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Transcript of 81777

  • 8/15/2019 81777


    Another Country

    I stumbled into your country

    accidentally though,

    I liked your straight skyscrapers,

    the prettiest of your homes,

    your sumptuous girlsand succulent lifestyles,

    your green meadows,

    and glorious sunsets,,your broad boulevards,

    and bullshit punctuality.

    But what I failed to gaugewas your predilection for

    the retroflex and long vowels

    though you speak the

    language of love and oneness.

  • 8/15/2019 81777



    A poem remains a blank,

    blue space,

    as the mind is essentially

    a tabula rasa,

    until its signatured bya lucent image or an

    edifying metaphor,

    and pushed through the

    contrapuntal lightand shade,

    motion and stasis,

    sound and silence

    into the expanse of agglutinating

    imagination that gives ita name and local habitation

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    Something unpredictable

    seems to have happened.

    If not why this commotion,

    and uncertainty in theentombing sky

    which is ready breakinto a torrent of syllables.

    And the sea is regnantwith thoughts.

    Its only the seagulls

    which seem to have felt

    the brewing storm.They fled to the safer

    distances for the fearof anachronistic disharmony.

  • 8/15/2019 81777


    Around the Bend________________

    Its around this bend,some god must have crossed

    to the other side of the river,

    or some woman must havebathed in the cool waters of

    the silent river,

    nakedly and dried up hervestments on its bank.

    Has anyone saw her?

    No. Not even the birds andcurious squirrels,

    for shes Sita, the daughter

    of the Earth.

    And so the legend moveson into an edifying myth,

    and the river morphsinto another lucent metaphor.

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    Begum pet-Hyderabad

    In Begum pet ,Hyderabad,

    all roads lead to

    air port

    through sprawlingover bridges,

    and surrealist lanes,

    and sub -lanes,

    tenements and temples,to the rotund

    airport lounge,

    where women comeand go

    talking of Michael Angelo,and the men listen

    to their gibberish

    as avidly as children

    listen to the cock and bull


  • 8/15/2019 81777


    Carpe diem

    I love your smooth,

    petal soft environs,

    and the unmystical gesturesthat radiate my dreams.

    Do you remember how you

    and I rode on the crest of

    sea waves in the dark night,while we first met

    to anchor our thoughts to

    galloping desires.And its this darkness

    that more revealed

    the gestalt of your hopes

    than your bright eyes,

    the ripples of lightthat made your perceptions

    impervious tunnels.

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    Courting on Net

    How splendid is it to

    court on the Net?

    how easy to woo?.No need of one night

    cheap hotels,

    no more saw dust restaurants.

    when the Cupid isntplaying truant,

    and an email is so vibrant.

    Just an exchange of bios,

    and preferences,

    and idees fixe.And then come straitto the Atlantic on Maine

    to be wooed andcannibalized into

    a covenant .

  • 8/15/2019 81777


    Darkness Again

    Its darkness again that

    defies the dialectic

    by preferring to

    spread its dominance

    over hills and valleys,

    cities and alleys,and rivers and oceans

    by creating a reality

    of illusions

    And its only stars that

    refuse to accept its

    superiority for they knowthat the power of darkness

    is only limited to anambient metaphor.

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    Imperceptibly though,

    desire springs fromthe ocean of silences,

    and conjures up a space,

    and moves on into

    the terrains of love,where no boundaries

    are set,

    and no tasks assigned,for its a matter of weather

    which the bodiesmust be attuned to.

  • 8/15/2019 81777


    Dropping In

    Tinsel soft rain

    dripping in,drop by drop,

    from the green of leaves,morphs everything into

    mish mash of feelings.

    And again,in the awful moments,

    when thunder strikesthe sky,

    it turns into violent

    paroxysmsof perceptions,

    all shored into

    a belabored metaphor.

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    Exegesis of Love

    I dont know how

    these solid moments

    of darkness slipped

    through my fingers

    The suns already pouring

    shards of light

    into my bedroomwhile I ran my fingers

    through the contours

    of her bodyas one through the Braille

    Shes still dreaming

    as though its still dark,

    ruling out light from

    the exegesis of her love.

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    Fear of Fear

    I have morbid fear of

    absolutions of all kinds,

    and nearly collapsed

    when my plane bound to

    Chicago crossed

    the giant shadows,like phallic thrusts

    piercing the dark waters of

    the Lake Michigan.

    Youve had your share

    of the American obsession

    with terror.

    It isnt New York,and we are landingin Chicago in a couple

    of minutes

    assured the voice of the

    air hostess.

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    Fear of the Unknown

    Its this morbid fear

    of the unknown thatsnaps all ties with the

    arterial routes to memory,and metaphor that

    troubles me more than

    anything else.

    I feel it to be cynical

    to be away from the

    verdure of the spring,and the glorious sunsets

    on the Broadway boulevards

    only to be hurled into

    the nihilistic nothingness

    where Ive to make to withthe glowing ineptitudes

    of the dawns iridescent


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    Fitting Finale

    Life isnt divisible

    into a series

    of selective

    scenes or Acts

    as in a dramaticcomposition

    of Shakespeare.

    Its more

    like a dream,


    and derailedinto disjointed

    wads of desire.It may end up

    in the Kafkaesque

    nightmare of a dilemma:to be or not to be.

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    Friendship is an


    togetherness with an

    umbilical chord bindingthe twosome

    like content and forminto a lucent poem.

    Its never strained,not segued into

    loving thoughts,

    nor chilled by the

    desert cold.Its both transcending

    and transfiguring,

    blending the contraries

    into the absolute zilc.

  • 8/15/2019 81777


    Gift of the Tongue

    Who wouldnt succumb

    to the beauty,

    and who wouldnt towholesome praise?

    Mortals as were,

    and mortals we remain to be.

    Was this the face thatlaunched a thousand

    paper boats upon

    this perilous sea ofuncontrollable passions?

    I said matter of factly,to extol my fiancs saggingspirits and morale.

    And what she said was

    even more spirited:I know what youre

    up to,hon

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    A multitude of eyes

    look through the dark

    prison bars

    to glimpse the blue patch

    of an open sky,and feel the tiny

    portions of the earth

    which they belong to

    And why is this

    recurring rites de

    passage ofcrime and punishment?

    Arent they more sinnedagainst than sinning?

  • 8/15/2019 81777



    Now that Ive a home.Though not a big one

    with sprawling windows,Venitian blinds,

    and serendipitous doorsto allow the light to stream in,

    but just a small one,

    as the black in the eye.

    Why should I live in

    the rented rooms of my poemsand hold on to the crutches offebrile metaphors?

    I now at least have a placewhere I can hold my bones

    and breath under the shade

    of incandescent truth

  • 8/15/2019 81777


    In Benares

    In Benares,

    the Ganges spreads into

    a veritable sea to surge up

    to the precincts of thetemple steps

    The water of the river is darkthrough with the votive

    offerings of the coconuts,

    flowers and the saffron,

    and the floating human

    carcasses which are munched

    by the waiting crocodilesthat chat sacred hymns

    In Benares neither the livinglive nor the dead die,

    for theyre granted absolution

    beyond the cyclic life and death.

  • 8/15/2019 81777


    In Defiance

    Im attuned to wholesome

    denials rather than

    squeamish acceptance

    of the power of the elements,

    including the insoucianceof the earth,

    the stubbornness of the winds,

    the anger of the congruous

    tidal waves,

    and the scalding temper of

    the forest fires.Who dare them when they

    disturb the artisticsovereignty of my poem.

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    In the sculptured images

    of Khajuraho,time stands still,

    and history gets the

    lineaments of eternity

    in the amorous loveof man and woman,

    in their coital gestures,

    and serpentineentwinings.

    How long does thisbacchanalia last?And how long does this

    love? No one knows

    f or sure.

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    Mothers Picture

    I remember to have

    seen mothers picture but oncewhen I was three year old.

    It was on the attic,

    in an album,

    I saw her huddled betweenmy uncles and aunts

    looking straight

    into emptiness,fatigued and careworn,

    as though she felt thetugs and pulls of time.

    She was trapped in life,

    though,with premonitions of death.

    And it was that look

    that sends me into reelsunrelieved of pain.

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    Mountains are wavy,

    geometric lines at night,

    stretched from

    one end to another.

    And down the valley,the prettiest of homes

    are like moving caravan

    of lightsas you sped on in the

    encrypted night.

    And the sky and itsmyriad brittle stars

    too join the nocturnalcongregation,where the dark is pitted

    against the riotous

    break of dawn.

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    Its like rolling back

    in timeinto the green meadows,

    and ashen hills and valleys.

    Like cruising on

    friendly rivers,and entering into staccato of

    dreams of lost innocence.

    Like a looking backinto unfixed directions

    when memory becomesa ritual exorcism,and nostalgia turns

    into a gluey nightmare.

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    Occasionally Yours

    At time even the casual

    strokes of a brushspruced up in yellow or white colors

    might photo finish into

    a beautiful laburnum,

    or into blooming cherries

    and morph them all

    into a tuft of lucent symbols.

    While even a well-conceivedmetaphor limned onthe crest of sea waves

    may fall flat as a

    missed out opportunity

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    Shes an idea,

    a perception

    ensconcedin a metaphor.

    A bewitching


    beyond thetemporal,

    tanshuming into

    a transparent


    shes like anorchestratedsymbol morphing into

    the immanence of


  • 8/15/2019 81777


    The Call of the Sea

    Could I resist the call of

    the ocean with its coolwinds lashing against

    the shore and the giantwav surging up

    to mix memory and desire.The ocean is friendly though,

    with its serendipitous doors

    opening into the tufts ofsilences hidden in its

    labyrinth of an analogoussymbol

  • 8/15/2019 81777


    The Deeds We Leave Behind

    The good we leave behind

    is rewarded,

    and the bad interned,and negated.

    Therere no oracles to light

    up our untrodden paths.

    I remember Gandhiwhen I take my usual peg

    of brandy,

    and the sensual Abelardwhen I visit the places of

    little respectability

    for the modicum of my


    My sevenyear old grandsonchain smokes and

    tells lies as naturally

    as he breathes.

    Hes beyond repair,

    my wife wails.

  • 8/15/2019 81777


    The Endgame

    Someone has said

    that the world ends

    either with a whimperor a bang.

    While others concedethat it floats like an egg

    in the diluvial water.

    The end must come

    either way,

    I said.

    And if you allow an eggto float,

    you allow the chickento come out.And life has surely

    renewed itself,

    albeit in eidetic metaphorsof honed imperfection.

  • 8/15/2019 81777


    The Facts of History

    History is time turned


    the dog- eared yellow pages

    shuffled backand forth

    like dreams.

    And is replete with stories

    of wars and triumphs,of deaths and


    of the legends ofcoiffed men and women

    whose pictures are hungon the dilapidatedwalls

    of our own making.

  • 8/15/2019 81777


    Where Shall we Go this Summer?

    what an absurd plani said,

    where would i go whengods plenty is in here?

    shored in yourtemperate body

    and variations in the

    atmospherics customized-

    like Chicagoswintry cool,

    or Californiasoozing heat,

    or Manhattans

    buoyancyreaching a crescendo

    of the spirit

    youre a woman

    for all seasons,

    combined or discursively


  • 8/15/2019 81777


    Dripping In

    Tinsel soft rain

    dripping in,drop by drop,

    from the green of leaves,

    morphs everything into

    mish mash of feelings.

    And again,

    in the awful moments,

    when thunder strikesthe sky,

    it turns into violentparoxysm

    of perceptions,

    all shored intoa belabored metaphor.