8 better ways of doing your engineering project

8 better ways of doing your Engineering project Kartik Kulkarni Member, Executive Committee 2010, IEEE Bangalore Section www.ieeebangalore.org


Projects during the course of Engineering can be vital in getting an initial breakthrough into the technical industry besides giving a hands on experience with the technology, which is much valued than the theoretical scholarship. The value that a project adds to one's CV can be boosted in a number of ways. Rather than spending the time on projects that are just "exercises", utilizing it to solve some "real world" technical problem will fetch more value, visibility and understanding of the technology. There are several opportunities like contests, internships etc available for the students to contribute their innovative ideas and gain wide recognition. Affiliation of the projects with such well known programs provides important networking and career openings. Students can also get the maximum out of their projects by converting them into publications of reputed conferences. Developing a project into an entrepreneurial venture is becoming a hot trend these days. Backed by many generous grants, this idea can also be an interesting game to try. This session throws light on some of the most happening opportunities for the Engineering students and the best practices.

Transcript of 8 better ways of doing your engineering project

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8 better ways of doing your Engineering project

Kartik Kulkarni

Member, Executive Committee 2010,

IEEE Bangalore Section


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8 better ways of doing your Engineering project

Kartik Kulkarni

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Why do you do an Engineering Project?

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Your project’s components


Project Marks



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Your project’s components added

• Awards

• PublicationsVisibility

• Tie ups

• MentoringNetworking


• MentoringNetworking

• Project managementManagement

• GrantsFunding

Project Marks



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The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine

• 7 AcknowledgmentsScott Hassan and Alan Steremberg have been critical to the development of Google. Their talented contributions are irreplaceable, and the authors owe them much gratitude. We would also like to thank Hector Garcia-Molina, Rajeev Motwani, Jeff

Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page

{sergey, page}@cs.stanford.edu

Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

also like to thank Hector Garcia-Molina, Rajeev Motwani, Jeff Ullman, and Terry Winograd and the whole WebBase group for their support and insightful discussions. Finally we would like to recognize the generous support of our equipment donors IBM, Intel, and Sun and our funders. The research described here was conducted as part of the Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project, supported by the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement IRI-9411306. Funding for this cooperative agreement is also provided by DARPA and NASA, and by Interval Research, and the industrial partners of the Stanford Digital Libraries Project.

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The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine

• 7 AcknowledgmentsScott Hassan and Alan Steremberg have been critical to the development of Google. Their talented contributions are irreplaceable, and the authors owe them much gratitude. We would also like to thank Hector Garcia-Molina, Rajeev Motwani, Jeff

Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page

{sergey, page}@cs.stanford.edu

Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

also like to thank Hector Garcia-Molina, Rajeev Motwani, Jeff Ullman, and Terry Winograd and the whole WebBase group for their support and insightful discussions. Finally we would like to recognize the generous support of our equipment donors IBM, Intel, and Sun and our funders. The research described here was conducted as part of the Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project, supported by the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement IRI-9411306. Funding for this cooperative agreement is also provided by DARPA and NASA, and by Interval Research, and the industrial partners of the Stanford Digital Libraries Project.

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Best Practices

Of an Engineering project

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Best practices: Create a web page/blog

Post pics and videosUS Universities contribute to the internet extensively.

� Build your Internet


� You never know whats in

the store!

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Best practices: Have International Teams

Find like minded International partner

� Social Networks and


� IEEE provides such an


Collaborate online

� Use Team Viewer for free



� Get Mentored – IEEE

mentoring connection –


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Best practices: Documentation


� LaTeX – A document preparation system -www.latex-project.org/


� Always submit in PDF


� Use IEEE format – Use

the template.the template.

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Best practices: Project management

Its all about

� Tasks

� Schedule

� Resources

Online tools

� http://www.zoho.com/projects


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Best practices: Anti Plagiarism

Double check for plagiarism

� http://www.paperrater.co


Be clean

� Always cite the


� Paraphrase and not paste

� Conferences use tools

like CrossCheck and

EDAS for anti plagiarism.

� Recreate images

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Best practices: Version management


Version 2 Version 3 Version 4

Version 1

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Best practices: Version management

� http://subversion.tigr


� Tool to manage the

source code version

� http://www.assembl


� Free hosted online

SVN repository source code version SVN repository


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Best practices: Test plans and cases

Bug reporting and ticketing

� http://www.bugzilla.org/

Test case management

No Test case Pass/Fail

1 Start P

2 Run F

3 Stop P3 Stop P


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1. Real World Projects

� Projects based on a necessity

� Implementable projects

� Scalability

� Monetary sustenance

� Mobile number database

� Marathon sticker printing system

� Online exam organizer

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1. Real World examples

� Mobile number database

� Marathon sticker printing system

� Online exam organizer

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1. Real World Projects

� Projects based on a necessity

� Implementable projects

� Scalability

� Monetary sustenance

� Mobile number database

� Marathon sticker printing system

� Online exam organizer

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1. Real World Projects examples

from Imperial College London

� IEEE Change the world competition

2010 Winners2010 Winners


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2. Plugins and Apps

� Go open source

� Build on what others have built

� Allow others to build on yours

� Enjoy seeing others using your contribution!

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2. Plugins and Apps examples

� Netbeans regular expression plugin was downloaded highest number times!!

� Angad Singh from Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University, Information Technology University, Noida

� Won the Sun code for freedom contest!

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2. Plugins and Apps – developer fests

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3. Affiliate with big names

� Big contests big advantages

� IEEE Change the World

� IBM Great Mind’s Challenge

SUN Code for Freedom� SUN Code for Freedom

� Cadence Design contest

� DELL Social Innovation

� GOOGLE Summer of code

� Microsoft Imagine Cup

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3. Affiliate with big names -examples

� NanoLab: A Hand-Held Diagnostic Laboratory

� Richard Gastor and Andrew Hall from

Stanford UniversityStanford University

� 2 Asteroids named after them!!

� Winners of the IEEE Change the

World Competition 2009!

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4. Entrepreneurship

� Projects turned into corporations are many!

� India Needs Entrepreneurs

Huge support for entrepreneurs by � Huge support for entrepreneurs by Indian Government

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4. Entrepreneurship opportunties

� MIT’s Big 100K USD contest

� Queen’s 100K Pounds contest

� TIE Big 50K Business Plan contest

� IITK Incubation Cell

� VIT Entrepreneurship Cell

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5. International Publications and patent filing

� Top universities judge students by number of citations per paper

� Publications considered to have great influence on admissions to top universitiesinfluence on admissions to top universities

� IEEE organizes 3 conferences a day on an average!

� Original contributions applauded!

� VTU assists Patent filing of worthy projects!

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6. Humanitarian Projects

� Contribute your bit towards advancing the humanity.

� IEEE Humanitarian Network –ieeehtn.orgieeehtn.org

� IEEE All India Young Engineers’ Humanitarian Challenge 2010 funded 27 projects

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6. Humanitarian Projects -Challenges

� Reliable Electricity

� Data Connectivity

of Rural District

Health Offices

� Individual ID and � Individual ID and

Tie to Health


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7. Fellowships and Grants

� Fellowships and Grants are the most reputed credentials of a student

� Grant writing is an art! Master it

� IEEE Foundation

� Rotary Fellowships

� Nixi Fellowships

� Sarai Fellowships

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7. Fellowships and Grants -examples

� Indian Language fonts

� Indian language translators

� Project Brihaspati by MHRD

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8. NGO connect

Case study

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USHAS Centre for Exceptional Children, Hubli


To develop knowledge based

products and process in the

field of mental retardation so

as to mainstream such

children in the society.

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About the Handicapped children

� Mental & Physical handicap can be mitigated by regular exercise.

Children have the potential to overcome � Children have the potential to overcome their handicap during early stages.

� They need stimulation to perform prescribed exercise.

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How can Technology help?

� Trainers and Therapists of mental/physical handicap need certain aids

Eye fixation devices� Eye fixation devices

� Clapping devices

� Breathing devices

� Olfactory devices

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� Alphabet board

� Planetarium

� Physical “Snake game”

� Blow – Suck water game

� Verbatim repeater

� Clap and light

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Short list

� Walking tutor –

Game of glowing


� Light rotator

� The then knowledge


� Micro processor

8085� Light rotator

� Logic design

� Electronic circuits

� Breadboards,

stepper motor etc...

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Walking Tutor – Game of glowing tiles

� Rules

� Stamp the glowing


� Glowing tile moves

quickly and randomly

� Goals

� Limb exercise

� Motivation to perform

the exercise

quickly and randomly

� Reach the glowing

tile in time

� Increased response

to external stimuli

� To improve the

Auditory and visual


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Walking Tutor attempt 1

� Features

� Handheld control


� Glow movement

speed control

� The then knowledge


� Micro processor


speed control

� Modes: random,

zigzag, circular,


� Logic design

� Electronic circuits

� Breadboards,

stepper motor etc...

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Walking Tutor attempt 2

� Features

� Handheld control


� Glow movement

speed control

� The then knowledge


� Micro controllers -


speed control

� Modes: random,

zigzag, circular,


� Micro processor


� Logic design

� Electronic circuits

� Breadboards,

stepper motor etc...

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Walking Tutor attempt 3

� VLSI design and fabrication!

� Sankalp Semicoductors @ BVB Campus

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Walking Tutor attempt 4

� GOGO Board!

� www.gogoboard.org

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IEEE Distinguished Student Humanitarian award 2009

19 Students crew

� Walking Tutor

� Chitra vallari

� Eye fixation device

Thanks to

� Deshpande Foundation


� Sankalp SemiconductorsEye fixation device Sankalp Semiconductors

� IEEE Bangalore Section

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Engineering Projects are important.Make most out of your efforts!

Thank you!


[email protected]