8 surprising reasons why your business has outgrown spread sheets


Transcript of 8 surprising reasons why your business has outgrown spread sheets


They’re great for budgets

And spread sheets are useful for basic reports too

But what if we told you spread sheets have their limits?

Did you know there are 8 reasons why your business has outgrown spread sheets?

1 You can improve the quality of sales forecasts

8 surprising reasons why your business has outgrown spread sheets

Spread sheet-based forecasts don’t provide trends by product or by market.

CRM can, and it offers greater insight into the purchasing history of customers.

2 You can act on more accurate sales information

8 surprising reasons why your business has outgrown spread sheets

Unless a spread sheet is manually updated, it goes out of date.

CRM is dynamic, It reflects changes in your business through forecasts.

3 You can plan ahead more effectively

8 surprising reasons why your business has outgrown spread sheets

Sales people are optimistic. Optimism is great but…

CRM enables you to interpret the logic behind those graphs and charts in your system.

4 You can stay grounded in reality

8 surprising reasons why your business has outgrown spread sheets

Spread sheets don’t trigger a record of actions, emails and meetings.

Spread sheets don’t trigger a record of actions, emails and meetings.

With CRM you can review meetings notes and actions, plan marketing and sales campaigns and figure out what to do next.

5 You can protect your business

8 surprising reasons why your business has outgrown spread sheets

15 April 2023Sage presentation 20

What happens to your spread sheets when a sales person leaves?

15 April 2023Sage presentation 21

Can anyone else in your company interpret their data?

Keep company, contact and opportunity data secure in CRM.

Keep company, contact and opportunity data secure in CRM.

This way, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel each time a rep or manager leaves.

6 You can use better metrics to track progress

8 surprising reasons why your business has outgrown spread sheets

Spread sheets can’t give managers real-time metrics for their sales forecasts.

CRM bases sales forecasts on proposals, quotes and conversion rates.

7 You can take the surprise out of a setback

8 surprising reasons why your business has outgrown spread sheets

There’s nothing worse than an unexpected setback.

CRM won’t prevent a setback, but it will take the surprise out of a sting.

8 You can guard your time

8 surprising reasons why your business has outgrown spread sheets

15 April 2023

Managers tracking campaigns with spread sheets could spend their time more productively.

15 April 2023

With CRM, you can see, customer, campaign, and opportunity ahead of any meeting.

PS… you can store spread sheets in Sage CRM