7th Period Tundra




Transcript of 7th Period Tundra

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Typical AnimalsIn the Tundra

There are many animals that live in the tundra,

as in the Polar bear, Arctic fox, and Snowy owl ect.

As you know if you’re an animal and live in the tundra then you must have

thick fur.Like many of these animals have.

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The winter temperatures average about -30 F through most of the true Arctic including the North Pole. The coldest weather occurs in northeastern Siberia. There January temperatures are about -40 F, and have reached -93 F. Most other parts of Siberia and the sub arctic sections of central Asia, Canada, and central Alaska have an average winter temperatures of about -20 F. The mildest winters occur in the coastal regions of the Pacific Oceans, where January temperatures average about 30 F.

Here's a chart to show the average rainfall

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The arctic tundra is at the top of the world around the North Pole. Animals are adapted to handle cold winters and to breed and raise young quickly in the very short and cool summers.


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During the short-growing season in the summer, the tundra blooms with a variety of low-growing plants.

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Many plants, such as this one, have leaves that are dark red. Dark leaves allow the plant to absorb more heat from the sun in the cold tundra climate.

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Cotton grass has seeds that are dispersed across the tundra when they are caught by the wind.

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Tundra birds help distribute seeds. When they eat brightly colored berries, the birds carry seeds to other places and leave the seeds to grow.

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The Arctic Fox lives in a small burrows in frost-free ground, often in low mounds, or in rock piles. It is a scavenger. It grows up to about 10 -16 inches long and weighs about 6-12 pounds. They live up to about 15 years old.


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The snowy owl is considered to be one of the largest and most attractive of the owls. Its called the Snowy Owl cause of its really white feathers. It weighs 4 to 6 pounds and is 21 inches to 26 inches


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The Polar Bears are the largest carnivore on land. Females weigh 660-770 lbs and males weighs 880-990 lbs. They live for 15 to 20 years. They eat seal, whale ,and walrus carcasses. The polar bear has a thick layer of blubber around 4.5 inches thick. That allows them to handle temperature of -34°F. Today there are about 40,000 bears. But because of Global Warming and pollution they are slowly getting extinct.


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Food Web

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The Alaskan tundra is home to a big oil pipeline. The human impacts are far reaching. They include: habitat destruction due to the construction and maintenance, the risk for accidental oil spills which once again affect the habitat, and sometimes the refineries can even cause slight temperature increases that seem like nothing to us but can have far reaching effects on the environment. The only remedy to this impact would be for those maintaining the pipeline to be very intentional about leaving the environment as untouched as they found it, and as for the refineries. And we could help out by trying to help prevent those oil spills.

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Interesting Facts

In the summer time the sun shines all the time even at midnight.

Also the poles were not always cold, but after the movement of the shifts it caused the cold impact that we know today.

As the sea freezes the salt rises and makes crystals called ice flowers.

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After all of this we can conclude that the Tundra is a barren ice land.

With a big verity of animals and plants.Not as much as other biomes.

One thing we do need to watch for is all the oil spills.

If you like the snow then you would definitely love the Tundra!

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