A Christmas Carol


Transcript of A Christmas Carol

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Principal characters

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Chapter one: Marley’s ghost

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First, the book first comments Marley was dead years ago.Ebenezer Scrooge and Jacob Marley were business partners for many years, and their workplace, which now was of Scrooge, is a countinghouse named “Scrooge & Marley”.

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Scrooge is described like a miser and coldhearted person.On the Christmas Eve, in his work, with his clerk Bob Cratchit, his nephew Fred came to visit and felicitated him. Scrooge only allowed his clerk to have a tiny fire to warm himself.

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Scrooge was upset and said: “What is the reason to be happy? Christmas is a time for pay bills and get older but not richer”. And his nephew explained him the reason for which the Christmas is a wonderful day. Scrooge’s clerk was in the next room and listened Fred’s speech. He clapped him. Scrooge get angry and said: “One more sound from you and you will lose your job”.

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Fred told his uncle about the dinner of that night. Scrooge refused the invitation and get angry again when Fred mentioned about his happy marriage. When Scrooge came home, began to have hallucinations about Marley, because some men went that day to his work and talked about charity for poor people, and they mentioned to Mr. Marley.

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When Scrooge was near to sleep he heard weird sounds on stairs. The noises were like steel chains. Suddenly, Marley’s ghost appeared. Scrooge became very nervous and he didn’t can believe that was real. He was very frightened too. Marley was dead seven years ago, according he mentioned.

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Then the ghost explained that he must not be so bitter and bad person, because Scrooge will suffer like him.He warns that three ghosts will visit to Scrooge. He said: “The first ghost will come that night, the second will come the next night at the same time, and the third will come the following night at midnight. Then, the ghost went out of room by the window.

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Scrooge observed when thousand ghosts passed flying front his house. Then he was on bed, scared, and he slept.

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Chapter two: The first ghost

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The clock sounded because was midnight, and Scrooge woke up. He thought that he slept some time after two o’clock. He thought that the clock was wrong or that he slept the whole day until the next night. He stayed thoughtful, until that the ghost came.

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The ghost told him that he was the ghost of Christmas past. Then he took to Scrooge to the past.

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They came to Scrooge neighborhood, when he was young. They walked around and came to Scrooge’s school. They entered and found to young Scrooge. He was very solitary. He spent all day reading books alone, even the Christmas day.

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They observed as he grew up, and he was always lonely. Then they traveled to another Christmas.

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One Christmas, when Scrooge was older than before, they saw how his girlfriend was very disappointed and sad because he only cared about money.

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Then they traveled to another place, again, and they observed how that girl, years after, had many children, and her husband and she were very happy. That depressed to Scrooge. He demanded to the ghost that he wanted back home.

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Chapter three: The second ghost

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Scrooge was asleep. Then he woke up just when the second ghost had to come. It was one o’clock of the next day.Minutes after, the ghost appeared from the outside of room. He was the ghost of Christmas present. He took to Scrooge out the room.

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The ghost had the power for spread happiness, and spread it as they passed.They saw how the people were very joyful on the Christmas day, despite their needs or where they live. The family of Scrooge’s clerk was a good example.

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Then they came to Fred’s house. Fred invited to Scrooge to dinner with his family and friends, but he didn’t want to go. There were many people in the party. Fred told to people when he gone to his uncle´s house and how Scrooge punished himself and how the money didn´t do him any good.

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Finally, all the same, they toasted for him and wished him a merry Christmas and happy new year.Then Scrooge and the ghost traveled to other places and gave more happiness along the way.

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After, the ghost showed to Scrooge two children that appeared under his robe. They were the ignorance and the want personified. Scrooge was worried about that, because he was always stingy and never thought help poor people. He didn’t care actually.Then the ghost disappeared when the clock struck twelve.

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Chapter four: The last Ghost

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The last ghost appeared, but he didn’t talk.

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The ghost took to Scrooge to a funeral. There, the people talked about the deceased and how they didn’t care almost anything about him.

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After, they saw how one family was happy with the death of the man which funeral they have just seen, because that family was saved to the debts.Scrooge´s clerk had a tiny child with a physical disability. The child was a little lame and used crutch to walk.As the ghost was the ghost of Christmas to come, he showed to Scrooge that the child had died some days before the Christmas day, and the Bob’s family was happy anyway, because the child was very kind, dreamer and softhearted, and leaved to his family a very good message to keep in happiness.

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After that, the ghost showed to Scrooge a grave in the cemetery. The he saw the name on the grave. It was his name.In that moment, he understood that the dead man of the funeral and the man who died and made happy to the poor family which he saw, it was him.

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Then Scrooge promised change his behavior and to be a better person. Worried assured have learned the lessons because he wanted change his dark future.When Scrooge asked to the ghost how he can change his future, the ghost disappeared.

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Chapter five: The end

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Scrooge was in his room again. He was very happy and excited because he was back in time and would change his life.It was the Christmas day, and he thought that therefore the ghosts visited him in only one night.

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He dressed with his best clothes and went out of his house. In the streets, he greeted and blessed all the people that passed around him.He went to visit his nephew Fred for dinner. And they enjoyed a lot in the feast that night.

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The next day, Bob, Scrooge’s clerk, came a little late to work. Scrooge, at first, pretended to be angry to scare Bob, but after he jumped out of his seat and told that he would give him a raise.

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And that afternoon Scrooge visited Bob’s house and brought presents for all family.

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Scrooge became such a good person and he became known for observing Christmas better than anyone else. Hopefully, we can all be known for that.

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