9.24.12 classwork monday

Christy Samira Leon Kareena Philicia Ayanna Lilah Remy Donovan Michael Yamilee Jessica Leslie Jose Carlos Bryan Ricardo Alexis David Jordan Alejandra Kathy Diana Ixza Emily Jaileen Jeffrey Monday September 24, 2012 If you had to spend an entire day in one room of your house, which room would you choose? Explain. Edward Adrianette

Transcript of 9.24.12 classwork monday

  • 1. If you had to spend an entire day in one room of yourhouse, which room would you choose? Explain.Monday September 24, 2012 Jordan AdrianetteBryan Jose PhiliciaSamira Leslie AyannaEmilyChristyRemyAlexis DavidDonovan JessicaJaileenKareena Ixza Kathy Edward YamileeDiana Carlos Alejandra LeonJeffrey LilahRicardo Michael

2. Morning WritingNational SchoolSuccess Month iscelebrated inSeptember. Whatadvice would yougive other studentsfor how to besuccessful in school? 3. Reading Exploring Space (p. 90)Talk About ItWhat draws people to wantto explore space?Why should we continue toexplore space?Picture PromptLook at the picture andrespond in writing. 4. A mission is a special assignment or task.Disasters cause destruction.To function is to work or act.Gravity is a force that pulls objects on Earthssurface toward Earths center.A maze is a confusing network of paths orpassageways. 5. When something is adjusted it is changed orarranged differently.The environment includes the air, water, andland that surround living things.A zone is an area or space that has aspecial rule or use. 6. Reading HomeworkOn Level Practice Book O,page 22.Define Vocabulary Words in yournotebook. 7. Math Order Whole Numbers and Decimals (p.55) 8. from greatest to least 9. from greatest to least 10. Math Homework"My Homework" pages 5960 11. Spelling Pretest1. heart 11. barge2. swear 12. thorn3. aboard13. marsh4. squares 14. force5. swore 15. harsh6. chart 16. scarce7. scorn 17. coarse8. starch18. flare9. source19. course10. fare 20. sword 12. Class workCopy spelling words in Practice Book, page19 and complete page 20. 13. Spelling HomeworkSpelling words, ten times each. 14. ELA Singular Possessive Nouns (p. 100)RULESA possessive noun is anoun that shows who orwhat owns or hassomething.My brothers shirt is red and white. 15. ELA Singular Possessive Nouns (p. 100)RULESThe possessive form ofmost singular nounsend in an apostropheand an s (s). Leos hat my guppys food Jamess scarf 16. Guided Practiceexercise 15 on page 100More Practiceexercise 620 on page 101 17. Language Homework"Extra Practice" exercise 125 on page 161 18. Religion In the liturgy we celebrate ChristsPaschal Mystery (p. 36) Let us sing and shout our joy in God!Class WorkComplete "We Gather"Read pages 3637Define Key WordWrite five facts about the chapterHomework1.What is the Paschal Mystery?2.How are we connected to the other members of theChurch?3.How is the Church able to live and work today? 19. graceprayer love 20. Social The World Awaits (p. 110) The World Awaits (p. 110) In 1418, Prince Henryopens a school ofnavigation. Aim of school was tomake better ships,maps, and tools fornavigation. 21. Social Exploration and Technology (p. 108) New Technology (p. 110) Sailors learned how tosail new kind of shipcalled a caravel. Mapmakers drewbetter maps. astrolabe Scientists improved twotools compass andastrolabe. 22. 1 What factors helpd the Portuguesebecome early leaders in exploration? A They were close to Asia and Europe. Christopher Columbus was their B leader. They developed the caravel, and C had a school navigation. D The read Marco Polos book. 23. Social Exploration and Technology (p. 108)A New View of the World The Vikings sailed toNorth America in 1000A.D. Vikings fought withNative Americans andchose to leave. 24. Scholastic Code JYYWZ 25. Homework Summary Monday, September 24, 2012Reading Define vocabulary words Practice Book O, page 22Math "My Homework" page 5960Spelling Write the spelling words ten times eachLanguage Arts "Extra Practice" page 161, exercise 125Religion1. What is the Paschal Mystery?2. How are we connected to the other members of the Church?3. How is the Church able to live and work today? 26. Range: Mode:4Median: Mean:Reward10 Pizza Party89 Wheel of Fun7 Spelling6 BrainPOP45 Silent Snack23 Class Work1 No Snack 27. Today is first day of school. Imagine that you have justanonymously received the perfect gift. Write about whatit is and how you will figure out who gave it to you.Wednesday September 5, 2012 Emily AyannaBryanJaileenChristy LeslieJose EdwardPhilicia SamiraIxza RicardoLeon JessicaAlexisMichaelDavidDonovan JordanKareenaLilah Yamilee Remy Kathy Alejandra DianaCarlos Jeffrey Adrianette 28. Attachments 1314158