A butterfly's lesson

Music: A Time For Us Music: A Time For Us Revised By: Henry Revised By: Henry

Transcript of A butterfly's lesson

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Music: A Time For UsMusic: A Time For Us Revised By: HenryRevised By: Henry

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”One day, a smallopening appeared in acocoon; a man sat andwatched for thebutterfly for severalhours as it struggledto force its bodythrough that littlehole.

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Then, it seems to stopmaking any progress.

It appeared as if it hadgotten as far as itcould and it could notgo any further.

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So the man decided tohelp the butterfly: hetook a pair of scissorsand opened thecocoon.

The butterfly thenemerged easily.

But it had a witheredbody, it was tiny andshriveled wings.

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The man continued towatch because heexpected that, at anymoment, the wingswould open, enlargeand expand, to be ableto support thebutterfly’s body, andbecome firm.

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Neither happened!In fact, the butterflyspent the rest of its lifecrawling around witha withered body andshriveled wings. Itnever was able to fly.

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What the man, in hiskindness and hisgoodwill did notunderstand was thatthe restricting cocoonand the strugglerequired for thebutterfly to get throughthe tiny opening, werenature’s way of forcingfluid from the body ofthe butterfly into itswings, so that it wouldbe ready for flight onceit achieved its freedomfrom the cocoon.

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Sometimes, strugglesare exactly what weneed in our life.

If we were allowed togo through our lifewithout any obstacles,it would cripple us.We would not be asstrong as we couldhave been. Never beenable to fly.

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I asked for Strength...and I was givendifficulties to make mestrong.

I asked for Wisdom...and I was givenproblems to solve.

I asked for prosperity...and I was given abrain and brawn towork.

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I asked for Courage…..and I was givenobstacles to overcome.

I asked for Love...and I was giventroubled people tohelp.

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I asked for Favors...And I was givenOpportunities.

“I received nothing I wanted...But I receivedEVERYTHING Ineeded."

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Live life without fear, confront all obstaclesand know that you canovercome them.

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Send this message to your friends and show them how Send this message to your friends and show them how

much you care.much you care.

Send it to anybody that you consider a FRIEND, Send it to anybody that you consider a FRIEND,

even if this means to send it to the same person that even if this means to send it to the same person that

conveyed it to you.conveyed it to you.

If this message returns to you, If this message returns to you,

you can be sure that your circle of friendship is made you can be sure that your circle of friendship is made

out of true friends.out of true friends.