8 Reasons You Should Be Eating Ancient Grains

8 Reasons You Should Be Eating Ancient Grains Learn how ancient grains can enrich your diet!


Learn how to enrich your diet by reading this slideshare on why you should be eating ancient grains!

Transcript of 8 Reasons You Should Be Eating Ancient Grains

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8 Reasons You Should Be Eating Ancient

GrainsLearn how ancient grains can enrich your diet!

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1. Source of protein

Many ancient grains have anywhere from 6-26 grams of protein per serving. Protein is essential for building muscle, keeping you full, and burning calories.

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2. Rich in nutrients

Many people don’t get enough nutrients and minerals in their diets. However, by eating ancient grains, people can get more than enough of the following:







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3. Some are gluten free

People with celiac disease can’t consume anything with gluten without getting sick. In other words, they have to stay away from wheat. Fortunately, ancient grains like quinoa, amaranth, and teff are gluten free.

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4. They’re “whole”

Unlike most of the wheat and rice available at grocery stores today, ancient grains come in their “whole” form.

They are unrefined, which means they still have their bran, germ, and endosperm intact.

This makes them much more nutritious than their refined counterparts.

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5. Eat them raw

If you don’t feel like taking the time to cook ancient grains, don’t sweat it. Chia seeds, for instance, can be eaten raw. Just sprinkle some on your salad, yogurt, or hot cereal, and you’ve just added a bunch of nutrients to your meal.

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6. Use them in soups

By boiling ancient organic grains (like amaranth, quinoa, or farro) you can add them to any soup or stew for added flavor and nutrients. Try adding some to your favorite soup recipes or try making a new soup!

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7. Use them as flour

Most, if not all, ancient grains can be ground down into flour.

The best part about this is that you can replace white, refined flours in breads, muffins, pastas, cookies, etc. with these ancient grain flours.

This will add so many nutrients and flavors to your favorite recipes.

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8. More nutritious overall

Ancient grains are simply better for you, in every way, than the grains you find in most breads, pastas, and pizzas today. Not only are they more nutritious, but they also add more variety and flavor to your diet.

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Buy Ancient Grains Today

Enrich your diet today by buying healthy ancient grains from BetterBody Foods.

As a health foods store, we are dedicated to providing our customers with organic, natural products.

Whether you’re looking for chia seeds or coconut oil, we can help you.

Order any one of our products today by visiting us online at www.betterbodyfoods.com.