9s 10s eBook Sample

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  • 8/11/2019 9s 10s eBook Sample


  • 8/11/2019 9s 10s eBook Sample



  • 8/11/2019 9s 10s eBook Sample




    Copying, sharing, emailing, posting, distributing, selling this work in whole or part, or creating

    derivative works from this book is strictly prohibited. Please see the terms and conditions at

    the end of this book for details.

    This work is not to be considered professional, medical, psychological or legal advice. It is for

    entertainment purposes only. Social Circle Training our associates, or affiliates will not be

    liable for any direct or indirect consequences that occur from the use of any of the ideas

    contained this book.

  • 8/11/2019 9s 10s eBook Sample


    A Note From the Author


    Note From the uthor

    Thank you for purchasing Access 9s and 10s: How to infiltrate high end social circles and

    meet the hottest women.

    This book has been designed to give you a roadmap of how to specifically enter the social

    circles where you will find the most beautiful women in the world. The examples and details

    given in this book are just one method. It is not a be all and end all. There are numerous ways

    to get into different social circles, this is one of them. You can use the underlying principles in

    this book, and apply them to literally any social circle.

    The most important thing to take from this book is that you should always be giving people

    positive energy. The principles and techniques you will learn are all based around doing good

    for people, and then enjoying the rewards.

    Think of yourself as an agent of goodwill. You will have a new understanding of social circle

    dynamics; you must use that, not only to better your life, but to improve that of others also.

    People should be better off for knowing you and their lives will be improved by you being a

    part of them.

    To best utilise this book, you need to be at a basic level of communication and people skills.

    You need to be able to dress decently and have sufficient finances to support yourself as well

    as time to put the techniques into practice. If you dont feel you are ready to best utilise this

  • 8/11/2019 9s 10s eBook Sample



    book, have a look at art of charm, they have programmes to help improve your people and

    conversation skills.

    Most importantly you need dedication. I need you to commit to this book and put the

    teachings into practice. You have given me $97, now let me give you more than 10x that in

    value but in order for me to do that, you have to play your part. You know the saying, you

    can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink. Well, the same applies here.

    Writing this book has been a passion of mine, and through trial and error it has literally taken

    me years to discover what you now have in front of you. It is my hope that by using the

    concepts in this book you get a better understanding of social circle dynamics, and you are

    able to really meet the most beautiful women the world has to offer.

    Thanks again for purchasing Access 9s and 10s: How to infiltrate high end social circles and

    meet the hottest women. I hope it gets you the results you want, and ACCESS to the world

    that you want.

    - Greg Greenway, Social Circle Training, June 2011

  • 8/11/2019 9s 10s eBook Sample


    Table of Contents


    Table of Contents



    THE RAPPORT LADDER ....................................................................................................................... 10

    THE UTILITY GAME ............................................................................................................................. 13

    PLAYINGTHE UTILITY GAME ................................................................................................................ 14


    NIGHTCLUB STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................................... 17

    TABLOID CLUBS ................................................................................................................................. 18

    CLIQUE CLUBS................................................................................................................................... 20

    NIGHTCLUB UTILITIES.......................................................................................................................... 21


    STAGE 1: GETTING IN ......................................................................................................................... 25

    STAGE 2: WORKING THEVENUE STAFF................................................................................................. 27

    STAGE 3: ADDINGVALUE TO PROMOTERS AND SUB-PROMOTERS ........................................................... 29

    STAGE 4: BUILDINGYOUR ENTOURAGE ............................................................................................. 33

    STAGE 5: THETOP OF THETABLOID SCENE .......................................................................................... 41


    THE SOCIAL HIERARCHY..................................................................................................................... 42

    STAGE 1: GETTING IN ......................................................................................................................... 46

    STAGE 2: ADDINGVALUE .................................................................................................................... 50

    THE IMPORTANCE OF MOMENTUM AND HOW TO CREATE IT..................................................................... 57

    GAMING THE GIRLS IN CLIQUES........................................................................................................... 59


    MINDSETS ......................................................................................................................................... 62

    INNER CIRCLE GIRLS AND OUTER CIRCLE GIRLS .................................................................................... 65

    GIRLS INYOU OUTER CIRCLE.............................................................................................................. 66

    GIRLS IN YOU INNER CIRCLE ................................................................................................................ 82

    PART 6 BONUS 90

    USING MONEY................................................................................................................................... 90

    CELEBRITY GAME ............................................................................................................................... 93

    FINAL WORD AND NEXT STEPS............................................................................................................ 95

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    So how do you get 10s, super models, celebrities, actresses etc consistently? That's what

    every bloody Pick up guru harks on about, but few have ever put together a concrete method

    of how. There is a lot of theory on "10" game and how to use social circle to get hot women

    etc, but lets be honest, if youre reading this, then like I did when I wrote this, a lot of you

    aren't buying into the literature that's out there. The main thing is that these gurus aren't

    seen out everyday with swarms of "10s" on their arms. Even if they were seen with a couple

    of 10s, then you and I may believe them. Most of them dont even have their lives together,

    live at home and do not live some rockstar lifestyle filled with beautiful women and fantastic


    How often do you see women like this:

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    More importantly, how often do you see Gurus with women like this?

    Not often right? Thats because none of them have learned the power of social circle. None

    of the so called Gurus date or hang out with women of this calibre. I pulled these pictures off

    my computer; it took me about 2 mins to put it together into a collage like this. These are

    literally the first 10 or so pictures in my photo folder. These are the kind of women that I hang

    out with on a regular basis. If you had been following my emails you would have seen the

    pictures of Nicole (the Miss America contestant) that I went on a date with, and her super hot



    How do you get to this holy grail of game? The answer is access. Its that simple. If you are

    around the best looking women, all the time, then chances are you will be having most of

    your relationships with the best looking women. "Game", seldom changes between a good

    looking girl, a hot girl, and a super hot girl. The main problem is getting access to these super

    hot girls. They are rare, but for some reason united in there rarity in certain social circles. The

    social circles of rock stars, celebrities, billionaires and the like.

    My flatmate here in Hollywood, took me to a party last week, and it was full of the hottest

    women I have ever seen. Even the worst looking women in the room, would make 9s and

    10s in many of our eyes. I dont know why, so many hot women are in specific social circles,

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    and frankly I don't care. What I do know is how to get into those social circles, have a fast

    paced and entertaining lifestyle, and get access to these top of the food chain women.

    You can obviously just pay your way into social circles, but many of you don't have the

    means (if you do email me [email protected]), or an idea of where to begin. And

    even if you did have the means, you would probably spend way more than what is required.

    The more practical way is to infiltrate these circles via virtue of the relationships you build with


    The 2 main methods are; creating a social circle filled with hordes of beautiful women,

    generating social proof, status and a high profile, then being invited into a high class social

    circle. Or, going it solo, and concentrating on the relationships you cultivate and how those

    give you the access you want. I will describe both methods as I have done both, and I will

    also give pros and cons of each method. I'll give you a brief run-down on the basics of Social

    Awareness and Intelligence, so you can have a basic understanding of how relationships are

    built and nurtured and how to be a person everyone wants to know.

    I'll breakdown the high end nightclub structure and industry, allowing you to get free shit

    such as entry, drinks, invites to other parties etc. I'll also give my take on Social Circle

    Seduction; the best ways to game the 9s and 10s in your social circles, without jeopardising

    the relationships you have built.

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    Part 1 Social Intelligence


    Part Social Intel l igence

    The Rapport Ladder

    Before you can begin to get a handle on your lifestyle, and getting into the social circles that

    give you access to the women and the life that you want, you have to understand the basics.

    If at the base level you dont know who you are, or how to interact with people, build

    relationships, and make people around you comfortable, you will never be able to master

    your lifestyle.

    What Im about to talk about is the bare minimum requirements. Make sure this is sorted out

    before reading on. The first stage, is understanding the processes of how relationships are

    formed. Your goal is to access hot women in a certain type of social circle.

    To get to these social circles you are going to need people to help you and to accept you.

    Youre going to need people to not only want to hang around you, but to also want to

    introduce you to their friends. To get a handle on this, you need to have a handle on the


    Let me ask you guys a question. Do you have a friend that you enjoy hanging out with? You

    guys are cool, the two of you get along, and you can spend time together on a 1-on-1 basis.

    However, this same friend, you wouldnt introduce he or she to your boss for example, or

    university friends maybe.

  • 8/11/2019 9s 10s eBook Sample



    Have you ever met someone who always talks about parties or events they go to. Theyre

    always telling you about the great time they had over the weekend, or showing you pictures

    of their adventures

    But this person NEVER seems to invite you along. Even though you guys hang out with each

    other and seem to have a good relationship.

    This is all due to the Rapport Ladder. It is a hierarchy of levels of rapport that dictate the

    social standing of one individual to another.

    When you are meeting high value people in the social circles that you are trying to become a

    part of, you need to go from previously having no rapport with them to a point where you are

    at least casual acquaintances. This is the most common transition. It is the process of where

    2 people meet and they're strangers; to those people forming a relationship.

    Moving from level one to level two, on the ladder, is largely due to face time, and