8901 Answer

1.0 Introduction Generally, Open distance learning can be described as a way whereby the student study on their own, either at home or wherever suits them. The Open University’s unique, world- leading style of distance learning is called supported ‘Open Learning’ or ‘Lifelong Learning”. Distance learning has become a pervasive and growing phenomenon. Innovative uses of technologies create more effective technologies to distribute learning in non- traditional ways. As a result, new organizational structures and learning arrangements are appearing throughout higher education. An open distance learning model entails a student-centered approach that is built on integrated systems and engaged learning. ODL involves learning-teaching interaction, and students actively engage and interact with the institution, their lecturers, study material and fellow students. As a service- and student-oriented ODL institution, OUM will not only provide students with well-designed independent study packages but also with the necessary support from the moment they first make enquiries about studying at the University until they complete their studies.

Transcript of 8901 Answer

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1.0 Introduction

Generally, Open distance learning can be described as a way whereby the student study

on their own, either at home or wherever suits them. The Open University’s unique,

world-leading style of distance learning is called supported ‘Open Learning’ or ‘Lifelong


Distance learning has become a pervasive and growing phenomenon. Innovative uses of

technologies create more effective technologies to distribute learning in non-traditional

ways. As a result, new organizational structures and learning arrangements are appearing

throughout higher education.

An open distance learning model entails a student-centered approach that is built on

integrated systems and engaged learning. ODL involves learning-teaching interaction,

and students actively engage and interact with the institution, their lecturers, study

material and fellow students.

As a service- and student-oriented ODL institution, OUM will not only provide students

with well-designed independent study packages but also with the necessary support from

the moment they first make enquiries about studying at the University until they complete

their studies.

To turn distance learning into an interactive and engaging process where students are not

passive recipients of information, but actively involved in creating their own learning

experiences, OUM is putting processes in place and providing students with access to

resources. This will include from a technology-enabled environment to support the

administrative, psychosocial and academic aspects of student experience at OUM,

financial assistance services, flexible options for study material and an excellent library

to a comprehensive study guide and the opportunity to engage with lecturers, tutors and


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OUM, as an open distance education institution, determines its own admission

requirements, grants access to traditionally disadvantaged students, recognizes prior

experiential learning and promotes flexible learning in terms of its interactive learning

material. However, there are still plenty of problems which been faced by the OUM

students in the process of learning. The respective problems will be discussed in detail in

next sections of the papers.

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2.0 Problems Faced by Students in Open Distance Learning

According to the respective survey which been made on Open University Malaysia

(OUM) students, in the distance mode, the respective students are feel that they are

isolated and do not receive the same sort of interaction with their colleagues in the same

course. It is also possible that the tutors will not be able to interact and motivate the

students as they would do in a classroom environment. In certain instances, the students

will thrive in an environment that will give them a challenge to perform in a peer group.

The open and distance mode will lack most of these motivational factors and be

disadvantageous to some of the students. Therefore, the distance learning is isolated.

Although the students are in a virtual classroom full of students, the dynamics of

interaction change with online education. The students may feel detached or lonely when

they pursue a distance learning program but there are opportunities to send emails, post to

message boards and engage in online group discussions. At first the students might miss

face-to-face contact with the instructor and other learners, but web collaboration can fill

this void for many students

Besides that, the respective open distance learning would not facilitate oral

communication unless it is a synchronous learning event where all students participate

using a communication method. Most of the distance learning methods are using the

asynchronous method of teaching and would not facilitate such interaction.

At the mean time, some of the respondents sound that if flexibility is a boon for some, for

other students it could turn out to be a deterrent. Owing to the lack of a physical teacher

and a classroom, it might get difficult for some students to motivate themselves to study

harder and complete assignments on time. Procrastination is a drawback, and people who

have a tendency to take it easy should stay away from an online course. Also, due to the

nature of online learning, students do not get to enjoy personal interaction with fellow

students and teachers; there are no group discussions that one can take part in, and the

social part of the education process is lacking in distance learning.

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Furthermore, according to the survey from students at Open University Malaysia (OUM),

distance learning requires self-motivation. Because distance learning is flexible, the

students need good organization, planning and work to make it happen. Though the

instructor is not seated in front of the students at most of the time, the respective students

still need to complete their assignments on time. Like all other forms of learning, there

are deadlines to be met, "fixed-time" exams to be taken and assignments to be completed

before the "Drop Box" closes. There are no compromises and the student can easily get a

zero! Distance learning is best suited for mature motivated learners who cannot afford the

time to participate in a traditional classroom.

As for most of the time, the students feel that the distance learning does not give them

direct access to their instructor. Some students fear the loss of the personal touch with an

instructor, such as asking questions after class. However, distance learning often gives

them an opportunity to email their instructor any time or chat online. It is normal to fear

the loss of human contact offered in a traditional classroom until they commit themselves

to this mode of learning and communication.

Besides that, the respective distance learning requires the student to have constant,

reliable access to technology. Students need total access to the equipment necessary to

fulfill course requirements. For example, online courses require a computer with Internet

access. For a course with material on CD or DVD, the students need to have a multimedia

player. Technical requirement may be difficult to meet for some students especially those

who are over 45 years old who may feel overwhelmed and challenged if they are not

completely computer literate. Technical glitches and dealing with an unfamiliar learning

environment can cause stress and frustration.

Distance learning does not offer immediate feedback. In a traditional classroom setting, a

student's performance can be immediately assessed through questions and informal

testing. With distance learning, a student has to wait for feedback until the instructor has

reviewed their work and responded to it.

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Distance learning does not always offer all the necessary courses online. Students

pursuing a specific certificate or degree program may not have all the necessary courses

available through distance learning so it is not suited for all subjects. For example,

student can study a history lesson completely online but they cannot perform nursing

clinical online. For some courses, physical classroom attendance will be mandatory to

complete the course.

Distance learning may not be acknowledged by a specific employer. Although most

employers do acknowledge distance learning, certain employers do not. Students who

want to work for a specific employer upon graduation should be sure of that employer's

perspective about online education.

On the other hand, the respective distance learning must be accredited. The students must

take a serious risk when they pursue distance learning programs that are not accredited

because they may be issuing fraudulent, invalid degrees. Not all distance learning is

legitimate - there are many "degree mills" colleges that are not accredited. This is

probably the most important factor to check before you enroll in a distance learning


The respondent also feels that the respective distance learning does not give students the

opportunity to work on oral communication skills. Students in distance learning courses

do not get the practice of verbal interaction with professors and other students.

Numerous studies have found distance learning courses as effective as traditional

classroom training - or better. Almost a third of academic leaders recently surveyed felt

online education outcomes were superior to those in traditional learning environments.

However, there are challenges to be overcome for anyone who opts to learn through

distance learning

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There are some respondent said that some employers frown on degrees from online

institutions. Many managers see online degrees as "rubber stamped" diplomas, meaning

the students paid enough money so that online program just handed them the diploma.

This is similar to an unaccredited program. Therefore, most of the company or

organization especially in private sector still not well recognizes the quality of the

distance learning program. It had caused many students still unemployed after they

graduates through the open distance learning.

As a conclusion, the students need to be smart and committed during participating in

open distance learning so that they can get the best results and learn more in the academic


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3.0 Recommendation in Improving Open Distance Learning

First at all, we must come back to instructors and their attitudes towards teaching in a

distance-learning environment as a major potential roadblock to effective distance

education.  As in any educational situation, the instructor can set the tone for learning in

the educational environment. That instructor must be properly trained and motivated to

be effective.  An instructor must have technological skills and confidence to use all of the

various electronic devices in order to be truly effective in the electronic classroom. 

Instructors must also change the manner in which information is delivered.  While lecture

does not work well, multimedia presentations are successful (Weber 1996).

The faculty must also be aware of getting instructional materials, handouts, tests, and

other class items to both sites simultaneously.  It is important for the instructors to

develop a sense of community between the sites, achieve maximum participation, and get

the participants to buy in to the process. The idea of learning as a collaborative process is

very important when students are separated by distance. According to research by Pall off

and Pratt (2000), “collaborative learning processes assists students to achieve deeper

levels of knowledge generation through the creation of shared goals, shared exploration,

and a shared process of meaning making” (pg. 6).  It is up to the instructor to be aware of

this in the distance learning environment and to encourage collaborative learning and a

sense of community among the students.

Initially, distance learning pedagogy would not differ much from that used in an ordinary

classroom.  The instructor must decide which attitude they will adopt because it has a

profound impact on their approach to instruction. Instructors also have adaptations they

need to make to the technology.  An instructor used to visual cues may find it difficult to

adapt to a situation such as compressed video.  The students at the remote site are not

always in clear view of the instructor.

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Lastly, instructors also have adaptations they need to make to the technology.  An

instructor used to visual cues may find it difficult to adapt to a situation such as

compressed video.  The students at the remote site are not always in clear view of the

instructor.  West (1994) calls adapting to the lack of visual cues a major adaptation for

the instructor.  Part of this can be alleviated by good communication with the technician,

but as we have seen earlier, that communication is not always present.  McKnight (2000)

contends that proximity and eye contact are important factors in education that are

limited in the distance learning environment.  She says that we inherently recognize the

connection these provide, but in the distance learning environment they are “both

severely and sometimes permanently compromised” (pg. 2).  She asserts that professors

are unable to observe the emotions of the students and cannot detect “moments of

anxiety,” thereby limiting their ability to respond to student needs. This puts a burden on

the instructor and causes the students to respond differently than they might in a

traditional classroom setting.  As we saw earlier, creating a community is an important

factor for the instructor to have an effective class.  The instructor must do all he can to

overcome the limits of the technology and involve the students in an environment of

interaction, which can work to create the feeling of a true class (Hiltz & Wellman, 1997).

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4.0 Conclusion

As a conclusion, Open Distance Learning still very promising in the future as it definitely

will become the future trend for the entire people especially working adult to further their

studies. However, there are still plenty of problem which been faced by the respective

students especially in senses of commitment as well as lacking of supports from the tutors

is crucial and critical. Such problems must be solved in soonest time so that the open

distance learning will become a quality solutions and options for the students to pursuit

their Diploma, Bachelor or even Master Degree in the future.

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5.0 Reference

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