9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES) resulted in the identification of skin and eye irritation as the leading health effect. All alkyl ethersulfates of the category are classified for eye damage (H318/R41) and skin irritation (H315/R38). Specific concentration limits for eye damage were established 5 and <10% (irritating to eyes). The generic concentration limit for skin irritants is 10% according to CLP and 20% according to DPD. The available data for this effect do not provide quantitative dose-response information; thus, no short-term local DNELs have been derived for dermal exposure and no quantitative risk assessment was performed. Exposure assessment and risk characterisation are performed on a qualitative basis. The purpose of a qualitative risk characterization is to assess "the likelihood that effects are avoided when implementing the exposure scenario" (REACH Annex 1, Section 6.5). This qualitative Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA) approach aims to reduce/avoid contact when there is no basis for setting a DNEL or DMEL for a certain human health adverse effect, i.e. when the available data for this adverse effect do not provide quantitative dose-response information, but there exist toxicity data appropriate to allow a qualitative risk characterization. Implementation of risk management measures (RMMs) and operational conditions (OCs) need to be proportional to the degree of concern for the health hazard presented by the substance. Skin irritation is considered a low hazard while eye damage represents a moderate hazard (ECHA Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment, Part E; November 2012). Thus, alkyl ethersulfates are allocated to the moderate hazard category for a qualitative exposure assessment. Exposures should be controlled to at least the levels that represent an acceptable level of risk, i.e. implementation of the chosen RMMs will ensure that the likelihood of an event occurring due to the hazard of the substance is negligible, and the risk is considered to be controlled to a level of no concern. As qualitative approach dermal exposure should be minimised by appropriate RMMs. Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as protective clothing, closely fitting goggles and chemical-resistant gloves are required in all parts of the facility where contact with product is possible. Further technical and organisational measures apply, such as good general ventilation, good documentation of substance-handling procedures, training for workers on good practice, good standard of personal hygiene, special procedures for cleaning and maintenance etc. When these RMMs and OCs are applied, the risk for dermal exposure is sufficiently controlled. Where activities may lead to aerosol release (e.g. spraying of concentrated AES), additional skin and eye protection measures such as impervious suits and face shields as well as respiratory protection are required. Handling and storage risk management measures that are generally identified for skin and eye irritation are given in the table below.


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Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES) resulted in the identification of skin and eye irritation as the leading health effect. All alkyl ethersulfates of the category are classified for eye damage (H318/R41) and skin irritation (H315/R38). Specific concentration limits for eye damage were established ≥5 and <10% (irritating to eyes). The generic concentration limit for skin irritants is 10% according to CLP and 20% according to DPD. The available data for this effect do not provide quantitative dose-response information; thus, no short-term local DNELs have been derived for dermal exposure and no quantitative risk assessment was performed. Exposure assessment and risk characterisation are performed on a qualitative basis.

The purpose of a qualitative risk characterization is to assess "the likelihood that effects are avoided when implementing the exposure scenario…" (REACH Annex 1, Section 6.5). This qualitative Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA) approach aims to reduce/avoid contact when there is no basis for setting a DNEL or DMEL for a certain human health adverse effect, i.e. when the available data for this adverse effect do not provide quantitative dose-response information, but there exist toxicity data appropriate to allow a qualitative risk characterization. Implementation of risk management measures (RMMs) and operational conditions (OCs) need to be proportional to the degree of concern for the health hazard presented by the substance. Skin irritation is considered a low hazard while eye damage represents a moderate hazard (ECHA Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment, Part E; November 2012). Thus, alkyl ethersulfates are allocated to the moderate hazard category for a qualitative exposure assessment. Exposures should be controlled to at least the levels that represent an acceptable level of risk, i.e. implementation of the chosen RMMs will ensure that the likelihood of an event occurring due to the hazard of the substance is negligible, and the risk is considered to be controlled to a level of no concern.

As qualitative approach dermal exposure should be minimised by appropriate RMMs. Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as protective clothing, closely fitting goggles and chemical-resistant gloves are required in all parts of the facility where contact with product is possible. Further technical and organisational measures apply, such as good general ventilation, good documentation of substance-handling procedures, training for workers on good practice, good standard of personal hygiene, special procedures for cleaning and maintenance etc. When these RMMs and OCs are applied, the risk for dermal exposure is sufficiently controlled. Where activities may lead to aerosol release (e.g. spraying of concentrated AES), additional skin and eye protection measures such as impervious suits and face shields as well as respiratory protection are required.

Handling and storage risk management measures that are generally identified for skin and eye irritation are given in the table below.

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Components of the Qualitative Risk Assessment to prevent skin and eye contact Examples of relevant Precautionary (P) Statements and Response (R) Phrases

Components of the Qualitative Risk Assessment

Prevention: Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on

clothing (P262) Wear protective gloves/protective

clothing/eye protection/face protection (P280)

Avoid contact with skin and eyes (S24/25)

In case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice (S26)

Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection (S37/39)

Response: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with

water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing (P305 + P351 + P338)

If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention (P337 + P313)

Avoid direct contact with product; Wear protective gloves and suitable eye protection (chemical

goggles) at all times when handling the substance Where activities may lead to aerosol release e.g. spraying of

concentrated AES or handling of concentrated dusty AES, then additional skin and eye protection measures such as impervious suits and face shields as well as respiratory protection are required.

Avoid splashes and spills; Avoidance of contact with contaminated tools and objects; Clean up contamination/spills as soon as they occur; Implementation of basic standards of occupational hygiene; Minimise number of staff exposed; Minimise number of manual phases; Regular cleaning of equipment and work area; Ensure a good standard of general ventilation; Ensure suitable management/supervision is in place to check

that the RMMs in place are being used correctly and OCs followed;

Train staff on good practice to prevent / minimise exposures and to report any eye problems that may develop;

Adopt good standards of personal hygiene.

A review of these RMMs indicates that, if the user complies with the generic statements, workers´ exposure to AES will be negligible and risks due to skin and eye irritation can be considered to be adequately controlled.

General population The general population will not come into contact with the neat substances. According to a voluntary industry program carrying out Human and Environmental Risk Assessments (HERA, 2003) the maximum concentration of AES in consumer products is almost 30%. As described above, skin and eye irritation of AES according to the classification criteria laid down in Regulation (EC) 1272/2008 and Directive 67/548/EEC, respectively are not expected below concentrations of 5%. Eye irritation upon accidental spilling of AES containing products is expected to represent the scenario of concern for the general population. In case the concentration of 5% AES is exceeded within the respective consumer exposure scenario, e.g. during use of hand dish washing products, toilet cleaners or laundry liquids, suited risk management measures are in place to ensure safe use. Suited risk management measures may comprise of increased viscosity of products in order to avoid splashes and spills during handling, the use of completed dosing solutions (including tableting of powders), child-resistant fastenings or further product-integrated measures, like increase of particle size to decrease the inhalable fraction of powders. The listed risk management measures are however not comprehensive and further RMMs suited to minimise dermal exposure may be applied. In addition, products containing higher concentrations of AES are commonly used after dilution in water. Handling of diluted AES however is not of concern regarding skin irritation and eye damage. Skin contact to products containing higher concentrations of AES will in general be limited to short exposure periods before being washed off (e.g. hand dishwashing products). Also co-formulation with other surfactants decreases the irritating potential of surfactants when compared to the neat surfactant. Co-formulation results in a lowered critical micelle concentration and subsequently in formation of micelles what in turn reduces the irritating potential when compared to the neat alkyl ethersulfate. This was reported for various surfactants like alkyl sulfates but also alkyl ethersulfates (Dillarstone & Paye, 1993, Effendy & Maibach, 2006; Paye et al, 2006). The low eye irritating potential of AES containing consumer products is also reflected by the long experience with those products. Although eye irritation may occur upon accidental spilling of AES containing products into the eye, this irritation is generally reversible in nature and thus does not represent a serious hazard to the general population. This is supported by poison control center data evaluated within the HERA report: “…Accidental eye contact with AES containing products will at worst result in a transient irritation which heals within a few days with no irreversible effects to the eye. Nevertheless, in case of such an accident, the eyes should be rinsed immediately with plenty of water.” Thus, the irritating potential of AES in products considered for consumer uses are sufficiently controlled via a

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variety of risk management measures and available data proved their efficiency. This conclusion is also supported by the HERA report. Nevertheless, it should be stated to avoid contact with the eyes and to flush eyes with plenty of water in case of accidental spilling. Dillarstone & Paye 1993:

Antagonism in concentrated surfactant systems. Contact Derm. 28, 198 Effendy & Maibach 2006:

Detergents. In Irritant Dermatitis, Chew A-L and Maibach HI, (Eds.), Springer 2006 HERA report 2003:

http://www.heraproject.com/files/1-HH-04-HERA%20AES%20HH%20web%20wd.pdf Paye et al. 2006:

Antagonisms between surfactants: The case of laundry detergents. Tenside Surf. Det. 43, 290-294.

Secondary poisoning: Based on the available information, there is no indication of a bioaccumulation potential and, hence, secondary poisoning is not considered relevant Information on the exposure assessment tool Exposure scenarios 9.1 to 9.x have been calculated using EasyTRA 4.0.0. EasyTRA uses algorithms on the basis of the latest versions of the ECHA REACH Guidance chapters R12 (as of March 2010), R14, R15, and R16 (as of October 2012) and EUSES®. EasyTRA is a graphical user interface which works in compliance with ECETOC® Targeted Risk Assessment 3 (as of July 2012; for detailed information see ECETOC Technical Report No. 114) for the calculation of worker and consumer exposure and complies with EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a for the environmental exposure (see ECHA REACH Guidance chapter R16.6.2 ). Results obtained by EasyTRA are routinely validated against the results obtained by performing the same calculations with the original tools. Details on used Targeted Risk Assessment: Exposure assessment in EasyTRA follows a tiered approach, offering increasingly sophisticated refinements at later tiers to adapt the scenarios to real-life situations. The Tier 1 assessments (reduced number of parameters, conservative results) refer to ECETOC TRA v3, 2012 for the consumer, worker and environmental exposure assessment. The Tier 2 assessments refer to ConsExpo 4.1 model for consumer exposure assessment or EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a for the calculation of environmental exposure (EUSES), including full access to all EUSES parameters as a third step in the refinement. EasyTRA can also perform a qualitative assessment, following ECHA Guidance Part E or externally calculated values can be considered. EasyTRA offers the options to generate user defined spERCs, article and product categories as a first refinement in the exposure calculations, before switching to higher Tier tools. The following modifications are possible for the worker exposure assessment, that are already suggested in the ECETOC TRA guidance document TR114: Factor for Peak exposure, use of the exact concentration instead of ECETOCs category approach, and use of the exact process duration instead of ECETOCs category approach. In addition, the exact value for the effectiveness of specific types of respiratory protection can be entered. Values originate from EU standards DIN EN136, EN140, EN143, EN149, EN12941, EN12942. All deviations require mandatory justifications, which are documented in the CSR to assure full transparency of the calculations and underlying assumptions.

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9.2 Scenario 2: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products: Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1003a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products: Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.2 ff. Table 3. Description of ES 2

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products: Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1003a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 24A

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 24a - High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles - pt < mp - Low Fugacity

9.2.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

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Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.2.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 24A (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 24a - High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles - pt < mp - Low Fugacity

Product characteristics

Physical state solid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,980 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 80 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.3 Scenario 3: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products: Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1003b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters.

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An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products: Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Nickel. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.3 ff. Table 4. Description of ES 3

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products: Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1003b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 24A

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 24a - High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles - pt < mp - Low Fugacity

9.3.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.3.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 24A (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 24a - High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles - pt < mp - Low Fugacity

Product characteristics

Physical state solid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

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Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,980 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 80 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.4 Scenario 4: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure. Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M1) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure. Industrial setting. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.4 ff. Table 5. Description of ES 4

Free short title Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure. Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M1)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 2; PROC 1

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 2 Formulation of preparations

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

9.4.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 2

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 1.67E4 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0.020 %

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Release fraction to wastewater from process 0.010 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 36.74 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 2.1.a.v1 - AISE - Formulation of Detergents/Maintenance Products: Granular Detergent -Regular (large scale)

9.4.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 1 (PC 0)

Name of contributing scenario 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.5 Scenario 5: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed, continous process with occasional controlled exposure (e.g. sampling). Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M2) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed, continous process with occasional controlled exposure (e.g. sampling). Industrial setting.

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The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.5 ff. Table 6. Description of ES 5

Free short title Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed, continous process with occasional controlled exposure (e.g. sampling). Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M2)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 2; PROC 2

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 2 Formulation of preparations

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.5.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 2

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 1.67E4 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0.020 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 0.010 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 36.74 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 2.1.a.v1 - AISE - Formulation of Detergents/Maintenance Products: Granular Detergent -Regular (large scale)

9.5.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

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Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.6 Scenario 6: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation. Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M3) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation. Industrial setting. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.6 ff. Table 7. Description of ES 6

Free short title Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation. Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M3)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 2; PROC 3

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 2 Formulation of preparations

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 3 - Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

9.6.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 2

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 1.67E4 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0.020 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 0.010 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

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Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 36.74 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 2.1.a.v1 - AISE - Formulation of Detergents/Maintenance Products: Granular Detergent -Regular (large scale)

9.6.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 3 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 3 - Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.7 Scenario 7: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises. Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M4) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises. Industrial setting. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.7 ff.

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Table 8. Description of ES 7

Free short title Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises. Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M4)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 2; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 2 Formulation of preparations

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.7.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 2

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 1.67E4 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0.020 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 0.010 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 36.74 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 2.1.a.v1 - AISE - Formulation of Detergents/Maintenance Products: Granular Detergent -Regular (large scale)

9.7.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

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Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.8 Scenario 8: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or significant contact). Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M5) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or significant contact). Industrial setting. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.8 ff. Table 9. Description of ES 8

Free short title Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or significant contact). Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M5)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 2; PROC 5

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 2 Formulation of preparations

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 5 - Mixing or blending in batch processes (multistage and/or significant contact)

9.8.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 2

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 1.67E4 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0.020 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 0.010 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

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Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 36.74 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 2.1.a.v1 - AISE - Formulation of Detergents/Maintenance Products: Granular Detergent -Regular (large scale)

9.8.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 5 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 5 - Mixing or blending in batch processes (multistage and/or significant contact)

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.9 Scenario 9: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. (A.I.S.E. M6) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities..

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The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.9 ff. Table 10. Description of ES 9

Free short title Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. (A.I.S.E. M6)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 2; PROC 8B

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 2 Formulation of preparations

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 8b - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at dedicated facilities

9.9.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 2

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 1.67E4 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0.020 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 0.010 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 36.74 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 2.1.a.v1 - AISE - Formulation of Detergents/Maintenance Products: Granular Detergent -Regular (large scale)

9.9.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 8B (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 8b - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

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Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.10 Scenario 10: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing). Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M7) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing). Industrial setting. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.10 ff. Table 11. Description of ES 10

Free short title Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing). Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M7)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 2; PROC 9

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 2 Formulation of preparations

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 9 - Transfer of chemicals into small containers (dedicated filling line)

9.10.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 2

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 1.67E4 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0.020 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 0.010 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

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Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 36.74 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 2.1.a.v1 - AISE - Formulation of Detergents/Maintenance Products: Granular Detergent -Regular (large scale)

9.10.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 9 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 9 - Transfer of chemicals into small containers (dedicated filling line)

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.11 Scenario 11: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelettisation. Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M8) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelettisation. Industrial setting.

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The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.11 ff. Table 12. Description of ES 11

Free short title Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelettisation. Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M8)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 2; PROC 14

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 2 Formulation of preparations

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 14 - Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

9.11.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 2

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 1.67E4 kg/day

Release times per year 250 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 0.010 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 41.75 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 2.1.a.v2 - AISE - Formulation of Granular Detergents/Maintenance Products -Regular & Compact (large scale)

9.11.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 14 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 14 - Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Product characteristics

Physical state solid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

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Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.12 Scenario 12: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use as a laboratory reagent (A.I.S.E. M9) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use as a laboratory reagent. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.12 ff. Table 13. Description of ES 12

Free short title Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use as a laboratory reagent (A.I.S.E. M9)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 2; PROC 15

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 2 Formulation of preparations

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 15 - Use of laboratory reagents in small scale laboratories

9.12.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 2

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 1.67E4 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0.020 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 0.010 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 36.74 %

STP yes

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River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 2.1.a.v1 - AISE - Formulation of Detergents/Maintenance Products: Granular Detergent -Regular (large scale)

9.12.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 15 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 15 - Use of laboratory reagents in small scale laboratories

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.13 Scenario 13: Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Automatic process (AISE-P101) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.13 ff. Table 14. Description of ES 13

Free short title Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Automatic process (AISE-P101)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 2

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Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.13.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.13.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

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Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.14 Scenario 14: Industrial use of Laundry products Conditioner (softner/starch); Automatic process (AISE-P104) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Laundry products Conditioner (softner/starch); Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.14 ff. Table 15. Description of ES 14

Free short title Industrial use of Laundry products Conditioner (softner/starch); Automatic process (AISE-P104)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 2

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.14.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.14.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 35)

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Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.15 Scenario 15: Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Automatic process (AISE-P107) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.15 ff. Table 16. Description of ES 15

Free short title Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Automatic process (AISE-P107)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 2

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.15.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

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Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.15.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

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9.16 Scenario 16: Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Automatic process (AISE-P110) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.16 ff. Table 17. Description of ES 16

Free short title Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Automatic process (AISE-P110)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 2

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.16.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.16.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

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Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.17 Scenario 17: Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Train cleaner; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P707a, AISE-P707b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Train cleaner; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.17 ff. Table 18. Description of ES 17

Free short title Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Train cleaner; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P707a, AISE-P707b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.17.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

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Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.17.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.17.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

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Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.17.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.18 Scenario 18: Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Aeroplane cleaner; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P708a, AISE-P708b)

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This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Aeroplane cleaner; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.18 ff. Table 19. Description of ES 18

Free short title Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Aeroplane cleaner; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P708a, AISE-P708b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.18.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

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9.18.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.18.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

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9.18.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.18.5 Contributing Scenario (5) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

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Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.18.6 Contributing Scenario (6) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.19 Scenario 19: Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P709a, AISE-P709b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.19 ff. Table 20. Description of ES 19

Free short title Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P709a, AISE-P709b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

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Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.19.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.19.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

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STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.19.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.19.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

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Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.19.5 Contributing Scenario (5) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.19.6 Contributing Scenario (6) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

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Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.20 Scenario 20: Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and rinse process (AISE-P710a, AISE-P710b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and rinse process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.20 ff. Table 21. Description of ES 20

Free short title Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and rinse process (AISE-P710a, AISE-P710b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 7

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 7 - Industrial spraying PROC 7 - Industrial spraying PROC 7 - Industrial spraying PROC 7 - Industrial spraying

9.20.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

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Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.20.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.20.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

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Duration of activity 16 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.20.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 16 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

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9.20.5 Contributing Scenario (5) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 16 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.20.6 Contributing Scenario (6) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 16 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

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Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.21 Scenario 21: Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and wipe process (AISE-P711a, AISE-P711b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and wipe process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.21 ff. Table 22. Description of ES 21

Free short title Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and wipe process (AISE-P711a, AISE-P711b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 7, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 7 - Industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.21.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

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River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.21.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.21.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 16 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

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Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.21.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 300 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.22 Scenario 22: Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P712a, AISE-P712b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.22 ff.

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Table 23. Description of ES 22

Free short title Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P712a, AISE-P712b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.22.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.22.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

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Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.22.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.22.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

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Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.22.5 Contributing Scenario (5) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.22.6 Contributing Scenario (6) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

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Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.23 Scenario 23: Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaning; semi automatic (AISE-P713) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaning; semi automatic. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.23 ff. Table 24. Description of ES 23

Free short title Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaning; semi automatic (AISE-P713)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.23.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

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Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.23.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.24 Scenario 24: Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe process (AISE-P714a, AISE-P714b)

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This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.24 ff. Table 25. Description of ES 24

Free short title Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe process (AISE-P714a, AISE-P714b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 7, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 7 - Industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.24.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.24.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

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Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.24.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 16 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.24.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

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Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 300 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.25 Scenario 25: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Process cleaner; Cleaning In place (CIP) process (AISE-P801) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Process cleaner; Cleaning In place (CIP) process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.25 ff. Table 26. Description of ES 25

Free short title Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Process cleaner; Cleaning In place (CIP) process (AISE-P801)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 1

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

9.25.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

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Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.25.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 1 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.26 Scenario 26: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products

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Process cleaner; Semi closed cleaning process (AISE-P802) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Process cleaner; Semi closed cleaning process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.26 ff. Table 27. Description of ES 26

Free short title Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Process cleaner; Semi closed cleaning process (AISE-P802)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.26.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.26.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

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Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.27 Scenario 27: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Chain maintenance product; Automatic spray process (AISE-P803) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Chain maintenance product; Automatic spray process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.27 ff. Table 28. Description of ES 27

Free short title Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Chain maintenance product; Automatic spray process (AISE-P803)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 7

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 7 - Industrial spraying

9.27.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

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Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.27.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.28 Scenario 28: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Chain maintenance product; Automatic drip and brush process (AISE-P804)

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This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Chain maintenance product; Automatic drip and brush process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.28 ff. Table 29. Description of ES 28

Free short title Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Chain maintenance product; Automatic drip and brush process (AISE-P804)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 13

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

9.28.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.28.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 13 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

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Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.29 Scenario 29: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Defoaming product; Automatic process (AISE-P805) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Defoaming product; Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.29 ff. Table 30. Description of ES 29

Free short title Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Defoaming product; Automatic process (AISE-P805)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 1

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

9.29.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

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Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.29.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 1 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.30 Scenario 30: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Foam cleaner; Semi-Automatic with venting process (AISE-P806) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into

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environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Foam cleaner; Semi-Automatic with venting process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.30 ff. Table 31. Description of ES 30

Free short title Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Foam cleaner; Semi-Automatic with venting process (AISE-P806)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 7

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 7 - Industrial spraying

9.30.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.30.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

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Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 95 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.31 Scenario 31: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Foam cleaner; Semi-Automatic without venting process (AISE-P807) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Foam cleaner; Semi-Automatic without venting process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.31 ff. Table 32. Description of ES 31

Free short title Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Foam cleaner; Semi-Automatic without venting process (AISE-P807)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 7

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 7 - Industrial spraying

9.31.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

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Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.31.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.32 Scenario 32: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Animal housing care; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P809) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure.

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The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Animal housing care; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.32 ff. Table 33. Description of ES 32

Free short title Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Animal housing care; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P809)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 7

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 7 - Industrial spraying

9.32.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.32.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

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Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.33 Scenario 33: Industrial use of pharmacos products Disinfection product; Semi-automatic process (AISE-P810) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of pharmacos products Disinfection product; Semi-automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.33 ff. Table 34. Description of ES 33

Free short title Industrial use of pharmacos products Disinfection product; Semi-automatic process (AISE-P810)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.33.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

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Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.33.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 240 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.34 Scenario 34: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Disinfection product; Fogging and gassing Semi-automatic process (AISE-P811) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Disinfection product; Fogging and gassing Semi-automatic process.

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The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.34 ff. Table 35. Description of ES 34

Free short title Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Disinfection product; Fogging and gassing Semi-automatic process (AISE-P811)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 7

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 7 - Industrial spraying

9.34.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.34.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

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Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.35 Scenario 35: Industrial use of Water treatment Products Preservation and sanitation agent ; Process water (AISE-P903) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Water treatment Products Preservation and sanitation agent ; Process water. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.35 ff. Table 36. Description of ES 35

Free short title Industrial use of Water treatment Products Preservation and sanitation agent ; Process water (AISE-P903)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.35.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

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STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.35.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.36 Scenario 36: Industrial use of Water treatment Products Preservation and sanitation agent ; Drink and pool water (AISE-P904) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Water treatment Products Preservation and sanitation agent ; Drink and pool water. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.36 ff. Table 37. Description of ES 36

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Free short title Industrial use of Water treatment Products Preservation and sanitation agent ; Drink and pool water (AISE-P904)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.36.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.36.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

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Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.37 Scenario 37: Industrial use of Water treatment Products Sanitation agent; Waste water (AISE-P905) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Water treatment Products Sanitation agent; Waste water. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.37 ff. Table 38. Description of ES 37

Free short title Industrial use of Water treatment Products Sanitation agent; Waste water (AISE-P905)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.37.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.37.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.38 Scenario 38: Industrial Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process (AISE-P906) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.38 ff. Table 39. Description of ES 38

Free short title Industrial Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process (AISE-P906)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 7

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

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Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 7 - Industrial spraying

9.38.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.38.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

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Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.39 Scenario 39: Industrial Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process (AISE-P907) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.39 ff. Table 40. Description of ES 39

Free short title Industrial Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process (AISE-P907)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 7

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 7 - Industrial spraying

9.39.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.39.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.40 Scenario 40: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1001a, AISE-P1001b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.40 ff. Table 41. Description of ES 40

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1001a, AISE-P1001b)

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Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 2, 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.40.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.40.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

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Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.40.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.40.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

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Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.41 Scenario 41: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1001a, AISE-P1001b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Nickel. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.41 ff. Table 42. Description of ES 41

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1001a, AISE-P1001b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 2, 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.41.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

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Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.41.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.41.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

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Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.41.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.42 Scenario 42: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal working fluid (rolling oils, lubricants); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1002a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are

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described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal working fluid (rolling oils, lubricants); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.42 ff. Table 43. Description of ES 42

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal working fluid (rolling oils, lubricants); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1002a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 17

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 17 - Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

9.42.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.42.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 17 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 17 - Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

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Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.43 Scenario 43: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal working fluid (rolling oils, lubricants); Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1002b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal working fluid (rolling oils, lubricants); Automatic process, Nickel. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.43 ff. Table 44. Description of ES 43

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal working fluid (rolling oils, lubricants); Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1002b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 17

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 17 - Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

9.43.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

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Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.43.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 17 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 17 - Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.44 Scenario 44: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

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(AISE-P1003a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.44 ff. Table 45. Description of ES 44

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1003a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 24A

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 24a - High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles - pt < mp - Low Fugacity

9.44.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.44.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 24A (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 24a - High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles - pt < mp - Low Fugacity

Product characteristics

Physical state solid

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Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,980 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 80 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.45 Scenario 45: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1003b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Nickel. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.45 ff. Table 46. Description of ES 45

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1003b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 24A

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 24a - High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles - pt < mp - Low Fugacity

9.45.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

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Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.45.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 24A (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 24a - High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles - pt < mp - Low Fugacity

Product characteristics

Physical state solid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,980 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 80 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.46 Scenario 46: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Manual process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1004a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure.

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The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Manual process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.46 ff. Table 47. Description of ES 46

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Manual process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1004a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.46.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.46.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

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Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.47 Scenario 47: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Manual process, Nickel (AISE-P1004b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Manual process, Nickel. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.47 ff. Table 48. Description of ES 47

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Manual process, Nickel (AISE-P1004b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.47.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

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Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.47.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.48 Scenario 48: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Semi-automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1005a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure.

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The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Semi-automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.48 ff. Table 49. Description of ES 48

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Semi-automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1005a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.48.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.48.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

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Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.49 Scenario 49: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Semi-automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1005b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Semi-automatic process, Nickel. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.49 ff. Table 50. Description of ES 49

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Semi-automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1005b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.49.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

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Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.49.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.50 Scenario 50: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1006a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters.

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An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.50 ff. Table 51. Description of ES 50

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1006a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 2

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.50.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.50.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Page 91: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)



Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.51 Scenario 51: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Automatic process (AISE-P1006b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.51 ff. Table 52. Description of ES 51

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Automatic process (AISE-P1006b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 2

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.51.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Page 92: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)



Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.51.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.52 Scenario 52: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium,

Page 93: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)



Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1007a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.52 ff. Table 53. Description of ES 52

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1007a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 2

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.52.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.52.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

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Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.53 Scenario 53: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1007b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Automatic process, Nickel. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.53 ff. Table 54. Description of ES 53

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1007b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 2

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.53.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

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Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.53.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

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9.54 Scenario 54: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Semi-Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1008a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Semi-Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.54 ff. Table 55. Description of ES 54

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Semi-Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1008a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.54.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.54.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

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Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.55 Scenario 55: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P1008b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.55 ff. Table 56. Description of ES 55

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P1008b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

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Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.55.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.55.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Page 99: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)



Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.56 Scenario 56: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Manual process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1009a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Manual process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.56 ff. Table 57. Description of ES 56

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Manual process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1009a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.56.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

Page 100: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)



SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.56.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.57 Scenario 57: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Manual process, Nickel (AISE-P1009b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Manual process, Nickel. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.57 ff. Table 58. Description of ES 57

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Manual process, Nickel (AISE-P1009b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 10

Page 101: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)



Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.57.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.57.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Page 102: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)



Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.58 Scenario 58: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with no process water recycling, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1010a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with no process water recycling, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.58 ff. Table 59. Description of ES 58

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with no process water recycling, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1010a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.58.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

Page 103: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)



SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.58.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.59 Scenario 59: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with no process water recycling, Nickel (AISE-P1010b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with no process water recycling, Nickel. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.59 ff. Table 60. Description of ES 59

Page 104: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)



Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with no process water recycling, Nickel (AISE-P1010b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.59.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.59.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

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Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.60 Scenario 60: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with process water recycling, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1011a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with process water recycling, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.60 ff. Table 61. Description of ES 60

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with process water recycling, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1011a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.60.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 5 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

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STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1a.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Nickel

9.60.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.61 Scenario 61: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with process water recycling, Nickel (AISE-P1011b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with process water recycling, Nickel.

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The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.61 ff. Table 62. Description of ES 61

Free short title Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with process water recycling, Nickel (AISE-P1011b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.61.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 1 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 5.1b.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Me-salts in conversion coating - Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

9.61.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 14)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

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Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.62 Scenario 62: Industrial use of Quality control Laboratory Reagents (AISE-P1250) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Industrial use of Quality control Laboratory Reagents. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.62 ff. Table 63. Description of ES 62

Free short title Industrial use of Quality control Laboratory Reagents (AISE-P1250)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 15

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 15 - Use of laboratory reagents in small scale laboratories

9.62.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

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Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.62.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 15 (PC 21)

Name of contributing scenario 15 - Use of laboratory reagents in small scale laboratories

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 40 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.63 Scenario 63: Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Semi automatic process (AISE-P102) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Semi automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing

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scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.63 ff. Table 64. Description of ES 63

Free short title Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Semi automatic process (AISE-P102)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 1

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

9.63.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.63.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

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Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.64 Scenario 64: Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Manual process (AISE-P103) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.64 ff. Table 65. Description of ES 64

Free short title Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Manual process (AISE-P103)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.64.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.64.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.65 Scenario 65: Professional Use of Laundry products Conditioner (softener/starch); Semi automatic process (AISE-P105) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Laundry products Conditioner (softener/starch); Semi automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.65 ff. Table 66. Description of ES 65

Free short title Professional Use of Laundry products Conditioner (softener/starch); Semi automatic process (AISE-P105)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 1, 8A

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

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Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

9.65.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.65.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

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Respiratory protection no

9.65.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.66 Scenario 66: Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Semi automatic process (AISE-P108) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Semi automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.66 ff. Table 67. Description of ES 66

Free short title Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Semi automatic process (AISE-P108)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8B; PROC 1, 8A

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8b Wide dispersive indoor use of reactive substances in open systems

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Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

9.66.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8B

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 5.479 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0.100 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 2 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.200 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

9.66.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.66.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

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Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.67 Scenario 67: Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Semi automatic process (AISE-P111) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Semi automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.67 ff. Table 68. Description of ES 67

Free short title Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Semi automatic process (AISE-P111)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8B; PROC 1, 8A

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8b Wide dispersive indoor use of reactive substances in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

9.67.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8B

Operational conditions

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Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 5.479 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0.100 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 2 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.200 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

9.67.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.67.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

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Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.68 Scenario 68: Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Manual process (AISE-P112) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.68 ff. Table 69. Description of ES 68

Free short title Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Manual process (AISE-P112)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.68.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

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Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.68.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.69 Scenario 69: Professional Use of Laundry products Prespotter/Stain remover; Manual process (AISE-P113a, AISE-P113b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Laundry products Prespotter/Stain remover;

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Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.69 ff. Table 70. Description of ES 69

Free short title Professional Use of Laundry products Prespotter/Stain remover; Manual process (AISE-P113a, AISE-P113b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.69.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.69.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

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Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.69.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 35 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 35%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 15 mins to 1 hour

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.69.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

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Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.70 Scenario 70: Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Manual process (AISE-P201) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.70 ff. Table 71. Description of ES 70

Free short title Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Manual process (AISE-P201)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.70.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

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Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.70.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.71 Scenario 71: Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash and rinse aid product; Automatic process (AISE-P202) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash and rinse aid product; Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing

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scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.71 ff. Table 72. Description of ES 71

Free short title Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash and rinse aid product; Automatic process (AISE-P202)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 2

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.71.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.71.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

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Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.72 Scenario 72: Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P203) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.72 ff. Table 73. Description of ES 72

Free short title Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P203)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 1, 8A

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

9.72.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

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River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.72.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.72.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

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Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.73 Scenario 73: Professional Use of Dishwash products Rinse aid; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P204) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Dishwash products Rinse aid; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.73 ff. Table 74. Description of ES 73

Free short title Professional Use of Dishwash products Rinse aid; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P204)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 1, 8A

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

9.73.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

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Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.73.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.73.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

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Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.74 Scenario 74: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P301) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.74 ff. Table 75. Description of ES 74

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P301)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.74.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.74.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.75 Scenario 75: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Spray and wipe; manual process (AISE-P302a, AISE-P302b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Spray and wipe; manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.75 ff. Table 76. Description of ES 75

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Spray and wipe; manual process (AISE-P302a, AISE-P302b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

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Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.75.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.75.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

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Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.75.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 35 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 35%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 15 mins to 1 hour

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.75.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

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Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.76 Scenario 76: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P303) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.76 ff. Table 77. Description of ES 76

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P303)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.76.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.76.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.77 Scenario 77: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P304a, AISE-P304b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.77 ff. Table 78. Description of ES 77

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P304a, AISE-P304b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

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Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.77.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.77.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

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Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.77.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 35 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 35%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 15 mins to 1 hour

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.77.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

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Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.78 Scenario 78: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P305) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.78 ff. Table 79. Description of ES 78

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P305)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.78.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.78.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.79 Scenario 79: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P306a, AISE-P306b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.79 ff. Table 80. Description of ES 79

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P306a, AISE-P306b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

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Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.79.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.79.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

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Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.79.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 35 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 35%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 15 mins to 1 hour

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.79.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

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Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.80 Scenario 80: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Manual process (AISE-P307) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.80 ff. Table 81. Description of ES 80

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Manual process (AISE-P307)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.80.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.80.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.81 Scenario 81: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Spray and rinse manual process (AISE-P308a, AISE-P308b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Spray and rinse manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.81 ff. Table 82. Description of ES 81

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Spray and rinse manual process (AISE-P308a, AISE-P308b)

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Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.81.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.81.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

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Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.81.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 35 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 35%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 15 mins to 1 hour

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.81.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

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Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.82 Scenario 82: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Periodic cleaning by dipping (AISE-P309) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Periodic cleaning by dipping. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.82 ff. Table 83. Description of ES 82

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Periodic cleaning by dipping (AISE-P309)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 13

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

9.82.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

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STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.82.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 13 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.83 Scenario 83: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P310) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.83 ff. Table 84. Description of ES 83

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Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P310)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.83.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.83.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

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Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.84 Scenario 84: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P311a, AISE-P311b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.84 ff. Table 85. Description of ES 84

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P311a, AISE-P311b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10, 11

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying

9.84.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

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Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.84.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.84.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

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Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.84.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 35 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 35%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 15 mins to 1 hour

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.85 Scenario 85: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P312) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters.

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An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.85 ff. Table 86. Description of ES 85

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P312)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.85.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.85.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

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Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.86 Scenario 86: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner ; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P313a, AISE-P313b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner ; Spray and wipe manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.86 ff. Table 87. Description of ES 86

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner ; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P313a, AISE-P313b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.86.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

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Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.86.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.86.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 35 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 35%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 15 mins to 1 hour

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Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.86.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.87 Scenario 87: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Manual process (AISE-P314) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure.

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The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.87 ff. Table 88. Description of ES 87

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Manual process (AISE-P314)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.87.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.87.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

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Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.88 Scenario 88: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Spray and rinse manual process (AISE-P315a, AISE-P315b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Spray and rinse manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.88 ff. Table 89. Description of ES 88

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Spray and rinse manual process (AISE-P315a, AISE-P315b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.88.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

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Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.88.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.88.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 35 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 35%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 15 mins to 1 hour

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Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.88.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.89 Scenario 89: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Metal cleaning agent (including silver and copper polishes); Manual process (AISE-P316) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into

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environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Metal cleaning agent (including silver and copper polishes); Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.89 ff. Table 90. Description of ES 89

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Metal cleaning agent (including silver and copper polishes); Manual process (AISE-P316)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.89.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.89.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

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Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.90 Scenario 90: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Wet wipes; Manual process (AISE-P317) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Wet wipes; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.90 ff. Table 91. Description of ES 90

Free short title Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Wet wipes; Manual process (AISE-P317)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.90.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

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Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.90.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.91 Scenario 91: Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P401) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.91 ff.

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Table 92. Description of ES 91

Free short title Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P401)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.91.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.91.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

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Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.92 Scenario 92: Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P402a, AISE-P402b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.92 ff. Table 93. Description of ES 92

Free short title Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P402a, AISE-P402b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.92.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

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STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.92.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.92.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

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Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.92.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.93 Scenario 93: Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P403a, AISE-P403b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.93 ff. Table 94. Description of ES 93

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Free short title Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P403a, AISE-P403b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.93.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.93.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

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STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.93.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.93.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

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Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.94 Scenario 94: Professional Use of Floor care products Floor stripper; Manual process (AISE-P404) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Floor care products Floor stripper; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.94 ff. Table 95. Description of ES 94

Free short title Professional Use of Floor care products Floor stripper; Manual process (AISE-P404)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.94.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

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Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.94.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.95 Scenario 95: Professional Use of Floor care products Floor stripper; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P405) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Floor care products Floor stripper; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.95 ff. Table 96. Description of ES 95

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Free short title Professional Use of Floor care products Floor stripper; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P405)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.95.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.95.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

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Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.96 Scenario 96: Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Manual process (AISE-P406) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.96 ff. Table 97. Description of ES 96

Free short title Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Manual process (AISE-P406)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.96.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.96.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.97 Scenario 97: Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P407) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.97 ff. Table 98. Description of ES 97

Free short title Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P407)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

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Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.97.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.97.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

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Respiratory protection no

9.98 Scenario 98: Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P408a, AISE-P408b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Spray and wipe manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.98 ff. Table 99. Description of ES 98

Free short title Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P408a, AISE-P408b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.98.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.98.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.98.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

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Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.98.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.99 Scenario 99: Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P409) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet cleaner; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.99 ff. Table 100. Description of ES 99

Free short title Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P409)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

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Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.99.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.99.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

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Respiratory protection no

9.100 Scenario 100: Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet cleaner; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P410) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet cleaner; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.100 ff. Table 101. Description of ES 100

Free short title Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet cleaner; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P410)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.100.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.100.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

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Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.101 Scenario 101: Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet pre-spotters; Spray and brush manual process (AISE-P411a, AISE-P411b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet pre-spotters; Spray and brush manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.101 ff. Table 102. Description of ES 101

Free short title Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet pre-spotters; Spray and brush manual process (AISE-P411a, AISE-P411b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

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9.101.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.101.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.101.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

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Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.101.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

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9.102 Scenario 102: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Manual process (AISE-P601) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.102 ff. Table 103. Description of ES 102

Free short title Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Manual process (AISE-P601)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.102.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.102.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

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Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.103 Scenario 103: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P602a, AISE-P602b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Spray and wipe manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.103 ff. Table 104. Description of ES 103

Free short title Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P602a, AISE-P602b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.103.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

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Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.103.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.103.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

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Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 25 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 25%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.103.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.104 Scenario 104: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care

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product; Manual process (AISE-P603) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.104 ff. Table 105. Description of ES 104

Free short title Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Manual process (AISE-P603)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.104.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.104.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

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Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.105 Scenario 105: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P604a, AISE-P604b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Spray and wipe manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.105 ff. Table 106. Description of ES 105

Free short title Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P604a, AISE-P604b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.105.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

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Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.105.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.105.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

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Concentration in substance 25 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 25%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.105.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.106 Scenario 106: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P605)

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This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.106 ff. Table 107. Description of ES 106

Free short title Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P605)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 2

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.106.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.106.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

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Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.107 Scenario 107: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Drain unblocker; Manual process (AISE-P606) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Maintenance Products Drain unblocker; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.107 ff. Table 108. Description of ES 107

Free short title Professional Use of Maintenance Products Drain unblocker; Manual process (AISE-P606)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 13

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

9.107.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

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Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.107.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 13 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.108 Scenario 108: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Drain cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P607) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Maintenance Products Drain cleaner; Manual

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process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.108 ff. Table 109. Description of ES 108

Free short title Professional Use of Maintenance Products Drain cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P607)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 13

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

9.108.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.108.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 13 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

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Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.109 Scenario 109: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care ; Manual process (AISE-P608) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care ; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.109 ff. Table 110. Description of ES 109

Free short title Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care ; Manual process (AISE-P608)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.109.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

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STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.109.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.110 Scenario 110: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P609a, AISE-P609b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care; Spray and wipe manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.110 ff. Table 111. Description of ES 110

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Free short title Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P609a, AISE-P609b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.110.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.110.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

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Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.110.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 25 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 25%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.110.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 31)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

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Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.111 Scenario 111: Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P701a, AISE-P701b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.111 ff. Table 112. Description of ES 111

Free short title Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P701a, AISE-P701b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.111.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

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Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.111.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.111.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

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Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.111.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.112 Scenario 112: Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray - Manual process (AISE-P702a, AISE-P702b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray - Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing

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scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.112 ff. Table 113. Description of ES 112

Free short title Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray - Manual process (AISE-P702a, AISE-P702b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying

9.112.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.112.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

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Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.112.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.112.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

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Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.113 Scenario 113: Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and Wipe manual process (AISE-P703a, AISE-P703b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and Wipe manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.113 ff. Table 114. Description of ES 113

Free short title Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and Wipe manual process (AISE-P703a, AISE-P703b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.113.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

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Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.113.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.113.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

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Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.113.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.114 Scenario 114: Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P704a, AISE-P704b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing

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scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.114 ff. Table 115. Description of ES 114

Free short title Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P704a, AISE-P704b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.114.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.114.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

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Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.114.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.114.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

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Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.115 Scenario 115: Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P705) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.115 ff. Table 116. Description of ES 115

Free short title Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P705)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.115.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

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Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.115.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.116 Scenario 116: Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P706a, AISE-P706b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.116 ff. Table 117. Description of ES 116

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Free short title Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P706a, AISE-P706b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.116.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.116.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

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Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.116.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 10 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 10%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.116.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

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Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.117 Scenario 117: Professional Use of pharmacos products Animal care; Manual process (AISE-P808) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of pharmacos products Animal care; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.117 ff. Table 118. Description of ES 117

Free short title Professional Use of pharmacos products Animal care; Manual process (AISE-P808)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.117.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

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Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.117.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.118 Scenario 118: Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process (AISE-P901a, AISE-P901b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.118 ff. Table 119. Description of ES 118

Free short title Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process (AISE-P901a, AISE-P901b)

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Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8D; PROC 11

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8d Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying

9.118.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8D

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.118.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8D

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

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Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.118.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.118.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

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Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.119 Scenario 119: Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process (AISE-P902a, AISE-P902b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.119 ff. Table 120. Description of ES 119

Free short title Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process (AISE-P902a, AISE-P902b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8D; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8d Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.119.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8D

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

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Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.119.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8D

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.119.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

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Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.119.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.119.5 Contributing Scenario (5) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

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Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.119.6 Contributing Scenario (6) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.120 Scenario 120: Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Semi-automatic process (AISE-P1101) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into

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environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Semi-automatic process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.120 ff. Table 121. Description of ES 120

Free short title Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Semi-automatic process (AISE-P1101)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 1, 8A

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

9.120.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.120.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

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Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.120.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.121 Scenario 121: Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Dipping process (AISE-P1102) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Dipping

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process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.121 ff. Table 122. Description of ES 121

Free short title Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Dipping process (AISE-P1102)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 13

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

9.121.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.121.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 13 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

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Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.122 Scenario 122: Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Manual process (AISE-P1103) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Manual process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.122 ff. Table 123. Description of ES 122

Free short title Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Manual process (AISE-P1103)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.122.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

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STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.122.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.123 Scenario 123: Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Spray and wipe process (AISE-P1104a, AISE-P1104b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Spray and wipe process. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.123 ff. Table 124. Description of ES 123

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Free short title Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Spray and wipe process (AISE-P1104a, AISE-P1104b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11, 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.123.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.123.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

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STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.123.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 35 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 35%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 15 mins to 1 hour

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.123.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 1 - 4 hours

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

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Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.124 Scenario 124: Laboratory Use Laboratory Reagents (sampling cleaning product for dosage, pH measurement, titration of chlorine, water hardness, etc…) (AISE-P1200) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Laboratory Use Laboratory Reagents (sampling cleaning product for dosage, pH measurement, titration of chlorine, water hardness, etc…). The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.124 ff. Table 125. Description of ES 124

Free short title Laboratory Use Laboratory Reagents (sampling cleaning product for dosage, pH measurement, titration of chlorine, water hardness, etc…) (AISE-P1200)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 15

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 15 - Use of laboratory reagents in small scale laboratories

9.124.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

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STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.124.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 15 (PC 21)

Name of contributing scenario 15 - Use of laboratory reagents in small scale laboratories

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity >4 hours (default)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.125 Scenario 125: Professional Use of Hand Cleaners Professional Hand Cleaner /skin desinfectants (AISE-P1300) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Hand Cleaners Professional Hand Cleaner /skin desinfectants. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.125 ff. Table 126. Description of ES 125

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Free short title Professional Use of Hand Cleaners Professional Hand Cleaner /skin desinfectants (AISE-P1300)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 19

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 19 - Hand-mixing with intimate contact (only PPE available

9.125.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.125.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 19 (PC 39)

Name of contributing scenario 19 - Hand-mixing with intimate contact (only PPE available

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 15 mins to 1 hour

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,980 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

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Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.126 Scenario 126: Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a cleaning equipment (machine/vessel/bucket) (AISE_CSP01a, AISE_CSP01b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a cleaning equipment (machine/vessel/bucket). The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.126 ff. Table 127. Description of ES 126

Free short title Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a cleaning equipment (machine/vessel/bucket) (AISE_CSP01a, AISE_CSP01b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 8A

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities PROC 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

9.126.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

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Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.126.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.126.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 50 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

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Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.126.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 8a - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at non dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 50 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.127 Scenario 127: Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment (AISE_CSP02) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters.

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An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.127 ff. Table 128. Description of ES 127

Free short title Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment (AISE_CSP02)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 8B

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 8b - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at dedicated facilities

9.127.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.127.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8B (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 8b - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

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Duration of activity 40 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.128 Scenario 128: Trigger spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product during short time. (AISE_CSP03) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Trigger spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product during short time.. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.128 ff. Table 129. Description of ES 128

Free short title Trigger spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product during short time. (AISE_CSP03)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying

9.128.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

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Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.128.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 40 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.129 Scenario 129: Spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product (indoor and outdoor) (AISE_CSP04)

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This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product (indoor and outdoor). The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.129 ff. Table 130. Description of ES 129

Free short title Spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product (indoor and outdoor) (AISE_CSP04)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 11

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying PROC 11 - Non industrial spraying

9.129.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.129.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

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Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 50 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.129.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 11 - Non industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 50 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

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Respiratory protection no

9.130 Scenario 130: Using a diluted professional cleaning solution or maintenance product in a closed cleaning equipment (AISE_CSP05) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Using a diluted professional cleaning solution or maintenance product in a closed cleaning equipment. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.130 ff. Table 131. Description of ES 130

Free short title Using a diluted professional cleaning solution or maintenance product in a closed cleaning equipment (AISE_CSP05)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 1

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

9.130.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.130.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 (PC 35)

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Name of contributing scenario 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.131 Scenario 131: Using a diluted professional cleaning solution in a semi closed cleaning equipment (AISE_CSP06) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Using a diluted professional cleaning solution in a semi closed cleaning equipment. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.131 ff. Table 132. Description of ES 131

Free short title Using a diluted professional cleaning solution in a semi closed cleaning equipment (AISE_CSP06)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 2

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.131.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

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Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.131.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

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9.132 Scenario 132: Using a diluted professional cleaning solution or maintenance product in a cleaning equipment; opportunity for exposure arises (AISE_CSP07) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Using a diluted professional cleaning solution or maintenance product in a cleaning equipment; opportunity for exposure arises. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.132 ff. Table 133. Description of ES 132

Free short title Using a diluted professional cleaning solution or maintenance product in a cleaning equipment; opportunity for exposure arises (AISE_CSP07)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.132.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.132.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

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Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.133 Scenario 133: Brushing a diluted professional cleaning solution, desinfectant or maintenance product (AISE_CSP08) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Brushing a diluted professional cleaning solution, desinfectant or maintenance product. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.133 ff. Table 134. Description of ES 133

Free short title Brushing a diluted professional cleaning solution, desinfectant or maintenance product (AISE_CSP08)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.133.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

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Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.133.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 50 %, concentration has been considered linearly (justification: The concentration is limited to 50%.)

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

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Respiratory protection no

9.134 Scenario 134: Brushing a professional cleaning or maintenance product after trigger spraying (AISE_CSP09) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Brushing a professional cleaning or maintenance product after trigger spraying. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.134 ff. Table 135. Description of ES 134

Free short title Brushing a professional cleaning or maintenance product after trigger spraying (AISE_CSP09)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.134.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.134.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

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Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 220 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Ventilation good (30%)

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.135 Scenario 135: Brushing a concentrated professional cleaning or maintenance product. (AISE-CSP10) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Brushing a concentrated professional cleaning or maintenance product.. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.135 ff. Table 136. Description of ES 135

Free short title Brushing a concentrated professional cleaning or maintenance product. (AISE-CSP10)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.135.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

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Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.135.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 120 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 1 - 4 hours (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

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Respiratory protection no

9.136 Scenario 136: Treatment of articles by dipping or pouring with a professional cleaning or maintenance products (AISE_CSP11) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Treatment of articles by dipping or pouring with a professional cleaning or maintenance products. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.136 ff. Table 137. Description of ES 136

Free short title Treatment of articles by dipping or pouring with a professional cleaning or maintenance products (AISE_CSP11)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 13

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

9.136.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.136.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 13 (PC 35)

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Name of contributing scenario 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 60 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 1 - 4 hours (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.137 Scenario 137: Professional Use of Drain Unblockers (AISE_CSP12) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Professional Use of Drain Unblockers. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.137 ff. Table 138. Description of ES 137

Free short title Professional Use of Drain Unblockers (AISE_CSP12)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 13

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

9.137.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

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Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.137.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 13 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 10 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: less than 15 mins (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

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9.138 Scenario 138: Laboratory use of Cleaning and Maintenance products (AISE_CSP13) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Laboratory use of Cleaning and Maintenance products. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.138 ff. Table 139. Description of ES 138

Free short title Laboratory use of Cleaning and Maintenance products (AISE_CSP13)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PROC 15

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 15 - Use of laboratory reagents in small scale laboratories

9.138.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.138.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 15 (PC 21)

Name of contributing scenario 15 - Use of laboratory reagents in small scale laboratories

Product characteristics

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Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 40 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain professional

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Institutional use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.139 Scenario 139: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY REGULAR (powder, liquid) for consumer use (AISE C1) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY REGULAR (powder, liquid) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.139 ff. Table 140. Description of ES 139

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY REGULAR (powder, liquid) for consumer use (AISE C1)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.139.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

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Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.139.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Laundry and dish washing products

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 260 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (5 times per week))

Exposure time 1 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 60 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 60 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 50 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

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Duration of task shortened compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 80 % (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (10 minutes/task). EcetocTRA uses 60 minutes (estimated for dish washing).)

9.140 Scenario 140: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY COMPACT (powder, liquid/gel, tablet) for consumer use (AISE C2) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY COMPACT (powder, liquid/gel, tablet) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.140 ff. Table 141. Description of ES 140

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY COMPACT (powder, liquid/gel, tablet) for consumer use (AISE C2)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.140.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.140.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Laundry and dish washing products

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 260 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (5 times per week))

Exposure time 1 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 60 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 60 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 50 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Duration of task shortened compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 80 % (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (10 minutes/task). EcetocTRA uses 60 minutes (estimated for dish washing).)

9.141 Scenario 141: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products FABRIC CONDITIONERS (liquid regular, liquid concentrate) for consumer use (AISE C3) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products FABRIC CONDITIONERS (liquid regular, liquid concentrate) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing

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scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.141 ff. Table 142. Description of ES 141

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products FABRIC CONDITIONERS (liquid regular, liquid concentrate) for consumer use (AISE C3)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.141.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.141.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Laundry and dish washing products

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 208 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (4 times per week))

Exposure time 1 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

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Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 60 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 60 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 50 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Duration of task shortened compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 80 % (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (10 minutes/task). EcetocTRA uses 60 minutes (estimated for dish washing).)

9.142 Scenario 142: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY ADDITIVES (powder bleach, liquid bleach, tablet) for consumer use (AISE C4) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY ADDITIVES (powder bleach, liquid bleach, tablet) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.142 ff. Table 143. Description of ES 142

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY ADDITIVES (powder bleach, liquid bleach, tablet) for consumer use (AISE C4)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A, 8B; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8b Wide dispersive indoor use of reactive substances in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.142.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

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Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.142.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8B

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.142.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Laundry and dish washing products

Frequency and duration of use

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Frequency of use 156 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (3 times per week))

Exposure time 1 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 60 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 60 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 50 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Duration of task shortened compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 80 % (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (10 minutes/task). EcetocTRA uses 60 minutes (estimated for dish washing).)

9.143 Scenario 143: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products HAND DISHWASHING (liquid regular, liquid concentrate) for consumer use (AISE C5) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products HAND DISHWASHING (liquid regular, liquid concentrate) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.143 ff. Table 144. Description of ES 143

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products HAND DISHWASHING (liquid regular, liquid concentrate) for consumer use (AISE C5)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

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9.143.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.143.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Laundry and dish washing products

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 1 time(s)/day

Exposure time 1 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 60 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 60 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 50 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

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Amount per task decreased compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 80 % (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (10 g/task). EcetocTRA uses 50g (estimated for laundry washing products).)

9.144 Scenario 144: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products MACHINE DISHWASHING (powder, liquid, tablet) for consumer use (AISE C6) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products MACHINE DISHWASHING (powder, liquid, tablet) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.144 ff. Table 145. Description of ES 144

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products MACHINE DISHWASHING (powder, liquid, tablet) for consumer use (AISE C6)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.144.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.144.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Laundry and dish washing products

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 260 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (5 times per week))

Exposure time 1 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 60 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 60 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 50 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Duration of task shortened compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 98 % (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (<1 minute/task). EcetocTRA uses 60 minutes (estimated for hand dish washing).)

9.145 Scenario 145: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products SURFACE CLEANERS (liquid, powder, gel neat, spray neat) for consumer use (AISE C7) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products SURFACE CLEANERS (liquid, powder, gel neat, spray neat) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing

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scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.145 ff. Table 146. Description of ES 145

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products SURFACE CLEANERS (liquid, powder, gel neat, spray neat) for consumer use (AISE C7)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.145.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.145.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Cleaners, liquids (all purpose cleaners, etc.)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 104 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (2 times per week))

Exposure time 0.330 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

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Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 250 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Amount per task decreased compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 75 % (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (60 g/task). EcetocTRA uses 250 grams.)

9.146 Scenario 146: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products TOILET CLEANERS (powder, liquid, gel, tablet) for consumer use (AISE C8) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products TOILET CLEANERS (powder, liquid, gel, tablet) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.146 ff. Table 147. Description of ES 146

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products TOILET CLEANERS (powder, liquid, gel, tablet) for consumer use (AISE C8)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A, 8B; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8b Wide dispersive indoor use of reactive substances in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.146.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

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Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.146.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8B

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.146.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Cleaners, liquids (all purpose cleaners, etc.)

Frequency and duration of use

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Frequency of use 52 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (1 time per week))

Exposure time 0.330 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 250 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Gram per task decreased compared to ecetocTRA inhalation: 85 % (justification: Maximum typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (35 g/task). EcetocTRA uses 250 grams.)

9.147 Scenario 147: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products WATER SOFTENERS (powder, liquids, Tabs) for consumer use (AISE C9) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products WATER SOFTENERS (powder, liquids, Tabs) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.147 ff. Table 148. Description of ES 147

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products WATER SOFTENERS (powder, liquids, Tabs) for consumer use (AISE C9)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.147.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

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Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.147.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Cleaners, liquids (all purpose cleaners, etc.)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 104 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (2 times per week))

Exposure time 0.330 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 250 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

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Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Duration of task decreased compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 95 % (justification: Maximum typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (1 minute/task). EcetocTRA uses 20 mins(estimated for surface cleaners).)

9.148 Scenario 148: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products OVEN CLEANERS (spray, trigger) for consumer use (AISE C10) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products OVEN CLEANERS (spray, trigger) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.148 ff. Table 149. Description of ES 148

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products OVEN CLEANERS (spray, trigger) for consumer use (AISE C10)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.148.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.148.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Cleaners, liquids (all purpose cleaners, etc.)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 26 times/year (justification: ConsExpo assumption (26 times per year))

Exposure time 0.330 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 250 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Grams per task decreased compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 75 % (justification: Maximum typical value from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. for cleaners is 60g/event. This value is used to represent the oven cleaner. EcetocTRA uses 250 grams/event.)

9.149 Scenario 149: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products CARPET CLEANERS (spray, liquid) for consumer use (AISE C11) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products CARPET CLEANERS (spray, liquid) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.149 ff. Table 150. Description of ES 149

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Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products CARPET CLEANERS (spray, liquid) for consumer use (AISE C11)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.149.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.149.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Cleaners, liquids (all purpose cleaners, etc.)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 10 times/year (justification: ConsExpo Assumption (Carpet spray spot remover; foam) (10 times per year))

Exposure time 0.330 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 250 g

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Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

9.150 Scenario 150: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY AIDS (ironing aids-starch spray, ironing aids-other) for consumer use (AISE C12) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY AIDS (ironing aids-starch spray, ironing aids-other) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.150 ff. Table 151. Description of ES 150

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY AIDS (ironing aids-starch spray, ironing aids-other) for consumer use (AISE C12)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.150.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

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River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.150.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Laundry and dish washing products

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 104 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (twice per week).)

Exposure time 1 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 60 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 60 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 50 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Amount per task decreased compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 80 % (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (10 g/task). EcetocTRA default: 50g)

9.151 Scenario 151: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products DRAIN PRODUCTS (powder, gel) (AISE C13) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products DRAIN PRODUCTS

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(powder, gel). The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.151 ff. Table 152. Description of ES 151

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products DRAIN PRODUCTS (powder, gel) (AISE C13)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.151.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.151.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Cleaners, liquids (all purpose cleaners, etc.)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 52 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (1 time per week))

Exposure time 0.330 h

Product characteristics

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Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 250 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Amount per task and duration of task decreased compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 95 % (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (70 g/event and duration of task: 10 mins). EcetocTRA default: 250g/event and 20 min))

9.152 Scenario 152: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products DESCALERS (AISE C14) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products DESCALERS. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.152 ff. Table 153. Description of ES 152

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products DESCALERS (AISE C14)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.152.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

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Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.152.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Cleaners, liquids (all purpose cleaners, etc.)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 52 times/year (justification: No default values from AISE or RIVM (CONSEXPO) are available. However, it is expected that the frequency of use of descalers will be maximum once per week.)

Exposure time 0.330 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 250 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

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Duration of exposure was decreased compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 90 % (justification: No default values from AISE or RIVM (CONSEXPO) are available. However, it is expected that descalers will be applied to a household machine. After a given soaking time the descaler is removed. Thus, exposure duration will be limited to filling and de-filling operations. According to the “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” prepared by A.I.S.E. filling operations of machines take less than 1 minute. It is assumed that filling and de-filling operation will need equal times and thus a exposure time of 2 minutes was applied (EcetocTRA default: 20 min).)

9.153 Scenario 153: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products WIPES (bathroom, kitchen, floor) for consumer use (AISE C15) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products WIPES (bathroom, kitchen, floor) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.153 ff. Table 154. Description of ES 153

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products WIPES (bathroom, kitchen, floor) for consumer use (AISE C15)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.153.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

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Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.153.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Cleaners, liquids (all purpose cleaners, etc.)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 1 time(s)/day

Exposure time 0.330 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 250 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Amount per task and duration reduced compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 97.5 % (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (26 g/event and duration of task: 5 mins). EcetocTRA default: 250g/event and 20 min))

9.154 Scenario 154: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products High Pressure washers/cleaners (AISE C21) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure.

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The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products High Pressure washers/cleaners. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.154 ff. Table 155. Description of ES 154

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products High Pressure washers/cleaners (AISE C21)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.154.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.154.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Cleaners, liquids (all purpose cleaners, etc.)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 12 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (0.23 time per week))

Exposure time 0.330 h

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Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 250 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

9.155 Scenario 155: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products Automotive Care (spray, liquid) (AISE C22) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of washing and cleaning products Automotive Care (spray, liquid). The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.155 ff. Table 156. Description of ES 155

Free short title Consumer use of washing and cleaning products Automotive Care (spray, liquid) (AISE C22)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.155.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

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Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.a.v1 - AISE - Wide Dispersive Use in ‘Down the Drain’ cleaning and maintenance products (Consumers and Professionals) - Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.155.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Cleaners, liquids (all purpose cleaners, etc.)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 26 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (0.5 time per week))

Exposure time 0.330 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 250 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

9.156 Scenario 156: AIR FRESHENERS AEROSOL (aqueous, non aqueous, concentrated (mini-aerosol)Timed-release aerosols) for consumer use AIR FRESHENERS AEROSOL (aqueous, non aqueous, concentrated (mini-aerosol)Timed-release aerosols) for consumer use (AISE C17) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters.

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An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario AIR FRESHENERS AEROSOL (aqueous, non aqueous, concentrated (mini-aerosol)Timed-release aerosols) for consumer use AIR FRESHENERS AEROSOL (aqueous, non aqueous, concentrated (mini-aerosol)Timed-release aerosols) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.156 ff. Table 157. Description of ES 156

Free short title AIR FRESHENERS AEROSOL (aqueous, non aqueous, concentrated (mini-aerosol)Timed-release aerosols) for consumer use AIR FRESHENERS AEROSOL (aqueous, non aqueous, concentrated (mini-aerosol)Timed-release aerosols) for consumer use (AISE C17)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 3

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 3 Air care products

9.156.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 100 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 0 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.c.v1 - AISE- Wide Dispersive Use in Aerosol products for cleaning and maintenance products (Propellants) Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.156.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 3

Name of contributing scenario PC 3 Air care products

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Aircare, Instant action (aerosol sprays)

Frequency and duration of use

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Frequency of use 416 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (8 events per week).)

Exposure time 0.250 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 7.5 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 10 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal -

Skin surface area oral -

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 100.0 %

9.157 Scenario 157: AIR FRESHENERS NON AEROSOL (Perfume in/on solid substarte (gel), candles, diffusers (heated) for consumer use AIR FRESHENERS NON AEROSOL (Perfume in/on solid substarte (gel), candles, diffusers (heated) for consumer use (AISE C18) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario AIR FRESHENERS NON AEROSOL (Perfume in/on solid substarte (gel), candles, diffusers (heated) for consumer use AIR FRESHENERS NON AEROSOL (Perfume in/on solid substarte (gel), candles, diffusers (heated) for consumer use. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.157 ff. Table 158. Description of ES 157

Free short title AIR FRESHENERS NON AEROSOL (Perfume in/on solid substarte (gel), candles, diffusers (heated) for consumer use AIR FRESHENERS NON AEROSOL (Perfume in/on solid substarte (gel), candles, diffusers (heated) for consumer use (AISE C18)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 3

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 3 Air care products

9.157.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

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Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.b.v1 - AISE- Wide Dispersive Use in Aerosol products for cleaning and maintenance products (Non-Propellants) Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.157.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 3

Name of contributing scenario PC 3 Air care products

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Aircare, Continuous action (solid & liquid)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 1 time(s)/day

Exposure time 8 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 10 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 10 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 50 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal fingertips

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

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Prodcut amount per event decreased compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 95 % (justification: Using the typical discharge rate (g/s) from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (0.000029 g/s), a maximum amount of 2.5 g will be released during a whole day. EcetocTRA uses 50 g/d as default.)

9.158 Scenario 158: Consumer use of pest control products INSECTICIDES (liquid electric, spray neat) and REPELLENTS for consumer use, propellants (AISE C19a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of pest control products INSECTICIDES (liquid electric, spray neat) and REPELLENTS for consumer use, propellants. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.158 ff. Table 159. Description of ES 158

Free short title Consumer use of pest control products INSECTICIDES (liquid electric, spray neat) and REPELLENTS for consumer use, propellants (AISE C19a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.158.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 100 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 0 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.c.v1 - AISE- Wide Dispersive Use in Aerosol products for cleaning and maintenance products (Propellants) Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.158.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Cleaners, liquids (all purpose cleaners, etc.)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 1 time(s)/day

Exposure time 0.330 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 250 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Grams/task and duration of task reduced compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 98 % (justification: Maximum typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (10.1 g/day and 8.1 min/task). EcetocTRA uses 250g/Task and 20 min/task.)

9.159 Scenario 159: Consumer use of pest control products INSECTICIDES (liquid electric, spray neat) and REPELLENTS for consumer use, non-propellants (AISE C19b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of pest control products INSECTICIDES (liquid electric, spray neat) and REPELLENTS for consumer use, non-propellants. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.159 ff.

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Table 160. Description of ES 159

Free short title Consumer use of pest control products INSECTICIDES (liquid electric, spray neat) and REPELLENTS for consumer use, non-propellants (AISE C19b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 35

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

9.159.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.b.v1 - AISE- Wide Dispersive Use in Aerosol products for cleaning and maintenance products (Non-Propellants) Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.159.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35

Name of contributing scenario PC 35 Washing and Cleaning Products (including solvent based products)

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Cleaners, liquids (all purpose cleaners, etc.)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 1 time(s)/day

Exposure time 0.330 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 250 g

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Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

Grams per task and duration of task reduced compared to ecetocTRA

inhalation: 98 % (justification: Maximum typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (10.1 g/day and 8.1 min/task). EcetocTRA uses 250g/Task and 20 min/task.)

9.160 Scenario 160: Consumer use of polishes FURNITURE FLOOR & LEATHER CARE (spray, liquid) for consumer use, propellants (AISE C20a) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of polishes FURNITURE FLOOR & LEATHER CARE (spray, liquid) for consumer use, propellants. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.160 ff. Table 161. Description of ES 160

Free short title Consumer use of polishes FURNITURE FLOOR & LEATHER CARE (spray, liquid) for consumer use, propellants (AISE C20a)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 31

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 31 Polishes and Wax Blends

9.160.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 100 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 0 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

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Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.c.v1 - AISE- Wide Dispersive Use in Aerosol products for cleaning and maintenance products (Propellants) Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.160.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 31

Name of contributing scenario PC 31 Polishes and Wax Blends

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Polishes spray (furniture, shoes)

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency of use 52 times/year (justification: Typical value taken from “Table of habits and practices for consumer products in Western Europe” by A.I.S.E. (Once per week).)

Exposure time 4 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 10 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 10 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 135 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 100.0 %

9.161 Scenario 161: Consumer use of polishes FURNITURE FLOOR & LEATHER CARE (spray, liquid) for consumer use, non-propellants (AISE C20b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Consumer use of polishes FURNITURE FLOOR & LEATHER CARE (spray, liquid) for consumer use, non-propellants.

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The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.161 ff. Table 162. Description of ES 161

Free short title Consumer use of polishes FURNITURE FLOOR & LEATHER CARE (spray, liquid) for consumer use, non-propellants (AISE C20b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 8A; PC 31

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 8a Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Name(s) of contributing consumer scenarios and corresponding PCs/ACs

PC 31 Polishes and Wax Blends

9.161.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 8A

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 2.055 kg/day

Release times per year 365 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 10 %

Fraction used at main source 0.075 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 8a.1.b.v1 - AISE- Wide Dispersive Use in Aerosol products for cleaning and maintenance products (Non-Propellants) Fraction of EU tonnage to region: 0.04 (default: 0.1)

9.161.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 31

Name of contributing scenario PC 31 Polishes and Wax Blends

Calculation model Ecetoc TRA

Product subcategory Polishes, wax / cream (floor, furniture, shoes)

Frequency and duration of use

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Frequency of use 12 times/year (justification: Default values for this scenario in ecetocTRA are 550 g/event, 4h/event and a frequency of once per day. In case e.g. the amount of 550 g is used to wax the floor (during 4h) it is not very likely that the consumer will do this daily but rather once in a month. In case of polishing furnitures or shoes it can be expected that this will take less time and less amount of polish/wax is needed. Following assumptions were made: Waxing/polishing of furniture is done once per week with 100 g for 2 h. Waxing/polishing of shoes is done twice/week with 10 g for 0.5 h. Data of the worst case were calculated and presented.)

Exposure time 4 h

Product characteristics

Spray application no

Product ingredient fraction by weight (inhalation) 50 %

Product ingredient fraction by weight (dermal) 50 %

Amounts used

Amounts used 550 g

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Skin surface area dermal hands

Skin surface area oral -

Tranfer factor dermal 100 %

Other given operational conditions affecting consumers exposure

Room volume 20 m3

Release fraction to air 10.0 %

9.162 Scenario 162: Transfer of industrial detergent, maintenance or desinfectant (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment (machine/vessel) (AISE_CS_I01a, AISE_CS_I01b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Transfer of industrial detergent, maintenance or desinfectant (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment (machine/vessel). The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.162 ff. Table 163. Description of ES 162

Free short title Transfer of industrial detergent, maintenance or desinfectant (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment (machine/vessel) (AISE_CS_I01a, AISE_CS_I01b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 8B

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Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 8b - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at dedicated facilities PROC 8b - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at dedicated facilities

9.162.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.162.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.162.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 8B (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 8b - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 60 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 1 - 4 hours (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.162.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 8B (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 8b - Transfer of chemicals from/to vessels/ large containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 60 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

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Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 1 - 4 hours (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.163 Scenario 163: Using a diluted industrial cleaning solution in a closed cleaning equipment (AISE_CS_I02) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Using a diluted industrial cleaning solution in a closed cleaning equipment. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.163 ff. Table 164. Description of ES 163

Free short title Using a diluted industrial cleaning solution in a closed cleaning equipment (AISE_CS_I02)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 1

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

9.163.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

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River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.163.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 1 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 1 - Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.164 Scenario 164: Using a diluted industrial cleaning solution in a semi closed cleaning equipment (AISE_CS_I03) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Using a diluted industrial cleaning solution in a semi closed cleaning equipment. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.164 ff. Table 165. Description of ES 164

Free short title Using a diluted industrial cleaning solution in a semi closed cleaning equipment (AISE_CS_I03)

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Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 2

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

9.164.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.164.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 2 - Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

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Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.165 Scenario 165: Using a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product in an dedicated equipment; opportunity for exposure arises (AISE_CS_I04a, AISE_CS_I04b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Using a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product in an dedicated equipment; opportunity for exposure arises. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.165 ff. Table 166. Description of ES 165

Free short title Using a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product in an dedicated equipment; opportunity for exposure arises (AISE_CS_I04a, AISE_CS_I04b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 4

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

9.165.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

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River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.165.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.165.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

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Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.165.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 4 - Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves No

Respiratory protection no

9.166 Scenario 166: Pressure spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product. (AISE_CS_I05a, AISE_CS_I05b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Pressure spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product.. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.166 ff. Table 167. Description of ES 166

Free short title Pressure spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product. (AISE_CS_I05a, AISE_CS_I05b)

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Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 7

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 7 - Industrial spraying PROC 7 - Industrial spraying

9.166.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.166.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.166.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.166.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

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Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection 90 %

9.167 Scenario 167: Spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning or maintenance product during short time. (AISE_CS_I06) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning or maintenance product during short time.. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.167 ff. Table 168. Description of ES 167

Free short title Spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning or maintenance product during short time. (AISE_CS_I06)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 7

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 7 - Industrial spraying

9.167.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

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Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.167.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 7 - Industrial spraying

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 5-25%

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 60 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 1,500 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 1 - 4 hours (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.168 Scenario 168: Brushing an industrial cleaning solution (AISE_CS_I07a, AISE_CS_I07b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Brushing an industrial cleaning solution. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.168 ff. Table 169. Description of ES 168

Free short title Brushing an industrial cleaning solution (AISE_CS_I07a, AISE_CS_I07b)

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Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.168.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.168.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

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SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.168.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.168.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

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Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.169 Scenario 169: Brushing a diluted cleaning or maintenance product (after spraying) (AISE_CS_I08a, AISE_CS_I08b) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Brushing a diluted cleaning or maintenance product (after spraying). The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.169 ff. Table 170. Description of ES 169

Free short title Brushing a diluted cleaning or maintenance product (after spraying) (AISE_CS_I08a, AISE_CS_I08b)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 10

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing PROC 10 - Roller application or brushing

9.169.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

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River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.169.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.169.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location outdoors (30%)

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

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Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.169.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 10 - Roller application or brushing

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 480 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 960 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: >4 hours (default) (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.170 Scenario 170: Treatment of articles by dipping or pouring with an industrial cleaning product (AISE_CS_I09) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Treatment of articles by dipping or pouring with an industrial cleaning product. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.170 ff.

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Table 171. Description of ES 170

Free short title Treatment of articles by dipping or pouring with an industrial cleaning product (AISE_CS_I09)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 13

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

9.170.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.170.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 13 (PC 35)

Name of contributing scenario 13 - Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 220 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 480 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

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Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation yes (inhalation 90 %)

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 1 - 4 hours (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

9.171 Scenario 171: Quality control on industrial cleaning, desinfectants and maintenance Products (AISE_CS_I10) This scenario is described by the following combinations of use descriptors. The corresponding contributing scenarios are described in the respective subchapters. An overall exposure scenario may be described by a number of contributing scenarios which may be subdivided into environmental exposure, worker exposure and consumer exposure. The following scenarios contribute to the scenario Quality control on industrial cleaning, desinfectants and maintenance Products. The corresponding release to the environment, exposure of workers and consumers resulting from these contributing scenarios is summarized in chapter 10.171 ff. Table 172. Description of ES 171

Free short title Quality control on industrial cleaning, desinfectants and maintenance Products (AISE_CS_I10)

Systematic title based on use descriptor ERC 4; PROC 15

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC

ERC 4 Industrial use of processing aids

Name(s) of contributing worker scenarios and corresponding PROCs

PROC 15 - Use of laboratory reagents in small scale laboratories

9.171.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC 4

Operational conditions

Annual tonnage 1.00E4 to/year

Daily amount used at site 50 kg/day

Release times per year 220 days/year

Local freshwater dilution factor 10

Local marine water dilution factor 100

Release fraction to air from process 0 %

Release fraction to wastewater from process 100 %

Release fraction to soil from process 0 %

Fraction tonnage to region 100 %

Fraction used at main source 0.110 %

STP yes

River flow rate 18000 m3/day

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Municipal sewage treatment plant discharge 2000000 L/day

Risk management measures

SpERC AISE SPERC 4.1.v1 - AISE - Industrial Use of Water Borne Processing Aids - no RMM

9.171.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 15 (PC 21)

Name of contributing scenario 15 - Use of laboratory reagents in small scale laboratories

Product characteristics

Physical state liquid

Concentration in substance 100 %

Fugacity / Dustiness low

Frequency and duration of use

Duration of activity 40 min/day, duration of activity has been considered linearly (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Frequency of use 5 days / week

Human factors not influenced by risk management

Exposed skin surface 240 cm2

Other given operational conditions affecting workers exposure

Location indoors

Domain industrial

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion and exposure

Local exhaust ventilation no

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Protective gloves 99 %, burst-time: 15 mins to 1 hour (justification: Imported Scenario settings from file: 120619_AISE Industrial use mapping_Publishedv2 Stand 19.6.2012 Angepasst an EasyTRA.xls)

Respiratory protection no

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10.2 Scenario 2: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products: Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1003a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.2 10.2.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products: Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 299. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 2.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178 Terrestrial compartment Table 300. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 2.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 301. Environmental risk STP of ES 2.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 302. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 2.1

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.2.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 24A Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products: Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 303. Worker risk of ES 2.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.028286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00001

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.200 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.001143

Combined routes 0.056857 mg/kgbw/day - 0.001153

10.3 Scenario 3: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products: Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1003b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.3 10.3.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products: Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment)

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Table 304. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 3.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8 Terrestrial compartment Table 305. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 3.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 306. Environmental risk STP of ES 3.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 307. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 3.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

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10.3.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 24A Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products: Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 308. Worker risk of ES 3.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.028286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00001

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.200 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.001143

Combined routes 0.056857 mg/kgbw/day - 0.001153

10.4 Scenario 4: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure. Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M1) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.4 10.4.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC2 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure. Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 309. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 4.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038418 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.160074 1.04E5

Freshwater sediment 0.195912 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.213691 7.82E4

Marine water 0.004086 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.170231 9.81E4

Marine water sediment 0.020834 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.227201 7.35E4 Terrestrial compartment Table 310. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 4.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010575 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.00141 1.24E7 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems

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Table 311. Environmental risk STP of ES 4.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.014799 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.48E-6 1.13E10 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 312. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 4.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 8.07E7

10.4.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 1 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure. Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 313. Worker risk of ES 4.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.034286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000012

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.158125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000904

Combined routes 0.056875 mg/kgbw/day - 0.000916

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10.5 Scenario 5: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed, continous process with occasional controlled exposure (e.g. sampling). Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M2) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.5 10.5.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC2 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed, continous process with occasional controlled exposure (e.g. sampling). Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 314. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 5.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038418 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.160074 1.04E5

Freshwater sediment 0.195912 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.213691 7.82E4

Marine water 0.004086 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.170231 9.81E4

Marine water sediment 0.020834 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.227201 7.35E4 Terrestrial compartment Table 315. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 5.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010575 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.00141 1.24E7 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 316. Environmental risk STP of ES 5.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.014799 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.48E-6 1.13E10 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 317. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 5.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 8.07E7

10.5.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed, continous process with occasional controlled exposure (e.g. sampling). Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 318. Worker risk of ES 5.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.371 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000499

inhalation, long-term systemic 15.812 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.090357

Combined routes 3.63 mg/kgbw/day - 0.090856

10.6 Scenario 6: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation. Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M3) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.6 10.6.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC2 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation. Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a.

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 319. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 6.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038418 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.160074 1.04E5

Freshwater sediment 0.195912 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.213691 7.82E4

Marine water 0.004086 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.170231 9.81E4

Marine water sediment 0.020834 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.227201 7.35E4 Terrestrial compartment Table 320. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 6.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010575 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.00141 1.24E7 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 321. Environmental risk STP of ES 6.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.014799 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.48E-6 1.13E10 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 322. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 6.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 8.07E7

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


10.6.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 3 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation. Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 323. Worker risk of ES 6.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.685714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000249

inhalation, long-term systemic 47.438 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.271071

Combined routes 7.463 mg/kgbw/day - 0.271321

10.7 Scenario 7: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises. Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M4) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.7 10.7.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC2 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises. Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 324. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 7.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038418 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.160074 1.04E5

Freshwater sediment 0.195912 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.213691 7.82E4

Marine water 0.004086 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.170231 9.81E4

Marine water sediment 0.020834 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.227201 7.35E4 Terrestrial compartment

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Table 325. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 7.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010575 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.00141 1.24E7 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 326. Environmental risk STP of ES 7.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.014799 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.48E-6 1.13E10 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 327. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 7.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 8.07E7

10.7.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises. Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 328. Worker risk of ES 7.2

Page 320: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 18.152 mg/kgbw/day - 0.454279

10.8 Scenario 8: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or significant contact). Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M5) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.8 10.8.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC2 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or significant contact). Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 329. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 8.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038418 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.160074 1.04E5

Freshwater sediment 0.195912 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.213691 7.82E4

Marine water 0.004086 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.170231 9.81E4

Marine water sediment 0.020834 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.227201 7.35E4 Terrestrial compartment Table 330. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 8.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010575 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.00141 1.24E7 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 331. Environmental risk STP of ES 8.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.014799 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.48E-6 1.13E10 Man via environment

Page 321: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 332. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 8.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 8.07E7

10.8.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 5 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or significant contact). Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 333. Worker risk of ES 8.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 25.009 mg/kgbw/day - 0.456773

10.9 Scenario 9: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. (A.I.S.E. M6) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.9

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10.9.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC2 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 334. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 9.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038418 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.160074 1.04E5

Freshwater sediment 0.195912 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.213691 7.82E4

Marine water 0.004086 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.170231 9.81E4

Marine water sediment 0.020834 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.227201 7.35E4 Terrestrial compartment Table 335. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 9.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010575 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.00141 1.24E7 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 336. Environmental risk STP of ES 9.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.014799 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.48E-6 1.13E10 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 337. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 9.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Page 323: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 8.07E7

10.9.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 8B Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities. The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 338. Worker risk of ES 9.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 25.009 mg/kgbw/day - 0.456773

10.10 Scenario 10: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing). Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M7) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.10 10.10.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC2 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing). Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 339. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 10.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038418 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.160074 1.04E5

Page 324: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater sediment 0.195912 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.213691 7.82E4

Marine water 0.004086 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.170231 9.81E4

Marine water sediment 0.020834 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.227201 7.35E4 Terrestrial compartment Table 340. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 10.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010575 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.00141 1.24E7 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 341. Environmental risk STP of ES 10.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.014799 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.48E-6 1.13E10 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 342. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 10.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 8.07E7

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10.10.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 9 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing). Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 343. Worker risk of ES 10.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 18.152 mg/kgbw/day - 0.454279

10.11 Scenario 11: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelettisation. Industrial setting (A.I.S.E. M8) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.11 10.11.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC2 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelettisation. Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 344. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 11.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038418 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.160074 1.04E5

Freshwater sediment 0.195912 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.213691 7.82E4

Marine water 0.004086 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.170231 9.81E4

Marine water sediment 0.020834 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.227201 7.35E4 Terrestrial compartment Table 345. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 11.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010564 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001408 1.25E7 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems

Page 326: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Table 346. Environmental risk STP of ES 11.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.014799 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.48E-6 1.13E10 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 347. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 11.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 8.07E7

10.11.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 14 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelettisation. Industrial setting The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 348. Worker risk of ES 11.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 3.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.001247

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.100 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000571

Combined routes 3.443 mg/kgbw/day - 0.001818

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10.12 Scenario 12: Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use as a laboratory reagent (A.I.S.E. M9) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.12 10.12.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC2 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use as a laboratory reagent The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 349. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 12.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038418 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.160074 1.04E5

Freshwater sediment 0.195912 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.213691 7.82E4

Marine water 0.004086 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.170231 9.81E4

Marine water sediment 0.020834 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.227201 7.35E4 Terrestrial compartment Table 350. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 12.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010575 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.00141 1.24E7 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 351. Environmental risk STP of ES 12.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.014799 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.48E-6 1.13E10 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 352. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 12.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Page 328: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 8.07E7

10.12.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 15 Manufacturing of cleaning and Maintenance Products (main sector of use: SU3 - industrial uses) Use as a laboratory reagent The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 353. Worker risk of ES 12.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.342857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 11.638 mg/kgbw/day - 0.45191

10.13 Scenario 13: Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Automatic process (AISE-P101) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.13 10.13.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 354. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 13.1

Page 329: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 355. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 13.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 356. Environmental risk STP of ES 13.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 357. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 13.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

Page 330: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


10.13.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 358. Worker risk of ES 13.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.371 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000499

inhalation, long-term systemic 15.812 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.090357

Combined routes 3.63 mg/kgbw/day - 0.090856

10.14 Scenario 14: Industrial use of Laundry products Conditioner (softner/starch); Automatic process (AISE-P104) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.14 10.14.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Laundry products Conditioner (softner/starch); Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 359. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 14.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 360. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 14.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 361. Environmental risk STP of ES 14.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Page 331: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 362. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 14.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.14.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 Industrial use of Laundry products Conditioner (softner/starch); Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 363. Worker risk of ES 14.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.371 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000499

inhalation, long-term systemic 15.812 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.090357

Combined routes 3.63 mg/kgbw/day - 0.090856

10.15 Scenario 15: Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Automatic process (AISE-P107)

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The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.15 10.15.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 364. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 15.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 365. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 15.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 366. Environmental risk STP of ES 15.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 367. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 15.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Page 333: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.15.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 368. Worker risk of ES 15.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.371 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000499

inhalation, long-term systemic 15.812 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.090357

Combined routes 3.63 mg/kgbw/day - 0.090856

10.16 Scenario 16: Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Automatic process (AISE-P110) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.16 10.16.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 369. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 16.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 370. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 16.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 371. Environmental risk STP of ES 16.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 372. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 16.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.16.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 Industrial use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Automatic process

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The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 373. Worker risk of ES 16.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.371 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000499

inhalation, long-term systemic 15.812 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.090357

Combined routes 3.63 mg/kgbw/day - 0.090856

10.17 Scenario 17: Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Train cleaner; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P707a, AISE-P707b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.17 10.17.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Train cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 374. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 17.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 375. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 17.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 376. Environmental risk STP of ES 17.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6

Page 336: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)

2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 377. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 17.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.17.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Train cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 378. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 17.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 379. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 17.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 380. Environmental risk STP of ES 17.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 381. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 17.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.17.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Train cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 382. Worker risk of ES 17.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Page 338: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 55.344 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.31625

Combined routes 14.763 mg/kgbw/day - 0.318744

10.17.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Train cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 383. Worker risk of ES 17.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 18.152 mg/kgbw/day - 0.454279

10.18 Scenario 18: Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Aeroplane cleaner; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P708a, AISE-P708b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.18 10.18.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Aeroplane cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 384. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 18.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 385. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 18.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Page 339: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 386. Environmental risk STP of ES 18.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 387. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 18.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.18.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Aeroplane cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 388. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 18.2

Page 340: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 389. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 18.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 390. Environmental risk STP of ES 18.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 391. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 18.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

Page 341: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


10.18.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Aeroplane cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 392. Worker risk of ES 18.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 55.344 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.31625

Combined routes 14.763 mg/kgbw/day - 0.318744

10.18.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Aeroplane cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 393. Worker risk of ES 18.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 18.152 mg/kgbw/day - 0.454279

10.18.5 Contributing Scenario (5) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Aeroplane cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 394. Worker risk of ES 18.5

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 55.344 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.31625

Combined routes 14.763 mg/kgbw/day - 0.318744

10.18.6 Contributing Scenario (6) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Vehicle cleaning Products Aeroplane cleaner; Semi-Automatic process

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The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 395. Worker risk of ES 18.6

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 18.152 mg/kgbw/day - 0.454279

10.19 Scenario 19: Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P709a, AISE-P709b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.19 10.19.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 396. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 19.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 397. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 19.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 398. Environmental risk STP of ES 19.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6

Page 343: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)

2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 399. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 19.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.19.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 400. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 19.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 401. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 19.2

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 402. Environmental risk STP of ES 19.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 403. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 19.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.19.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 404. Worker risk of ES 19.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Page 345: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 55.344 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.31625

Combined routes 14.763 mg/kgbw/day - 0.318744

10.19.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 405. Worker risk of ES 19.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 18.152 mg/kgbw/day - 0.454279

10.19.5 Contributing Scenario (5) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 406. Worker risk of ES 19.5

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 55.344 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.31625

Combined routes 14.763 mg/kgbw/day - 0.318744

10.19.6 Contributing Scenario (6) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 407. Worker risk of ES 19.6

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Page 346: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 18.152 mg/kgbw/day - 0.454279

10.20 Scenario 20: Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and rinse process (AISE-P710a, AISE-P710b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.20 10.20.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and rinse process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 408. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 20.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 409. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 20.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 410. Environmental risk STP of ES 20.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

Page 347: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Table 411. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 20.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.20.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and rinse process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 412. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 20.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 413. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 20.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 414. Environmental risk STP of ES 20.2

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 415. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 20.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.20.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and rinse process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 416. Worker risk of ES 20.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.125179 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000046

inhalation, long-term systemic 3.69 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.021083

Combined routes 0.652262 mg/kgbw/day - 0.021129

10.20.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and rinse process

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The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 417. Worker risk of ES 20.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.125179 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000046

inhalation, long-term systemic 5.271 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.030119

Combined routes 0.878155 mg/kgbw/day - 0.030165

10.20.5 Contributing Scenario (5) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and rinse process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 418. Worker risk of ES 20.5

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.125179 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000046

inhalation, long-term systemic 3.69 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.021083

Combined routes 0.652262 mg/kgbw/day - 0.021129

10.20.6 Contributing Scenario (6) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and rinse process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 419. Worker risk of ES 20.6

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.125179 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000046

inhalation, long-term systemic 5.271 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.030119

Combined routes 0.878155 mg/kgbw/day - 0.030165

10.21 Scenario 21: Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and wipe process (AISE-P711a, AISE-P711b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.21 10.21.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4

Page 350: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and wipe process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 420. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 21.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 421. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 21.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 422. Environmental risk STP of ES 21.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 423. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 21.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Page 351: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.21.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and wipe process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 424. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 21.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 425. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 21.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 426. Environmental risk STP of ES 21.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 427. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 21.2

Page 352: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.21.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and wipe process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 428. Worker risk of ES 21.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.125179 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000046

inhalation, long-term systemic 3.69 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.021083

Combined routes 0.652262 mg/kgbw/day - 0.021129

10.21.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and wipe process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 429. Worker risk of ES 21.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.171429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000062

inhalation, long-term systemic 69.18 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.395313

Page 353: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Combined routes 10.054 mg/kgbw/day - 0.395375

10.22 Scenario 22: Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P712a, AISE-P712b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.22 10.22.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 430. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 22.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 431. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 22.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 432. Environmental risk STP of ES 22.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 433. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 22.1

Page 354: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.22.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 434. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 22.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 435. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 22.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 436. Environmental risk STP of ES 22.2

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 437. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 22.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.22.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 438. Worker risk of ES 22.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 55.344 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.31625

Combined routes 14.763 mg/kgbw/day - 0.318744

10.22.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process

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The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 439. Worker risk of ES 22.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 18.152 mg/kgbw/day - 0.454279

10.22.5 Contributing Scenario (5) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 440. Worker risk of ES 22.5

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 55.344 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.31625

Combined routes 14.763 mg/kgbw/day - 0.318744

10.22.6 Contributing Scenario (6) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 441. Worker risk of ES 22.6

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 18.152 mg/kgbw/day - 0.454279

10.23 Scenario 23: Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaning; semi automatic (AISE-P713) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.23 10.23.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4

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Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaning; semi automatic The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 442. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 23.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 443. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 23.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 444. Environmental risk STP of ES 23.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 445. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 23.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.23.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaning; semi automatic The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 446. Worker risk of ES 23.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 16.087 mg/kgbw/day - 0.6326

10.24 Scenario 24: Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe process (AISE-P714a, AISE-P714b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.24 10.24.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 447. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 24.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment

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Table 448. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 24.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 449. Environmental risk STP of ES 24.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 450. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 24.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.24.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment)

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Table 451. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 24.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 452. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 24.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 453. Environmental risk STP of ES 24.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 454. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 24.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

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10.24.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 455. Worker risk of ES 24.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.125179 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000046

inhalation, long-term systemic 3.69 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.021083

Combined routes 0.652262 mg/kgbw/day - 0.021129

10.24.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 Industrial Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 456. Worker risk of ES 24.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.171429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000062

inhalation, long-term systemic 69.18 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.395313

Combined routes 10.054 mg/kgbw/day - 0.395375

10.25 Scenario 25: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Process cleaner; Cleaning In place (CIP) process (AISE-P801) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.25 10.25.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Process cleaner; Cleaning In place (CIP) process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 457. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 25.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 458. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 25.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 459. Environmental risk STP of ES 25.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 460. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 25.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

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10.25.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 1 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Process cleaner; Cleaning In place (CIP) process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 461. Worker risk of ES 25.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.034286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000012

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.158125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000904

Combined routes 0.056875 mg/kgbw/day - 0.000916

10.26 Scenario 26: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Process cleaner; Semi closed cleaning process (AISE-P802) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.26 10.26.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Process cleaner; Semi closed cleaning process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 462. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 26.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 463. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 26.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 464. Environmental risk STP of ES 26.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Page 364: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 465. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 26.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.26.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Process cleaner; Semi closed cleaning process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 466. Worker risk of ES 26.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 18.152 mg/kgbw/day - 0.454279

10.27 Scenario 27: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Chain maintenance product; Automatic spray process

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(AISE-P803) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.27 10.27.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Chain maintenance product; Automatic spray process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 467. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 27.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 468. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 27.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 469. Environmental risk STP of ES 27.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 470. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 27.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Page 366: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.27.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Chain maintenance product; Automatic spray process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 471. Worker risk of ES 27.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.042857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000016

inhalation, long-term systemic 15.812 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.090357

Combined routes 2.302 mg/kgbw/day - 0.090373

10.28 Scenario 28: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Chain maintenance product; Automatic drip and brush process (AISE-P804) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.28 10.28.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Chain maintenance product; Automatic drip and brush process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 472. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 28.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Page 367: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 473. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 28.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 474. Environmental risk STP of ES 28.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 475. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 28.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

Page 368: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


10.28.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 13 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Chain maintenance product; Automatic drip and brush process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 476. Worker risk of ES 28.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.137143 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00005

inhalation, long-term systemic 15.812 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.090357

Combined routes 2.396 mg/kgbw/day - 0.090407

10.29 Scenario 29: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Defoaming product; Automatic process (AISE-P805) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.29 10.29.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Defoaming product; Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 477. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 29.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 478. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 29.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 479. Environmental risk STP of ES 29.1

Page 369: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 480. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 29.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.29.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 1 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Defoaming product; Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 481. Worker risk of ES 29.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.034286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000012

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.158125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000904

Combined routes 0.056875 mg/kgbw/day - 0.000916

10.30 Scenario 30: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Foam cleaner; Semi-Automatic with venting process

Page 370: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


(AISE-P806) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.30 10.30.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Foam cleaner; Semi-Automatic with venting process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 482. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 30.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 483. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 30.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 484. Environmental risk STP of ES 30.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 485. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 30.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Page 371: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.30.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Foam cleaner; Semi-Automatic with venting process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 486. Worker risk of ES 30.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.428571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000156

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 11.723 mg/kgbw/day - 0.451942

10.31 Scenario 31: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Foam cleaner; Semi-Automatic without venting process (AISE-P807) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.31 10.31.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Foam cleaner; Semi-Automatic without venting process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 487. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 31.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Page 372: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 488. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 31.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 489. Environmental risk STP of ES 31.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 490. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 31.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

Page 373: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


10.31.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Foam cleaner; Semi-Automatic without venting process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 491. Worker risk of ES 31.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.428571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000156

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 23.018 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903727

10.32 Scenario 32: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Animal housing care; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P809) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.32 10.32.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Animal housing care; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 492. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 32.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 493. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 32.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 494. Environmental risk STP of ES 32.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Page 374: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 495. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 32.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.32.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Animal housing care; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 496. Worker risk of ES 32.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.428571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000156

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 23.018 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903727

10.33 Scenario 33: Industrial use of pharmacos products Disinfection product; Semi-automatic process (AISE-P810)

Page 375: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.33 10.33.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of pharmacos products Disinfection product; Semi-automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 497. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 33.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 498. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 33.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 499. Environmental risk STP of ES 33.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 500. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 33.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Page 376: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.33.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of pharmacos products Disinfection product; Semi-automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 501. Worker risk of ES 33.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 3.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.001247

inhalation, long-term systemic 39.531 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.225893

Combined routes 9.076 mg/kgbw/day - 0.22714

10.34 Scenario 34: Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Disinfection product; Fogging and gassing Semi-automatic process (AISE-P811) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.34 10.34.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Disinfection product; Fogging and gassing Semi-automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 502. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 34.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Page 377: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 503. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 34.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 504. Environmental risk STP of ES 34.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 505. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 34.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

Page 378: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


10.34.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial use of Food beverage and pharmacos products Disinfection product; Fogging and gassing Semi-automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 506. Worker risk of ES 34.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.428571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000156

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 23.018 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903727

10.35 Scenario 35: Industrial use of Water treatment Products Preservation and sanitation agent ; Process water (AISE-P903) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.35 10.35.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Water treatment Products Preservation and sanitation agent ; Process water The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 507. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 35.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 508. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 35.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 509. Environmental risk STP of ES 35.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Page 379: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 510. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 35.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.35.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Water treatment Products Preservation and sanitation agent ; Process water The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 511. Worker risk of ES 35.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 55.344 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.31625

Combined routes 14.763 mg/kgbw/day - 0.318744

10.36 Scenario 36: Industrial use of Water treatment Products Preservation and sanitation agent ; Drink and pool water (AISE-P904)

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The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.36 10.36.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Water treatment Products Preservation and sanitation agent ; Drink and pool water The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 512. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 36.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 513. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 36.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 514. Environmental risk STP of ES 36.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 515. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 36.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Page 381: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.36.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Water treatment Products Preservation and sanitation agent ; Drink and pool water The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 516. Worker risk of ES 36.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 55.344 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.31625

Combined routes 14.763 mg/kgbw/day - 0.318744

10.37 Scenario 37: Industrial use of Water treatment Products Sanitation agent; Waste water (AISE-P905) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.37 10.37.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Water treatment Products Sanitation agent; Waste water The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 517. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 37.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 518. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 37.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 519. Environmental risk STP of ES 37.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 520. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 37.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.37.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Water treatment Products Sanitation agent; Waste water

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The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 521. Worker risk of ES 37.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 55.344 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.31625

Combined routes 14.763 mg/kgbw/day - 0.318744

10.38 Scenario 38: Industrial Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process (AISE-P906) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.38 10.38.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 522. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 38.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 523. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 38.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 524. Environmental risk STP of ES 38.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6

Page 384: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)

2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 525. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 38.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.38.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 526. Worker risk of ES 38.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.428571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000156

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 16.241 mg/kgbw/day - 0.632656

10.39 Scenario 39: Industrial Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process (AISE-P907) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.39 10.39.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process

Page 385: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 527. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 39.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 528. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 39.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 529. Environmental risk STP of ES 39.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 530. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 39.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.39.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Industrial Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 531. Worker risk of ES 39.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.428571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000156

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 16.241 mg/kgbw/day - 0.632656

10.40 Scenario 40: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1001a, AISE-P1001b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.40 10.40.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 532. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 40.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Terrestrial compartment Table 533. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 40.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 534. Environmental risk STP of ES 40.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 535. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 40.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.40.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a.

Page 388: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)

2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 536. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 40.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178 Terrestrial compartment Table 537. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 40.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 538. Environmental risk STP of ES 40.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 539. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 40.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

Page 389: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


10.40.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 540. Worker risk of ES 40.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.013714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 4.99E-6

inhalation, long-term systemic 1.581 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.009036

Combined routes 0.239607 mg/kgbw/day - 0.009041

10.40.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 541. Worker risk of ES 40.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.068571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000025

inhalation, long-term systemic 7.906 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.045179

Combined routes 1.198 mg/kgbw/day - 0.045204

10.41 Scenario 41: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1001a, AISE-P1001b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.41 10.41.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk

Page 390: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 542. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 41.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8 Terrestrial compartment Table 543. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 41.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 544. Environmental risk STP of ES 41.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 545. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 41.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Page 391: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.41.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 546. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 41.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8 Terrestrial compartment Table 547. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 41.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 548. Environmental risk STP of ES 41.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 549. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 41.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Page 392: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.41.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 550. Worker risk of ES 41.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.013714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 4.99E-6

inhalation, long-term systemic 1.581 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.009036

Combined routes 0.239607 mg/kgbw/day - 0.009041

10.41.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Conversion Layer agent; Automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 551. Worker risk of ES 41.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.068571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000025

inhalation, long-term systemic 7.906 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.045179

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Combined routes 1.198 mg/kgbw/day - 0.045204

10.42 Scenario 42: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal working fluid (rolling oils, lubricants); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1002a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.42 10.42.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal working fluid (rolling oils, lubricants); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 552. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 42.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178 Terrestrial compartment Table 553. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 42.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 554. Environmental risk STP of ES 42.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 555. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 42.1

Page 394: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.42.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 17 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal working fluid (rolling oils, lubricants); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 556. Worker risk of ES 42.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 31.625 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.180714

Combined routes 4.792 mg/kgbw/day - 0.180814

10.43 Scenario 43: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal working fluid (rolling oils, lubricants); Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1002b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.43 10.43.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal working fluid (rolling oils, lubricants); Automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a.

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 557. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 43.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8 Terrestrial compartment Table 558. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 43.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 559. Environmental risk STP of ES 43.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 560. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 43.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.43.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 17 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal working fluid (rolling oils, lubricants); Automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 561. Worker risk of ES 43.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 31.625 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.180714

Combined routes 4.792 mg/kgbw/day - 0.180814

10.44 Scenario 44: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1003a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.44 10.44.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 562. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 44.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178 Terrestrial compartment Table 563. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 44.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 564. Environmental risk STP of ES 44.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 565. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 44.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.44.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 24A Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 566. Worker risk of ES 44.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Page 398: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 2.829 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.001029

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.200 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.001143

Combined routes 2.857 mg/kgbw/day - 0.002171

10.45 Scenario 45: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1003b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.45 10.45.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 567. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 45.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8 Terrestrial compartment Table 568. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 45.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 569. Environmental risk STP of ES 45.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

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Table 570. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 45.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.45.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 24A Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Hot metal working fluid; Automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 571. Worker risk of ES 45.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 2.829 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.001029

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.200 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.001143

Combined routes 2.857 mg/kgbw/day - 0.002171

10.46 Scenario 46: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Manual process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1004a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.46 10.46.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Manual process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a.

Page 400: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)

2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 572. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 46.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178 Terrestrial compartment Table 573. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 46.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 574. Environmental risk STP of ES 46.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 575. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 46.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Page 401: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.46.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Manual process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 576. Worker risk of ES 46.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 15.812 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.090357

Combined routes 2.533 mg/kgbw/day - 0.090457

10.47 Scenario 47: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Manual process, Nickel (AISE-P1004b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.47 10.47.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Manual process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 577. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 47.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8 Terrestrial compartment Table 578. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 47.1

Page 402: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 579. Environmental risk STP of ES 47.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 580. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 47.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.47.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Manual process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 581. Worker risk of ES 47.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Page 403: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 15.812 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.090357

Combined routes 2.533 mg/kgbw/day - 0.090457

10.48 Scenario 48: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Semi-automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1005a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.48 10.48.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Semi-automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 582. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 48.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178 Terrestrial compartment Table 583. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 48.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 584. Environmental risk STP of ES 48.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together

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with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 585. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 48.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.48.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Semi-automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 586. Worker risk of ES 48.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.068571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000025

inhalation, long-term systemic 7.906 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.045179

Combined routes 1.198 mg/kgbw/day - 0.045204

10.49 Scenario 49: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Semi-automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1005b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.49 10.49.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Semi-automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA.

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The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 587. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 49.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8 Terrestrial compartment Table 588. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 49.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 589. Environmental risk STP of ES 49.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 590. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 49.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.49.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Semi-automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 591. Worker risk of ES 49.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.068571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000025

inhalation, long-term systemic 7.906 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.045179

Combined routes 1.198 mg/kgbw/day - 0.045204

10.50 Scenario 50: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1006a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.50 10.50.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 592. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 50.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Terrestrial compartment Table 593. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 50.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 594. Environmental risk STP of ES 50.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 595. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 50.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.50.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable.

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Table 596. Worker risk of ES 50.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.013714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 4.99E-6

inhalation, long-term systemic 1.581 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.009036

Combined routes 0.239607 mg/kgbw/day - 0.009041

10.51 Scenario 51: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Automatic process (AISE-P1006b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.51 10.51.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 597. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 51.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8 Terrestrial compartment Table 598. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 51.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 599. Environmental risk STP of ES 51.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

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Table 600. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 51.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.51.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Metal cleaner (degreaser, descaler, etch); Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 601. Worker risk of ES 51.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.013714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 4.99E-6

inhalation, long-term systemic 1.581 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.009036

Combined routes 0.239607 mg/kgbw/day - 0.009041

10.52 Scenario 52: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1007a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.52 10.52.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk

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Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 602. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 52.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178 Terrestrial compartment Table 603. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 52.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 604. Environmental risk STP of ES 52.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 605. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 52.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.52.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 606. Worker risk of ES 52.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.013714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 4.99E-6

inhalation, long-term systemic 1.581 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.009036

Combined routes 0.239607 mg/kgbw/day - 0.009041

10.53 Scenario 53: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Automatic process, Nickel (AISE-P1007b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.53 10.53.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 607. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 53.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8 Terrestrial compartment

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Table 608. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 53.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 609. Environmental risk STP of ES 53.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 610. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 53.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.53.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Automatic process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 611. Worker risk of ES 53.2

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.013714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 4.99E-6

inhalation, long-term systemic 1.581 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.009036

Combined routes 0.239607 mg/kgbw/day - 0.009041

10.54 Scenario 54: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Semi-Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1008a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.54 10.54.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Semi-Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 612. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 54.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178 Terrestrial compartment Table 613. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 54.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 614. Environmental risk STP of ES 54.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together

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with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 615. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 54.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.54.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Semi-Automatic process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 616. Worker risk of ES 54.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.068571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000025

inhalation, long-term systemic 7.906 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.045179

Combined routes 1.198 mg/kgbw/day - 0.045204

10.55 Scenario 55: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P1008b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.55 10.55.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA.

Page 415: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 617. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 55.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8 Terrestrial compartment Table 618. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 55.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 619. Environmental risk STP of ES 55.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 620. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 55.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.55.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 621. Worker risk of ES 55.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.068571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000025

inhalation, long-term systemic 7.906 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.045179

Combined routes 1.198 mg/kgbw/day - 0.045204

10.56 Scenario 56: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Manual process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1009a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.56 10.56.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Manual process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 622. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 56.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Terrestrial compartment Table 623. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 56.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 624. Environmental risk STP of ES 56.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 625. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 56.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.56.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Manual process, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable.

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Table 626. Worker risk of ES 56.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 15.812 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.090357

Combined routes 2.533 mg/kgbw/day - 0.090457

10.57 Scenario 57: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Manual process, Nickel (AISE-P1009b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.57 10.57.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Manual process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 627. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 57.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8 Terrestrial compartment Table 628. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 57.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 629. Environmental risk STP of ES 57.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table

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shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 630. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 57.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.57.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Coating product (Paint, filler, Putty, Thinner); Manual process, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 631. Worker risk of ES 57.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 15.812 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.090357

Combined routes 2.533 mg/kgbw/day - 0.090457

10.58 Scenario 58: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with no process water recycling, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1010a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.58 10.58.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with no process water recycling, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese

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The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 632. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 58.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178 Terrestrial compartment Table 633. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 58.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 634. Environmental risk STP of ES 58.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 635. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 58.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.58.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with no process water recycling, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 636. Worker risk of ES 58.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.068571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000025

inhalation, long-term systemic 7.906 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.045179

Combined routes 1.198 mg/kgbw/day - 0.045204

10.59 Scenario 59: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with no process water recycling, Nickel (AISE-P1010b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.59 10.59.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with no process water recycling, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 637. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 59.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Terrestrial compartment Table 638. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 59.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 639. Environmental risk STP of ES 59.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 640. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 59.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.59.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with no process water recycling, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable.

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Table 641. Worker risk of ES 59.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.068571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000025

inhalation, long-term systemic 7.906 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.045179

Combined routes 1.198 mg/kgbw/day - 0.045204

10.60 Scenario 60: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with process water recycling, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese (AISE-P1011a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.60 10.60.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with process water recycling, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 642. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 60.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.039153 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.163139 306.488

Freshwater sediment 0.199662 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.217782 229.588

Marine water 0.004159 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.173296 288.524

Marine water sediment 0.021209 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.231291 216.178 Terrestrial compartment Table 643. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 60.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010832 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001444 3.72E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 644. Environmental risk STP of ES 60.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.022154 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 2.22E-6 2.26E7 Man via environment

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Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 645. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 60.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.60.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with process water recycling, Zinc, Chromium, Copper, Manganese The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 646. Worker risk of ES 60.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.068571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000025

inhalation, long-term systemic 7.906 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.045179

Combined routes 1.198 mg/kgbw/day - 0.045204

10.61 Scenario 61: Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with process water recycling, Nickel (AISE-P1011b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.61 10.61.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with process water recycling, Nickel

Page 425: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 647. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 61.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037381 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.155754 321.019

Freshwater sediment 0.190624 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.207924 240.473

Marine water 0.003982 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.165911 301.365

Marine water sediment 0.020306 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.221435 225.8 Terrestrial compartment Table 648. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 61.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010185 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001358 3.74E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 649. Environmental risk STP of ES 61.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.004431 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 4.43E-7 1.13E8 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 650. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 61.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Page 426: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.61.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Industrial use of Metal Treatment Products* Surface finishing product; Manual with process water recycling, Nickel The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 651. Worker risk of ES 61.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.068571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000025

inhalation, long-term systemic 7.906 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.045179

Combined routes 1.198 mg/kgbw/day - 0.045204

10.62 Scenario 62: Industrial use of Quality control Laboratory Reagents (AISE-P1250) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.62 10.62.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Industrial use of Quality control Laboratory Reagents The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 652. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 62.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Terrestrial compartment Table 653. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 62.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 654. Environmental risk STP of ES 62.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 655. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 62.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.62.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 15 Industrial use of Quality control Laboratory Reagents The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 656. Worker risk of ES 62.2

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.025036 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 9.10E-6

inhalation, long-term systemic 6.589 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.037649

Combined routes 0.966256 mg/kgbw/day - 0.037658

10.63 Scenario 63: Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Semi automatic process (AISE-P102) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.63 10.63.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Semi automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 657. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 63.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 658. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 63.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 659. Environmental risk STP of ES 63.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

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Table 660. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 63.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.63.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Semi automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 661. Worker risk of ES 63.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.034286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000012

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.158125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000904

Combined routes 0.056875 mg/kgbw/day - 0.000916

10.64 Scenario 64: Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Manual process (AISE-P103) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.64 10.64.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment)

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Table 662. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 64.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 663. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 64.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 664. Environmental risk STP of ES 64.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 665. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 64.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.64.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry detergent; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 666. Worker risk of ES 64.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.65 Scenario 65: Professional Use of Laundry products Conditioner (softener/starch); Semi automatic process (AISE-P105) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.65 10.65.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Laundry products Conditioner (softener/starch); Semi automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 667. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 65.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 668. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 65.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 669. Environmental risk STP of ES 65.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 670. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 65.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.65.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 Professional Use of Laundry products Conditioner (softener/starch); Semi automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 671. Worker risk of ES 65.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.034286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000012

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.158125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000904

Combined routes 0.056875 mg/kgbw/day - 0.000916

10.65.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A Professional Use of Laundry products Conditioner (softener/starch); Semi automatic process

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The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 672. Worker risk of ES 65.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 37.433 mg/kgbw/day - 0.953737

10.66 Scenario 66: Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Semi automatic process (AISE-P108) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.66 10.66.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8B Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Semi automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 673. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 66.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037035 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.154313 35.509

Freshwater sediment 0.18886 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.205999 26.599

Marine water 0.003947 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.16447 33.316

Marine water sediment 0.020129 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.219511 24.962 Terrestrial compartment Table 674. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 66.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010058 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001341 4,099.263 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 675. Environmental risk STP of ES 66.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.000971 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 9.71E-8 5.64E7

Page 434: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)

2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 676. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 66.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.65E4

10.66.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Semi automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 677. Worker risk of ES 66.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.034286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000012

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.158125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000904

Combined routes 0.056875 mg/kgbw/day - 0.000916

10.66.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (gasing); Semi automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable.

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Table 678. Worker risk of ES 66.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 37.433 mg/kgbw/day - 0.953737

10.67 Scenario 67: Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Semi automatic process (AISE-P111) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.67 10.67.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8B Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Semi automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 679. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 67.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.037035 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.154313 35.509

Freshwater sediment 0.18886 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.205999 26.599

Marine water 0.003947 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.16447 33.316

Marine water sediment 0.020129 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.219511 24.962 Terrestrial compartment Table 680. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 67.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010058 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001341 4,099.263 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 681. Environmental risk STP of ES 67.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.000971 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 9.71E-8 5.64E7 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together

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with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 682. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 67.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.65E4

10.67.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Semi automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 683. Worker risk of ES 67.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.034286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000012

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.158125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000904

Combined routes 0.056875 mg/kgbw/day - 0.000916

10.67.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Semi automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 684. Worker risk of ES 67.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Page 437: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 37.433 mg/kgbw/day - 0.953737

10.68 Scenario 68: Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Manual process (AISE-P112) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.68 10.68.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 685. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 68.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 686. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 68.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 687. Environmental risk STP of ES 68.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

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Table 688. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 68.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.68.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 4 Professional Use of Laundry products Laundry aid (non-gasing); Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 689. Worker risk of ES 68.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.068571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000025

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 22.658 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903596

10.69 Scenario 69: Professional Use of Laundry products Prespotter/Stain remover; Manual process (AISE-P113a, AISE-P113b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.69 10.69.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Laundry products Prespotter/Stain remover; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment)

Page 439: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Table 690. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 69.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 691. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 69.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 692. Environmental risk STP of ES 69.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 693. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 69.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.69.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Laundry products Prespotter/Stain remover; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 694. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 69.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 695. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 69.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 696. Environmental risk STP of ES 69.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 697. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 69.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.69.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Laundry products Prespotter/Stain remover; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 698. Worker risk of ES 69.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 37.5 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.013636

inhalation, long-term systemic 77.481 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.44275

Combined routes 48.569 mg/kgbw/day - 0.456386

10.69.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Laundry products Prespotter/Stain remover; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 699. Worker risk of ES 69.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.70 Scenario 70: Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Manual process (AISE-P201) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.70

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10.70.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 700. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 70.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 701. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 70.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 702. Environmental risk STP of ES 70.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 703. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 70.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Page 443: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.70.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 704. Worker risk of ES 70.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

Combined routes 33.48 mg/kgbw/day - 0.795612

10.71 Scenario 71: Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash and rinse aid product; Automatic process (AISE-P202) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.71 10.71.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash and rinse aid product; Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 705. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 71.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Terrestrial compartment Table 706. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 71.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 707. Environmental risk STP of ES 71.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 708. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 71.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.71.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 2 Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash and rinse aid product; Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable.

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Table 709. Worker risk of ES 71.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.371 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000499

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 12.666 mg/kgbw/day - 0.452284

10.72 Scenario 72: Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P203) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.72 10.72.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 710. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 72.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 711. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 72.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 712. Environmental risk STP of ES 72.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

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Table 713. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 72.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.72.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 714. Worker risk of ES 72.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.034286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000012

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.158125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000904

Combined routes 0.056875 mg/kgbw/day - 0.000916

10.72.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A Professional Use of Dishwash products Dishwash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 715. Worker risk of ES 72.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 37.433 mg/kgbw/day - 0.953737

10.73 Scenario 73: Professional Use of Dishwash products Rinse aid; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P204) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.73 10.73.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Dishwash products Rinse aid; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 716. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 73.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 717. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 73.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 718. Environmental risk STP of ES 73.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 719. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 73.1

Page 448: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.73.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 Professional Use of Dishwash products Rinse aid; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 720. Worker risk of ES 73.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.034286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000012

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.158125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000904

Combined routes 0.056875 mg/kgbw/day - 0.000916

10.73.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A Professional Use of Dishwash products Rinse aid; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 721. Worker risk of ES 73.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Combined routes 37.433 mg/kgbw/day - 0.953737

10.74 Scenario 74: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P301) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.74 10.74.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 722. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 74.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 723. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 74.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 724. Environmental risk STP of ES 74.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 725. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 74.1

Page 450: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.74.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 726. Worker risk of ES 74.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

Combined routes 33.48 mg/kgbw/day - 0.795612

10.75 Scenario 75: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Spray and wipe; manual process (AISE-P302a, AISE-P302b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.75 10.75.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Spray and wipe; manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment)

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Table 727. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 75.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 728. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 75.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 729. Environmental risk STP of ES 75.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 730. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 75.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.75.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Spray and wipe; manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 731. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 75.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 732. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 75.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 733. Environmental risk STP of ES 75.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 734. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 75.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.75.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Spray and wipe; manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 735. Worker risk of ES 75.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 37.5 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.013636

inhalation, long-term systemic 77.481 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.44275

Combined routes 48.569 mg/kgbw/day - 0.456386

10.75.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products General purpose cleaner; Spray and wipe; manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 736. Worker risk of ES 75.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.76 Scenario 76: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P303) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.76

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10.76.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 737. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 76.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 738. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 76.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 739. Environmental risk STP of ES 76.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 740. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 76.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Page 455: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.76.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 741. Worker risk of ES 76.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.77 Scenario 77: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P304a, AISE-P304b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.77 10.77.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 742. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 77.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Page 456: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 743. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 77.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 744. Environmental risk STP of ES 77.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 745. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 77.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.77.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process

Page 457: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 746. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 77.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 747. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 77.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 748. Environmental risk STP of ES 77.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 749. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 77.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

Page 458: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.77.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 750. Worker risk of ES 77.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 37.5 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.013636

inhalation, long-term systemic 77.481 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.44275

Combined routes 48.569 mg/kgbw/day - 0.456386

10.77.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Kitchen cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 751. Worker risk of ES 77.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.78 Scenario 78: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P305) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.78 10.78.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA.

Page 459: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 752. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 78.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 753. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 78.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 754. Environmental risk STP of ES 78.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 755. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 78.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

Page 460: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.78.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 756. Worker risk of ES 78.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

Combined routes 33.48 mg/kgbw/day - 0.795612

10.79 Scenario 79: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P306a, AISE-P306b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.79 10.79.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 757. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 79.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment

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Table 758. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 79.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 759. Environmental risk STP of ES 79.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 760. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 79.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.79.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 761. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 79.2

Page 462: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 762. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 79.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 763. Environmental risk STP of ES 79.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 764. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 79.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

Page 463: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


10.79.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 765. Worker risk of ES 79.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 37.5 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.013636

inhalation, long-term systemic 77.481 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.44275

Combined routes 48.569 mg/kgbw/day - 0.456386

10.79.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Sanitary cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 766. Worker risk of ES 79.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.80 Scenario 80: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Manual process (AISE-P307) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.80 10.80.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 767. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 80.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Page 464: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 768. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 80.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 769. Environmental risk STP of ES 80.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 770. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 80.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.80.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Manual process

Page 465: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 771. Worker risk of ES 80.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.137143 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00005

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

Combined routes 19.903 mg/kgbw/day - 0.790675

10.81 Scenario 81: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Spray and rinse manual process (AISE-P308a, AISE-P308b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.81 10.81.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Spray and rinse manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 772. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 81.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 773. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 81.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 774. Environmental risk STP of ES 81.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 775. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 81.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.81.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Spray and rinse manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 776. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 81.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 777. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 81.2

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 778. Environmental risk STP of ES 81.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 779. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 81.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.81.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Spray and rinse manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 780. Worker risk of ES 81.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.375 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000136

inhalation, long-term systemic 77.481 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.44275

Combined routes 11.444 mg/kgbw/day - 0.442886

10.81.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Descaling agent; Spray and rinse manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 781. Worker risk of ES 81.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 23.993 mg/kgbw/day - 0.94885

10.82 Scenario 82: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Periodic cleaning by dipping (AISE-P309) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.82 10.82.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Periodic cleaning by dipping The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 782. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 82.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 783. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 82.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 784. Environmental risk STP of ES 82.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 785. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 82.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.82.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 13 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Periodic cleaning by dipping The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 786. Worker risk of ES 82.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.137143 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00005

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 22.726 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903621

10.83 Scenario 83: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P310) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.83 10.83.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 787. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 83.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 788. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 83.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 789. Environmental risk STP of ES 83.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

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Table 790. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 83.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.83.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 791. Worker risk of ES 83.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 23.993 mg/kgbw/day - 0.94885

10.84 Scenario 84: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P311a, AISE-P311b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.84 10.84.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a.

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 792. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 84.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 793. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 84.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 794. Environmental risk STP of ES 84.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 795. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 84.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


10.84.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 796. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 84.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 797. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 84.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 798. Environmental risk STP of ES 84.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 799. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 84.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Page 474: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.84.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 800. Worker risk of ES 84.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.137143 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00005

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

Combined routes 19.903 mg/kgbw/day - 0.790675

10.84.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Oven/Grill Cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 801. Worker risk of ES 84.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.375 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000136

inhalation, long-term systemic 77.481 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.44275

Combined routes 11.444 mg/kgbw/day - 0.442886

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10.85 Scenario 85: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P312) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.85 10.85.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 802. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 85.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 803. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 85.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 804. Environmental risk STP of ES 85.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 805. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 85.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.85.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 806. Worker risk of ES 85.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.86 Scenario 86: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner ; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P313a, AISE-P313b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.86 10.86.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner ; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 807. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 86.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Page 477: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 808. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 86.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 809. Environmental risk STP of ES 86.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 810. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 86.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.86.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner ; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 811. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 86.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 812. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 86.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 813. Environmental risk STP of ES 86.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 814. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 86.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Page 479: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.86.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner ; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 815. Worker risk of ES 86.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 37.5 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.013636

inhalation, long-term systemic 77.481 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.44275

Combined routes 48.569 mg/kgbw/day - 0.456386

10.86.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Glass cleaner ; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 816. Worker risk of ES 86.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.87 Scenario 87: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Manual process (AISE-P314) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.87 10.87.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A

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Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 817. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 87.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 818. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 87.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 819. Environmental risk STP of ES 87.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 820. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 87.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Page 481: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.87.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 821. Worker risk of ES 87.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.88 Scenario 88: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Spray and rinse manual process (AISE-P315a, AISE-P315b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.88 10.88.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Spray and rinse manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 822. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 88.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Terrestrial compartment Table 823. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 88.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 824. Environmental risk STP of ES 88.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 825. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 88.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.88.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Spray and rinse manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment)

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Table 826. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 88.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 827. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 88.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 828. Environmental risk STP of ES 88.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 829. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 88.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.88.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Spray and rinse manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 830. Worker risk of ES 88.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 37.5 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.013636

inhalation, long-term systemic 77.481 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.44275

Combined routes 48.569 mg/kgbw/day - 0.456386

10.88.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Surface disinfectant; Spray and rinse manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 831. Worker risk of ES 88.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.89 Scenario 89: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Metal cleaning agent (including silver and copper polishes); Manual process (AISE-P316) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.89 10.89.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Metal cleaning agent (including silver and copper polishes); Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 832. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 89.1

Page 485: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 833. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 89.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 834. Environmental risk STP of ES 89.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 835. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 89.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

Page 486: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


10.89.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Metal cleaning agent (including silver and copper polishes); Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 836. Worker risk of ES 89.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.90 Scenario 90: Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Wet wipes; Manual process (AISE-P317) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.90 10.90.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Wet wipes; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 837. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 90.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 838. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 90.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 839. Environmental risk STP of ES 90.1

Page 487: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 840. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 90.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.90.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of General surface cleaning products Wet wipes; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 841. Worker risk of ES 90.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

Combined routes 33.48 mg/kgbw/day - 0.795612

10.91 Scenario 91: Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P401)

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The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.91 10.91.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 842. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 91.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 843. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 91.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 844. Environmental risk STP of ES 91.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 845. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 91.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Page 489: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.91.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 846. Worker risk of ES 91.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

Combined routes 33.48 mg/kgbw/day - 0.795612

10.92 Scenario 92: Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P402a, AISE-P402b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.92 10.92.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 847. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 92.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Page 490: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 848. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 92.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 849. Environmental risk STP of ES 92.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 850. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 92.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.92.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process

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The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 851. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 92.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 852. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 92.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 853. Environmental risk STP of ES 92.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 854. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 92.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.92.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 855. Worker risk of ES 92.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 10.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.003896

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 26.527 mg/kgbw/day - 0.636396

10.92.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 856. Worker risk of ES 92.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.93 Scenario 93: Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P403a, AISE-P403b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.93 10.93.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA.

Page 493: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 857. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 93.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 858. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 93.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 859. Environmental risk STP of ES 93.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 860. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 93.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.93.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 861. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 93.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 862. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 93.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 863. Environmental risk STP of ES 93.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 864. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 93.2

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.93.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 865. Worker risk of ES 93.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

Combined routes 33.48 mg/kgbw/day - 0.795612

10.93.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Floor care products Floor cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 866. Worker risk of ES 93.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Combined routes 33.48 mg/kgbw/day - 0.795612

10.94 Scenario 94: Professional Use of Floor care products Floor stripper; Manual process (AISE-P404) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.94 10.94.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Floor stripper; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 867. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 94.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 868. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 94.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 869. Environmental risk STP of ES 94.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 870. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 94.1

Page 497: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.94.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Floor care products Floor stripper; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 871. Worker risk of ES 94.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 23.993 mg/kgbw/day - 0.94885

10.95 Scenario 95: Professional Use of Floor care products Floor stripper; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P405) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.95 10.95.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Floor stripper; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment)

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Table 872. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 95.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 873. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 95.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 874. Environmental risk STP of ES 95.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 875. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 95.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.95.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Floor care products Floor stripper; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 876. Worker risk of ES 95.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.96 Scenario 96: Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Manual process (AISE-P406) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.96 10.96.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 877. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 96.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 878. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 96.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 879. Environmental risk STP of ES 96.1

Page 500: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 880. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 96.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.96.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 881. Worker risk of ES 96.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.97 Scenario 97: Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P407)

Page 501: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.97 10.97.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 882. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 97.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 883. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 97.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 884. Environmental risk STP of ES 97.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 885. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 97.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Page 502: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.97.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 886. Worker risk of ES 97.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.98 Scenario 98: Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P408a, AISE-P408b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.98 10.98.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 887. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 98.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 888. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 98.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 889. Environmental risk STP of ES 98.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 890. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 98.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.98.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Spray and wipe manual process

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The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 891. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 98.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 892. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 98.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 893. Environmental risk STP of ES 98.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 894. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 98.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.98.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 895. Worker risk of ES 98.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 10.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.003896

inhalation, long-term systemic 66.413 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.3795

Combined routes 20.202 mg/kgbw/day - 0.383396

10.98.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Floor care products Polish / impregnating agent; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 896. Worker risk of ES 98.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.99 Scenario 99: Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P409) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.99 10.99.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA.

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The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 897. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 99.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 898. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 99.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 899. Environmental risk STP of ES 99.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 900. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 99.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.99.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 901. Worker risk of ES 99.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.100 Scenario 100: Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet cleaner; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P410) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.100 10.100.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 902. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 100.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 903. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 100.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 904. Environmental risk STP of ES 100.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 905. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 100.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.100.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet cleaner; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 906. Worker risk of ES 100.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Page 509: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.101 Scenario 101: Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet pre-spotters; Spray and brush manual process (AISE-P411a, AISE-P411b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.101 10.101.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet pre-spotters; Spray and brush manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 907. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 101.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 908. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 101.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 909. Environmental risk STP of ES 101.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

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Table 910. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 101.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.101.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet pre-spotters; Spray and brush manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 911. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 101.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 912. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 101.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems

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Table 913. Environmental risk STP of ES 101.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 914. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 101.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.101.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet pre-spotters; Spray and brush manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 915. Worker risk of ES 101.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 10.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.003896

inhalation, long-term systemic 66.413 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.3795

Combined routes 20.202 mg/kgbw/day - 0.383396

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10.101.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Floor care products Carpet pre-spotters; Spray and brush manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 916. Worker risk of ES 101.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.102 Scenario 102: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Manual process (AISE-P601) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.102 10.102.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 917. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 102.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 918. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 102.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 919. Environmental risk STP of ES 102.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Page 513: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 920. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 102.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.102.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 921. Worker risk of ES 102.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.103 Scenario 103: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden

Page 514: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Furniture care product; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P602a, AISE-P602b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.103 10.103.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 922. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 103.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 923. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 103.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 924. Environmental risk STP of ES 103.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 925. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 103.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.103.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 926. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 103.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 927. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 103.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 928. Environmental risk STP of ES 103.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 929. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 103.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.103.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 930. Worker risk of ES 103.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 26.786 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 50.504 mg/kgbw/day - 0.95849

10.103.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Maintenance Products Wooden Furniture care product; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total

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exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 931. Worker risk of ES 103.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.104 Scenario 104: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Manual process (AISE-P603) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.104 10.104.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 932. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 104.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 933. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 104.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 934. Environmental risk STP of ES 104.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table

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shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 935. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 104.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.104.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 936. Worker risk of ES 104.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.105 Scenario 105: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P604a, AISE-P604b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.105 10.105.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA.

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The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 937. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 105.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 938. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 105.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 939. Environmental risk STP of ES 105.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 940. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 105.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.105.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 941. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 105.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 942. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 105.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 943. Environmental risk STP of ES 105.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 944. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 105.2

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.105.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 945. Worker risk of ES 105.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 26.786 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 50.504 mg/kgbw/day - 0.95849

10.105.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 946. Worker risk of ES 105.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.106 Scenario 106: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P605) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.106 10.106.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 947. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 106.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 948. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 106.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 949. Environmental risk STP of ES 106.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 950. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 106.1

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.106.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 2 Professional Use of Maintenance Products Leather care product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 951. Worker risk of ES 106.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.371 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000499

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 12.666 mg/kgbw/day - 0.452284

10.107 Scenario 107: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Drain unblocker; Manual process (AISE-P606) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.107 10.107.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Maintenance Products Drain unblocker; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment)

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Table 952. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 107.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 953. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 107.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 954. Environmental risk STP of ES 107.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 955. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 107.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.107.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 13 Professional Use of Maintenance Products Drain unblocker; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 956. Worker risk of ES 107.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.137143 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00005

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 22.726 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903621

10.108 Scenario 108: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Drain cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P607) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.108 10.108.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Maintenance Products Drain cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 957. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 108.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 958. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 108.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 959. Environmental risk STP of ES 108.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 960. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 108.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.108.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 13 Professional Use of Maintenance Products Drain cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 961. Worker risk of ES 108.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.137143 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00005

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 22.726 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903621

10.109 Scenario 109: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless

Page 527: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


steel care ; Manual process (AISE-P608) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.109 10.109.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care ; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 962. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 109.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 963. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 109.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 964. Environmental risk STP of ES 109.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 965. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 109.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.109.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care ; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 966. Worker risk of ES 109.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.110 Scenario 110: Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P609a, AISE-P609b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.110 10.110.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 967. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 110.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Page 529: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 968. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 110.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 969. Environmental risk STP of ES 110.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 970. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 110.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

Page 530: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


10.110.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 971. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 110.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 972. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 110.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 973. Environmental risk STP of ES 110.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 974. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 110.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Page 531: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.110.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 975. Worker risk of ES 110.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 26.786 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 50.504 mg/kgbw/day - 0.95849

10.110.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Maintenance Products Stainless steel care; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 976. Worker risk of ES 110.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.111 Scenario 111: Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P701a, AISE-P701b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.111

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10.111.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 977. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 111.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 978. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 111.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 979. Environmental risk STP of ES 111.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 980. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 111.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Page 533: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.111.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 981. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 111.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 982. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 111.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 983. Environmental risk STP of ES 111.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

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Table 984. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 111.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.111.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 4 Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 985. Worker risk of ES 111.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 22.67 mg/kgbw/day - 0.634994

10.111.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 4 Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 986. Worker risk of ES 111.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

Page 535: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 29.446 mg/kgbw/day - 0.906065

10.112 Scenario 112: Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray - Manual process (AISE-P702a, AISE-P702b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.112 10.112.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray - Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 987. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 112.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 988. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 112.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 989. Environmental risk STP of ES 112.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 990. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 112.1

Page 536: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.112.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray - Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 991. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 112.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 992. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 112.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 993. Environmental risk STP of ES 112.2

Page 537: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 994. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 112.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.112.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray - Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 995. Worker risk of ES 112.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 10.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.003896

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 26.527 mg/kgbw/day - 0.636396

10.112.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC

Page 538: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


11 Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray - Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 996. Worker risk of ES 112.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 10.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.003896

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 26.527 mg/kgbw/day - 0.636396

10.113 Scenario 113: Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and Wipe manual process (AISE-P703a, AISE-P703b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.113 10.113.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and Wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 997. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 113.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 998. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 113.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 999. Environmental risk STP of ES 113.1

Page 539: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1000. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 113.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.113.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and Wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1001. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 113.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Terrestrial compartment Table 1002. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 113.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1003. Environmental risk STP of ES 113.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1004. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 113.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.113.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and Wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable.

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Table 1005. Worker risk of ES 113.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 10.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.003896

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 26.527 mg/kgbw/day - 0.636396

10.113.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Car wash product; Spray and Wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1006. Worker risk of ES 113.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

Combined routes 33.48 mg/kgbw/day - 0.795612

10.114 Scenario 114: Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process (AISE-P704a, AISE-P704b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.114 10.114.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1007. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 114.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1008. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 114.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1009. Environmental risk STP of ES 114.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1010. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 114.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.114.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1011. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 114.2

Page 543: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1012. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 114.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1013. Environmental risk STP of ES 114.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1014. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 114.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.114.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 4 Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1015. Worker risk of ES 114.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 22.67 mg/kgbw/day - 0.634994

10.114.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 4 Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Dewaxing product; Semi-Automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1016. Worker risk of ES 114.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 29.446 mg/kgbw/day - 0.906065

10.115 Scenario 115: Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Manual process (AISE-P705) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.115 10.115.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1017. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 115.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1018. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 115.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1019. Environmental risk STP of ES 115.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1020. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 115.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.115.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10

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Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1021. Worker risk of ES 115.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

Combined routes 33.48 mg/kgbw/day - 0.795612

10.116 Scenario 116: Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process (AISE-P706a, AISE-P706b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.116 10.116.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1022. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 116.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1023. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 116.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1024. Environmental risk STP of ES 116.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6

Page 547: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)

2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1025. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 116.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.116.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1026. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 116.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1027. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 116.2

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1028. Environmental risk STP of ES 116.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1029. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 116.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.116.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1030. Worker risk of ES 116.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Page 549: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 10.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.003896

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 26.527 mg/kgbw/day - 0.636396

10.116.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Vehicle cleaning Products Boat cleaner; Spray and wipe manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1031. Worker risk of ES 116.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

Combined routes 33.48 mg/kgbw/day - 0.795612

10.117 Scenario 117: Professional Use of pharmacos products Animal care; Manual process (AISE-P808) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.117 10.117.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of pharmacos products Animal care; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1032. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 117.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1033. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 117.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1034. Environmental risk STP of ES 117.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1035. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 117.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.117.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of pharmacos products Animal care; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1036. Worker risk of ES 117.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Page 551: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.118 Scenario 118: Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process (AISE-P901a, AISE-P901b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.118 10.118.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8D Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1037. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 118.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1038. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 118.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1039. Environmental risk STP of ES 118.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

Page 552: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Table 1040. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 118.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.118.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8D Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1041. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 118.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1042. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 118.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems

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Table 1043. Environmental risk STP of ES 118.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1044. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 118.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.118.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1045. Worker risk of ES 118.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.071 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00039

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 16.884 mg/kgbw/day - 0.63289

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10.118.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; High pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1046. Worker risk of ES 118.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.071 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00039

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 23.661 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903961

10.119 Scenario 119: Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process (AISE-P902a, AISE-P902b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.119 10.119.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8D Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1047. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 119.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1048. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 119.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1049. Environmental risk STP of ES 119.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1050. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 119.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.119.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8D Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1051. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 119.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Terrestrial compartment Table 1052. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 119.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1053. Environmental risk STP of ES 119.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1054. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 119.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.119.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable.

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Table 1055. Worker risk of ES 119.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.071 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00039

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 16.884 mg/kgbw/day - 0.63289

10.119.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1056. Worker risk of ES 119.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.071 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00039

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 23.661 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903961

10.119.5 Contributing Scenario (5) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1057. Worker risk of ES 119.5

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 27.672 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.158125

Combined routes 4.227 mg/kgbw/day - 0.158225

10.119.6 Contributing Scenario (6) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Façade/surface Cleaning Products Façade/surface cleaner; Medium pressure process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable.

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Table 1058. Worker risk of ES 119.6

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 39.531 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.225893

Combined routes 5.922 mg/kgbw/day - 0.225993

10.120 Scenario 120: Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Semi-automatic process (AISE-P1101) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.120 10.120.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Semi-automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1059. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 120.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1060. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 120.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1061. Environmental risk STP of ES 120.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

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Table 1062. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 120.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.120.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Semi-automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1063. Worker risk of ES 120.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.034286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000012

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.158125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000904

Combined routes 0.056875 mg/kgbw/day - 0.000916

10.120.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Semi-automatic process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1064. Worker risk of ES 120.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 37.433 mg/kgbw/day - 0.953737

10.121 Scenario 121: Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Dipping process (AISE-P1102) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.121 10.121.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Dipping process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1065. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 121.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1066. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 121.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1067. Environmental risk STP of ES 121.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

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Table 1068. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 121.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.121.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 13 Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Dipping process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1069. Worker risk of ES 121.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.137143 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00005

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 22.726 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903621

10.122 Scenario 122: Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Manual process (AISE-P1103) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.122 10.122.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a.

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1070. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 122.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1071. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 122.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1072. Environmental risk STP of ES 122.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1073. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 122.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

Page 563: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


10.122.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Manual process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1074. Worker risk of ES 122.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.123 Scenario 123: Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Spray and wipe process (AISE-P1104a, AISE-P1104b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.123 10.123.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Spray and wipe process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1075. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 123.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1076. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 123.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1077. Environmental risk STP of ES 123.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1078. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 123.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.123.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Spray and wipe process The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1079. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 123.2

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1080. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 123.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1081. Environmental risk STP of ES 123.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1082. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 123.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.123.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Spray and wipe process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1083. Worker risk of ES 123.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 37.5 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.013636

inhalation, long-term systemic 77.481 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.44275

Combined routes 48.569 mg/kgbw/day - 0.456386

10.123.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Professional Use of Medical Devices Medical devices ; Spray and wipe process The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1084. Worker risk of ES 123.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 27.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.009974

inhalation, long-term systemic 166.031 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94875

Combined routes 51.147 mg/kgbw/day - 0.958724

10.124 Scenario 124: Laboratory Use Laboratory Reagents (sampling cleaning product for dosage, pH measurement, titration of chlorine, water hardness, etc…) (AISE-P1200) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.124 10.124.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Laboratory Use Laboratory Reagents (sampling cleaning product for dosage, pH measurement, titration of chlorine, water hardness, etc…) The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1085. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 124.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1086. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 124.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1087. Environmental risk STP of ES 124.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1088. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 124.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.124.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 15 Laboratory Use Laboratory Reagents (sampling cleaning product for dosage, pH measurement, titration of chlorine, water hardness, etc…) The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1089. Worker risk of ES 124.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.003429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 1.25E-6

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 11.298 mg/kgbw/day - 0.451787

10.125 Scenario 125: Professional Use of Hand Cleaners Professional Hand Cleaner /skin desinfectants (AISE-P1300) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.125 10.125.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Hand Cleaners Professional Hand Cleaner /skin desinfectants The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1090. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 125.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1091. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 125.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1092. Environmental risk STP of ES 125.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1093. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 125.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.125.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 19 Professional Use of Hand Cleaners Professional Hand Cleaner /skin desinfectants The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1094. Worker risk of ES 125.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 141.429 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.051429

inhalation, long-term systemic 55.344 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.31625

Combined routes 149.335 mg/kgbw/day - 0.367679

10.126 Scenario 126: Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance

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product (charging/discharging) to a cleaning equipment (machine/vessel/bucket) (AISE_CSP01a, AISE_CSP01b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.126 10.126.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a cleaning equipment (machine/vessel/bucket) The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1095. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 126.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1096. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 126.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1097. Environmental risk STP of ES 126.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1098. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 126.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.126.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a cleaning equipment (machine/vessel/bucket) The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1099. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 126.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1100. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 126.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1101. Environmental risk STP of ES 126.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Page 572: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1102. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 126.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.126.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a cleaning equipment (machine/vessel/bucket) The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1103. Worker risk of ES 126.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.252 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000455

inhalation, long-term systemic 28.825 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.164714

Combined routes 5.37 mg/kgbw/day - 0.165169

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10.126.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8A Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a cleaning equipment (machine/vessel/bucket) The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1104. Worker risk of ES 126.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.252 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000455

inhalation, long-term systemic 41.178 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.235305

Combined routes 7.134 mg/kgbw/day - 0.23576

10.127 Scenario 127: Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment (AISE_CSP02) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.127 10.127.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1105. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 127.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1106. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 127.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems

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Table 1107. Environmental risk STP of ES 127.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1108. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 127.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.127.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 8B Transfer of professional cleaning or maintenance product (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1109. Worker risk of ES 127.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.001 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000364

inhalation, long-term systemic 13.177 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.075298

Combined routes 2.884 mg/kgbw/day - 0.075662

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10.128 Scenario 128: Trigger spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product during short time. (AISE_CSP03) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.128 10.128.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Trigger spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product during short time. The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1110. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 128.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1111. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 128.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1112. Environmental risk STP of ES 128.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1113. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 128.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.128.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Trigger spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product during short time. The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1114. Worker risk of ES 128.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 7.824 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002845

inhalation, long-term systemic 131.771 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.752976

Combined routes 26.648 mg/kgbw/day - 0.755821

10.129 Scenario 129: Spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product (indoor and outdoor) (AISE_CSP04) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.129 10.129.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product (indoor and outdoor) The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1115. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 129.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1116. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 129.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1117. Environmental risk STP of ES 129.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1118. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 129.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.129.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product (indoor and outdoor) The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1119. Worker risk of ES 129.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 9.78 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.003556

inhalation, long-term systemic 115.299 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.658854

Combined routes 26.251 mg/kgbw/day - 0.66241

10.129.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 11 Spraying of a professional cleaning or maintenance product (indoor and outdoor) The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1120. Worker risk of ES 129.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 9.78 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.003556

inhalation, long-term systemic 164.714 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.94122

Combined routes 33.31 mg/kgbw/day - 0.944776

10.130 Scenario 130: Using a diluted professional cleaning solution or maintenance product in a closed cleaning equipment (AISE_CSP05) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.130 10.130.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Using a diluted professional cleaning solution or maintenance product in a closed cleaning equipment The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1121. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 130.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1122. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 130.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1123. Environmental risk STP of ES 130.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1124. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 130.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.130.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 1 Using a diluted professional cleaning solution or maintenance product in a closed cleaning equipment The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1125. Worker risk of ES 130.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.034286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000012

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.158125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000904

Combined routes 0.056875 mg/kgbw/day - 0.000916

10.131 Scenario 131: Using a diluted professional cleaning solution in a semi closed cleaning equipment (AISE_CSP06) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.131 10.131.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Using a diluted professional cleaning solution in a semi closed cleaning equipment The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1126. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 131.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1127. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 131.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1128. Environmental risk STP of ES 131.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1129. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 131.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.131.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 2 Using a diluted professional cleaning solution in a semi closed cleaning equipment The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1130. Worker risk of ES 131.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.371 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000499

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 12.666 mg/kgbw/day - 0.452284

10.132 Scenario 132: Using a diluted professional cleaning solution or maintenance product in a cleaning equipment; opportunity for exposure

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arises (AISE_CSP07) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.132 10.132.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Using a diluted professional cleaning solution or maintenance product in a cleaning equipment; opportunity for exposure arises The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1131. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 132.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1132. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 132.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1133. Environmental risk STP of ES 132.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1134. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 132.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.132.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 4 Using a diluted professional cleaning solution or maintenance product in a cleaning equipment; opportunity for exposure arises The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1135. Worker risk of ES 132.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 29.446 mg/kgbw/day - 0.906065

10.133 Scenario 133: Brushing a diluted professional cleaning solution, desinfectant or maintenance product (AISE_CSP08) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.133 10.133.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Brushing a diluted professional cleaning solution, desinfectant or maintenance product The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1136. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 133.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1137. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 133.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1138. Environmental risk STP of ES 133.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1139. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 133.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.133.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Brushing a diluted professional cleaning solution, desinfectant or maintenance product The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1140. Worker risk of ES 133.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 13.714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004987

inhalation, long-term systemic 138.359 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.790625

Combined routes 33.48 mg/kgbw/day - 0.795612

10.134 Scenario 134: Brushing a professional cleaning or maintenance product after trigger spraying (AISE_CSP09) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.134 10.134.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Brushing a professional cleaning or maintenance product after trigger spraying The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1141. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 134.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1142. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 134.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1143. Environmental risk STP of ES 134.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1144. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 134.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.134.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Brushing a professional cleaning or maintenance product after trigger spraying The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1145. Worker risk of ES 134.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 12.571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.004571

inhalation, long-term systemic 126.829 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.72474

Combined routes 30.69 mg/kgbw/day - 0.729311

10.135 Scenario 135: Brushing a concentrated professional cleaning or

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maintenance product. (AISE-CSP10) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.135 10.135.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Brushing a concentrated professional cleaning or maintenance product. The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1146. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 135.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1147. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 135.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1148. Environmental risk STP of ES 135.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1149. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 135.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.135.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 10 Brushing a concentrated professional cleaning or maintenance product. The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1150. Worker risk of ES 135.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 3.463 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.001259

inhalation, long-term systemic 98.828 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.564732

Combined routes 17.581 mg/kgbw/day - 0.565991

10.136 Scenario 136: Treatment of articles by dipping or pouring with a professional cleaning or maintenance products (AISE_CSP11) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.136 10.136.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Treatment of articles by dipping or pouring with a professional cleaning or maintenance products The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1151. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 136.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1152. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 136.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1153. Environmental risk STP of ES 136.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1154. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 136.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.136.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 13 Treatment of articles by dipping or pouring with a professional cleaning or maintenance products The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1155. Worker risk of ES 136.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.865714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000315

inhalation, long-term systemic 19.766 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.112946

Combined routes 3.689 mg/kgbw/day - 0.113261

10.137 Scenario 137: Professional Use of Drain Unblockers (AISE_CSP12) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.137 10.137.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Professional Use of Drain Unblockers The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1156. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 137.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1157. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 137.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1158. Environmental risk STP of ES 137.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1159. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 137.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.137.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 13 Professional Use of Drain Unblockers The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1160. Worker risk of ES 137.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.276875 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000101

inhalation, long-term systemic 3.294 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.018824

Combined routes 0.747485 mg/kgbw/day - 0.018925

10.138 Scenario 138: Laboratory use of Cleaning and Maintenance

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products (AISE_CSP13) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.138 10.138.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Laboratory use of Cleaning and Maintenance products The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1161. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 138.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1162. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 138.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1163. Environmental risk STP of ES 138.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1164. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 138.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.138.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling professional worker exposure for PROC 15 Laboratory use of Cleaning and Maintenance products The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1165. Worker risk of ES 138.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.025036 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 9.10E-6

inhalation, long-term systemic 6.589 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.037649

Combined routes 0.966256 mg/kgbw/day - 0.037658

10.139 Scenario 139: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY REGULAR (powder, liquid) for consumer use (AISE C1) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.139 10.139.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY REGULAR (powder, liquid) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1166. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 139.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1167. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 139.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1168. Environmental risk STP of ES 139.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1169. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 139.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.139.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY REGULAR (powder, liquid) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1170. Consumer risk of ES 139.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 61.082 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.03702

inhalation long-term systemic 13.356 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.256849

oral - - -

Combined routes 61.387 mg/kgbw/day - 0.293869

10.140 Scenario 140: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY COMPACT (powder, liquid/gel, tablet) for consumer use (AISE C2) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.140 10.140.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY COMPACT (powder, liquid/gel, tablet) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1171. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 140.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1172. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 140.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems

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Table 1173. Environmental risk STP of ES 140.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1174. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 140.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.140.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY COMPACT (powder, liquid/gel, tablet) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1175. Consumer risk of ES 140.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 61.082 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.03702

inhalation long-term systemic 13.356 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.256849

oral - - -

Combined routes 61.387 mg/kgbw/day - 0.293869

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10.141 Scenario 141: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products FABRIC CONDITIONERS (liquid regular, liquid concentrate) for consumer use (AISE C3) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.141 10.141.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products FABRIC CONDITIONERS (liquid regular, liquid concentrate) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1176. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 141.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1177. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 141.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1178. Environmental risk STP of ES 141.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1179. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 141.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.141.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products FABRIC CONDITIONERS (liquid regular, liquid concentrate) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1180. Consumer risk of ES 141.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 48.866 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.029616

inhalation long-term systemic 10.685 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.205479

oral - - -

Combined routes 49.11 mg/kgbw/day - 0.235095

10.142 Scenario 142: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY ADDITIVES (powder bleach, liquid bleach, tablet) for consumer use (AISE C4) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.142 10.142.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY ADDITIVES (powder bleach, liquid bleach, tablet) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA.

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The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1181. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 142.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1182. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 142.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1183. Environmental risk STP of ES 142.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1184. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 142.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.142.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8B Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY ADDITIVES (powder bleach, liquid bleach, tablet) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1185. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 142.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1186. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 142.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1187. Environmental risk STP of ES 142.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1188. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 142.2

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.142.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY ADDITIVES (powder bleach, liquid bleach, tablet) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1189. Consumer risk of ES 142.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 36.649 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.022212

inhalation long-term systemic 8.014 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.15411

oral - - -

Combined routes 36.832 mg/kgbw/day - 0.176321

10.143 Scenario 143: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products HAND DISHWASHING (liquid regular, liquid concentrate) for consumer use (AISE C5) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.143 10.143.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products HAND DISHWASHING (liquid regular, liquid concentrate) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA.

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The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1190. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 143.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1191. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 143.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1192. Environmental risk STP of ES 143.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1193. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 143.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

Page 603: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.143.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products HAND DISHWASHING (liquid regular, liquid concentrate) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1194. Consumer risk of ES 143.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 85.75 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.05197

inhalation long-term systemic 18.75 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.360577

oral - - -

Combined routes 86.178 mg/kgbw/day - 0.412547

10.144 Scenario 144: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products MACHINE DISHWASHING (powder, liquid, tablet) for consumer use (AISE C6) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.144 10.144.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products MACHINE DISHWASHING (powder, liquid, tablet) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1195. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 144.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Terrestrial compartment Table 1196. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 144.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1197. Environmental risk STP of ES 144.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1198. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 144.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.144.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products MACHINE DISHWASHING (powder, liquid, tablet) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model.

Page 605: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1199. Consumer risk of ES 144.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 61.082 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.03702

inhalation long-term systemic 1.336 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.025685

oral - - -

Combined routes 61.113 mg/kgbw/day - 0.062704

10.145 Scenario 145: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products SURFACE CLEANERS (liquid, powder, gel neat, spray neat) for consumer use (AISE C7) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.145 10.145.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products SURFACE CLEANERS (liquid, powder, gel neat, spray neat) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1200. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 145.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1201. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 145.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1202. Environmental risk STP of ES 145.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6

Page 606: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)

2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1203. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 145.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.145.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products SURFACE CLEANERS (liquid, powder, gel neat, spray neat) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1204. Consumer risk of ES 145.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 20.361 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.01234

inhalation long-term systemic 37.162 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.714661

oral - - -

Combined routes 20.641 mg/kgbw/day - 0.727001

10.146 Scenario 146: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products TOILET CLEANERS (powder, liquid, gel, tablet) for consumer use (AISE C8)

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The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.146 10.146.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products TOILET CLEANERS (powder, liquid, gel, tablet) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1205. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 146.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1206. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 146.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1207. Environmental risk STP of ES 146.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1208. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 146.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.146.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8B Consumer use of washing and cleaning products TOILET CLEANERS (powder, liquid, gel, tablet) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1209. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 146.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1210. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 146.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1211. Environmental risk STP of ES 146.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6

Page 609: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)

2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1212. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 146.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.146.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products TOILET CLEANERS (powder, liquid, gel, tablet) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1213. Consumer risk of ES 146.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 10.18 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.00617

inhalation long-term systemic 11.149 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.214398

oral - - -

Combined routes 10.264 mg/kgbw/day - 0.220568

10.147 Scenario 147: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products WATER SOFTENERS (powder, liquids, Tabs) for consumer use (AISE C9) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.147

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10.147.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products WATER SOFTENERS (powder, liquids, Tabs) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1214. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 147.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1215. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 147.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1216. Environmental risk STP of ES 147.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1217. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 147.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Page 611: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.147.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products WATER SOFTENERS (powder, liquids, Tabs) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1218. Consumer risk of ES 147.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 20.361 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.01234

inhalation long-term systemic 7.432 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.142932

oral - - -

Combined routes 20.417 mg/kgbw/day - 0.155272

10.148 Scenario 148: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products OVEN CLEANERS (spray, trigger) for consumer use (AISE C10) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.148 10.148.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products OVEN CLEANERS (spray, trigger) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1219. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 148.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1220. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 148.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1221. Environmental risk STP of ES 148.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1222. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 148.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.148.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products OVEN CLEANERS (spray, trigger) for consumer use

Page 613: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1223. Consumer risk of ES 148.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 5.09 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.003085

inhalation long-term systemic 9.291 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.178665

oral - - -

Combined routes 5.16 mg/kgbw/day - 0.18175

10.149 Scenario 149: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products CARPET CLEANERS (spray, liquid) for consumer use (AISE C11) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.149 10.149.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products CARPET CLEANERS (spray, liquid) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1224. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 149.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1225. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 149.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1226. Environmental risk STP of ES 149.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6

Page 614: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)

2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1227. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 149.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.149.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products CARPET CLEANERS (spray, liquid) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1228. Consumer risk of ES 149.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 1.958 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.001187

inhalation long-term systemic 14.293 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.27487

oral - - -

Combined routes 2.066 mg/kgbw/day - 0.276056

10.150 Scenario 150: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY AIDS (ironing aids-starch spray, ironing aids-other) for consumer use (AISE C12)

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The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.150 10.150.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY AIDS (ironing aids-starch spray, ironing aids-other) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1229. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 150.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1230. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 150.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1231. Environmental risk STP of ES 150.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1232. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 150.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.150.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products LAUNDRY AIDS (ironing aids-starch spray, ironing aids-other) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1233. Consumer risk of ES 150.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 24.433 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.014808

inhalation long-term systemic 5.342 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.10274

oral - - -

Combined routes 24.555 mg/kgbw/day - 0.117548

10.151 Scenario 151: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products DRAIN PRODUCTS (powder, gel) (AISE C13) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.151 10.151.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products DRAIN PRODUCTS (powder, gel) The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1234. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 151.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1235. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 151.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1236. Environmental risk STP of ES 151.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1237. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 151.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.151.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products DRAIN PRODUCTS (powder, gel) The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1238. Consumer risk of ES 151.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 10.18 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.00617

inhalation long-term systemic 3.716 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.071466

oral - - -

Combined routes 10.208 mg/kgbw/day - 0.077636

10.152 Scenario 152: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products DESCALERS (AISE C14) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.152 10.152.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products DESCALERS The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1239. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 152.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1240. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 152.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1241. Environmental risk STP of ES 152.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1242. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 152.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.152.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products DESCALERS The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1243. Consumer risk of ES 152.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 10.18 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.00617

inhalation long-term systemic 7.432 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.142932

oral - - -

Combined routes 10.236 mg/kgbw/day - 0.149102

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10.153 Scenario 153: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products WIPES (bathroom, kitchen, floor) for consumer use (AISE C15) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.153 10.153.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products WIPES (bathroom, kitchen, floor) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1244. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 153.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1245. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 153.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1246. Environmental risk STP of ES 153.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1247. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 153.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.153.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products WIPES (bathroom, kitchen, floor) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1248. Consumer risk of ES 153.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 71.458 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.043308

inhalation long-term systemic 13.043 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.250819

oral - - -

Combined routes 71.557 mg/kgbw/day - 0.294127

10.154 Scenario 154: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products High Pressure washers/cleaners (AISE C21) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.154 10.154.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products High Pressure washers/cleaners The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1249. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 154.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1250. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 154.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1251. Environmental risk STP of ES 154.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1252. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 154.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.154.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products High Pressure washers/cleaners The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1253. Consumer risk of ES 154.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 2.349 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.001424

inhalation long-term systemic 17.152 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.329844

oral - - -

Combined routes 2.479 mg/kgbw/day - 0.331268

10.155 Scenario 155: Consumer use of washing and cleaning products Automotive Care (spray, liquid) (AISE C22) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.155 10.155.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of washing and cleaning products Automotive Care (spray, liquid) The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1254. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 155.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1255. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 155.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1256. Environmental risk STP of ES 155.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1257. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 155.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.155.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of washing and cleaning products Automotive Care (spray, liquid) The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1258. Consumer risk of ES 155.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 5.09 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.003085

inhalation long-term systemic 37.162 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.714661

oral - - -

Combined routes 5.37 mg/kgbw/day - 0.717746

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10.156 Scenario 156: AIR FRESHENERS AEROSOL (aqueous, non aqueous, concentrated (mini-aerosol)Timed-release aerosols) for consumer use AIR FRESHENERS AEROSOL (aqueous, non aqueous, concentrated (mini-aerosol)Timed-release aerosols) for consumer use (AISE C17) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.156 10.156.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A AIR FRESHENERS AEROSOL (aqueous, non aqueous, concentrated (mini-aerosol)Timed-release aerosols) for consumer use AIR FRESHENERS AEROSOL (aqueous, non aqueous, concentrated (mini-aerosol)Timed-release aerosols) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1259. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 156.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.036938 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.153908 13.351

Freshwater sediment 0.188365 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.205459 10.001

Marine water 0.003938 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.164065 12.524

Marine water sediment 0.02008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.218971 9.384 Terrestrial compartment Table 1260. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 156.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010023 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001336 1,537.581 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1261. Environmental risk STP of ES 156.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0 ∞ Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1262. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 156.1

Page 626: 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT - Clariant · 9. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT QUALITATIVE CSA - SKIN IRRITATION AND EYE DAMAGE Worker The human health hazard assessment of alkyl ethersulfates (AES)


Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.156.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 3 AIR FRESHENERS AEROSOL (aqueous, non aqueous, concentrated (mini-aerosol)Timed-release aerosols) for consumer use AIR FRESHENERS AEROSOL (aqueous, non aqueous, concentrated (mini-aerosol)Timed-release aerosols) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1263. Consumer risk of ES 156.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal - - -

inhalation long-term systemic 37.165 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.714711

oral - - -

Combined routes 0.212279 mg/kgbw/day - 0.714711

10.157 Scenario 157: AIR FRESHENERS NON AEROSOL (Perfume in/on solid substarte (gel), candles, diffusers (heated) for consumer use AIR FRESHENERS NON AEROSOL (Perfume in/on solid substarte (gel), candles, diffusers (heated) for consumer use (AISE C18) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.157 10.157.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A AIR FRESHENERS NON AEROSOL (Perfume in/on solid substarte (gel), candles, diffusers (heated) for consumer use AIR FRESHENERS NON AEROSOL (Perfume in/on solid substarte (gel), candles, diffusers (heated) for

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consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1264. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 157.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1265. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 157.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1266. Environmental risk STP of ES 157.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1267. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 157.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.157.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 3 AIR FRESHENERS NON AEROSOL (Perfume in/on solid substarte (gel), candles, diffusers (heated) for consumer use AIR FRESHENERS NON AEROSOL (Perfume in/on solid substarte (gel), candles, diffusers (heated) for consumer use The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1268. Consumer risk of ES 157.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 0.059549 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.000036

inhalation long-term systemic 0.215517 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.004145

oral - - -

Combined routes 0.09894 mg/kgbw/day - 0.004181

10.158 Scenario 158: Consumer use of pest control products INSECTICIDES (liquid electric, spray neat) and REPELLENTS for consumer use, propellants (AISE C19a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.158 10.158.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of pest control products INSECTICIDES (liquid electric, spray neat) and REPELLENTS for consumer use, propellants The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1269. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 158.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.036938 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.153908 13.351

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater sediment 0.188365 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.205459 10.001

Marine water 0.003938 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.164065 12.524

Marine water sediment 0.02008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.218971 9.384 Terrestrial compartment Table 1270. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 158.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010023 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001336 1,537.581 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1271. Environmental risk STP of ES 158.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0 ∞ Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1272. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 158.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

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10.158.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of pest control products INSECTICIDES (liquid electric, spray neat) and REPELLENTS for consumer use, propellants The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1273. Consumer risk of ES 158.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 71.458 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.043308

inhalation long-term systemic 10.434 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.200655

oral - - -

Combined routes 71.537 mg/kgbw/day - 0.243963

10.159 Scenario 159: Consumer use of pest control products INSECTICIDES (liquid electric, spray neat) and REPELLENTS for consumer use, non-propellants (AISE C19b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.159 10.159.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of pest control products INSECTICIDES (liquid electric, spray neat) and REPELLENTS for consumer use, non-propellants The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1274. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 159.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1275. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 159.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1276. Environmental risk STP of ES 159.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1277. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 159.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.159.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 35 Consumer use of pest control products INSECTICIDES (liquid electric, spray neat) and REPELLENTS for consumer use, non-propellants The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1278. Consumer risk of ES 159.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 71.458 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.043308

inhalation long-term systemic 10.434 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.200655

oral - - -

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

Combined routes 71.537 mg/kgbw/day - 0.243963

10.160 Scenario 160: Consumer use of polishes FURNITURE FLOOR & LEATHER CARE (spray, liquid) for consumer use, propellants (AISE C20a) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.160 10.160.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of polishes FURNITURE FLOOR & LEATHER CARE (spray, liquid) for consumer use, propellants The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1279. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 160.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.036938 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.153908 13.351

Freshwater sediment 0.188365 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.205459 10.001

Marine water 0.003938 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.164065 12.524

Marine water sediment 0.02008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.218971 9.384 Terrestrial compartment Table 1280. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 160.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010023 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001336 1,537.581 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1281. Environmental risk STP of ES 160.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0 ∞ Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1282. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 160.1

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.160.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 31 Consumer use of polishes FURNITURE FLOOR & LEATHER CARE (spray, liquid) for consumer use, propellants The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1283. Consumer risk of ES 160.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 2.036 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.001234

inhalation long-term systemic 28.284 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.543916

oral - - -

Combined routes 4.621 mg/kgbw/day - 0.54515

10.161 Scenario 161: Consumer use of polishes FURNITURE FLOOR & LEATHER CARE (spray, liquid) for consumer use, non-propellants (AISE C20b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.161 10.161.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC8A Consumer use of polishes FURNITURE FLOOR & LEATHER CARE (spray, liquid) for consumer use, non-propellants The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA.

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The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1284. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 161.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.038759 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.161495 12.724

Freshwater sediment 0.19765 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.215587 9.531

Marine water 0.00412 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.171652 11.971

Marine water sediment 0.021008 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.229097 8.969 Terrestrial compartment Table 1285. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 161.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.010688 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.001425 1,530.908 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1286. Environmental risk STP of ES 161.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.018209 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 1.82E-6 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1287. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 161.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 9,931.113

10.161.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling consumer exposure for PC 31 Consumer use of polishes FURNITURE FLOOR & LEATHER CARE (spray, liquid) for consumer use, non-propellants The quantitative risk characterisation for this consumer exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA using the Ecetoc TRA calculation model. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the oral, dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of consumers over all routes if applicable. Table 1288. Consumer risk of ES 161.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal long-term systemic 2.349 mg/kgbw/day 1,650 mg/kgbw/day 0.001424

inhalation long-term systemic 13.296 mg/m3 52 mg/m3 0.255687

oral - - -

Combined routes 3.564 mg/kgbw/day - 0.257111

10.162 Scenario 162: Transfer of industrial detergent, maintenance or desinfectant (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment (machine/vessel) (AISE_CS_I01a, AISE_CS_I01b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.162 10.162.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Transfer of industrial detergent, maintenance or desinfectant (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment (machine/vessel) The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1289. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 162.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Terrestrial compartment Table 1290. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 162.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1291. Environmental risk STP of ES 162.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1292. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 162.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.162.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Transfer of industrial detergent, maintenance or desinfectant (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment (machine/vessel) The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk

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Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1293. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 162.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1294. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 162.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1295. Environmental risk STP of ES 162.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1296. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 162.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d


Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.162.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 8B Transfer of industrial detergent, maintenance or desinfectant (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment (machine/vessel) The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1297. Worker risk of ES 162.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.865714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000315

inhalation, long-term systemic 6.918 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.039531

Combined routes 1.854 mg/kgbw/day - 0.039846

10.162.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 8B Transfer of industrial detergent, maintenance or desinfectant (charging/discharging) to a dedicated cleaning equipment (machine/vessel) The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1298. Worker risk of ES 162.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.865714 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000315

inhalation, long-term systemic 9.883 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.056473

Combined routes 2.278 mg/kgbw/day - 0.056788

10.163 Scenario 163: Using a diluted industrial cleaning solution in a closed cleaning equipment (AISE_CS_I02) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.163 10.163.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Using a diluted industrial cleaning solution in a closed cleaning equipment The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA.

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The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1299. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 163.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1300. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 163.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1301. Environmental risk STP of ES 163.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1302. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 163.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

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Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.163.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 1 Using a diluted industrial cleaning solution in a closed cleaning equipment The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1303. Worker risk of ES 163.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.034286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000012

inhalation, long-term systemic 0.158125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.000904

Combined routes 0.056875 mg/kgbw/day - 0.000916

10.164 Scenario 164: Using a diluted industrial cleaning solution in a semi closed cleaning equipment (AISE_CS_I03) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.164 10.164.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Using a diluted industrial cleaning solution in a semi closed cleaning equipment The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1304. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 164.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1305. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 164.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1306. Environmental risk STP of ES 164.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1307. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 164.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.164.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 2 Using a diluted industrial cleaning solution in a semi closed cleaning equipment The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1308. Worker risk of ES 164.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.371 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000499

inhalation, long-term systemic 15.812 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.090357

Combined routes 3.63 mg/kgbw/day - 0.090856

10.165 Scenario 165: Using a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product in an dedicated equipment; opportunity for exposure arises (AISE_CS_I04a, AISE_CS_I04b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.165 10.165.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Using a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product in an dedicated equipment; opportunity for exposure arises The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1309. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 165.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1310. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 165.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1311. Environmental risk STP of ES 165.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together

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with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1312. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 165.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.165.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Using a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product in an dedicated equipment; opportunity for exposure arises The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1313. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 165.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1314. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 165.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1315. Environmental risk STP of ES 165.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1316. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 165.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.165.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Using a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product in an dedicated equipment; opportunity for exposure arises The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1317. Worker risk of ES 165.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 55.344 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.31625

Combined routes 14.763 mg/kgbw/day - 0.318744

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10.165.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 4 Using a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product in an dedicated equipment; opportunity for exposure arises The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1318. Worker risk of ES 165.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 6.857 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.002494

inhalation, long-term systemic 79.062 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.451786

Combined routes 18.152 mg/kgbw/day - 0.454279

10.166 Scenario 166: Pressure spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product. (AISE_CS_I05a, AISE_CS_I05b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.166 10.166.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Pressure spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product. The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1319. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 166.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1320. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 166.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1321. Environmental risk STP of ES 166.1

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1322. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 166.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.166.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Pressure spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product. The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1323. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 166.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Terrestrial compartment Table 1324. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 166.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1325. Environmental risk STP of ES 166.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1326. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 166.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.166.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Pressure spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product. The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1327. Worker risk of ES 166.3

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.428571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000156

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 16.241 mg/kgbw/day - 0.632656

10.166.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Pressure spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning, desinfectant or maintenance product. The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1328. Worker risk of ES 166.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.428571 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.000156

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 23.018 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903727

10.167 Scenario 167: Spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning or maintenance product during short time. (AISE_CS_I06) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.167 10.167.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning or maintenance product during short time. The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1329. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 167.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1330. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 167.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1331. Environmental risk STP of ES 167.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1332. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 167.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.167.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 7 Spraying of a diluted industrial cleaning or maintenance product during short time. The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1333. Worker risk of ES 167.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 1.623 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.00059

inhalation, long-term systemic 118.594 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.677679

Combined routes 18.565 mg/kgbw/day - 0.678269

10.168 Scenario 168: Brushing an industrial cleaning solution (AISE_CS_I07a, AISE_CS_I07b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.168 10.168.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Brushing an industrial cleaning solution The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1334. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 168.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1335. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 168.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1336. Environmental risk STP of ES 168.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

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Table 1337. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 168.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.168.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Brushing an industrial cleaning solution The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1338. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 168.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1339. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 168.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1340. Environmental risk STP of ES 168.2

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1341. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 168.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.168.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 Brushing an industrial cleaning solution The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1342. Worker risk of ES 168.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 16.087 mg/kgbw/day - 0.6326

10.168.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 Brushing an industrial cleaning solution

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The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1343. Worker risk of ES 168.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 22.864 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903671

10.169 Scenario 169: Brushing a diluted cleaning or maintenance product (after spraying) (AISE_CS_I08a, AISE_CS_I08b) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.169 10.169.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Brushing a diluted cleaning or maintenance product (after spraying) The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1344. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 169.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1345. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 169.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1346. Environmental risk STP of ES 169.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6

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2013-04-19 ECPA OWB 2.5 CHEMICAL SAFETY REPORT Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1347. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 169.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.169.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Brushing a diluted cleaning or maintenance product (after spraying) The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1348. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 169.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1349. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 169.2

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1350. Environmental risk STP of ES 169.2

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1351. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 169.2

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.169.3 Contributing Scenario (3) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 Brushing a diluted cleaning or maintenance product (after spraying) The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1352. Worker risk of ES 169.3

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 110.688 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.6325

Combined routes 16.087 mg/kgbw/day - 0.6326

10.169.4 Contributing Scenario (4) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 10 Brushing a diluted cleaning or maintenance product (after spraying) The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1353. Worker risk of ES 169.4

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.274286 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.0001

inhalation, long-term systemic 158.125 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.903571

Combined routes 22.864 mg/kgbw/day - 0.903671

10.170 Scenario 170: Treatment of articles by dipping or pouring with an industrial cleaning product (AISE_CS_I09) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.170 10.170.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Treatment of articles by dipping or pouring with an industrial cleaning product The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1354. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 170.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1355. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 170.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

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Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1356. Environmental risk STP of ES 170.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources. Table 1357. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 170.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.170.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 13 Treatment of articles by dipping or pouring with an industrial cleaning product The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1358. Worker risk of ES 170.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

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Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 3.174 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 0.001154

inhalation, long-term systemic 7.247 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.041414

Combined routes 4.21 mg/kgbw/day - 0.042568

10.171 Scenario 171: Quality control on industrial cleaning, desinfectants and maintenance Products (AISE_CS_I10) The following RCR calculations refer to the contributing scenarios described in chapter 9.171 10.171.1 Contributing Scenario (1) controlling environmental exposure for ERC4 Quality control on industrial cleaning, desinfectants and maintenance Products The quantitative risk characterisation for this environmental exposure has been calculated using EasyTRA. The environmental exposure calculation per compartment is based on the algorithms of the EU TGD 2003 Risk Assessment Spreadsheet Model 1.24a. Aquatic compartment (including sediment) Table 1359. Environmental risk aquatic of ES 171.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Freshwater 0.081245 mg/L 0.240 mg/L 0.338522 147.701

Freshwater sediment 0.41431 mg/kgdwt 0.9168 mg/kgdwt 0.451909 110.642

Marine water 0.008368 mg/L 0.024 mg/L 0.348679 143.398

Marine water sediment 0.042674 mg/kgdwt 0.0917 mg/kgdwt 0.465367 107.442 Terrestrial compartment Table 1360. Environmental risk terrestrial of ES 171.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

Agricultural soil 0.026214 mg/kgdwt 7.5 mg/kgdwt 0.003495 3.38E4 Microbiological activity in sewage treatment systems Table 1361. Environmental risk STP of ES 171.1

Compartments PEC PNEC RCR = PEC/PNEC

MSafe kg/d

STP 0.443083 mg/L 1.00E4 mg/L 0.000044 1.13E6 Man via environment Secondary poisoning considers indirect exposure of man via foods, air and drinking water. The following table shows the calculated exposure to the substance from exemplary food sources at different trophic levels together with the total exposure over all routes and food sources.

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Table 1362. Environmental risk man via environment of ES 171.1

Food source Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

MSafe kg/d

Fish 0.000086 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 5.70E-6 -

Root crop 0.000039 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.59E-6 -

Leaf crop 0.001876 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000125 -

Milk 6.01E-7 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 4.01E-8 -

Meat 3.23E-8 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 2.15E-9 -

Drinking water 0.001055 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.00007 -

inhalation 0.000047 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 3.12E-6 -

Total 0.003104 mg/kgbw/day

15 mg/kgbw/day 0.000207 2.42E5

10.171.2 Contributing Scenario (2) controlling industrial worker exposure for PROC 15 Quality control on industrial cleaning, desinfectants and maintenance Products The quantitative risk characterisation for this worker exposure has been calculated by EasyTRA. The following table shows the exposure estimations via the dermal and inhalatory route together with the total exposure of workers over all routes if applicable. Table 1363. Worker risk of ES 171.2

Route Exposure concentration (EC)

DNEL Risk characterisation ratio = EC/DNEL

dermal, long-term systemic 0.025036 mg/kgbw/day 2,750 mg/kgbw/day 9.10E-6

inhalation, long-term systemic 6.589 mg/m3 175 mg/m3 0.037649

Combined routes 0.966256 mg/kgbw/day - 0.037658