9 frame


Transcript of 9 frame

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Declan Healey

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In this first frame we see the man stood next to the door, as we can see the male is very small which links in with the music title “Little by Little” to give an understanding of what the video is about. He could be this small to maybe suggest to the audience that he is trying to overcome an obstacle in life or that he is inferior to the rest of the world as we can see people passing by at a normal height. Once again this can be used to express more depth into the name of the song which signifies his appearance. As we see him standing the lyrics are “The wheels of your life have slowly falling off” this again could link in with why he is small as he may need to overcome something in life that is preventing him to move on in his life.

Shot One

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In this shot we see Robert Carlisle picking up 50p from the floor, once again this could link in with the title as 50p isn’t a lot of money but it could be enough to give to someone else like the man who is busking on the doorstep which links in with little by little. As he throws the money to the lead singer in the band is says “you have to give it all” which could also mean that he is doing everything he can in order to earn his money no matter how little it may be.

Shot Two

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Shot ThreeIn this shot we see the main singer in the band sat on the step performing, this shows some of the typical conventions of Indie Rock as it is showing the band performing to the cameras. As he is a well known figure this will be a good thing for Oasis fans as they are seeing the band in the music videos so they will enjoy the video a lot more. Whilst he is singing the tempo and pace is quite fast which suggests that things could be looking up in life and that the story is beginning to change around and everything is about to change.

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Shot FourIn this shot we see Liam Gallagher who is stood in the middle of the street wearing a white coat. As throughout the video everyone is wearing dark clothing this shot shows him in his white jacket, this suggests that he is like a god like figure within this music video. As he is just standing with his jacket that makes him stand out we learn that he is an important figure. As he comes into the scene the video suddenly begins to change and become a lot more upbeat and happier.

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Shot FiveIn this shot we see that Robert Carlyle is slowly getting bigger as he is crossing this road this could suggest that the mood of the song is about to change along with the video. It is done in the process of two shots in which a car will pass him, both cars are of different height which again emphasises the song title but it also shows that he is changing as we can see when each car passes him as he gets bigger each time. Whilst all of this is happening the song pace is picking up and is the video is becoming more clearer to suggest that there has been change.

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Shot SixIn this shot we can see Liam Gallagher helping Robert in his path, we can see this as Robert has just fallen over and Liam has helped him up from the floor and they shake hands. You could suggest that Liam is his guardian Angel as he has a big white coat on that makes him stand out from the rest of the world which is all dull and boring. As Liam is part of the band which is very famous he will be included for the audiences benefit to show he is like a God.

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Shot SevenIn this shot we can see Noel Gallagher sat on the same step he has been on throughout the video with his guitar and his singing. The only difference is that we can now see the name of the street “Heathen Street” this has been cleverly done as the name of the street is the name of the album that Oasis where to release. So not only is it there for show but it is also there to advertise there album as people will see the street sign and realise that it is for the album.

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Shot EightIn this shot we see a little bit of conflict between Liam and Robert. This could suggest that as Robert has now evolved in the video that he must now look after himself in his own little world and avoid conflict. As he walks into Liam he remains unfazed to the world around him and to Robert who has just walked into him. Slowly as this is taking place colour is being added to the video which could suggest that his life is becoming a lot more clear because of the world being shown in a different way.

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Shot NineIn this final shot we see Robert walking down a street, as he is moving closer towards the end of the road it is opening and turning into a forest of some sort as nature looks to be taking over. This could suggest because he has went from the busy streets to the peaceful nature that he is going to be alright by himself from now on as there are no people around him to disrupt his peace.