911 WTC7 NISTs Illegal Avoidance of Scientific Evidence!!

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  • 8/14/2019 911 WTC7 NISTs Illegal Avoidance of Scientific Evidence!!






  • 8/14/2019 911 WTC7 NISTs Illegal Avoidance of Scientific Evidence!!


  • 8/14/2019 911 WTC7 NISTs Illegal Avoidance of Scientific Evidence!!


    Mr Lande,

    I was in your DC office yesterday and one of the staffers said I should send you this emailtrail. The ongoing NIST investigation is pitiful, unprofessional and in need of immediateoversight. I am prepared to testify in front of your committee at any time.

    I spent a lot of time, energy, and money attempting to input evidence into an ongoingfederal investigation of significant importance to the future of our nation. I was repeatedlyignored, stonewalled, lied to, and finally threatened by their security with "a visit". Thistreatment finally drove me to go to NIST in person to speak face to face with the leadinvestigator. Not only would he not allow me to meet with him, he called me on the phone(which was the first and only time I spoke with any NIST investigator despite repeated andexhaustive attempts) at the visitors center and kept me on the phone until the chief ofsecurity and his lieutenant appeared to ensure my swift departure. He told me theinvestigation was virtually over (whatever that means) and all evidence I had given to hisoffice he had seen before which is virtually impossible since some of the last evidence senthad release dates only days or hours prior to my sending it to him.

    The first document below is the first public statement the the WTC7 NIST investigationwas ongoing and lacking evidence, which started my active participation. Following that isthe email trail in chronological order to NIST. Interspersed with these emails were manyphone calls, always to voicemail and never ever returned.

    NIST Status Update on World Trade Center 7 Investigation


    CONTACT: Michael E. Newman(301) 975-3025

    [email protected]

    A team of scientists and engineers at the Commerce Department's National Institute ofStandards and Technology (NIST) that is investigating the collapse of New York City's WorldTrade Center 7 (WTC 7) building expects to release its draft report for public comment by theend of the year. WTC 7 was a 47-story office building adjacent to the WTC towers (WTC 1 and2) that collapsed following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. WTC 7 collapsed later thatafternoon.

    NIST's investigation of WTC 7 includes an extremely complex analysis that incorporatesdetailed information about the building's structure and construction, as well as data about fires,damage sustained from falling WTC 1 debris and other technical factors to determine its

    probable collapse sequence."We are proceeding as quickly as possible while rigorously testing and evaluating a wide rangeof scenarios to reach the most definitive conclusion possible," said Shyam Sunder, WTC leadinvestigator for NIST. "The WTC 7 investigation is in some respects just as challenging, if notmore so, than the study of the towers. However, the current study does benefit greatly from thesignificant technological advances achieved and lessons learned from our work on the towers."

    The NIST investigation team initially worked simultaneously on both the WTC towers and WTC7 collapses. In June 2004, the team shifted to full-time study of the towers to develop neededsimulation methods and other research tools and to expedite completion of the WTC towers

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    report. Work resumed on the WTC 7 study in October 2005.

    The current NIST working collapse hypothesis for WTC 7 is described in the June 2004Progress Report on the Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World TradeCenter Disaster (Volume 1, page 17, as well as Appendix L), as follows:

    An initial local failure occurred at the lower floors (below floor 13) of the building due to fire

    and/or debris induced structural damage of a critical column (the initiating event) whichsupported a large span floor bay with an area of about 2,000 square feet;

    Vertical progression of the initial local failure occurred up to the east penthouse, as the largefloor bays were unable to redistribute the loads, bringing down the interior structure below theeast penthouse; and

    Horizontal progression of the failure across the lower floors (in the region of floors 5 and 7, thatwere much thicker than the rest of the floors), triggered by damage due to the vertical failure,resulting in a disproportionate collapse of the entire structure.

    This hypothesis may be supported or modified, or new hypotheses may be developed, throughthe course of the continuing investigation. NIST also is considering whether hypothetical blast

    events could have played a role in initiating the collapse. While NIST has found no

    evidence of a blast or controlled demolition event, NIST would like to

    determine the magnitude of hypothetical blast scenarios that could have led to the structuralfailure of one or more critical elements.

    Updated information with the specific date for the public release of the NIST team's draft reportwill be posted on the WTC investigation Web site, http://wtc.nist.gov.

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    Hello Mr. Newman,

    My name is Guy Razer, 20 year veteran US Air Force fighter pilot and weapons/demolitionexpert. It seems your pursuit of evidence pointing to controlled demolition of Building 7has left you somewhat empty handed, sooo...I thought I would lend you a hand as my 4+years of research has overfilled my hands and my computer with irrefutable evidence thatBuilding 7 was a preplanned and controlled demolition.

    This is just asmall sampling of valid evidence I have, andI am very interested in how to logthis information into your investigation process so that the evidence does not fall through theproverbial crack.

    Our nation and the survivors of those killed and wounded, either in the initial attacks orduring first response, are entitled to an accurate and unbiased investigation. You are in arather precarious position, because it is obvious that the powers that be need a false storyto cover their false flag operation, and they have chosen you to do it. The problem with thatis the fact that we are not only watching, but actively participating to ensure some accuracyin this report.

    This is not about money, as there is no statute of limitations on murder and one who coversfor murder can be tried as an accomplice to murder, after the fact!! So, please be verycareful about how you handle the evidence I present to you and make sure nothing slipsthrough the cracks!

    I will be following this e-mail up with a phone call later today to ensure you received it and

    maybe we can talk a bit about follow on evidence and how it should be logged in andhandled.

    BBC Either Prophetic or In A Time Warp?

    BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell911 Truth: What Happened to Building 7?http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=2716598

    A Bit of Info on Kerosene and Steel (PS No Airplane Hit Bldg. 7...I just melted into its ownfootprint at freefall speeds...yeah, right!)http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070430/ap_on_re_us/highway_collapse

    Did you happen to see the photo of the damage 8600 gallons ofgasoline exploding and burning causes?? See any powderizedconcrete???? Dozens of burned cars???? Ejected material blocksaway?

    Gasoline burns much much hotter than jet fuel (Kerosene). In the

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    hijacked planes, there was @ 15,000 gallons of kerosene at takeoff.Figure they burned up 10% on takeoff and flying. 13,500. Figure atleast 50% of the remaining fuel exploded on impact. That is a lowestimate, in my opinion. 6750 explodes, 6750 burns.

    Now, look at this overpass. I have welded the 3" rebar thatreinforces the concrete on these California overpasses, certifieddouble butt welds, with 9018 low hydrogen electrodes, rebarpreheated to 250F.

    I am unaware of what "steel beams" they allude to, unless it isembedded in the concrete column supporting the roadbed. But, it istheir story, let them tell it.

    I have many many times passed over this very section of freeway. Iused to work in Hayward, 10 minutes down the freeway. This section

    is less than 3 stories tall.

    The concrete did not powderize. The steel did not melt. The asphalt,which is made of petroleum products, simply melted and swayed,not powderized, not burned and gone. The story states the "steelbeams buckled" and the bolts holding them "melted." Collapsed. InPlace. All the pieces still there, except these "bolts." No hole in theground, even though THIS explosion and fire was at GROUND LEVEL.

    The article also states definitively that the temperatures reached2750F. HOW they KNOW this is beyond me, unless they are stating

    gasoline burns at 2750 degrees, but also stating steel doesn't meltthen.

    NOW YOU GET MY POINT????????

    If steel beams here in California didn't disappear and powderize tonothing at OFFICIALLY GIVEN TEMP of 2750 with gasoline, like atthe WTC Tower's core beams did, HOW IN THE HELL did KEROSENEPOWDERIZE CONCRETE AT 675F maximum temperatures??????Especially given the fact the jet fuel only burned the TOPFLOORS????

    Read the article by the Danish Professor of Chemistry.Kerosene burns at 675F.

    Officially now (facts given by authorities), California has statedgasoline can't melt steel, only cause it to turn PLASTIC UNDEREXTREME HEAT.

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    If the official 911 story had ANY credibility, the towers should havelooked like elongated pretzels. Twisted steel.

    A Bit of Info on Explosions!!

    There were multiple explosions inside the Twin Towers on 9/11before they collapsed...

    Police reported them.

    Firemen reported them.

    People on the street reported them.

    Even network news anchors reported them.

    Later that day, the reports stopped.

    And they were never repeated by the mainsteam news again.

    Thanks to the magic of VCRs that were recording live news feeds allday, here are the explosions that the news media made go away...

    Here is incontrovertible proof:


    Please, watch this 10-minute clip.

    Then ask yourself: Were all these people hallucinating? Were they alllying?

    Or have you been conned?

    Wake up! You've been lied to en masse!

    And An Eye Witness in Bldg 7 Transcript of Interview Describing Explosions!!WTC 7 Eyewitness Testimony Transcribed by Rolf Lindgren (edited for clarity with notes)Sources: http://www.prisonplanet.com/audio/190607clips2.mp3http://

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    [Start of transcript]

    "I was asked to go and man the Office of Emergency Management [OEM] at the WorldTrade Center 7, on the 23rd floor.

    [This was immediately after the North Tower was struck. OEM is also know as Rudy'sBunker.]

    As I arrived there, there were police all over the lobby.

    They showed me the way to the elevator; we got up to the 23rd floor.

    We couldn't get in; we had to go back down. [The witness was with another person.]

    Then security and police took us to the freight elevators where they took us back up and wedid get in.

    Upon arriving into the OEMEOC [OEM Emergency Operating Center], we noticed thateverybody was gone.

    [The witness's voice inflection indicates elevated surprise. It seems he has arrived beforethe official evacuation time of 9:30 AM]

    I saw coffee that was on the desks still, the smoke was still coming off the coffee.

    I saw half-eaten sandwiches.

    And after I called several individuals, one individual told me to leave and to leave rightaway.

    [Could indicate foreknowledge]

    I came running back in.

    He said we're the only ones up here.

    We gotta get out of here. He found the stairwell.

    So we subsequently went to the stairwell and we're going down the stairs.

    When we reached the 6th floor, the landing that we were standing on gave way, there wasan explosion and the landing gave way.

    [The witness's timeline places this event well before the collapse of either Twin Tower.]

    I was left there hanging.

    I had to climb back up, and now I had to walk back up to the 8th floor.

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    After getting to the 8th floor everything was dark."

    [However, according to FEMA maps, none of the South Tower debris, excepting dustclouds, reached Building 7. (Source: http://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_ch1.pdf,esp. p. 9). The North Tower did not collapse until 10:28 A.M., far too late to fit into thewitness' timeline.]

    "As I told you earlier, both buildings were still standing. Because I looked to, I looked oneway, looked the other way, there's nothing there.

    When I got to the 6th floor before all this happened, I got to the 6th floor, there was anexplosion, that's what forced us back to the 8th floor, both buildings were still standing."

    [The above two paragraphs were obtained from another source not listed above. For thissource, please contact the Scholars.]


    "Well, I'm just confused about one thing and one thing only, why World Trade Center 7went down in the first place? I'm very confused about that.

    I know what I heard; I heard explosions.

    The explanation I got was it was the fuel oil tank. I'm an old boiler guy. If it was the fueloil tank, it would have been one side of the building.

    When I got to that lobby, the lobby was totally destroyed.

    It looked like King Kong had came through and stepped on it.

    And it was so destroyed I didn't know where I was.

    And it was so destroyed that they had to take me out through a hole in the wall.

    A makeshift hole that I believe that the fire department made to get me out."

    [The damage to the lobby may have been related to the earlier explosion or possibly berelated to the destruction of the North Tower, a point that will be resolved when the entiretape is released.]


    "And it wasn't until some years later that I testified in front of them [9/11 Commission orNIST].

    It was very scary because they looked like very important people; they were questioning meabout certain things.

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    I don't know if they liked the answers I gave, I could care less, I gave what, my account ofit, the truth, and that was that.

    I thought they were just doing an interim report or investigation on as to what happened.They got my point of view.

    I haven't heard any more from them."

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    (After many phone calls, the last one of which was to public affairs who toldme he would be back on 9Jul07)

    Mr Newman,

    Hope you had a nice bit of annual vacation...


    ..> ..>


    ..> WMV video of the abovecollapse (412kB)

    High quality slo -mo zoom of

    above (1.4 MB)..>

    Take a close look at the manner in which WTC 7 collapsesstraight down. For the building to collapse in this fashion,all of the load bearing supports would have had to fail atexactly the same time.

    The claim that the collapse was the result of a fire requiresthe fire be equally distributed throughout the entire floor ofthe building, providing equal heat for an equal amount oftime, so that all the load bearings members would fail atthe exact same moment.

    Do you find this plausible?..>

    ..> ..>

    WMV video download of above(202kB)

    ..> "Amazing, incredible, pick your word. For the third timetoday, it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen toomuch on television before, where a building was deliberatelydestroyed by well placed dynamite to knock it down."

    CBS News anchor Dan Rather commenting on the collapseof Building 7 - September 11, 2001 at approx 5:30pmEST...>


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    ..> When buildings such as WTC 7 are demolished the collapseis initiated by an explosion in the central area of the basement.This causes the building to collapse in on itself and minimizesdamage to surrounding structures [full details].

    The video enlargement on the right shows part of WTC 7's roof

    crumbling seconds before the collapse. The only logical reasonfor this occurrence is the building was rocked by a powerfulexplosion.

    WMV video download of above


    ..> The following video (screenshot left) compares the collapse of WTC 7 to acontrolled demolition. The characteristics and speed of the collapses are allbut identical. It is impossible for diesel fires to collapse a building in thismanner.

    WMV video download (190kB)..>..>

    ..> ..>RealMedia video showing evidence of cutter charges in WTC 7's collapse680KB - to download video right click link and select 'Save Target As'..>

    ..> ..> ..>

    ..> ..>

    ..> ..>


    Note the highlighted smoke coming from the upper floors (Click images for full size)..>

    ..> Other video downloads of WTC 7's collapse...


    WMV video download of above


    WMV video download of above(387kB)

    WMV video download of above


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    WMV video download of above(442kB)

    If WTC 7 spontaneously collapsed then how did so many

    people catch its demise?..>


    ..> ..> Click to download a videoshowing the building on the right

    collapsing without explosives (149kB



    ..> The photos below are of buildings collapsed by an earthquake. They show the typicalresult of a single load bearing member failure - the buildings are tipped over onto the

    initiating point.


    Click images for full size..>

    For a building to collapse into its own footprint, as WTC 7 did, ALL of the loadbearing members must fail at the exact same moment. This is achieved in controlled


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    Click to download a video showingthe controlled demolition of the

    buildingon the left (1.2MB MOV)

    [Source:Controlled Demolition]..>



    ..> Larry Silverstein, the controller of the destroyed WTC complex, stated in a PBS ..ary that heand the FDNY decided jointly to demolish WTC 7 late in the afternoon of September 11,


    The above demonstrates that WTC 7 was indeed demolished, so why did FEMA spend manyhours dreaming up a report which claims the building collapsed through fire?..>



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    MY THIRD EMAIL TO NIST 10JUL07My question to you Mr Newman is...

    How are you going to explain away facts so obvious that to cover them up is in itself anact pure cowardice and deserves severe punishment? As I said in my firstcommunication, you are in a very precarious position indeed!!!









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    Reference map

    The Persistent Hot spots:

    Thermal images from September 16, 2001 WTC 7 closest to top of image.

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    More than one month later, October 18, 2001, there are still hot spots

    at WTC 1, WTC 2, and WTC 7.

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    Hot Spots from the AVRIS Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)

    Sensor Sept 16, 2001 indexed A&B are WTC7

    Larger 254 KB image

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    Table 1 Thermal Hot Spot Data (Again, A&B are WTC7)

    ..> Location Temperature Area

    Hot Spot N Latitude W Longitude (Kelvin) % FOV sq meter

    A 40o 42' 47.18" 74o 00' 41.43" 1000 15 0.56

    B 40o 42' 47.14" 74o 00' 43.53" 830 2 0.08

    C 40o 42' 42.89" 74o 00' 48.88" 900 20 0.8

    D 40o 42' 41.99" 74o 00' 46.94" 790 20 0.8

    E 40o 42' 40.58" 74o 00' 50.15" 710 10 0.4

    F 40o 42' 38.74" 74o 00' 46.70" 700 10 0.4

    G 40o 42' 39.94" 74o 00' 45.37" 1020 1 0.04

    H 40o 42' 38.60" 74o 00' 43.51" 820 2 0.08..>

    Positions are in degrees-minutes-decimal seconds, datum WGS84.Position accuracy is estimated to be approximately +/- 6 meters (18 feet).

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    WTC 7 - 47 stories tall - debris pile 7 stories. The New York times has a

    crude interactive map placing the crater depth at -30 feet. According to theofficial story, beams from WTC 1 collapsed the building. However, thecollapse did not make a debris pile. It made a debris hole.







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    (The time temperature curves for the ASTM E119 standard require the samples to beexposed to temperatures around 2000 degrees farenheit for several hours) FULL


    .. ..


    UL Executive Speaks Out On WTC Study


    "The buildings should have easily withstood the thermal stress caused by pools ofburning jet fuel."From Kevin R. RyanSite Manager of the Environmental Health LaboratoriesSouth Bend, Indiana(Company site - www.ehl.cc)A division of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

    (Company site - www.ul.com)

    To Frank GayleDeputy Chief of the Metallurgy DivisionMaterial Science and Engineering Laboratory

    National Institute of Standards and TechnologyNIST and the World Trade Center at wtc.nist.govDr. Gayle biography wtc.nist.gov/pi/wtc_profiles.asp?lastname=gayleFrom: Kevin R Ryan/SBN/ULITo: [email protected]: 11/11/2004Dr. Gayle,Having recently reviewed your team's report of 10/19/04, I felt the need to contact youdirectly.As I'm sure you know, the company I work for certified the steel components used inthe construction of the WTC buildings. In requesting information from both our CEOand Fire Protection business manager last year, I learned that they did not agree on theessential aspects of the story, except for one thing - that the samples we certified metall requirements. They suggested we all be patient and understand that UL was

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    working with your team, and that tests would continue through this year. I'm aware ofUL's attempts to help, including performing tests on models of the floor assemblies.But the results of these tests appear to indicate that the buildings should have easilywithstood the thermal stress caused by pools of burning jet fuel.There continues to be a number of "experts" making public claims about how the

    WTC buildings fell. One such person, Dr. Hyman Brown from the WTC constructioncrew, claims that the buildings collapsed due to fires at 2000F melting the steel (1).He states "What caused the building to collapse is the airplane fuel ? burning at 2,000degrees Fahrenheit. The steel in that five-floor area melts." Additionally, thenewspaper that quotes him says "Just-released preliminary findings from a NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology study of the World Trade Center collapsesupport Brown's theory."We know that the steel components were certified to ASTM E119. The timetemperature curves for this standard require the samples to be exposed to temperaturesaround 2000F for several hours. And as we all agree, the steel applied met those

    specifications. Additionally, I think we can all agree that even un-fireproofed steelwill not melt until reaching red-hot temperatures of nearly 3000F (2). Why Dr. Brownwould imply that 2000F would melt the high-grade steel used in those buildingsmakes no sense at all.The results of your recently published metallurgical tests seem to clear things up (3),and support your team's August 2003 update as detailed by the Associated Press (4),in which you were ready to "rule out weak steel as a contributing factor in thecollapse". The evaluation of paint deformation and spheroidization seem verystraightforward, and you noted that the samples available were adequate for theinvestigation. Your comments suggest that the steel was probably exposed to

    temperatures of only about 500F (250C), which is what one might expect from athermodynamic analysis of the situation.However the summary of the new NIST report seems to ignore your findings, as itsuggests that these low temperatures caused exposed bits of the building's steel core to"soften and buckle"(5). Additionally this summary states that the perimeter columnssoftened, yet your findings make clear that "most perimeter panels (157 of 160) sawno temperature above 250C". To soften steel for the purposes of forging, normallytemperatures need to be above 1100C (6). However, this new summary reportsuggests that much lower temperatures were be able to not only soften the steel in amatter of minutes, but lead to rapid structural collapse.This story just does not add up. If steel from those buildings did soften or melt, I?msure we can all agree that this was certainly not due to jet fuel fires of any kind, letalone the briefly burning fires in those towers. That fact should be of great concern toall Americans. Alternatively, the contention that this steel did fail at temperaturesaround 250C suggests that the majority of deaths on 9/11 were due to a safety-relatedfailure. That suggestion should be of great concern to my company.There is no question that the events of 9/11 are the emotional driving force behind theWar on Terror. And the issue of the WTC collapse is at the crux of the story of 9/11.

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    My feeling is that your metallurgical tests are at the crux of the crux of the crux.Either you can make sense of what really happened to those buildings, andcommunicate this quickly, or we all face the same destruction and despair that comefrom global decisions based on disinformation and "chatter".Thanks for your efforts to determine what happened on that day. You may know that

    there are a number of other current and former government employees that haverisked a great deal to help us to know the truth. I've copied one of these people on thismessage as a sign of respect and support. I believe your work could also be a nucleusof fact around which the truth, and thereby global peace and justice, can grow again.Please do what you can to quickly eliminate the confusion regarding the ability of jetfuel fires to soften or melt structural steel.1. http://www.boulderweekly.com/archive/102104/coverstory.html2. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 61st edition, pg D-1873. http://wtc.nist.gov/media/P3MechanicalandMetAnalysisofSteel.pdf4. http://www.voicesofsept11.org/archive/911ic/082703.php

    5. http://wtc.nist.gov/media/NCSTACWTCStatusFINAL101904WEB2.pdf (pg 11)6. http://www.forging.org/FIERF/pdf/ffaaMacSleyne.pdfKevin RyanSite ManagerEnvironmental Health Laboratories[Note: The letter is followed in the e-mail by a standard UL message footer]-- For more information about UL, its Marks, and its services for EMC, qualityregistrations and product certifications for global markets, please access our web sitesat http://www.ul.com and http://www.ulc.ca, or contact your local salesrepresentative.

    November 12:An executive of the company that certified the steel used in the construction of theWorld Trade Center has questioned the common theory that fuel fires caused itscollapse, in a letter yesterday to the head of the government team that has spent twoyears studying how the trade center was built and why it fell.The author of the letter, Kevin Ryan, is site manager at Environmental HealthLaboratories in South Bend, Indiana, a division of Underwriters Laboratories, the

    product-compliance and testing giant. Because UL certified the WTC steel for itsability to withstand fires, its performance on September 11 is obviously of concern tothe company.Ryan sent his letter to Frank Gayle, deputy chief of the Metallurgy Division at the

    National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He later forwarded it in an e-mail to David Ray Griffin, author of the New Pearl Harbor, and Catherine AustinFitts, who is a member of the 911Truth.org board.Griffin asked for and received permission to forward the letter for Web distribution.911Truth.org called Ryan today to confirm his authorship.The letter raises disturbing questions, pointing out that the steel in the towers tested upto its certified standard (i.e., it should have easily withstood the fuel fires without

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    buckling).A chemist by profession, Ryan said he is acting in the hope of receiving a publicresponse from Gayle. Given the impact of September 11 on events around the world,Ryan said, everyone needs to know the full truth of what really happened on that day.He added that he considers Gayle to be a good scientist and an honest person.

    A draft of the government agency's final report on the WTC collapse is due inJanuary.The New York Times reports today that the NIST team is planning to hold some of itsdeliberations in secret. "The announcement has been sharply protested by advocatesfor families of the 9/11 victims, who said they were considering a lawsuit to force theagency to open the meetings to the public," the Times writes.As the Times notes, the NIST investigation was started in 2002 after lobbying by,among others, the Skyscraper Safety Campaign, an organization created by MonicaGabrielle and Sally Regenhard, both of whom lost family on September 11.Gabrielle told the Times that NIST should have "one job, and one job only - to find

    out the truth of what happened to those buildings and to report to the public about it.You don't owe industry, the Port Authority or federal agencies anything. You owe itto the public - the truth, no matter where it goes." (See www.nytimes.com)http://www.911truth.org/article.php?story=20041112144051451 - 911Truth.org (nl)CommentFrom Andrea11-14-4On seeing this research from UL, I am pushing for transparent*, fully publicmeetings/hearings on the structure/physical evidence related to the deterioration of thetowers into their foundations -these meetings conducted by the NIST, the gov division

    under the DeptCommerce, under the Executive Branch, aka - "The White House".Rather than be immutable or mysterious about this research on the (Bethlehem Steelproduced) steel in the towers, I found this important information to those who havethe interest to understand the truth about what happened at the WTC on 9/11/01.I owned stock in Bethlehem Steel before it was driven into bankruptcy and liquidated.I knew it had made the i-beams and girders for the WTC, and found it annoying whenthe under-informed would attempt to convince me that we dont/didnt even make steelstrong enough to support construction like the towers, and that steel strong enough forconstruction like the WTC comes/came from Japan. Au contraire! A look at theremaining steel while at the site also speaks otherwise.This government is to answer to the American people. I see no reason for secrecywhen the people in the government are looking for 'transparency' from everythingelse. Our privacy is under invasion and the government wants opaque secrecy?CommentFrom Scott T Davis11-14-4Dear Jeff,I want to ask all Americans - who have just read this article which has such

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    overwhelming statistical information exposing the World Trade Center cover-up - totake just a minute and e-mail the article to their Senators, CongressionalRepresentatives and all media outlets.All the e-mail information we need to expose the coverup is right on the main page ofyour web site.

    We as Americans are held accountable for our actions by government everyday. It'swell past time we hold the people we employ to represent us equally as accountable.Scott T Davis



    Proof there was Molten Metal in the basements of the Twin

    Towers and Building 7 and why Kerosene could not havebeen its cause.

    Jet fuel is nothing more than refined kerosene the stuff you usein your camping stove without fear of it ever melting the grille. Inthe case of the Twin Towers, a relatively paltry 10,000 gallons of itis said to have MELTED HUNDREDS OF TONS OF HIGH-GRADECONSTRUCTION STEEL.

    While "10,000 gallons" might appear to be a huge amount, in realityit is a relatively miniscule volume: approximately 11'x11'x11' --about the size of just one of the thousands of small cubicles thatwere peppered throughout the Towers relatively speaking, apinprick on these voluminous million-cubic-foot structures.

    But even that's quite beside the point: Kerosene simply does not

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    possess the thermodynamic potential to melt steel. Period.No, not even a million gallons of it can. To prove the point, Isuggest torching a loaded petroleum tanker out at sea. You'llhave a bonfire that would last several days and still leave

    a floating steel hull, quite intact, at the end of it.

    First, watch this video clip of a NYFD fireman speak of havingseen "Streams of molten metal...running like in a foundry":


    Then, read the following sample of comments by eyewitnesses at Ground


    "Feeling the heat and seeing the molten steel reminded me of a volcano."Mt. St. Helens volcano disasterveteran Ron Burger, public health advisor at the

    National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control andPreventionhttp://www.neha.org/9-11%20report/index-The.html

    "There are fires burning and molten steel flowing in the pile of ruins stillsettling beneath our feet."

    Sarah Atlas, Urban Search and Rescue, New Jerseyhttp://www.sas.upenn.edu/sasalum/newsltr/summer2002/k911.html

    "...The heat was so intense we encountered rivers of molten steel."NYFD firefighter, as reported in the New York Post, 3/3/04; also in ..ary film,"The First 24 Hours"


    "Fires are still actively burning and the smoke is very intense. In somepockets now being uncovered, they are finding molten steel."

    Alison Geyh, PhD, Johns Hopkins' Bloomberg School of Public Healthhttp://www.jhsph.edu/Publications/Special/Welch.htm

    "...We descended deep below street level to areas where underground firesstill burned and steel flowed in molten streams."A reporter with rare access to the debris at ground zero, quoted in the book,

    "American Ground: Unbuilding the World Trade Center" by William Langewiesche

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    "...The streams of molten metal that leaked from the hot cores and floweddown broken walls inside the foundation hole."The same journalist referred to above, in "American Ground: Unbuilding the

    World Trade Center" by William Langewieschehttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002E5QKI/qid=1133995198/sr=1-


    "...A fire truck 10 feet below the ground that was still burning two weeksafter the Tower collapsed. Its metal was so hot that it looked like a vat ofmolten steel."Vance Deisingnore, OSHA Officer at WTC, to Jim McKay, Post-Gazette StaffWriter, on September 11, 2002http://www.thenewliberator.com/wethepeople.htm

    "...A combination of an uncontrolled fire and the structural damage mighthave been able to bring the building down, but that would not explain steelmembers in the debris pile that appear to have been PARTLY EVAPORATEDin extraordinarily high temperatures"A fire safety expert, about World Trade Center building 7. NB: Evaporation

    means conversion from a liquid to a gas; so the steel beams in building 7 weresubjected to temperatures high enough to melt and evaporate them.http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?


    "...There were fires still burning and molten steel still running 21 daysafter the attacks."James M. Williams, President, Structural Engineers Association of Utah, in SEAUNews, Volume VI, Issue 11, October 2001

    "They showed us many fascinating slides ranging from molten metal,which was still red hot weeks after the event."A structural engineer, quoted in the September 3, 2002 issue of The StructuralEngineer magazine, Page 5

    "One fireman told us that there was still molten steel at the heart of thetowers' remains. Firemen sprayed water to cool the debris down but theheat remained intense enough at the surface to melt their boots."Guy Lounsbury, a member of New York Air National Guard's 109th Air Wing, whowas at Ground Zero from September 22 to October 6http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3731/is_200112/ai_n9015802

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    "in the early days, the streams of molten metal that leaked from the hotcores and flowed down broken walls inside the foundation hole."-- William Langewiesche, the only journalist to have unrestricted access to GroundZero during the cleanup operation

    "...As we get closer and closer to the center it gets hotter and hotter... it'sunbelievable...it's like an oven inside, bright, bright, orangish color, atleast 1500 degrees...and it's six weeks later!"Unidentified NYFD fireman in OSHA ..ary film ofground zero

    "There are pieces of steel being pulled out from as far as six storiesunderground that are still cherry red...and the blaze is so far beyond anormal fire that it is nearly impossible to draw conclusions about it basedon other fires."

    Don Carson, a hazardous materials expert for the National Operating EngineersUnion, six weeks after 9/11http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/nydailynews/87451160.html?did=87451160&FMT=ABS&FMTS=FT&date=Nov+1%2C+2001&author=GREG+GITTRICH+D


    "for about two and a half months after the attacks, in addition to itsregular duties, NYDS played a major role in debris removal -- everythingfrom molten steel beams to human remains...."Kathy Dawkins, New York City Department of Sanitation (NYDS) spokesperson, in

    Waste Age magazine, April 1, 2002http://wasteage.com/mag/waste_dday_ny_sanitation/

    "Underground it was still so hot that molten metal dripped down the sidesof the wall from Building 6."Worker involved with the organizing of demolition, excavation and debris removaloperations at ground zero, in a Staff Statement to the 9/11 Commission


    "...a steel beam being lifted from deep underground at Ground Zero was

    dripping from the molten steel."Joe O'Toole, Bronx firefighter, to reporter Jennifer Lin of the Philadelphia


    "Underground, it was still so hot that molten metal dripped down the sidesof the wall from Building 6"

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    --Ken Holden, who was involved with the organizing of demolition, excavation anddebris removal operations at Ground Zero, in his testimony to the 9/11 Commission

    (which, as we now know, was ignored)

    "...This was the longest-burning structural fire in history, even though itrained heavily on September 14, 2001 and again on September 21, 2001,and the fires were sprayed with high tech fire-retardants, and firetruckssprayed a nearly constant jet of water on ground zero...You couldn't evenbegin to imagine how much water was pumped in there...it was like youwere creating a giant lake..."Tom Manley of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, the largest fire departmentunion.http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2001/12/19/archive/main321907.shtml

    "...New York firefighters recall 'heat so intense they encountered rivers of

    molten steel'....New York Post, 3/3/2004

    And in the event all of the individuals quoted above were victims of a masshallucination, a reassuring piece of NASA infrared imagery that reflects themolten byproducts of this mysterious new "super kerosene"...

    The following are NASA Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer(AVIRIS) images taken to locate and measure the WTC site's hot spots...



    Dr. Frank Gayle, who led the steel forensics aspects of NIST's investigation

    of the WTC collapses, said:

    "Your gut reaction would be the jet fuel is what made the fire so veryintense, a lot of people figured that's what melted the steel. Indeed itdidn't, the steel did not melt."--ABC News 7 (New York), 2/7/2004

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    So, if the jet fuel was not the cause of all the molten metal, WHAT CAUSED IT?

    Hint: A byproduct of the explosive Thermite is MOLTEN IRON.

    "...this molten metal is a direct evidence for the use of high-temperatureexplosives, such as thermite, used to deliberately bring down the WTCtowers..."--Steven E. Jones, Professor of Physics, Brigham Young University, as reported inthe Utah Deseret Morning News

    MY FIFTH EMAIL 11Jul07

    Mr Newman, Do you still say you have no evidence???

    I am a 20 year veteran USAF fighter pilot and demolition expert...andthere are 2 things we, in our field of expertise, absolutely detest!!!

    Liars and Quitters, and we are neither!!

    I truly hope that also describes your value system!!We shall see...

    The next aspect of 9-11-01 is that it is physically impossible for steel buildings( WTC1,2, & 7) collapse from fire.No steel structure in the history of the world hasever fell from fire. There was a building in Madrid Spain that burned for 24 hours .

    The 50 story skyscraper was burned from top to bottom and it never collapsed.There was also a building in Pennsylvania that burned for many hours and neverfell. There is alot of instances . Jet fuel can only burn at 1800F degrees in perfect

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    conditions . The steel ( was tested by UL) that the twin towers were made fromwere made to withstand a fire that burned at 2800F degrees for 6 hours.

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    Kevin Ryan a UL (Underwriters Labritories) employee stated that the guys thatdesigned the Twin Towers took into mind that a 757 Boeing jet could hit the towers

    and designed them accordingly. Mr. Ryan said that the steel the Towers were builtwith could have and should have with standed the fire. He also did his own

    labratory tests,that supported his statements. Mr. Ryan was fired for speecking outabout 9-11-01.

    2001Leslie Robertson: "The twin towers were in fact the first structures outside themilitary and nuclear industries designed to resist the impact of a jet airplane."

    2001"Leslie Robertson, one of the two original structural engineers for the WorldTrade Center, is asked at a conference in Frankfurt, Germany what he had done to

    protect the twin towers from terrorist attacks. He replies, 'I designed it for a 707 tosmash into it."

    1993"[Building designer] John Skilling recounts his people having carried out ananalysis which found the twin towers could withstand the impact of a Boeing 707.Our analysis indicated the biggest problem would be the fact that all the fuel (fromthe airplane) would dump into the building. There would be a horrendous fire. A lot

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    of people would be killed." But, he says, "The building structure would still bethere."

    Keep in mind that the tower only burned for 45 minutes & 1.5 hours. the second

    tower hit fell first and first tower hit fell second. The 911 Commission report statedthat the twin towers collapsed from the pancake effect. The floors piling up on each

    other till they collapsed . If this is true there should have been somekind ofresistance. If it took each floor 1 second to fail then it should have took the twintowers at least 100 seconds each to collapse. RIGHT . Well in reality it took thetowers 9 seconds to hit the ground. ( one at a time) If I were to go to the top of

    the towers right now and throw a brick off the side it would take 9 seconds to hitthe ground.

    So that means there was no resistance the towers fell at free fall speed.You do the

    math. Also if the floors piled up on each other there should be big chunks ofconcrete and pieces of computers, telephones , file cabinets, people, ETC.... The

    rescue workers never found one of those things just a big pile of steel. All theconcrete and computers, telephones, ETC.... were pulvarized into dust .All of

    Manhattan was cover in 3 inches of dust. Now how was all of this stuff justpulvarized into dust and how did the Twin Towers fall at free fall speed with no

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    resistance??????? CONTROLLED DEMOLITION . Also in the wreckage of the TwinTowers (WTC 1 , WTC 2 , & WTC 7 )there was pools of molten metal. Where did this

    molten metal come from ???

    NOTE: Notice the molten metal pouring out the window.

    This molten metal came from Thermate. A CONTROL DEMOLITION tool used to cut

    through structural steel like a hot knife through butter. It is a combination ofAluminium Oxide , Iron , Sulfur ,and Manginesse .When combined the chemicalreaction creates extreme heat making it able to cut steel. The 911 Commissiontouched briefly on the subject. Stating that the molten material was the melted

    Aluminium frame of the plane that hit the Towers. In reality when you meltAluminium it looks silver kind of like Mercury . It does not glow bright red or orange

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    as does steel.

    Most Americans don't even know that a third building fell down on 9-11-01 at5:30 pm .World Trade Center 7 collapsed and was not hit by a plane and WTC1 &WTC2 did not hit it when they fell... Although there were small fires (that the

    sprinklers should have put out).. on 5 floors in order they are 8 (American

    Express), 11 , 12 , 13 , & 18 (City Group).

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    pimpinstb/silversteinquoteja5tb5.gif" border=0>

    WTC 7 was also Rudy Guilliani's command center , CIA main NYC office , and

    FEMA's NYC base. Larry Silverstein owns all 7 of the wtc buildings. Larry Silversteinstated on a PBS

    ..ary that on 9-11-01 there was already so much loss of life . So they (Silverstein &FDNY) decided to pull it and they watched the building collapse. (see Silversteins

    confession at www.cpa.org.au/garchve5/1108bush.html ) The 9-11 Commission reportdoes not even try to explain what happened . They totally ignore WTC7 .If fire

    brought down WTC 1, WTC 2, & WTC 7 that means these 3 building were the first 3

    steel structure buildings in the history of the world to collapse from fire all on thesame day.Only a Idiot would believe that fire could take down these massive steelframe buildings . Fire does not shatter steel.

    Think about this , the law states that any disaster that happens let it be a plane

    crash, fire, bridge collapse , gym roof falling down , space shuttle crash, ETC... Thedebri must be saved and analyzed so we can improve oue building codes and fire

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    codes and recreate what happened . When the space shuttle exploded and all thepieces down to earth. If someone was to take a piece of evidence they were

    arrested and criminally charged with a crime . When planes crash in the ocean . Thegovernment goes out and drudges every piece up so they can put the plane backtogether, piece by piece, and recreate what happened. No one was allowed to do so

    in the case of 9-11-01 (WTC 1, WTC 2, & WTC 7) . The government scoped up allthe pieces of the Twin Towers .Then shipped them over seas ,to China , to berecycled.The government broke the law .(Who ordered this to happen???)


    Mr Newman,

    I know how busy you must be as you did not have the time or the courtesy

    to return my phone calls, which your Public Affairs representative

    vehemently promised you would do by close of business yesterday...youare quickly turning into an enemy of the Truth, which quickly makes youan enemy of my friends and of me...And if you think we are going away,

    you are not only mistaken, but severely so!!! That is a promise and athreat!

    As I said in my previous emails,

    you are in a very precarious position!!

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    PS In respect for your obviously over-priced investigative time, I have just provided

    the conclusion portion of some very detailed and accurate investigation thatactually took real time to accomplish! If you would like to see the entire work ofscientific art, just click on the link below...and open your eyes, because we arewatching with ours!!!


    ConclusionAssuming the premise of the official explanation, the total collapses of the Twin

    Towers and Building 7 were the largest, most unexpected, and least understoodfailures of engineered steel structures in the history of the world. NIST's Report,

    like FEMA's 2002 report, presents the appearance of explaining the collapses of theTwin Towers, but in reality it doesn't explain them at all. Flatly asserting that"global collapse" inevitably follows "collapse initiation," the Report implies that theonly issue worthy of study is how the jet impacts and fires led to collapse initiation

    -- an issue to which it devotes well over one hundred pages. Thus, the Reportmakes two fundamental claims, the first explicit and the second implicit:

    The impact damage and fires caused the tops of the Towers to lean and thenbegin to fall (collapse initiation).

    Once initiated, the collapses proceeded to total collapses.

    NIST goes to great lengths to support the first claim, but commits numerous

    omissions and distortions in the process. It remains quiet about the second claim,except for its vague rehash of the pile-driver theory. This is indefensible, given

    NIST's charge to investigate the collapses. Accepting that claim requires us to


    That the collapses of WTC 1,2, and 7 are the only

    examples of totalprogressive collapse of steel-

    framed structures in history.

    That those collapses weregravity-driven despiteshowing all the common

    physical features ofcontrolled demolitions. In

    the cases of the TwinTowers, those features

    included the following:

    Radial symmetry: The Towerscame straight down, blowingdebris symmetricaly in all


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    Rapid descent: The Towers came down just slightly slower than the rate offree-fall in a vacuum.

    Demolition waves: The Towers were consumed by synchronized rows ofconfluent explosions.

    Demolition squibs: The Towers exhibited high-velocity gas ejections well belowthe descending rubble.

    Pulverization: The Towers' non-metallic components, such as their concretefloors, were pulverized into fine dust.

    Totality: The Towers were destroyed totally, their steel skeletons shreddedinto short pieces, most less than 30 feet long.

    All of these features are seen in conventional controlled demolitions. None haveever been observed in steel-framed buildings collapsing for any reason other than

    controlled demolition.

    What are the chances that a phenomenon other than controlled demolition would

    exhibit all six features never observed elsewhere except in controlled demolitions?NIST avoids asking this and other questions by implying that they don't exist. It

    uses the false assertion that partial collapse will inevitably lead to total collapse(couched in the ill-defined terms of "column instability," "global instability,"

    "collapse initiation," and "global collapse") to imply that nothing about the actualcollapses is worth considering.

    To shield the reader from the evidence of controlled demolition, NIST fills hundredsof pages with amazingly realistic plane crash simulations, tedious details about fire

    tests and simulations, and long lists of recommendations for improving buildingsafety. It calls its event narrative of each Tower, which starts with the jet impact

    and ends at the point that "collapse ensued," the "probable collapse sequence," but

    it is neither probable nor a collapse sequence.NIST's misleadingly named "probable collapse sequence" is a mirage, masking theexplosive reality of the collapses with a cinematic account of the crashes and fires.

    NIST's theory stops at the moment that the "upper building section began to movedownwards," thus avoiding the longer timeline of the truss-failure theory and any

    overlap with the time span in which the demolition-like features appear. DespiteNIST's theory being even more incredible than its predecessors (with spreading

    "column instability" triggering "global collapse" in an instant) it works better as amirage because its timelines stop short of the collapses.

    NIST's Report states that its first objective is to "determine why and how WTC 1and WTC 2 collapsed." The Report does not fulfill that objective, and hides that

    failure with misleading headings and disproportionate, misapplied technical detail.Its authors should admit that they have failed to explain why and how the Towers

    collapsed, and should call for an investigation that will address rather than avoidthe issue.

    Thanks for your time if you actually got to the bottom of this email as we

    will get to the bottom of WTC7 TRUTH!!!

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    ----- Original Message ----From: "[email protected]"To: [email protected]: Monday, July 16, 2007 10:32:52 AMSubject: Acknowledgment of received materials

    Dear Col. Razer,

    This message is to acknowledge that NIST has received all of thematerials that you have provided via e-mail regarding the World TradeCenter buildings.


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    MY EMAIL REPLY TO NIST 16JUL07Dear NIST WTC Investigation Team,I sincerely appreciate this email very much! I intended no personal "threat" to anyone on

    your investigation team, but only that I would not accept this information going un-addressed. Again, thank you. There is more information available. Is this the propermethod of input?

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    MY EMAIL 20JUL07

    Here is an indication of the money trail on WTC7 and why ithad to be demolished.

    I have a four questions for your team.

    1. Is any of the evidence I have submitted within theparameters of your investigation?

    2. If the answer to the first question is yes, will you updateyour Jun26, 2007 Investigation update posted on yourwebsite to reflect that?

    3. If the answer to the first question is no, I would like to beprovided with a document stating the exact parameters ofyour investigation so that I might provide evidence to fitwithin those parameters, as I have much more evidence topresent?

    4. Is there a person and a phone number attached to thisemail address that I might be able to speak with, as my

    phone calls are still not being returned?Thank you

    That Mysterious Building 7

    Ive heard several explanations as to why Building 7 absolutely had to bedemolished and given the way it was achieved, at obviously great risk tothe perps.

    One of these is that Giulianis ultra-fortified emergency bunker on the23rd floor served as an operations center, contained the guidanceelectronics for the incoming aircraft, and this evidence had to bedestroyed. I dont find this line of reasoning entirely implausible for

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    instance, Ive seen plotted extensions of the approach tracks of bothaircraft that neatly intersect building 7 from opposing directions. But Id bethe first to admit this sort of conjecture hardly constitutes proof.

    Regardless, what remains inarguable is that this structure absolutely hadto be brought down. It clearly contained hugely incriminating material ofsome kind that had to be shredded at any cost. If this werent the case, theperps wouldnt have risked a blatantly obvious pull in broad daylight forthe world to record as probably the most compelling smoking gun of themall.

    I now concur with a few colleagues that the plan called for Flight 93 tocrash into Bld 7. The ensuing high-visibility fireball wouldve rather neatlyexplained thattowers collapse, case closed. But the script somehowwent awry, and that errant aircraft was ordered shot down overShanksville before matters got totally out of hand. This, of course, left theperps with no choice but to pull the building several hours later

    doubtless cursing to high heaven and at Murphy in full public view.

    That being said, I believe the following article helps shed more light on theimportance of this enigmatic building, and perhaps provide another reasonwhy it had to be destroyed Documents.

    You see, Building 7, which also housed field offices of the SEC, FBI, CIA,NSA among others, contained tons of information on corporate fraud thatcould, collectively, have constituted manifold Enrons that wouldve putmany, many individuals away for a few hundred years.

    I suspect much of what Sibel Edmonds has been barred from disclosing hasa lot to do with this information fraud, laundering, gun-running,narcotics, etc. If one were to read between Sibels lines in the fewinterviews she gave before she was totally gagged, I believe this would allsoon begin to ring true.

    Similarly, the offices that were the target of the missile that struck thePentagon were those of the auditors digging into the missing $2.6 trillion.

    They were all killed in the strike. All records were destroyed.

    Barbara Honnegar, who spoke at the conference in Los Angeles last Sunday

    (with Ed Asner and David Griffin), said she had interviewed an individualwho occupied an adjacent office who actually saw banks of computers inthe general vicinity of the accounting offices literally going up in smoke self-detonating, as it were seconds before the initial explosion (yes,there was an explosion that preceded the missile by a few minutes; thatswhen the numerous fallen wall clocks froze in mid-stroke. Hmmm...evokes memories of that explosion beneath Willy Rodriguezs feet in theWTC basement seconds before the aircraft impact on the Tower, does it

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    Then we have the billions of dollars in insider trading... the tons of bullionbeing frantically trucked out of the vaults beneath the towers...

    This all rather eerily prompts me to recall the piece of sage advice thatenigmatic diplomat in Prague gave me some months ago: Follow themoney.

    Its devastating. Theyll have to scrap manycases, and start from scratch on others-- Carmen Lawrence, ex-SEC head

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    MY EMAIL 23JUL07

    Former California Seismic Safety Commissioner Endorses 9/11 Truth Movement

    classic controlled demolition with explosives:

    1. Rapid onset of collapse

    2. Sounds of explosions at ground floor - a full second prior to collapse (heard by hundredsof firemen and media reporters)

    3. Symmetrical collapse through the path of greatest resistance at free-fall speed the columns gave no resistance

    4. Squibs, or mistimed explosions, at the upper 7 floors seen in the network videos

    5. Collapses into its own footprint with the steel skeleton broken up for shipment

    6. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds

    7. Tons of molten Metal found by CDI (Demolition Contractor) in basement (no otherpossible source than an incendiary cutting charge such as Thermate)

    8. Chemical signature of Thermate (high tech incendiary) found in slag, solidified moltenmetal, and dust samples by Physics professor Steven Jones, PhD.

    9. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples

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    10. Expert corroboration from the top European Controlled Demolition professional

    11. Fore-knowledge of collapse by media, NYPD, FDNY

    And exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire, i.e.

    1. Slow onset with large visible deformations

    2. Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation ofmomentum would cause a falling, to the side most damaged by the fires)

    3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel

    4. High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer lasting fires have nevercollapsed.

    As seen in this revealing photo the Twin Towers' destruction exhibited all thecharacteristics of destruction by explosions:

    1. Extremely rapid onset of collapse

    2. Sounds of explosions at plane impact zone a full second prior to collapse (heard by118 first responders as well as by media reporters)

    3. Observations of flashes (seen by numerous professionals)

    4. Squibs, or mistimed explosions, 40 floors below the collapsing building seen in allthe videos

    5. Mid-air pulverization of all the 90,000 tons of concrete and steel decking, filing cabinets& 1000 people mostly to dust

    6. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds

    7. Vertical progression of full building perimeter demolition waves

    8. Symmetrical collapse through the path of greatest resistance at free-fall speed thecolumns gave no resistance

    9. 1,400 foot diameter field of equally distributed debris outside of building footprint

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    10. Blast waves blew out windows in buildings 400 feet away

    11. Lateral ejection of thousands of individual 20 - 50 ton steel beams up to 500 feet

    12. Total destruction of the building down to individual structural steel elements

    obliterating the steel core structure.

    13. Tons of molten Metal found by FDNY under all 3 high-rises (no other possible sourceother than an incendiary cutting charge such as Thermate)

    14. Chemical signature of Thermate (high tech incendiary) found in slag, solidified moltenmetal, and dust samples by Physics professor Steven Jones, PhD.

    15. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples

    16. More than 1000 Bodies are unaccounted for 700 tiny bone fragments found on top ofnearby buildings

    And exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire, i.e.

    1. Slow onset with large visible deformations

    2. Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation ofmomentum would cause a falling, intact, from the point of plane impact, to the side mostdamaged by the fires)

    3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel

    4. High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer lasting fires have nevercollapsed

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    MY EMAIL 24JUL07

    I guess you stopped answering emails. I do not appreciate being stiff armed! Ijust received an indication that this email address is not longer valid...is that

    true? What is going on there, anyway?


    Dear Col. Razer,

    This message to confirm that we have been receiving your e-mails sentto the [email protected] e-mail account. The e-mail account is valid,

    although it may be possible that messages with large attachments maybe blocked because of the file size.

    To answer your question about the parameters of the WTCInvestigation, the federal building and fire safety investigation ofthe World Trade Center disaster is a technical investigation asdefined in the National Construction Safety Team Act (P.L. 107-231)(available online athttp://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/releases/hr46871.pdf). You maysend information relevant to the technical investigation to this address.

    Sincerely,The WTC Investigation Team

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    Again, thank you for responding...this issue is very important to our nation, tome and many others!!!

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    AT NIST 26JUL07

    ----- Forwarded Message ----From: Guy Razer To: [email protected]; [email protected]: Thursday, July 26, 2007 1:31:36 PMSubject: Fw: NIST WTC7 Email Full Trail 26Jul07

    Hello,I am getting very sporadic information about this ongoing NIST WTC7investigation. I have evidence of criminal wrongdoing and from the last email Ireceived from NIST, I have to assume, since they did not answer my 4 simplequestions that I must proceed according to HR 4687 and bring in the USAttorney General's Office (although I expect nothing from Alberto Gonzalespersonally) and US Fire Administration, who lost many fire-fighters that day.

    Here are the 4 questions I asked of NIST (repeated below):

    1. Is any of the evidence I have submitted within theparameters of your investigation?

    2. If the answer to the first question is yes, will you update

    your Jun26, 2007 Investigation update posted on yourwebsite to reflect that?

    3. If the answer to the first question is no, I would like to beprovided with a document stating the exact parameters ofyour investigation so that I might provide evidence to fitwithin those parameters, as I have much more evidence topresent?

    4. Is there a person and a phone number attached to this

    email address that I might be able to speak with, as myphone calls are still not being returned?First, Ms McAllister, could you answer these 4 questions for me? And second,on slide 6 of your slide show bullet 5, rather than "developing a hypothesis toguide analysis", doesn't a real investigation require that analysis of evidenceshould guide the investigation to a logical conclusion based on all the facts?

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    Third, Slide 11 sentence 3 states that NIST has found no evidence of controlleddemolition...is that because you are not looking for it because you havenarrowed your hypothesis to avoid the cold hard facts? I think so...this is tooimportant an investigation to approach in such a way!!I would truly like a person and a phone number to open communications for

    factual evidence to be presented!! Otherwise I will take it to the CongressionalOversight Committees, who are getting rather uppity lately...

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    NIST WTC7 Investigation Team,I really appreciated actually being able to speak with Mr Newman yesterday.Just think, it only took me all of July, an impressive amount un-returned phonecalls and emails and a personal visit to your facility just to get to talk on thephone to a NIST WTC investigator, and then it was only so he could stall me

    until the site police chief and Lt could get there to ensure my repaiddeparture....The one thing that stood out in my mind after my conversation withNewman was the statement, "there is nothing you have presented in yourmaterials that I have not seen before".I question that statement, as the transcript from the WTC7 Security eyewitnessinterview and transcript was not even released until Jun 19, 2007. Newman keptspeaking about WTC 1/2 when my interest is an ongoing investigation, ie WTC7.The entire procedure by which your group operates is illogical to me andbasically unprofessional. I assume you are taking a path laid out by your

    unbelievably narrow entering hypothesis of initiating factors that are for somereason not to include the explosions that eyewitnesses are screaming about.I also was told by Newman that the investigation is "virtually over"....what doesthat mean?? I think it means that your report is already written and I think itwould best be forecast as something to do with Tom Sawyer, a fence, a paintbrush, and a boat load of dead trees!This will be the last bit of information I will send you, as you have, I am sure,already seen it!!(It is an interview with one of the last first responder firemen outof the towers alive...all his buddies are dead...but his testimony should not everinfluence your perspective on the events of 911...that kerosene makes buildings(all owned by lucky Larry Silverstein, who made $billions in insurance moneythat day) explosively collapse into themselves at free fall speeds, and one (WTC7)doesn't even need a jumbo jet crash as a catalyst, just a National Institute ofSpineless Technocrats to shove the lie down our throats!!!

    Ya know what I say, "Colombo, you ain't!"

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    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=53815767687186956Just like you have heard this!http://www.prisonplanet.com/audio/190607clips2.mp3

    As per your operating directive, The National Construction Safety Team Act(P.L. 107-231)http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/releases/hr46871.pdfI have initiated formal proceedings at the Science and Technology CongressionalOversight Committee level, the US Attorney General Inspector General level,and the US Fire Administration level, based on criminal actions totally selfevident in the evidence I have sent you...just for reference, during the recent I-35bridge collapse, the chief investigator NTSB was actively pursuing video forevidence of collapse initiation; a technique used by every investigativeorganization I have ever heard of except yours.

    The fact that you are going to somehow try to explain away the controlleddemolition of a 610' tall, 47 story concrete and steel skyscraper wheneyewitnesses talk about explosions and dead bodies and the BBC talks about itscollapse in past tense 23 minutes before it was demolished is not only ludicrous,but down right criminally negligent and un-American.PS You should see all the new folks we are getting at patriotsquestion911.com!Why don't you quit your bullshit and join the side of Truth...you will sleep betterat night....I certainly do!

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    MY EMAIL 15AUG07

    GO FIGURE!!!



    China's Tallest Building Catches Fire,Does Not CollapseShanghai's World Financial Center, the tallest building in China upon completion, defied allknown physics yesterday afternoon when it caught fire but did not collapse, a modern daymiracle in light of the commonly accepted premise that since 9/11, all steel buildings that sufferlimited fire damage implode within two hours.

    Anyone who has visited Shanghai's Pudong district will note that the World Financial buildingeerily resembles the twin towers in New York that were destroyed on 9/11, which is why thesight of