A Bayesian Framework for Combining Protein and Network...

A Bayesian Framework for Combining Protein and Network Topology Information for Predicting Protein-Protein Interactions Adriana Birlutiu, Florence d’Alch´ e-Buc and Tom Heskes Adriana Birlutiu is with the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands and the Faculty of Science, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba-Iulia, Romania, e-mail: [email protected]. Florence d’Alch´ e-Buc is with IBISC, Universit´ e d’Evry-Val d’Essonne, Genopole, France, email: fl[email protected]. Tom Heskes is with the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, email: [email protected].

Transcript of A Bayesian Framework for Combining Protein and Network...

Page 1: A Bayesian Framework for Combining Protein and Network …adrianabirlutiu.uab.ro/pubs/journals/tcbb2015.pdf · 2015. 12. 14. · A Bayesian Framework for Combining Protein and Network

A Bayesian Framework for Combining Proteinand Network Topology Information for Predicting

Protein-Protein InteractionsAdriana Birlutiu, Florence d’Alche-Buc and Tom Heskes

Adriana Birlutiu is with the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands and the Faculty ofScience, “1 Decembrie 1918” University, Alba-Iulia, Romania, e-mail: [email protected].

Florence d’Alche-Buc is with IBISC, Universite d’Evry-Val d’Essonne, Genopole, France, email: [email protected] Heskes is with the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, email: [email protected].

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A Bayesian Framework for Combining Proteinand Network Topology Information for Predicting

Protein-Protein Interactions

Abstract—Computational methods for predicting protein-protein interactions are important tools that can complementhigh-throughput technologies and guide biologists in designingnew laboratory experiments. The proteins and the interactionsbetween them can be described by a network which ischaracterized by several topological properties. Informationabout proteins and interactions between them, in combinationwith knowledge about topological properties of the network,can be used for developing computational methods that canaccurately predict unknown protein-protein interactions. Thispaper presents a supervised learning framework based onBayesian inference for combining two types of information: i)network topology information, and ii) information related toproteins and the interactions between them. The motivation ofour model is that by combining these two types of informationone can achieve a better accuracy in predicting protein-proteininteractions, than by using models constructed from these twotypes of information independently.

Index Terms—Bayesian methods, protein-protein interac-tion, network analysis, topology


The reconstruction of biological networks is currently anactive research subject with important applications rang-ing from basic biology to medical applications. The term“biological network” is used for graphs in which verticesrepresent genes or proteins and edges represent varioustypes of interactions between them. Since most of the cel-lular components exert their functions through interactionswith other components, inferring biological networks iscrucial for the understanding of the cellular functions andbiological processes inside a living cell. The reconstructionof these biological networks is a major challenge with im-portant applications. For example, knowledge about whichproteins interact in the human proteome would highlightkey proteins that interact with many partners which couldbe interesting drug targets, this application refers to the newemerging field of network medicine [1], which is a networkbased approach to human disease.

Research in molecular biology and genetics has alreadyprovided a partial view of these biological networks. Thepresence of edges in the network can only be establishedby costly and tedious laboratory experiments. However,recent high-throughput technologies, like for example, theyeast two-hybrid systems for protein-protein interactions(PPIs), provide large numbers of likely edges in thesegraphs, but with a high rate of false positives. Therefore,much work remains to complete (adding currently unknownedges) and correct (removing false positive edges) thesepartially known networks. These issues can be addressed

using computational methods which can make predictionsabout the presence or absence of edges in the network.Accurately predicting which proteins might interact canhelp in correcting the wrong edges and in completingthe network by designing and guiding future laboratoryexperiments.

Computational techniques are based on the idea thatinformation about individual genes and proteins, such astheir sequence, structure, subcellular localization, or levelof expression across several experiments, can provide usefulhints about the presence or absence of interactions betweenthem, thus about edges in the network. For example, twoproteins are more likely to physically interact if they areexpressed in similar experiments, and localized in the samecellular compartment. Following this line of thought, com-putational methods which take roots in machine learninghave been proposed in recent years for inferring biologicalnetworks. There are two approaches in computational meth-ods for PPI prediction: i) the unsupervised approach whichestimates the edges solely from data related to nodes [2],and ii) the supervised approach for which the presence orabsence of edges is known for part of the network, and thisinformation is used for inferring the unknown edges. Thislast setting is becoming more realistic as high confidencenetworks have become increasingly available. In this articlewe consider the supervised learning setting, in which casePPI prediction can be seen as a pattern recognition problem,namely to find patterns in the interacting protein pairs thatdo not exist in the non-interacting pairs. In this patternrecognition problem, information about proteins and labelsfor protein pairs as interacting or not, supervise the estima-tion of a function that can predict whether an interactionexists or not between two proteins. This can be furtherframed as a binary classification problem which takes asinput a set of features for a protein pair and gives as outputa label: interact or non-interact. Binary classification hasbeen studied extensively in machine learning community,and many algorithms designed to solve it have been also ap-plied for predicting PPIs, including Bayesian networks [3],kernel-based methods [4], [5], logistic regression [6], [7],decision trees and random forest based methods [8], [9],[10], metric or kernel learning [5] and [11], [12], [13].

The performance of the computational methods for net-work reconstruction, i.e., how well they predict the pres-ence/absence of edges in the network, depends on thequantity and quality of the available training data. Themore information one has, preferably from a multitude ofindependent sources, the more accurate one can predict and

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the better one can decide [14]. To get the most out ofthe available information, computational methods shouldbe capable to incorporate any type of data. In addition toinformation about proteins and interactions between them,PPI networks are characterized by several topological prop-erties [15], [16], [17], [18]. Network topology can uncoverimportant biological information that is independent ofother available biological information [19], [20]. One ofthe most important topological properties is the existenceof a few nodes in the network, called hubs, which havemany links with the other nodes, while most of the nodeshave just a few links. This characteristic is present in PPInetworks and also in other real-world networks, such as theinternet [21] and citation networks [22]. Summarizing, wecan distinguish two types of information that can be usedfor predicting PPIs: first, information about proteins andlabels for protein pairs as interacting or not, and second,information about the topological properties of the network.These two sources of information are both valuable and cancomplement each other for constructing accurate modelsfor predicting interactions between proteins. We combinemethods that have been previously used for modeling eachtype of information separately. We use a random graphgenerator for addressing the topology information and anaive Bayes model for addressing the feature information.Computational tractability was the reason behind the modelchoices made. The combined model is constructed in aBayesian framework in which the a priori informationabout network topology is incorporated in a supervisedalgorithm for PPI prediction. We prove that by making afew simplifying assumptions, both topological and proteininformation can be incorporated and we show experimen-tally that this combination improves the prediction accuracyin PPI networks.

This paper is structured as follows. We finish this sectionby discussing related work and some terminology andnotation that will be used throughout the paper. Section2 describes the Bayesian framework that combines proteinand network topology information for predicting protein-protein interactions. Section 3 presents the experimentalevaluation of our model and comparisons with other ap-proaches. We conclude in Section 4 and discuss somepossible directions for future research.

A. Related work

The two approaches, unsupervised and supervised, fordeveloping computational methods for PPI prediction willbe discussed in the following.

On the one hand, the unsupervised approaches recon-struct PPI networks solely based on a set of protein at-tributes. In this category there are approaches which investi-gate the use of topology information. Not specifically to PPInetworks, but to graphs in generals, [23] define a kernel-based framework for unsupervised structured network in-ference taking into account the graph topology by definingkernels based on topological properties such as degree,closeness centrality, betweenness centrality and shortest

path. [24] propose a multi-way spectral clustering methodfor link prediction in biological and social networks. [25]reconstruct gene regulatory networks from gene expressiondata by proposing a structure prior which incorporates thescale-free property. [26] propose a likelihood method inorder to fit a hybrid preferential attachment model to someprotein-protein interaction networks, obtaining estimates ofthe model parameters. [27] investigate the incorporation ofdifferent types of topology information, such as networkmotifs. [28], [29] use l1-type regularization to encouragesparse structures in the graph learned. In [30] we introduceda framework for incorporating both topology and featureinformation that forms the basis of the current paper, whichextends [30] by a substantial analysis of the topologylearning using the Bayesian framework and experimentalcomparisons of our model with other state-of-the-art meth-ods including SVM, decision tree, random forest.

Our approach is different from the other papers men-tioned above, in that we are not considering an unsuper-vised learning setting, but we also use the information aboutlabels of protein pairs, if they interact or not. Topology onlyhas been shown to be able to characterize drug-targets inPPI networks [31], to predict protein functions [32] andPPIs [33], [34] and to complement sequence informationin various biological tasks, like for example, homologydetection [35].

On the other hand, several supervised learning ap-proaches such as EM-based approach [36], mixture-of-experts approach [37] and metric or kernel learning [38],[11], [12] have been proposed for network inference. Mostof them do not use the topology information as an inputfeature but some of them take it into account during thetraining phase to structure the output space [38], [11], [12].Supervised network inference from integrating differenttypes of data is investigated in [5], [39]. Treating PPI pre-diction as a supervised inference problem is not straightfor-ward since data is typically associated to individual proteinswhile the labels correspond to pairs of proteins. This issueis addressed by constructing features for pairs of proteinsfrom individual protein features. Features for protein pairscan be constructed from various sources of information, forexample, protein sequence, gene expression data, functionalproperties of proteins, etc. These sources of informationare heterogeneous, however they can be combined suchthat the heterogeneity is taken into account by using amixture of feature experts method [37], resulting in anenriched set of features. We used these types of features forone data set in the experimental evaluation. Furthermore,informative features for predicting PPIs can be constructedfrom sequence information only, for example [40]. Eachprotein is represented by a vector of pairwise similaritiesagainst large subsequences of amino acids created by ashifting window which passes over concatenated proteintraining sequences. Each coordinate of this vector is the E-value of the Smith-Waterman score [41]. In many cases theproblem of identifying high-quality features can in itself bequite difficult and has led to the development of new kernelsappropriate to encode a protein’s properties. Once a kernel

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between proteins is defined, pairwise kernels between pairsof unordered proteins can be defined based on tensor prod-ucts such as proposed by [4] for protein function prediction,further investigated and analyzed by [42]. Finally, extensionof supervised network inference methods to other machinelearning paradigms as active learning, multi-task learning,and semi-supervised learning, have also been employed forimproving the prediction of PPIs [43], [44], [45], [13].Furthermore, some approaches [46] take into account theunbalancedness of data when predicting PPI and others [47]consider the protein structure when making the predictions.

B. Notation

The terms “network” and “graph” are used synony-mously throughout this paper. An undirected network G =(V,E) is a mathematical object defined by a set of nodesV = {v1, v2, . . . , vN} together with a set of undirectededges E consisting of unordered pairs {vi, vj}, vi = vjtaken from V . Boldface notation is used for vectors andmatrices and normal fonts for their components. Upper-scripts are used to distinguish between different vectorsor matrices and lowerscripts to address their components.Capital letters are used for constants and small letters forindices, e.g., i = 1, . . . , I . The notation N (µ,Σ) is usedfor a multivariate Gaussian with mean µ and covariancematrix Σ. The transpose of a matrix M is denoted byMT .


The data that is being considered consists of a listof proteins and the information associated to them: eachprotein is represented by a numerical vector which en-codes the features associated to that protein (this vectorcan be constructed from, for example, gene expressiondata, protein sequence, etc.) and labels for protein pairsas interacting or not (the information about the labelscan be seen as an adjacency matrix associated to the listof proteins). In addition, there is information about thetopological properties of the network, for example, thefact that in PPI networks there are just a few hubs andthat the majority of nodes in the network have just a fewconnections. The goal of the methods that we propose isto show that by using both types of information, topologyand feature information, the prediction accuracy in PPInetworks can be improved.

The approach that we use to join topology and featureinformation is graphically summarized in Figure 1. Itconsists of a random graph generator model and a naiveBayes model which are combined using Bayes’ rule tofinally arrive to a logistic regression model (we will ignorefor the moment the details of this figure but come backto it throughout this section). The random graph generatorgives rise to networks which, based on topology can all beplausible hypotheses for the PPI network that we want toreconstruct. Incorporating the actual data will reduce thisset of plausible hypotheses to just a few, out of whichwe can pick the one which has the highest likelihood. We


di dj



Logistic regressionNaive Bayes


m,σ w xij



Fig. 1. Left box: random graph generator model. Center box: naiveBayes model. Right box: the result of applying Bayes’ rule, the modelwhich combines topology and feature information.

implement this in a Bayesian framework by treating ourrandom graph model as a prior and define a probabilitymodel for the features given the absence/presence of anedge and combine these two using Bayes’ rule, to finallyarrive at a model incorporating both topological and featureinformation. The way in which each of these models isconstructed and then combined is described in the rest ofthis section.

We deliberately will choose relatively simple and well-known models: naive Bayes for incorporating feature-basedclassification and a general random graph generator as aprior for PPI networks. As we will see, they combine nicelyand such that (approximate) Bayesian inference becomesfeasible. Other model choices, e.g., that better incorporatecorrelations between variables or more subtle properties ofPPI network, may lead to even better performance, but thenlikely at the expense of computational efficiency (see alsothe discussion in Section IV).

A. Topology of PPI Networks

We will focus on one essential topological characteristicsof PPI networks: the node degree distribution. The degreeof a node represents the number of connections the nodehas with the other nodes in the network. The probabilitydistribution of these degrees over the whole network, P (k),is defined as the fraction of nodes in the network withdegree k,

P (k) =Nk


where N is the total number of nodes in the network andNk is the number of nodes with degree k. The majorityof real-world networks have a node degree distributionthat is highly right-skewed, which means that most ofthe nodes have low degrees, while a small number ofnodes, known as “hubs”, have high degrees. The degreeof hubs is typically several order of magnitudes largerthan the average degree of a node in the network. This isa distinctive characteristic of PPI networks as well [15].It has been shown that the connectivity of a protein isrelated to its function [48], high connectivity is oftenassociated with proteins involved in information storageand processing (transcription in particular) and cellularprocesses and signaling. Among the non-hubs, there aremany proteins that participate in metabolism, while proteinswith poorly characterized functions frequently have few orno interactions.

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The clustering coefficient is a measure of degree to whichnodes in a graph tend to cluster together. In most real-worldnetworks, and in particular social networks, nodes tend tocreate highly inter-connected regions, called clusters [49].The clustering coefficient has been used in combinationwith the degree distribution to determine the topology ofthe interactome [17], showing that the complete interactomeis either highly skewed such as in scale-free networks oris at least highly clustered. [16] showed the existence inPPI networks of highly inter-connected regions which arecorrelated with biological function and large multi-proteincomplexes.

The distance d(u, v) between two nodes is the path withminimum length, where length is the number of edges. Theaverage distance of G is the average over all distancesd(u, v) for u and v in G. It represents closeness andmeasures how quickly information can be transferred ina network The graph diameter of G is the maximumdistance d(u, v) where u and v are in the same connectedcomponents. For scale-free networks with degree exponent2 < γ < 3 which have been observed for most real-world networks, the average distance is very small, i.e.,of the order log logN [50], which is known as the smallworld phenomenon [49] and the diameter is of the orderlogN [50]. The PPI networks are shown to adhere also tothe small world phenomenon, i.e., most pairs of proteins areconnected to each other by a short chain of links involvingseveral intermediate proteins.

B. Random Graph Generator

The first step of our approach is to define a modelfor generating networks with the node degree distributionsimilar to the one of PPI networks (the left-hand side box ofFigure 1). The random graph generator that we define hereis inspired by the general random graph [51]. The generalrandom graph method assigns each node with its expecteddegree and edges are inserted probabilistically according toa probability proportional to the product of the degrees ofthe two endpoints, i.e., the probability of an edge betweentwo nodes i and j is proportional to the product of theexpected degrees of the nodes i and j. We introduce a latentvariable, d(i), related to the degree of node i, i.e., d(i) isroughly proportional to the degree of node i. Let e(ij) bea random variable related to the presence or absence of alink between nodes i and j, e(ij) has two possible values:e(ij) = 1 if a link is present between nodes i and j, ande(ij) = −1 if a link is not present between nodes i and j.Our model generates links in the network as follows,

P (e(ij)|d(i), d(j)) ∝ (√d(i)d(j))e


= exp



2(log d(i) + log d(j))

], (1)

P (e(ij) = 1|d(i), d(j)) ∝√

d(i)d(j) ,

P (e(ij) = −1|d(i), d(j)) ∝ 1√d(i)d(j)


P (e(ij) = 1|d(i), d(j))

=P (e(ij) = 1|d(i), d(j))

P (e(ij) = 1|d(i), d(j)) + P (e(ij) = −1|d(i), d(j))



d(i)d(j) + 1√d(i)d(j)


1 + d(i)d(j),

P (e(ij) = −1|d(i), d(j))

=P (e(ij) = −1|d(i), d(j))

P (e(ij) = 1|d(i), d(j)) + P (e(ij) = −1|d(i), d(j))



d(i)d(j) + 1√d(i)d(j)


1 + d(i)d(j),

In Figure 1, the random variables d(i) and d(j) are repre-sented by white color circles because they are unobservedwhile the variable e(ij) is represented by a gray color circlesince it is observed. The random graph generator can createnetworks with a desired topology, more specifically with adesired node degree distribution, by assuming a well-chosendistribution for the latent variable associated with the nodedegree, i.e., d(i). The first choice for the distribution overd(i) would be a power-law which is in general used formodeling the degree distribution of PPI networks [15].Networks with a power law distribution for node degreesare referred to as scale-free networks [52] and includeamong others the world wide web, metabolic networks orcitation networks. An exponential distribution for d(i) andd(j) gives rise to a scale-free network [51]. A log-normaldistribution is another option for modeling the node degreedistribution of scale-free networks [53]. Power-law and log-normal distributions are intrinsically connected in the sensethat similar generative models can lead to either power lawor log-normal distributions [54] and are both suited in ourcase [55]. For computational reasons which will becomeclear later, we consider a log-normal distribution for d(i),this means that log d(i) is normally distributed,

P (log d(i)) = N (log d(i);m0, σ20) , (2)

where m0 is a scaling parameter, and the parameter σ0

controls the shape of the distribution. These parameters canbe set such that the networks randomly generated with themodel from Equation (1) have the desired topology. Wehave defined d(i) to be roughly proportional to the degreeof node i, thus a log-normal distribution for d(i) results ina distribution for the degree of node i which is approx-imately log-normal, which is similar to what is observedin practice. In summary, the random graph generator for agiven topology, that we define here, performs the followingsteps. 1) Choose m0 and σ0 the parameters of the log-normal distribution for d(i). 2) Draw from this distributiona random sample (d1, . . . , dN ) of size N the number ofnodes in the network. 3) Based on this sample constructthe network by inserting edges with probability given in

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 900






Number of links



of n


m0=−3, σ


0 200 400 600 800 1000 12000





Number of links



of n


m0=0, σ


0 200 400 600 800 1000 12000




Number of links



of n


m0=2, σ


Fig. 2. Node degree distributions of three networks randomly gener-ated from three different log-normal distributions for d(i); top: m0 =−3, σ0 = 1, center: m0 = 0, σ0 = 1 and bottom: m0 = 3, σ0 = 1.

Equation (1). As examples, Figure 2 shows the node degreedistributions of three networks randomly generated with themethod described above and starting from three settings ofthe parameters of the log-normal distribution for d(i); top:m0 = −3, σ0 = 1, center: m0 = 0, σ0 = 1 and bottom:m0 = 3, σ0 = 1. The first network is very sparse, with aconnectivity of 5% (the connectivity is represented as thepercentage of actual links from the total number of possiblelinks). The second and third networks have connectivitiesof 50% and 95%, respectively, and are quite far from thetopology of PPI networks. For m0 < −3 the networksbecome more sparse and for m0 > 3 the networks becomemore connected. The parameter σ controls the width of thedistribution.

The histograms in Figure 3 compare the node degreedistribution in two types of networks: 1) PPI networksobserved in two species: yeast and human (the histogramson the left-hand side) and 2) networks randomly generatedfrom the random graph generator defined above (the his-tograms on the right-hand side). The description of the PPInetworks for yeast and human is given in Section III-A. Theparameters of the log-normal distribution for d(i) were setsuch that the histograms of the random networks are similarto the histograms of the PPI networks, for the randomnetwork from the first row: m0 = −3.7 and σ0 = 1 andfor the random network from the second row: m0 = −4.2and σ0 = 1.11. These histograms show that the randomgraph generator that we defined indeed yields networks withnode degree distribution very similar to those observed inpractice. Based on Figures 2 and 3, an appropriate choicefor the parameters of the log-normal distribution that wewill use for the experimental evaluation is m0 = −3 andσ0 = 1.

C. Bayesian Framework for Combining Topology and Fea-ture Information

In order to combine topology and feature information,we treat the random graph model as a prior and define aprobability model for the features of a protein pair giventhe absence/presence of an interaction between the proteins.We use a naive Bayes model to express the likelihood of thefeatures for a protein pair given the absence/presence of aninteraction. Let D represent the dimension of the featurevectors. The likelihood is thus computed as a product of1-dimensional Gaussian distributions, each Gaussian distri-bution expressing the probability of a feature componentf(ij)k , k = 1, . . . , D given the edge variable e(ij) and the

parameters: mean mk and variance σ,

P (f (ij)|e(ij),m, σ) =


N (f(ij)k ;mke

(ij), σ)





(ij)k − e(ij)mk)





We refer to the center box of Figure 1 for a graphi-cal representation of this model. The naive Bayes modeldefined above treats the features as independent, whichmight not be the case in practice. Despite this simplifyingassumption, the naive Bayes model is known to be acompetitive classification method with similar performanceas the closely related logistic regression algorithm.

The posterior distribution for e(ij) which combines topol-ogy and feature information is computed using Bayes’ ruleas the product between the prior defined in Equation (1)

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 450






Number of links



of n


Yeast PPI

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 450






Number of links



of n



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 450






Number of links



of n


Human PPI

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 450






Number of links



of n



Fig. 3. Left: histograms of node degrees of yeast PPI network (top row) and human PPI network (bottom row); the description of these networks isgiven in Section III-A. Right: histograms of node degrees of two random networks generated with the model from Section II-B and with the parametersof the log-normal distribution for the latent variables d(i): m0 = −3.7 and σ0 = 1 (top row) and m0 = −4.2 and σ0 = 1.11 (bottom row).

and the likelihood terms defined in Equation (3), i.e.,

P (e(ij)|f (ij), d(i), d(j))

∝ P (e(ij)|d(i), d(j))P (f (ij)|e(ij), d(i), d(j))

∝ exp



2(log d(i) + log d(j))−


(ij)k − e(ij)mk)




∝ exp



2(log d(i) + log d(j)) +


k f(ij)k mk



= exp



f(ij)k mk



2log d(i) +


2log d(j))


where from (4) to (5) we discarded the square termswhich do not depend on e(ij). In the above, we canignore any term that does not depend on e(ij), since itwill only affect the normalization. This includes the term(e(ij))2m2

k/σ2, since e(ij) ∈ {−1, 1}. The normalization

term does play a role and, when incorporated, leads toEquation (8) below. The unknown quantities of our model

are mk

σ2 , k = {1, . . . , D} and log d(i), i = {1, . . . , N}, andthese will be estimated based on the available training datain a learning procedure that we describe below.

The first step is to adjoin the unknown quantities in asingle random vector,

w = [m1

σ2, . . . ,



2log d(1), . . . ,


2log d(N)] , (7)

and the same for the information available, which is proteinfeatures and topological information

x(ij) = [f (ij), t(ij)] ,

where t(ij) is the position vector having 1 on positionsi and j and 0 everywhere else. Using this notation, thenormalized probability from Equation (6) of an interactionbetween the proteins i and j can be rewritten as

P (e(ij)|x(ij),w) =1

1 + exp(−2e(ij)wTx(ij)). (8)

Note that in the sum

wTx(ij) =D∑


wkf(ij)k +


wD+kt(ij)k , (9)

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the first term on the right-hand side originates from theprotein features information and the second term from thetopological information.

The unknown parameter w is learned in a Bayesianframework which consists in setting a prior distributionfor it, and updating this prior based on the availableobservations. The update is performed using Bayes’ rule,i.e.,

P (w|observations) ∝nobs∏l=1

P (e(ij)l |x(ij)

l ,w)P (w) . (10)

where nobs is the size of the training data, i.e., thenumber of known interacting/non-interacting protein pairs.P (e

(ij)l |x(ij)

l ,w) is given in Equation (8). P (w) is the priorand we choose it to be a Gaussian distribution

P (w) = N (w;µ,Σ) .

The hyperparameters µ and Σ of the prior are chosen suchthat the topological information is incorporated into themodel. This is implemented by making the correspondencewith the prior for the latent variables d(i). Recall fromEquation (7) that wi+D = 1

2 log d(i), i = 1, . . . , N and

from Equation (2) that log d(i) is normally distributed,consequently wi+D will also be normally distributed, i.e.,

wi+D ∼ N(m0



), i = 1, . . . , N .

A good choice for the hyperparameters m0 and σ0 wasdiscussed in relation to Figures 2 and 3. Thus, we setµD+1:N = m0

2 = −1.5 which corresponds to a networkwith a node degree distribution of the form displayed inthe histogram from top in Figure 2. We will see in theexperimental evaluation, Section III-C2, that the choiceof the prior parameters that correspond to the topologyinformation has a big influence on the performance ofthe models. The hyperparameters µi, i = 1, . . . , D thatcorrespond to the feature information were set to 0, and thecovariance matrix Σ was chosen to be the identity matrix.This choice for the parameters of the prior correspondingto protein features makes sense when the features arenormalized like we do in the experimental evaluation.

In this Bayesian framework, predictions can be donefor an unknown interaction between a pair of proteinsi′, j′ characterized by the feature vector x(i′j′). Thesepredictions can be done either averaging the posterior overw in Equation (8) or by using a point estimate of thisposterior, let w∗ be the mean of P (w|observations), andcomputing P (e(i

′j′)|x(i′j′),w∗) using Equation (8).Bayesian inference is known to be computationally ex-

pensive. However, in the setting presented in this paper,the computations can be made more efficient by exploitingthe sparsity of the input data. The vectors x(ij) are sparsebecause their components t(ij) of dimension N (the num-ber of proteins) contain only two non-zero elements, onpositions i and j.

We refer back to the graphical sketch of our model inFigure 1 at the beginning of this section. The box on the

left-hand side, corresponds to the random graph generatormodel. The observation e(ij), which expresses the presenceor absence of an edge between nodes i and j, dependson the latent variables d(i) and d(j) which are roughlyproportional to the degrees of nodes i and j. The randomgraph generator model incorporates feature informationthrough the naive Bayes model with unknown parametersm and σ, represented in the center box. The combination ofthe two models is obtained using Bayes’ rule. The result isshown in the right-hand side box. The unknown quantitiesd(i), d(j), and m, σ are combined in the node w which isunobserved, and f (ij) together with t(ij) which is implicitlyexpressed by indices i and j, form the observed quantityx(ij).

Summarizing, in order to incorporate topological infor-mation for PPI prediction we propose a relatively simplemethod: logistic regression on an extended feature space.The extended feature space is obtained by adding to thefeature vector for a pair of proteins i and j, f (ij), a vector ofdimension N with 1 on positions i and j and 0 everywhereelse. The regression weights are treated as latent variablesand those weights corresponding to the additional topologyfeatures are in a one-to-one correspondence with the latentvariables d(i) of the random graph generator. The scale-free like architectures of the random graph generator followfrom a log-normal prior distribution on these d(i)s.

In the experimental evaluation from Section III we willcompare four models. These models are based on the sameBayesian framework from Equation (10) with a Gaussianprior and likelihood terms of the form given in Equation (8).The models differ in the type of information they useand how they combine this information. Specifically, themodels vary in the way of computing the dot product fromEquation (9) and on the parameters of the Gaussian prior.

1) Model 1 (Features+Topology): is the model we intro-duced above. It makes use of the dot product fromEquation (9) and uses a Gaussian prior of dimensionD+N with mean µ1:D = 0, µD+1:N = −3

2 = −1.5and covariance matrix equal to the identity matrix.

2) Model 2 (Features only): uses only information aboutproteins, thus the dot product is computed as

wTx(ij) =D∑


wkf(ij)k + wD+1 . (11)

The second term on the right-hand side of Equa-tion (11) is a bias term to address the unbalancednessof the data. This bias term also corresponds to thesecond term on the right-hand side of Equation (9);for an edge e(ij) the contributions in Equation (9) arewD+i + wD+j while in Equation (11) we constraintwD+i = 1

2wD+1, ∀i = 1, . . . , N . This observationalso motivates the choice of the prior for this model:mean µ1:D = 0 and µD+1 = −3 and covarianceequal to the identity matrix.

3) Model 3 (Topology only): uses only topology infor-

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mation, thus the dot product is computed as

wTx(ij) =


wkt(ij)k .

The Gaussian prior is of dimension N with meanequal to the vector µ1:N = −1.5 and covariancematrix equal to the identity matrix. The choice forµ1:N = −1.5 corresponds to the log-normal distri-bution with m0 = −3, thus to a network with a nodedegree distribution of the form of the top plot fromFigure 2.

4) Model 4 (Topology-enriched features): uses the in-formation about proteins and about topology in thefollowing form

wTx(ij) =D∑


wkf(ij)k + wD+1 log(d

(i) + 1)

+ wD+2 log(d(j) + 1) ,

where d(i) and d(j) are the estimated degrees of nodesi and j computed on the training data. Basically, thefeatures f (ij) for a pair of proteins i and j are beingextended by adding two new columns correspondingto the degrees of nodes i and j computed on thetraining set. For computational reasons we consideredthe logarithms of node degrees to which we added1. The idea behind this model is similar to the oneused in [56], [44], i.e., the topological features areadded to protein features resulting in an enrichedset of features. The features are being standardizedand the parameters of the Gaussian prior are set toµ1:D+2 = 0 and covariance equal to the identitymatrix.


The four models previously described were empiricallyevaluated and the results are presented in this section.

A. Data Sets

We used two data sets. Details for each of them are givenbelow.

The yeast data set was used in [36], [12] and it consists ofthe high confidence physical interactions between proteinshighlighted in [57]. The PPI network has 984 nodes (pro-teins) connected by 2438 links (interactions). We considerall the protein pairs not present in the 2438 interactionsas non-interacting. The degree distribution of the nodes isshown in the top-left plot in Figure 3. The yeast PPI graphis very sparse, as a result the data is highly unbalanced,with less than 1% from the total examples belonging tothe positive class. We balanced the data set by sampling anumber of negative examples equal with the number ofpositive examples. For each protein pair we considereda vector of features of dimension 5 representing geneexpression values under different experimental conditions.

The human data set was created and made available by[37] and consists of protein pairs with an associated label:

interact or non-interact. Unlike positive interactions, non-interacting pairs are not experimentally reported. Thus, acommon strategy is to consider as non-interacting pairsa randomly drawn fraction from the total set of potentialprotein pairs excluding the pairs known to interact. Theresulting data set has 14,608 interacting pairs and 432,197non-interacting pairs. The PPI graph consists of 24, 380nodes connected by 14, 608 edges. As in the case of theyeast data set, the PPI graph of the human data is verysparse. The degree distribution of the nodes is shown inthe bottom-left plot on Figure 3. We balanced the dataset by sampling a number of negative examples equalwith the number of positive examples. Each pair of pro-teins is characterized by a 27-dimensional feature vector.The features were constructed based on Gene Ontology(GO) cell component (1), GO molecular function (1), GObiological process (1), co-occurrence in tissue (1), geneexpression (16), sequence similarity (1), homology based(5) and domain interaction (1), where the numbers inbrackets correspond to the number of elements contributedby the feature type to the feature vector. Homology basedfeatures were derived from the protein-protein interactiondata sets, but more sophisticated approaches based onHMM or Markov random fields [58], [59] could have alsobeen used here. Domain-domain interactions were derivedfor each candidate protein pair using the method describedin [60].

B. Experimental Setup and Evaluation

The experimental setup considered a part of thedata for training and the rest for testing. The trainingdata was used to learn the models and the testingdata was used to evaluate the performance of thesemodels for predicting PPIs. We randomly sampled10 training sets containing different percentages(10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%) fromthe total observations. The training features werestandardized to have mean zero and standard deviationof one. We used area under the receiver operatingcharacteristic curve (AUC) as a measure for evaluatingthe performance. We can interpret the AUC statistic as theprobability that a randomly chosen missing edge (a truepositive) is given a higher score by the method than arandomly chosen pair of proteins without an interaction (atrue negative). The entire training and testing proceduresfor all percentages of data were repeated 10 times ondifferent observations in training and testing and averageresults (mean ± standard deviation) over the 10 splits ofthe data into training and testing were reported.

C. Performance

Tables I and II show the performance of the four modelsdiscussed in Section II and four other models from theliterature for predicting PPIs on the two data sets: yeast (Ta-ble I) and human (Table II). Model 1 (Features+Topology)represents the Bayesian framework for combining featureand topology information, Model 2 (Features only) uses

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only protein information, Model 3 (Topology only) usesonly topology information and Model 4 (Topology-enrichedfeatures) uses protein features which are enriched with nodedegrees. For comparison we used four other approaches:SVM, SVM logistic (which fits logistic models to the SVMoutputs), decision tree (the C4.5 decision tree [61]) andrandom forest classifier [62]. For the implementation ofthe classifiers used for comparison we used the WEKAtoolbox [63]. The protocol described in Section III-B wasused for all methods considered and the averaged AUCscores with their standard deviations are reported.

The results show that the combination of the two sourcesof information, protein features and topology, gives a betterperformance than using only one type of information. Inparticular Model 1 (Features+Topology) performs signifi-cantly better than Model 2 (Features only) in most of thecases. Model 1 and Model 4 have a similar performancefor human data while Model 1 performs better than Model4 for yeast data. An explanation for this is related to howthe protein features were constructed in the two cases; foryeast data the features for a protein pair resulted fromsumming the feature vectors corresponding to the twoproteins, while for human data the protein features aremore related to the protein pair than to individual proteins.Model 1 incorporates the topological information througha Bayesian prior, Model 4 just includes the node degreescomputed on the training data as features. Both are validoptions, but Model 1 empirically outperforms Model 4,arguably because the probabilistic framework incorporatesthe uncertainty in the degrees instead of considering themfixed and given. The results vary also as a function ofthe size of the training data. For a small training set thenetwork topology is not well defined, and we can seethat in this case the improvement is smaller, but, as weincrease the training set, meaning that the knowledge aboutthe network topology, i.e., about which nodes are hubs,increases, the performance obtained by adding the topologyinformation improves. The random forest classifier has beenshown to perform very well on predicting PPIs [10], [64].This is also the case for this comparison, however, wenotice that the best performance is obtained by Model1 (Features+Topology) which is the Bayesian frameworkfor combining topology and feature information that wepropose in this work.

1) Topology Learning: The combination between theprotein features and topology information from Model 1has the best performance in comparison with the othermodels since it is able to learn faster and more accurate thetopology of the network, which in this case refers to nodedegrees. In order to show this, we analyzed how accuratethe degrees of the nodes are estimated in the cases ofModel 1 (Features+Topology) and Model 2 (Features only).The comparison was performed on the yeast data. Bothmodels were learned on the training data. The predictednode degrees were computed on the test data by summingthe predictive probabilities from Equation (8) for edgese(ij) in which one of the indices i or j corresponds tothe node of interest. The estimation of the node degrees

for the two models is shown in Figure 4 with the x-axisshowing the percentage of data used for training, and the y-axis showing the error of the estimates measured using theroot mean square of the difference between the predictedand actual node degrees (top plot) and the root mean squareof the difference between the logarithms of the predictedand actual node degrees (bottom plot). Where the rootmean square of the node degrees themselves measures theabsolute error in estimated node degrees, which is quitesensitive to correctly estimating the hub nodes, the rootmean square of the logarithms measures the relative error.It can be seen that indeed Model 1 (Features+Topology)gives a much better estimate to the actual node degrees incomparison to Model 2 (Features) and this explains alsowhy the performance of Model 1 is better than that ofModel 2 as shown also in Tables I and II.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50






% training data




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.50.5





% training data




Fig. 4. The root mean square of the difference between the predictedand actual node degrees (top) and between the logarithms of the predictedand actual node degrees (bottom) for the two models: Model 2 (featuresonly) and Model 1 (features+topology) as a function of the percentage ofdata considered in the training set.

The topology information acts in controlling the nodedegree distribution and forbidding producing too manynodes with extra large degrees. The topology informationenters in our model as a prior which favors networks withdegree distributions right-skewed (similar to the top plotfrom Figure 2 and the plots from Figure 3 and not like themiddle and the bottom plot from Figure 2), thus a few hubsand the rest of the nodes with just a few connections.

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10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Model 1 0.90 ± 0.02 0.94 ± 0.01 0.96 ± 0.00 0.97 ± 0.00 0.97 ± 0.00Model 2 0.70 ± 0.00 0.71 ± 0.00 0.71 ± 0.00 0.71 ± 0.00 0.71 ± 0.00Model 3 0.89 ± 0.02 0.92 ± 0.01 0.95 ± 0.01 0.95 ± 0.01 0.96 ± 0.00Model 4 0.74 ± 0.07 0.80 ± 0.06 0.81 ± 0.07 0.81 ± 0.06 0.81 ± 0.04SVM 0.64 ± 0.01 0.64 ± 0.01 0.63 ± 0.01 0.63 ± 0.01 0.62 ± 0.01SVM logistic 0.69 ± 0.00 0.69 ± 0.00 0.70 ± 0.00 0.70 ± 0.00 0.70 ± 0.00Decision tree 0.70 ± 0.02 0.72 ± 0.01 0.74 ± 0.00 0.74 ± 0.00 0.75 ± 0.01Random forest 0.76 ± 0.01 0.78 ± 0.00 0.79 ± 0.00 0.80 ± 0.00 0.81 ± 0.01

60% 70% 80% 90%

Model 1 0.98 ± 0.00 0.98 ± 0.00 0.98 ± 0.00 0.99 ± 0.00Model 2 0.70 ± 0.00 0.70 ± 0.00 0.70 ± 0.00 0.70 ± 0.01Model 3 0.97 ± 0.00 0.97 ± 0.00 0.97 ± 0.00 0.98 ± 0.00Model 4 0.82 ± 0.03 0.82 ± 0.02 0.83 ± 0.02 0.82 ± 0.02SVM 0.62 ± 0.00 0.62 ± 0.00 0.62 ± 0.00 0.62 ± 0.01SVM logistic 0.70 ± 0.00 0.70 ± 0.00 0.70 ± 0.00 0.70 ± 0.01Decision tree 0.75 ± 0.01 0.76 ± 0.01 0.77 ± 0.01 0.76 ± 0.01Random forest 0.81 ± 0.00 0.81 ± 0.00 0.81 ± 0.01 0.82 ± 0.01





10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Model 1 0.92 ± 0.00 0.95 ± 0.00 0.96 ± 0.00 0.96 ± 0.00 0.97 ± 0.00Model 2 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00Model 3 0.86 ± 0.00 0.91 ± 0.00 0.93 ± 0.00 0.94 ± 0.00 0.95 ± 0.00Model 4 0.91 ± 0.00 0.94 ± 0.00 0.95 ± 0.00 0.96 ± 0.00 0.96 ± 0.00SVM 0.80 ± 0.00 0.80 ± 0.00 0.81 ± 0.00 0.81 ± 0.00 0.81 ± 0.00SVM logistic 0.85 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00Decision tree 0.84 ± 0.01 0.85 ± 0.01 0.86 ± 0.00 0.87 ± 0.00 0.87 ± 0.00Random forest 0.92 ± 0.00 0.92 ± 0.00 0.92 ± 0.00 0.92 ± 0.00 0.93 ± 0.00

60% 70% 80% 90%

Model 1 0.97 ± 0.00 0.97 ± 0.00 0.97 ± 0.00 0.97 ± 0.00Model 2 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00Model 3 0.95 ± 0.00 0.96 ± 0.00 0.96 ± 0.00 0.96 ± 0.00Model 4 0.97 ± 0.00 0.97 ± 0.00 0.97 ± 0.00 0.97 ± 0.00SVM 0.81 ± 0.00 0.81 ± 0.00 0.81 ± 0.00 0.81 ± 0.00SVM logistic 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00 0.86 ± 0.00Decision Tree 0.87 ± 0.00 0.88 ± 0.00 0.88 ± 0.00 0.88 ± 0.00Random forest 0.93 ± 0.00 0.93 ± 0.00 0.92 ± 0.00 0.93 ± 0.00

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2) Influence of the Prior: Table III shows the perfor-mance obtained for predicting PPIs using Model 1 fora size of the training data of 1% from the total dataset and with three parameter settings for the prior. Thesecorrespond to the three parameter settings for the log-normal distribution based on which the histograms fromFigure 2 were generated. The performance is best form0 = −3, σ0 = 1 which corresponds to the top histogramfrom Figure 2 and which is also a valid assumption forthe topology of PPI networks. The differences between theparameter settings for m0, i.e., (−3, 0, 3) are huge andcorrespond to completely different degree distributions. Weargue that the results are insensitive to small, reasonablechanges in the hyperparameters.




Prior parameter Yeast Humansettings data data

m0 = −3 0.639 ± 0.014 0.863 ± 0.006m0 = 0 0.595 ± 0.015 0.808 ± 0.014m0 = 3 0.566 ± 0.015 0.742 ± 0.029


In addition to the node degree distribution, networks ingeneral, and PPI networks in particular, can be charac-terized by other global topological properties, includingthe clustering coefficient, the network diameter, and theaverage shortest path. [16] showed the existence in PPInetworks of highly inter-connected regions which are cor-related with biological functions and large multi-proteincomplexes. PPI networks are shown to adhere also to thesmall world phenomenon, i.e., most pairs of proteins areconnected to each other by a short chain of links involvingseveral intermediate proteins. In addition to these globaltopological properties, PPI networks are also characterizedby the so-called network motifs. A network motif is a smallsubgraph which appears in the network significantly morefrequently than in a randomized network. Different typesof real-world networks have been shown to have differentmotifs [65]. We believe that frameworks similar to theone introduced here for incorporating information aboutthe node degree distribution, can be derived for includingother types of topological information. The so-called nodesignature [32], which represents the topology in the neigh-borhood of a node, might be useful in this direction. In thesame direction, other random graph generators have to beinvestigated, like for example, exponential random graphmodels [66]. The degree distribution of PPI networks isin general described as scale-free, although this claim hasbeen recently questioned [18], [67]. However, most parties

agree that the degree distribution is very broad, hence theexistence of hubs, and the log-normal distribution that weconsider here can be fitted well to this situation. Anotherproperty related to the nodes’ degree which has beenobserved for PPI networks is the anti-correlation betweennetwork degrees of interacting proteins [16]. This meansthat hub-proteins avoid connecting to each other and insteadtend to interact with proteins of low connectivity/degree.The random graph generator that we defined in this modeldoes not satisfy this property. Another option for furtherimprovement could be used to incorporate homology-basedfeatures along the lines of [58].

When trying to add topological information, the compu-tational complexity becomes a problem. In the frameworkpresented here, we managed to find some simplifyingassumptions which reduce the computational complexityand at the same time yield a good performance. Due tothe sparsity of the feature vector which incorporates thesparsity, and using an iterative scheme, the computationalcomplexity of the method could be simplified.

We have set the hyperparameters of the prior to roughlymatch the known characteristics of PPI networks. Thisalready yields excellent results. A more involved approachwould estimate these parameters in an empirical Bayesianapproach, which is left for future work. The logistic regres-sion classifier is a natural choice in our framework sincelatent variables in the graph generator can be translated toweights in the logistic regressor. Similar ideas may alsowork in connection to other classifiers and may be usedfor the reconstruction of other biological networks, suchas, metabolic, gene regulatory or signaling networks.

In this paper, we introduced a framework for predictingPPI by considering the network structure information. Thisis a Bayesian framework consisting of a prior distributionover the network topology, likelihood terms and usingBayes’ rule to compute the posterior distribution.


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Adriana Birlutiu received her B.Sc. in Math-ematics and Computer Science in 2004 andM.Sc. in Computer Science in 2005 from Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Sheobtained her Ph.D. in 2011 from the Institute forComputing and Information Sciences, RadboudUniversity Nijmegen, the Netherlands. She iscurrently an assistant professor at the Facultyof Science, ”1 Decembrie 1918” University ofAlba-Iulia, Romania. Her research interests in-clude Bayesian machine learning, computational

intelligence and bioinformatics.

Florence d’Alche-Buc received a diploma ofengineering of Telecom ParisTech in 1990 andboth the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in ComputerScience from University Paris Sud, France, in1991 and 1993, respectively. After two years atPhilips Research laboratories (Limeil-Brevannes,France) as a research scientist, she joined Uni-versite Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France andworked there as an associate professor until 2004and then moved to University of Evry, in 2004as a full professor in Computer Science. Prof.

d’Alche-Buc’s research interests include machine learning and bioinfor-matics with a focus on kernel methods and dynamical modeling.

Tom Heskes received both the M.Sc. and Ph.D.degrees in Physics from the University of Ni-jmegen, The Netherlands, in 1989 and 1993,respectively. After a year of postdoctoral workat the Beckman Institute in Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, he worked from 1994 to 2004 as aresearcher for SNN, Nijmegen. Between 1997and 2004 he headed the company SMART Re-search BV, specialized in applications of neuralnetworks and related techniques. Since 2004he works at the Institute for Computing and

Information Sciences at the Faculty of Science, Radboud UniversityNijmegen, where he is now a full professor in artificial intelligence.Prof. Heskes is Editor-in-Chief of Neurocomputing. His research interestsinclude theoretical and practical aspects of neural networks, machinelearning, and probabilistic graphical models.