A Child's World

Affordable Summer Vacations How to get away without breaking open the family piggy bank $3.95 USD The Real Sunny D How much sun is too much sun?


Premier edition of A Child's World. July 2010. A family focused digital magazine. Proceeds go to support the Missing Children Investigation Agency. http://www.kidfind.org ISSN: 2155-3343

Transcript of A Child's World

Page 1: A Child's World

Affordable Summer VacationsHow to get away without breaking open the family piggy bank

$3.95 USD

The Real Sunny DHow much sun

is too much sun?

Page 2: A Child's World

Missing Children Investigation Agency – MCIA can earn a donation every time you search the Internet

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Page 3: A Child's World

Volunteers & StaffVolunteers & StaffVolunteers & Staff

MCIAMCIAMCIAAlbert Schloegel - President/Albert Schloegel - President/Albert Schloegel - President/ Chief Investigator Chief Investigator Chief Investigator

Anthony Coe - Vice President/Anthony Coe - Vice President/Anthony Coe - Vice President/ Senior Investigator Senior Investigator Senior Investigator

Herm Englehart - CFO/Herm Englehart - CFO/Herm Englehart - CFO/ Senior Investigator Senior Investigator Senior Investigator

Eric Soniberg - Sergent of Arms/Eric Soniberg - Sergent of Arms/Eric Soniberg - Sergent of Arms/ Senior Investigator Senior Investigator Senior Investigator

A Child’s WorldA Child’s WorldA Child’s WorldAnthony Coe - Editor-in-ChiefAnthony Coe - Editor-in-ChiefAnthony Coe - Editor-in-Chief

Adrienne Brockington - WriterAdrienne Brockington - WriterAdrienne Brockington - Writer

Cassie Bernier - WriterCassie Bernier - WriterCassie Bernier - Writer

Griffi n Lilly Jr. - WriterGriffi n Lilly Jr. - WriterGriffi n Lilly Jr. - Writer

All production and personnel cost All production and personnel cost All production and personnel cost incurred by First Run Publishing LLCincurred by First Run Publishing LLCincurred by First Run Publishing LLCare donated.are donated.are donated.

All proceeds are donated to MCIA.All proceeds are donated to MCIA.All proceeds are donated to MCIA.

All members of MCIA and A Child’s All members of MCIA and A Child’s All members of MCIA and A Child’s World are volunteers. All logos andWorld are volunteers. All logos andWorld are volunteers. All logos andslogans are trademarks and copyright of slogans are trademarks and copyright of slogans are trademarks and copyright of thier respective companies.thier respective companies.thier respective companies.

The layout and design of A Child’s World The layout and design of A Child’s World The layout and design of A Child’s World magazine was created using Adobe magazine was created using Adobe magazine was created using Adobe InDesign CS4 and Photoshop CS4. The InDesign CS4 and Photoshop CS4. The InDesign CS4 and Photoshop CS4. The entire CS4 Premium Design Suite was entire CS4 Premium Design Suite was entire CS4 Premium Design Suite was donated to MCIA by Adobe through the donated to MCIA by Adobe through the donated to MCIA by Adobe through the TechSoup Organization. TechSoup Organization. TechSoup Organization.

A Child’s World is a monthly publication. A Child’s World is a digital magazine. Single issues can be purchased from various online book and magazine retailers.

A Yearly subscription costs $35.55 USD. Subscriptions can be purchased online at: www.kidfi nd.org, www.fi rstrunpublishing.com or www.fi rstrunpublishing.co.uk.

Also you can subscribe by mail. Send a check or money order in US funds, pay-able to “Missing Children Investigation Agency” and addressed to:

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Copyright 2010 Missing Children Investigation Agency (MCIA).

About MCIAMCIA is a non-profi t 501(c)3 organi-zation and our mission is to locate and return missing, abducted and runaway children as well as children involved in cults. MCIA is a network of volun-teer agents and investigators.

Founded by Albert “Doc” Schloegel PhD, MCIA is an investigation, intel-ligence, organization. Although MCIA is a small organization, MCIA is constantly developing it’s global net-work of volunteers and has maintained a steady success record of returned children both nationwide and interna-tionally.

In 1990 he founded the MCIA and three years later in 1993 incorporated it as a non-profi t, public benefi t orga-nization. In addition to Doc’s current responsibilities with MCIA, he speaks and teaches on missing and abducted children and children in cult matters. He has been featured on television, radio and in newspapers.

All investigative volunteers are highly trained and skilled professionals, able to function effi ciently and effectively on a local or global basis and all meet or exceed MCIA’s high standards of trust, fi delity and tradition. All of MCIA’s volunteers, (investigative and non-investigative) are dedicated caring individuals who make a difference by helping those who cannot help them-selves, the children.

Although MCIA takes all types of missing children cases, our primary emphasis is on cases involving paren-tal abduction and runaway children.

A Child’s World is the monthly publication of the Missing Children Investigation Agency (MCIA) a non-profi t 501(c)3 public benefi torganization. Proceeds from subscription sales and sponsorship ads will go to support MCIA’s mission of locating and returning lost, abducted and runaway children to their homes; as well as funding outreach and educational programs.

A Child’s World is a digital magazine, which focuses on family life and entertainment. Articles, reviews and commentaries are theopinions of the writer and are neither those of MCIA or its offi cers nor board of directors.

Page 4: A Child's World

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A Child’s World is a publication of the Missing Children Investigation Agency (MCIA) a 501(c) 3 nonprofit public benefit organization. Layout and design of this publication was created using the In-Kind donation of Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium, from Adobe. Publishing services made possible through an In-Kind donation from First Run Publishing LLC. 100% of all proceeds go to MCIA to assist MCIA in achieving their mission of returning lost and abducted children to their homes at no cost to the families.

Featured Articles

Affordable Summer Vacations By Cassie Amundson ................. 8Turn Your 2D Scanner into a 3D scanner ...................................10The Real Sunny D By Griffin Lilly Jr. ........................................12Affordable Family Activaties By Cassie Amundson ..................15A Real Hero’s Story By James Cutler ........................................18Passion & Purpose By Adrienne Brockington ...........................23

8 Tips on How to Eat Healthy in College By Griffin Lilly Jr ....24


Wanted in connection with the abduction and concealment of 8 year old Kassandra Gregos.

A felony warrant has been issued in California by the Burbank Police Department. If seen call MCIA 1-818-382-1999.

Call 911 if the child is in immediate danger.

More details on page 15.

Page 5: A Child's World

Camping.jpg Public Domain. Courtesy of www.freeclipartnow.com

Affordable Summer Vacations

As we all know travel these days can get very expensive, especially with gas prices on the rise. There are still some great ways to get out of town and make the most of your summer vacation! A Cruise is a great option for those who live in near in coastal areas. You can skip the flight and drive to the ports. The flights are often more costly than the cruise itself. This option is also great for the summer as many cruise lines offer great sum-mer discounts. Cruises are all inclusive so it’s great for budgeting purposes, no extra fees or trying to estimate food prices. They are also a great family friendly option; most cruise lines offer kid friendly activities on board

throughout the day so that mom and dad have time to re-lax knowing their children are having fun and being well taken care of. Most cruise lines also offer paid excursions that are kid friendly. You also have multiple options for how long you want to be gone and locations you can travel to. Worried about getting sea sick or don’t live in a coastal area? Try checking out a new area of your state. Take a road trip up to a lake for a long weekend or try out a fam-ily camping trip. If you have more time on your hands and budget is not a concern, why not take a longer road trip? Check out the country with your family, see new sights and teach your children about historic areas or stop by some amusement parks along your way. The best

thing you can do is to be open to new ideas. Check out the online travel sites for deals. If your travel dates are flexible you can get some great last minute pricing. Even if a trip is not in your plans this summer take some time and relax with your family. If you’re looking for family activities please check out my article on affordable fam-ily activities.

Cassie AmundsonWriter - MCIA

Now you can support MCIA everytime you shop or travel!

Page 6: A Child's World

AMANDA CALLISON: Who’s who in Covina among Our Youth?By Mary E. Coe - Author/Writer

Amanda could barely walk or talk, when she first started scribbling on papers and books with pencils, crayons, markers or any-thing else she could get her hands on. At first her draw-

ing didn’t look like very much. It was just a baby’s doodle. Her mom just let her scribble and doodle all she wanted. Her mom kept a supply of art papers around so Amanda wouldn’t scribble on the wall. Amanda loved creating with colors and pencils. As she got a little older, the scribble began to take shape and form. By the time she was three years old her, she was no longer scribbling. She was drawing and coloring pictures and backgrounds. When she was around four years old, she brought a drawing to me and said look at this grandma, do you like it? She always sought approval of her work. The drawing was very good. I said this is fantastic, where did you get it? She quickly answered, grandma, I just did it, myself.When Amanda graduated from Kindergarten. She got an award for best use of time. Her teacher said that she never had to tell Amanda to find something to do; in all of her spare time, Amanda would be drawing and color-ing. The teacher said that all she had to do was supply Amanda with paper and pencil and Amanda would just create, create, and create. Amanda never lost her interest in drawing. Her art

Amanda Callison

ArticlesWho’s Who By Mary E. Coe................................ 6Getting Burnt Out By Erica Mills ....................... 8Learn to Sala ByAndrewGomes .......................... 9How to Make Apple Salad By T. Charles ............12Critics Corner Review By Jennifer Lewis ...........13Why Teens Like Gossip Girls Online ................. 14Kids Bed By Russel Lyndon ............................... 26True Victims of Divorce By Ruth Purple ........... 26The Tooth, The Whole Tooth By C. Goodman ...28Reduce Your Carbin Footprint By C. Meagher .. 29Digital Photography By Dan Eitreim ................. 31

Photos & ArtworkPublicDomainPictures.netFlowe Pot By Frits AniefeldtBallroom By Kevin TomesFruitBy AnnaCervovaSpy Museum By Peter GriffinA Child’s Gaze By Peter GriffinThree Business Men By Peter Griffin


Photos8.comBed 7Girl with Camera

For advertising rates and info contact Anthony Coe at [email protected] you want to volunteer as a writer, contact Anthony Coe at [email protected]

Page 7: A Child's World

work got better and better as she got older. It went from good, to very good, to WOW! Amanda was never lucky enough to get into an art class in Junior High. The class was always full. By now she was putting out very professional looking work. Even though she never got into an art class at school; she and one other student that was lucky enough to get into art class; was named artist of the year, in the Junior High School year book.Drawing is a talent Amanda was born with; and she happens to love drawing very much.When she gets bored, or upset, she will just take out her drawing pad or sketch book and start sketching some-thing. Many times, she would sketch something on the white board and erase it. We are trying to break her of this habit; because her art work is so awesome. Amanda enrolled in High School, in the 2007 – 2008 school year; all of the beginners and intermediate art classes were full. Since Amanda never had an art class before, it was understood that she must start in the be-ginner’s class.Amanda’s mom really wanted her in an art class. So, her mom talked to personnel at the school; and asked them if there was anyway possible they could get Amanda into an art class. The beginner and intermediate art classes already had a long waiting list; Amanda would just have to add her name to the long list. Her mom showed personnel some of Amanda’s sketches. After viewing the sketches, personnel told Amanda’s mom that there were openings in the advance art class. However, that was a very hard class to get into; especially without any prior training. Amanda’s mom was advised to talk to the art instructor.The art instructor said; all students had to be tested before entering her class. She had to make sure the student could handle the advance class. Only those who passed the test could enter the class. Amanda was nervous about the test; however, on testing day, she was there. The art instructor placed a large picture in front of the class room; the students had to draw the picture. Only the students with the very best entries would be accepted into the advance art class. Amanda passed the test with flying colors. She is now one of the top students in the class. Amanda is the only freshmen in the class. Her class grade is A+. She is the best student in inks and texture.Her favorite is drawing animie characters. Her GPA is 3.6. She also played on the school’s Tennis Team this past fall.Amanda never ceased to amaze me; it didn’t stop at just her drawing. She has always been very smart. When she was two and a half, It slipped my mind that she knew her colors very well. One day I was babysitting her; she asked for her yellow toy duck. There were several ducks lying around, but not the yellow one. She became very fussy because we couldn’t find her yellow duck. I was very busy with my house work; so I decided to substitute. I gave her an orange duck, and said here is a nice duck. She said that’s not it. She wanted that yel-low duck and I wanted to get some house work done. I picked out a lime color duck, and said, Amanda, here’s a very nice duck. She said that’s not my yellow duck. Low and behold, I found that yellow duck. As I was approaching her; she said that’s it! Amanda sat and held the little yellow toy duck and starred at me for a few seconds. Then she held out her duck and said, “see, grandma, this is yellow, this is my yellow duck.” Editorial Note: This article was written when Amanda was in junior high school. Amanda Callison Graduated this year, 2010 from high school and will be starting her freshman year in College this fall.

Page 8: A Child's World

Getting Burnt Out

Focus and motivation is some-thing important when it comes to learning how to play the guitar. But at least once in your life, you come to a point where you seem to just lose all of the inspiration, motivation, dedication and all other values that you can think of when it comes to playing the guitar. Almost every musician goes through a phase in their lives that they experience this sort of burning out with their musical prowess. This is normally marked by the feeling of being bored, un-inspired, or simply darn lazy. This does not mean that you have to-tally lost the interest in music. This simply means that you are going through a phase that most people who have real passion for music

go through. This phase is when musicians tend to lose focus and lose perspective of their music.

There are millions of reasons why you would burn out when it comes to playing the guitar. Every person has their own personal reason for experiencing or going through this phase. One of the most common reasons for losing interest in playing the guitar is the slowing down of a guitar player’s progress, so to speak. One of the most fulfilling things for any per-son is to be able to see how much progress they are making when it comes to accomplishing tasks. And when you have learned most of the basic techniques and theo-

Erica Mills - Courtesy of ArticleCity.com

ries on the guitar, you will sense that there is some kind of slowing on your accomplishments in gui-tar playing. What most people do not realize is there are a whole lot of more advanced goals that you can set in order for you to become a better guitar player.

As mentioned earlier, guitar play-ers often overlook the other more complicated techniques that they can learn on the guitar. Sure, there are a lot of guitar players who do not lose the commitment and motivation. But there are also a lot who lose goals when it comes to guitar playing. Of course, without any goal to reach, there’s no point in going through the journey right? At this point, what you need to do is to find a reason that will get you back on your feet and start playing some tunes again. This reason may be a new guitar technique or putting up a rock band. Find that one reason that will get you the drive and the inspiration to become a better guitar player. Make sure that this reason is clear, vivid and really important to you.

As what was said, the reason for a guitar player’s burning out is unique for each person. But no matter what these reasons are, you have to remember that you need to focus. Look for a goal that will definitely get your wheels turning. You don’t have to do extensive research. You don’t have to talk to experts. All you need is to get your goals into perspec-tive. When you have them in clear view, do something to reach them. It’s really that simple and easy to do.

Courtesy of PublicDomainPictures.net

Page 9: A Child's World

Learn salsa with fun, be it a classroom or a workshop

ByAndrew Gomes Free Reprint Articles www.free-reprint-articles.com

Salsa is a Spanish word which means sauce. Salsa can be of two types. One is, a partner dance and another is a performance dance. The dancers don’t need to use the entire stage. Salsa workshops are arranged time to time throughout the world. The chief aim of these workshops is to teach salsa to the people who have a flair for danc-ing. As for the busy businessmen and corporate executives, salsa workshops are arranged for only a few days like a two day or three day or even the unbelievable one day salsa workshops.

In training workshops on salsa, the main training that is given is the basics of this sensual form of dance. All over the world, there are many diverse forms of salsa. Like, in the U.S they have dif-ferent types of salsa in different provinces. But among them, the most popular is the one that is per-formed in New York. These types are extracts of the original dance form called ‘Mambo’.

The Basics Taught in Salsa Work-shops

As said earlier, salsa steps vary from dancer to dancer depending on the culture that the dancer be-longs to and each dancer’s dancing style has its own distinctiveness. Timing, like with any other dance form, is very important in salsa. There are terms also to describe the steps. The rhythm and the mu-sic should also coordinate with the steps. It should never be too fast or

too slow. If one dancer is moving fast, the other should also move very fast. Together, they should start with a tap and then gradually move to fast stepping.

In traditional styles of salsa, the man is the leader and the woman is the follower. The leader gives claves to the follower. Claves means the foot movements of the dancers in between the beats of the music. If you can put your steps in sync with the partner’s, there’s no stopping you from becoming a good salsa dancer. But, you have to practice a lot. CDs, DVDs, online tutorials or even classroom sessions or workshop sessions won’t do any good unless you practice. And when you practice, invite your family or friends to see it. Because, then you will get to know your flaws. Remember, it is extremely difficult to master all the steps of salsa.

If you don’t like to exercise, you don’t have to. Instead, take salsa lessons. Salsa can help you lose weight and get in great shape. At the same time, you will get to enjoy a lot since it is an exciting dance and who knows, you might find your dream partner.

Ballroom by Kevin Tomes - Courtesy www.PublicDomainPictures.net

Page 10: A Child's World

Three dimensional (3D) scanning may sound like something from the future or at the very least it’s very expensive. If you ask most people they will tell you that you are right on both accounts. Practical use of 3D scanners is far in the future for personal use. The 3D scanners that are used for commercial and medi-cal use are extremely expensive.

I’m going to tell you about a very little known secret I learned in col-lege in a graphics design class. It transforms your old fl atbed scanner into a high tech 3D graphics scan-ner using a very simple and inex-pensive upgrade adapter.3D scanning requires that the im-age being scanned is scanned from three separate angles simulations. By understanding a very simple principal of light and color you can get 3D effects from your fl atbed scanner.1. Light is the collection of all spectrums (colors of the rainbow).2. Dark is the absence of light.

3. White is the absence of all color.4. Black is the collection of all color (RGB - Red, Green, Blue) First you will need an old or new fl atbed scanner. If you don’t have a fl atbed scanner and are considering buying one after you read this ar-ticle I suggest you go to someplace like Wal-Mart or Target or even

Best Buy ad pick up a cheap 3D fl atbed scanner. By Cheap, I mean around $50.00 to $75.00. There is no need to go out and buy an ex-pensive scanner for this project. Next you will need a shoe box. Yes you read it right. You will need a shoe box. Make sure it’s in excel-lent condition. If you don’t have a shoe box lying around go to your local shoe store, they usually have a stray box or two lying around. You don’t need a lid. You should get multiple show boxes. I’ll go into detail later as to why you may need additional shoe boxes. Finally you will need a can of fl at black paint. Don’t use a glossy

paint. It’s very important that you use fl at paint. Flat paint will absorb the light and the glossy paint will refl ect it back during the scanning process and wash out your image. Take some old newspaper and go outside and spray the inside of the shoebox if shoeboxes with the fl at black paint. Allow it to dry and repeat if needed. The entire inside should be painted with no area exposed. Let the shoe box dry com-pletely overnight. If you use the shoe box before it dries completely you can damage your scanner.Here’s how it works. You will use the shoe box, which you spray painted a fl at black to trap and absorb the light surrounding the object to objects you are scanning. The result will be a stunning 3D graphic which can be used to spice up a webpage, newsletter or blog. Let’s say you’re writing an article about fi nances. The only thing missing is a killer graphic. You can crumple up a dollar bill and place it on your fl atbed scanner scanning glass. Place the shoe box over the dollar bill. Don’t worry about clos-ing the lid. Most fl atbed scanners

How to turn your old 2D fl at screen scanner into a high tech 3D scannerBy Anthony Coe - Editor, A Child’s World

Page 11: A Child's World

allow you to remove the lid com-pletely. Scan in your item at 300 or 600 dpi (dots per an inch). There is no need to scan at any higher resolution. Since the light is being absorbed by the flat black paint

the shadows are more pronounced and you have created your first 3D graphic. Let’s say your child has a sci-ence project due on acorns and needs a photo or graphic. You can search for hours to find the perfect graphic. Or you can walk out into your lawn and pick up a few acorns from the ground. You can scan the in the same manner has the dollar bill using the shoebox or you can scan multiple acorns at once for a 3D cluster effect.Not everything has to be laid directly on top of the scanner. You can take a bouquet of flowers and push the steams through the top of the shoe box and allow them to hangs directly above the scanner glass without touching it. Or you can attach paper clips from the top of the shoebox and hang other items from the paper clips. If you use paper clip do you best to make sure the item you are scanning hides the paper clip.Play with different objects and configurations. You will find many practical business and family fun uses for it. You will breathe new life into your old boring scanner. You can of course still use your scanner for scanning pictures and documents. But now you have a more exciting use for it.

How to Make Apple and Banana SaladBy Twinomugisha Charles Courtesy of ArticleCity.comIf you want to learn how to make Apple and Banana Salad, you’ll be pleased to know it is not a difficult undertaking. Every time is the perfect time to gather fresh Apples a fresh Bananas and make the recipe for apple and banana salad recipe. It’s easy, and it’s delicious. Apple and Banana Salad is one of the best Tanzanian salad recipes. On this page we will guide you about ingredients and methods of making this Tanzanian fruit salad. INGREDIENTS TO MAKE APPLE AND BANANA SALAD •1x egg, separated •2/3cup Sugar •2tbl flour •2tbl butter •1cup water •1tsp vanilla

DIRECTIONS TO MAKE APPLE AND BANANA FOOD SALAD 1. Beat yolk of egg, Add Sugar, flour, and butter and mix thoroughly. 2. Put in saucepan and put on stove. 3. Add water and stir constantly until it boils. 4. Let this cool completely. 5. Add vanilla and gently fold in egg white which has been stiffly beaten. 6. Pour sauce over diced Apples and bananas. Enjoy your delicious Tanzania Apple and banana salad recipe with your friend and guest. One of the true blessings of our modern age is the all-year round avail-ability of fresh vegetables and fruit on the shelves of supermarkets. Using them in salads is a fast and easy way to boost your health, supply your diet with vitamins and antioxidants, and ensure that your waist always stays lean. Furthermore, did you know that fresh veggie salads eaten with the right fats on a daily basis, are one of our best protectors against coronary heart disease and cancer? You may wish to arrange salads elegantly on large plates to celebrate the dish in the European fashion. Whichever way you choose to eat them though, salads can be a quick, refreshing and delicious part of your healthy lifestyle!

Fruit - Photo by Anna Cervova - Courtesy of public-Domain-Pictures.net

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The Real Sunny DBy Griffi n Lilly Jr.

What is the common message that health professionals have showered upon the society about sunlight? Many talking heads have said with exaggerated zeal like a tabloid magazine: Too much sun will kill you! The sun exposure will make you glow fl uorescent green! Too much sun will cause your body to explode into a blazing ball of mol-ten fi re! Okay, I am stretching it. I digress. The fact is the sun can be your best friend and help you achieve robust health.

Sunlight produces a little known hormone in the body that has been mislabeled as Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol -pronounced koh•luh•kal•sif•uh•rawl). Current research has implicated vitamin D defi ciency as a major factor in the pathology of at least 17 varieties of cancer as well as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteo-porosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, periodontal disease, and more.

Now we have established the importance of Vitamin D3, here are some safe ways to activate this vital hormone into your life: • Regularly receive midday sun exposure in the late spring, summer, and early fall, exposing as much of the skin as possible (being careful to never burn) (Author’s note: Vitamin D3 expect suggest sun exposure levels – 20 minutes in the sun and double this number if one is dark skinned. You can

expose your arms and legs to get the healing rays. Afterward, use an organic sunscreen to protect the skin.). • Regularly use a sun bed (avoiding sunburn) during the colder months. • Take 5,000 IU per day (Au-thor’s note: Whole Food Vitamin D3 is preferred) for 2–3 months, then obtain a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test (Author’s note: Your PCP can order this test for you). Adjust your dosage so that blood levels are between 50–80 ng/mL (or 125–200 nM/L) year-round. The sun has been made the villain long enough. Let’s take the villain hat off the sun. Don’t be scared of the sun at all and take advantage of getting the real sunny D today. Sources used for this article: www.vitamindcouncil.org/; www.drbenkim.com

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Spectacular Stunts of the A-Team Appeal To Action LoversBy: Jennifer Lewis - ArticleCity.comMen around the world like action and thrills in the movies they watch. Romance is just not their type. Recently many romantic-comedy films had released but certainly most of the men didn’t enjoy them. English movies are known for delivering breathtaking action films. An upcoming movie The A-Team is all set for release and will surely appeal to those who love action. The movie is about a team of four men on the run. They are running because three of them have escaped from military prison. They were caught for the crime they didn’t commit. The team members engage in various creative weaponry, disguises and other plans when they help others during their evade from military and law. All these scenes have lot of action and thrills which action lovers will enjoy watching. Quinton Ramone Jackson very well known as Rampage Jackson is an American mixed martial artist and actor, his presence in the movie indicate how much action it has. Along with Jackson all the other actors have also performed breath-taking stunts. Since the movie is based on military it will surely have many fighting and adventurous scenes. Men in UAE are adventurous so they will like this action thriller the most. Not only men but also women will love this extraordi-nary action-thriller.

Critics Corner

Book & Movie Reviews

Page 14: A Child's World

Why Teenagers like to watch Gossip Girl online?By Jones Parker – ArticlesFactory.com Every teenager likes to watch Gossip Girls Online. Actually they love the things which gossip girl series explain in very good manner. That’s way this show always counts in brilliant and best series. One of the major reasons why teenagers watch gossip girl on-line is because of Blake Lively and Leighton Meester who play Serena van der Woodsen and Blair Waldorf respectively.

It is right to say that every teenager on this earth loves to watch Gossip Girl online, today. All the teenagers in the show serve as role models of fashion all over the world. Well, why shouldn’t they? The show is abso-lutely brilliant and you will realize that when you view some Gossip Girl episodes on any subscription web-site available on the Internet. Mind you, you should use a subscription website because they are the safest way to view entertainment.However there are many more factors that you should

acknowledge as the reasons behind watching the show.1. When you like to watch Gossip Girl online and sit down to view it at your own sweet will, you will realize that the show is simply brilliant. It is pos-sibly the best teenage drama in a span of many years and will probably stay on that spot for many years to come. Already in its fourth season and the show is do-ing wonders.2. The show is extremely popular with teen-agers as well as those who have crossed the wee years of their lives. The show’s characters and their mind games are such that even if you are not a teenager, you will want to remember the times you did the same

things in your schools. So, it is suggestible that any of you out there, should get Gossip Girl episodes of your own. If you are thinking of how and where to get the same, then you should know that you can download the same from any subscription website on the internet.3. Another reason why teenagers today love the show is because the show is setting standards as far as viewership is concerned. Although the show saw some very bad numbers in the past but that does not mean that the show is being rejected by viewers. The show had taken the cyber world by a storm and people all around the world were getting them-selves a Gossip Girl down-load on the Internet through

various subscription websites that hosted the shows.4. One of the major reasons why teenagers watch gossip girl online is because of Blake Lively and Leighton Meester who play Serena van der Wood-sen and Blair Waldorf respectively. They are two diametrical opposites of each other and that is what attracts the audience towards the show. Their constant difference is what is the main attraction of the show? You will understand this only when you view Gossip Girl episodes.

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So those people who still do not watch Gossip Girl online should know that this is the right time to begin enjoying the magic of Gossip Girl. They can get the various episodes from any subscription website and delve into the everlasting games of secrets and love affairs. You should watch the show on subscription websites , since they offer better quality and are safer than free websites.

Affordable Family ActivitiesBy Cassie Amundson - Article Writer A Child’s WorldAre you looking for some fun affordable activities the whole family can enjoy? Well look no further; this ar-ticle will cover a multitude of options that are afford-able or free. The first stop I suggest is your local thrift shop or garage sales. Here you can get many of the essential items you will need for these activities such as outdoor equipment, board games, and crafts. Once you have your supplies check out some of these family friendly options. Have a board game night. Get a variety of board games and pop some popcorn and make a night out of playing some new games that the whole family will enjoy. Are you more interested in using online systems? Rent a new video game like Hasbro Family Game Night and you can have game night in a new way through the TV. Teach the kids a new sport. Pick up some used sport-ing equipment and teach the kids a new sport. Or pick up a sporting pack at a local retailer such as Target, Wal-Mart, or K-mart. These packs come with 8 games in them and are normally below $20.00. This will pro-vide you with hours of entertainment and won’t break the bank. Try out new crafts. Even if you are not the most cre-ative person, I fall into this category, you can still have a lot of fun putting some crafts together. Jewelry is a great option for beginners; this only requires sturdy string or wire, beads and pliers or wire crimpers. Most of these things you probably have on hand and the beads can often be found at the thrift store, or a local craft store.

Photo by PeterGriffin - PublicDomainPictures.net

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You can also check out your local newspaper to see what is going on in your area each week. Many ar-eas offer free or cheaper admission on specifi c days to things like art museums, children’s museums or science museums. Also, many areas have things like music or movies in the park as well as readings at your local library. You can also go online and see if your city has a power pass. These passes are normally used by tourists to places but they are great if you have a week off and want to show the family around the area. These passes cover admission and other perks for attractions such as

amusement parks, museums, and zoo’s. They also of-fer discounts on shopping and tours in your area. You can buy them in different increments so even if you only have a couple days you can pack a lot in with one of these passes and save quite a bit over list price for these activities. No matter what you decide to do this summer, make sure that you spend some quality time with the family and enjoy yourself!

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Parental Abduction AlertA

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Abducted: October 14, 2005

DOB: July 16, 2002

Age: 8 years oldAbducting Parent

Kassandra Gregos Gabriela Martinez BarnettOn March 07, 2006 a felony warrant was issued for the arrest of Gabriela Martinez Barrett for the abduction and concealment of Kassandra Gregos. The Missing Children Investiga-tion Agency has been assigned to the case on behalf of Kassandra Gregos by her father, the custodial parent.

If seen or if you have information contact:Senior Investigator SchloegelMissing Children Investigation Agency1-818-382-1999 (Not a toll free number)Or Contact the Burbank Police Department (California)1-818-283-3000 (Not a toll free number)Call 911 if you believe the child is in immediate danger.

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MISSING CHILDREN : A REAL HERO’S STORYBy James Cuttler - Reporter - Reprinted with permissionBURBANK (CA/USA) There is a warrior out there, a mercenary by any other word. But not like the stereotype portrayed on TV or in the movies as you might think. He is the real deal and a hero to hundreds of people. He travels the world and saves children.He locates children that are missing, abducted, runaway or in cults worldwide and returns them to their rightful parent(s) or guardian. Sometimes at great personal risk of injury, death, or imprisonment and almost always for free.He will be the first to tell you, he is “not politically correct” he does what has to be done, period!Armed only with a burning desire to right a wrong, and a golden heart. He carries out his task, using skill and raw guts. He has been to about every country in the world and hasn’t failed yet. Who is he?He is, Albert Schloegel, known to most people as “Doc”, he is the Founder and President of the Missing Chil-dren Investigation Center (MCIC) a non profit organization, based in Burbank, California, USA.His organization, MCIC, is a small global network of volunteer investigators whose sole purpose it is to locate and return children that are missing, abducted, runaway or in cults both nationwide as well as internationally.Doc is constantly adding more volunteers from all over the world, both investigative and non- investigative. He currently has volunteers in many states of the U.S. as well as several other countries and his network is grow-ing.Doc and his organization have amassed a very impressive success record, and in quoting Doc, “The difficult I do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer!” He and his organization is constantly making the impos-sible mission, possible!. Over and over!Doc is not new to doing the difficult and impossible. He has suffered from the devastating effects Multiple Sclerosis for over 30 years, but you would not it to look at him. He has not let this debilitating disease deter him from his mission of mercy, and if anything, it has made him even more determined in overcoming adversities.He (Doc) does his work quietly and smoothly, or as he likes to say, he “schmoozes” (soft and smooth) the case. In his words; “If done right, the child should be home having dinner, before the abductor even knows the child is gone”In reality this is a slight exaggeration, as there has been quite a few times where Doc and the child got out of a country or situation just seconds ahead of those trying to prevent him from doing his job.Although Doc works primarily on his own, on certain domestic and international and cult cases, he is assisted by an elite group of MCIC members, known as the “MCIC, Special Operation Team” Developed, trained and led by Doc, The Special Operations Team or SOT also known as The Omega Group as it is called, is a highly skilled group, made up of professionals like Doc.The members of the SOT come from a variety of backgrounds ranging from local and international investiga-tion, regular and special law enforcement, intelligence and military.The SOT conducts low profile, clandestine and covert returns (rescues) of children illegally taken from their home or country, in violation of a court custody order.They don’t do it armed to the teeth with bandoleers of ammunition across their chest, with guns blazing, “Camo” painted faces and rappelling from hovering helicopters dressed in “commando suits”.Doc says “This isn’t an action movie, this is REAL life, with the lives of real children and parents in the bal-ance, and believe me, there is enough action as it is”.Doc said that “over the last several years he has had an alarming increase in calls for help, not only for children missing and abducted within the United States, but internationally abducted children as well as children in cults

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and this is an unsettling trend”.With a little over 1.5 million children missing, abducted, runaway or throwaway every year in the United States, (U.S. Dept. of Justice NISMART study) there is a constant and growing need for his services.In addition to the locating and returning of abducted children in the U.S. and abroad, he has infiltrated and re-turned (rescued) many children that were in a variety of cults.These are usually children that were either seduced into the cult, or taken by an abducting parent, friend or rela-tive, and the children returned from cults have not been restricted to the U.S. either. He has returned children from several countries and some “well known” cults.On one specific case I witnessed, Doc and a few of his team members, went to the abductors cousins residence, knowing that the abductor was not there. Dressed in business suits and armed with Cameras and lights he con-tacted the cousin and asked for the abductor.Displaying disappointment that the “abductor was not present”, Doc advised the cousin that the abductor has won first prize in an “All expense paid vacation as well as a large cash award, in the “Getaway Sweepstakes”. (Doc’s sense of humor again). Doc held out a (phony) check for $50,000.00 for the cousin to see, make out in the abductors name. Feigning disappointment, Doc and the “Camera crew” (all investigators), began to leave when the cousin came running after Doc and asked if Doc had a number the abductor could reach him. (Doc smiled, knowing that the “hook” had sunk in.Doc provided a “special” phone number and told the abductor’s cousin that this “sweepstakes award” was “time sensitive”, meaning the abductor needed to call right away or forfeit the prize.Three days later the abductor called Doc, Doc provided for the abductor and his children (the victims) to fly to the U.S. and to meet at an exclusive hotel where the abductor would be wined and dined.During the wining and dining and cameras rolling, Doc received word the police had successfully retrieved the children from the hotel room provided to the abductor by Doc.At this point Doc announced that he wanted to get pictures of the abductor (Prize winner) receiving the award check.As Doc presented the phony check to the abductor, Doc also advised the abductor, that there was an additional surprise, and that was that the abductor’s all expense paid vacation was going to start immediately.Doc then introduced the local police detectives and advised the abductor that he was under arrest for Interna-tional Parental Kidnapping and his “vacation” was going to be in a jail cell, and not to worry about his children, they were already in the custody of their mother.Doc and everyone present got a good laugh when the abductor in all seriousness asked “if he got to keep the check”!!Although Doc does a lot of international work, he works primarily with parentally abducted and runaway chil-dren within in the U.S.. Backed by his network of volunteer investigators he continues to develop his growing success record.Doc started by agreeing to return just one child in 1982, that had been internationally abducted to the middle East. He found it the experience to be both extremely rewarding and a satisfying. That over was 20 years ago and he has been going strong ever since..Since then he has located and returned several hundred children both nationwide as well as internationally, and ALL for free.In 1993 he formally founded his organization, the Missing Children Investigation Center and incorporated it as a national non profit, and public benefit organization.Coming from a strong background in domestic (U.S.) and international fugitive investigation an intelligence, he

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is the right person for the right job at the right time.Doc said he only mounts an aggressive rescue operation as a last resort, once all negotiations, such as, legal, diplomatic and political remedies have been exhausted.This reporter had the opportunity to accompany Doc on several assignments (operations) and I found him to be professional, resourceful, “very creative” and sometimes quite humorous.With his short hair turning silver, a twinkle in his eye, a slight smile on his face and his talent for truly innova-tive and creative solutions to almost impossible situations, I was reminded of Colonel John “Hannibal” Smith, the silver haired leader, on the television series, “The A-Team”.On one of several operations in which this reporter accompanied Doc, he was working on a case where the non-custodial father had abducted his children first to another state and then out of the country and had put the word out he would kill anyone who came after him.This didn’t slow Doc down, it only seemed to make him more determined. Doc was hot on his trail, and after a very painstaking, long and detailed investigation, Doc located the father living under an assumed name in another country.Doc contacted the child’s mother and had her join him, Doc said in the event of a return of this type having the parent with you at the time of the contact with the victim, greatly reduces the emotional trauma to the child.Doc knew he could not count on any of the local authorities for any form of assistance. In short, he was on his own, and with the patience of JOB he constantly monitored the fathers residence for just the “right window of opportunity”.Then it happened, the children were in the right place at the right time, Doc along with the mother intercepted the children and we were off.My heart was pounding, the mother and her children were hugging and crying tears of joy. They (the children) kept saying “We didn’t think you loved us anymore, Daddy said you didn’t love/want us”.After some incredible switching around, changing cars and clothes, and some very creative talking we were fi-nally across the border and to an airport and finally on our way home. It was an experience to remember, I don’t think I breathed until we touched down in the good old U.S. of A. Except for the total lack of guns and shooting, I felt like I was in a James Bond, or Ronin movie. Doc is very good at what he does. He and the other team members and volunteer investigators I’ve met in his organization are very dedicated and skilled professionals.It was a pleasure to be allowed inside this unique organization and allowed to participate as an observer in some of his cases.I asked Doc what is his primary concern on cases, and if he is ever armed on these operations and he said “My primary concern is always the well being of the victim (child).The object is to locate and return the child safely, and that takes patience and planning”, he further stated, “the welfare and safe return of the child is always the primary concern, even over my or my teams safety”.In regards to being armed? With a twinkle in his eye, He said “Yes, always!!, a left one and a right one!” hold-ing up his left and right arm and smiling.He went on to say, this is not a “Golly wanna be a gung ho warrior” or “combat military assault operation”, it is a quiet intelligence operation, in short, a rescue, and a very quiet one.The words clandestine and covert clearly describe his operations. Weapons, guns, confrontation and conflict do not.I also asked if he has ever been injured, or lost a client. He said, he has had his share of “bumps and bruises” but

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keeps on going.As far losing a client? “That is NOT an option” he stated flatly. I understood clearly, he would rather sacrifice himself, pass or delay a case, rather than have injury come to a child or client.Run on a shoe string and primarily by Doc, he has to go out and find funding for each and every case, this can be very difficult and frustrating, and sometimes the money is just not there, sometimes the money for the case actually comes out of Doc’s own pocket.Most of the cases, investigations, operations are done solely by Doc. His team, when he uses them, are true pro-fessionals and everyone is absolutely dedicated to the safe return of the child.This reporter witnessed more than one teary reunion of a child and parent, and I can tell you it was heart warm-ing, and said more than I could ever say here. I’m still glowing just from having been allowed to participate as an observer.I spoke to several parents of abducted and runaway children, as well as children that were in cults that Doc has located and returned, and the story was basically the same from all of them.They (parents) had no options, the government was either unable or unwilling to help them.Private Investigators, and so called private recovery organizations as well as bounty hunters and mercenaries they had contacted for help, wanted large amounts of money and sometimes wanted money to just “discuss the case” and of course there were never any guarantees from these so called “experts”!!.Most of the parents had little or no money. They felt distraught, helpless and powerless until they met Doc. He promised to do his best, reassured them, and then did what he said he would do. He got their children back, and for free!The many case stories Doc has would fill a book on their own, but suffice it to say, The many different things and cases Doc does, would take to long to report, but be assured the world is a better place because he is here.Sitting on Doc’s desk is a white horse rearing up with a knight in shinning armor holding his sword high, a “White Knight” given to Doc by a grateful client. More than appropriate in this reporter’s opinion.

Editorial Note: The above article was written prior to Missing Children Investigation Agency (MCIA) changed its name from Missing Children Investigation Center (MCIC). MCIA was given permission to update the article to reflect the name change, for editorial reasons the article was not updated and this note was included.

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Passion & PurposeBy Adrienne Brockington - Writer - A Child’s WorldYou are chosen to live a life that encompasses passion and purpose. Passion is the enthusiasm that motivates you everyday no matter what the circumstances. Purpose is fulfilling your passion intentionally for the good of others, yourself, and the world. You are able to identify your passions when you know who you are and your strengths. It might be that you are strong in math, writing, creating, cooking, nurturing, or singing. We all have a passion in us that ought to be fulfilled.

Whatever your passions might be, pursue it with purpose and good intentions. Don’t allow your passions to fade away because of your age, situation, or because someone said otherwise. Purposely strive little by little to manifest your passions into your everyday life. Once you have implemented this process, your life will become sweeter and sweeter. The stresses that you had will start to diminish.

Living a life of passion and purpose is one that is not always carried out. So I challenge you today not to allow another day to go by without tapping into your passions. Your passion(s) are a natural gift for you to use that will radiate in your heart, mind, words, and actions. Don’t hinder any longer. Move forward and bring your life into passion and purpose. The world is waiting for you!!


Write and tell me what your passions are?What makes you enthusiac about life?

[email protected]

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8 Tips On How To Eat Healthy In Collegeby Griffin J. Lilly Jr. - Writer - A Child’s World

Ah, college days. Nothing like stuffy rooms that smell like wet sweat socks and sausages. Pulling later cram-ming sessions. Living off of I. V.s filled with Red Bull and Vitamin Water. Rude awakening, huh? College life can be a real proving ground for those who want to strive for optimum health and to stay that way.

Here are 8 tips on how to keep your health in stellar condition while in college (even if you are on a budget!):

1. Always have breakfast. Nothing depletes your energy reserves more that not having a solid breakfast to start your day. Nourish your body with good meats such as beef (hopefully you have someone who knows someone who knows someone who offers grass fed), eggs, and healthy eggs. 2. Make water your best friend for life. Water is essential to the vitality of your day. So make the time to make sure you are getting adequate amounts through either carrying your own stainless steel water bottle (BPA free). Want flavored water? Add lemon or lime juice to perk up your water.3. Keep healthy snacks on hand for grazing. You never know when the munchies may sneak up on you. You can have a daily stash of healthy snacks (e.g. granola, protein bars) on hand to help curb your appetite.4. Plan for emergencies. Maybe you get bogged down with a project and the cafe’ is closed and nothing is open except dreaded fast food. Don’t fret. Do what you can most restaurants have a nutritional breakdown on their meals. 5. Find like minded people. Great way to stay on track about your health. You can even team up to figure out how to partner to buy grass fed meats and organic vegetables by combining your resources. 6. Find a farmer’s market. This is also key. If you can find a farmer’s market , you can team up with your support team to buy food together and have meals together in order to stretch your budget.7. Use what you have in your food cabinet. Not sure what to have. You can visit Recipe Puppy (reci-pepuppy.com) to put all the ingredients you have on hand and the site will offer suggestion in recipes. Don’t you adore technology?8. Be flexible. Maybe there are days where you will “fall off the wagon.” This is okay because you can get back on.

Sources used for this article: http://healthed.uoregon.edu/10tips.htm, http://www.ehow.com/how_2079502_eat-healthy-college.html

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Amazing Grace ISBN: 978-0-9824132-1-0

Written by: Jerome-Paul

Publisher: First Run Publishing LLC

To those whom much is given; sometimes too much is asked in return.

If you could cure illness with a simple touch, would you? Does your answer change if it’s for a family member versus a friend? What about a total stranger? Imagine being faced with this type of dilemma everyday

Zoë has never felt the joy a simple touch can bring. From the moment of her birth, someone else’s touch has always brought her great pain and sorrow. Born a true empath Zoë must shelter herself from the world around her. Her only wish is to be able to live a normal life and feel the touch of another human with-out fear or pain.

Chased from state to state by a reporter who wants to expose Zoë’s abilities to the world as a miracle cure, Zoë and her family must always look over their shoulders never knowing a moment’s peace; never knowing true love.

When you purchase Amazing Grace online at Amazon.com via GoodShop.com, Amazon will make a donation to Missing Children Investigation Agency.

1. Signup with GoodShop.com and select Missing Children Investigation Agency as your charity. 2. Then click the GoodShop.com link and select Amazon.com.3. Shop on Amazon.com as you normally do.4. Once you pay for your order Amazon.com will make a donation between 0.5 – 1.5% to Missing Chil-dren Investigation Agency based on your total sales.

Be sure to bookmark GoodShop.com. There are many other merchants who will make a donation to Missing Children Investigation Agency when you shop throughGoodShop.com

Page 26: A Child's World

Kids BedBy Russel Lyndon - ArticleCity.com

Kids beds are often a tough item for parents to pur-chase. Not only does a child have to enjoy the comfort and look of their bed, the kids beds also has to be prac-tical. Children grow out of beds fast, the bed has to fit in a certain space, and generally speaking, it has to be safe to get into and out of. All of these factors greatly affect how parents have to shop for their children. For-tunately, kids beds are small, usually fairly cheap, and there are great number of styles and types out there on the market. Almost any type of bed can be found for kids, so parents and children should have no trouble finding a model that suits both of their needs.

Kids beds are made in specific lengths and sizes. Some are made for toddlers while some are made for school-age children. The size can vary from single to double, so you must determine first if the sleeping surface will fit to your growing child. If you worry that your kid grows very fast, there are also adjustable kids beds offered in the market. These kinds of furniture can be freely adjusted to modify its length and some are even adjustable until it becomes an adult size bed. These beds are very practical to purchase as it can accommo-date your growing child’s needs.

When buying kids beds, first of all think of safety and comfort. Your kid is going to spend a lot of time in that bed and most of it will not be for sleeping. Kids use their kids beds for various purposes such as to play house, as a tent, for pillow fights to jump up and down

or just to lie and read. Therefore kids beds should be always strong and durable and preferably with lots of space for your kids to stretch out and be comfortable.

Kids beds should also have colorful bedding to compliment the color scheme of the room or to match a particular theme. With so many color-ful children’s bedding available in furniture stores and online you and your kid will have fun selecting the type of bedding he would prefer to have.

The material quality used to create for kids beds depends on the quality of the raw materi-als used, the density of the fabric weave, the finishing processes involved and much more.

The quality of the final kids beds product depends on how the bedding is sewn, hemmed or, in the case of comforters, how and what is used for fill material.

Children - The True Victims of DivorceBy Ruth Purple - ArticleCity.comThe family is the basic unit of society and every care should be taken to preserve it by the state, church and the family itself. However, if counseling and reconciliation cannot solve the conflict within the family, divorce maybe seen as the best solution. To couples with kids however the situation is much more complex as compared to childless couples. Divorce can be devastating to the children and may leave a long-lasting scar that may affect their being useful citizens of the community. During the divorce process, the offspring’s will go through emotional conflicts. Anger is prevalent. Anger at the present condition, anger towards their parents, themselves and some may feel that they are to at fault for the separation. Feelings of sadness, misery and loss are felt be-cause there will be changes in where they will live. They will lose the other parent, their friends, their school, people and circumstances that stabilize their daily lives. They will feel rejection. Studies have shown that boys and girls are affected differ-

Photo: Bed 7 Courteous Photos8.com

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ently and respond in various manners. Boys are more rowdy because they have to show and act out their inner feelings. They go on fi ghts, they are defi ant. They cause disturbances and would not be still even for a short period of time. They are the ones who will turn to drugs and alco-hol. They girls on the other hand suffer inwardly and become introverts. They are apprehensive and miserable. Thus they turn to untimely relationships or sexual promiscu-ity that may lead to early pregnancy or early mar-riage. Thus if not guided accordingly these children tend to stop school and will waste themselves into substance abuse. They will become citizens with emotional and mental illnesses, criminals or dis-cards of society. To save the children, the parents should have the obligation to guide their children through the di-vorce process and for a period after that until their emotional confl icts have been resolved. They should subdue their own emotion turmoil and together try to show the same affection and devotion for the children. Explain to the kids to make them understand why the parents have to go on their separate ways. They have to be assured that they are in secured hands despite the changes in the family set-up. During the divorce proceed-ings, the couple should be civil with each other because this will also have a bearing in al-leviating the nega-tive feelings of the children. It will slowly enfold in their under-standing that they are undergoing a process and a change but they will still have their both parents. After the divorce has been fi nalized, visitation of non-custodial parent

should be encouraged and made a positive experi-ence to everyone. The children can then accept the situation gradually and will cope with the changes in their lives. On the other hand, the non-custodial parent is also encouraged to have a hand in the affairs of the child and will be a constant partner in guiding the growth of the children. Divorce however does not generally leave negative reaction from children. In families where there are constant confl icts, physi-cal and verbal abuse, the children themselves will welcome the situation that their parents will be separating. They will be relieved by the daily stress and prob-lems undergone by their parents. It is the children of the families that are not at odds or fi ght with each other that are mostly overwhelmed by the situation.

Photo: A Child’s Gaze by Peter Griffi nPublicDomianPhotos.net

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The Tooth, The Whole Tooth and Nothing but the ToothBy Cynthia Goodman - Writer - ArticleCity.comTo us adults, losing a tooth is scary. The mind cannot stay away from toothless witches, beggars, and the over-whelming dental costs. We hopefully try to protect our teeth from any kind of fall. But for kids, there is even more at stake. Three seemingly insurmountable questions are: how will the tooth come out, how will the tooth fairy get it, and how will money be received for the sacrifice of the tooth? Our daughter Lailee had a wiggly tooth, and in every mirror, in every spare moment, she was amazed at how it wiggled. Why not, kids and movement, they are a team. The roadblock came with the apple…and the carrots…and whatever else is healthy to eat—which leaves the squishy stuff like ice cream, pudding, and jello. Lailee knew that with crunchy food swallowing whole was not the way to lose a tooth. Well, for sure, how many adults do get “squeamish” about swallowing the potential bones in canned salmon croquettes and loafs? Then there’s peanut butter sandwiches, but you might as well go to a dentist and get it pulled, or use the string and door fable. Days went by and fears began to mount about would the tooth really come out, or was that a joke, and will the tooth fairy really come, or was that a joke. We decided to keep both ideas in the same trench, for now. The upcoming tooth event prompted a lot of contemplation and learning. The value of a tooth to a tooth fairy seems to have gone up these days with everything else. How does the good fairy know if that potential tooth will bring in $1, or more? This is truly a ponderous decision to make…thinking about the succession of teeth (are there 25 or 32), and the total expenditures, or collections—whichever side you are on. We decided ahead of time to low ball at $2.00 just to be over the cheep $1.00 mark. For Lailee, there was an insistence on preplanning. This was a good use of cause and effect as to how the pillow on top of the tooth will manage to protect the tooth but not prevent the fairy from finding it and leaving the trea-sure. Lailee decided, ahead of time, that she will provide a clean pillow case-- so the fairy will smile, a night-light-- so there will be no mistaking as to who lost the tooth, and a gift beside the bed of (not candy or cookies) a wind up toy to make sure the fairy will be in a good mood for giving. One day Lailee came home with a gap and a wail. The tooth was a goner. It bounced onto the playground at

recess and now there was no evidence for the fairy. This was a tragedy…but as the sunny day provided a beam of light streaming through the glass door, and revealing an orange seed on the floor--a bit battered by the cats--miraculously, we knew we had a good tooth substitute. It will work, it will be fine, and we tried to convince her—to no avail. Our luck, and to her credit, Lailee decided a last resort was to write a note to explain herself to the tooth fairy, and leave it under the pillow. Later during the night we retrieved the note that said: Dear Tooth Fairy. I am sorry this is a seed. My friend Justin knocked out my tooth at recess, and I couldn’t find it. Please leave the money. With that we had to leave her a calling card back, complete with picture, which read, “Hey Lailee, no Sweat, saw it all happen and we’re cool” T.F. and $7.00—one for each year of her precious candor. It always pays to be honest.

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Reduce Your Office Carbon FootprintBy Chris J. Meagher - Writer - ArticleCity.comThe mark you leave on the environment is now commonly known as your Carbon Footprint. Making minor changes in your everyday office life can make a massive difference to the environment. Consider this, it only takes a single individual modifying habitual practices, to lessen their Carbon Footprint and bring about a beneficial improvement on the office-environment. Consider therefore, the improvement an entire workplace may create. The activities we perform in our day to day lives have, in effect, a substantial end-result on our own environment. Regardless of whether we are aware of it or not, day to day, we have been contributing to the issue of climate change - if we dismiss a number of relatively easy guidelines that will help you to reduce your office carbon footprint. By minimizing the quantity of paper you work with for printing, you’re not simply lowering costs, you are also creating a constructive effect for the environment, since the less pieces of paper we go through, the reduced amount of forest necessary to be logged and therefore, extra oxygen made available thanks to those trees still standing. So, what can we do about saving paper in the office? For starters, you can re-use a lot of sheets, if they are only printed on one side. Often, that which is actually printed only takes up a small portion of the paper, the remaining blank portion can be re-printed on. And YES, this means “thinking” before you print - how much paper is actually necessary for what you want to print? Can a number of pieces of information be combined on the one sheet? What happens to all the printed sheets, when the information on them is old news, or no longer relevant? Just thrown in the bin, I suspect, not your problem really, is it?

Photo” Three Business Men By Kosta Kostov - PublicDomainPhotos.com

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Well how about this then: most offices no matter how small, have a shredder. Why not take home a garbage bag of the stuff, on a regular basis - and use it as mulch on your garden. You could use it to re-stuff the dog’s bed. Works pretty well as kitty litter, too, then into the compost heap. What happens at the time the printer needs a refill? What happens to the used ink container? Contemplate this, hundreds of thousands of used print-ink cartridges that have wound up in rubbish sites - it would need a millenia for a single cartridge to commence to decay. These days, there is no justification for anyone to toss a used ink-container in the rubbish bin. Usually, as soon as you open the container of a new refill, there’s a pouch packed ready to enable you to recycle the used car-tridge. The only requirement you need to perform, is to place the empty re-fill in the pouch and send it out to be recycled. Leaving your desktop pc turned on, lights switched on, not closing windows, and leaving office related equip-ment on standby, unnecessarily wastes power. Computers today, come with an energy saving device as a stan-dard, therefore there is no good reason to have your laptop, or desktop in standby-mode, the moment you finish your working day. By altering your office machines to energy-down designs, you will be creating a considerable reduction to the power already squandered daily. Also, replace the light globes to energy-efficient globes. Changing over to compact fluorescent lights will sig-nificantly diminish the over-all power usage in your workplace, day by day. Also remember, most of the energy use by incandescent light globes, is wasted in heat. So, not only is this an inefficient and expensive way to light your office, it also adds to the overall office temperature. Having a window remain open overnight, squanders the equivalent energy to power a modest-sized vehicle for more than 30 miles? A window remaining open, both allows the heat out in winter, or lets it back in during sum-mer. Or, visa-versa. There is no need for windows to remain open, nor lights to remain on, in an office environ-ment overnight. So make certain the lights are out, the equipment is shut-down, and no windows remain open, whenever you finish for the day. These days, there is a broad choice of merchandise that can be purchased, where the majority of it is made from recycled materials, therefore, investing in brand new products is really because you want something shiny, as opposed to necessary. When you are reading the stationary-supply magazine, look out for materials where a majority of it is from recycled products. Choosing recycled stationary items and equipment in general, is helping to reduce the weight of waste we would need to toss out, therefore a smaller amount of junk adds to the rubbish dumps. By providing a few plants in your workplace, you’re doing your office environment and the people working in it, a big favour. Consider for a moment, every single one of those machines going flat-out, all day, in your work-place; printers, faxes, photocopiers, scanners, computers, etc, each of these contributes to the air being drier than normal. By including plants in your office environment, you will be upping the humidity to your surroundings. It is a fact that there is an over-abundance of formaldehyde and other toxins floating about in most offices, generated by all the plastics and constantly running machinery. Plants help to filter all these nasties out. Let us not forget, also, that plants make a difference psychologically, in an office environment. Many experi-ments have been conducted over the years, that show plants have a calming effect on office-workers, therefore, helping to reduce stress and ultimately illness. This then reduces a lot of wastage, by not being short-handed and having things done in a rush - such as not caring how much paper is used, etc. It is to be hoped, that these few tips will help you to implement some simple measures, that can help to reduce your office carbon footprint, help your environment and also give you a more environmentally friendly work-place.

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Digital Photography Lessons Made EasyBy Dan Eitreim - Writer - ArticleCity.comWhether you’ve gotten a new digital camera or have an old one lying around - and you have decided it is time to learn the techniques of getting good photos out of it? Digital photography lessons can eliminate years of struggle and torment off your studies. However, not all digital photography lessons are equally well done. Getting an outstanding and creative shot truly isn’t all that hard and learning how to shoot it should be relatively pain free. Many of the courses around work at trying to make it sound diffi cult and confusing - just to make sense of their large prices. Of course, they feel the need to write the lesson so that it takes a PhD degree merely to understand it too! Few courses give you easy to learn info that’s going to really help you shoot better, immediately.

Here is the fi rst step in creating stunning photos... The top shooters ALL learned to master their camera by using a photo notebook. They write down their vision of the shot they are try-ing to get, then they record the settings, lighting condi-tions and etc. Once our shooters get the images back from the lab - or once they get to their computer to input their photos (you shouldn’t judge a photograph by the viewing screen on the camera - it’s just too tiny), they pulls out their photo notebook. If their photo was exactly as desired, they record it in their journal and move on. If their photograph didn’t turn out like the visualized concept, they record THAT result as well. Next they determine some of the ways the photograph could have gone wrong and ways to fi x the issue. Finally they go out and try it again! Rinse and repeat until you have mastered that shot. Then move on to the next one. Within a space of hours, you will have improvement in your photo-graphs. Inside of a few weeks you’ll have learned how to accurately create any sort of photographs you want. Not very many digital photography lessons are stron-ger than simply keeping (and making use of) a shot journal. Give it a try, you’ll like it. Warning - Using a shot notebook will instantly make your photography better, but that’s just the fi rst step. Done correctly digital photography lessons can make lasting changes in your outlook on photos, creativity and art.

MCIA would like to thank Microsoft for its continued support through its donation of Windows 7 and Offi ce 2010 Suite programsGirl With Camera - Photos8.com

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A Child’s World was createdusing Creative Suite 4 DesignPremium, which was donated by Adobe through TechSoup.org.