A day in an archive


Transcript of A day in an archive

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T H E W O M E N ’ S A R T C O L L E C T I O N

T U E S D A Y 2 6 T H F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 3

U 1 1 0 1 0 9 0

M O D U L E : P E R F O R M I N G T H E A R C H I V E

A day in an Archive

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Lucy X Exaqua

On September 18th 1983, at 13B Bubye Hill Road, Camberwell, SE5 8QF Lucy X Exaqua took to a small register office to marry her piece of art. Many people asked for the deep and meaningful reason Lucy explains she did it one because she could and two to poke fun at Modern Art.

On the actual day Lucy had no brides maids because she didn't have time to paint them and her register and best man (Life) where both cardboard cut outs.

The page boy was Louis Mayes

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The Groom

The Groom was a post card stand, He included famous art piece from around the world and a little of her own work all displayed on card form.

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The speeches

On the day the speeches from the art pieces were recorded and played back again to display embodiment. Where as the father of the bride speech is created solely to make her look good.

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Lucy’s art turned in to Vows

To the sides are pictures of Lucy's artwork that she has imposed a wedding image and words on. Although designed to be an accompanying instillation myself and Leah discovered if they are place in a certain order they make beautiful wedding Vows.

O picture, o concept, o picture, o paint, o desperate little picture, art my little freedom heart, o painting, o sincerity, o painting, o concept, o creativity, o true invitation, my true art my spouse.

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Symbol’s of a wedding

Though out the day Lucy had made arrangements to ensure that the event felt like a really wedding by including stereotypical objects know to be found at weddings, however every object had her own interpolation involved.

The rings – on the day Lucy exchanged wedding rings with her groom but the two rings where engraved to personalise them and remind everyone of the purpose of this wedding. Lucy’s just read Lucy whereas her grooms read art.

The cake- every wedding has to have cake, however as this wedding is not real in the court of law then neither was the cake. Instead Lucy make 200 pieces of plastic cake for the guest to keep.

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Lucy and her Artwork

Below are photographs of Lucy and other piece’s of her art work that where present at her wedding. Many of the pieces involved with the wedding where transported to a art gallery right after the wedding for auction.

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She made it national

Lucy was never really interested in making an artist statement she carried out this wedding as a way of making fun of art. However even with this in mind Lucy’s project made the national papers as being an artist statement and something key or an influence for other modern art pieces. Lucy’s states she has no deeper meaning behind her piece but if someone at a later date finds something she would love to know it.

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Things that tickled me

Included in the box of images , newspaper clippings and wedding objects where the following things that I found funny.

Part of the service order includes the future plans where Lucy already states she plans to divorce her art work. Although there is no meaning behind this I am sure I could find one. Secondly the budget for the day is also included which outlines a cheque that she sent for cake and it bounced, I found it interesting that this is something she choose to mention.

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Wedding Bella’s

The second artwork I looked at was the wedding Bella’s, the project that I sure was a collection of photographs transformed into a calendar. The concept of this project was to question to issue surrounding marriage and entrapment. Many women marry away from there home country so have to leave to live with there man but what do you do if he lives you, stay or go home? This project looked at the women who stay because they believe the county they are living in is as much there home as there mans so why should he make them live.

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Where to go from here? What are the areas of study I wish to continue with?

After spending time in the archive and looking at the file on Lucy x Exquada I am now really interested in the concept of marry for the sake of marriage.

I am also interested in the concept of when you do marry how far do you go for your groom or bride, do you cross seas, cross reality in to imagination and if they live you want then

From this study I would like to look further into how far do we go for the sake of marriage and is marriage really worth it.

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End of presentation