92/8/16 ﻪﺒﻨﺸﺠﻨﭘ ﺮﺼﻋ ﯽﻣﻮﻤﻋ نﺎﺑز...

) 1 ( ﻋﺼﺮ ﭘﻨﺠﺸﻨﺒﻪ16 / 8 / 92 زﺑﺎن ﻋﻤﻮﻣﯽPART A: Grammar Directions: Choose the word or phrase (1), (2), (3), or (4) that best completes each sentence, and then mark the correct choice on your answer sheet. 1- ---------, more stores are beginning to stock their shelves with standard vegetarian fare, such as soy milk and tofu. 1) Increasingly, there are more and more vegetarians, so 2) With an increase amount of vegetarians 3) With the number of vegetarians on the rise 4) With the number of vegetarians, which is on the rise 2- Though garlic is often associated with Italian Cuisine, it is actually the use of oregano which ---------. 1) most distinguishes the Italians from the French 2) primarily distinguishes Italians from Frenchmen 3) most distinguishes Italian cookery from French 4) generally serves to distinguish an Italian sauce from a French one 3- They were --------- about how to handle Carson's breach of contract. 1) in mind, of a like manner 2) in a likened mind 3) of a like-mindedness 4) of a like mind 4- It takes me two hours --------- they're such bad roads. 1) getting to Bangor in which 2) to get to Bangor that 3) to get to Bangor in that 4) getting to Bangor which 5- --------- of her experience she managed to secure the contract. 1) No surprise that in view 2) No surprising that in view 3) Not surprising that in the view 4) Not a surprise that in the view 6- The company may be obliged to lay off staff, ---------. 1) in that case the unions surely object to 2) in which case the unions are sure to object 3) which in that case the unions surely object to 4) that is the case which the unions are sure to object 7- The most important issue relating to computer technology and the internet is the right of --------- of our personal data and our actions in cyberspace. 1) individual privacy, being the privacy 2) individual privacy, including the privacy 3) individual privacy, this includes the privacy 4) individuals to have privacy, and included in this consideration is the privacy 8- Athletes who suffer from asthma need to work in --------- understands the disease and can design a proper training regimen. 1) conjunction of a doctor that 2) conjunction with a doctor 3) conjunction with a doctor who 4) the conjunction of a doctor whom he 9- To date many subjects, --------- to be of interest to these students. 1) exclusive math, turn out 2) excluding math, turn out 3) exclusive of math, have turned out 4) excluding for math, have turned out 10- The bonding power that any adhesive has depends on both its cohesion ---------. 1) and that it adheres the surface to which it is applied 2) and its adherence to the surface which it is applied to 3) and that it adherers to the surface which it is applied to 4) as well as its adherence to the surface to which it is applied PART B: Vocabulary Directions: Choose the word or phrase (1), (2), (3), or (4) that best completes each sentence, and then mark the correct choice on your answer sheet. 11- Local people are ------------ towards the plan, which would involve a significant tax increase. 1) ebullient 2) hostile 3) pristine 4) galore

Transcript of 92/8/16 ﻪﺒﻨﺸﺠﻨﭘ ﺮﺼﻋ ﯽﻣﻮﻤﻋ نﺎﺑز...


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان عمومی

PART A: Grammar Directions: Choose the word or phrase (1), (2), (3), or (4) that best completes each sentence, and then mark the correct choice on your answer sheet. 1- ---------, more stores are beginning to stock their shelves with standard vegetarian fare, such as soy milk and tofu.

1) Increasingly, there are more and more vegetarians, so 2) With an increase amount of vegetarians 3) With the number of vegetarians on the rise 4) With the number of vegetarians, which is on the rise

2- Though garlic is often associated with Italian Cuisine, it is actually the use of oregano which ---------. 1) most distinguishes the Italians from the French 2) primarily distinguishes Italians from Frenchmen 3) most distinguishes Italian cookery from French 4) generally serves to distinguish an Italian sauce from a French one

3- They were --------- about how to handle Carson's breach of contract. 1) in mind, of a like manner 2) in a likened mind 3) of a like-mindedness 4) of a like mind

4- It takes me two hours --------- they're such bad roads. 1) getting to Bangor in which 2) to get to Bangor that 3) to get to Bangor in that 4) getting to Bangor which

5- --------- of her experience she managed to secure the contract. 1) No surprise that in view 2) No surprising that in view 3) Not surprising that in the view 4) Not a surprise that in the view

6- The company may be obliged to lay off staff, ---------. 1) in that case the unions surely object to 2) in which case the unions are sure to object 3) which in that case the unions surely object to 4) that is the case which the unions are sure to object

7- The most important issue relating to computer technology and the internet is the right of --------- of our personal data and our actions in cyberspace.

1) individual privacy, being the privacy 2) individual privacy, including the privacy 3) individual privacy, this includes the privacy 4) individuals to have privacy, and included in this consideration is the privacy

8- Athletes who suffer from asthma need to work in --------- understands the disease and can design a proper training regimen.

1) conjunction of a doctor that 2) conjunction with a doctor 3) conjunction with a doctor who 4) the conjunction of a doctor whom he

9- To date many subjects, --------- to be of interest to these students. 1) exclusive math, turn out 2) excluding math, turn out 3) exclusive of math, have turned out 4) excluding for math, have turned out

10- The bonding power that any adhesive has depends on both its cohesion ---------. 1) and that it adheres the surface to which it is applied 2) and its adherence to the surface which it is applied to 3) and that it adherers to the surface which it is applied to 4) as well as its adherence to the surface to which it is applied

PART B: Vocabulary Directions: Choose the word or phrase (1), (2), (3), or (4) that best completes each sentence, and then mark the correct choice on your answer sheet. 11- Local people are ------------ towards the plan, which would involve a significant tax increase.

1) ebullient 2) hostile 3) pristine 4) galore


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان عمومی

12- Switching assignments, working on another team, or making other kinds of adjustments can ------------ anger.

1) subvert 2) heed 3) mitigate 4) conserve 13- When Parliament returned, the Opposition would take the matter up and proceed to a vote of ------------.

1) hindrance 2) impediment 3) indolence 4) censure 14- Two ambulance attendants picked up his ------------ body and put him carefully onto a stretcher.

1) pliable 2) fragile 3) inordinate 4) resentful 15- When the conference was over, the delegates voted not to ------------, but to constitute themselves as a permanent body.

1) adjourn 2) drawl 3) stroll 4) accomplish 16- They fired away with wild abandon, but luckily with little accuracy, and he was able to ------------ himself.

1) extricate 2) repel 3) quench 4) capsize 17- The judge ------------ not only his elegant and thorough analysis but also his lucid exposition of the work.

1) contemplated 2) disclosed 3) commended 4) swamped 18- Despite my closeness over a long period to Harold Wilson, I was certainly not close to his publicized ------------.

1) arsons 2) cronies 3) perjuries 4) misfortunes 19- One particularly ------------ area in the field of health and safety is the valuation of human life itself.

1) transient 2) commodious 3) shallow 4) contentious 20- In his benevolent aspect he is the source of rain and hence petitioned to alleviate ------------, and also to prevent meningitis.

1) containment 2) culprit 3) drought 4) garment 21- The researchers sought to determine if rest periods would reduce worker ------------ and therefore contribute to increased output across the day.

1) fatigue 2) frigid 3) craft 4) dastard 22- He managed to ------------ the fact that he had been in prison and so got a job as a security officer.

1) concur 2) confess 3) conceal 4) confront 23- Luckily for her, the policeman let Jane ------------ for parking her car in a no-parking zone.

1) up and about 2) off the hook 3) out of sight 4) up-and-coming 24- I plan to move into my own apartment in September. ---------, I’m staying with friend Doug.

1) Once and for all 3) Once in a blue moon 2) From time to time 4) For the time being

25- Once the school principal ------------ of the problem, she called a teachers’ meeting. 1) gave a whirl 2) did the trick 3) caught wind 4) carried the can

26- The individual whose own income is going up has no real reason to incur the ------------ of this discussion.

1) fortitude 2) audacity 3) temerity 4) opprobrium 27- They imitated the coolness and courage of their predecessors, going forward with the utmost ------------ and firmness.

1) opulence 2) alacrity 3) indigence 4) enigma 28- He accused Kremlin hawks of a conspiracy to keep the war going to ------------ their own power and thwart his ambitions.

1) embroil 2) accede 3) bolster 4) lurk 29- The playwright complained that the musical comedy version of his play was a/an ------------ of his work.

1) travesty 2) friction 3) altercation 4) litigation 30- Welfare workers were sternly ------------ by the court for ignoring the woman's plea for help.

1) arrogated 2) rebuked 3) portended 4) requited

PART C: Cloze Test Directions: Read the following passage and decide which choice (1), (2), (3), or (4) best fits each space, and then mark the answer on your answer sheet.


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان عمومی

Cities develop as a result of functions that they can perform. Some functions result directly from the (31) -------- of the citizenry, but most functions result from the needs of the local area and of the surrounding hinterland. Geographers often make a distinction between the situation and the site of a city. Situation refers to the general position (32) --------- the surrounding region, whereas site involves physical characteristics of the specific location. Situation is normally much more important to the continuing (33) -------- of a city. If a city is well situated, its development is much more likely to continue. Chicago, for example, is located at the southern end of a huge lake that forces east-west transportation lines (34) --------- into its (35) --------, and at a meeting of significant land and water transport routes. It also (36) -------what is one of the world’s finest large farming regions. These factors (37) -------- that Chicago would become a great city regardless of the disadvantageous characteristics of the available site, such as being prone to flooding during thunderstorm activity. (38) --------, Philadelphia and Boston both originated at about the same time as New York and (39) -------- New York’s location at the western end of one of the world’s most important oceanic trade routes, but only New York possesses an easy-access functional connection to the vast Midwestern hinterland. This account does not alone explain New York’s (40) --------, but it does include several important factors. Among the many aspects of situation that help to explain why some cities grow and others do not, original location on a navigable waterway seems particularly applicable. 31- 1) preface 2) ingenuity 3) concord 4) impunity 32- 1) in spite of 2) in response to 3) in relation to 4) in addition to 33- 1) upheaval 2) prosperity 3) allegiance 4) defiance 34- 1) to be compressed 2) compressed 3) have been compressed 4) being compressed 35- 1) calamity 2) velocity 3) latency 4) vicinity 36- 1) propels 2) dements 3) overlooks 4) rectifies 37- 1) ensured 2) stagnated 3) recoiled 4) pervaded 38- 1) Substantially 2) Similarly 3) Practically 4) Spontaneously 39- 1) shared 2) incinerated 3) retained 4) contended 40- 1) vocation 2) damage 3) essence 4) primacy

PART D: Reading Comprehension Directions: Read the following passages and answer the questions by choosing the best choice (1), (2), (3), or (4), and then mark the answer on your answer sheet. Passage 1: The conflict between good and evil is a common theme running through the great literature and drama of the world, from the time of the ancient Greeks to the present. The principle that conflict is the heart of all dramatic action, when illustrated by concrete examples, almost always turns up some aspect of the struggle between good and evil. The idea that there is neither good nor evil in any absolute moral or religious sense in widespread in our times. There are various relativistic and behavioristic standards of ethics. If these standards even admit the distinction between good and evil, it is as a relative matter and not as a whirlwind of choices that lies at the center of living. In any such state of mind, conflict can at best be only a petty matter, lacking true universality. The acts of the evildoer and of the virtuous man alike become dramatically neutralized. Imagine the reduced effect of Crime and Punishment or The Brothers Karamazov had Dostoevsky thought that good and evil, as portrayed in those books, were wholly relative, and if he had had no conviction about them. You cannot have a vital literature if you ignore or shun evil. What you get then is the world of Pollyanna, goody-goody in place of the good. Cry, The Beloved Country is a great and dramatic novel because Alan Paton, in addition to being a skilled workman, sees with clear eyes both good and evil, differentiates them, pitches them into conflict with each other, and takes sides. He sees that the native boy Absalom Kumalo, who has murdered, cannot be judged justly without taking into account the environment that had had part in shaping him. But Paton sees, too, that Absalom the individual, not society the abstraction, committed the act and is responsible for it. Mr. Paton understands mercy. He knows that this precious thing is not evoked by sentimental impulse, but by a searching examination of the realities of human action. Mercy follows a judgment; it does not precede it. One of the novels by the talented Paul Bowles, Let It Come Down, is full of motion, full of sensational depravities, and is a crashing bore. The book recognizes no good, admits no evil, and is coldly indifferent to


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان عمومی

the moral behavior of its characters. It is a Song shrug. Such a view of life is nondramatic and negates the vital essence of drama. 41- According to the passage, Paton's novel is a great dramatic novel because of Paton's ---------.

1) behavioristic beliefs 2) insight into human behavior 3) willingness to make moral judgments 4) treatment of good and evil as abstractions

42- When the author uses the expression "It is a long shrug" (the last paragraph) in referring to Bowies' book, he is commenting on ---------.

1) the length of the novel 2) the monotony of the story 3) the absence of absolute notions of morality 4) the indifference to the character's moral behavior

43- In our age, according to the passage, the standpoint often taken in the area of ethics is the ---------. 1) relativistic view of morals 2) greater concern with religion 3) belief that good and evil can be equated 4) greater concern with universal standards

44- The phrase "the world of Pollyanna" (paragraph 3) means a situation in which ---------. 1) evil substitutes for good 2) evil becomes preferable to good 3) all is good because evil is ignored 4) everything is viewed pessimistically

45- The author believes that in great literature, good and evil are ---------. 1) truly universal 2) relative terms 3) constantly in conflict 4) dramatically neutralized

Passage 2: The first scientific attempt at coaxing moisture from a cloud was in 1946, when scientist Vincent Schaefer dropped 3 pounds of dry ice from an airplane into a cloud and, to his delight, produced snow. The success of the experiment was modest, but it spawned optimism among farmers and ranchers around the country. It seemed to them that science had finally triumphed over weather. Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way. Although there were many cloud-seeding operations during the late 1940s and the 1950s, no one could say whether they had any effect on precipitation. Cloud seeding, or weather modification as it came to be called, was clearly more complicated than had been thought. It was not until the early 1970s that enough experiments had been done to understand the processes involved. What these studies indicated was that only certain types of clouds are amenable to seeding. One of the most responsive is the winter orographic cloud, formed when air currents encounter a mountain slope and rise. If the temperature in such a cloud is right, seeding can increase snow yield by 10 to 20 percent. There are two major methods of weather modification. In one method, silver iodide is burned in propane-fired ground generators. The smoke rises into the clouds where the tiny silver-iodide particles act as nuclei for the formation of ice crystals. The alternate system uses airplanes to deliver dry-ice pellets. Dry ice does not provide ice-forming nuclei, Instead, it lowers the temperature near the water droplets in the clouds so that they freeze instantly-a process called spontaneous nucleation. Seeding from aircraft is more efficient but also more expensive. About 75 percent of all weather modification in the United States takes place in the Western states. With the population of the West growing rapidly, few regions of the world require more water. About 85 percent of the waters in the rivers of the West comes from melted snow. As one expert put it, the water problems of the future may make the energy problems of the 1970s seem like child's play to solve. That's why the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, along with state governments, municipal water districts, and private interests such as ski areas and agricultural cooperatives, is putting increased effort into cloud-seeding efforts. Without consistent and heavy snowfalls in the Rockies and Sierras, the West would literally dry up. The most intensive effort to produce precipitation was during the West's disastrous snow drought of 1976-77. It is impossible to judge the efficiency of weather modification based on one crash program, but most experts think that such hurry-up programs are not very effective. 46- What is the main subject of the passage?

1) The scientific contributions of Vincent Schaefer 2) Developments in methods of increasing precipitation 3) The process by which snow crystals form 4) The effects of cloud seeding

47- After the cloud-seeding operations of the late 1940s and the 1950s, the farmers and ranchers mentioned in the first paragraph probably felt ---------.

1) triumphant 2) modest 3) disappointed 4) optimistic


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان عمومی

48- Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the term weather modification? 1) It is not as old as the term cloud seeding. 2) It has been in use since at least 1946. 3) It refers to only one type of cloud seeding. 4) It was first used by Vincent Schaefer.

49- According to the passage, winter orographic clouds are formed ---------. 1) on relatively warm winter days 2) over large bodies of water 3) during intense snow storms 4) when air currents rise over mountains

50- When clouds are seeded from the ground, what actually causes ice crystals to form? 1) Propane 2) Silver-iodide smoke 3) Dry-ice pellets 4) Nuclear radiation

51- Clouds would most likely be seeded from airplanes when ---------. 1) it is important to save money 2) the process of spontaneous nucleation cannot be employed 3) the production of precipitation must be efficient 4) temperatures are lower than usual

52- About what percentage of the western United States' water supply comes from run-off from melted snow?

1) 10 percent 2) 20 percent 3) 75 percent 4) 85 percent 53- What does the author imply about the energy problems of the 1970s?

1) They were caused by a lack of water. 2) They took attention away from water problems. 3) They may not be as critical as water problems will be in the future. 4) They were thought to be minor at the time but turned out to be serious.

Passage 3: The brilliant light, crystalline air, and spectacular surroundings have long drawn people to the tiny New Mexican town of Taos. Today, the homes of some of those who have settled there during Taos' 300-year history have been restored and are open to the public. Along with the churches and art galleries, these residences make up a part of the unique cultural heritage of Taos. Representing the Spanish Colonial era is the meticulously restored hacienda of Don Antonio Severino Martinez. He moved his family to Taos in 1804 and transformed a simple cabin, into a huge, imposing fortress. Its twenty-one rooms and two courtyards now house a living museum where visitors can watch potters and weavers at work. The American territorial era is represented by two houses: the home of the explorer and scout Kit Carson, located off Taos Square, and that of Charles Bent, a trader who later became governor of the New Mexico territory. Carson's house was built in 1843, Bent's three years later. In the twentieth century, Taos, like its bigger sister Santa Fe to the south, blossomed into a center for artists and artisans. One of the first artists to move there was Ernest Blumenschein, who is known for his illustrations, including those for the works of Jack London and other bestselling authors. in 1898, while on a Denver-to-Mexico City sketching tour, Blumenschein's wagon broke down near Taos. He walked into town carrying his broken wheel, looked around, and decided to stay. His rambling, twelve-room house is furnished as it was when he lived there. Not far from the Blumenschein house is the home of another artist, Russian-born painter Nicolai Fechin, who moved to Taos in the 1920s. He carved and decorated the furniture, windows, gates, and Fireplaces himself, transforming the interior of his adobe house into that of a traditional country house in his homeland. A few miles north of town is the Millicent Rogers Museum, the residence of a designer and collector who came to Taos in 1947 An adobe castle, it contains a treasure trove of Native American and Hispanic jewelry, pots, rugs and other artifacts. 54- The passage mainly discusses which aspect of Taos?

1) Its famous families 2) Events from its 300-year history 3) Its different architectural styles 4) Its historic houses

55- The word meticulously in line 5 is closest in meaning to ---------. 1) tastefully 2) privately 3) carefully 4) expensively

56- The word imposing in line 7 is closest in meaning to ---------. 1) striking 2) complex 3) threatening 4) antiquated

57- According to the passage, the home of Don Antonio Severino Martinez is now a(n) ---------. 1) fortress 2) art gallery 3) museum 4) simple cabin


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (آموزش زبان)

58- According to the passage, what were Charles Bent's two occupations? 1) Merchant and politician 2) Artist and artisan 3) Explorer and scout 4) Potter and weaver

59- Charles Bern's house was probably built in ---------. 1) 1804 2) 1840 3) 1843 4) 1846

60- The town of Santa Fe is probably referred to as Taos's "bigger sister" (paragraph 3) because it ---------.

1) is older 2) has a larger population 3) is more famous 4) has more artists

)زبان تخصصی (آموزش زبان

PART A: Language Teaching Methodology Directions: Choose the word or phrase (1), (2), (3), or (4) that best completes each sentence, and then mark the correct choice on your answer sheet. 61- According to Gagne’s learning types, --------- refers to learning to make a diffuse response to a stimulus.

1) signal learning 2) stimulus-response learning 3) concept learning 4) verbal association

62- The --------- level is the level of operations performed by the brain which enables humans to perform needed functions at a sub-conscious level while freeing the brain to concentrate on other processes that require conscious attention.

1) emotional 2) primal 3) rational 4) cognitive 63- This method is based on the premise of teaching language through physical/motor activity.

1) Community Language Learning 2) Neuro-Linguistic Programming 3) Total Physical Response 4) The Silent Way

64- --------- is/are general mental activities carried out in the mind of any learner around the globe, such as generalization, subsumption, transfer, etc.

1) Processes 2) Styles 3) Strategies 4) Ambiguity tolerance 65- The goal of this method is encouraging discovering or creating rather than remembering or repeating what is to be learned.

1) Total Physical Response 2) Community Language Learning 3) The Silent Way 4) Suggestopedia

66- --------- was originally an approach for teaching language arts, that is, reading and writing in L1. 1) Community Language Learning 2) Multiple Intelligences 3) Whole Language Approach 4) Competency-Based Language Teaching

67- --------- learners tend to notice details and the components of a whole more readily, because they are independent of the background of the issue at hand.

1) Field independent 2) Right-brain dominant 3) Impulsive 4) Auditory

68- All of the following are associated with Suggestopedia except ---------. 1) raja yoga 2) learners’ authority 3) double-planedness 4) suggestology

69- --------- is a training philosophy and a set of training techniques, and it is an alternative form of therapy.

1) Multiple Intelligences 2) Neurolinguistic Programming 3) The Lexical Approach 4) Competency-Based Language Teaching

70- According to Sternberg’s triarchic view of intelligence, --------- ability refers to ability for analytical thinking.

1) componential 2) experiential 3) contextual 4) emotional 71- This method is mainly concerned with developing proposals for syllabus design and language teaching founded on a lexically oriented view of language.

1) The Silent Way 2) Suggestopedia 3) Multiple Intelligences 4) The Lexical Approach


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (آموزش زبان)

72- Language is tied to life through the senses: the senses provide the accompaniment and context for the linguistic message which give it meaning and purpose. This sentence best describes ---------.

1) Multiple Intelligences 2) Neurolinguistic Programming 3) Competency-Based Language Teaching 4) The Lexical Approach

73- --------- learners tend to weigh all the considerations in a problem, work out all the loopholes, and then venture a solution.

1) Reflective 2) Ambiguity intolerant 3) Field dependent 4) Kinesthetic

74- Which of the following is not emphasized in Competency-Based Language Teaching? 1) What learners can do with the language 2) Precise measurable descriptions of the knowledge, skills, and behaviors 3) Individualized instruction 4) Successful functioning in the classroom

75- Which of the following was not a feature of Community Language Learning? 1) Bilingual education 2) Counseling learning 3) Whole person learning 4) Topical and linear syllabus

76- Stimuli which --------- certain responses are central foci in ---------. 1) elicit – Skinnerian operant conditioning 2) emit – Skinnerian conditioning 3) elicit – Pavlovian conditioning 4) emit – Pavlovian classical conditioning

77- Which of the following cannot be associated with the innate bio-program for L1 and L2 in TPR? 1) Listening competence development before speech 2) Listening development as a result of responding to parental commands 3) Speech evolving naturally after writing 4) The synchronization of language with the individual’s body

78- Which of the following cannot be associated with Whole Language Approach? 1) Interactional perspective 2) Respect for students and teachers 3) Instructionally motivated material 4) Humanistic approach

79- In deductive reasoning, you go from the --------- to the --------- and from --------- to ---------. 1) part – whole – rules – examples 2) whole – part – rules – examples 3) whole – part – examples – rules 4) part – whole – examples – rules

80- Educational progress is defined in terms of improving delivery systems. It is therefore seen as prescriptivist in that it prepares students to fit into the status quo (=the current states) and maintain (social) class relationships. This method best describes ---------.

1) the Lexical Approach 2) the Silent Way 3) Community Language Learning 4) Competency-Based Language Teaching

81- All of the following are the key features of Neurolinguistic Programming except ---------. 1) goals 2) rapport 3) sensory acuity 4) authenticity

82- As a metacognitive strategy, --------- refers to making a general preview of the organizing concept or principle in an anticipated learning activity.

1) directed attention 2) selective attention 3) functional planning 4) advance organizer

83- Improving memorization and increasing memory power as a result of positive, comprehensive stimulation of personality was a claim made by ---------.

1) Community Language Learning 2) Neuro-Linguistic Programming 3) Multiple Intelligences 4) Suggestopedia

84- All of the following are the assumptions underlying the Lexical Approach except ---------. 1) encouraging new learning items on several occasions 2) noticing lexical chunks or collocations 3) adopting a nonlinear topical syllabus 4) acquiring language through the accumulation of examples

85- Based on Oxford’s classification of strategies, repeating and translating are both --------- strategies. 1) metacognitive 2) memory 3) cognitive 4) affective

86- Storytelling and student speeches are devised to improve --------- intelligence in Multiple Intelligences.

1) musical 2) logical 3) linguistic 4) spatial 87- In this method, according to the stages of interaction between learners and knowers, the process of learning a language is like being reborn and developing a new persona.


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (آموزش زبان)

1) The Silent Way 2) Suggestopedia 3) Community Language Learning 4) Neuro-Linguistic Programming

88- Producing the past tense of teach as teached by a second language learner is an example of ---------. 1) overgeneralization 2) positive intralingual transfer 3) interference 4) negative interlingual transfer

89- The inventor of this method was skeptical of linguistic theory and believed in grasping the spirit of language by which he meant the way each language is composed of phonological and suprasegmental elements that combine to give the language its unique sound system and melody.

1) Whole Language Approach 2) Neuro-Linguistic Programming 3) The Lexical Approach 4) The Silent Way

90- --------- refers to the fact that, unlike computers which perform memory searches serially through their entire memory until they arrive at the desired information, our brains allow us to make a selective and direct search; that is, we go directly to the particular item needed.

1) Algorithm 2) Recall efficiency 3) Motor cortex 4) Declarative knowledge

PART B: Language Testing Directions: Read the following sentences and decide which choice (1), (2), (3), or (4) best completes each sentence, and then mark the correct choice on your answer sheet. 91- Which of the following statistics is an example of inferential statistics? 1) Correlation 2) Mean 3) Standard deviation 4) Cumulative frequency 92- Subjective ideas of experts are sought at ------------ stage of test construction.

1) planning 2) validation 3) pre-testing 4) reviewing 93- The level of difficulty for each question could be obtained through calculating the percentage of ---------------.

1) lower group students who got a low grade 2) students who got each question right 3) students who got all questions right 4) higher group students who did not answer each question

94- The distractors in multiple-choice item should NOT be ------------. 1) based on students’ answers in previous tests 2) at a higher level of proficiency than the answer 3) attractive to most of the lower level students 4) grammatical when standing by themselves

95- Choose the correct statement. 1) There is no relationship between item facility and item discrimination. 2) An item with too high or too low facility is likely not to have a good discrimination power. 3) Logic has no role in the selection of items because everything is based on statistics. 4) Statistical information should be used as determining rather than suggestive factor in the exclusion or inclusion of an item in a test.

96- If choice D is the correct answer, then the distractors could be described as ------------, respectively. 1) functioning/ mal-functioning/ functioning 2) non-functioning/ functioning/ functioning 3) mal-functioning/ functioning/ mal-functioning 4) non-functioning/ non-functioning/ mal-functioning

97- A large variance in a distribution means that --------------. 1) the mean is very large 2) the median is smaller than the mean 3) the sample is not homogeneous 4) deviations are not evenly distributed in the population

98- A teacher found the mean and standard deviation of his test were 35 and 3. He could claim that 68% of the testees fall between ------------.

1) 29 and 41 2) 35 and 38 3) 32 and 35 4) 32 and 38

A B C D 10 40 20 30


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (آموزش زبان)

99- The main purpose of ------------ is to assure the test developer that the test includes a representative sample of the materials covered in a particular course.

1) item analysis 2) choice distribution 3) the table of specification 4) the determination of specification

100- In order to rank students according to frequency of preposition misuses -------------- is normally the most appropriate one to be used.

1) ordinal scale 2) nominal scale 3) ratio scale 4) interval scale 101- Cumulative frequency is calculated by adding up ---------

1) percentage 2) percentile rank 3) rank order 4) simple frequency 102- In a test with 100 items, an item was answered correctly by 20 learners. If there were 50 students in the class, item facility would be ------------.

1) 0.4 2) 0.5 3) 0.6 4) 0.2 103- The following item is deficient because --------------. She is ……… a) one of the girls who studied hard b) the girl with a library card c) the students who failed the exam d) the woman who married yesterday

1) the stem ends with a blank 2) some choices are ungrammatical 3) choices have redundant information 4) the stem doesn’t pose the problem

104- The existence of an extreme value in a distribution will strongly affect the --------------. 1) variance 2) range 3) mode 4) standard déviation

105- In case all learners answer the first item of a test, item discrimination would be ------------. 1) 0.25 2) +1 3) 0 4) -1

PART C: Linguistics Directions: Choose the word or phrase (1), (2), (3), or (4) that best completes each sentence, and then mark the correct choice on your answer sheet. 106- When a/an ------------ morpheme is combined with an affix, it forms a ------------, which may or may be a word.

1) affix/ root 2) root/ stem 3) stem/ root 4) affix/ stem 107- Sometimes the pronunciation of loan words changes so they conform to the pronunciation rules of the language, which is called ------------.

1) initialism 2) metanalysis 3) spelling acronym 4) nativization 108- Flied and flew are variant morphological forms of the past form fly. They have two meanings. This phenomenon is called ------------.

1) metanalysis 2) derivation 3) bifurcation 4) euphemism 109- Which of the following characteristics has been used in the formation of the word “formalizability”?

1) Suffixability 2) Productivity 3) Frequent use 4) Predictability 110- The group ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘when’, ‘because’ fall into the category of ------------ morphemes.

1) derivational bound 2) functional free 3) lexical free 4) inflectional bound

111- Which of the following word formation processes has been used in the following data from Ilocano language? (a language spoken in Philippines). biay (life) bibiay (lives) mula (plant) mulmula (plants)

1) Reduplication 2) Infixing 3) Derivation 4) Inflection 112- The word “picture” used to mean “painted representation”, but today you can take a picture with a camera. Which of the following terms is appropriate for this case?

1) Broadening 2) Narrowing 3) Borrowing 4) Elevation 113- Through ------------ it is shown that when participants are required to repeat what they hear, they often correct errors in the input.

1) semantic priming 2) cocktail party effect 3) shadowing task 4) naming task 114- An aphasic patient uses an expression like “the thing to put cigarettes in” for the word “ashtray”. What do we call this difficulty?

1) Agrammatism 2) Paraphasia 3) Conduction aphasia 4) Anomia


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (آموزش زبان)

115- Patients suffering from conduction aphasia typically ------------. 1) have disrupted rhythm due to pauses 2) lose speech 3) have difficulty to name the objects 4) produce sentences with disturbed order

116- The formation of “resurrect” from “resurrection” is an instance of ------------. 1) derivation 2) clipping 3) blending 4) back-formation

117- Our knowledge of constituents (natural grouping of words) is revealed through all of the following EXCEPT ------------.

1) movement 2) replacement 3) transformational rules 4) grouping ambiguity

118- Which of the following sentences contains complementizer phrase? 1) How he jumped the hurdle surprised me. 2) I asked whether it is going to rain. 3) There is a car next to the door which goes fast. 4) I went to the cinema but he went to the park.

119- In a phrasal category, specifier ------------ 1) dominates complement 2) follows head 3) is sister to head 4) determines the name of the phrase

120- In all of the following choices there are more than one word formation process EXCEPT --------- . 1) Are you still using that old car-phone? 2) Police have reported an increased in car-jacking. 3) Welcome, everyone, to karaokenight at Cathy’s Bar and Grill! 4) Shiel still parties every Saturday night.


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (ادبیات انگلیسی)

)زبان تخصصی (ادبیات انگلیسیLiterary Terms and Criticism 121- Which of the following is FALSE concerning John Dryden’s critical output?

1) Dryden’s main interest lies in justifying the kind of plays with which he was most concerned at the time. 2) Eugenius in Essay of Dramatic Poesy (1668) acknowledges that the dramatists of Elizabethan England have more variety in their plays and imitate life more closely. 3) Dryden’s analysis of Jonson’s play, Epicoene, is the first extended critical analysis of a single work in English. 4) Lisideus in Essay of Dramatic Poesy (1668) argues in favor of French dramatists and the fact that they followed classical rules more closely than the English.

122- Joseph Addison as a critic .......... 1) sets himself as an intermediary between the authors and their readers. 2) asks root questions about the value of literature. 3) analyzes how literature works. 4) offers detailed analyses.

123- Psychoanalytic criticism .......... 1) is an approach to literary interpretation rather than a particular school of criticism. 2) develops an aesthetic theory. 3) develops a systematic body of beliefs about how meaning occurs in literature. 4) like other schools of criticism exists side by side with any other critical method of interpretation.

124- In which of the following models of human behavior Freud separates the human psych into three parts: the conscious, the preconscious and the unconscious?

1) Economic model 2) Dynamic model 3) Libidinal model 4) Typographical model

125- Which of the following theorists does NOT take advantage of Freud’s theories? 1) Jacques Lacan 2) Carl Jung 3) Georg Lukacs 4) Julia Kristeva

126- What is NOT true about archetypes? 1) They are patterns of repeated human experience. 2) They are ready-made ideas. 3) They cause us to respond to stimuli in certain ways. 4) They give form to countless typical experiences of our ancestors.

127- In archetypal criticism all of the following is true EXCEPT ………. 1) Yang- Yin: the union of the opposite 2) Seven: completion of a circle 3) Serpent: the conscious 4) The trickster: shadow figure

128- Which of the following is true about mythic criticism? 1) All of literature comprises the monomyth. 2) Anti-romance phase is at the bottom of circle which is spring. 3) Fall phase corresponds to comedy. 4) There exists a mythic development that explains the structure of all archetypes.

129- Which of the following is true about contemporary trends in feminist criticisms? 1) Ecofeminism holds that a matriarchal society is detrimental to the environment. 2) Material feminism highlights the biological differences between men and women. 3) Separatist feminism advocates the separation of single women from the married ones. 4) Amazon feminism underlines female images in literature that highlights physical equality of males and females.

130- Which of the following is true about Elaine Showalter’s phases of modern women’s literary development?

1) Female phase is when women advocated for their rights. 2) Feminist phase is when women tried to discover women’s texts. 3) Feminine phase is when women imitated the dominant male traditions. 4) Femininity phase is when dependency upon opposition is abandoned.

131- In line with the moral-philosophical approach ..........


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (ادبیات انگلیسی)

1) Aristotle emphasized moralism and utilitarianism. 2) faddism and cultism is avoided and balance in literary criticism is maintained. 3) Longinus held that literature should be delightful and instructive. 4) commentators of the age of Romanticism are included as its exemplars.

132- Which of the following is NOT true regarding Neoclassicism? 1) Most writers of this period had a great respect for the Classical authors, and especially the Romans. 2) The writers of the period were painstaking craftsmen who had a deep respect for the rules of their art. 3) Neoclassicists were much concerned to make their works devoid of fancy and imagination. 4) Neoclassicists thought that reason and judgment were the most admirable faculties and that decorum was essential.

133- All of the following are the marks of 17th century metaphysical poetry EXCEPT for ........... 1) a great care to avoid colloquial speech 2) considerable flexibility of rhythm and meter 3) a liking for paradox and dialectical argument 4) a keenly felt awareness of mortality

134- Which of the following is NOT true regarding melodrama? 1) It was originally applied to all musical plays, including opera. 2) The Victorian melodrama can be said to bear the relation to tragedy that farce does to comedy. 3) George Bernard Shaw’s Passion, Poison, and Petrification, or The Fatal Gazogene (1905) is a defense of some of the grotesque features of Victorian melodrama. 4) In melodrama the credibility both of character and plot is sacrificed for violent effect and emotional opportunism.

135- The line “The Assyrian came down like a wolf on the fold” is ........... 1) dactylic 2) anapestic 3) catalectic 4) spondaic

136- Which of the following statements is NOT true? 1) Miles gloriosus, a character in morality plays, is a precursor both of the cynical, ironic villain and of some of the comic figures in Elizabethan drama. 2) Mystery play is applied only to dramas based on the Bible. 3) Miracle play denotes only dramas based on saints' lives. 4) In the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, interludes were performed by bands of professional actors.

137- .......... is that type of solecism which mistakenly uses a word in place of another that it resembles; the effect is usually comic.

1) Payada 2) Mannerism 3) Macrology 4) Malapropism 138- Magody ..........

1) is a form of court entertainment in which the magodist wore male clothes and played female roles. 2) is a song or poem in which a married woman laments her marriage and calls upon her lover. 3) is a form of Greek mime in which a comic plot or a theme from comedy is taken to produce a mime. 4) is a proposition, often barely distinguishable from an aphorism and closely related to a pensee.

139- All of the following poems are hymns on secular subjects addressed to pagan gods EXCEPT .......... 1) Shelley's “Hymn of Pan” 2) James Thomson's “A Hymn on the Seasons” 3) John Keats’ “Hymn to Apollo” 4) Shelley's “Hymn of Apollo”

140- Which of the following works is a parody of heroic tragedy? 1) The Tragedy of Tragedies, or the Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great (1731) 2) All for Love (1678) 3) The Rival Queens (1677) 4) Venice Preserved (1682)

History of English Literature 141- Which of the following is NOT true about the early 17th century?

1) At the center of the period lies the Puritan Revolution of 1640 – 1660. 2) The military dictatorship established first by Oliver Cromwell and then maintained as a Protectorate. 3) In the religious sphere, one of the basic issues was how best to come to terms with skepticism.


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (ادبیات انگلیسی)

4) In 1664 religious meetings in which the forms of the Established Church were not followed were declared illegal.

142- All of the following is true about the early 17th century EXCEPT .......... 1) Under the increasingly strict rule of Charles I, discontents expanded from Puritans to the merchant classes. 2) It was not till 1642, after five years of muted struggle and negotiation that open conflict broke out. 3) Patronage was no longer the only way for the writer to live by writing. 4) Under Elizabeth Tudor, London was the center of the kingdom, and the court was the unchallenged center of London.

143- Which of the following is true about the early Seventeenth-century drama? 1) Tragicomic spectacles and romantic comedies flourished. 2) Jeremy Collier contributed to its decline. 3) Sir William Davenant helped diminish the influence of courtly life. 4) Webster wrote in a buoyant mood.

144- Which of the following statements is true? 1) Richard Lovelace’s poetry shows lack of Jonson’s disciplining influence. 2) Robert Herrick wrote Ode to Cary and Morison. 3) Thomas Carew is called the true founder of epigram in English. 4) To Jonson dramatic poetry was of central importance.

145- Which of the following is NOT true about Lady Mary Wroth’s career? 1) She was the most prolific woman poet and writer of prose fiction in Renaissance England. 2) The Countess of Montgomery’s Urania was her unfinished prose romance modeled upon Sidney’s Arcadia. 3) Pamphilia to Amphilanthus is a Petrarchan sonnet sequence whose speaker is a woman. 4) Love’s Victorie is her city comedy, which attracted much attention when it was published.

146- All of the following statements regarding Ben Jonson’s career are false EXCEPT .......... 1) To Penshurst is a defense of Anglican Church against the rationalism of Deism. 2) His first court masque, The Masque of Blackness, was written to accommodate Queen Anne's desire to appear as a Negress. 3) Jonson’s blank verse became a model for Edmund WaIler. 4) He was a dramatist who never approached the realm of poetry.

147- .......... and .......... both make erudite reference to Henry Vaughan’s Welsh ancestry and habitat. 1) Silex Scintillans / Olor Iscanus 2) Thalia Redeviva / Coelum Britannicum 3) Silex Scintillans / Carmen Deo Nostro 4) Olor Iscanus / Carmen Deo Nostro

148- John Milton’s Samson Agonistes .......... 1) describes the last day in the life of Christ being tempted in the wilderness. 2) manifests his inclination to abandon his use of chorus. 3) is a closet tragedy and Milton’s last work before Paradise Regained. 4) is modelled on Greek tragedy, and has been frequently compared to Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus or Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles.

149- What is NOT true about the period after the Glorious Revolution? 1) The Bill of Rights relegated the powers of parliament to the crown. 2) The Toleration Act granted the freedom of worship to the Dissenters. 3) Act of Settlements was mainly related to succession issues. 4) Whig’s principles prevailed.

150- Which of the following is true about 18th century? 1) Authors turned to patrons for writing literary works. 2) Sentimentalism led to social reforms. 3) Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan became a model for philosophers. 4) The Royal Society was founded to advance the new science.

151- Which of the following is NOT true about the comedy of manners? 1) It is concerned with criticism of man as a moral and social being. 2) It excelled in representing the social behavior of the fashionable upper classes of the town. 3) The principal male character is a hero who lives for military glory and pleasure. 4) It shows the nature of man to be sensual, egoistic, and predatory.

152- What is NOT true regarding the conception of wit during the Neoclassical period?


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (ادبیات انگلیسی)

1) It is propriety of words and thoughts or words and thoughts elegantly adapted to the subject. 2) It is a readiness to perceive resemblances among things apparently unlike. 3) It has to be curbed by judgment. 4) According to Pope’s Essay on Criticism, judgment is to suppress passion and originality.

153- Which of the following is NOT true about Alexander Pope’s literary career? 1) Pope's Essay on Man is imbued with Christian optimism. 2) Apart from Pope's translations of Homer, no writer succeeded in heroic poetry. 3) Pope’s Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot presents a damaging portrait of Addison. 4) For Pope’s satire the issue was one between right reason and madness, a vision which he expressed in The Dunciad.

154- All of the following plays are sentimental comedies EXCEPT .......... 1) Richard Cumberland's The West Indian (1771) 2) Richard Steele's The Funeral (1704) 3) Oliver Goldsmith’ She Stoops to Conquer (1773) 4) Joseph Addison’s The Drummer (1715)

155- All of the following statements regarding Jonathan Swift’s career are true EXCEPT .......... 1) A Tale of a Tub is Swift’s satire on corruptions in religion. 2) Swift’s concern in the third voyage of Gulliver's Travels, to Brobdingnag, is to attack extremes of theoretical and speculative reasoning. 3) 'Description of a City Shower' and 'Description of the Morning’ are Swift’s poems depicting scenes of London life. 4) Swift's Letter Concerning the Sacramental Test is an attack on the Irish Presbyterians which injured him with the Whigs.

156- All of the following statements concerning the graveyard school is true EXCEPT .......... 1) Thomas Parnell's "Night-Piece on Death" (1721) is written on a dark view of Christianity based on fear of the life to come. 2) It refers to poets who wrote meditative poems, usually set in a graveyard, on the theme of human mortality. 3) Robert Blair's "The Grave" and Edward Young’s “Night Thoughts” are typical examples of graveyard poems. 4) The poets of this school have a morbid fascination with death, suicide, and the grave.

157- Which of the following author’s satires are closest to that of the Juvenalian example? 1) Alexander Pope 2) Samuel Johnson 3) John Dryden 4) Boileau

158- Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning William Cowper’s literary career? 1) Cowper’s use of rhymed verse links that of James Thomson with that of Wordsworth. 2) By the publication of William Cowper's The Task in 1785, neoclassical principles were confronted by new ideas. 3) He wrote Olney Hymns (1779) with John Newton. 4) “The Castaway” like many of Cowper’s poems deals with man's isolation and helplessness.

159- Which of the following statements is NOT true about Samuel Johnson’s career? 1) Rasselas is a philosophical and didactic romance. 2) London contributed to the sentimental trends popular at the time of composing the poem. 3) The Vanity of Human Wishes is satirical and ethical and shows no influence of the new sensibility of the mid 18th century. 4) The Rambler is Johnson’s Addisonian imitation of the Spectator.

160- .......... began to write a bold new sort of poetry: vivid, concise, abrupt and syntactically daring. The sources of his poetry lie partly in the classics, especially Horace, but far more in the Old Testament.

1) George Crabbe 2) Christopher Smart 3) William Collins 4) Joseph Warton

Literary Genres 161- Which of the following is true about John Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi?

1) Webster, after visiting Italy, based The Duchess of Malfi on a scandal of the early 16th century. 2) Characters are motivated by a kind of ambition and lust which are Faustian in essence. 3) It is a realistic comedy whose characters are Jonsonian in their humor.


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (ادبیات انگلیسی)

4) Webster represented the Duchess in the same way as the sources from which he drew his materials represented her.

162- Which of the following is NOT true regarding John Donne’s Devotions? 1) It is written in the aftermath of a serious illness in the life of Donne. 2) It is a blend of private feeling and public moralizing. 3) It is written in imitation of the Roman poet Martial. 4) Its sentences are richly metaphorical.

163- John Donne’s Love's Alchemy opens with .......... 1) “Tis the year's midnight, and it is the day's, // Lucy’s, who scarce seven hours herself unmasks; // The sun is spent, and now his flasks // Send forth light squibs, no constant rays.” 2) “Some that have deeper digged love's mine than I, // Say where his centric happiness doth lie; // I've loved, and got, and told, //But should I love, get, tell, till I were old, // I should not find that hidden mystery;” 3) “For God's sake hold your tongue, and let me love,//Or chide my palsy, or my gout, //My five gray hairs, or ruined fortune, flout, //With wealth your state, your mind with arts improve.” 4) “Let me pour forth // My tears before thy face whilst I stay here, // For thy face coins them, and thy stamp they bear, // And by this mintage they are something worth.”

164- These lines “Drink to me only with thine eyes, // And I will pledge with mine; // Or leave a kiss but in the cup, // And I'll not look for wine.” open ..........

1) Ben Jonson’s Song: To Celia 2) Sir John Suckling’s Loving and Beloved 3) Richard Lovelace’ To Lucasta, Going to the Wars 4) Thomas Traherne’s Wonder

165- In which of the following works Milton accuses Charles I of being a person like Shakespeare’s Richard III?

1) Of Education 2) Paradise Lost 3) Paradise Regained 4) Eikonoklastes 166- The lines “Yet once more, O ye laurels and once more // Ye myrtles brown, with ivy never sere, // I come to pluck your berries harsh and crude, // And with forced fingers rude, // Shatter your leaves before the mellowing year.” open John Milton’s ..........

1) Comus 2) L’Allegro 3) When I Consider How My Light Is Spent 4) Lycidas

167- .........., in his masterpiece .........., set the example for a new genre, the descriptive poetic meditation. The poet’s reflections are sententious and discursive and basically historical and political.

1) Sir John Denham / Cooper’s Hill 2) Ben Jonson / To Penshurst 3) Aemilia Lanyer/ The Description of Cooke-ham 4) Andrew Marvell / Upon Appleton House

168- Bacon’s Novum Organum .......... 1) in its scheme for scientific reform continues the Advancement of Learning. 2) is his ideal of future. 3) is a treatise of political philosophy. 4) is in the form of a fable.

169- Tobias Smollett wrote all of the following novels EXCEPT .......... 1) Peregrine Pickle 2) Ferdinand, Count Fathom 3) Humphry Clinker 4) Jonathan Wild the Great

170- Which of the following is true about Defoe’s Moll Flanders? 1) The story relates the life story of a servant in the household of Lady Booby and her subsequent destitution and death in absolute poverty. 2) The novel concentrates on the heroine’s seduction, her subsequent marriages and struggle to survive and her settlement and prosperity in Virginia. 3) The story is told in a series of letters sent by heroine to her parents whose mistress has died. 4) Robert Locvelace confines the heroine in an indecent house and she does not try to escape since the writer tries to show the victory of the soul over the flesh.

171- Which of the following novels is an epistolary novel? 1) Clarissa 2) Roderick Random 3) Tristram Shandy 4) Peregrine Pickle


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (ادبیات انگلیسی)

172- The lines “Ye distant spires, ye antique towers, // That crown the watery glade, // Where grateful Science still adores // Her Henry's holy shade; // And ye, that from the stately brow // Of Windsor's heights the expanse below ” open ..........

1) Pope’s Windsor Forest 2) Collins’ Ode to Evening 3) Johnson’s London 4) Gray’s Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College

173- Alexander Pope in .......... feminizes epic conventions and satirizes the superficial society of women. 1) The Rape of the Lock 2) Eloisa to Abelard 3) The Dunciad 4) Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot

174- Which of the following is NOT true about Thomson’s The Seasons? 1) 'Spring' (1728) ends with a panegyric on nuptial love; its opening lines were particularly admired by Clare. 2) The Hymn to the Seasons was added to the first collected edition of The Seasons (1730). 3) 'Summer' (1727), includes the episode of Palemón who falls in love with Lavinia based on the story of Ruth and Boaz. 4) It is written in blank verse and 'Winter' was composed first.

175- The Deserted Village opens with .......... 1) “The wild blast, rising from the western cave, // Drives the huge billows from their heaving bed, // Tears from their grassy tombs the village dead, // And breaks the silent sabbath of the grave!” 2) “Sweet Auburn! loveliest village of the plain, // Where health and plenty cheered the laboring swain,// Where smiling spring its earliest visit paid, // And parting summer's lingering blooms delayed” 3) “Some village Hampden, that with dauntless breast // The little tyrant of his fields withstood; // Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest, // Some Cromwell guiltless of his country's blood.” 4) “When nibbling sheep at large pursue their food, // And unmolested kine rechew the cud; // When curlews cry beneath the village walls, // And to her straggling brood the partridge calls;”

176- The Way of the World.......... 1) is a sentimental comedy by William Congreve. 2) is a play in which Mirabell and Millamant try to build a true marriage. 3) is a play in which the veracity of romantic marriage in Shakespearean comedy is realized. 4) is a play in which Angelica and Valentine are two characters.

177- Which of the following works by Dryden is based on the story of Antony and Cleopatra? 1) All for Love 2) The Conquest of Granada 3) Aureng-Zebe 4) The Hind and Panther

178- John Dryden’s ........... , which was regarded as the masterpiece of heroic drama by T.S. Eliot, depicts the troubled but finally fortunate loves of Almanzor and the Moorish beauty Almahide.

1) The Indian Queen 2) The Conquest of Granada 3) Tyrannick Love 4) The Indian Emperour

179- Which of the following dramatists in 18th century is regarded as the most successful tragic writer? 1) William Congreve 2) William Wycherley 3) Nicholas Rowe 4) Richard Sheridan

180- All of the following statements are true concerning Sheridan’s The Rivals EXCEPT .......... 1) Young Marlow is a balance between the Restoration rake and the sentimental hero. 2) It was Sheridan's first play and was highly successful and established Sheridan’s reputation. 3) Mrs. Malaprop is the aunt and guardian of Lydia Languish. 4) A subplot in the play concerns the love affair of Faulkland with Julia Melville.


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (مترجمی زبان)

زبان تخصصی (مترجمی زبان)

قسمت اول: اصول و مبانی نظري ترجمه181- Which one is the cardinal problem of language and the pivotal concern of linguists in Jakobson’s opinion?

1) translation of poetry 2) equivalence in difference 3) translation shift 4) linguistic meaning

182- Which one is NOT true about kernels? 1) They are simple, active, declarative sentences that require the minimum of transformation. 2) They are the basic structural elements out of which language builds its elaborate surface structure. 3) They are obtained from ST surface structure through back-translation. 4) All languages have between six and a dozen basic kernel structures.

183- Gloss translation is the most typical kind of --------- equivalence. 1) formal 2) dynamic 3) denotative 4) connotative

184- The fact that the sense of such complex semantic terms such as spirit varies and most importantly is conditioned by its context can be best explained in terms of ---------.

1) componential analysis 2) semantic structure analysis 3) back-transformation 4) linguistic analysis

185- In communicative and semantic translation, provided that the equivalence effect is secured, the --------- is the only valid method of translation.

1) dynamic equivalence 2) formal translation 3) literal translation 4) faithful translation

186- In --------- translation, TT is always inferior to ST. 1) semantic 2) communicative 3) literal 4) natural

187- Knowledge of --------- is indicative of competence in foreign language while knowledge of --------- is indicative of competence in translation.

1) correspondence -- equivalence 2) pragmatics -- semantics 3) parole -- langue 4) denotation -- connotation

188- Vinay and Darbelnet’s oblique translation strategy includes all the followings EXCEPT ---------. 1) modification 2) modulation 3) transposition 4) adaptation

189- Which one is NOT true about TS scholars and their alleged unit of translation? 1) Nida: meaningful mouthfuls of language 2) Newmark: sentence 3) Vinay and Darbelnet: unit of thought 4) Jakobson: small chunks of language

190- The translation strategy used in rendering “Increased military aids are vital to their defense” into “ فاع آنان ضروري استهاي نظامی براي دافزایش کمک ” is ---------.

1) transposition 2) calque 3) modulation 4) literal translation 191- According to Catford, a --------- shift is at work when something is expressed by grammar in one language and lexis in another.

1) level 2) class 3) unit 4) category 192- “Any TL category which can be said to occupy, as nearly as possible, the same place in the economy of the TL as the given SL category occupies in the SL” is Catford’s definition for ---------.

1) formal correspondence 2) textual equivalence 3) tertium comparationis 4) formal equivalence

193- All the followings are the four types of functional class inherent to generative-transformational grammar EXCEPT ---------.

1) objects 2) abstracts 3) relationals 4) subjects 194- In case of polysemous words, the correct sense for the translator is determined by ---------.

1) dictionary 2) semotactic environment 3) cultural context 4) pro-text

195- The more --------- a meaning is, the more --------- the equivalence will have to be. 1) form-bound -- dynamic 2) culture-bound -- formal 3) context-bound -- dynamic 4) word-bound -- formal

196- Which of the following scholars denigrates Nida’s work for its theological and proselytizing standpoint?

1) Newmark 2) Munday 3) Gentzler 4) Pym


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (مترجمی زبان)

197- In parole-oriented translation theory and practice, we are NOT concerned with ---------. 1) the systemic similarities and differences between languages. 2) translation as mediation between different languages and cultures. 3) linguistic and rhetorical conventions. 4) the communicative process.

198- Levy considers the goal of literary translation as ---------. 1) recreative rendering 2) equivalent aesthetic effect 3) dynamic equivalence 4) creating a masterpiece in TL

199- The translator offsets an inevitable loss at one point in the text by adding a suitable element at another point. This translation technique is called ---------.

1) gain 2) restitution 3) penetration 4) compensation 200- According to Koller, ‘stylistic equivalence’ is another term used for ---------.

1) text-normative equivalence 2) connotative equivalence 3) pragmatic equivalence 4) denotative equivalence

201- The theory of translating is based, via the level of ---------, on a theory of translation. 1) practice 2) naturalness 3) text 4) context

202- Newmark believes all of the following are among the prerequisites of considering a translation as research EXCEPT ---------.

1) it requires a preface of considerable length. 2) the TT is accompanied by an apparatus of notes, a glossary and a bibliography. 3) it requires substantial academic research. 4) the text evidently requires some interpretation.

203- What is ‘casual’ language? 1) The plain non-technical idiom used by Oxford philosophers for philosophical explanation. 2) A language in which word order, syntactic structures, collocations and words are predictable. 3) A language constructed from a language's most frequently used syntactic structures and words. 4) The nucleus of a language produced naturally.

204- Which procedure is apparent in the translation of the following sentence? ST: A second young lady presently came out of the house, across the piazza, descended into the garden.

TT: ها پایین آمد و وارد باغ شد.در همین هنگام دختر خانم دیگري از داخل ساختمان بیرون آمد، از ایوان گذشت، از پله 1) Transposition at the level of words 2) Rendering implicit information into explicit information 3) Loss and gain at the level of style 4) Achieving formal equivalence

205- Which of the following is NOT usually considered as an era in the history of translation studies? 1) Linguistic era 2) Traditional era 3) Cultural era 4) Post-modern era

شناسیقسمت دوم: زبان

206- Which pair is an example of Portmanteau words? 1) Spanglish-Smog 2) Kleenex-Teflon 3) Cab-Flu 4) Emote-Liaise

207- The lexical relations between the pair “dog/poodle” and “dress/undress” can be explained respectively in terms of ---------.

1) hyponymy/antonymy 2) metonymy/ reverse 3) hyponymy/ reverse 4) metonymy/ antonymy

208- Which statement is TRUE? 1) Allomorphs describe a group of different morphs that derive from one morpheme . 2) Inflectional morphemes are commonly used to produce new words. 3) Lexical morphemes are considered as the closed class of words. 4) All prefixes and suffixes are inflectional morphemes.

209- Which one is an example of eponym? 1) Xerox 2) Hoover 3) Tycoon 4) Scuba

210- The semantic role of an entity which is affected by or involved in an action is ---------. 1) experiencer 2) patient 3) agent 4) instrument


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (مترجمی زبان)

211- Which sentence is NOT ambiguous? 1) I saw the man on the mountain with a telescope. 2) They are hunting dogs. 3) I'm glad I'm a man, and so is Ali. 4) Visiting relatives is boring.

212- Which of the following words contains a zero-morph? 1) men 2) criteria 3) cats 4) sheep

213- Which one of the choices best represents these morphemes: study, -est, -ment, him? 1) functional, derivational, inflectional, lexical 2) lexical, inflectional, derivational, functional 3) lexical, functional, derivational, inflectional 4) derivational, lexical, inflectional, functional

214- Which of the characteristics of derivational morphemes is shown by ‘systematically’? 1) Frequency 2) Abstractness 3) Suffixability 4) Productivity

215- Which of the following does NOT represents an instance of hyponymy? 1) movement/ run 2) adult/ child 3) food/ cake 4) sport/ hockey

ايقسمت سوم: بررسی مقابله216- In the sentence “To heaven she was sent”, --------- has caused departure from the basic syntactic pattern.

1) textual iconism 2) valency principle 3) theme-rheme 4) illocutionary forces 217- The surface link between the clauses and sentences of a text is known as ---------.

1) coherence 2) conjunction 3) cohesion 4) textuality 218- Which of the followings is NOT true about contrastive pragmatics?

1) It is carried out with reference to how language functions or uses differ in the two languages. 2) It is concerned with how different languages express the same communicative functions. 3) The transfer of the norms of one community to another may lead to pragmatic failure.

4) Transfer of pragmatic features is more important than the transfer of language function of the learner's MT.

219- What is the prominent grammatical connection observed in the following sentence? “John will take care of difficult chores, Mary the easy chores.”

1) ellipsis 2) substitution 3) conjunction 4) reference 220- Functional relationship between textual segments is called --------.

1) grammar 2) syntax 3) textual pattern 4) cohesion 221- Which of the followings deals with holistic interpretation of language?

1) Pragmatics 2) Contrastive analysis 3) Critical discourse analysis 4) Error analysis

222- Translating ‘heavy storm’ into ‘طوفان شدید’ may exhibit collocational difference between languages with respect to --------.

1) syntactical congruity 2) lexical congruity 3) different word order 4) semantic difficulties

223- Persian learners of English may have a tendency to overuse the simple future tense in communication situations where the native speakers would rather choose a different structure, such as "to be about to". This is due to --------.

1) frequency of occurrence of these constructions 2) avoidance error 3) distribution of these construction items 4) abundance error

224- According to classical CA (Lado, 1957; 1972), all of the followings cause difficulty in vocabulary acquisition or translation effect EXCEPT:

1) cognates 2) synonyms 3) new form types or idioms 4) word that have strange meaning

225- The relationship between “I read those books last year.” and “Mary had given them to me.” is established through ----------.

1) reference 2) conjunction 3) ellipsis 4) substitution


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (مترجمی زبان)

شناسیقسمت چهارم: واژه کدام تعریف در مورد واژه درست نیست؟ -226 ) واژه ساخت آوایی متشکل از یک یا چند هجا است که در اغاز و پایان آن درنگ وجود دارد. 1 ) واژه متشکل از یک یا چند تکواژ است که در واحدهاي دستوي زبان در ساختمان جمله به کار می رود. 2 ) واژه واحدمعنایی است که بر یک یا چند مفهوم داللت دارد. 3 وحدت امالیی است. ) واژه همیشه داراي4 کوچکترین واحد زبان .......... است که در قالب عینی ............ تجلی می یابد و انواع آن ............. نامیده می شود. -227 تکواژگونه-واژه-) تکواژ2 تکواژگونه -تکواژ -) واژه1 تکواژگونه -تکواژ -) واژه4 واژه-تکواژ -) تکواژگونه3یابند و با معناي جدید در کلمات غیر بسیط به ......... کلماتی هستند که به مرور زمان عالوه بر معنی اصلی خود معنی ثانوي می -228

روند.کار می پیشوندها) 4 میانوندها )3 وندها )2 شبه وندها) 1 س از آن درنگ ایجاد می شود.......... ، واژه ساختی زبانی است که همواره یک تکیه اصلی دارد، و معموال پ -229 ) از نظر آوایی4 ) از نظر معنایی 3 ) از نظر ساخت صرفی 2 واجی -) از نظر آوایی1 مرز میان واژه و تکواژ از میان می رود. .......... هاي در واژه -230 انتزاعی) 4 ) بسیط 3 مشتق) 2 مرکب) 1

231- The word “نرم افزار” in Persian is an instance of ----------. 1) borrowing 2) loan translation 3) coinage 4) derivation

232- Which of the word formation processes involves a change in the function of the word? 1) conversion 2) compounding 3) hypocorism 4) reduplication

233- In …………., words are formed to be similar in some way to existing words. 1) recursion 2) analogy 3) backformation 4) calque

234- How many morphemes is each word composed of? “isographic, perceive, entailment” 1) 3, 2, 1 2) 4, 2, 2 3) 3, 1, 2 4) 3, 2, 2

235- Which of the following words has NOT been produced by the derivation process? 1) butter (verb) 2) disinformation 3) waspish 4) editor

قسمت پنجم: مهارت ترجمه

236- Legitimate expansions are sometimes required in a translation to produce ---------. 1) dynamic equivalence 2) verbal consistency 3) formal correspondence 4) faithful translation

مهربان گناهان ما را بر ما ببخش.اي خداي بخشنده و -2371) O God, the Mighty, the Merciful, forgive us. 2) O God, the Beneficent, the Glorious, forgive us our sins. 3) O Allah, the Gracious, the Almighty, forgive us our evil deeds. 4) O God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, forgive us our sins.

از اجبار آنان به آنچه که توانش را ندارند دست بردار. -2381) Avoid putting them to that which is unbearable. 2) Stop forcing them to do that which is back-breaking. 3) Abandon coercing them in that in which they possess not the ability. 4) Abandon making them do that which is difficult.

سپاهیان نیز قوامی ندارند، مگر به خراجی که خدا براي آنان فراهم ساخته است. -2391) Soldiers in their turn have no support but the land tax which God has extracted for them. 2) Army, too, is not steadfast except for the tax God has determined for them. 3) Military forces are fragile either except that God would support them with the determined tax. 4) Troopers are also feeble, unless God provides them with toll.

یاري مکن. هایشگناهو گناهکاري را در هایشظلمهرگز ظالمی را در -2401) Never help a vicious in his vices nor an evildoer in his evils. 2) Never aid a wrongdoer in his wrongs nor a sinner in his sins.


16/8/92عصر پنجشنبه زبان تخصصی (مترجمی زبان)

3) Never assist an oppressor in his oppressing nor a sinner in his sinning. 4) Never succor an aggressor in his aggression or a sinner in his sins.