dominate the diamond market with its “A diamond is forever” slogan.

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Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the differentiation

Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the differentiation

As all products start to have “me too” syndrome – claiming they also have the latest and greatest feature – advertisers begin to focus on how products are different from competitors’.

Advertising defined?

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• The Great Depression leads to vast unemployment and slashed ad budgets.

1931-1940 Recap

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• The Great Depression leads to vast unemployment and slashed ad budgets.

• America sees an early form of sponsored content with the emergence of soap operas.

1931-1940 Recap

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• The Great Depression leads to vast unemployment and slashed ad budgets.

• America sees an early form of sponsored content with the emergence of soap operas.

• Competition leads to a focus on product differentiation.

1931-1940 Recap

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• The Great Depression leads to vast unemployment and slashed ad budgets.

• America sees an early form of sponsored content with the emergence of soap operas.

• Competition leads to a focus on product differentiation.

• Many advertisers switch from newspapers to radio, which becomes a prominent component of American life.

1931-1940 Recap

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A Time of War, TV & the telephone

1941 - 1950

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World War II propaganda creates a whole new level of ad clutter.

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John Caples pioneers basic ad testing when he begins doing split-runs to test multiple versions of the same ad.

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John Caples pioneers basic ad testing when he begins doing split-runs to test multiple versions of the same ad.

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With 7,500 TV sets in NYC households, NBC’s WNBT begins telecasting.

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The first TV commercial for Bulova Clocks reaches 4,000 TV sets.

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America has 12 broadcasting TV stations.

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Camel blatantly lies.

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Post WWII, America is really busy making lots of these.

Photo: xopherlance on Flickr

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Half of the American population has a telephone.

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Brand names and slogans become protected under the Lanham Trademark Act.

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Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the unique selling proposition

Advertising defined?

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It’s all about the unique selling proposition

Advertising defined?

Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates Agency introduces the unique selling proposition (USP) – positioning that conveys a product benefit beyond quality and convenience.

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• Much of 1940s advertising was related to the war effort.

1941-1950 Recap

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• Much of 1940s advertising was related to the war effort.

• Radio is the dominant form of mass media.

1941-1950 Recap

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• Much of 1940s advertising was related to the war effort.

• Radio is the dominant form of mass media. • Tobacco advertising continues to make

false claims in ads.

1941-1950 Recap

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• Much of 1940s advertising was related to the war effort.

• Radio is the dominant form of mass media. • Tobacco advertising continues to make

false claims in ads. • The end of WWII sparks the baby boom and

an increase in consumer spending.

1941-1950 Recap

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• Much of 1940s advertising was related to the war effort.

• Radio is the dominant form of mass media. • Tobacco advertising continues to make

false claims in ads. • The end of WWII sparks the baby boom and

an increase in consumer spending. • Advertisers start focusing on conveying

unique selling propositions to drive sales.

1941-1950 Recap

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The golden age of creativity

1951 - 1960

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David Ogilvy’s “Hathaway Man” and “Commander Whitehead” become popular ad personae.

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Holy bogus, Batman.

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CBS becomes the largest advertising medium in the world.

Photo: watchwithkristin on Flickr

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TV ad revenue surpasses that of radio and magazines.

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Leo Burnett agency launches the Marlboro Man campaign.

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Leo Burnett agency launches the Marlboro Man campaign. It becomes the world’s best-selling cigarette brand.

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Shirley Polykoff of Foote, Cone & Belding writes a series of mega- successful Clairol hair color ads.

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Shirley Polykoff of Foote, Cone & Belding writes a series of mega- successful Clairol hair color ads.

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The National Association of Broadcasters bans subliminal ads.

Photo: leo reynolds on Flickr

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The Think Small VW campaign by Doyle Dane Bernbach introduces the creative team: copywriter + art director.

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The ad is so successful, it practically inaugurates Madison Ave as the epicenter of advertising creativity.

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• Madison Avenue becomes the epicenter of creativity.

1951-1960 Recap

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• Madison Avenue becomes the epicenter of creativity.

• The modern creative team couples artists and copywriters.

1951-1960 Recap

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• Madison Avenue becomes the epicenter of creativity.

• The modern creative team couples artists and copywriters.

• TV is the most prominent advertising platform.

1951-1960 Recap

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• Madison Avenue becomes the epicenter of creativity.

• The modern creative team couples artists and copywriters.

• TV is the most prominent advertising platform.

• Ads start to appeal to consumer narcissism.

1951-1960 Recap

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The cynicism Epoch

1961 - 1970

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Photo: hto2008 on Flickr

Consumers feel patronized by ads.

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A flower power, anti-consumerism counterculture emerges in favor of love, individuality, and trust.

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“The Pepsi Generation” ads spark the cola wars.

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The New Yorker and other magazines ban cigarette advertising after the Surgeon General declares smoking is harmful.

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McDonald’s airs its first TV commercial claiming burgers, fries, and shakes are “fun.”

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McDonald’s airs its first TV commercial claiming burgers, fries, and shakes are “fun.”

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The first Super Bowl airs on CBS and NBC.

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The first Super Bowl airs on CBS and NBC.

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7UP sells individuality by differentiating from Pepsi and Coke as “The Uncola.”

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A disillusioned ad man named Howard Luck Gossage says this:

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Nobody reads advertising. People

read what they want to read, and sometimes it’s

an ad.

A disillusioned ad man named Howard Luck Gossage says this:

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• Consumers rebel against mass-produced goods and conformity.

1961-1970 Recap

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• Consumers rebel against mass-produced goods and conformity.

• Individuality is of utmost importance to the consumer.

1961-1970 Recap

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• Consumers rebel against mass-produced goods and conformity.

• Individuality is of utmost importance to the consumer.

• The cola wars are in full force.

1961-1970 Recap

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• Consumers rebel against mass-produced goods and conformity.

• Individuality is of utmost importance to the consumer.

• The cola wars are in full force. • Advertisers begin using a less-scientific,

more-artistic approach in their ads.

1961-1970 Recap

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The Brand image era

1971 - 1980

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Telemarketing emerges.

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The U.S. Armed Forces begins advertising the new volunteer-based military with the “Today's Army Wants to Join You” slogan.

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The industry needs greater enforcement of unethical advertising.

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The industry needs greater enforcement of unethical advertising. So, the Four As, ANA, and American Advertising Federation launch the National Advertising Review Board to monitor distasteful ads.

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Congress prohibits broadcast advertising of cigarettes.

Photo: walknboston on Flickr

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Coca-Cola airs “Hilltop,” featuring a united, multicultural group singing on a hillside.

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I’d like to buy the world a Coke ... m

m m

m m m m

m m m m

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It becomes one of the most famous TV commercials and jingles ever made.

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Requests to hear the song and see the commercial pour into radio and TV stations.

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In a time of conflict and negativity, the tune emanated peace, hope, and tolerance.

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Social scientist Herbert Simon introduces the concept of attention economics.

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Social scientist Herbert Simon introduces the concept of attention economics.

A wealth of information creates a

poverty of attention.

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Consumer attention first starts to become understood as scarce and therefore extremely valuable.

Photo: hto2008 on Flickr

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Quick! Let’s play a game of brand slogan fill-in-the ____.

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“Pardon me, do you have any _____?”

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“Pardon me, do you have any _____?” Grey Poupon

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“Winston tastes good like _________.”

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“Winston tastes good like _________.” a cigarette should

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“Where’s the _____?”

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“Where’s the _____?” beef

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You remember these slogans, but …

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You remember these slogans, but … can you recall one TV commercial you saw yesterday?

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You remember these slogans, but … can you recall one TV commercial you saw yesterday?

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“Attention economics” today is primarily concerned with the problem of getting consumers to consume


Source: Wikipedia

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Positioning becomes important with the publication of Al Ries’ and Jack Trout’s AdAge article, “Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind.”

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Advertising defined?

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It’s all about positioning

Advertising defined?

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It’s all about positioning

Advertising defined?

Marketers begin to use advertisements to declare what brands stand for in order to shape how a brand is perceived in the minds of consumers.

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VCRs hit mass market and gave consumers the ability to time shift and fast forward through recorded ads.

Photo: brad montgomery on Flickr

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VCRs hit mass market and gave consumers the ability to time shift and fast forward through recorded ads.

Photo: brad montgomery on Flickr

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• Regulation on advertising increases, especially within the tobacco industry.

1971-1980 Recap

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• Regulation on advertising increases, especially within the tobacco industry.

• Herbert Simon introduces the concept of attention economics.

1971-1980 Recap

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• Regulation on advertising increases, especially within the tobacco industry.

• Herbert Simon introduces the concept of attention economics.

• Advertisers laser in on positioning to influence how brands are perceived by consumers.

1971-1980 Recap

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The self-indulgence Decade

1981 - 1990

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The 80s: BIG hair and BIG spending.

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People spend a lot of money on themselves to look this good.

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The agency big dogs are gobbling up smaller agencies to create mega-agencies.

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In an effort to maximize profits, agencies cut 30-second TV-spots to :15, doubling the volume of TV ad pollution.

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IBM introduces the personal computer, making desktop publishing a breeze.

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The FCC eliminates regulations on commercial television established in the 1950s and 60s with the Cable Communications Act. This sparks an …

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Apple launches its mega-successful Macintosh with the first Super Bowl commercial directed by moviemaker Ridley Scott.

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Apple’s board didn’t like it, so TBWA\Chiat\Day sold all media placements …

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Apple’s board didn’t like it, so TBWA\Chiat\Day sold all media placements … except for one.

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The ad (accidentally) and permanently raised the bar for all future Super Bowl advertising.

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Coca-Cola unveils New Coke with a sweeter formula to combat the Pepsi challenge.

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America revolts, and Coca-Cola changes it back.

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Al Ries and Jack Trout portray marketing in terms of military strategies in Marketing Warfare amidst intensifying market competition.

Photo: Martin Gommel on Flickr

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BellSouth is the first company to deploy the caller ID in Memphis, Tennessee.

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Cable TV penetration in U.S. households passes the halfway mark.

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• Materialism reaches new heights.

1981-1990 Recap

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• Materialism reaches new heights. • Consumers seek products that align with

their values.

1981-1990 Recap

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• Materialism reaches new heights. • Consumers seek products that align with

their values. • TV is the latest and greatest advertising


1981-1990 Recap

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• Materialism reaches new heights. • Consumers seek products that align with

their values. • TV is the latest and greatest advertising

medium. • Infomercials capitalize on consumer self-


1981-1990 Recap

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The onset of Integrated marketing

1991 - 2000

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A growing volume of products, market competition and ads leads advertisers to realize something …

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Photo: kalyan02 on Flickr

Advertising alone is not enough to drive sales.

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Advertising isn’t the only thing shaping a brand image in the mind of the consumer, either.

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It’s shaped by messages from many sources.

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Advertising defined?

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It’s all about integrated marketing

Advertising defined?

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It’s all about integrated marketing

Advertising defined?

Agencies develop integrated marketing communications to convey unified, customer-centric messaging through events, sales, PR, customer service, promotions, and advertising.

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Cell phones begin to reach the mass market.

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Cell phones begin to reach the mass market. Functionality was limited to voice input and output for, you know, calling people.

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A recession leads marketers to focus on sales promotion instead of advertising.

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A recession leads marketers to focus on sales promotion instead of advertising. Slashed ad budgets force many agencies to merge or close their doors.

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The internet has 5 million users around the world.

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First incident of email spam: Canter and Siegel law firm posts an ad to several newsgroups to promote its immigration law practices.

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One of the first ad-serving technologies launches. It’s called

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Search engines Alta Vista and Yahoo! launch.

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Ask.com joins the search engine party.

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Seth Godin introduces the concept of “permission marketing.”

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The biggest problem with mass-market advertising is that it fights for people's

attention by interrupting them.

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The biggest problem with mass-market advertising is that it fights for people's

attention by interrupting them. There's too much going on in

our lives for us to enjoy being interrupted anymore.

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The biggest problem with mass-market advertising is that it fights for people's

attention by interrupting them. There's too much going on in

our lives for us to enjoy being interrupted anymore.

[Marketers] have to turn attention into permission,

permission into learning, and learning into trust.

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This year, the average consumer will see or hear 1 million marketing messages – almost 3,000 per day.

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This year, the average consumer will see or hear 1 million marketing messages – almost 3,000 per day.

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Search engines Google and MSN launch.

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TiVo is introduced, giving people the power to bypass television ads.

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The internet has a whopping 400 million users, making it the fastest growing ad medium since … ever.

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Ads start to invade mobile. A Finnish news outlet is the first to offer sponsored news headlines via SMS.

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The stock market crashes and the dot-com bubble bursts. Internet advertising all of a sudden seems unstable.

Photo: kiewic on Flickr

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• Integrated marketing starts to replace advertising.

1991-2000 Recap

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• Integrated marketing starts to replace advertising.

• Consumers begin time shifting through TV ads thanks to TiVo.

1991-2000 Recap

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• Integrated marketing starts to replace advertising.

• Consumers begin time shifting through TV ads thanks to TiVo.

• Search engines create a need for search engine optimization.

1991-2000 Recap

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• Integrated marketing starts to replace advertising.

• Consumers begin time shifting through TV ads thanks to TiVo.

• Search engines create a need for search engine optimization.

• Visionary Seth Godin introduces permission marketing – a concept that will come of age in the following decade.

1991-2000 Recap

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• Integrated marketing starts to replace advertising.

• Consumers begin time shifting through TV ads thanks to TiVo.

• Search engines create a need for search engine optimization.

• Visionary Seth Godin introduces permission marketing – a concept that will come of age in the following decade.

• The bubble burst leaves advertisers skeptical about the internet as an ad platform.

1991-2000 Recap

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The digital age

2001 - 2010

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Internet spam is everywhere.

Photo: Mulad on Flickr

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Seriously, though.

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Seriously, though.

are all up in

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Seriously, though.

are all up in

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The National Do Not Call Registry is created because consumers want marketers to stop flippin’ calling all the time.

Photo: Tim G. Photography on Flickr

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Social media sites start to proliferate.

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MySpace launches.

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YouTube and Google Analytics launch.

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Facebook launches for college students only.

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Reddit launches.

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Mobile ad platform AdMob is incorporated to bring banner ads to mobile apps, browsers, and games.

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All of a sudden, these two MIT marketing dudes have a bright idea.

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Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan are all like:

Marketing. Everyone’s doing it wrong.

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Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan are all like:

Maybe it’s because online marketing tools are too complex and disconnected.

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Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan are all like:

Marketing shouldn’t have to be so hard.

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Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan are all like:

Let’s make some all-in-one marketing software to make

marketers’ lives easier.

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Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan are all like:

Let’s call it .

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Nike partners with Apple to launch Nike+iPod to enhance the running experience with music.

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Nike partners with Apple to launch Nike+iPod to enhance the running experience with music.

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Apple releases the first iPhone.

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David Meerman Scott publishes The New Rules of Marketing and PR.

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David Meerman Scott publishes The New Rules of Marketing and PR.

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Twitter launches at SXSW in Austin, Texas.

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Facebook launches social ads. YouTube launches video overlays.

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P&G launches BeingGirl.com – a full-fledged content hub for teen girls.

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P&G launches BeingGirl.com – a full-fledged content hub for teen girls.

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The FTC institutes a series of laws prohibiting untruthful customer testimonials, endorsements, and reviews.

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Marketers are starting to understand the value of being findable, accessible, and prolific online.

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Kevin Kelly, founder of Wired Magazine, writes this:

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When there are millions of books, millions of songs, millions of films, millions of applications, millions of everything

requesting our attention -- and most of it free -- being found is valuable.

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HubSpot’s Brian and Dharmesh publish Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs.

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Inbound marketing in a nutshell:

Photo: steffenz on Flickr

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Inbound marketing in a nutshell: Market with a magnet, not a sledgehammer.

Photo: steffenz on Flickr

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The philosophy: Earn consumer interest and trust with findable information consumers value.

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This also happens:

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Award-laden creative exec Alex Bogusky quits advertising for good so he can “search for a more genuine version” of himself.

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Award-laden creative exec Alex Bogusky quits advertising for good so he can “search for a more genuine version” of himself.

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There are over 1,700 TV channels and 14,700 radio stations.

Photo: Leo-setä on Flickr

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In 2012, the social media landscape looks like this:

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• Widespread email spam and pop-up ads test the patience of internet users worldwide.

2001-2010 Recap

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• Widespread email spam and pop-up ads test the patience of internet users worldwide.

• Major social media sites launch and later develop advertising platforms.

2001-2010 Recap

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• Widespread email spam and pop-up ads test the patience of internet users worldwide.

• Major social media sites launch and later develop advertising platforms.

• Marketers begin creating digital experiences to add value and create demand for products.

2001-2010 Recap

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• Widespread email spam and pop-up ads test the patience of internet users worldwide.

• Major social media sites launch and later develop advertising platforms.

• Marketers begin creating digital experiences to add value and create demand for products.

• HubSpot co-founders introduce inbound marketing.

2001-2010 Recap

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• Widespread email spam and pop-up ads test the patience of internet users worldwide.

• Major social media sites launch and later develop advertising platforms.

• Marketers begin creating digital experiences to add value and create demand for products.

• HubSpot co-founders introduce inbound marketing.

• Creating and publishing online content becomes an advantageous marketing activity.

2001-2010 Recap

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The constant content span

2011 - 2013

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Advertisers become increasingly desperate to reach consumers.

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Media companies turn to native advertising to reach readers.

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Media companies turn to native advertising to reach readers.

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Short attention spans and information overload spur an influx of visual content.

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And storytelling is in renaissance.

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Pinterest is poppin’.

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Instagram has 130 million users and 16 billion uploaded selfies photos, and 1 billion likes happen each day.

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Oreo wows America when they tweet this timely ad during the Super Bowl power outage.

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Rand Fishkin drops the “SEO” from his successful software company name, SEOmoz, to reflect a focus on holistic inbound marketing. .

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Advertising defined?

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It’s all about storytelling

Advertising defined?

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It’s all about storytelling

Advertising defined?

Stories have always been important in advertising, but storytelling gains a new level of significance in the age of digital content creation. Consumers have time for good stories.

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• Native advertising – ads that looks like editorial content – gains prominence in online media publications.

2011-Present Recap

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• Native advertising – ads that looks like editorial content – gains prominence in online media publications.

• All content – including advertising – becomes less copy-heavy and more dependent on visuals to convey messages faster.

2011-Present Recap

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• Native advertising – ads that looks like editorial content – gains prominence in online media publications.

• All content – including advertising – becomes less copy-heavy and more dependent on visuals to convey messages faster.

• Advertisers and marketers are either reaping or foregoing the benefits of real-time interaction with online audiences.

2011-Present Recap

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Whew! So after centuries of advertisers cramming ads into every communication channel …

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… we find ourselves drowning in commercial messages everywhere we spend our time.

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Let’s try to comprehend just how cluttered the media landscape is.

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This is a simplified timeline of the appearance of advertising in major communication channels.

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You see, advertising first pervaded all things print.

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Then found its way into radio, TV, mailers, and the telephone.

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And in the last 20 years, it’s penetrated almost every digital channel. 22 years

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Not only has the media landscape grown by type; each type has grown exponentially in volume.

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In 2011, there were over one TRILLION pages on the internet.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2011/TECH/web/09/12/web.index/index.html?_s=PM:TECH

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In 2011, there were over one TRILLION pages on the internet. 1,000,000,000,000!

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2011/TECH/web/09/12/web.index/index.html?_s=PM:TECH

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But there are only 2.4 billion global internet users.

Source: http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm

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That means there are 417 web pages for every 1 person.

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That means there are 417 web pages for every 1 person.

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100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.

Source: www.youtube.com/yt/press/statistics.html

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400 million tweets are sent every day.

Source: http://youtu.be/Bl-FpuehWGA

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According to Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google:

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Every two days, we create as much information as we did from the dawn

of civilization up until 2003.

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Information pollution means one thing.

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Consumers gain complete power over their own attention.

Photo: ze_bear on Flickr

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So what does it all mean?

Photo: Neil Crosby on Flickr

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Creating Marketing people love

2014 - onward

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With limited media channels, advertising from the past could be one-size-fits-all.

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Consumers didn’t yet possess pocket-sized portals to all the world’s information.

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Interruption. False claims. Over-promising. Under-delivering. Increased regulation. Brand egocentrism. Exploitation. Lawsuits.

This changed everything.

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VCRs. Caller ID. DVRs. The Do Not Call list. Spam software. Broadband internet. Smartphones. Social media.

This changed everything.

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Nowadays, even the best advertising can’t put lipstick on bad business.

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Nowadays, brands don’t find customers. Customers find brands.

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Companies have to create brands people love.

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Marketers have to create marketing people love.

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People love marketing that’s more about their needs than the brand’s needs.

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People love marketing that’s trustworthy.

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People love marketing that presents the right information at the right time.

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Creating great content isn’t enough.

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Creating great content isn’t enough. Content needs context.

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Brands have to create digital experiences using dynamic content informed by the digital footprints consumers leave behind.

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Does your marketing

interrupt what people want to consume?

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If so …

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Then, go create something people

Want to consume.

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Created by @shannopop

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