8 Parts of Speech Look at the phrases listed below. Unscramble the parts so that you have a sentence...

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download 8 Parts of Speech Look at the phrases listed below. Unscramble the parts so that you have a sentence written in the correct order. THEN, label all the.

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Transcript of 8 Parts of Speech Look at the phrases listed below. Unscramble the parts so that you have a sentence...

8 Parts of Speech

8 Parts of SpeechLook at the phrases listed below. Unscramble the parts so that you have a sentence written in the correct order. THEN, label all the nouns by underlined them and verbs by circling them, and place and ADJ above and Adjectives, and ADV above the adverbs

swiftly through the darknessand the swish and ripplein the nightsat thereas Rainsford of the proprellerof the engineThere was no soundbut the muffled throbof the wash that drove the yachtSo, what did you come up with?Original Sentence:There was no sound in the night as Rainsford sat there but the muffled throb of the engine that drove the yacht swiftly through the darkness, and the swish and ripple of the wash of the propeller.

Nouns: a person, place, thing, or ideaVerbs: words that show an action, state, or occurrence What about adjectives and adverbs?Write Adj above the adjectives and Adv above the adverbs.Original Sentence:There was no sound in the night as Rainsford sat there but the muffled throb of the engine that drove the yacht swiftly through the darkness, and the swish and ripple of the wash of the propeller.

Adjectives: describe a noun by answering what kind, which one, or how many. Adverbs: used to describe an adjective, verb, or another adverb by answering when, where, or how. ADJADJADVVocabulary Workshop Final Call!!Still dont have a book? You have ONE MORE SHOT to order a Vocabulary Workshop! Just follow these simple steps!

Step One: Tell me today or Friday that you want to order a book for $12.00. Your name will be added to a list.

Step Two: Bring your $12.00 (cash only checks will not be accepted) on Friday, September 6th. We will have a woman coming by to collect the money on that day. You will have your book in a few weeks.

Forget your cash next Friday? No book for you! You have to order it on your own. The link is on my website.

Get out your Elements of a Story BookletYou should already have the following pages filled in:Page 1 What makes a good story?Page 2 Brain DumpPage 3 Plot diagramsIn your book club groupsPage 4 draw out a plot diagram for your summer reading, adding in any major turning points throughout the story.Page 5 Make a list of major characters. What does each person contribute to the story? What do they look like physically? Include one quote for each major character whom you have identified that captures who they are.Page 6 Identify the types of conflict in your book and if/how that conflict is resolved throughout the story. There are probably multiple kinds! (Examples: Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature, Man vs. Society, Man vs. Self)Page 7 What is the genre of your book? How does the fact that your story is a play, memoir, sci-fi impact your understanding of the book? How does the genre of a story impact meaning? Page 8 Identify examples of three literary devices from your book. You must include three quotes on this page, one for each device. Why is that device significant to the overall meaning of the book?Page 9 What are the major themes of your novel? Choose at least three with a quote to support each theme your group selected.Page 10 Reflect back on your book in a personal response. What were your overall thoughts? What did you like? Not like? What questions do you still have? Would you recommend the book to someone who hadn't read it?Divide and conquer! This is homework if not completed!HomeworkFinish your booklet if you havent already. Its due Friday!Complete your vocabulary homework. You will be unscrambling and imitating a sentence like the one we did in class today. Its also due Friday. Welcome to high school!!!

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