82 Tauranga Cityecontent.tauranga.govt.nz/data/documents/committee_meetings/2011... · Tauranga...

82 To: Council T a u r a n g a City From: Group Manager: City Services Meeting Date: 30 IVIay 2011 Report No: DC 170 Title of Report: ISSUES AND OPTIONS FOR STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS IN TRITON AVENUE AND TE MAIRE STREET, MOUNT MAUNGANUI Purpose of Report: Decision Significance of Decision: Significant Report Writer: Graeme Dohnt, Drainage Services IVIanager Summary Submissions have been received requesting Council to allocate funds to upgrade the stormwater infrastructure to reduce flooding in ttie Triton Avenue and Te Maire Street area. TCC Ref: 3960260

Transcript of 82 Tauranga Cityecontent.tauranga.govt.nz/data/documents/committee_meetings/2011... · Tauranga...


To: Council T a u r a n g a City

From: Group Manager: City Services

Meeting Date: 30 IVIay 2011

Report No: DC 170


Purpose of Report: Decision

Significance of Decision: Significant

Report Writer: Graeme Dohnt, Drainage Services IVIanager


Submissions have been received requesting Council to allocate funds to upgrade the stormwater infrastructure to reduce flooding in ttie Triton Avenue and Te Maire Street area.

TCC Ref: 3960260

Recommendation Vl '•> 66

That it be Resolved

(a) That the Group Manager: City Services' Report (DC 170) be received.

(b) That Council consider the proposals described in 2011/12 Annual Plan submissions 5, 108 and 225 (Attachment A) and takes no further action.


(c) That Council consider the proposal described in 2011/12 Annual Plan submission 5 and 108 (Attachment A) relating to Triton Avenue and includes $6.6m in the 2011/12 Annual Plan as additional capital through loans funding.


(d) That Council consider the proposal described in 2011/12 Annual Plan submission 5 and 108 (Attachment A) relating to Triton Avenue and includes $6.6m in the 2011/12 Annual Plan as additional capital through a targeted rate.


(e) That the 2011/12 Capital Works Programme for Stormwater Recovery Projects be reviewed for reprioritisation to include the proposal described in 2011/12 Annual Plan submission 5 and 108 (Attachment A) relating to Triton Avenue and bought back to Council for approval.


(f) That Tauranga City Council considers the proposal described in 2011/12 Annual Plan submission 5, 108 and 225 in relation to the overall works required in the Mount Maunganui industrial area and directs staff to review and revise the design along the lines as described in these submissions for inclusion in the 2012-2022 Ten Year Plan.


(g) Other.


(h) That, as required by section 82 of the Local Government Act 2002, the reason for the decision is

1. Background

A presentation outlining the options and implications will be provided by staff at the Annual Plan Deliberations. Three submissions were received through the 2011/12 Annual Plan submission process (submissions 5, 108 and 225 shown as Attachment A) regarding stormwater infrastructure issues at Mount Maunganui.

Each of the submissions identifies ongoing adverse affects to their property and businesses due to repeated flooding events.

Annual Plan Submission 1061, 2010/2011

in submission 1061 to the previous 2010/11 Annual Plan (Attachment B), Triton Pacific Limited requested that Tauranga City Council (Council) allocate approximately $1.25 million to upgrade the stormwater infrastructure in the Triton Avenue area. This submission was considered and declined.

Opportunity of Alternative Funding Sources

Submission No 5 refers to the availability of an infrastructure improvement fund through BOPRC. Having made enquiries, the author was told that this is still in "concept" mode, and there are no funds available for the upcoming financial year. Additional to this, BOPRC also stated that any stormwater applications would not be considered, as it is an activity that can be funded by the community of benefit via rates.

Recent Mount Maunganui Work Programme

Since 2005, Council has invested approximately $70 million to upgrade the capacity of the stormwater network across the city. Recent work in the Mount Maunganui industrial area includes upgrades in the IHewtetts Road, tHuti Road and Aerodrome Road stormwater catchments at a totai investment of about $11 million. This work has improved the capacity of the local stormwater network in a 50-year return rainfall event.

There are however still several areas within the Mount Maunganui industrial area known to be at risk of flooding during a high rainfall event.

Insurance Issues

During the Annual Plan Hearings submitters shared their concerns regarding their struggle to insure their properties and/or their businesses against flood damage. After having multiple claims relating to flood damage, insurance companies are now refusing to cover against this liability, or they are raising the premiums to a level that makes it unaffordable. This is having a significant affect on running costs for both the business owner, and their clients. Businesses have to pass these costs on to their customers. Other business clients have also been affected. An example of this was the case whereby Harvey Norman's furniture was damaged due to the distribution business owner's warehouse being flooded.


During the hearings each of the submitters approached the issue of liability. They stated that in their opinion. Council is responsible for providing stormwater infrastructure that will offer the level of protection they require to be able to operate their businesses without the threat of flood inundation.

One submitter highlighted that there is an adjoining subdivision that is not yet fully developed and when this does happen the result will further increase the stormwater flows into their catchment. They indicated that this could increase the impact on their properties by up to 20%. While this figure may be disputable the principle is correct. Any further development of this area that causes increased run off that alters current storage levels will have some affect on current properties.

It is evident that Council needs to consider how to best handle the issue that submitters raise both in regard to infrastructure provision and management of future development.

85 This Issues and Options Paper offers Eiected Members a range of recommendations to address and mitigate submitters concerns.

Review of Capital Works Programme.

The current capex programme is due to be reviewed with Elected Members. When the matter was reviewed in February 2009 the main focus was on residential properties and by and large the issues affecting the residentiat areas have been mostly resolved. Submissions to the 2010/11 Annual Plan and this year have come from commercial property owners as this is where flooding occurs on a regular basis.

A total of $50 million has been allocated in the 2009-2019 Ten Year Plan for stormwater recovery works across the city. A total of $12.5 million has been allocated for upgrade works in the Mount Maunganui industrial catchment from 2014/15 to 2018/19.


Council has recently completed a stormwater modelling study and an engineering upgrade options study for the entire Mount Maunganui industrial catchment. These studies have found that traditional methods of providing protection against flooding, such as installing large gravity pipelines, would be costly because the land is flat and close to sea level. There is also limited space for more underground services. Other solutions that have been undertaken in other areas of the city as part of the stormwater recovery programme, do not apply as there is the fundamental difference of land features.

To ensure that all existing properties in the Mount Maunganui industrial catchment would not flood during a 50 year return rainfall event, a combination of increasing stormwater network capacity and other minor works would be required at a cost in excess of $84 million. Such an investment would be more than the entire funding allocation of $50 million for the stormwater recovery programme in the 2009-2019 Ten Year Plan, if no other work was done in Tauranga and ail funds spent on these catchments it would take 16.8 years before Portside Drive was fully flood protected.

Catchment Areas

The following images identify firstly the Thton Avenue catchment area and the buildings at risk of flooding within the existing network of Te Maire and Triton Avenue.

Bfl^TTM Cmmm • — — M J M y tw 1 DC168 Stonnwater Mount Maunganui Industrial


Image One: Identified Catchment area - Triton Ave


Image Two: Flood Risk Buildings Map

88 Review of Works Proposed in these Submissions.

An overall Mount Maunganui industrial area works review is required in the 2012-2022 Ten Year Plan process. The suggested upgrades identified in the submissions to increase the capacity of the open drain and stormwater pond are improvements which Council could consider.

it is recommended that a multi-faceted approach be taken when focussing on localised stormwater improvements, including increasing controls on "Brownfields" development.

The upgrade to the open drain and stormwater pond described in submission 108 (estimated $6.6m construction cost) would increase the local stormwater storage capacity. If this were duplicated on the Te Maire Street system it would help resolve issues identified in submission 225 and reduce the need to spend $84m on the major proposed upgrade.

The foltowing factors need investigation prior to detaiied design and construction: • The relationship between the additional storage and reduced flooding effects,

e.g. what will the flood effects be during a 50 year return or other period rainfall event or should the design be to a tower level, say 20 year return.

• Estimate of costs including design, consents, construction and commissioning. • The opportunities to amend the design to potentiatty benefit other flood risk

properties in the Triton Avenue and Portside Drive catchment. • That controls are placed on any future development so that they do not

exacerbate the current situation.

Targeted Rates Approach

One option to consider for funding this work is that of a targeted rate. To fully investigate this option would require additional staff time to analyse the impacts and the opportunity to come back to Council with the results. This option requires direction from Council before more research is completed.

Stormwater Bulk Fund

The proposed programme (table one) shows what and where funds have been allocated. The programme should be reviewed and reprioritised to better reflect where funds should be allocated, taking into account the issues raised in the submissions and other works in the programme.




Project Name | Project Description

Loan Funded - Stormwater Bulk Fund

Stormwater Recovery

Programme Bulk


Piping of open drains

Pillans Lower Maxwells Road

Courtney Road Drain 15th Ave Stormwater Upgrade - TCC contribution to NZTA 15th Ave Stonnnwater Upgrade - incl FHM

Mt South Catchment - Incl FHM

Mt Industrial Catchment - Ind FHM

Vale/Hinewa Stormwater Upgrade

Flood Hazard Mapping: Matua B

Flood Hazard Mapping: Bureta

Flood Hazard Mapping: Pillans

Flood Hazard Maps: Other (5 p.a. minus 4 incl above in 2010)

Allowance for defects liability period

Tirinui Cres & Otumoetai golf drain

Spur Ave Stonnwater Upgrade

Poike/Awaiti Stormwater

Otumoetai Rd North

Anjndel to First

Avenues Catchment

Bureta Central 1

Campbell Road

Greerton Catchment

Lee Street

Matua B

Mt Industrial Catchment

Ngarata Ave

Russel Place

Advance Projects on Shelf to Tender Documentation

Design of future projects

TBA Catchment Studies


Sub Total Loan Funded - Bulk Fund

e One - Propo sed Work Program



me £


$ 1,491.000

S $ 20,000

$ 454,000

$ 2.850.000

$ 4.740.000

$ $


$ $ $ 150,000

$ 80,000

$ $ $ $ $ $ 3,100,000

$ 1,485.000

$ 680.000

$ 3.000,000

$ 187.000

$ 6,712,000

$ 12,500,000

$ 100,000

$ 825.000

$ 200,000

$ 1.500.000

$ 600.000


S 42,000,000



$ 250,000

$ 20.000

$ 454.000

$ 2.276.000

$ 450.000

$ 150.000

$ 10.000

$ 200.000

$ 150.000

$ 450,000


$ 4,410,000



$ 191,000

$ 574,000

$ 3,345,000j

$ 10.000

$ 150,000

$ 150,000


$ 4,420,000



$ 176,00a1

$ 945,00a

$ 10,000

$ 3,100,000

$ 1,099,000

$ 200.000


$ 5.530,000


$ 291,000

$ 10,000

$ 386,000

$ 680.000

$ 2,500,000

$ 100,000

S 200.000


$ 5.528,000


$ 291,000

$ 10,000

$ 500,000

$ 187,000

$ 3,900,000

$ 500.000

$ 200,000


$ 5,528,000


$ 292,000

$ 10,000

$ 2,812,000

$ 1,700,000

$ 100.000

$ 425,000

$ 200,000


$ 5,528,000


$ 10,000

$ 4,900,000

$ 400,000

$ 200.000


$ 5.528,000


$ 10,000

$ 5,300,000

$ 200.000


$ 5,528,000


Issues and Options 00


Ongoing flooding of Triton Avenue, Portside Drive and Te IVIaire Street, Mount IVIaunganui


Option 1 (Resolution (b): That Council takes no further action

Option 2: (Resolution (c) That Council considers the proposal described in 2011/12 Annual Plan submission 5 and 108 and includes $6.6m in the 2011/12 Annual Plan as additional capital.

Option 3: (Resolution (d) That Council considers the proposal described in 2011/12 Annual Plan submission 5 and 108 and funds it through targeted rates.

Option 4: (Resolution (e) That Council considers the proposal described in 2011/12 Annual Plan submission 5, 108 and 225 in relation to the overall works required in the Mount Maunganui industrial area and directs City Services to review and revise the design along the lines as described in these submissions for inclusion in the 2012-2022 Ten Year Plan.

Option 5: (Resolution (f) That the Capital Works Programme for Stormwater Recovery Projects be reviewed and bought back to Council for ratification

Implications (must include financial impact

of each option)


Areas would continue to flood during heavy rainfall events.

$6.6m capital cost (loan funded with debt servicing and depreciation costs)

Includes increasing capacity of stormwater pond and open drain.

No financial impact on general rates but cost to properties in the targeted rate area.

No financial impact in 2011/12 Annual Plan.

Existing Programme work will be reprioritised.

No financial impact in 2011/12 Annual Plan.


3. Decision-Making Considerat ions 3.1 Significance of Decision, Issue and Matters

The Local Government Act 2002 requires a formal assessment of the significance of matters and decisions in this report against Council's Significance Policy. In making this formal assessment the Council is not seeking to assess the importance placed on this issue by specific individuals, groups, or agencies within the community. Council acknowledges that all reports have a high degree of importance to individuals, groups, or agencies affected by the report.

The matters in this report have been assessed against the Significance Policy. In accordance with the general approach, criteria and thresholds of the policy, the author of this report considers that the:

• decision on whether to allocate additional funds of $6.6 million in the 2011/12 Annual Plan to complete stormwater upgrade works in Triton Avenue as requested is significant.

• Issue/matter of flooding in the Triton Avenue area is not significant.

This conclusion is based on the following factors:



To allocate additional funds of $6.6 mitiion in the 2011/12 Annual Plan to complete stormwater upgrade works in Triton Avenue as requested


Flooding in the Triton Avenue area

Significant / Not Significant


Not Significant



This is an unbudgeted proposal or decision which would exceed 5% of annual capital expenditure.

Issue and Matter

This specific issue is tocaiised to the zones identified and does not substantively affect a wide range of people and/ or groups.

3.2 Relationship Implications: There are relationship implications that Council needs to consider. If no action is taken in relation to these submissions, it is likely to affect Council's relationship with the stakeholders.

3.3 Planned Community Engagement:

The level of engagement with the stakeholders will be dependant on the decision made by Council.



Property owners and occupiers in the Mount Maunganui industrial areas known as Te Maire and Triton Avenue catchments.

Tangata Whenua and with Maori

Planned Engagement

Direct communication with interested and affected parties.

Direct communication with interested and affected parties.


Any development work undertaken will require a Resource Consent process. As part of that process the affected parties wilt need to be consutted.

Any devetopment work undertaken witt require a Resource Consent process. As part of that process the affected parties will need to be consulted.

If the decision is made to reprioritse the 2012-2022 Ten Year Plan, it is possible that the process may result in the requirement for further community engagement. The issue of community engagement can be covered as part of this process.

3.4 Project Linkages

The issues raised in these submissions have linkages that should be considered in the decision-making. These linkages have been identified as: • Funding for Stormwater Recovery Programme (Bulk Fund) • City Wide Comprehensive Stormwater Consent - (Mount Industrial Catchment


3.5 2009-19 Ten Year Plan

A total of $50 million has been allocated in the 2009-2019 Ten Year Plan for stormwater recovery works across the city. A total of $12.5 million has been allocated for upgrade works in the Mount Maunganui industrial catchment from 2014/15 to 2018/19.

lanjMcDonaid Grpup Manager: City Services

May 2010

Attachment A: 2011/12 Annual Plan Submissions Nos. 5, 708, 225 B: 2010/11 Annual Plan Submission 1061, Council Doc Ref 3111153

Attachment A 2:hin±



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Privacy Act 1993

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TCC Ref: 611402

Name: (0(^/U/)V Ph^irJe Submission Sheet No: 5.

My ' Our Submission is that;


Tho proposed zoning <s of benefit f.o thc City nnd if, CLpportcd

1. That storm water drainage in Portside Avenne & Triton St. area be npgraded.

2. The present storm water inn-astmctnre is not doing nhat it was designed to do through lack of maintenance aud insufllcient size.

3. The deveiopment of Bnildings & hard ground coverage in the area has out paced the original drainage system plan and is no longer able to cope during hea^y rain.

4. The open drain system needs to be widened to take ftafl advantage of the easement boundarv- allowance and strengthened throngh lining the drains.

5. The Council storm water ponds need to be enlarged and the sides supported to make available a larger storm water storage holding capacitv.

6. That a second pipe be laid down Triton Ave and Joined into the nnnsed outlet pipe alreadv- installed under the Port ofTauranga.

7. Flood water is flowing out of drains onto private industrial propertv- & into offices cansing damage to both buildings & electronic equipment in the surrounds.

8. Tenants are complaining about flood water seeping into the premises they occupy causing flooring & ftirnishlngs to be wet in times of heavv-rain storms.

9. Development of the flood water system tai this area will bring ftature development Into an area of Industrial land next to the busiest export port in NZ. This win bring in more Jobs & business opportunities which must be good for evervone concemed.

I / "/Ve seek the fo l iowing dec is ion f rom Counci i

Th.it proposed zoning be Lp^eir^

1. I am seeking that Cotinsel make an afiowance in tbe Annual plan for storm water infrastructure upgrading & maintenance to the Portside drhe and Triton street area.

2. That tbe Tanranga CitV' Council consider applying to tbe Regional Council for funding when applications for Infrastmcture funds are sought by the Regional Council for 2012-13.

3. I believe thb submission qnaHfles for sncb an appHcatlon as 'inft-astructure senicing tbe Port and Its environs'.

4. I wish to bring additional data to support my submission in argument.

Sub-Tiis3io;i Ref Sc Office Use O r l /


Ul u:>:t-:,' ' f. r i c ;


Our ref: 19489

2010/2011 Draft Annual Plan Committee Tauranga City Council Private Bag 12022 Tauranga

Re: Submission by Triton Pacific Limited to Council as to Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrade at Triton Avenue.

Council submission ID:2010*AP10*1061

Reason for the submission My client wishes to better utilize his substantial holding of Industrial zoned land [some 8.5 tiectares] in the vicinity of the port, which is severely undeveloped at the moment because of flooding issues.

Background Further to my client's original submission for Council to allocate funds for the Stormwater Infrastructure Upgrade at Triton Avenue, we attach a copy of plans and photos outlining the areas of land discussed in our original submission and the increase in the volumes of storage which in our opinion are able to be achieved.

At a public meeting held by Council with various affected landowners on the M*' of July 2005, it was stated that Council was to upgrade the stormwater reticulation firstly in Hull Road and then Triton Avenue. This was in response to the extreme flood event recorded on the 18*' of l\Aay 2005. On that occasion a flood level was recorded by S & L Consultants staff within the Summit Quinphos building and the Triton Pacific building [both on my client's land] at a position approximately 0.5 metres above the existing shed floor levels. In a letter to Council on the 20* of September 2005 from our Client to Council, our client voiced his concern as to the lack of stormwater infrastructure to cope with the flood events occurring and the total lack of maintenance of the existing infrastructure drains. This situation has still not been rectified [see photos] and as a result our client's land is subject to onsite surface flooding from time to time requiring sandbagging of the doorways to the sheds to prevent stock damage, similar to that which happened on adjacent land to the south of our client's land during January of this year which caused major structural damage to a shed wall from collapsing product.

The land in the vicinity of Triton Avenue is extremely flat, leading to low water flows in the current drains and areas of secondary flooding outside the drains. In our opinion the current infrastructure needs an increase in ponding capacity to prevent secondary flooding of the surrounding land since suitable drainage grades are unable to be achieved.

5«^L C O N S U L T A N T S I T D - S U R V I V O R S • E N G I N E E R S P L A N N E R S

I I I Cameron Road POBox 231 Tauranga 3140 NewZea land Phone 07 577 6069 Fax 07 577 6065 Email [email protected]


Solutions • My client wishes to fully develop his land in the vicinity of the Triton Avenue/ Mark

Road intersection by continuing the 1500 diameter pipe to the Council system in Triton Avenue and to fill in the existing drain [refer photos 1 & 2]. Council drainage staff are unhappy with this, even though this is a private drain, mainly because of the loss of storage in the overall system of about from open drain to enclosed pipe of 200m3, to Council's disadvantage. This could be rectified by constructing enclosed box culverting of a suitable size so that there is no storage loss. Our suggestion to altow full development of private land without storage loss to the Council is for Council to subsidize cost of the extra capacity by box culverts.

• To rectify the lack of storage in the vicinity Council could utilize the full extent of its current 10 metre wide easement from Triton Avenue southwards [highlighted in orange on the attached land transfer plans] by widening the existing drain and utilizing low retaining walls [1.4-1.5 metres in height] at the full extent of this easement [as marked on photos 3,4 & 5 attached]. We calculate this would increase storage capacity in this section of drain from about 1170m3to3350m3.

• To also rectify the lack of storage, the bund between the existing drain and the Portside Drive storage pond [see photo 7] could be removed to allow another 1300 m3 of storage. [[Further capacity could also be obtained by v^ndening the current drain capacity [refer photo 6] to its full 10 metre easement v\«dth [as highlighted in blue on the attached land transfer plan] in a similar manner to the drain above at a similar cost and capacity per lineal metre]].

Summarv My client has been requesting an upgrade in the stormwater infrastructure in the vicinity of his land since 2005 to enable proper land development and to date not a lot has happened. The obvious problems were pointed out 5 years ago and are still relevant. A cost and a solution to the problem was submitted which would go a long way to solving the secondary flooding problems and allow a proper intensive development of this 8.5 hectare industrial site. We request that Council seriously consider this submission and allocate funds to upgrade the Triton Avenue area stormwater infrastructure.

Yours faithfully S & L Consultants Ltd

A ohn Barnes Registered Surveyor 10/May/2010

Name: Submission Sheet No:

My / Our Submission is that:


The proposed zoning is of benefit to the City and is supported.

_ ; 4 ^ ' 4 i t . J ^ i t ) c ' J i j ^ ' _^^ I I / We seek the fo l lowing decision f rom Counci l

That proposed zoning be upheld.

Submission Ref No Office Use Only


TCC Stormwater Infrastructure within the Industrial Business Zone at Triton Avenue Mount Maunganui.

Within the Port Industrial and the Industrial Business Zones in the Triton Avenue Totara Street area the land currently is subject to localised flooding in heavy rain events since the current stormwater infrastructure in the area is of an insufficient size to cope.


Our client, Triton Pacific, owns a substantial area of land [approximately 8.5100 hectares] but is unwilling to proceed to full internal development of this property because of the substandard quality of the infrastructure in the area and downstream. As a result valuable land, suitable for export development in conjunction with activities directly & indirectly related to the port is lying idle, with a subsequent loss of productivity and opportunity for the City and the Country.

We seek an allowance made in the Annual Plan for stormwater infrastructure upgrading of $1,250,000.00 +GST.

Proposal & Costs

Our client is willing to liase & negotiate with Council Stormwater and Drainage staff as to the best solution to resolve this issue.

Several solutions can be adopted to alleviate current infrastructure under-development:-



TCC Ref: 611402

• low retaining wall [1.4 metres high] either side of existing drainage easement on eastern boundary—increase storage volume from about 1170m3to3350m3.

Costs estimate for materials and construction for length of 240 metres on both sides plus 2200m3 cut to waste in order of $560,000.00.

• box culvert private drain within client's land opposite Mark Road/Triton Road intersection so that Council storage volume Is retained—storage maintained at current volume.

Costs estimate for box culvert and construction for length of 75 metres in order of $600,000.00.

• remove bund between Council drain on eastern boundary and existing stormwater pond off Portside Drive— increase storage volume from about Nil mSto 1300m3.

Costs estimate for construction for length of 100 metres with about 2,100 m3 cut to waste in order of $90,000.00.

o CO


TCC Ref: 611402

Our ref: 17924


20 September 2005

The Stonnwater Engineer Tauranga City Council PrivateBag 12022 Tauranga

Attention: Mr J Palmer

Re: Owens Group Properties Triton Avenue

Further to discussions with the writer and Mr Doug Owens we request clarification of the effects of Council's proposed works and the actual construction programme.

The Owens Group own substantial properties fronting Triton Avenue which are zoned Industrial Business and they wish to provide additional covered and non covered storage areas for their highly valued tenants/lessees in accordance with the permitted activity criteria of the District Plan.

The proposed construction items, for which we seek clarification for the effects on flood water levels in various return period storms (2% 10% 20%) and the planned construction completion period, are as follows:

1. Mark Road (Yori< Street to Hull Road) 2. Triton Avenue outlet to the HariDOur 3. Diversion of catchment(s) above the Portside Drive/Owens Group property

boundaries. 4. Other works in the Hull Road (M15) catchment 5. Other wori<s in the Te Maire Street (M17) catchment 6. Works in the Triton Avenue area

We understand ffbm the public rheetihg at the Mount College on 14 July that Council has Hull Road as its first priority with Triton Avenue the second priority.

In order to design the building floor levels and incorporate relevant risk factors into the lease agreements it is necessary for us to know the predicted effects on flood levels the above improvement works will have.

We also have concerns regarding the maintenance of the existing open drain as the flow is frequently impeded by the growth of vegetation and debris attached to the sides (mattresses etc.). We consider that more frequent maintenance would reduce the flood levels by allowing the waters to flow more freely to the harbour.

S8.1 C O N S U L T A N T S LTD • S U R V E Y O R S • E N G I N E E R S • P L A N N E R S

I I I Cameron Road POBox 231 Tauranga 3140 NewZea land Phone 07 577 6069 Fax 07 577 6065 Email slconsultants@sltga,conz

5 100

In addition.as our client is considering piping a portion of the drain adjacent to the Council stormwater retention pond in Lot 33 DPS 73783 (48 Portside Drive), we will need to know the size of pipe to install.

Our client is currently negotiating the additional storage requirements with its international lessee and consequently it is imperative that the above issues are addressed promptly.

We would appreciate your response by 10 October with regard to Council's programme of works and an indication of the time when we can expect more definitive answers on the expected flood levels.

Should you require any clarification kindly contact the writer.

Yours faithfully S & L Consultants Ltd

R P Woods

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19 April 2011

104 E T L D Evan Turbott Law Office

L A W Y E R S & N O T A R Y P U B L I C

147 Cameron Road, Tauranga, New Zealand

POBox 13183, Tauranga Central, Tauranga 3141

Tel; 07 571 0726, Fax; 07 571 8167 Ennail: [email protected] Website: www.evanturbottlaw.co.nz


The Hearings Officer Tauranga City Council Willow Street TAURANGA



D N ^ ^ ' O .

Re: Draft 2011/12 Annual Plan - Submission

I enclose a submission as contact person and solicitor for Triton Avenue Body Corporate 317686 and the various individual proprietors.

While intention to be heard has not been marked on the submission form I expect that one or more of the unit proprietors will want to make an appearance and be heard and I would like to supply further detail of that shortly after Easter.


E.T. Turbott

1 1 f"; Submission Number: /cS

Tauranga City Council Draft 2011/12 Annual Plan

Submission Form Tauran^aCrty

All submissions will be acknowledged in writing. All submissions will be made available to the Mayor and Councillors who will consider the views and comments expressed when finalising the Annual Plan.

Please note when providing information that this submission form is part of a public consultation process. As such these documents are copied and placed in public areas for the public to access, e.g. the libraries.

You are welcome to speak to the Mayor and Councillors at a meeting called Hearings about the issues you have raised in your written submission (rather than introducing new ones). Please let us know if you wish to do so and the day that would suit you best. We will then contact you with a time

(please tick the following boxes that apply)

I wish to speak to the Elected Members about my submission: Yes | | No | |

Ifyes, my preferred day/s would be:

Monday 9 May Tuesday 10 May Wednesday 11 May Thursday 12 May • • • • n • Day Day Evening Day Evening Day

Contact Details (please print clearly)

*Name: (wtio is the submission from?) Triton Avenue Body Corporate 317686 and 7 Unit Proprietors as per list attached.

'Contact Person: (ifthe name above Is an organisation) Evan Turbott, solicitor

'Posta l Address: Evan Turbott Law Office P O B o x 13 183 TAURANGA Postcode:3141

*Daytime Telephone: 07 571 0726 Evening Telephone:

Email Address: [email protected] (if you would like an emailed response)

-=^ s^—bt=^ Signature: -.-...:

I wish my address and phone details to remain confidential: | |


As set out In the pages attached hereto

Please indicate your support (or otherwise) for the key projects and proposals in the Draft Annual Plan and those that interest you. You are more than welcome to write your submission in more detail on a separate piece of paper and attach to this submission form.

Privacv Act Infomation The Local Government Acl 2002 requires submissions to be made available to the public. Your contact details are collected:

• To arrange a hearing date and time for you lo spea/t (if you choose to) • So the Council can write and inform you of the decision(s) on your submission(s).

Your name and address will be publicly available, tf you would like your address and phone details (Including ennail address) kept confidential you need to inform us when you send in your submission. You have the hght to correct any errors in personal details contained in your submission. If you do not supply your name and address the Council will formally receive your submission, but will not be able to inform you of the outcome.









Body Corp Registered No: 317686


Bill McDonald


Graeme Bear


Cliff Hughes [email protected]

W H MacDonald

Graeme Bear Developments Ltd

Clifford & Winnifred Hughes

Bruce & Tracey Andrew The Triton Trust

[email protected]

Bruce & Tracey Andrew The Triton Trust

[email protected] nz

Kelly Carson K & J Carson

[email protected]

Kelly Carson K & J Carson


90 Maxwells Rd Pillans Pt Tauranga PH (027)227 1156 Sue-Oregon 575 3126

183 Valley RD Mount Maunganui (0274)731 114

38A Golf Rd Mount Maunganui (07) 5722 772

PO Box 875 Tauranga (0274) 874 093

PO Box 875 Tauranga (0274) 874 093

18b Loop RdRD6 Tauranga (07)5525289

18b Loop Rd Rd6 Tauranga (07)5525289


DEPCO Limited Greg & Kim Jury PO Box 5050 Mount (07) 572 2221

C & C Hydraulics Ltd Ray & Sue Nielsen Unit 2 44 triton Ave (07) 928 7722

DEPCO Limited (storage)

Hydraulink Tauranga Ltd PO Box 875 Tga (07) 572 3960 B & T Andrew

Hydraulink Tauranga Ltd PO Box 875 Tga (07) 572 3960 B & T Andrew

Mount Insulation & Sheetmetals

PO Box 4203 Mount (07)575 7117 John & Mandy Hoggart

Mount Insulation & Sheetmetals

PO Box 4203 Mount (07)575 7117 John & Mandy Hoggart


0 C5

c? 107



• Council has failed to provide in its Draft Annual Plan funding to enable flood relief

works to upgrade stormwater drainage in the Triton Avenue/Portside Drive locality

at Mount Maunganui.

• As a result of two recent flood events where water intruded into the premises at

44 Triton Avenue, insurers are now unwilling to reinstate flood damage cover for

tenants ofthe building.

• The portside industrial area is part of the economic hub centred on the Port of

Tauranga which is of local, regional and national economic significance.

• There is potential for a major loss of confidence in the port industrial area, or at least

parts of it, if flooding of premises remains endemic. Relocation of business

operations may well occur outside the port industrial hub, locality, or may be lost to

the greater Tauranga area. Provision for uninsured losses and/or greatly increased

insurance excesses or premiums will contribute to a higher cost structure, higher

prices and a loss of business confidence.

• Finding a solution to the existing flooding problems, which have been well

documented and which the Council promised to resolve back in 2005, is therefore

not only of significance to individual property owners and their tenants, but to the

wider public.

• A solution which would greatly improve matters for the whole catchment is available

at a construction cost of approximately $6.6 million plus GST, involving the

enlargement of an existing open drain and drainage reserves to increase storage

capacity and allow a "managed" discharge within the capacity of existing drain

outlets. The work can be done in stages. The costs compare favourably with a full

upgrade costed by Council at $84 million.



The Submitter Parties


1. This submission is made on behalf of Triton Avenue Body Corporate: Registered

Number 317686 and the several unit proprietors shown on the List attached to the

submission form.

The Problem

2. The Body Corporate at 44 Triton Avenue, Mount Maimganui (comer Portside Drive)

and unit owners (including Bill McDonald) recently experienced two floods, the

latest on 29 January 2011 when water surcharged from the stormwater grates and the

building was flooded to a depth of about 150mm. Within a short time the flood

waters locally surcharged were engulfed by a larger overland flow emanating from

Portside Drive, as shown in the attached Photographs A

3. The drainage system has long been recognised as inadequate. At a public meeting on

14 July 2005 it was stated that the Council would upgrade the stormwater system in

Hull Road and to the west, and then later to the east including Triton Avenue. Works

have been completed in the Hull Road area but the problem in the Triton Avenue

location has still not been rectified.

4. Two floods in recent months have resulted in widespread surface flooding, with the

flood at Anniversary Weekend resulting in intemal damage to the building at

44 Triton Avenue and the losses associated with businesses which tenant the several

units. Some insurers are now refusing to reinstate insurance cover while the cun'ent

problems remain without remediation.

5. Tlie attached photographs A taken on 29 January 2011 demonstrate the general extent

of the flooding. Tenants indicate that flooding within the buildings reached May

2005 levels as are indicated in the attached photographs B.

6. The significance of the recent flooding and predictions for increasing frequency of

similar floods on the Port of Tauranga industrial hub or precinct carmot be

overlooked. A loss of confidence in the security ofpremises in terms of flooding is

/og 103

likely to lead lo relocation of businesses, some out of the greater Tauranga area.

There will be economic loss to landlords and increased costs to business. For those

who stay there will be increased provision for uninsured losses or increased

insurance premiums and excesses. For those who go. additional distance to the Port

will add to product cost and business expense. Some economic activity will be lost

to Tauranga.

7. Because the Port of Tauranga and the industrial business hub is core to the local

economy and significant at regional and national level, benefits arising from fixing or

at least significantly mitigating the flood risk are of more than minor importance.

8. Other landowners and businesses are similarly constrained. This submission directs

attention to the wider consequences, not just those associated with 44 Triton Avenue.

Submissions have previously been made by others and ignored. This submission

supports others which seek that provision be made to fund the necessary works.

9. In support of this .submission a report was commissioned from Arnold & Johnstone,

Chartered Professional Engineers. A copy of that report is attached. It identifies the

total inadequacy of the existing drainage system and proposes a cost effective


10. Clearly the Council has allowed development to proceed when the risk of flooding

was or ought reasonably to have been identified. The Council is in breach of a duty

of care to property owners who have built in the reasonable expectation that adequate

provision for stomiwater disposal was actually provided for or was clearly intended

to be provided for. There is a serious litigation risk facing the Council.

The Solution

11. The ultimate solution is to upgrade the downstream piped stomiwater facility from

the Triton Avenue locality to the harbour outfall. The cost is significant. However.

an altemative solution making use of the opportunity to eiihance catchment storage

capacity which can be made available would cost much less.

/ o ^ 110 4

12. This solution, pending any upgrade of pipework, involves enlarging the open drain

which runs from Portside Drive to Tukarako Avenue and increase the storage

capacity in the drainage reser\'es to improve discharge capacity and provide

additional storage in periods of intensive rainfall to enable discharge to the harbour

over a greater period of time through the constrained 1200mm pipe outlet in Triton

Avenue, which is simply inadequate to meet the catcliment's requirements. The

Arnold proposal would significantiy mitigate current flood risk.

13. Attached are photographs C and D ofthe open drain referred to, as they would have

been in January 2011. They have since been cleaned out; the photographs indicate

available reserve for storage enhancement. The following photograph E

demonstrates the type of enhancement works, as undertaken by the Council at Fraser


14. The Council's 10 year community plan sets aside $50 million over the 10 years to

upgrade stormwater reticulation throughout the entire Tauranga area, but does not

specifically include Triton Avenue. $12.5 million has been allocated for upgrade

works in the Mount Maunganui Industrial Catchment from 2014/15 to 2018/19.

Commitment to works to remedy the problem is clearly a better option than facing

litigation, and will provide significant relief

15. Arnold & Johnstone have undertaken a provisional assessment of likely construction

cost ofthe works - $6.6 million plus GST. Costing is based on a specific design with

cost rates provided by experienced contractors familiar with this kind of work. The

work can be undertaken in stages. The cost compares with the cost of a more radical

upgrade of the whole catchment, understood to have been promoted by Council

engineers, and which has a price tag ofan estimated $84 million.

16. This submission seeks:

(a) to bring forward expenditure to enable work to be done in the current financial

year; and

(b) to identify the need to re-arrange priorities to include the Triton Avenue area in

the works programme;

Ill 5 /og

(c) to promote the earliest possible completion of works to alleviate flood risk and

actual flood loss and damage.

Evan Turbott Solicitor for: Triton Avenue Body Corporate. W H McDonald. Graeme Bear Developments Limited, C & W Hughes. The Triton Trust and K & J Carson

J^^ 'Apri l 2011


1 '^


R G Arnold BE. MIPENZ(Structural). CPEng, IntPE P A Johnstone BE(Hons), MIPENZ(Structural), CPEng, IntPE


P.O BOX 933

BUS. (07) 576-0921 FAX. (07) 578-0924 EMAIL. [email protected]

April 2011 Our Ref 11265

Evan Turbott Evan Turbott Law Office POBox 13 183 Tauranga 3141




I am advised that surface water from Triton Avenue and Portside Drive flooded into the above building to a depth of approximately 150mm above floor level during an extreme storm event on the 29 January 2011. Similar flooding occurred into many of the adjacent properties and building.

1 am advised that similar flood inundation occurred on the 18 May 2005. plus on several occasions, surface water from Triton .A.venue and Portside Drive has flooded into the piopert> but not into the building.

The building was constructed in 2003.

The Triton Avenue/Portside Drive area is within the 74 hectare "Triton Avenue"" catchment area. Stormwater run off from the upper half of the catchment area discharges through a series of pipes and open drains into a 1200 dia stormwater pipe near the eastem end of Triton Avenue. Additional stormwater from the lower catchment area also discharges into the 1200 dia pipe. From the railway line between Totara Street and Tasman Quay, there is an additional 1200 dia pipe and both pipes discharge into the harbour.

The discharge capacity' ofthe one 1200 dia pipe is totally inadequate to discharge any heavy rain without water backing up in the current narrow open drains and the drainage reser> es.

The inadequate combined discharge and storage capacity ofthe existing stormwater system has resulted in periodic flooding ofthe roads, with some occasional flooding into the properties, plus 2 floodings of buildings on the 18 May 2005 and 29 January 2011 in the Triton Avenue/Portside Drive area. Photos taken during these 2 rain e\ ems are attached in the submission.



I have inspected the building, adjacent properties and roads, observed photos taken during the 2005 and 2011 storm events, spoken to several ofthe building owners at 44 Triton Avenue, spoken to council's drainage services manager, spoken to John Bames of S & L Consultants who prepared the submission 1061 to the 2010/11 annual plan for the adjacent property owner Triton Pacific Ltd, perused submission 1061, perused council's drainage plan and plan showing flood hazard areas, plus taken levels within and surrounding the property.


1. The above building is within the Triton Avenue Catchment area.

2. fhere are many properties within the Triton Avenue Catchment area that are designated as flood hazard areas including properties within the immediate Triton .A.venue/Portside Drive area.

3. The frequent flooding is caused by the existing inadequate drainage system not being able to discharge roof and surface water from an increasingly large catchment area. Eventually storm water within the drainage system is unable to flow and hence back ups and then over flows through the road cess pits, and property cess pits. The water then flows along the road as a secondary flow path until the elevation ofthe road causes the water to pond and eventually flood into adjacent properties.

4. Records shows that the storm event on the 29 January 2011 was 1 in 22 years storm event at the airport and 1 in 50 years storm event at Salisbury Avenue. There are no records within the Triton Avenue area but it is reasonable to conclude that was a 1 in 30 to 40 years storm event.

5. I understand the depth of flood inundation in the building on 29 January 2011 was similar to 18 May 2005, despite the storm event being considerably less than the 18 May 2005 stonn, which was in excess ofa 1 in 200 years storm. This is no doubt a result of increasing development within the catchment area.

6. It is reasonable to conclude that future flooding will occur more frequently during smaller storm events, unless the capacity ofthe existing drainage system is significantly increased.

7. I am advised that at a public meeting held by council with various affected land owners on the 14 July 2005, it was stated that Council was to upgrade the storm water reticulation firstly in Hull Road and then Triton Avenue.

8. The upgrade ofthe Triton Avenue catchment area storm water reticulation is not included in the 2009-2019 Ten Year Plan. (Ref Group Manager City Services Report No. DC 168 dated 31 May 2010).


114 / C ^

$12.5 million had been allocated for upgrade stormwater works in the Mt Maunganui industrial catchment from 2014-15 to 2018/19. (Ref GMCS Report DC168 dated 31 May 2010).


It would appear that the total upgrade ofthe Triton Avenue catchment's storm water system is unlikely to proceed for many years. It is not unreasonable to conclude that future flooding will occur within the Triton Avenue/Portside Drive area prior to the total up grading ofthe storm water system.

We concur with the proposal that was included in the submission 1061 by Triton Pacific Ltd to the 2010/11 Armual Plan which is supported in principle by council's drainage services manager as a partial solution to the total regard requirements. The proposal is a viable mitigation solution to reduce the risk and extent of flooding with in the Triton Avenue/Portside Drive area that can eventually be part ofthe total upgrade ofthe stomi water system.

The proposal "goes further'" than that proposed in the previous Triton Pacific submission, includes enlarging the existing open storm water drain from Triton Avenue to the Tukorako Drive area, plus enlarging the existing Portside Drive and Tukorako Drive drainage reserves, to provide a 50,000m3 capacity storage reser\'oir, which during intensive rainfall will store the stormwater runoff and later during less intensive rain and/or more favorable tidal conditions, discharge the water al a reduced rate into the existing 1200 dia pipe drain, from Triton Avenue to the harbour. Existing outfalls into the drains will be fitted with "duck bill flaps" to prevent storage water from back flowing into the adjacent properties.

A plan showing the open drains and drainage reserves is attached.

The work would include installing a retaining wall along both sides ofthe 10m wide easement and excavating the total width ofthe easement to or below the invert ofthe current drain. The top ofthe retaining wall would be level with the ground level ofthe adjacent properties. The existing drainage reserve would be similarly retained and excavated. A floating wetland treatment system could be incorporated within the drainage reserves to treat the initial storm water run off.


Properties with the Triton Avenue/Porlside Drive area have flooded on several occasions during extreme storm events due to the combination of inadequate council storm water system and increased development within the Triton Avenue catchment area.

The frequency of flooding has increased at reduced storm intensities, which is a reflection ofthe larger and growing catchment area.


Council had not allocated funding to upgrade the storm water system within the Triton Avenue catchment area within the 2009-2019 ten year plan. However $12.5 million has been allocated for upgrade works in the Mount Maunganui industrial catchment from 2014/15 to 2018/19.

A mitigating solution to significantiy reduce the risk and extent of flooding within the Triton Avenue/Portside Drive area is to enlarge the open drain from Portside Drive to Tukarako Drive and increase the storage capacity ofthe Portside Drive and Tukarako Drive drainage reserves to improve the discharge capacity ofthe drain but also to act as a storage reservoir during periods of high intensive rainfall to enable a "managed'" discharge to match the discharge capacity ofthe 1200 dia outlet in Triton Avenue.

The estimated construction cost is $6.6miliion -i- GST.

It is possible to carry the work out in stages.


RICHARD ARNOLD Chartered Professional Engineer (16215)



l l S U(: U




IN THE MATTER OF: The Local Government Act 2002


IN THE MATTER OF: The Draft Tauranga City Annual Plan

2011 -2012


To: Tauranga City Council

Name of Submitter: Laurent Enterprises Limited

Address for Sen/ice: Guardian Self Storage

POBox 5513

Mount Maunganui 3150

Attention: Euan Armstrong

iiceliwiiD) - 3 MAY 2011


The nature of our submission is as follows:

We are the owners of industrial land in Te Maire Street, Mount Maunganui.

The property is subject to flooding from related council owned drains that border the site on a number of


The site accommodates a number of business activities, with several small business owners that occupy

industrial units, a self storage facility & large tenants like Mainfreight.

The flooding from the council drains could potentially be catastrophic for these businesses in loss &

damage. It has already cost us, and the related businesses, thousands of dollars in lost income & business

from the flooding that happen at the end of January 2011.

We believe that this is an issue that the council needs to address and we wish to be heard in support of this


Euan Armstrong 3"'hylay2011



Our ref: 19489

2010/2011 Draft Annual Plan Committee Tauranga City Council Private Bag 12022 Tauranga

Re: Submission by Triton Pacific Limited to Council as to Stormwater infrastructure Upgrade at Triton Avenue.

Councll submission ID:2010*AP10*1061

Reason for the submission My client wishes to better utilize his substantial holding of Industrial zoned land [some 8.5 hectares] in the vicinity of the port, which is severely undeveloped at the moment because of flooding issues.

Background Further to my client's original submission for Council to allocate funds for the Stonmwater Infrastructure Upgrade at Triton Avenue, we attach a copy of plans and photos outlining the areas of land discussed in our original submission and the increase in the volumes of storage which in our opinion are able to be achieved.

At a public meeting held by Council with various affected landowners on the 14* of July 2005, it vras stated that Council was to upgrade the stormwater reticulation firstly in Hull Road and then Triton Avenue. This was in response to the extreme flood event recorded on the 18"' of May 2005. On that occasion a flood level was recorded by 8 & L Consultants staff within the Summit Quinphos building and the Triton Pacific building [t)oth on my clients land] at a position approximately 0.5 metres above the existing shed floor levels. In a letter to Council on the 20'*' of September 2005 from our Client to Council, our client voiced his concem as to the lack of stormwater infrastructure to cope with the flood events occurring and the total lack of maintenance of the existing infrastructure drains. This situation has still not been rectified [see photos] and as a result our client's land is subject to onsite surface flooding from time to time requiring sandbagging of the doonways to the sheds to prevent stock damage, similar to that which happened on adjacent land to the south of our client's land during January of this year which caused major structural damage to a shed vrall from collapsing product.

The land in the vicinity of Triton Avenue is extremely flat, leading to low water flows in the current drains and areas of secondary flooding outside the drains. In our opinion the current infrastructure needs an increase in ponding capacity to prevent secondary flooding of the surrounding land since suitable drainage grades are unable to be achieved.


I I I Cameron Road POBox 231 Tauranga3l40 NewZealand Phone 07 577 6069 Fax 07 577 6065 Email sIconsultantsSsltga CO nz


Solutions • My client wishes to fully develop his land in the vicinity of the Triton Avenue/ Mark

Road intersection by continuing the 1500 diameter pipe to the Council system in Triton Avenue and to fill in the existing drain [refer photos 1 & 2]. Council drainage staff are unhappy with this, even though this is a private drain, mainly because of the loss of storage in the overall system of about from open drain to enclosed pipe of 200m3, to Council's disadvantage. This could be rectified by constructing enclosed box culverting of a suitable size so that there is no storage loss. Our suggestion to allow full development of private land without storage loss to the Council is for Council to subsidize cost of the extra capacity by box culverts.

• To rectify the lack of storage in the vicinity Council could utilize the full extent of its current 10 metre wide easement from Triton Avenue southwards [highlighted in orange on the attached land transfer plans] by widening the existing drain and utilizing low retaining walls [1.4-1.5 metres in height] at the full extentof this easement [as marked on photos 3, 4 & 5 attached]. We calculate this would increase storage capacity in this section of drain from about 1170m3to3350m3.

• To also rectify the lack of storage, the bund between the existing drain and the Portside Drive storage pond [see photo 7] could be removed to allow another 1300 m3 of storage. [[Further capacity could also be obtained by widening the current drain capacity [refer photo 6] to its full 10 metre easement width [as highlighted in blue on the attached land transfer plan] in a similar manner to the drain above at a similar cost and capacity per lineal metre]].

Summarv My client has been requesting an upgrade in the stormwater infrastructure in the vicinity of his land since 2005 to enable proper land development and to date not a lot has happened. The obvious problems were pointed out 5 years ago and are still relevant. A cost and a solution to the problem was submitted which would go a long way to solving the secondary flooding problems and allow a proper intensive development of this 8.5 hectare industrial site. We request that Council seriously consider this submission and allocate funds to upgrade the Triton Avenue area stormwater infrastructure.

Yours faithfully S & L Consultants Ltd

John Barnes "^ Registered Surveyor


Name: Submission Sheet No:

IWy/Our Submiss ion is that: 1/We seek the fol lowing decision from Council ^ o^ff"cruse Onl'^°


The proposed zoning is of benefit to the City and is supported.


TCC Stormwater infrastructure within the industrial Business Zone at Triton Avenue Mount Maunganui.

Within the Port Industrial and the Industrial Business Zones in the Triton Avenue Totara Street area the land currently is subject to localised flooding in heavy rain events since the current stormwater infrastructure in the area is of an insufficient size to cope.


Our client, Triton Pacific, owns a substantial area of land [approximately 8.5100 hectares] but is unwilling to proceed to full internal development of this property because of the substandard quality of the infrastructure in the area and downstream. As a result valuable land, suitable for export development in conjunction with activities directly & indirectly related to the port is lying idle, with a subsequent loss of productivity and opportunity for the City and the Country.

Proposal & Costs

Our client is willing to liase & negotiate with Council Stormwater and Drainage staff as to the best solution to resolve this issue.

Several solutions can be adopted to alleviate current infrastructure under-development:-

That proposed zoning be upheld.

We seek an allowance made in the Annual Plan for stormwater infrastructure upgrading of $1,250,000.00 +GST.



• low retaining wall [1.4 metres high] either side of existing drainage easement on eastern boundary—increase storage volume from about 1170m3to3350m3.

Costs estimate for materials and construction for length of 240 metres on both sides plus 2200m3 cut to waste in order of $560,000.00.

• box culvert private drain within client's land opposite Mark Road/Triton Road intersection so that Council storage volume is retained—storaqe maintained at current volume.

Costs estimate for box culvert and construction for length of 75 metres in order of $600,000.00.

• remove bund between Council drain on eastern boundary and existing stormwater pond off Portside Drive— increase storage volume from about Nil m3to 1300m3.

Costs estimate for construction for length of 100 metres with about 2,100 m3 cut to waste in order of $90,000.00.

TCC Ref: 611402


Our ref: 17924

20 September 2005

The Stormwater Engineer Tauranga City Council PrivateBag 12022 Tauranga

Attention: Mr J Palmer

Re: Owens Group Properties Triton Avenue

Further to discussions with the writer and Mr Doug Owens we request clarification of the effects of Council's proposed works and the actual constmction programme.

The Owens Group own substantial properties fronting Triton Avenue which are zoned Industrial Business and they wish to provide additional covered and non covered storage areas for their highly valued tenants/lessees in accordance with the permitted activity criteria of the District Plan.

The proposed construction items, for which we seek clarification for the effects on flood water levels in various retum period stomis (2% 10% 20%) and the planned construction completion period, are as follows:

1. Mark Road (York Street to Hull Road) 2. Triton Avenue outlet to the Hartaour 3. Diversion of catchment(s) above the Portside Drive/Owens Group property

boundaries. 4. Other works in the Hull Road (M15) catchment 5. Other works In the Te Maire Street (Ml7) catchment 6. Worths In the Triton Avenue area

We understand from the public meeting at the Mount College on 14 July that Council has Hull Road as its first priority with Triton Avenue the second priority.

In order to design the building floor levels and incorporate relevant risk factors into the lease agreements it is necessary for us to know the predicted effects on flood levels the above improvement works will have.

We also have concerns regarding the maintenance of the existing open drain as the flow is frequently impeded by the growrth of vegetation and debris attached to the sides (mattresses etc.). We consider that more frequent maintenance would reduce the flood levels by allowing the waters to flow more freely to the harbour.


I 1 I Cameron Road POBox 231 Tauranga 3140 NewZealand Phone 07 577 6069 Fax 07 577 6065 Email slconsultantsSsltga co.nz

' i. ' \

In addition.as our client is considering piping a portion of the drain adjacent to the Council stormwater retention pond in Lot 33 DPS 73783 (48 Portside Drive), we will need to know the size of pipe to install.

Our client is currently negotiating the additional storage requirements with its international lessee and consequently it is imperative that the above issues are addressed promptly.

We would appreciate your response by 10 October with regard to Council's programme of works and an indication of the time virfien we can expect more definitive answers on the expected flood levels.

Should you require any clarification kindly contact the writer.

Yours faithfully S & L Consultants Ltd

R P Woods