8 THE SUN. · 2017-12-21 · pOAL BFJT QUAUTT OF FURNACE J irale, atfave and r.nae tlaaa, all andar...

THE HEW YORK SUN, JJlom Broadway, roomer of BroedweyTrark SI A,'u,.7,'.,,a, AJaerleaa ifanaav, IOjJWlua 1. d.U,V by Carriers, Mr. City tad tlolay, al KX AMD quixTH cum ras wnoc Brngla Oopiea Oh (M IB- - Win mix by mail, fsu a year.' Averag qnalatioa through th Tear, nllag IsCM COPIES PIS DAT. Bl wzexxt m I It month, 1 1 single oonia. 1 hlIl bZ " r"; iMdi ribMtUMn. ' aa A 11 Rbm" Oaror rajam aad wii wtmm, Mew Yerk KMPIOTWll. r-Fe- malc A BTIFICIAL FLOWER MAKERS VuM el Ml Flroaawif , U tw VT.lM.tM ARTIFICIAL FLOWER MAKERS " vt invi io wort an fine tinned, ul . a , Bt to Vain " f ,l. .pair H.,1 IHtmIoo it. ia.3Va, A HTIFICIAt Fl OWHt MAKERS Wanted .""" Ininvaalatttji itaedy ork tad od ntm. iw rreamn it i,t.w,t TLIlLLINER WANTED A FIRST CLA83 i .h,.?4J,",, ",h" " rptr.ton putt. birib,N T. kXemei uetinntad Pint rate wagra siren, l'hnr without bnird I .ra Mid. Inralrof A. BUAkMBLkTr, IM Canal, near oerfar 10.1.l TWOTICK EMrLOTKRS CAN OET SAT- - i l!!r'?I,w4 ' ?. the smsirnnt eftee, Na. I and my beet lalonn ak.il 5? M" CST1 - And U rry nt this lUaJv."1!., fcera I amslorer uUI eatt. eWaaerUTnltn. nhT t4aalo CjERVAHrS-FEMA- LK SERVANTS Wait t4..T?T fV' iltu'loa, (sal ami (llrlalarUlaBdiw.atodlarmlplaeaa, and mill (lrla, atiita Ura laaltaUaad !Ima,Ktn Inetid kf a raFarcUbla lady, US Elrautk at, nr. 6'h i. Iti SEWINU MACniKE-WANT- ID, OI'ER. Wbrelfr Wlkanl anion m.cklaa, ror lolrt. aad an-a- i nana ant &nt nk kandi m d applr.tlOICaaJat. H.16U. SIIAKEK HOOD HANDS WANTED .hakcf libido. lU.l amalarmant Hrjn liItao.brat,oiUUfc u. r nL.fta.ai SEWING MACHINES-WANT- ED. L.dlra W oicai on WhleT WllMnl Imiwar. an aawhm machlura, kr ana af tha olilrat aiMii.aaad pantan In to rll : UuVt all kludo( aUtolOna. avaaimla(.fnHiiHt,tnrkloiriia4rnNand Iboniiik au. Baaaw of tha aali( aicdia prfwtlj, and to fond alanr. frr tl Thaa w.ntlo4 food evwalora. aa ka auppUad a 4M Oaal at, an r tha " aah1L.lUI.ttaa SKW1KU MACIirNES-WANT- FD Ladlaa ta ovvata an VThaalar aad Wtlaao, aad Blnaar. Bavlaf aluhlDaa. all Imnahaa af tha ata- - ava tanaai ana oraetiaa on work, and niianiilil aa alaara a. warn wnua 11, araw U li (raid atrma- - Bnoklra. ahlHaall REWWO MACUTtTE WANTED LADIES kJ ta tram ta aamai an BlaaWa, Wkaalar wrthoM aal awMraawWnalnra,aDd araouaa Ull aiHiaaj Sat?! au uaa awMrw aaa ararf van l.imaa raaaauaandad to vlaaaa wfcaa Uaraadi Gnaall AW inf aufhlnaa (at aaat and total a, at lit Allaa U aaar Dalaaaav. la.lM4aa EEWtNO MACITIKES WASTED, LA ' dlaa ta laam ta oaanta aai Hnaa!. and WhaaW A yBaoa'a, and Bowaa nwtnt larikiaai. Tarsal tor dj. Yarn tl to (1 . AB kaadaaf auablaaa U lli aAtHaanrT lla,taaa SEWINO ACHTKXS-WANT- EO rxK. wtan ta taka aaaiaaa aa flmart awlaa BBAakana Tanaa aaar, and vraetlaa an all kiadal at.J!-- 4 tn ' rtifj"i. aaaaairo a aaa. a iaiaaai aba lav aoar. laqaa.iaaa IIHPIXTXEItX-Baj- U. AGENTS WANTED EVERTWDEEE, TO "ExoaUkr BuMaaary and Jawalir rackara," ararr artM'a af tka kaat. Oaad aad rat irrol.r. w1h fall aartloalara. OOHKLIM at faTTi- - AGENTS WANTED- -? ABLE-B0DIE- aatvtal of f I to t narS. t .all la ih'.aityandtharoa tr twaar kkraa ar lelaaaawhlok tkara la a prott of K par cat Can aaaka from (t aa au rar oaf. vau at 11 afura at. aa ataira 1U,1M1,1 1 ajtj.-i- . RLACKSMrillS WANTED TO IRON M tnt claaa arreaiT waaaa a mad kaad will kaaff fa and lab braan'laa kaanaoaa aad nasabrr ta tsiAunawi 1 n. a--a h r afhaa. Alaa a raaof aaaa that kaa lariad at aart aad nna anaklna. will kava a aad ta tmprvra. Tan aad aot laaa tiaia; and a 1MM pARTMAN WANTED- -; OF REFER- - - aoearaiiDlrad. R.W.UAX TitW." rirmoaia na, urjotira DRAGOONS WANTED FOR TOT V. aar, wtak aaatona and atafklM ka aboadanoi allowad to aaah all alar. Par aartlaalara. aaqaira aa na uv uanaaa aa ar av. 1 paaaaaica a tJ.1 EAOLB, lat Ud,fl OaiakT. ' fJXUEU. J BttdarrAajuu nemttthaam.uat? 1" aaant, WOOUA Vl() lTewaaTVl tot ton a air.a- - u.laia, lac ' V .all a4aeIM HfTUapal - ajfODiKua rTAirrBD immediatelt, tTnrC.B. Artw, 100 actln manj Tv from ill ta COAL. InoaH.IVxbSCandlaVaiidltTIm.nait. - ubll.lTVlaa. nUrniWtiUNTOat. COAU COAU V- - at no. flOli. ttoo. Bariaa )t laid dawn a lar.a acila.I am prewired to deliver to eial pedlars dealert and eftrtman, b wt qailltr blon CVal at ttultni d Pinnae Oaal at IS JO. f oni foot of rtf atrart, M. tL, walafcad br at. ora waitnir. r, TRCADinx, ahT.Mell Onoiar aad Waat aL COAL-BE- ST QUALITY RED ASH UOAU wblU tah, $4 75, d lln-re- ta famllteafram yard. 140 Waerlr laoa, lao w.t 11th at. and TS4 Waablnitoa it E. KCaUtTKLI. lJ.Ul.lt pOAL BFJT QUAUTT OF FURNACE J irale, atfave and r.nae tlaaa, all andar oarer, for rrnla althe loaaat pneea, for caak, at the old rard.ll Ualaawat,eornwrWnarek lt,lt0J fXHt- - 1 1 ouaLii; J l M. MBt. T" lueaawaiiaai wraaaiiai raoiasa. a wow .ehr,io5arpiTr atraet Dock. fcr t Ban. brat ruIR .tore one, aniowiiin an waa aeaan. 1 at ti aaah, wetaned ba a norn w.inar. . ThhiPWJfia.. ua t"t.ti ria I aVBvraatlltfcat, jbtttani 14 waauawii POAL. COAL AT KXTREMKLT LOW J aaah, tar Bm nrf M Madwhlta eaSraf aallMlu. tBMWWah. iOtlB J.ffBJlT, aaaianr.Mfcal. tUd 1 rn I AL A LABOR SOTPLT OF THR BEoTT l - aaKBlTarradand . whttaaaaaoai , ana aa aaaa aa atm. aaa. - - - . - aa a. - ..m ka knavadat law Blam V inOAL $4 HUT aiZR,BTOrM, BAJKiR I Kj m and FurnMeataa. fB, prime jaUma. ej a aaUBtaaitt rOAL FAR BUF1BIOR IN QUAUTX TU vmaal at Ik. .1 mIJ la aSla 4ti neeaalr ftw famllv naa, t. artaetaLdallaarad. at laal than ba market artaa, from rar aa urasa - and ttl Oeaaard eta. t L.BBAGH, aatamtl, B0ARD Altl KOOBIbp. I AT THOMPSON 8T- -A FEW RESPECT. . atUinraeuUaeommeUMrtMod board a wear, ill no nee pnu ll and to a waak tw iZt. If fvneanitMg.adlart mbt tUrlM 1JOAKD .FUKMlallKU UOOM3, WITH AJ all enavMilanM for aaa month. Cell tor t daja, 101 ll.nri iTuM rtOARDING A RE3TECTABLR MAN JJ and wtla, ar two ibuil. goatieuiaa eea ba a. aamaiadatad with full ar pa. tiat board, alaa a ream t let, without heaid, hi an reaag maa. Aaplr Si (kaihnrdea. t,lt4Jt Biin BOTtCK It TOD WART and aohatajitial hear. an nton. elaaa atnaia aoom, to from tl 16 ta tl par mat, where pea awl all khe rwnf orta ai a heme, aaB al It uah et anl hart. tW-iM-B rrutU" teltUa ROABOtUa-F- OS rOUH tUCSi'BXTTABLR MJ mMkif. U 170 Third an, fn- - H a weak. BeobU and akagla bade, tt B atitraooa out th tm aaara, at the eor. eflTUat,' faattlMttd BOARD Bt,0 GREAT BKDUOTIOCf Vt rooma with auaUaan board BM0 I Bt a week, lormar prhna tt te Ba,ladla iaam 81 na. far aomtnt anod brio and ehaannaaa. Bile haan eaaela all other, e warm vartor with aaana. vyyaenawn an aitaa. tag ataanafa iniaa, lawanBara ai. near awjaiwagi nun. T0RKV1LLE HOUSS AST) STABLE Mlt.weihrnr eermfTM4W4ail.tt -- !. mum and ! with IHearaa (mad. Beat tree iMtOln at U UABT, Third at. katvm Ut aad Sttk COAL TARD TO IJS-T- WEST WASH. riaea. !,), pACTORT TO LET 01 LXAn Jk? Branklra Watiaaat1 bimrmtm ItalUUnc at kr Mk diterka. aoad aa vitavtkwal- - ta. aaa vaav inrncnMm ml tmkia laa IhaH Ira nlantw walk af WU1 and raHaa at. in th. koUdlai la a ataaai aadna tl 1 kana lll D.'r ai u nana nlnjr order and arUl ka aold adk r af Um kolldliM. Aaair ta iha WII. MOT a KIM4.M H uanvortai'O taint Proai at, Brookla, ar JOUJl aUTOU U M.T. as MM' 1U noUSE, 4., TO LET and Horn altaehad vltn ilrtarM. kVnt. llaa rrrri Im maelilaa.hna,wltk latba. Tiara, aad fw wmi. ail pr awifiia. Aapir on tha tiramlMa. 1 Btitt dth at, Vmil.m.barih, at. D, 1U.1UI,. af GKCCERV AND LIQUOR STORE TO aVart. Maim td aad lid ra, nair CVotraJ P.rk , in, of ana r f lata Mar nait Tin LTlLnuiEY,.',eh'f' W" J- - XI OTEL AND STORE TO LET, CHRAr-- ,Z no,,hui ,dtara.laihroraaralf1 KoaMlla. adjolnloi Ik. davat, with ablr. if rmtnd Ivjulra on tha la tin baa, ar af K. A IMT. .Mi.IUaOTarat,K.w VarkT U.W1.V TTOUSK TO LET-T- WO 8T0RT AND A J ba mral tad attla fraia baaM.wtthU raoaii and awtrtra. n taukla manr. a, wUar.ipl-ndi- d fui, (T.pa rlaas and wacdkaoaa, at lit araat Iti at. llvt,k tT0U3E AND STORE TO LET.-I- M A ir, h!, !" -- rr" T 0wtr klarkat PlM and Hreona atrarta. an rimllant loaa. . ''.'P? lBM- - J' aatMa at Yarkmla, ka. twsm d and Bd a.aiwra, 1 rtill Mjof iTaandTAa. a fraaifcrt HoUl, tot WUUan at, roonO. m. Ura u,iia fTOUSE TO LET FOR r-- A SMALL I r.TaK.'T7 W' a", " VBkVB. ""d aakW f ! " wltfc aaa. tarAaa ta front ITICUaaavat.Baarnnnd. Ta aa aaaa t br applj Luf at 118 CLUatSiaV lMi CJOUSE AND GROUND TO LEASR IN i L. " "r,1-- ! ham " tu " af rronnd u.Kia.Ub '" BrlTatVra Atn4ataarB4tfateUrvaJa.aXtMat. Tattttaann f TOUSK TO RENT OR LEASE-T- UB I tswiniAfcrSki. whilst?- - LAND TO LEASE OR TO LET ON pbJt., nMilrpfodiretlTa. .ar to work I aanT. iTAKKirr TO LET- -A nRST CLASS FaUUilr BBfftFat 4kM a raaro. mJ v.... T ma. n,, 41, ir aatarrm- -- uulvuaD ka. ajarn voaautfoo ,, U'J iraatoraaJa, laaalra ill) anVRwk. U1 aWa. U.IIU MAHOOANT TARD, NOS. 181, 16J AND , J06 A.')orar , w lat: U a toad nattkhorkaadi (Taw u raqniraa. inanira af JOBa AUBLM Aa, an tha vmalaaa, raar knllJuui. ia,HIJ OFFICES TO LE-T- OFFICES ON D :."?r if r,,to" . Ta a aaad taaaat tkay wiU ilil,akVr-ai,KV,-i 1? "" taavi flaw, la.lM.1 DOOMS TO LET-- IN 8TH STREET. St .?'''''' aaar. I raanw, baaamaat ani jaklM l araaf aallar, t 0; baU aawjr vaf-- r fVUInr 4oara aaa! mni aaat !?Jt."4I? IaaiaataiaaaVfttkat, au aad Ilh ata. lAltf,t ROOMS TO LFT-- W THE N1W BBOWOf boaaaa. k $00. Ma. 5M, No. DM aad Na. TM P1,kik aaawa. baadaoaat aaMa af maa, aaoh a tnt. aaaaad ar khlrd Aaara, awiaTdas ' 1- - Yafoi,- - CTKAM POWER, Ac. TO LEASE AT 7. lf-fK- " vaaar wl bordlaa. tSi'lt, t. traaa lalTth a, aaar la k aa.. Aral kaiaMdlatat. teD.tXrruM.aiKtCaawryat. 10,llM CTORB AND BASEMENT TO LET With JJ a a iod arcw, for a baker r r ajraoarr, at l Wjrt folk it la.nlkr A. LKVU. 1 Waat ttdatialaaloakar. fct. Paawnlia ImmMlaUlf, l,lt i gTEADT STEAM ro"" .. ill LEASE FOR A Tent . ...a, ea traabloftea it, Jaraer Cltr -- auI new buWdluaa and dock la Iront, bu been nd for the m.nufaatuiin af eaamt, kirina aUaek- - a Dmii.a:eB uaoaior inaJiua niar eat feed, well af eamant, ar It map ba taroed Into a Blanlna or aaw Kill, ilea aaumberof aaeanl I4 frnatlaalhe wata- - ip If vtu a. nininin, ani wmih. or te Capt. IIOWEI), on tha pramlira maiiaao,tii CEWING ALVCniNES TO RnT AND FOB IAXK WUeeler al Wilaon'a, Urorer A Piker I M Blnrer Col. . At redaeed ratea. Inarrartlon ainn. Pirtlaa are mmodited at the N.r. (IK WIND MIL1IINK tUI'DRinf. mh lo tdasntt 4X0 Mroadwnr. ear nrjama at JI FABI POWER TO tT-T- WO ENTIRE J r oan, OOi' 6. well l(hted wlah wtndawi on three iMea, to Itt with atea pnvar, aprlr ta W. T. HALM ML, an tU praailaaa, U OaluaiUa at Pa waa-to-n UnmadlaUIr, 14.1T74 TO LET-SKC- FLOOR OF the 1 atorr nrl.k dwalllagM Caa.a at lnaalre UUaarTnfthelfaaWWerka,0( at 01 Mnrrar at.earaftllaaeplaea. H.MO ROOMS TO LET BUSINESS BOOMS at Ct relten it, earner af Brdar Alter t toemm11iuiimUmt UftM. --- nm U rv m laWBawaiaB. eWJanl .TwaVar IWU TS, GROCERS HOUSE TO LET OR a la A rsrr daatrabla hoaaa. nlUhla far a aal famllp aamar of Ainetao and lalrlmnr ata, Apple bet. (JAJUWBLU BVIUrand.at.VTu-UaaMbura- lMJt.1 U7AQON MAKER'S Bn01 TO LIT AT Bnalewwad. Barana Oo, W. J. ta aaad nlhber- - Boon. aaa vaaanaa, ana wian aa evparUnltf u balkt aa an ainallnat ajana. JdIBawadat,het t ana 11 una BjATEVClS BJLIVIU. ROSE HILL SAYINGS BeCOC, CORNER at, aad th an.l opea dally from I ta 6 p m.t VYadnaadan aad Baiwrdar. antll T m. frora It aaat. ta BMex) reoatrad. fataraaf at ilia rate af 0 aaroeat will beelteretoa raaiaof t&n and ander. IMpaaita made ea or beter tha lh af April will draw I katereet treat wa lav. muiiiA liC LX, Bear. BvkU,t4aeUt THIRD AVENUE SAVINGS BAKE, ooaNn m Avr. tnth ir. cnajtrntED twt. BIX PKK CBNT. nrTEBnaT eiWedManaepielta,trmeaoellei ta ant khea. aand aollara. au. BiaoaiT aiaa on oa awroa m lBn or Ann, will nuw iBTaaaaT raon Aran. la-e- . Beak epan dallr bom 10 te I, alaa on Moadar, Wat neater and Baeordar araninn from t to t 'eloek. SrBMUaOl K. OBJCBM. Prmt mhltt4aeltt OFFICIaUkATI laEGAEa. POUJITT CLERK'S OFFICE J BVnTwttMaraht.lBTL, rahna BwBea ta hereby livwa that aa the 1 tea r af Huitl akin prima araw panan or jaram vw in fcUowhi. Oourta, h b. held la and for theattf and natfel Maw Yark, en the lat dar ef April, left t AaaiaalaflMrVtitJaroaatar BoiraaMQat Oav-il- t, and Orrr and Tatwlaar. fart 1. A panel of injratadane iat a lirtmt Oaaat, arenlt Partt Two naa. af tilt Petit Jam aaah taf B 0rt f 0mnva Parti, and t. YwananboflMrwmjaraneaefc Bat a lw.rtr 0ut.Varta lands. tjna7a4tJbraavtJarwratolOowrtf Orerand ,J?H !i?l?l i-- "t t ' tl IM ratt) wHa JOHN OLaJtOT. OUT. CEALED BE andVberwU. i alt-- dn JSdra?rS LVUmnamf FUaaaavd vnlnaattone tar ai at lb. ofAee ef the Bnutandnt7 fiSZS anflraaaag "lihial at. tta. ThaoowtaaMwUl haawarawd, hviwiuU. U tha Uwait ramaaahTa aaiwaalarr aarauaa, inono IB Ward raw raa th rlrbt to reJeot aZr n ajiafTaaCrE panhiefiaradjf Aaama anblle Intern! I JAMES MACTtnaJt, I VIM.U AMT1CEJW FOB HAI.B BRAtpiNU MACHINES, to. FOR a.ahlnaa. aylBkta Mlh.. a- -. awaaorlnt aurkTan, tnaatbar with ihaftlna. banehaa. Ml, aad a naall anrlna; Htaanvpovar and rjoma ta kc. Iaaalra af tJlfcUTUH CUfrABZ.anr. flna ara. im Kaat U4 at. IMIII BIRDS. BIRDS-BBU.I- NG OFF CHEAP. InaaaJra laA. aaea; ataatk-aiao- i kraadjjlrajUft, ak. Um ttlNWat nnof for balk nnt ramtt uu DIRDS JUST ARRITED, IN STEAM-A- J ikla IkaaBaaa, a Urn aaaatttf af auartna aanarr Vfaa.aaldaw.kaa, baufnrnra, nnaata. mnlra, bak JIM", and othar klndaaf aJnaiu btrdi. Iti! !? aVBUA-a- ; tl kadrtaaa, l.IOBlt CATTLE FOB SALE CHEAP TO aad Hartal daraVnara-T- wa aim, fS; !; ' a. aan, 9" ana aiMi; aaa ar, ml idaiwi at- - ar T CII9 at or II. Waat jlnb.kaa. aa Mr. Bararl plaoa. la.1914 fANAKT BIRDS FOB BALK LOHO rjj ." " ;"?- - ".' varrnaiva. drrir a ,t,ia.,w ,n m aaa aaaa, aaawwaa) riami aaa mbhbb ai I aaaa. ta. T Bill PIKELE AND LTONB, iKWINO MA- - .Bklnaa, artoaa radnaad. AB BaarhlaM warrantad lira naaur aaaianauaa than any la tha markid ar "SXfw l AawaaaaMaaataraiaV .iMnaaMa, . ail trill TT0RSFJ AND CARTS FOR SAI.E-Tr- TO norara and rk. anltlbla f r aa.y kind af boil-b- i la borira ara aaund and hind, and tha .art. Ii iward.r. Appl at U auat rid atrtat, bata-aaat- and to aaaa. 11), 103, J TTORSFJS FOR SALE I D AA horara, trad for win or anr-anra- 1 alaa, 1 and wnrhlna karaa will ba aold far a (l Inaulralo tha rrorair atora, eor. af Uotd at. aad Mrrtka -- non. BmohrB la 1.I0.J LTORSKS X)R HALE 11 SOUND TOUNG AA horraa, lnt fiwm th rnantrr, for d.a I iwa cirrmaa. tiurkinranr kind afhiaar wrrk ( an ha am a atllLararat. bat Mfurd aad Wnekar. l.Ua,0 HORSE. CUT, WORK FOR SA Uaruia, 87 Waahlnrtoa it, S Y.lia,t TT0RSS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- 10 iJ7T?bC?, "! frera Cjnada Wart, rroin t4 U aad Mad. Iaaulra U tha blaakamUk aha m Noa-- lMfl.t TI0RSE MARKET CART AND ' 111 R-- A A aai fat aal. akaap, or waaU trada tar a anad al a u,!?X"V,.tobl,',,,lLS?;fe,,,,",r" twinlraef M , (amu, of af W. B. MAT, I aanlfc Ilh it, WUUaaaaba7kV TTi" 18,111,I TT0RSI8, , FOR BALE I H0RSE8. J xt: rti and karnaaii wU baaald UMVr or for aaah LDautraaf . iilluc,tonir af W.ahl.rtanaedUaaraiaart ata. U.jila. LTULL FOR SALE TnE HULL OF A inaJ?!5l.tTthff.lS? "la for a barn ar a bf boUdlne a konaa aa bar. to ka aald PIANO FOR BALE i BA00 R0SBW00D ptaaofartafornlafar 2,wraralrBan.kaaa,?orta tlrU ar. aaar tka BTarr boat !?'2?k?fc?, ?"' auiatka aaaaAnd krlU ta aapraoaaiad. A fra a.a. MlfrTra, ikraa daa. pons FOR SALE TORTS, PONTSL Baadrad ShatUad, toaik.and Walak stsssssei&'sti P0NRT FOR SALE A PONET TEAR . at d butoh arf aarti vrlnilMV. wvild SWOT FOR BALB-T- HR f ART BAIL. nawaaBai draw. Ojbt draft watari wfll ba aald law ar CCHOONER FO - O daa . f M aalaatl an , . f ai ' a tt-- rt a a a" a a - t al -- o. .. anad. BTItWABTa ii . aad Ilh are. AIM enrne ltlM,t W AGONS TOR BALE ONE HORSE nrdanara watrona and knainam waaana, new and Id hand. Aval, ta OIOB LABKi, ltltn at, batwaoa Braadway ana loth are, H. T. UM,a4M 80.000 BAJUUUJOFTOUUIUTrX Tuh LOOI MatTTACrreTUi OOMTAHT, WaalemlotaUnltanraKaaora. Tbla la tha chaapaal rarttUaer ht Baarknt tl worth elU manor, aa aere of Uorn, will Inoroeae the are Bam d te ana half, and wul rlpaa Ike ere two nek. earlier. Prion, erer I barrala, tl pa barraj B paanphlot. with aaAwaatorf ertdann and faU t. I'naTTBt b a aaot gratia ta any one eeodtnf ealiaaai a aux r iniil, paui una ai vJ Ha.auUanrtlandtat4li: Oenaral Aawakj tat aha IfcaSwi B JaSl taae'141 VNIItJEavB CHAIf CaUv. BUTCHER'S STALL FOR tnabtat markeU la Haw York. A a. U. fcat B.B. U. W.DUBUAkCS. 4T4 IlrforJ lt,lM CONFECTIONART, TOT AND FRUIT ahanoa-t- ka atock aad of aa aid neWblUhed nnfaotlooary, tor and fruit iter, rlroatae tn one of tha beat loeatl jna In Breohln, K It, Innulraaf the pnprietgr, 131 it, nair Beutfctdat. 10.AUI CANDY STORE FOR SALE TnE OLD eend atora, 16t Lawnard it, U ekaaa. It,lt4,l POUNDhT FOR BALE IN COMPLETE A verktaf aider, well loaatad aad dolaa a coed bodarea. Inaulraaa the pnoalaaa, M 1 Kaat afth at of U.tTuiOVVLXa. 14avvt 1 OTSTER AND DINING MLOON-F- OR a, en half ar tha whieaTwi the Vk and titniM of aa old eaabuehad rtr and dialog aalim, low rent nod faeailan, nod thareoabiara, dalng a awed ta ad arm. JtBLuUti. 14 Uhambart It ltTlTM POULTRY STAND FOR SALE A rVtt TeaaUbla aad fralt itand, In one of the beat market In the alar of New Yark, karla baa oeeutaaa arta praaoni a oner er ina Maa id raan, rar varttoaW. lavraln aBTBTIIBM rv 1 Ttaapat, waaniaiion mtnat, THE jHIHM4ISIlBkC7flNFFoAd.B9ByuflllBHi SUN. NUMBER 8952 MEW YORK. , TIIKSliAV ..... Ma l mi in ion .Tmvv,lt i aqua' ritlCK OffE CBN Paaarerte annrkfta. MoahtAt, Btaarek II, 1M1. Fii-- b, At. The denuad ror Weetern tnd hue flaor I .gala better, with t god etatera and local damaad, Th arrival art tatr, but the Meek ef BwvM braad 1 limited. Ta aalaa taolad lt,BM bU. al S IS a f 11 fcreupwOM Bete aad Waaterai SMiasttfer rxwa Bktlei tl to a to 40 foroaeieeaa. tots a u n Bar tn low graaaa ot earn weeiern ri. tS tB tar ehlndieg brand ef round haop extra Ohio, and t It a $T It for trada brand an. Oatadiaa fl er I Braver and la fair ru,aeat aaln of MO U4e. at gS SO a $ J 60 for ezwa. B ur I firm aad la fadr demtad far the trad and Wret loduatj Ihe arrival ar light aad esmaroa brand are Brmly held at th eloae aalM of 1 COO by ertfl 404 n for mixed to good Mper-fia-e Uiltlttore, AlaxeudrU, Ac- -, aad fi Mai fjr aha batter made. Bte flour la la fair Aemaad UM 0e to, th Ut- ter prk far i stre. Corn nval la la fi'r reqe t etlw of TOO bbl al al tt 80 (or Jeney aad tt 0 br Brandy ni aa afl.i. U vckahaal jflour la Brat al tl Mai TB Par 100 lb. Oaaoi Tb wbnt matkel ha laaproved with modaial ai rival and a farther daolin la freight. The Inquiry la malalr for i apart la part to Franca. Tba aalta are N JIOU bueh al tl Mat I tl far Mil waukle Orubi tl ttatt B tor ordinary u pine dellnreitl Hl Whf we Chicago Bprlojri tl fhr Nirtb Waal Clubi I It far law Brtagl tl ttatt it tor Cwada U'ubi tt 31 (or red Wee.; tl tt for rid J my, tt do for while Indiana tn atorei tl 60 ror whii Mlehlgui tl tt for ordiatry wait Uaiuorma ana viw wrwwi wane urn.-a- n BtrlT I la fair aul firm atle of 0M hueo. Ctnad Bait ai ISe. Dirlej malt la timet and la good damaad l ilea 400 bu. at We. OiU am flr-- aal In (air ri ial al It),' a til. for aaatara a 1 0anadiaa,and tl a MX lor (taw, tha latter rat. far ch.lei Bl U qeiat-aa- la ( 1" buah. nwlhara te ar rlvealabaAUeenu. O wa U Brm aal ta good dtaud for ixport, th brad and the aaat. Tha aajr tt,00 bun. at tt a til for BW Bailed at ah railroad deaot Ma OSe. far Bw Bou'hawj TUow, ten. tw eld mixed wMtera, la eaer i KM ataa. tar 4. daUrared, tad tt a Tit. tar wiU eovAhara, THE NEW YORK 8U1N TUESDAY MORNING, MAR. 19 1ML Fiom A Snip Extract! from thla lattar wara rtad to a ooaanany of Ckrlattau falkar-a- d I rra'arti U.I Btaamar gamlanla, R'a da Janatro, Dm, tab, I'M OurptlrllrrraaniBot Tory Butaarooa, kat th.r an nraciotta. if chrtatlan al koma aoatd,lathd mldatof thai raJ rant a(w, U brmight to rai'.lra Mr fulty em poiltty, la tbla raapact, I think thalrptajera would b muck mora warnaal fjr ua rae go dm t tha aaa la nbJpe aad tea tha tkadanp. Yaa bar probaU Laanl that tka prartr aaaMlaj. ara kept apj aa tin la the nlWa claaa. BeaiatiakM t1r twa or throe ar la ltd name of Carle. Itjt bit proauee la oftan faltUlad la them, Oa'7 tha Uaigbbath I waa much (ratlfleJ to hear from the orjirl? ear. taaal IhU he bad choaan that road pan which 1 hall nerar ba taken awaj from hUa. II will te fraUrlBf to 7x1a kaow thai all ft. mawit en of the church, who are on board, a-- prt tj cdBoarai a vara praof that, In the aatliaatloa af the thej are reliable. Ahaouaaamenl la maJe thai aa a.T.ral ah!pf war, there la much laaareat aa lb aal J act ef la Ibalr prajar meetlnn, Oa tka raclflj eoaat, abaard a ahlp af war, a m qtiaat barlBf Iwaa made of the oaptala a' tha ran. ail, Inroogh the.Chaplaia, for le.re to bald a I i rud.l repvlaad Ike rrp'j lain-- , that a ahp o' war wia bo place for a prajar laeatlpf. It bad In ba held la eecret bj a few; but waan.it 11 a lraa r.inat. A luint of ll'iieimnV In tha Kultan ttraat l'rajar Mevnf, a naUeaiaa Imutu'lJ prajrrlora portion of lie Sialaof Wiavonila. tit aald It via 44 nl'aa wide by JflO mllra lor;, anl aa wl l'..l w th th who tairo.lalad 1 national. U -- gMnulnarlana lwida, Nrwa-(ian- a, Una, ard almost erarj rouotrj of K ir pa, lata patlonof tfaaauie laattreai.ly daatilvnaof Ihemnnauf (race bo pteweeia, a 'treat r, being ta ba (ourd la tU'air,on there ara 41 0m) ubUdran-tf- Ol of whom are cathaml I 1, giihd.j H lioola. The entire populalloa la 00,0.10 to 170,000 Maur guaday Bj.eJ hae act a ploua paraoa la It. Aad jat the Lord ewe the lead eown, and It anilaga apla a pre. I mi t. He aaroad the can of a dear little boj, wba died In kraornort aad triumph, wandaiful te all who knew hint aid wlineeaed hi. Un houra. TUe eesre waa I bare the an rat i that bippr death la my poukal, II la a UrUe taaUvient, Ukea from Ike child a pocket after kla death. Hi died while Ihnie around were alagiag oae of hU fnar. lie krtnna. lie had learned to know ami lota Jarua. Lvcinarrrt or MiMinir Wntic rw tint Citt. We take a few ttrikin lncldenu from the lilt remrt of the Cirr Taicr Mi...n They dliplay well what tha work U, and what epnoaltloa It BlMtl with t Tntn to rAT. A rneohanh!. towtatm tha tract effort waa bloaaod eboot tbraeraari jr, tad who It praanereni la hie werldlr labort, giai to hie workahop In the meralog, and after arrnelDg watk for tha dar, Knee te a rUllr prarar mrrtiax frcmHonlU U eMeck. Thfa aedoee reKubuIv, aad thil ti hJa tealimonr ' "Formerly I thoiht I had as tine for ralUioo er prayer t hat I bow And that I make time by ttepping to pray for It elm ran each caUBDnre and that I da mora wotk In leaf time lhaa I aaad to dn, I Forvn atr Wat to J neon, U a lotth-afm- a barcmant wu fooad a poar eolora.1 arCBiMi. apon wham roiwanptlon had rmarlr nniaiiaii tie worn, etna Bad lltn -- ' rho earned what aha rM ... IV T, ai I earn a I lat .'afcl ttl i.e h' 1 fiM of ' mu-- Mj at, ' i, . .aiaif 1; " . ' .1 el! ' I a v ...i rwn, II tu1 u I tm, .. uut one plea," waa poetad up la a tmith't hop, and thil hat been the meant of convert log three of tht men who worked there. Thb orroemow or a rinTAi rutn, h lalior In the Tarlont rugar-hoaa- of tha city to all that lotkt tike rrli(ion baa become notorl. oat tnd tmono; tlioaa who labor In um of the rugnr linuaea, tliln opproetlon hat Iwcomo rery hold and tioh-nt- . Yet, thore are alio LaliorlnK in tbme plat oe a few con erted per-on- i, and ono of them hat related the following f&ttt to the Biitionary whou mlniatry be at- - tenaa. " 1 101.1 Tim iiuc my aitutiien anion,; the atoffert w 11 lutolerahle : yet at you adt ln.il me to five them tract. Id Id eo but thon I found tut favor with them than liefora. Sime toek the trartt. utterlnn bitter otthl aal ruf tea; tome took them and tore them to pie ea before my .face; and one tntn wiahtnjr to tig. nalto hfmsolfaithe mc it decided, refuted to touch a tract. lie appeared indeed to be ov. aeaepd with a lneiun of demont. llut at noon I found an opportunity of prlrttely putting Into that mtn't roat-pork- the tract entitled 'The ChrUtian CouojeUur,' and pnyel atrnettly for him. Th next morning I obarrvwl that he wu very tili.nl, and at nona be ctmo an I aeated bimteir by me, and taiii, 'oo you tljly put a tract In my pocket. Well, th counsel it good, ind next'SundiT I will go to church with you.' He dtd no. From that time he at- tended regularly; th Lord gave hla blaatln; and now that man it A new (nature la Ctiriat Jctut." Mare rathe Paatenald. Th London 7i"t, In a recent article) th failure of Eaglind to duitroy th iliv trade, thut point lignitlcantly to a turer method i The puWlc aautlmeal upon ta anhjeotof altvery aad the tlava trad anma al laal lo have entered Bpoa It permanent elate. A hundred and Bny year. ae we were fighting for th privilege of oonvetlag nigroM vat an. A geoaratioa lafr and our ennaclaacaa grew uneaay a lha wall af the etlflad negro came horn lo u with Imnortu. Dal. repetition. Hal el lail w awoke. Taeeteta of Ihla eoantry whaa th full gallt of alavary cama moa ll wa. nothing lea than a freaay of reran.. BTw Ibal paawtoa everylhlng want dawn. But avaiy grtal aidarmnl ha llereooU. W who now ooeupy th earth art laaa affected by th ertmnof ourgraadaaharaor Ik ramofn of ewr bthar. W begin lofaal In anVighl al Ihla pe. treof Ihe writhing Nagr. Tear age thar war aaa who ventured te any that, after all, th earth mnat h tUlad, and thai the gnat law of Mature which doomed man to labor atuat apply la Ik black matt M well a to th whit. Their vole, however, had little chanoe of bring heard, We lavtihed our money, w onetced the weak, and w went lo Ihe verg of maklag war upoa th atrong, U order t bring the real ef tht world to Jala with tt la our era. and again, th hreffle la mankind, Tel we hata not nooaedad. We mikubmll I Ike law whtok universally let one humaa aoadoct. After all our vela aOorte, we maet be oonltnl lo attraet mtBklad by Ihalr Intereata, and not pretend to genre thtta by fane, rranoe ' her hand upea her iwerd If wt prenm te Mk whether ah hi alavr or fre laborer la th hold of Iht Cher!!- - etOierg. gaaln laagka at a If wt pratnl t prevent bar ha Impwwaff M mtny alavat a ah raag want la Cnha. Amrrtja threaten war If wt attempt te liberate tha lira cargo ef t Timet eovetfd with lha Blare and Bwios. Al lt wt ar octnlng dowa to tht aammoit. plant netioa thai the brat wty of daatroytag in ebjacvlouab! ryrtun of labor la to uad.ra.U It. Bah In India aad it Cilea we btv. the matariala for a eoanpetltloa which may reader Ihe B'ave Trade aa txunot, beeaoa aa anarofliahl tiafo. Afilaa, Bopulout M II It, ll aot a popa-leu- e a Own, nor la II an populona M lie ooael of India, We beve a Imty with Gala whioh u Weeny te Oiavfaat aaa only 0laima but thatr havUlas. While othar nation may kid-B- ap than by tana, wa na obtain Tdaateer by Ihenmadei and If ear law tare oon-va- d, w a- - not far from Ik period wkaa w may an Ihe pro. perllvefonr Watt ledlta eoloojat reetentl and the B'av Trad xttagBlak withe laomltar er abttoallator f(lca, tattle ft aaa I Inly Rna,tYb tU,lMl. T th yMiortflh' .Tw l'rt ,sin , ThenM altgethntpna ihontl g abroad IT lit would learn home now, mutt hare hl Itt oriRin tt Rome. la the mlJrt or the rtf which U roconitructln,r a kiolom, It It mora dimwit far me to lean, with ccrtalntr of Itt daily morementa, Uan for thoM who, tt more dlstmt nolnt,rce!Te tnformttlon thronsh the rrliahle channoJi of coramunk'itloa which JjurnaliiUe enterprlaa hat erarrwhere aatab. liaoeu, la .pile af lllilwral (rorernmnnU anl oMJlraome pollca yitrrat. At Tarlt the daily telcgrami adrlscd me tt one of frhaterer lrtmj.lr4 here, at well At of the tll,;httt morement l any direction which could afTact the plant tnd purpenat of' the cabinet, upon wh.e tctlon the fate of Italy In t lar,ra a tnMiiura tlapandi. Hern, on the contrtry, the rtjue rtmore pidlou front mouth to mouth are the only aourc of Infornttll.in at to what U lrnplrlni near itt hand, while w mutt mwjs a wilt tha tlew ircfcTfM of tn unceruia mail tt loira the newt ef the outer world front jouraalt which raijoy mch liberty a U unknown here. Tht tinRle foolactp thctt which rrprenoati the newapapor ruterpriae of thlt elty, of 200,000 inhtbitanti, la ctro'ul not to publith any barne lotcllicnco uttil it hti gone tho ronndi of Frrn.li ar,.l F.nli.b Jounuh lona; nouKU to rnaurn iU rrliabil ly, an.l not thnn, If It hat anjthlnR toolTud Ilia Korcrnment, 'lho tmprrsiiinii Unit the French troopt trs to lastpraMiiy witii.irtwn, It gaining rounl n ry Jay. The newt wa roreira from Frtnce err. lain! y pointa to thta, thoah it It Jnli.-- lt te reconcile any wch Intention on Hie part of Na. iiiiroi, with the ronttitnt trrlral of naw re. crulu for the army of oicnpitloii here. The Itcamrr of the 10th, In whlih I ctnia, brought twoiTtkrcn htinlrrd Frcmh aolliert, anl I btto beard of a atiil l.ir(Tjr arrUal within a ftw day. Tho p rehemion of dilTiculty here, an I tho dlnturtaxl condition of Italy generally, hae In- terfered tery torlomly with trarel thlt year, which la a tad thlnit for t illy to largely traiulmt rliltort for Itt trade Without commerce, without manufactured, what It Rome to do without trtrtleri? There ire I am tol I not more than four or lire thout-an- d trtrelert, when It It uiu.il to look ix tome forty or fifty thousand about thit las-io- n. At wiia to ba eTpocted, the number' of Amcricini anroad It tar Ieet thin asual. Taey were to bo met with In Italy, If any where at thlt icuoitgind eren Bore the tum'ior It rery imall. We had a Kttherlnjr of tur country, man lait ereninft at the home of the America! Mtnltter, Mr. Sroctrof, ta honor of .tht birthday of Waahlairtoo. It waa a tlmple erealig reception, and tha aenparttiTely imtll number preeaot ahowed hew mw Araarlcaat wa hart In Rome. The majority of tha aompany were from the North, meet of tha Southern. hiring rttunt-e- d lfort thlt to prepare, probably, for the for- mation of their new republic. UnU- - abound tTerywhero " .... diao h-- 5.r si . in , i.i mt Id 11 r a 11 4 jm ' tine)!-,- , , pre ' , .1. j . r, . i 'pt.e ti g lue i .u. 'i-- ti 1 loia.a.uaio wno hear hit rattVlna. Uent oa railroad tnd ttaamboat? It were Utter for thoee who lympithla with ditunlen to throw op their commlialonr, at om hive'tl. ready done, and inter th tcrvlce of tha palmet- to itate. I tnt experiencing the dolightt of in Italiia rpring, and while you at home ar itill il to make good tha deficient let of the inn with wood ani ioal, bero wo lure thrown mIJo our groat toiti and ire enjoying tuch wealbor aa you mutt wait for May to bring yon, Tlie air It delightfully soft and btliny, the fruit treoi ara in full blossom and the blrdi iro caroling merrily from etcry bouio top ami old ruin. There It no buttle In thlt moit-grow- city to frighten them te.tr, in 1 their mutic itoaling through tho open window at airly day bretkt pleasantly upon lb ear, more familiar with th sound of rattling cooih-nheo- lt ind clanking iteam preuea. Tho Corm, th main ttrei-- t of thlt clly, Ii gay with equipage, ami ill Rome It out tunning itself. Hut pleasant i it It tier tlie weather it itill moredcllghifulutNip'o,and a Urge numlier of ttringert buy gone south to wilt for Holy Week. So Roma It, by tuiny, otcdvery dull, with th thtitro and eperi closed, the botelt empty, an 1 nothing to bo seen but mutty mint inl indent piitare. Hut will mon let over, an I the traveler! back again to witnos th corcinunle of Holy Week. Will yoa inggest to tht now Pottmittar la Nttaiu street, that the slmrtoit route to Komd ll not by tho way of tht Went Indiei. One of my letter! from New York bear th of Hivant, Ht. Tiomm ind London, In addition to tht on whhh legitimately betungt to It. IVrhupt thlt will explain why it hat been over tKweaikt en th road, inalead of coming through in three, a It mlvht Mtily hiti done. W. C. C. TV faswuhen Army aal Nary, The navy f the Confederated State, whetlier alaalaad by fair nam or foul, ooaeiaaa of the va.l' Tt rvau outter MjCltlland, s Seat alaaa Tea-- and (aal ntler, 100 tan burden, two ll pong I. er. aad aide guaa. BRBJ The Lawla Caai, a cllppar-buC- I echooner of 10 ben. burden. In good repair. The una steam mum- - Jan uray, parekaaecl by gonlh Carolina for t3 000. It la a screw voaaaf, wtth two englnn ef til Inch oyllndara mb. It la Intended lo arm bar with one Urge pUced ainldahlpa. TVeniiter Aiken, a flral clam boat ef about M tuna, with one 44 poued pivot gnn. The onitar Waanlogvai, an old pilot boat ta geod erder, wtU be mounted with a 41 rnoul pt vet ThtnmT FuHoa, artiaal vatael, tatoi tone burden, and be four aul one p v il gun She wu engage,! la Ike Paraffin aipadirion T K. I aadly out or r.pilr, auj II wiUcotl t W.OOO to put harUaoondliioa for ear-vi- e. Th steamer Eierglade t a imatl ald.whnl etaaniert purehaaad by th Bitle of (le.rjli fir Mt.oOO. BmUbow brief .hargal .o a ,n'. to cruUa at the nuuth of lua givanaih rlvor, liar Dame baa been ohaogad Vi tt diva iiah. Tiitounvr D dg. Mlitd on lha Jl iaw.atnil vton,TXM I. atraj rataoea tuairaal lia va art, weil adartad for a guiuoal. diia at preaibl Um an armamantof light call!. Tki. wtlL n d aid, be changed for a Urge pi v.. gun of 1 n.i -- t. iga. Thebrlc Boo ta, i a tun, 1 a atl.tiraal taken to Bavaaaah, hn been tain p awaaalmi of by order of Oavarner Bbiwm nf llaorgift, d n ui bttog nimmort)hrai mio a wa tU du 1. feat nl ir tnd In B .1 rae nrj.r. The at'au gvuloal X a la a aroa'.l vaaaal, mnunl-Ir- g one auo, aril li hi cuiuuii-ai- , eavuuf jun frutn a li a daya' o U. 1 tl. coaal of BouthCtrollta' Tbtarroy o'lli.eo'l'hira onMiav It ti luau.OiT lavlMfilli. .V,i jr1 n.-i- a. 111 arlliuuy ali veira, hi naulry, e ni Tkaiewl' iti oil .'llrll-- i.aiiu with an aanuilaaary i.' 61 J, ll adl i.jn t) t.raif. fad aid.i.iure. 1 i pi of oh-i- a, in d..itua to fma,, fuel aul quanta, will la, aa (nll.iwf , l.a'. A 'J! ' Il.T'lT la'n.. Calo l l,n.-- l.ol ,MI tJ 314 I.Uul. Ulub.1 ., a ,,j.J ,.).! 1,W MAlr 1,011 l.no.1 1,011 1 4O0 Lautala l.OMt l,r.u) 1,t0 1(10 BiratLleulnal ,.,, 100 l,iltO laud 1,0 Banood I.'etlKnanl.. Olal 1 (Mil too frlr.tea, ill & tl3parmno.il, Ul 111 131 Mia dolUr bar panath u added to tka wm a.. for tvtry Ave yean aarv.ee, Paaalav la tin Bawtfc. The Rrandon (Mkt.) RrjmWon tiyt 1 'On wur B'.t tawawiU n tmad a leator frnra Major ftiKilum Iliwatira, who It bow In I.bnola, biijlrg eern tor the eltlnnaof iav,gnHh and Baakla rxiintlaa, IT aaa. he cm gat the com nna ereuit,lf the rampUeaa rain the tnoeer to paf the freight Mafir llmrHnt (. wfrA Aem a tfat 0 IA feere Ail nr;korAoo.f, wko ieriniMra bninr IT A, and A lerra nmyrlM u virrm nnltae awafafoaini were ranfmt IAm fntn tnle lettar It will be eeea that the clilvni ef gprlngflald, tht oarai wi Limai , aire eoBiriuuiea oae teouaand bneheltof cot 11, and thai much more will be ana. anin.HaaereiieTathidlalraaior Ine poor In Ihla aartlna. The atma paper Buket thit "humtlUtlrui" cenfmalon 1 "How bumlllallng tt erery irUwtaalnplaB to "TT that arr rurntj atl eVnouncfng (Aa )mU f IM A.arA, m nur rttiame hare ben in lha kabit of denounrlag Ikm,irean,nal,iei7ell f turn orownd am.1 hej fAem w bread, ani IAj In (urn in InnVaf lettlliuanfA rltneaa, by traatiag or aaant with the grealeet nwnect, and not only gtrlag blm mare hMheaakd,l,l paring tVihe av kt to put II In. Ilcertilnlyplaena na tn a vary humiliate. pnaliloa.andwabrard Mvjir lliwiia. aleiied far going there aod tiegirlag eorn, nut wa ear ka haa dona rlgbt, and Ibminnd. af aurrlng CvllJrev. widow and orphan, will hlaaa bl. fur bia eTrla lo heap theia (mm perlahtug with hunger. OawUart rljelrnt a lho foltacakhnent af F1TB. The rpeelal committee ef tha cnnnrlla of Phlladalphl.i appointed to cvmi.Kr whAt ran lat made in reirard tn a contract fur the extinguishment of fire, hol.l 1 meetlitc on Monday, whan a formil rcennattion wai from A rrmmltteo of ilelrttea of the lire iierclatlon, propnaimr lo furnlih Jilttetia fire encinea, rich with oiHI foot uf forcing hoaa, hand rnKinea, 20 bom ctrrl.iirr. with KO0 ft of forcing horn, ard 4 hiK.k and 1 wider trutka, fir thetumnf (Mi.miO per annum. The con-Iri- ct not to I for la than threo yearn. Am pie arcurllT will Im) pHen for tho pcrfomunca of the contract. A number of lire compuii not connected with tha lire Maorlttion ecnt a remonilranre any em h roatrae. Th mbjoft wat lirally fofeinit 1 1 1 lulwoii'inil'e 11 Dael IJke II. Tlie I'irli Mmittur U Indtsntnt t the la. rreae nf datlra liHieiee.1 y lb Northern Uulted Stttea upon ruj-.cl-i prcvlurtiont 1 gilke, walik pt'.l alaavran par nnt 1 will hare now to par from rwentr to thirli anl wloae, wuiihpaio thiiiy,w.i hiiavaiartiilitj-ihraaan- d a ball t and a.) onaiher klidief giMidaaod prod aw. The cifltalal (ournal aecuaaa tha vorthaen dap allaa ofhaata takio adaaeaave af Ike e'mmtce d thne from the Bunih to do Ihla mart btt af hiinai, and lament to hare te obavHa tale retrograde nna meat beta f n trade. Natar n RaraJIr. NotwithitanJInn aitiluout Iriinlntb Ima child-natu- break, fiwth In the little Prince Imperial of France. Ata lata children ball ..Ivan . In lila Lmiv l li.t..l .!..-!- -. .l.L r...... HWMV..U., ua luaiaia., on timicinfr wiui a tor from tha orcliettra, Inttead of one of tha tlie little rincrtti a who were wilting fjr hla band! He It cclonel of a Juronile rejriniont of aoidieri or lilt own igo and U, and when It waa renewed, lately by tieneril Mkli.ii it, hitUI(hneeeipe!red In full uniform with a aword at long a. a knitting needle. Obaerrinr, bowertr, that the printed wire decorated with a knapaack and munkat, he Intlatmt on iharlng the let of the common tuljiert, like hit famooi ancle la tha grand army." Dut a woraeakark than teeing a colonel carry t musket awaited tha horrified Ueneral when tha amateur private and hair apparent raa off. hand ta hand, with two ef hit firorltei to a collation te which th regiment had been In. lied. Criminal Itama. A BBCWVww T'tthTv, haf hua'a fwr.wi v all f, a . i vta ai S i i .n tf" d tt ' "m r31i . tl tji - a.all ttiira i, Ii ia, a' . lai- -, ua., early on Sunday lpi vuisit preeseit against the door, and Hot, impeding itroBKly hit wife't nrl a pistol through th panel, whUh pasaed through Qcutn't hoart, Dcbiho iiaa PATHra't Antaca tn All ait, Sarah Hath, li yean old, tloared the house it Brooklyn of every valuablo, with the help o the servant girl, and decemp-- d. She hat often robbed her father before, and wat arretted on Saturday ta in Irreclaimable thief. IkiKiLAR iiiiokr ItTn, in I mtde severil Tiaitatoa boot store at St. Louis on Monday night; they got i lnr away with .150 worth of gno.lt. On the lant vllt tho polko disvovered and tired upon thim, bat they escaped leaving the plunder behind llieul. A anotnau FARtrrn lit tl nelgh'iorhood of HulUlo Co., recently ('presented lo a company prospecting for oil, thtl hit Ian I coat lined It. To test tho mttter, the oil hunter dug a Itole at night, etixM tin to see oil in the mornloi;. One, shrewder than the rest, went to tha bole early in the m rnmg, and foandoil, but at th time time, trackt In the snow to and from the farmer's bouse. The land wu njt bought. As aiticji a Cora mon 'A tinAa wu on in Salem, Maa., tbaothurdtv-- . Th In- scription upon il I in the Culic Arabic Chirac ten which war ued in th time of Mouam um, ind for three cent oriel after, andilgnl-fli'i- i "(ion la great. Mohammad la his Pro. phot. (Jon li one." 'Ihe coin ll lltlyiari old. Jamb Watkow, who nit bkbw iMmta for lilt wife since September lilt, ditcovered her at Mont red C. W., on Friday. Sli repu- diated him declaring she was a ininitor; In her ahaence to get the police to eject him. he clear, ed out wilh everything valuable ami wat ar. reeled. 1 be matter wu finally settled by hia Hiving up the property, and her rttuming hi little boy to hit cuito ty, A BABnARnnt FiRri, Tim Rtab, wht bit often bn before tlie Mtyor of Cincinnati, for brutality to hla family, Lett bia wife shame- fully ou Saturday night, when she tied, tarry- ing two of bar baUs; tha wrottb rushed to a bed containing t third child, dragged It oat, and threw It on a hot itove. The poar child 't piteous ecreinit brought tlie neighbor, who rracued It and dragged the lnhumaa villala (T to Jail. Calamttlag. Titr ot.trT MaMnaa of th Onondaga trio of ladltni dlod recently, tged 120 year. A tooto wTra wxrr rarrn her huiband'i lumber mllL at Ottawa. C. W.. oa Monday. became entangled In th machinery, and wat tnttantiy BlUM. un Kraam er terror ana nit wit over. As BXTBAoaoraABT Rrinpatir) which broke out at th Men. lota, Minn. Colle-gia- U Inttltute, carried tiff the Preeident, a Uacber, ind ene pupil In a week after attack ing Severn others, it suDiiaxi. Bomb Si0,(K)0 loitnr olii nau htTar. rtved In Watt Troy to be racaat. They cam from Mexico, ami liear a vary antique appaar. am. On I u'rt to hv lwt Mt ninety, even yiart ain e, ami lb otL.rt rang Ib dat frm fifty to a. venly Ova yaur. A I apt or lioRUBUTOH S J.btt penUd a devioe for throwing reaping aad mowing ma- chine nnt of gear, liy m'ana of tha driver' nit. Whoa tb dilver tik-- e bit teat, hia might Uirowi the .a. blue Into gear, when be lent e hla seat, it 1 thrown off gear. An old I apt RAMP CociiBA ro it with a tlntrultr and fatal ai ctdent It tenth liitfalo. la., en luurtiuy. line atanaium tue uorcn of her bourn, a favorite lari Newfoun.lUnd dog spring and thr- - hir torn die-tin- e with great form, broking on log, an tm, a flower, audditio Atiag her khualdar, Commoi Mil! I Ana It tnad by iliaolring axabio in water. Hut a better kind cm ?;um by usiig gum traactuth. 'lua lifer turn, though m ailoit Hv timet ll much, U fuporior for icrap-bou- k and other pur. prsia whtro It It nccciury lo preserve th polity ot printed or written miner, u it dat not it a' ii or soak through paper, ai tr.Ut nrttiUgt doet. 'Ina iiKrJtr rBrt or Pxinitlyaii i fche ditcourigiug uacouutiof th proapectitt h crop throughout that itat. Tnt x. Irene sevir.ty of Ui late "aid snap" fSllow. tng ImmediAtaly open th spring-lik- e weitbei ablch milked tlui cloe of Vebruary, ha nip. pad lath bud th crop of IKbl, andabject.l lb peach groaert of the ttatt t a loat of than. taul of dUUtl, 8 ' I v i ntat HATES OP ABVERTlSmCw. trXMM OaAB IS ADTaVMOm. -- " twarprorjR' nhmB - - aVwavav. wanvtmt. MllrlasBuMrnaackdn, "" rt tna athaJvBeanaj Bjew let IkwT Baa anTBTBll hof Bw a ,, im ta OtWYvWilwrBhaBaBMattWrn aaniai ai a ... witJom, Seientlflo Rems. a--d TB ItTfTAB or nWKMt, AB pr B, in wttrr lolotioo of cai tagar. In the DTOVaaa of tbla trana'nmaiL aoirir Ii decoiripoand Into three dlffenntt kkwdw. P whiah eonatltBt honey. Thw havA which Bb lkaaran ITi ft I tit at I vh lea Bi.. tv .. -- - -- ea a. weak acidt, m well at heat and BietBrtTanw) effect a tlmlltr conrenlon of etna rugir. f Jons Ciiriwiit, of London, ha. imrmleaT In tnming and btriag gUaa, aad hat taut teat. dared it more applicable to a greet variety of r uufnl puipoaee. He Btaket glau cylinders petfectly round ind trnootk alto yrrr ttnaw jlliM pin.! aa luhMltutea for natal la toavwr. i: in acidt and attaint, aad hit rylimlan ara entiintly adiptod far th barrala of fomm. (ili'a tubrabf Birder ate bora ar quit eaaa-um- e but tbey ate never mtde of BBajftrntaaa of I ire, Tur nrair Rinwt rarrABATtoar rcas rKicT.i'W mati Hit ron.lala of Brum at able, IR nnrtt by weight i pb phi ru, 9 parte alter, 111 parnxtd of nitnginean, fn powder, li paita. The gnm U drat nude Into a muolUjra wilh wt'er, then the tntnianna, ina pliofphcrot, and the whole la hiatet U ataaai 1.10 drgreit Fab. When th pWphorol at) melterl, the niter It aH.te.1, and th whole It IheroUKhly ttirred until th matt la a uniform Pitt. The wooden matchee, prepared tret with aulphur. are then illrrod la taia. and aC terwudi dried la th air. Foreign Items. Ki motia rrcnvihavt beeet rtgtgg ka tin) lllai k Sea. A nrw TwpTrr-noitt- r power tteani reaeal kg lullding for Dr. UtuutTota, the Afrieaaj tratelrr. IIoriic rtptn It regularly gutted la thai ratiket trirta current of leveril towni la Oee-ma- not on the hoof, but cat ap for food. A I AiKirr roitTna ore of raptr la nttkhag; ate hm been taken out la KngUn t, for which am enoni wut turn Uit Urn Hl'irud by ALavrrB hoijae. It f oirK!i r or tur III enntrnrtla aaat bad ventilation nf the scheid-hoiia- in and abeeat l.ffilon, 7,000 children, between the age af A and 7 ytari, annually lit their live from tfcaa i auert alone. Tur Fnrtiwa or Titr FaMcn It abent to tart on a pUUfimtK to Jeruaaleta. It It raa. wnl thiat Ike ewiit will be commemorated taa ihe fonnrlitlon ef tn hoaplul or church. R placing the ttolen diamond iter In the car eC th Nativity, ami cmllv Klditiont to th deco- ration of lb Holy cVpalchre, ar ila pert of tho programme. I I I lllscfllJaaeoiui Iteoat I A Ot RBTfow that tut Nbtkb bbvoc Aav ttviRRii. " Where 't the police I " 'iuvA. It itroMrrrRiiTnATriOBCoriuof "DUiatt I atjI" are aold every day by mutlt Pubtlawanm throughout th United Sutea. Tna DurrAtxt PotT-orrtr-- Tmir, Jaara) QeracT Adam Fatttwa, wat recently aaa dooed by Praaident UurHABAB, at th ef klrt. E.O. SrADLuiso, It U aald. Tub CaABXnnow Mbictbt iatb thai anal. Abubbasb's ret eat Ion of Fort Bumter It thing bat obetlaary. No 4' vg ('arollaUnathiaa. a ,.! milo nt If. l'CO lh it in W r - m w leant. t ,. I 'Jilt La Vf .HtAaVr"' n 'r laaa A ' t ' o, It lli fi ailaval a ahiaay (a Oawrrhr, Alal uu Worth tad Sooth Caimlaaa. 1 hey ar planted In row turn fnt apart, dka Tine growing op a toot nign, ana ta atmaa ihootlng eut about liftean Inchet. The It. neri hare Joint t in Loch and a half apart. which again link tw lncbn Into tb ground, and th pea-po- are formed at the tnd of the root, com farmeri cover these lateral viaaa nith earth, while other! leave them bar. A bunch of viae produce! nearly two quart f pus, ind the ivertge yield It about W baanatt per tore. CiLtsTlAi. PHTHoMrwA. At tanrlaa, la low, on day last week, two brilliant rpata er teen betide th sun, which, it 10 o'clock, Irrreaaed to a luminous circle. A ptle streak alao extended acrnsi the sun, and al.oigthai hole plane ef tho lurlioo, wbich, at the pnlata ef iiitertcctl. n with th circle, shone with divertlty tf tolorand ao lutenaalw-- I rilllint at to ptln the ct. Thee phsnomnBA continued all day, and at night forme.1 eoeanv tric halo, round th moot, aicompanlod by me.h brighter and broader than a rautboanj ihe whole rormlag the moat beautiful and af t'arful light ever beheld, InrRA-aH'KiA- IIoRiAUi. It tppeart froaa tn ollicial inriectin of tha London charob v.ulta for burials, thit there are about HU such viulti la th churcho of that cllT-- hk many cneee, ivery avtilibl space beneath ana rtuii h llaorlogi hiving born used for age aa rrpraitory for the dead. In tome aaaat, it It slated, th vault! are gorged with corruption. nd all along th aulei and porthMir arawaa tilled with human remulna. la nvt litUaoaa, tb only partition betwnt tb liv'ng and that eJ dead la a tbla slab of ttone and a few lnchaaaf earth, thut offeiing but a very imperfect har- rier to the itcar of noxlout ellluvU. Thof-ll- nl are generally of leal, wlch an outer cor. li g ef wood, and they ar often piled tl ta liar to the very crown of to vault. Wham the wood decay, th weight sf the upper haaat iiuahe th Iwd, and let out a filthy liquid the moat disgusting odor, llut, bealde thli prater of dettructicn, th lead Itself 1 at- tacked by th foul gaaes, and pierced with littta hole, u If It war worm-eate- It tttea iwtlli up Into a spongy mats of poroui ctxbes-at- e, which offert tiut slight rttuitneta th of th putrid vtrnri ; in 1 thut, llttla taanag the animal part of tha bo.lv etcanea, and, flndt itt deitinitlon notwllhataaaliaae tht ccmrccn Idea that a collia vf lead praairrea a corps Indefinitely. I). U. MABtra tub nonitui wHiaar- - MAf hat been trying til kladl of axperioaeata n living, line till famoui Toyag. Mehaa) lived prii ilpally on apple, om.linM ntlax ouked fc d one a dar, and apjMeiK;ntt a he tame ta weigh hi food ud hlmaalf, B aa 10 tell Ihe effect of the different kinds oa Ua yttem. Happening to tak cold, h vraa hieatiMd with a fever. He thaa took a (war dole of aberration, eating nothing but a taaaal pear from Sunday morning till Friiar after. neon when hit pull wat dowa to t& h tana rat thrn oommoa ilxed apple, tnd la taa houri after hit pala wu ap to 50. II Bt leet tome 14 Aoanda In thli time, and In a Bleat front that time had gained twenty pound. Ua au also camped out la to wooaa ami In lb field! from on to thrwa nigbti par dating tb fall and wlnfar; lying la the on the tnow tome of the coldtit nights time when tb mercury ringed from itr am. Bird. Wbea th groBud It damp or ever with mow, b firat tprtadi hu rabbet CwAt, then hi comforter! And a blanket, lie dowa oa ou side, pull tb other over him and sleaaal soundly till marniog. SlOBinCATKlaT Or CUBUTIAJI KAaTBAv Batjamln, son of tb light hand, I. a., of neat fottun Clement, mild tempered ; RabnTt, f.mou in council ; Salatian, to bt n i tl laitaaa. VYIIlltm, gnicrn helmet I dime, A npplaataT David, d ; Dtephm, a garland , Alfred, ill wace; I'eit, Hint t John, gracioaa gift of Jihorah ; JuJao, reauaroad I Cuaiba, noble tplrltad ; Allaut, all bright Daniel, a ju.tg from Gad t Thetnat, a twin Ueorgw, a buibaadmin t Juieph, addlibn Sim, a lirirkenirfn Andrew, coariceou Jacob, a awp. iilsiiter t Solonto. puacribTe i I)t- - a Tail I Ba-'u- i, red bosdwl 1 JoeUh, whom Jehovah heal , Felix, harpy; txra Is a hdper t Sutaa It a Uly Ida, hdiitiiiieas ; Man, mean rvtwlltoa Matilda, hmome ; Itelmrah, will ting, for ska) it said to be a bee"! I liana. Is a pink ; Ana u4 an graclout iJrmmimt r a dev Laura la a hay.tree ; Margaret ll a pearl I MJs I'criclop It a weaver ; Ptlly ind Molly Bka oliriaui Phi Hit It a green bough bboda It a ton i M m L'rsuli ll a the-ba- AWgail U bar fa'ler' Joy Ut Almira, I ka H.nrf, It nncertaln I U good Hhalhah, y ctrliiaht is la bar Koxana wu tna name of th wife of Alexaadar th Gnat and ZtaobU waa the wife of Jpltr.

Transcript of 8 THE SUN. · 2017-12-21 · pOAL BFJT QUAUTT OF FURNACE J irale, atfave and r.nae tlaaa, all andar...

Page 1: 8 THE SUN. · 2017-12-21 · pOAL BFJT QUAUTT OF FURNACE J irale, atfave and r.nae tlaaa, all andar oarer, for rrnla althe loaaatrard.llpneea, for caak, at the old Ualaawat,eornwrWnarek


JJlom Broadway, roomer of BroedweyTrarkSI A,'u,.7,'.,,a, AJaerleaa ifanaav,IOjJWlua 1. d.U,V by Carriers, Mr.City tad tlolay, al

KX AMD quixTH cum ras wnocBrngla Oopiea Oh (M

IB- - Win mix by mail, fsu a year.'Averag qnalatioa through th Tear, nllag


I It month, 1 1 single oonia. 1 hlIl bZ" r"; iMdi ribMtUMn.' aa A 11 Rbm"Oaror rajam aad wii wtmm, Mew Yerk

KMPIOTWll. r-Fe- malc


ARTIFICIAL FLOWER MAKERS" vt invi io wort an fine tinned, ul. a ,Bt to Vain " f ,l..pair H.,1 IHtmIoo it. ia.3Va,

A HTIFICIAt Fl OWHt MAKERS Wanted.""" Ininvaalatttji itaedy ork tad od ntm.iw rreamn it i,t.w,tTLIlLLINER WANTED A FIRST CLA83i .h,.?4J,",, ",h" " rptr.ton putt.birib,N T. kXemei uetinntad Pint rate wagrasiren, l'hnr without bnird I .ra Mid. InralrofA. BUAkMBLkTr, IM Canal, near oerfar

10.1.lTWOTICK EMrLOTKRS CAN OET SAT- -i l!!r'?I,w4 ' ?. the smsirnnteftee, Na. I and my beet lalonn ak.il5? M" CST1 - And U rry nt thislUaJv."1!., fcera I amslorer uUI eatt.eWaaerUTnltn. nhT t4aaloCjERVAHrS-FEMA- LK SERVANTS Wait

t4..T?T fV' iltu'loa, (sal ami(llrlalarUlaBdiw.atodlarmlplaeaa, and mill(lrla, atiita Ura laaltaUaad !Ima,Ktn Inetid kfa raFarcUbla lady, US Elrautk at, nr. 6'h i. ItiSEWINU MACniKE-WANT- ID, OI'ER.

Wbrelfr Wlkanl anion m.cklaa,ror lolrt. aad an-a- i nana ant &nt nk kandi m dapplr.tlOICaaJat. H.16U.

SIIAKEK HOOD HANDS WANTED.hakcf libido. lU.l amalarmant

Hrjn liItao.brat,oiUUfcu. r nL.fta.ai

SEWING MACHINES-WANT- ED. L.dlraW oicai on WhleT WllMnl Imiwar.an aawhm machlura, kr ana af tha olilrat aiMii.aaadpantan In to rll : UuVt all kludo( aUtolOna.

avaaimla(.fnHiiHt,tnrkloiriia4rnNand Iboniiik au.Baaaw of tha aali( aicdia prfwtlj, andto fond alanr. frr tl Thaa w.ntlo4 food

evwalora. aa ka auppUad a 4M Oaal at, an r tha" aah1L.lUI.ttaa

SKW1KU MACIirNES-WANT- FD Ladlaata ovvata an VThaalar aad Wtlaao, aad

Blnaar. Bavlaf aluhlDaa. all Imnahaa af tha ata--

ava tanaai ana oraetiaa on work, and niianiililaa alaara a. warn wnua 11, araw U li (raid atrma- -Bnoklra. ahlHaall

REWWO MACUTtTE WANTED LADIESkJ ta tram ta aamai an BlaaWa, Wkaalar wrthoMaal awMraawWnalnra,aDd araouaa Ull aiHiaajSat?! au uaa awMrw aaa ararf van l.imaaraaaauaandad to vlaaaa wfcaa UaraadiGnaall AW inf aufhlnaa (at aaat and total

a, at lit Allaa U aaar Dalaaaav. la.lM4aa

EEWtNO MACITIKES WASTED, LA' dlaa ta laam ta oaanta aai Hnaa!. and WhaaW A

yBaoa'a, and Bowaa nwtnt larikiaai. Tarsal tor dj.Yarn tl to (1 . AB kaadaaf auablaaa U lliaAtHaanrT lla,taaa

SEWINO ACHTKXS-WANT- EO rxK.wtan ta taka aaaiaaa aa flmart awlaa

BBAakana Tanaa aaar, and vraetlaa an all kiadalat.J!-- 4 tn ' rtifj"i.aaaaairo a aaa. a iaiaaai aba lav aoar. laqaa.iaaa



rackara," ararr artM'a af tka kaat. Oaad aad ratirrol.r. w1h fall aartloalara. OOHKLIM at faTTi- -


aatvtal of f I to t narS. t .all laih'.aityandtharoa tr twaar kkraa ar lelaaaawhloktkara la a prott of K par cat Can aaaka from (taa au rar oaf. vau at 11 afura at. aa ataira

1U,1M1,1 1 ajtj.-i-.

RLACKSMrillS WANTED TO IRONM tnt claaa arreaiT waaaa a mad kaad will kaafff a and lab braan'laa kaanaoaa aad nasabrr ta

tsiAunawi 1 n. a--a h r afhaa. Alaa a raaofaaaa that kaa lariad at aart aad nnaanaklna. will kava a aad ta tmprvra. Tanaad aot laaa tiaia; and a 1MM

pARTMAN WANTED- -; OF REFER- -- aoearaiiDlrad. R.W.UAX TitW."rirmoaia na, urjotira

DRAGOONS WANTED FOR TOT V.aar, wtak aaatona and atafklM

ka aboadanoi allowad to aaah all alar. Par aartlaalara.aaqaira aa na uv uanaaa aa ar av. 1 paaaaaica a

tJ.1EAOLB, lat Ud,fl OaiakT. '

fJXUEU.J BttdarrAajuunemttthaam.uat? 1"aaant, WOOUA Vl()

lTewaaTVltot ton a air.a- -

u.laia, lac ' V .alla4aeIMHfTUapal -ajfODiKua rTAirrBD immediatelt,tTnrC.B. Artw, 100 actln manj Tv from ill ta


InoaH.IVxbSCandlaVaiidltTIm.nait. -ubll.lTVlaa. nUrniWtiUNTOat.

COAU COAUV-- at no. flOli. ttoo.Bariaa )t laid dawn a lar.a acila.I am prewiredto deliver to eial pedlars dealert and eftrtman, b wtqailltr blon CVal at ttultni d Pinnae Oaalat IS JO. f oni foot of rtf atrart, M. tL, walafcad brat. ora waitnir. r, TRCADinx,

ahT.Mell Onoiar aad Waat aL

COAL-BE- ST QUALITY RED ASH UOAUwblU tah, $4 75, d lln-re- ta famllteafram

yard. 140 Waerlr laoa, lao w.t 11th at. and TS4

Waablnitoa it E. KCaUtTKLI. lJ.Ul.lt

pOAL BFJT QUAUTT OF FURNACEJ irale, atfave and r.nae tlaaa, all andar oarer, for

rrnla althe loaaat pneea, for caak, at the oldrard.ll Ualaawat,eornwrWnarek


fXHt- - 1 1 ouaLii;J l M. MBt.

T" lueaawaiiaai wraaaiiai raoiasa.a wow .ehr,io5arpiTr atraet Dock. fcr t

Ban. brat ruIR .tore one, aniowiiin an waa aeaan.1 at ti aaah, wetaned ba a norn w.inar.. ThhiPWJfia..ua t"t.ti riaI

aVBvraatlltfcat,jbtttani 14 waauawii

POAL. COAL AT KXTREMKLT LOWJ aaah, tar Bm nrf M Madwhlta

eaSraf aallMlu. tBMWWah. iOtlB J.ffBJlT,aaaianr.Mfcal. tUd

1 rnI AL A LABOR SOTPLT OF THR BEoTTl - aaKBlTarradand. whttaaaaaoai , ana aa aaaa aa

atm. aaa. - - - . - aa a. - ..m ka knavadat law Blam

V inOAL $4 HUT aiZR,BTOrM, BAJKiRI Kj m and FurnMeataa. fB, prime jaUma. ej

a aaUBtaaitt

rOAL FAR BUF1BIOR IN QUAUTX TUvmaal at Ik. .1 mIJ la aSla 4ti

neeaalr ftw famllv naa, t. artaetaLdallaarad. at laal thanba market artaa, from rar aa urasa -and ttl Oeaaard eta. t L.BBAGH, aatamtl,


I AT THOMPSON 8T--A FEW RESPECT.. atUinraeuUaeommeUMrtMod board

a wear, ill no nee pnu ll and to a waak twiZt. If fvneanitMg.adlart mbt tUrlM1JOAKD .FUKMlallKU UOOM3, WITHAJ all enavMilanM for aaamonth. Cell tor t daja, 101 ll.nri iTuMrtOARDING A RE3TECTABLR MANJJ and wtla, ar two ibuil. goatieuiaa eea ba a.aamaiadatad with full ar pa. tiat board, alaa a reamt let, without heaid, hi an reaag maa. Aaplr Si(kaihnrdea. t,lt4Jt

Biin BOTtCK It TOD WARTand aohatajitial hear. an nton. elaaa atnaia

aoom, to from tl 16 ta tl par mat, where pea awlall khe rwnf orta ai a heme, aaB al It uah et anlhart. tW-iM-B rrutU" teltUaROABOtUa-F- OS rOUH tUCSi'BXTTABLRMJ mMkif. U 170 Third an, fn-- H a weak.BeobU and akagla bade, tt B atitraooa out thtm aaara, at the eor. eflTUat,' faattlMttd

BOARD Bt,0 GREAT BKDUOTIOCf Vtrooma with auaUaan board

BM0 I Bt a week, lormar prhna tt te Ba,ladlaiaam 81 na. far aomtnt anod brio and ehaannaaa.Bile haan eaaela all other, e warm vartor withaaana. vyyaenawn an aitaa. tag ataanafa iniaa,lawanBara ai. near awjaiwagi


Mlt.weihrnr eermfTM4W4ail.tt -- !.mum and ! with IHearaa (mad. Beat tree

iMtOln at U UABT, Third at. katvm Ut aad Sttk


pACTORT TO LET 01 LXAnJk? Branklra Watiaaat1 bimrmtmItalUUnc at kr Mk diterka. aoad aa vitavtkwal- -

ta. aaa vaav inrncnMm ml tmkia laaIhaH Ira nlantw walk af WU1 and raHaa at.in th. koUdlai la a ataaai aadna tl 1 kana

lll D.'r ai u nananlnjr order and arUl ka aold adk

r af Um kolldliM. Aaair ta iha WII.MOT a KIM4.M H uanvortai'O taint Proaiat, Brookla, ar JOUJl aUTOU U M.T.as MM' 1U

noUSE, 4., TO LETand Horn altaehad vltn ilrtarM. kVnt. llaarrrri Im maelilaa.hna,wltk latba. Tiara, aad

fw wmi. ail pr awifiia. Aapir on tha tiramlMa.1 Btitt dth at, Vmil.m.barih, at. D, 1U.1UI,. af

GKCCERV AND LIQUOR STORE TOaVart. Maim td aad lid ra, nairCVotraJ P.rk , in, of ana r f lata Mar nait Tin

LTlLnuiEY,.',eh'f' W" J- -

XIOTEL AND STORE TO LET, CHRAr-- ,Zno,,hui ,dtara.laihroraaralf1KoaMlla. adjolnloi Ik. davat, with ablr. if

rmtnd Ivjulra on tha la tin baa, ar af K. A IMT..Mi.IUaOTarat,K.w VarkT U.W1.V

TTOUSK TO LET-T- WO 8T0RT ANDA J ba mral tad attla fraia baaM.wtthU raoaii andawtrtra. n taukla manr. a, wUar.ipl-ndi- dfui, (T.pa rlaas and wacdkaoaa, at lit araat Iti at.llvt,k

tT0U3E AND STORE TO LET.-I- M Air, h!, !" --rr" T 0wtr klarkat PlMand Hreona atrarta. an rimllant loaa.. ''.'P? lBM- - J' aatMa at Yarkmla, ka.twsm d and Bd a.aiwra, 1 rtill Mjof iTaandTAa.a fraaifcrt HoUl, tot WUUan at, roonO. m.Ura u,iia

fTOUSE TO LET FOR r-- A SMALL Ir.TaK.'T7 W' a", " VBkVB. ""d aakWf ! " wltfc aaa. tarAaa ta frontITICUaaavat.Baarnnnd. Ta aa aaaa tbr applj Luf at 118 CLUatSiaV lMiCJOUSE AND GROUND TO LEASR INi L. " "r,1-- ! ham " tu " af rronndu.Kia.Ub '" BrlTatVra



tswiniAfcrSki. whilst?- -

LAND TO LEASE OR TO LET ONpbJt., nMilrpfodiretlTa. .ar to work I aanT.

iTAKKirr TO LET- -A nRST CLASSFaUUilr BBfftFat 4kM a raaro.mJ v.... T ma. n,, 41,ir aatarrm- -- uulvuaD ka. ajarn voaautfoo ,, U'J

iraatoraaJa, laaalra ill)anVRwk. U1 aWa. U.IIUMAHOOANT TARD, NOS. 181, 16J AND

, J06 A.')orar , w lat: U a toad nattkhorkaadi(Taw u raqniraa. inanira af JOBa AUBLM Aa,an tha vmalaaa, raar knllJuui. ia,HIJ

OFFICES TO LE-T- OFFICES ON D:."?r if r,,to" . Ta a aaad taaaat tkay wiU

ilil,akVr-ai,KV,-i 1? "" taavi flaw,la.lM.1

DOOMS TO LET--IN 8TH STREET.St .?'''''' aaar. I raanw, baaamaat anijaklM l araaf aallar, t 0; baU

aawjr vaf--r fVUInr 4oara aaa! mni aaat!?Jt."4I? IaaiaataiaaaVfttkat,au aad Ilh ata. lAltf,t

ROOMS TO LFT-- W THE N1W BBOWOfboaaaa. k $00. Ma. 5M, No. DM aad Na.

TM P1,kik aaawa. baadaoaat aaMa af maa, aaoha tnt. aaaaad ar khlrd Aaara,awiaTdas ' 1- - Yafoi,- -

CTKAM POWER, Ac. TO LEASE AT7. lf-fK- " vaaar wl bordlaa. tSi'lt, t. traaa

lalTth a, aaar la k aa.. Aral kaiaMdlatat.teD.tXrruM.aiKtCaawryat. 10,llM

CTORB AND BASEMENT TO LET WithJJ a a iod arcw, for a baker r r ajraoarr, at lWjrt folk it la.nlkr A. LKVU. 1 Waatttdatialaaloakar. fct. Paawnlia ImmMlaUlf,l,lt igTEADT STEAM ro""

.. ill LEASE FOR A Tent. ...a, ea traabloftea it, Jaraer Cltr

--auI new buWdluaa and dock la Iront, bu beennd for the m.nufaatuiin af eaamt, kirina aUaek- -a Dmii.a:eB uaoaior inaJiua niar eat feed,

well af eamant, ar It map ba taroed Into a Blanlna oraaw Kill, ilea aaumberof aaeanl I4 frnatlaalhewata- - ip If vtu a. nininin, ani wmih.or te Capt. IIOWEI), on tha pramlira maiiaao,tii


TO RnT AND FOB IAXKWUeeler al Wilaon'a,

Urorer A PikerI M Blnrer Col. .

At redaeed ratea. Inarrartlon ainn.Pirtlaa are mmodited at the

N.r. (IK WIND MIL1IINK tUI'DRinf.mh lo tdasntt 4X0 Mroadwnr. ear nrjama at

JI FABI POWER TO tT-T- WO ENTIREJ r oan, OOi' 6. well l(hted wlah wtndawi on

three iMea, to Itt with atea pnvar, aprlr ta W. T.HALM ML, an tU praailaaa, U OaluaiUa at Pa waa-to-n

UnmadlaUIr, 14.1T74

TO LET-SKC- FLOOR OFthe 1 atorr nrl.k dwalllagM Caa.a at lnaalreUUaarTnfthelfaaWWerka,0( at 01 Mnrrar

at.earaftllaaeplaea. H.MO

ROOMS TO LET BUSINESS BOOMSat Ct relten it, earner af Brdar Alter t

toemm11iuiimUmt UftM. --- nm U rvm laWBawaiaB. eWJanl .TwaVar IWU

TS, GROCERS HOUSE TO LET ORa la A rsrr daatrabla hoaaa. nlUhla far a

aal famllp aamar of Ainetao and lalrlmnrata, Apple bet. (JAJUWBLU BVIUrand.at.VTu-UaaMbura-


U7AQON MAKER'S Bn01 TO LIT ATBnalewwad. Barana Oo, W. J. ta aaad nlhber- -

Boon. aaa vaaanaa, ana wian aa evparUnltf u balktaa an ainallnat ajana. JdIBawadat,het tana 11 una


ROSE HILL SAYINGS BeCOC, CORNERat, aad th an.l opea dally from I ta 6

p m.t VYadnaadan aad Baiwrdar. antll T m.frora It aaat. ta BMex) reoatrad. fataraaf at

ilia rate af 0 aaroeat will beelteretoa raaiaof t&nand ander. IMpaaita made ea or beter tha lh afApril will draw Ikatereet treat wa lav. muiiiAliC LX, Bear. BvkU,t4aeUt

THIRD AVENUE SAVINGS BAKE,ooaNn m Avr. tnth ir.cnajtrntED twt.BIX PKK CBNT. nrTEBnaT

eiWedManaepielta,trmeaoellei ta ant khea.aand aollara.au. BiaoaiT aiaa on oa awroa m lBn or Ann,

will nuw iBTaaaaT raon Aran. la-e-.

Beak epan dallr bom 10 te I, alaa on Moadar, Watneater and Baeordar araninn from t to t 'eloek.

SrBMUaOl K. OBJCBM. Prmtmhltt4aeltt


POUJITT CLERK'S OFFICEJ BVnTwttMaraht.lBTL,rahna BwBea ta hereby livwa that aa the 1 tea r af

Huitl akin prima araw panan or jaram vw infcUowhi. Oourta, h b. held la and for theattf and

natfel Maw Yark, en the lat dar ef April, left tAaaiaalaflMrVtitJaroaatar BoiraaMQat Oav-il- t,

and Orrr and Tatwlaar. fart 1.A panel of injratadane iat a lirtmt Oaaat,

arenlt ParttTwo naa. af tilt Petit Jam aaah taf B 0rt f

0mnva Parti, and t.YwananboflMrwmjaraneaefc Bat a lw.rtr0ut.Varta lands.tjna7a4tJbraavtJarwratolOowrtf Orerand

,J?H !i?l?l i-- "t t ' tl IM ratt)wHa JOHN OLaJtOT. OUT.


andVberwU. i alt-- dn JSdra?rS LVUmnamfFUaaaavd vnlnaattone tar aiat lb. ofAee ef the Bnutandnt7 fiSZS

anflraaaag "lihial at.

tta. ThaoowtaaMwUl haawarawd,hviwiuU. U tha Uwait ramaaahTaaaiwaalarr aarauaa, inono IBWard raw raa th rlrbt to reJeot aZr n ajiafTaaCrEpanhiefiaradjf Aaama anblle Intern! IJAMES MACTtnaJt, I



a.ahlnaa. aylBkta Mlh.. a- -.awaaorlnt aurkTan, tnaatbar with ihaftlna. banehaa.Ml, aad a naall anrlna; Htaanvpovar and rjoma takc. Iaaalra af tJlfcUTUH CUfrABZ.anr. flnaara. im Kaat U4 at. IMIIIBIRDS. BIRDS-BBU.I- NG OFF CHEAP.

InaaaJra laA. aaea; ataatk-aiao- ikraadjjlrajUft, ak. Um ttlNWat

nnof for balk nnt ramtt uu

DIRDS JUST ARRITED, IN STEAM-A- Jikla IkaaBaaa, a Urn aaaatttf af auartna aanarrVfaa.aaldaw.kaa, baufnrnra, nnaata. mnlra, bakJIM", and othar klndaaf aJnaiu btrdi.Iti! !? aVBUA-a- ; tlkadrtaaa, l.IOBlt

CATTLE FOB SALE CHEAP TOaad Hartal daraVnara-T- wa aim, fS;!; ' a. aan, 9" ana aiMi; aaa ar,

ml idaiwi at--ar T CII9 at or II. Waat jlnb.kaa.aa Mr. Bararl plaoa. la.1914

fANAKT BIRDS FOB BALK LOHOrjj ." " ;"?-- ".' varrnaiva. drrira ,t,ia.,w ,n m aaa aaaa, aaawwaa) riamiaaa mbhbb ai I aaaa. ta. T Bill

PIKELE AND LTONB, iKWINO MA- -.Bklnaa, artoaa radnaad. AB BaarhlaM warrantad

lira naaur aaaianauaa than any la tha markid ar"SXfw l AawaaaaMaaataraiaV .iMnaaMa,


norara and rk. anltlbla f r aa.y kind af boil-b- ila borira ara aaund and hind, and tha .art. Iiiward.r. Appl at U auat rid atrtat, bata-aaat-

and to aaaa. 11), 103, J

TTORSFJS FOR SALE I DA A horara, trad for win or anr-anra- 1 alaa, 1

and wnrhlna karaa will ba aold far a (l Inaulralotha rrorair atora, eor. af Uotd at. aad Mrrtka --non.BmohrB la 1.I0.J

LTORSKS X)R HALE 11 SOUND TOUNGA A horraa, lnt fiwm th rnantrr, for d.a I iwacirrmaa. tiurkinranr kind afhiaar wrrk ( an haam a atllLararat. bat Mfurd aad Wnekar. l.Ua,0

HORSE. CUT, WORK FOR SAUaruia, 87 Waahlnrtoa it, S Y.lia,t

TT0RSS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- 10iJ7T?bC?, "! frera Cjnada Wart, rroin t4 U

aad Mad. Iaaulra U tha blaakamUk aha m Noa--


A aai fat aal. akaap, or waaU trada tar a anad al au,!?X"V,.tobl,',,,lLS?;fe,,,,",r" twinlraef M ,(amu, of afW. B. MAT, I aanlfc Ilh it, WUUaaaaba7kV TTi"


TT0RSI8, , FOR BALE I H0RSE8. Jxt: rti and karnaaii wU baaald UMVr orfor aaah LDautraaf . iilluc,tonir

af W.ahl.rtanaedUaaraiaart ata. U.jila.

LTULL FOR SALE TnE HULL OF AinaJ?!5l.tTthff.lS? "la for a barn ar a

bf boUdlne a konaa aa bar. to ka aald

PIANO FOR BALE i BA00 R0SBW00Dptaaofartafornlafar

2,wraralrBan.kaaa,?orta tlrU ar. aaar tkaBTarr boat!?'2?k?fc?, ?"' auiatka aaaaAnd krlU taaapraoaaiad. A fra a.a. MlfrTra, ikraadaa.

pons FOR SALE TORTS, PONTSLBaadrad ShatUad, toaik.and Walak


. at d butoh arf aarti vrlnilMV. wvild


nawaaBai draw. Ojbt draft watari wfll ba aald law ar

CCHOONER FO -O daa . f M

aalaatl an, . f ai '

a tt-- rt a a a" a a -t al --o. .. anad. BTItWABTaii . aad Ilh are. AIM enrne


W AGONS TOR BALE ONE HORSEnrdanara watrona and knainam waaana, new and

Id hand. Aval, ta OIOB LABKi, ltltn at, batwaoaBraadway ana loth are, H. T. UM,a4M


WaalemlotaUnltanraKaaora.Tbla la tha chaapaal rarttUaer ht Baarknt tl worth

elU manor, aa aere of Uorn, will Inoroeae the areBam d te ana half, and wul rlpaa Ike ere twonek. earlier. Prion, erer I barrala, tl pa barraj

B paanphlot. with aaAwaatorf ertdann and faU t.I'naTTBt b a aaot gratia ta any one eeodtnf ealiaaaia aux r iniil, paui una ai vJHa.auUanrtlandtat4li:

Oenaral Aawakj tat aha IfcaSwi BJaSl taae'141


BUTCHER'S STALL FORtnabtat markeU la Haw York. A a.

U. fcat B.B. U. W.DUBUAkCS. 4T4IlrforJ lt,lM

CONFECTIONART, TOT AND FRUITahanoa-t- ka atock aad

of aa aid neWblUhed nnfaotlooary, tor and fruititer, rlroatae tn one of tha beat loeatl jna In Breohln,K It, Innulraaf the pnprietgr, 131 it, nairBeutfctdat. 10.AUI

CANDY STORE FOR SALE TnE OLDeend atora, 16t Lawnard it, U

ekaaa. It,lt4,l

POUNDhT FOR BALE IN COMPLETEA verktaf aider, well loaatad aad dolaa a coedbodarea. Inaulraaa the pnoalaaa, M 1 Kaat afth at ofU.tTuiOVVLXa. 14avvt 1


a, en half ar tha whieaTwi the Vk andtitniM of aa old eaabuehad rtr and dialog aalim,low rent nod faeailan, nod thareoabiara, dalng aawed ta ad arm. JtBLuUti. 14 Uhambart It ltTlTM

POULTRY STAND FOR SALE A rVttTeaaUbla aad fralt itand, In one of

the beat market In the alar of New Yark, karla baaoeeutaaa arta praaoni a oner er ina Maa id raan,rar varttoaW. lavraln aBTBTIIBM rv1Ttaapat, waaniaiion mtnat,

THE jHIHM4ISIlBkC7flNFFoAd.B9ByuflllBHi SUN.NUMBER 8952 MEW YORK., TIIKSliAV..... Ma l mi in ion.Tmvv,lt i aqua' ritlCK OffE CBN

Paaarerte annrkfta.MoahtAt, Btaarek II, 1M1.

Fii-- b, At. The denuad ror Weetern tndhue flaor I .gala better, with t god etatera and

local damaad, Th arrival art tatr, but the Meekef BwvM braad 1 limited.

Ta aalaa taolad lt,BM bU. al S IS a f 11fcreupwOM Bete aad Waaterai SMiasttferrxwa Bktlei tl to a to 40 foroaeieeaa. tots au n Bar tn low graaaa ot earn weeiern ri.tS tB tar ehlndieg brand ef round haop extraOhio, and t It a $T It for trada brand an.

Oatadiaa fl er I Braver and la fair ru,aeat aalnof MO U4e. at gS SO a $ J 60 for ezwa.

B ur I firm aad la fadr demtad far thetrad and Wret loduatj Ihe arrival ar light aadesmaroa brand are Brmly held at th eloae aalMof 1 COO by ertfl 404 n for mixed to good Mper-fia-e

Uiltlttore, AlaxeudrU, Ac- -, aad fiMai fjraha batter made.

Bte flour la la fair Aemaad U M 0e to, th Ut-

ter prk far i stre.Corn nval la la fi'r reqe t etlw of TOO bbl al

al tt 80 (or Jeney aad tt 0 br Brandy ni aa afl.i.U vckahaal jflour la Brat al tl Mai TB Par

100 lb.Oaaoi Tb wbnt matkel ha laaproved with

modaial ai rival and a farther daolin la freight.The Inquiry la malalr for i apart la part to Franca.

Tba aalta are N JIOU bueh al tl Mat I tl far Milwaukle Orubi tl ttatt B tor ordinary u pinedellnreitl Hl Whf we Chicago Bprlojri tlfhr Nirtb Waal Clubi I It far law Brtagltl ttatt it tor Cwada U'ubi tt 31 (or red Wee.;tl tt for rid J my, tt do for while Indiana tnatorei tl 60 ror whii Mlehlgui tl tt for ordiatrywait Uaiuorma ana viw wrwwi wane urn.-a- n

BtrlT I la fair aul firm atle of 0Mhueo. Ctnad Bait ai ISe.

Dirlej malt la timet and la good damaad l ilea400 bu. at We.

OiU am flr-- aal In (air ri ial al It),' a til.for aaatara a 1 0anadiaa,and tl a MX lor (taw,tha latter rat. far ch.lei

Bl U qeiat-aa- la ( 1" buah. nwlhara te arrlvealabaAUeenu.

O wa U Brm aal ta good dtaud for ixport, thbrad and the aaat.

Tha aajr tt,00 bun. at tt a til for BWBailed at ah railroad deaot M a OSe. far BwBou'hawj TUow, ten. tw eld mixed wMtera, laeaer i KM ataa. tar 4. daUrared, tad tt a Tit.tar wiU eovAhara,


Fiom A Snip Extract! from thlalattar wara rtad to a ooaanany of Ckrlattau falkar-a- d

I rra'artiU.I Btaamar gamlanla,

R'a da Janatro, Dm, tab, I'MOurptlrllrrraaniBot Tory Butaarooa, kat th.r

an nraciotta. if chrtatlan al koma aoatd,lathdmldatof thai raJ rant a(w, U brmight to rai'.lra

Mr fulty em poiltty, la tbla raapact, I thinkthalrptajera would b muck mora warnaal fjr uarae go dm t tha aaa la nbJpe aad tea tha

tkadanp. Yaa bar probaU Laanl thattka prartr aaaMlaj. ara kept apj aa tin la thenlWa claaa. BeaiatiakM t1r twa or throe ar

la ltd name of Carle. Itjt bit proaueela oftan faltUlad la them, Oa'7 tha UaigbbathI waa much (ratlfleJ to hear from the orjirl? ear.taaal IhU he bad choaan that road pan which1 hall nerar ba taken awaj from hUa.

II will te fraUrlBf to 7x1a kaow thai all ft.mawit en of the church, who are on board, a-- prttj cdBoarai a vara praof that, In the aatliaatloa afthe thej are reliable.

Ahaouaaamenl la maJe thai aa a.T.ral ah!pfwar, there la much laaareat aa lb aal J act ef

la Ibalr prajar meetlnn,Oa tka raclflj eoaat, abaard a ahlp af war, a m

qtiaat barlBf Iwaa made of the oaptala a' tha ran.ail, Inroogh the.Chaplaia, for le.re to bald a

I i rud.l repvlaad Ike rrp'jlain-- , that a ahp o' war wia bo place for a prajarlaeatlpf. It bad In ba held la eecret bj a few; butwaan.it 11 a lraa r.inat.

A luint of ll'iieimnV In tha Kultanttraat l'rajar Mevnf, a naUeaiaa Imutu'lJprajrrlora portion of lie Sialaof Wiavonila. titaald It via 44 nl'aa wide by JflO mllra lor;, anl

aa wl l'..l w th th who tairo.lalad1 national. U -- gMnulnarlana lwida, Nrwa-(ian- a,

Una, ard almost erarj rouotrj of K ir pa,lata patlonof tfaaauie laattreai.ly daatilvnaofIhemnnauf (race bo pteweeia, a 'treat r, beingta ba (ourd la tU'air,on there ara 41 0m)ubUdran-tf- Ol of whom are cathaml I 1,giihd.j H lioola. The entire populalloa la

00,0.10 to 170,000 Maur guaday Bj.eJ haeact a ploua paraoa la It. Aad jat the Lord ewethe lead eown, and It anilaga apla a pre. I mi t.

He aaroad the can of a dear little boj, wbadied In kraornort aad triumph, wandaiful teall who knew hint aid wlineeaed hi. Un houra.TUe eesre waa I bare the an rat i that bipprdeath la my poukal, II la a UrUe taaUvient, Ukeafrom Ike child a pocket after kla death. Hi diedwhile Ihnie around were alagiag oae of hU fnar.lie krtnna. lie had learned to know ami lotaJarua.

Lvcinarrrt or MiMinir Wntic rw tintCitt. We take a few ttrikin lncldenu fromthe lilt remrt of the Cirr Taicr Mi...nThey dliplay well what tha work U, and whatepnoaltloa It BlMtl with t

Tntn to rAT. A rneohanh!. towtatm thatract effort waa bloaaod eboot tbraeraari jr,tad who It praanereni la hie werldlr labort,giai to hie workahop In the meralog, and afterarrnelDg watk for tha dar, Knee te a rUllrprarar mrrtiax frcmHonlU U eMeck. Thfaaedoee reKubuIv, aad thil ti hJa tealimonr '"Formerly I thoiht I had as tine for ralUiooer prayer t hat I bow And that I make timeby ttepping to pray for It elm ran eachcaUBDnre and that I da morawotk In leaf time lhaa I aaad to dn,

I Forvn atr Wat to J neon, U a lotth-afm- abarcmant wu fooad a poar eolora.1

arCBiMi. apon wham roiwanptlon had rmarlrnniaiiaii tie worn, etna Bad lltn -- ' rhoearned what aha rM ... IV T, ai Iearn a I lat .'afcl ttl

i.e h' 1 fiM of' mu--

Mj at, '

i, ..aiaif 1; "

. ' .1 el!' Ia v

...i rwn, II tu1 u I tm,..uut one plea," waa poetad up la a tmith'thop, and thil hat been the meant of convert

log three of tht men who worked there.Thb orroemow or a rinTAi rutn, h

lalior In the Tarlont rugar-hoaa- of tha city toall that lotkt tike rrli(ion baa become notorl.oat tnd tmono; tlioaa who labor In um ofthe rugnr linuaea, tliln opproetlon hat Iwcomorery hold and tioh-nt- . Yet, thore are alioLaliorlnK in tbme plat oe a few con erted per-on- i,

and ono of them hat related the followingf&ttt to the Biitionary whou mlniatry be at- -tenaa. " 1 101.1 Tim iiuc my aitutiien anion,;the atoffert w 11 lutolerahle : yet at you adt ln.ilme to five them tract. Id Id eo but thon Ifound tut favor with them than liefora. Simetoek the trartt. utterlnn bitter otthl aalruf tea; tome took them and tore them to pie eabefore my .face; and one tntn wiahtnjr to tig.nalto hfmsolfaithe mc it decided, refuted totouch a tract. lie appeared indeed to be ov.aeaepd with a lneiun of demont. llut at noon Ifound an opportunity of prlrttely putting Intothat mtn't roat-pork- the tract entitled 'TheChrUtian CouojeUur,' and pnyel atrnettly forhim. Th next morning I obarrvwl that hewu very tili.nl, and at nona be ctmo an Iaeated bimteir by me, and taiii, 'oo you tljlyput a tract In my pocket. Well, th counselit good, ind next'SundiT I will go to churchwith you.' He dtd no. From that time he at-

tended regularly; th Lord gave hla blaatln;and now that man it A new (nature la CtiriatJctut."

Mare rathe Paatenald.Th London 7i"t, In a recent article)

th failure of Eaglind to duitroy thiliv trade, thut point lignitlcantly to a turermethod i

The puWlc aautlmeal upon ta anhjeotof altveryaad the tlava trad anma al laal lo have enteredBpoa It permanent elate. A hundred and Bnyyear. ae we were fighting for th privilege ofoonvetlag nigroM vat an. A geoaratioa lafrand our ennaclaacaa grew uneaay a lha wall afthe etlflad negro came horn lo u with Imnortu.Dal. repetition. Hal el lail w awoke. Taeetetaof Ihla eoantry whaa th full gallt of alavary camamoa ll wa. nothing lea than a freaay of reran..BTw Ibal paawtoa everylhlng want dawn.

But avaiy grtal aidarmnl ha llereooU. Wwho now ooeupy th earth art laaa affected by thertmnof ourgraadaaharaor Ik ramofn of ewr

bthar. W begin lofaal In anVighl al Ihla pe.treof Ihe writhing Nagr. Tear age thar war

aaa who ventured te any that, after all, th earthmnat h tUlad, and thai the gnat law of Maturewhich doomed man to labor atuat apply la Ikblack matt M well a to th whit. Their vole,however, had little chanoe of bring heard, Welavtihed our money, w onetced the weak,and w went lo Ihe verg of maklag warupoa th atrong, U order t bring the realef tht world to Jala with tt la our era.and again, th hreffle la mankind, Tel wehata not nooaedad. We mikubmll I Ike lawwhtok universally let one humaa aoadoct. Afterall our vela aOorte, we maet be oonltnl lo attraetmtBklad by Ihalr Intereata, and not pretend togenre thtta by fane, rranoe ' her hand upeaher iwerd If wt prenm te Mk whether ah hialavr or fre laborer la th hold of Iht Cher!!- -

etOierg. gaaln laagka at a If wt pratnl tprevent bar ha Impwwaff M mtny alavat aah raag want la Cnha. Amrrtja threatenwar If wt attempt te liberate tha lira cargoef t Timet eovetfd with lha Blare and Bwios.Al lt wt ar octnlng dowa to tht aammoit.plant netioa thai the brat wty of daatroytag inebjacvlouab! ryrtun of labor la to uad.ra.U It.Bah In India aad it Cilea we btv. thematariala for a eoanpetltloa which may reader IheB'ave Trade aa txunot, beeaoa aa anarofliahltiafo. Afilaa, Bopulout M II It, ll aot a popa-leu- e

a Own, nor la II an populona M lie ooael ofIndia, We beve a Imty with Gala whioh

u Weeny te Oiavfaat aaa only 0laimabut thatr havUlas. While othar nation may kid-B- ap

than by tana, wa na obtain Tdaateer byIhenmadei and If ear law tare oon-va- d, w a- -

not far from Ik period wkaa w may an Ihe pro.perllvefonr Watt ledlta eoloojat reetentl andthe B'av Trad xttagBlak withe laomltar erabttoallator f(lca,

tattle ft aaa I InlyRna,tYb tU,lMl.

T th yMiortflh' .Tw l'rt ,sin ,ThenM altgethntpna ihontl g abroad IT

lit would learn home now, mutt hare hl IttoriRin tt Rome. la the mlJrt or the rtf

which U roconitructln,r a kiolom, It Itmora dimwit far me to lean, with ccrtalntr ofItt daily morementa, Uan for thoM who, ttmore dlstmt nolnt,rce!Te tnformttlon thronshthe rrliahle channoJi of coramunk'itloa whichJjurnaliiUe enterprlaa hat erarrwhere aatab.liaoeu, la .pile af lllilwral (rorernmnnU anloMJlraome pollca yitrrat. At Tarlt the

daily telcgrami adrlscd me tt one of frhatererlrtmj.lr4 here, at well At of the tll,;htttmorement l any direction which could afTactthe plant tnd purpenat of' the cabinet, uponwh.e tctlon the fate of Italy In t lar,ra atnMiiura tlapandi.

Hern, on the contrtry, the rtjue rtmorepidlou front mouth to mouth are the onlyaourc of Infornttll.in at to what U lrnplrlninear itt hand, while w mutt mwjs awilt thatlew ircfcTfM of tn unceruia mail tt loirathe newt ef the outer world front jouraalt whichraijoy mch liberty a U unknown here. ThttinRle foolactp thctt which rrprenoati thenewapapor ruterpriae of thlt elty, of 200,000inhtbitanti, la ctro'ul not to publith any barnelotcllicnco uttil it hti gone tho ronndi ofFrrn.li ar,.l F.nli.b Jounuh lona; nouKU tornaurn iU rrliabil ly, an.l not thnn, If It hatanjthlnR toolTud Ilia Korcrnment,

'lho tmprrsiiinii Unit the French troopt trs tolastpraMiiy witii.irtwn, It gaining rounl n ryJay. The newt wa roreira from Frtnce err.lain! y pointa to thta, thoah it It Jnli.-- lt tereconcile any wch Intention on Hie part of Na.iiiiroi, with the ronttitnt trrlral of naw re.crulu for the army of oicnpitloii here. TheItcamrr of the 10th, In whlih I ctnia, broughttwoiTtkrcn htinlrrd Frcmh aolliert, anl Ibtto beard of a atiil l.ir(Tjr arrUal withina ftw day.

Tho p rehemion of dilTiculty here, an I thodlnturtaxl condition of Italy generally, hae In-

terfered tery torlomly with trarel thlt year,which la a tad thlnit for t illy to largely

traiulmt rliltort for Itt tradeWithout commerce, without manufactured,what It Rome to do without trtrtleri? Thereire I am tol I not more than four or lire thout-an- d

trtrelert, when It It uiu.il to lookix tome forty or fifty thousand about thit las-io- n.

At wiia to ba eTpocted, the number' ofAmcricini anroad It tar Ieet thin asual. Taeywere to bo met with In Italy, If any where atthlt icuoitgind eren Bore the tum'ior It reryimall. We had a Kttherlnjr of tur country,man lait ereninft at the home of the America!Mtnltter, Mr. Sroctrof, ta honor of .thtbirthday of Waahlairtoo. It waa a tlmpleerealig reception, and tha aenparttiTely imtllnumber preeaot ahowed hew mw Araarlcaat wahart In Rome.

The majority of tha aompany were from theNorth, meet of tha Southern. hiring rttunt-e- d

lfort thlt to prepare, probably, for the for-mation of their new republic. UnU- -abound tTerywhero " .... diaoh-- 5.r si . in , i.i mtId 11 r a 11 4 j m 'tine)!-,- , ,

pre ' ,

.1. j . r, . i 'pt.e ti g luei .u. 'i-- ti 1 loia.a.uaio wno hear hit rattVlna.Uent oa railroad tnd ttaamboat? It wereUtter for thoee who lympithla with ditunlento throw op their commlialonr, at om hive'tl.ready done, and inter th tcrvlce of tha palmet-to itate.

I tnt experiencing the dolightt of in Italiiarpring, and while you at home ar itill il

to make good tha deficient let of the innwith wood ani ioal, bero wo lure thrown mIJoour groat toiti and ire enjoying tuch wealboraa you mutt wait for May to bring yon, Tlieair It delightfully soft and btliny, the fruit treoiara in full blossom and the blrdi iro carolingmerrily from etcry bouio top ami old ruin.There It no buttle In thlt moit-grow- city tofrighten them te.tr, in 1 their mutic itoalingthrough tho open window at airly day bretktpleasantly upon lb ear, more familiar with thsound of rattling cooih-nheo- lt ind clankingiteam preuea. Tho Corm, th main ttrei-- t ofthlt clly, Ii gay with equipage, ami ill RomeIt out tunning itself. Hut pleasant i it It tiertlie weather it itill moredcllghifulutNip'o,anda Urge numlier of ttringert buy gone southto wilt for Holy Week. So Roma It, by tuiny,

otcdvery dull, with th thtitro and epericlosed, the botelt empty, an 1 nothing to bo

seen but mutty mint inl indent piitare.Hut will mon let over, an I the traveler!back again to witnos th corcinunle of HolyWeek.

Will yoa inggest to tht now Pottmittar laNttaiu street, that the slmrtoit route to Komdll not by tho way of tht Went Indiei. One ofmy letter! from New York bear th of

Hivant, Ht. Tiomm ind London, Inaddition to tht on whhh legitimately betungtto It. IVrhupt thlt will explain why it hatbeen over tKweaikt en th road, inalead ofcoming through in three, a It mlvht Mtilyhiti done. W. C. C.

TV faswuhen Army aal Nary,The navy f the Confederated State, whetlier

alaalaad by fair nam or foul, ooaeiaaa of theva.l'

Tt rvau outter MjCltlland, s Seat alaaa Tea--

and (aal ntler, 100 tan burden, two ll pong I.er. aad aide guaa. BRBJ

The Lawla Caai, a cllppar-buC- I echooner of 10ben. burden. In good repair.

The una steam mum- - Jan uray, parekaaecl bygonlh Carolina for t3 000. It la a screw voaaaf,wtth two englnn ef til Inch oyllndara mb. It laIntended lo arm bar with one Urge

pUced ainldahlpa.TVeniiter Aiken, a flral clam boat ef about M

tuna, with one 44 poued pivot gnn.The onitar Waanlogvai, an old pilot boat ta

geod erder, wtU be mounted with a 41 rnoul pt vet

ThtnmT FuHoa, artiaal vatael, tatoi toneburden, and be four aulone p v il gun She wu engage,! la Ike Paraffinaipadirion T K. I aadly out or r.pilr, auj IIwiUcotl tW.OOO to put harUaoondliioa for ear-vi- e.

Th steamer Eierglade t a imatl ald.whnletaaniert purehaaad by th Bitle of (le.rjli firMt.oOO. BmUbow brief .hargal .o a ,n'.to cruUa at the nuuth of lua givanaih rlvor, liarDame baa been ohaogad Vi tt diva iiah.

Tiitounvr D dg. Mlitd on lha Jl iaw.atnilvton,TXM I. atraj rataoea tuairaal lia vaart, weil adartad for a guiuoal. diia at preaibl Uman armamantof light call!. Tki. wtlL n d aid,be changed for a Urge pi v.. gun of 1 n.i -- t. iga.

Thebrlc Boo ta, i a tun, 1 a atl.tiraal takento Bavaaaah, hn been tain p awaaalmi of by orderof Oavarner Bbiwm nf llaorgift, d n ui bttognimmort)hrai mio a wa tU du 1. featnl ir tnd In B .1 rae nrj.r.

The at'au gvuloal X a la a aroa'.l vaaaal, mnunl-Ir- g

one auo, aril li hi cuiuuii-ai- , eavuuf junfrutn a li a daya' o U. 1 tl. coaal of

BouthCtrollta'Tbtarroy o'lli.eo'l'hira onMiav It ti

luau.OiT lavlMfilli. .V,i jr1 n.-i- a.

111 arlliuuy ali veira, hi naulry, e niTkaiewl' iti oil .'llrll-- i.aiiu with anaanuilaaary i.' 61 J, ll adl i.jn t) t.raif. fadaid.i.iure. 1 i pi of oh-i- a, in d..itua tofma,, fuel aul quanta, will la, aa (nll.iwf ,

l.a'. A 'J! ' Il.T'lT la'n..Calo l l,n.-- l.ol ,MI tJ 314I.Uul. Ulub.1 ., a ,,j.J ,.).! 1,WMAlr 1,011 l.no.1 1,011 1 4O0Lautala l.OMt l,r.u) 1,t0 1(10BiratLleulnal ,.,, 100 l,iltO laud 1,0Banood I.'etlKnanl.. Olal 1 (Mil toofrlr.tea, ill & tl3parmno.il, Ul 111 131

Mia dolUr bar panath u added to tka wm a..for tvtry Ave yean aarv.ee,

Paaalav la tin Bawtfc.The Rrandon (Mkt.) RrjmWon tiyt 1

'On wur B'.t tawawiU n tmad a leator frnraMajor ftiKilum Iliwatira, who It bow In I.bnola,biijlrg eern tor the eltlnnaof iav,gnHh andBaakla rxiintlaa, IT aaa. he cm gat the com nnaereuit,lf the rampUeaa rain the tnoeer to paf thefreight Mafir llmrHnt (. wfrA Aem a tfat 0 IAfeere Ail nr;korAoo.f, wko ieriniMra bninrIT A, and A lerra nmyrlM u virrm nnltaeawafafoaini were ranfmt IAm fntn tnle lettar Itwill be eeea that the clilvni ef gprlngflald, thtoarai wi Limai , aire eoBiriuuiea oae teouaandbneheltof cot 11, and thai much more will be ana.anin.HaaereiieTathidlalraaior Ine poor In Ihlaaartlna.

The atma paper Buket thit "humtlUtlrui"cenfmalon 1

"How bumlllallng tt erery irUwtaalnplaB to"TT that arr rurntj atl eVnouncfng (Aa )mUf IM A.arA, m nur rttiame hare ben in lha kabit

of denounrlag Ikm,irean,nal,iei7ell f turn orowndam.1 hej fAem w bread, ani IAj In (urn in InnVaflettlliuanfA rltneaa, by traatiag or aaant withthe grealeet nwnect, and not only gtrlag blm marehMheaakd,l,l paring tVihe av kt to putII In. Ilcertilnlyplaena na tn a vary humiliate.pnaliloa.andwabrard Mvjir lliwiia. aleiied fargoing there aod tiegirlag eorn, nut wa ear ka haadona rlgbt, and Ibminnd. af aurrlng CvllJrev.widow and orphan, will hlaaa bl. fur bia eTrlalo heap theia (mm perlahtug with hunger.

OawUart rljelrnt a lho foltacakhnent afF1TB.

The rpeelal committee ef tha cnnnrlla ofPhlladalphl.i appointed to cvmi.Kr whAt

ran lat made in reirard tn a contractfur the extinguishment of fire, hol.l 1 meetlitcon Monday, whan a formil rcennattion wai

from A rrmmltteo of ilelrttea of thelire iierclatlon, propnaimr lo furnlih Jilttetiafire encinea, rich with oiHI foot uf forcing hoaa,

hand rnKinea, 20 bom ctrrl.iirr. with KO0 ftof forcing horn, ard 4 hiK.k and 1 wider trutka,fir thetumnf (Mi.miO per annum. The con-Iri- ct

not to I for la than threo yearn. Ampie arcurllT will Im) pHen for tho pcrfomuncaof the contract. A number of lire compuiinot connected with tha lire Maorlttion ecnt aremonilranre any em h roatrae. Thmbjoft wat lirally fofeinit 1 1 1 lulwoii'inil'e

11 Dael IJke II.Tlie I'irli Mmittur U Indtsntnt t the la.

rreae nf datlra liHieiee.1 y lb Northern UultedStttea upon ruj-.cl-i prcvlurtiont 1

gilke, walik pt'.l alaavran par nnt 1 will harenow to par from rwentr to thirli anl wloae,wuiihpaio thiiiy,w.i hiiavaiartiilitj-ihraaan- da ball t and a.) onaiher klidief giMidaaod prod aw.The cifltalal (ournal aecuaaa tha vorthaen dap allaaofhaata takio adaaeaave af Ike e'mmtce d thnefrom the Bunih to do Ihla mart btt af hiinai, andlament to hare te obavHa tale retrograde nnameat beta f n trade.

Natar n RaraJIr.NotwithitanJInn aitiluout Iriinlntb Ima

child-natu- break, fiwth In the little PrinceImperial of France. Ata lata children ball..Ivan .In lila Lmiv l li.t..l .!..-!- -. .l.Lr...... HWMV..U., ua luaiaia., on timicinfr wiuia tor from tha orcliettra, Inttead of one of thatlie little rincrtti a who were wilting fjr hlaband! He It cclonel of a Juronile rejriniont ofaoidieri or lilt own igo and U, and when Itwaa renewed, lately by tieneril Mkli.ii it,hitUI(hneeeipe!red In full uniform with aaword at long a. a knitting needle. Obaerrinr,bowertr, that the printed wire decorated witha knapaack and munkat, he Intlatmt on iharlngthe let of the common tuljiert, like hit famooiancle la tha grand army." Dut a woraeakarkthan teeing a colonel carry t musket awaitedtha horrified Ueneral when tha amateur privateand hair apparent raa off. hand ta hand, withtwo ef hit firorltei to a collation te which thregiment had been In. lied.

Criminal Itama.A BBCWVww T'tthTv, haf hua'a

fwr.wi v all f, a .

i vta ai S i i .n tf" dtt '

"m r31i. tl tji - a.all ttiira

i, Ii ia, a' . lai--, ua., early on Sundaylpi vuisit preeseit against the door,

and Hot, impeding itroBKly hit wife'tnrl a pistol through th panel, whUh

pasaed through Qcutn't hoart,Dcbiho iiaa PATHra't Antaca tn All ait,

Sarah Hath, li yean old, tloared the house itBrooklyn of every valuablo, with the help othe servant girl, and decemp-- d. She hat oftenrobbed her father before, and wat arretted onSaturday ta in Irreclaimable thief.

IkiKiLAR iiiiokr ItTn, in I mtde severilTiaitatoa boot store at St. Louis on Mondaynight; they got i lnr away with .150 worth ofgno.lt. On the lant vllt tho polko disvoveredand tired upon thim, bat they escaped leavingthe plunder behind llieul.

A anotnau FARtrrn lit tl nelgh'iorhood ofHulUlo Co., recently ('presented lo a companyprospecting for oil, thtl hit Ian I coat lined It.To test tho mttter, the oil hunter dug a Itoleat night, etixM tin to see oil in the mornloi;.One, shrewder than the rest, went to tha boleearly in the m rnmg, and foandoil, but at thtime time, trackt In the snow to and from thefarmer's bouse. The land wu njt bought.

As aiticji a Cora mon 'A tinAa wu onin Salem, Maa., tbaothurdtv-- . Th In-

scription upon il I in the Culic Arabic Chiracten which war ued in th time of Mouamum, ind for three cent oriel after, andilgnl-fli'i- i

"(ion la great. Mohammad la his Pro.phot. (Jon li one." 'Ihe coin ll lltlyiariold.

Jamb Watkow, who nit bkbw iMmtafor lilt wife since September lilt, ditcoveredher at Mont red C. W., on Friday. Sli repu-diated him declaring she was a ininitor; In herahaence to get the police to eject him. he clear,ed out wilh everything valuable ami wat ar.reeled. 1 be matter wu finally settled by hiaHiving up the property, and her rttuming hilittle boy to hit cuito ty,

A BABnARnnt FiRri, Tim Rtab, wht bitoften bn before tlie Mtyor of Cincinnati, forbrutality to hla family, Lett bia wife shame-fully ou Saturday night, when she tied, tarry-ing two of bar baUs; tha wrottb rushed to abed containing t third child, dragged It oat,and threw It on a hot itove. The poar child 'tpiteous ecreinit brought tlie neighbor, whorracued It and dragged the lnhumaa villala (T

to Jail.


Titr ot.trT MaMnaa of th Onondaga trioof ladltni dlod recently, tged 120 year.

A tooto wTra wxrr rarrn her huiband'ilumber mllL at Ottawa. C. W.. oa Monday.became entangled In th machinery, and wattnttantiy BlUM. un Kraam er terror ana nitwit over.

As BXTBAoaoraABT Rrinpatir) whichbroke out at th Men. lota, Minn. Colle-gia- U

Inttltute, carried tiff the Preeident, aUacber, ind ene pupil In a week after attacking Severn others, it suDiiaxi.

Bomb Si0,(K)0 loitnr olii nau htTar.rtved In Watt Troy to be racaat. They camfrom Mexico, ami liear a vary antique appaar.am. On I u'rt to hv lwt Mt ninety,

even yiart ain e, ami lb otL.rt rang Ib datfrm fifty to a. venly Ova yaur.

A I apt or lioRUBUTOH S J.btt penUda devioe for throwing reaping aad mowing ma-chine nnt of gear, liy m'ana of tha driver'nit. Whoa tb dilver tik-- e bit teat, hiamight Uirowi the .a. blue Into gear, when belent e hla seat, it 1 thrown off gear.

An old I apt RAMP CociiBA ro it with atlntrultr and fatal ai ctdent It tenth liitfalo.la., en luurtiuy. line atanaium tue uorcnof her bourn, a favorite lari Newfoun.lUnddog spring and thr- - hir torn die-tin- e

with great form, broking on log, antm, a flower, audditio Atiag her khualdar,Commoi Mil! I Ana It tnad by iliaolring

axabio in water. Hut a better kind cm?;um by usiig gum traactuth. 'lua liferturn, though m ailoit Hv timet ll much, U

fuporior for icrap-bou- k and other pur.prsia whtro It It nccciury lo preserve thpolity ot printed or written miner, u itdat not it a' ii or soak through paper, aitr.Ut nrttiUgt doet.

'Ina iiKrJtr rBrt or Pxinitlyaii ifche ditcourigiug uacouutiof th proapectitt

h crop throughout that itat. Tnt x.Irene sevir.ty of Ui late "aid snap" fSllow.tng ImmediAtaly open th spring-lik- e weitbeiablch milked tlui cloe of Vebruary, ha nip.pad lath bud th crop of IKbl, andabject.llb peach groaert of the ttatt t a loat of than.taul of dUUtl,

8 '


v i



-- " twarprorjR'nhmB - - aVwavav. wanvtmt.

MllrlasBuMrnaackdn, ""rt tna athaJvBeanaj Bjew let IkwT BaaanTBTBll hof Bw a ,, im taOtWYvWilwrBhaBaBMattWrn aaniai ai a ...


Seientlflo Rems.a--d

TB ItTfTAB or nWKMt, ABpr B, in wttrr lolotioo of cai tagar.In the DTOVaaa of tbla trana'nmaiLaoirir Ii decoiripoand Into three dlffenntt kkwdw. Pwhiah eonatltBt honey. Thw havA which Bblkaaran ITi ft I tit at I vh lea Bi.. tv .. -- - -- ea a.

weak acidt, m well at heat and BietBrtTanw)effect a tlmlltr conrenlon of etna rugir. fJons Ciiriwiit, of London, ha. imrmleaTIn tnming and btriag gUaa, aad hat taut teat.dared it more applicable to a greet variety of ruufnl puipoaee. He Btaket glau cylinderspetfectly round ind trnootk alto yrrr ttnawjlliM pin.! aa luhMltutea for natal la toavwr. i:in acidt and attaint, aad hit rylimlan araentiintly adiptod far th barrala of fomm.(ili'a tubrabf Birder ate bora ar quit eaaa-um- e

but tbey ate never mtde of BBajftrntaaaof I ire,

Tur nrair Rinwt rarrABATtoar rcasrKicT.i'W mati Hit ron.lala of Brum at able, IRnnrtt by weight i pb phi ru, 9 parte alter,111 parnxtd of nitnginean, fn powder, lipaita. The gnm U drat nude Into a muolUjrawilh wt'er, then the tntnianna, inapliofphcrot, and the whole la hiatet U ataaai1.10 drgreit Fab. When th pWphorol at)melterl, the niter It aH.te.1, and th whole ItIheroUKhly ttirred until th matt la a uniformPitt. The wooden matchee, prepared tretwith aulphur. are then illrrod la taia. and aCterwudi dried la th air.

Foreign Items.Ki motia rrcnvihavt beeet rtgtgg ka tin)

lllai k Sea.A nrw TwpTrr-noitt- r power tteani reaeal kg

lullding for Dr. UtuutTota, the Afrieaajtratelrr.

IIoriic rtptn It regularly gutted la thairatiket trirta current of leveril towni la Oee-ma-

not on the hoof, but cat ap for food.A I AiKirr roitTna ore of raptr la nttkhag;

ate hm been taken out la KngUn t, for which amenoni wut turn Uit Urn Hl'irud by ALavrrBhoijae.

It f oirK!i r or tur III enntrnrtla aaatbad ventilation nf the scheid-hoiia- in and abeeatl.ffilon, 7,000 children, between the age af Aand 7 ytari, annually lit their live from tfcaai auert alone.

Tur Fnrtiwa or Titr FaMcn It abent totart on a pUUfimtK to Jeruaaleta. It It raa.wnl thiat Ike ewiit will be commemorated taa

ihe fonnrlitlon ef tn hoaplul or church. Rplacing the ttolen diamond iter In the car eCth Nativity, ami cmllv Klditiont to th deco-ration of lb Holy cVpalchre, ar ila pert oftho programme.


II lllscfllJaaeoiui IteoatI

A Ot RBTfow that tut Nbtkb bbvoc AavttviRRii. " Where 't the police I " 'iuvA.

It itroMrrrRiiTnATriOBCoriuof "DUiattIatjI" are aold every day by mutlt Pubtlawanmthroughout th United Sutea.

Tna DurrAtxt PotT-orrtr-- Tmir, Jaara)QeracT Adam Fatttwa, wat recently aaadooed by Praaident UurHABAB, at thef klrt. E.O. SrADLuiso, It U aald.

Tub CaABXnnow Mbictbt iatb thai anal.Abubbasb's ret eat Ion of Fort Bumter Itthing bat obetlaary. No 4' vg('arollaUnathiaa. a ,.! milo

nt If. l'CO lhit in W r -mw

leant. t ,. I 'JiltLa Vf .HtAaVr"' n 'r laaa A ' t

' o, It lli fi ailaval

a ahiaay (a Oawrrhr,Alal uu Worth tad Sooth Caimlaaa.1 hey ar planted In row turn fnt apart, dkaTine growing op a toot nign, ana ta atmaaihootlng eut about liftean Inchet. The It.neri hare Joint t in Loch and a half apart.which again link tw lncbn Into tb ground,and th pea-po- are formed at the tnd of theroot, com farmeri cover these lateral viaaanith earth, while other! leave them bar. Abunch of viae produce! nearly two quart fpus, ind the ivertge yield It about W baanattper tore.

CiLtsTlAi. PHTHoMrwA. At tanrlaa, lalow, on day last week, two brilliant rpata

er teen betide th sun, which, it 10 o'clock,Irrreaaed to a luminous circle. A ptle streakalao extended acrnsi the sun, and al.oigthai

hole plane ef tho lurlioo, wbich, at the pnlataef iiitertcctl. n with th circle, shone with

divertlty tf tolorand ao lutenaalw--Irilllint at to ptln the ct. Thee phsnomnBA

continued all day, and at night forme.1 eoeanvtric halo, round th moot, aicompanlod byme.h brighter and broader than a rautboanjihe whole rormlag the moat beautiful and aft'arful light ever beheld,

InrRA-aH'KiA- IIoRiAUi. It tppeart froaatn ollicial inriectin of tha London charobv.ulta for burials, thit there are about HUsuch viulti la th churcho of that cllT-- hk

many cneee, ivery avtilibl space beneath anartuii h llaorlogi hiving born used for age aarrpraitory for the dead. In tome aaaat, it Itslated, th vault! are gorged with corruption.

nd all along th aulei and porthMir arawaatilled with human remulna. la nvt litUaoaa,tb only partition betwnt tb liv'ng and that eJdead la a tbla slab of ttone and a few lnchaaafearth, thut offeiing but a very imperfect har-rier to the itcar of noxlout ellluvU. Thof-ll- nl

are generally of leal, wlch an outer cor.li g ef wood, and they ar often piled tl taliar to the very crown of to vault. Whamthe wood decay, th weight sf the upper haaatiiuahe th Iwd, and let out a filthy liquidthe moat disgusting odor, llut, bealde thliprater of dettructicn, th lead Itself 1 at-tacked by th foul gaaes, and pierced with litttahole, u If It war worm-eate- It ttteaiwtlli up Into a spongy mats of poroui ctxbes-at- e,

which offert tiut slight rttuitneta thof th putrid vtrnri ; in 1 thut, llttlataanag the animal part of tha bo.lv etcanea,

and, flndt itt deitinitlon notwllhataaaliaaetht ccmrccn Idea that a collia vf lead praairreaa corps Indefinitely.

I). U. MABtra tub nonitui wHiaar- -MAf hat been trying til kladl of axperioaeata

n living, line till famoui Toyag. Mehaa)lived prii ilpally on apple, om.linM ntlaxouked fc d one a dar, and apjMeiK;ntt ahe tame ta weigh hi food ud hlmaalf, B aa

10 tell Ihe effect of the different kinds oa Uayttem. Happening to tak cold, h vraahieatiMd with a fever. He thaa took a (war

dole of aberration, eating nothing but a taaaalpear from Sunday morning till Friiar after.neon when hit pull wat dowa to t& h tanarat thrn oommoa ilxed apple, tnd la taahouri after hit pala wu ap to 50. II Btleet tome 14 Aoanda In thli time, and In a Bleatfront that time had gained twenty pound. Uaau also camped out la to wooaa amiIn lb field! from on to thrwa nigbti pardating tb fall and wlnfar; lying la theon the tnow tome of the coldtit nightstime when tb mercury ringed from itr am.Bird. Wbea th groBud It damp or everwith mow, b firat tprtadi hu rabbet CwAt,

then hi comforter! And a blanket, lie dowaoa ou side, pull tb other over him and sleaaalsoundly till marniog.


Batjamln, son of tb light hand, I. a., of neatfottun Clement, mild tempered ; RabnTt,f.mou in council ; Salatian, to bt n i tl laitaaa.VYIIlltm, gnicrn helmet I dime, A npplaataTDavid, d ; Dtephm, a garland ,Alfred, ill wace; I'eit, Hint t John, gracioaagift of Jihorah ; JuJao, reauaroad I Cuaiba,noble tplrltad ; Allaut, all bright Daniel, aju.tg from Gad t Thetnat, a twin Ueorgw,a buibaadmin t Juieph, addlibn Sim, alirirkenirfn Andrew, coariceou Jacob, a awp.iilsiiter t Solonto. puacribTe i I)t- - a Tail I Ba-'u- i,

red bosdwl 1 JoeUh, whom Jehovah heal ,Felix, harpy; txra Is a hdper t Sutaa It aUly Ida, hdiitiiiieas ; Man, mean rvtwlltoaMatilda, hmome ; Itelmrah, will ting, for ska)

it said to be a bee"! I liana. Is a pink ; Anau4 an graclout iJrmmimt r a devLaura la a hay.tree ; Margaret ll a pearl I MJsI'criclop It a weaver ; Ptlly ind Molly Bkaoliriaui Phi Hit It a green bough bboda It aton i M m L'rsuli ll a the-ba- AWgail Ubar fa'ler' Joy Ut Almira, I ka H.nrf, Itnncertaln I U good Hhalhah, yctrliiaht is la bar Koxana wu tna name of thwife of Alexaadar th Gnat and ZtaobU waathe wife of Jpltr.