80 Selur Fo Efil- Sacred Shellian Bible E-text

1 ~80 SELUR FO EFIL- SACRED TEXT ~ ~El-Bib Na’ruq Harot~ ~Quod Herbarum fumigant~ ~Prince Charma~ Shellian chant: Pressed into polished folds.. You tumble down the coral orb… Antennae project Majestic throat… Earthbound radiance, Coiled within your moon Multiplicatam quasi ignis conchis…


Essentially this is the Shellism Cult's Bible. Finally a copy we can all gaze upon. It is finally here. Basically my life's work. Let it sink into your subconscious. It will slowly change the way in which you perceive the world and hopefully it will change your life for the better, as it did for me. If you have any questions about any rules and how I came across them or how I decided them, please ask. Please don't share this with everyone, this is a sacred and rare text only for the esoteric and divine hearted Shellians. This may be a little shellfish but please realize that knowledge is power and not everyone deserve to know the truth. They can't handle it. #A-Shell (instead of amen)

Transcript of 80 Selur Fo Efil- Sacred Shellian Bible E-text

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    ~El-Bib Naruq Harot~ ~Quod Herbarum fumigant~

    ~Prince Charma~ Shellian chant:

    Pressed into polished folds.. You tumble down the coral orb

    Antennae project Majestic throat

    Earthbound radiance, Coiled within your moon

    Multiplicatam quasi ignis conchis

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    I would like to thank everyone who researched and

    supported me through generating this formidable

    masterpiece. (you know who you are.)

    A special shout out to the universe and Shellians


    -Prince Charma

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    RULE 1: Its about the process not the product.

    RULE 2: Turn your weaknesses into strengths.

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    RULE 3: You cant please everyone. Haters gonna hate.

    RULE 4: Get busy and follow your passions

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    RULE 5: Be accountable for your actions: no excuses.

    RULE 6: Pain (aka. Growth) cannot survive without pleasure (vice versa)

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    RULE 7: Dont seek validation to impress others do it for yourself.

    RULE 8: Negativity and failure isnt in your dictionary (you may acknowledge it, but nothing can bring you down)

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    RULE 9: BE the party. BRING the fun.

    RULE 10: Judge no one. Express yourself like a child. Free your mind.

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    RULE 11: Treat your inner voice like a homie.

    RULE 12: Constantly try to be breaking your comfort zone. Your barriers hold back bliss.

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    RULE 13: Remove fear. Move closer to love/compassion.

    RULE 14: Luck is all in the mind. Have 100% belief and trust in yourself and your skills.

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    RULE 15: Think outside the box. Role-play to let your creativity and imagination thrive!

    RULE 16: Exaggeration, entertaining yourself, innuendos, quoting references should be a part of your humor and style.

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    RULE 17: Self-love is the best kind. Be in touch with your sexuality/primal human nature.

    RULE 18: Be willing to evolve, change and adapt. Be water. ~~~

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    RULE 19: Learn from your mistakes. Embrace your flaws.

    RULE 20: Forgive and forget. The past is merely a reflection.

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    RULE 21: Live in the present moment. Go with the flow.

    RULE 22: Remember with makes a great lover makes a great liver (person) For example: Attention to detail, being vocal, being spontaneous, being creative,

    sometimes being a bit aggressive, watching your pace, having rhythm, having energy.

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    RULE 23: Experiment with your style. Your clothes should define your personality.

    RULE 24: Understand and manage your emotions in positive ways.

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    RULE 25: Rise above social conditioning!

    RULE 26: Have a strong sense of reality, but welcome fantasy.

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    RULE 27: Begin with the end in mind. Dont depend on the outcome.

    RULE 28: Approach conflicts with a win-win attitude. Balance courage and consideration.

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    RULE 29: Every environment should be perceived as comfortable.

    RULE 30: Dont take yourself too seriously.

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    RULE 31: Believe in having full control of your life and destiny.

    RULE 32: Dont overreact. The universe will deal with it!

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    RULE 33: Relax and stop thinking. Presence is contagious.

    RULE 34: Dont draw your emotional state from others but from yourself.

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    RULE 36: No one is inherently evil; their situational factors made them that way.

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    RULE 37: Dont compare yourself to others, but to your past self.

    RULE 38: Take pride in accomplishments, but stay humble and practice gratitude.

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    RULE 39: Be authentic. Be the best possible version of yourself.

    RULE 40: Things arent always black and white. Learn to swim in the grey. Ambiguity is okay.

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    RULE 41: There are perks to being an occasional asshole.

    RULE 42: Too much of anything is bad. Balance is key. Know your limits.

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    RULE 43: Make what you do look easy. This is real talent.

    RULE 44: Be congruent. Dont flinch or be stifled. Stay grounded like a rock and be as flexible as a rubber band.

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    RULE 45: Travel, read and indulge your senses. Work hard for gratification.

    RULE 46: Show appreciation for peoples opinions different from yours (note: you dont have to agree, but still it is important in building your own opinions to hear different perspectives)

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    RULE 47: Walk in your own path- regardless of what anyone else takes.

    RULE 48: FAKE it till you MAKE it!

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    RULE 49: Challenge yourself.*

    RULE 50: Youre always ready for anything. Its always on. Now or

    never! attitude.*

    *Advanced Level Shell-mastery

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    RULE 51: Go with the motion of the world and not against it!

    RULE 52: Associate yourself with poetic images. Think of yourself as an entity or animal. Poeticize your presence and movement.

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    RULE 53: Never be stagnant. Always be active, moving, up and running.

    RULE 54: Symmetry is sexy: Refer to the golden ratio and notions of beauty.

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    RULE 55: Laugh a lot. Improve a lot. Learn to see yourself as a leader.

    RULE 56: Everything is connected, even the unknown. Dont label things to understand them, let them be.

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    RULE 57: Force a smile. It tricks your brain into making you feel goooood J

    RULE 58: Recognize illusion. Create mystery.

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    RULE 60: I WANT HAPPINESS. Remove I, thats ego, Remove want thats desire. All youre left with is happiness.

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    RULE 61: Make work into play

    RULE 62: Express a range of emotions- sensory overwhelm

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    RULE 63: Time is your ally- not your enemy.

    RULE 64: Be the star of your own movie

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    RULE 65: Nike was right just do it!!!

    RULE 66: If you plan to fail, you failed to plan.

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    RULE 67: You have to be your OWN magic pill!

    RULE 68: Your brain should be on your side.

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    RULE 69 (tee hee) Slow things down and trust that people can perceive your aura.

    RULE 70: Generate a passion and purpose. Make lots of reference points to verify your steeze* (*aka. Awesomeness)

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    RULE 71: Awaken your sensuality and mesmerize yourself (with sounds, flavors, connections, perceptions and aromas.)

    RULE 72: Be a clairvoyant, expressive, magnetic, fluid, self-created government that restores and heals negative energy around you. Trust your intuitions and unshackle yourself.

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    RULE 73: You are adaptable, constantly evolving. Keep calm and improvise. Resurrect your inner dancer and embrace your syncopations (ie. Offbeat melody).

    RULE 74: Find a hobby that fulfills your inner peace. Remember: your thoughts create your reality.

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    RULE 75: Surrender to the universe. It will unfold, as it should.

    RULE 76: Change your posture. Get physical! Cuddle the chaos.

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    RULE 77: Avoid unnecessary stress or worry. Alter the situation by accepting it. Adopt your new lifestyle any chance you get.

    RULE 78: Nurture your friendships. Dont become a zombie to the power. Find your own element to self-mastery.

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    RULE 79: Remove competition.

    RULE 80: Commit and finish what you start. ;)

    ~Now you may refer back to RULE 35~