73rd Congress


Transcript of 73rd Congress



    'CALENDARS :OFT'HE UNITED STA'TES HOUSE O~' REPRESENTATIVES ----------------------------AND--------~----_________ ~----



    DAY, JUNE 15, 1934 (CALENDAR DAY, JUNE 18, 1934)



    CalendqrB .4(ill.be prir.~d d(lily-' S' Ind. to the Calendar. wiU be printed on Monday of eacliweek if the Hou~e . .., Rule XIl1, claus. 6 i8 in ."&ion; otherwi8e fir.t day in .".ion th",eajter

    1.20825 u. s. a-OVERHMENT PRINTINe; OFFICII'SU

  • TABLE OF CONTENTS Unfinished business __________________________________________________________________________ . President's proclamation _____________________________________________________________________ _ Special legislative days _______________________________________________________________________ _ Morning hour call of committees ______________________________________________________________ _ Calendar Wednesday business ________________________________________________________________ _ Committee list with dates of calls _____________________________________________________________ _ Bills through conference _____________________________________________________________________ _

    Calendars: Union _________________________________________________________________________________ _ Elouse _________________________________________________________________________________ _

    b~~:::t_~~===============================================~=================~===========: Motions to discharge committees __________________________________________________________ _ Laws and resolutions-numerical list __________________________________________________________ _ Titles of bills and resolutions which have become laws: Elousebills __________________________________ ~ __________________________________________ _

    Jointresoluuons ______ ~ _____________________________________________________________ _ Senatebills _______ J~ ___ ~ ________________________________________________________________ _

    Joint resolutions ____________________________________________________________________ _ Act which failed to become law ________________________________________________________________ _ Numerical list of bills and resolutions which have passed either or both Elouses, and bills and resolutions

    pending on the calendars: Elousebills ____________________________________________ : ________________________________ _ Joint resolutions:.. ____________ ~ ______________________________________________________ _ COJ;lcurrent resolutions _______________________________________________________________ _

    , Resolutions _________________________________________________________________________ _ Senatebills _____________________________________________________________________________ _

    Joint resolutions _____________________________________________________________________ ' Concurrent resolutions _______________________________________________________________ _ Resolutions (of interest to the Elouse) _________________________________________________ _

    Numerical list of house motions to discharge committees _________________________________________ _ Index (subject) _____________________________________________________________________________ _

    Statistical recapitulation and comparison (first sessions, 73d and 71st Congresses) ___________________ _ Statistical recapitulation and comparison (first session, 73d Congress;' first and second sessions, 71st

    Congress; first sessions, 70th, 69th, and 68th Congresses) ____________________________ - ________ _ Comparative statement ______________________________________________________________________ _ Status of major bills, 1st session __________________________________ __________________ ~ _________ _ Status of major bills, 2nd session ______________________________________________________________ _

    1934 El.R.4548

    Apr. 23


    A bill to provide old-age securities for persons over 60 years of age residing in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. (Pending in the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, April 23, 193J,.; M'P. Thompson of Illinois, Chairman.)



    Paee 2 2 3 3 3 4 5

    11 30 37 63 69 71

    74 88 90

    100 101

    104 154 157 158 167 204 206 207 166 208 252

    253 257 260 261

    Whereas, public interests require that the Congress of the United States should be convened in extra session at 12 o'clock, noon, on the 9th day of March, 1933, to receive such communication as may be made by the Executive. '

    Now, therefore, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim and declare that an extraordinary occasion requires the Congress of the United States to convene in extra session at the Capitol in the city of Washington on the 9th day of March, 1933, at 12 o'clock, noon, of which all persons who shall at that time be entitled to act as Members thereof are hereby required to take notice.

    In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the United States. , Done at the city of Washington this 5th day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fifty-seventh.

    By the President: . CORDELL ElULL, Secretary of State.


  • 3

    SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE DAYS Calendar Wednesday __________________ _

    Consent Calendar _____________________ _ Discharge Calendar ___________________ _

    District of Columbia business ___________ _ Private CalendaL _____________________ _

    Deferred list ______________ _ Suspension of rules ____________________ _

    Wednesday of each week, except during the last 2 weeks of a session (clause 7, rule XXIV).

    First and third Mondays of each month (clause 3, rule XIII). Second and fourth Mondays of each month, except during the last

    6 days of a session (clause 4, rule XXVII). Second and fourth Mondays of each month (clause 8, rule XXIV). Saturday of each week. }(C X) Last Saturday of each month. lause 6, rule XIV. First and third Mondays of each month and during the last 6 days

    of a session (clause 1, rule XXVII).

    RESTRICTION OF POWER TO REPORT APPROPRIATIONS Clause 4, rule XXI: "4. No bill or joint resolution carrying appropriations shall be reported by any committee not having

    jurisdiction to report appropriations, nor shall an amendment proposing an appropriation be in order during the consideration of a bill or joint resolution reported by a committee not having that jurisdiction. A question of order on an appropriation in any such bill, joint resolution, or amendment thereto may be raised at any time."

    THE MORNING HOUR FOR THE CALL OF COMMITTEES Clause 4, rule XXIV: "4. After the unfinished business has been disposed of, the Speaker shall call each standing committee in

    regular order, and then select committees, and each committee when named may call up for consideration any bill reported by it on a previous day and on the House Calendar, and if the Speaker shall not complete the call of the committees before the House passes to other business, he shall resume the next call where he left off, giving preference to the last bill under consideration: Provided, That whenever any committee shall have occupied the morning hour on 2 days it shall not be in order to call up any other bill until the other committees have been called in their turn.

    NOTE.-See page 4 for committee list.

    CALENDAR WEDNESDAY BUSINESS Clause 7, rule XXIV: "7. On Wednesday of each week no business shall be in order except as provided by paragraph 4 of this

    rule unless the House by a two thirds vote on motion to dispense therewith shall otherwise determine. On such a motion there may be debate not to exceed 5 minutes for and against. On a call of committees under this rule bills may be called up from either the House or the Union Calendar, excepting bills which are privileged under the rules; but bills called up from the Union Calendar shall be considered in Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union. This rule shall not apply during the last 2 weeks of the session. It shall not be in order for the Speaker to entertain a motion for a recess on any Wednesday except during the last 2 weeks of the session.

    "Provided, That not more than 2 hours of general debate shall be permitted on any measure called up on Calendar Wednesday, and all debate must be confined to the subject matter of the bill, the time to be equally divided between those for and against the bill: Provided jurther, That whenever any committee shall have occu-pied one Wednesday it shall not be in order, unless the House by a two thirds vote shall otherwise determine, to consider any unfinished business previously called up by such committee, unless the previous question had been ordered thereon, upon any succeeding Wednesday until the other committees have been called in their turn under thi~ rule: Provider!:.J That when, during anyone session of Congress, all of the committees of the House are not called under the valendar Wednesday rule, at .the next session of Congress the call shall commence where it left off at the end of the preceding session."

    NOTE.-See page 4 for committee list.

  • 4


    1. Elections No. L _____________ _ 2. Elections No. 2 ______________ _ 3. Elections No. 3 ______________ _ 4. Ways and Means ___________ .:_ 5. Appropriations _______________ _

    6. Judi~---------------------

    Clause 4-Morning Hour


    June 12 June 12 June 12 June 12 June 12 June 12



    7. Banking and Currency _________________________ . ______________ _ 8. Coinage, Weights, and Measures .. ________________ .. ______________ . 9. Interstate and Foreign Com-merce ______________________________________ .. ______________ .

    10. Rivers and Harbors ___________________________ .. _ .. ___________ . 11. Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries __________________________________________________ _ 12. Agriculture __________________________________________________ _ 13. Foreign Affl)irs _______________________________________________ _ 14. Military Affairs _____________________________________________ _ 15. liI'&vai Affairs _______________________________________________ ._ 16. Post Office and Post Roads _________________________ .. _________ ._ .17. Public Lands _____________________________ ---- _______________ . '18. Indian Affairs _______________________________________________ _ 19. Territories ____ _____________________________________________ _

    Clause 7-Calendar Wednesday


    Feb. 7 Feb. 7

    Feb. 7 Feb. 7

    Feb. 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 7-Feb. 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 7


    '!--------~------ ... ... _------------------------------

    --------------- ..

    20. In8lllar Affairs ________________ * _______________________________________________ .. ______________ _ 21. Mines and Mining __________________________________ .. _________________________ --- ____________ _ 22. Public BUildings and Grounds _________________________ _____________ . ___________ -______________ _ 23. Education ___________________________________________ . __________ . _____________ ----___________ _ 24 ... Labor ____________________ .. __________________________ . _______________________ -- _____________ _ 25. Patents ______________________________________________________________________ --_____________ _ 26. Invalid Penslons _______________________________________ . ______________________ -- _____________ _ 27. Pensions ___ ' ____________________________________________ . _____________________ --_____________ _ 28. Claims _________________________________________ _____________________________ --_~ ___________ _ 19. War Claims __________________________________________________________________ --_____________ _ 30. District of Columbia __________________ . ___________________ . __________________________________ _ 31. Revision of the Laws __________________ . ______________________________________________________ _ 32. ClvU Service __________________________ . ______________________________________________________ _ 33. Election of President, Vice Pres-

    ident, and Representatives in Congress __________________________________________________ . _______________________________ _ 34; Irrigation and Reclamation _____________________________________________________ -- _____________ _ 35. Immigration and Naturalisation _____ " ____ . ______________________________________________________ _

    3ft. Et:~~~::~~~-t~-~~~~~~~~- ______________________________________________________________ __ '37. Rules __________________________________ ~ _____________________________ ... ------ ----------_____ _ 38. Accounts _____________________________________________________________________ -_________ ____ _ 39. Census _______________________________________________________ -_______________ ----------_____ _ 40. Roads _______________________________________________________________________ - ______________ _ 41. Flood ControL ______________________________________________________________ . _______________ _ 42. World War Veterans' Legislation ________________________________________________________________ _ 43. Memorials __________________________________________________________________________________ _

    Joint Standing Committeea 44 .. Library _____________________________________ _ 45. Printing _____________________________________ _ 46. Enrolled Bills ___________________ .. ____________ _ __________ ... ___ h _______________________________ _

    47. Disposition of Useless Execu- _. tlve Papers _________________________ :.: ______ _

    * Call rests with the Committee on Insular Affairs.

  • 5


    Jefferson's Manual, seo. 555: "And in all oases of conferenoe asked after a vote of disagreerQent, eto., the oonferees of the

    House asking it are to leave the papers with the oonferees of the other * * *" The House agreeing to the oonference acts on the report before the House requesting a conference.


    Clause 2, Rule XX: "2. No arQendment of the Senate to a general appropriation bill whioh would be In violation of

    the provisions of clause 2 of rule XXI, if said arQendrQent had originated in the House, nor any arQendment of the Senate providing for an appropriation upon any bill other than a general appro-priation bill, shall be agreed to by the rQanagers on the part of the House unleBB speoific authority to agree to suoh 8rQendment shall be first given by the House by a separate vote on every such arQend-rQent."

    Bill No.

    Date COn-{ASked fer- Agreed ence to

    1934 R.R. 6181

    Jan. 18

    B.R. 6670 Jan. 23

    S. 1975 Feb. 7

    H.R. 7527 Feb. 9

    H.R. 6951 Feb. 16

    H.R. 6574 Feb. 20

    H.R. 7295 Feb. 21

    Brief of title

    District of ColurQ-bia, liquor con-trol.

    FarrQ debts, refi-nancing, estab-lishing corpora-tion to aid.

    Crop production loans.

    Appropriations, Civil Works, etc.

    Interior Depart-rQent, appropri-ations, 1935.

    Liquors, intoxicat-ing, Puerto Rico and Virgin Is-lands.

    Treasury and Post Office, appro-priations, 1935.



    Mrs. Norton, Messrs. Palmi-sano, and Stalker.

    (Howse acts firlfl.)

    Messrs. Jones, Ful-rQer, Doxey, Hope, and Kinzer.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Jones, Ful-rQer, D 0 x e y , Hope, and Kin-zer.

    (House act3 first.)

    Messrs. Buchanan, Taylor of Colo-rado, Ayres of Kansas, Taber, and Thurston.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Taylor of Colorado, Has-tings, Jaoobsen, Lambertson, and Ditter.

    (Hou3e asks.)

    Messrs. McDuffie, Smith of West Virginia, and Beedy.

    (HOUS6 acts firBt.)

    MeBBrs. A r n 0 I d , Ludlow, Boylan, Taber, and Mo- Leod.

    (House acts first.)




    Messrs. Reynolds, King, and Capper.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Fletcher, Glass, Wagner, Goldsborough, and Townsend.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. S mit h , Thomas of Okla-homa, and Nor-ris;

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Hayden,Mc Kellar, Copeland, HaJe, and Keyes.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Hayden, McKellar, Thomas of Okla-homa, Nye, and Steiwer.

    (Senate act, flut.)

    Messrs. Tydings, Pittman, Hayden, Johnson,and Rob-iIlson of In diana.

    (Senate aaks.)

    Messrs. G I a B s . McKellar, Tram-mell, Steiwer, and Dickinson.

    (Senate CJ8ks.)

    Report Report agreed to filed in-

    Report House Senate No.

    1934 1934 1934 Jan. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 19

    295 (A/J..proved Jan. S4, 1934.

    ubUc Law No. 85.)

    Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 25 349

    (Approved Jan. 31, 1934. ubUc Law No. 88.)

    Feb. 10 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 698

    (Approved Feb. 23, 1934. Pub-lic Law No. 97.)

    Feb. 10 Feb. 121 Feb. 14 700

    (Amendment ~ in disagreement Feb.1S.)

    (Approved Feb. 15, 1934. Pub-lic Law No. 93.)

    Feb. 231 Feb. 24/ Feb. 22 839

    (Approved Mar. 2, 1934. Pub-lic Law No. 109.)

    Feb. 22 Feb. 24 Feb. 22 836 . J

    (Approved Mar. 2, 193.6. Pub lie Law No. 108.)

    Feb. 27 Feh. 28 Mar. 7 852

    (Amendments 31, 311, 33, and 34 in disagreement Feb. 28.)

    (Appro~ed Mar. 15, 193~. Publlc Law No. lS3.)

  • Bill No.

    Date COn-{A,sked fer- Agreed ence to

    1934 H.R. 7199

    Feb~ 19

    H.R. 8134 Mar.lb Mar. 19

    H.n. 6604 Mar. 8 Mar. 8

    Mar. 21 Mar. 21

    H.R. 6663 Feb. 28 Mar. 16

    H.R. 7966 Mar. 16 Mar. 19

    H.R. 7513 Mar. 15 Mar. 15

    H.R. 7478 Mar. 14 Mar. 19

    H.R. 7599 Mar. 22 Mar. 24

    H.R. 8402 Apr. 4 Apr. 5

    S. 828 Apr. 10 Apr. 12


    Brief of title

    Navy Department, appropriations, 1935.

    Agriculture De-partment, appro-priations, 1935.

    N a val vessels, authori con-struction.



    Messrs. Ayres of Kansas, Cary, Hart, Swick, and Buckbee.

    (House (l4ka.)

    Messrs. Sandlin, Hart, Cannon of Missouri, Sin-clair, and Thurs-ton.

    (House asks.)


    Messrs. Byrnes, Copeland, Tram-mell, Hale, and Keyes.

    (Se"cUe acta fi,tat.)

    Messrs. Russell, Hayden, Smith, Keyes, and Nye.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Vinson of Messrs. Trammell, Georgia, Drewry, Walsh, Tydings, Gambrill, Britten, Hale, and Met-and Darrow. calf.

    (House acts first.) (Se1!ate asks.) no __________ . _____ do ___________ . _____ do ___________ .

    Independent of-fices, appropria-tions, 1935.

    Postal Service, air-mail contract$, temporary, au-thorize.

    State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor Depart-ments, appro-priations 1935.

    Agricultural Ad-justment Act; amend to in-clude cattle.

    Industrial Recov-ery Act, amend to provide aid to earthquake vic-tims.

    Agriculture, cot-ton, industry.

    District of Colum-bia, boxing, etc.

    (House asks.) (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Woodrum, Boylan, H8i3tiJ1gs, Granfield, Wig-glesworth, and Goss ..

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Brunner, Romjue, Haines, Kelly of Pennsyl-vania, and Foss.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs, Oliver of Alabama, Griffin, McMillan, Wood rum, Bacon, and Mrs. Kahn.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Jones, Ful-mer, Doxey, Hope, and Kin-zer.

    (House acts first.)

    ~essrs. McCor-mack, West of Ohio, and Evans.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Jones, Ful-mer, Doxey, Hope, and Kin-zer.

    (House asks.)

    Mrs. Norton, Messrs. Palmisano and Whitley.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Glass, Byrnes, Russell, Hale, and Stei-wer.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. McKellar, Hayden, and Schall.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. McKellar, Russell, Pitt man, Hale, and Nye.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. 8m ith, Thomas of Okla-homa, McGill, Norris, and Mc-Nary.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. McAdoo, Lonergan, and Keyes.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs .. Smith, Bankhead, and Capper.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. King, Cope-land, and Capper.

    (Senate asks.)

    Report filed

    Report . No.

    Report agreed to in-

    House Senate

    1934 1934 1934 Mar. 7 Mar. 8 Mar. 10

    877. Amendmenta 13, 18, and B3 in

    disagreement Mar. 8.) (Approlled Mar. 16, 1934.

    Public Law No. lBB.)

    Mar. 191 Mar. 20 '1 Mar. 19 1022

    (Amendment. 4, S6, B8, B7, B8, and 36 in disagreement Mar. BO.)

    (Approlled Mar. B8l 1934. Public Law No. 131.)

    Mar. 20 DiB.'\greed ______ ._. 10'24 . Mar. 21

    Mar; 21 Mar. 22 Mar. 22 1032

    (Approlled Mar. Br, 193. Public Law No. 136.)

    Mar. 21 1 Mar. 221 Mar. 23 1029

    (House amendments to Senate amendment8 14 and ee in disagreement, Mar. e2.)

    (Vetoed Mar. B7; passed Oller lIeto. Public Law No. 141.)

    Mar. 231 Mar. 261 Mar. 24 1042

    (Approved Mar. ,S7, 1934-Public Law No. 140.)

    Mar. 241 Mar. 261 Mar. 24 1050

    (Amendments 6 and 8 in. dis agreem61l,t, Mar. 28.)

    (Approved Apr. 7, 1934. Public Law No. 14$.)

    Mar. 241 Mar. 261 Mar. 29 1051

    (Approlled :Apr~ 7, 1934. Pub lic Law No. 14S.).. .

    Mar. 27 Apr. 4 Mar. 29 1084

    (Approved Apr. 18;'1934. Pub lie Law Np. 160.). ,

    Apr. 131' Apr. 17 'I Apr. 12 1239

    (Approved Apr. el, 1934. Pub lie Law No. 169.)

    Apr. 171 Apr. 181APr. 18 1263

    (Approved Apr. B4, 1934. Pub-lic Law NQ. 172.)

  • Bill No.

    Date con-tAsked fer- Agreed ence to

    1934 H.R. 8471

    Apr. 9 Apr. 9

    H.R. 8861 Apr. 20 Apr. 20

    S 2999 Apr. 9

    Apr. 10

    S. 326 Apr. 9

    Apr. HI

    H.R. 7S35 Apr. 17 Apr. 17

    H.R. 5950 May 1 May 4

    S. 2080 May 8 May 8

    S. 2249 May 8 May 8

    S. 2252 May 8 MayS

    S. 2253



    MayS MayS

    2575 May 8 May 8

    2841 May 8 May 8



    Brief of title

    War Department, appropriations, 1935.

    Agricultural Ad-justment Act, amend to in-clude sugar beets.

    Home Owners' Loan Corpora-t ion, bon d s, guarantee.

    Indians, Chip-pewa, Turtle Mountain Band.

    Revenue Act of 1934.

    Bankruptcy, local govern-mental units.

    Federal officers, punishment for killi n g or as-saulting.

    Conferees Report filed

    Report agreed to in-

    House Senate Report No. House Senate

    Messrs. Collins of Mississippi, Parks, Blanton, Bolton, and Powers.

    (House a8k8.)

    Messrs. Jones, Fulmer, Doxey, Hope, and Kinzer.

    (Hou8e acts fir8t.)

    Messrs. Steagall, Prall, Goldsbor-ough, Luce, and Beedy.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Cartwright, Chavez, and Pea-vey.

    (House acts fir8t.)

    Messrs. Doughton, Samuel B. Hill, Cullen, Treadway, and Bacharach.

    (HouB' act8 first.)

    Messrs. Sumners, Montague, Mc-Keown, Kurtz, and Perkins.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Sumners, Montague!._ Mc-Keown, Kurtz, and Perkins.

    (Hou8e acts ]irst.)

    1934 1934 1934 Messrs. Copeland, Apr. 21 Apr. 21 Apr. 20

    Hayden Shep- 1285 pard, Stephens, (Amendment8 8, IS, 3B, and Townsend, and 43 in disagreement, Apr. Bl.) Carey. (Approved Apr. 28, 1934. Pub~

    (Senate acts first.) lle Law No. 178.)

    Messrs. Harrison, Apr. 231 Apr. 241 Apr. 25 Kinr;, George, 1307 CostIgan, Reed,' (Amendment 59 in disagree-and Couzens. ment, Apr. B4.)

    (Senate asks.) (Approved May 9, 193~ .. Pub

    Messrs. Bulkley, Barkley, . and Townsend.

    (Senate a8k8.)

    Messrs. Ashurst, Thomas of Okla-homa, and Fraz-ier.

    (Senate a8k . )

    Messrs. Harrison, King, George, Reed, and Couz-

    . ens. (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Neely, McCarran, and Austin.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Ashurst, King and Borah.

    (Senate asks.)

    Zie Law No. B1S.)

    Apr. 161 Apr. 181 Apr.' 25 1250

    (ApprovedApr.27,1:934. Pub-He Law No. 178.)

    Apr. 16 Apr. 30 1 Apr. 30 1247

    (Vetoed May 11, 19S4.) I

    Apr. 30 May 1 May 3 1385

    (Amendment8 1 and 13 in di8' agreement, May 1, 19S4.)

    (Approved May 10, 1934. Public Law No. 216.)

    May 11 'I May 14 \ May 16 1592

    (A]!proved May B4, .19S4. Public Law No. 251.)

    May 11 May 141 May ~5 1593

    (Approved May 18, 19S4. Public Law No. 2S0.)

    Extortion mes- ____ do _________________ do ___________ _ May 11 May 141 May 15 1594 sages, . prohibit.

    (Approved May 18, 1934. Public Law No. BS1.)

    Kidnaped persons, ____ do _________________ do ___________ .. act forbidding

    May 11 I ~ay 141 May 15 1595 "

    transportation of, amend.

    Prosecution, un- . ___ do _________________ do ________ .. ___ _ lawful to flee from.

    Prisons, adminis- _____ do _________________ do ___________ _ tration of, crimes in con-nection with.

    Offenses against ____ do ______________ ~~=do __ ~~ ________ _ banks, punish.

    (Approved May 18, 19S4. Public Law No. 292.)

    May 11 \. May 141 May 15 1596

    (Approved May 18, 19S4. Public Law No.2SS.)

    May 11 May 14 May 15 1597

    (Approved May 18, 1994 Public Law No. 294.)

    May 11 I May 141 May 15 1598

    (Approved May 18, 1994 Public Law No. 295.)

  • Bill No.

    Date COn-{ASked fer- Agreed ence to

    1934 S. 2845

    May 8 May 8

    H.R. 9068 May 26 May 28

    H.R. 8617 Apr. 10 Apr. 10

    May 17 May 21

    H R. 9061 May 17 May 17

    H.R. 2032 Apr. 12 Apr. 16

    H.R. .5884 May 4 MayS

    H.R. 9323 May 14 Mtiy 15

    S. 3170 May 11 May 11

    H.R. 9322


    May 31 May 31

    3285 June 2 JUbe4




    Brief of title

    House Senate

    National Motors . ___ do _________________ do ____________ _ Theft Act, ex-tend.

    Navy. promotion_ ..

    Appropriations, Legislative, 1935.

    Messrs. Vinson, Drewry, and Brit-ten.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Ludlow, Granfield, Sand-lin, Buchanan, McLeod, and Sinclair.

    (House asks.) . ___ do ______ ____ .. ___ do ___________ _

    ppropria tions, District of Co lumbia, 1935.

    (House acts fird.)

    Messrs. Cannon of Missouri, Blan-ton, Jacobsen, Ditter and Pow-ers.

    (House acts firBt.)

    Chavis, Richard A., Messrs. Hill of Ala-relief. bama, Thompson

    of Illinois, and Carter of Wyo-ming.

    (HoulJe a8k,.)

    Bankruptcy, cor-porate reorgani-

    . zations.

    National Securities Exchange Act.

    Postal S e r vic e laws, revise.

    Foreign zones.


    Radio colt).In.unica.-tions, regulate.

    Messrs. Sumners, Montague, Mc-Keown, Kurtz, Perkins, and Oliver of New York.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Rayburn, Huddleston, Lea of California, Cooper of Ohio, and Mapes.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Mea d , Romjue, D 0 b-bins, Kelly of Pennsyl vania, I and Foss.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Cullen, Mc-Cormack, Vinson of Kentucky, Treadway, and Bacharach.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Rayburn, Huddleston, Lea of C aUfo rnia, Mapes, and Wol-verton.

    (Hot.l8e asks.)

    Messrs. Walsh, Tydings, and Hale.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. . Tydings, Byrnes, coolidge'l Hale, and Town-send.

    (Senate acts first.) I ___ do ____________ .

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Glass, Cope-land,.King, Nye, and Keyes.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Sheppard, Coolidge, and Patterson.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Van N uys, McCarran, and Hastings.

    (Senate ask8.)

    Messrs. Fletcher, Barkley, Byrnes, Goldsborough, and Couzens.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. McKellar, Black, Hayden, Schall, and Fra-zier.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Stephens, Copeland, and McNary.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Dill, Smith,. Hatch, Couzens, and White.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Report filed

    Report agreed to in-

    Report No. House Senate

    1934 1934 1934 May 11 May 14 May 15

    1599 (Approved May SS, 1934.

    Public Law No. S40.)

    May 281 May 281 May 28 1787 ,

    (Approved May S9, 1934. Public Law No. S04.)

    Apr. 131 Apr. 24\ Apr. 23 1241 .

    (Amendments 1 to 0, lS, 15, and 10 in disagreement, Apr. 84.)

    May 291 May 291 May 29 1809

    (Approved M.ay 30, 1934. Public Law No. S08.)

    May 30 Ma~ 31 I May 31 1832 (Amendment 89 in

    disagreement.) (Approved J-j.tne 4, 1984

    Public Law No. 285.)

    Apr. 18 May 31 Apr. 1274 ,


    (Vetoed June 1;8, 193.0

    May 24 (Re~mmitted May 1773 S8.) I

    May 29 May 29 June 1 1821 i

    (Approved June 7; 1934 Public Law '/Vo. S90.)

    May 31 I Junl. 1 May 31 1838

    (Approved .t~ne 0, 1934 Public Law Woo S9l.) . ,

    I i

    May 23 May 29 June 5 1754

    (Approved June lS, 1934 Public Law No. 808.)

    June 4 June 4 June 6 1884 (calendar

    day June 5.)

    (Approved June 18, 1934 Public Law No. 897.)

    June 4 June 9 June 9 (calendar day,June

    8) 1918

    (Approved June 19, 1934 Public Law No. 418.)

  • Bill No.

    Date COn-{ASked . fer- Agreed ence to

    1934 H.R. 8781

    June 4 (calendar day,

    June 6) June 6

    S. 3025 May 28 May 31

    H.R. 2439 May 31 June 4

    H.R. 541 May 31 June 4

    H.R. 3032 June 4

    (calendar day, June 6) June 6

    H.J.Res. 325 May 17 May 17

    H.R. 4253 May 15 May 17

    S. 551


    Mar. 5 May 21

    3487 May 25 May 28

    H.R. 9410 .Tune 13 June 14

    H.R. 9145 June 15 June 15



    Brief of title

    Employment, in-crease. (Roads bill.)

    Banking, Federal Reserve Act, de-posit insurance.

    Burress, . William G., relief.

    Leonard, John P., relief.

    Paul Jelna, relief __

    War Claims Act, claimants.

    Laura Goldwater, relief.

    Holland, A. W., relief.

    Banking, Federal Reserve System, banks, loans.

    Appropriations, permanent, con-sideration.

    Grand Army of the Republic.



    Messrs. Cartwright, Warren, Whit-tington, Turpin, and Kelly of Pennsylvania.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Steagall, Goldsborough, and Luce.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Hill of Ala-bama, Coffin. and Goss.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Hill of Ala-bama, Coffin, and Goss.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Hill of Ala-bama, Coffin, and GOBS.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Doughton, Samuel B. Hill, Cullen, T rea d-way, and Bacha-rach.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Black, Ramspeck, and Guyer.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Black. Ramspeck, and Guyer.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Steagall, Goldsborough, Prall, Luce, and Beedy.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Griffin, McMillan, Parks, GOBS, and Wig-glesworth.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Vinson, Drewry, and Brit-ten.

    (House acts first.)


    Messrs. McKellar, Hayden, McGill, Schall, and Fra-zier.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Fletcher, Glass, Buckley, Walcott, and Townsend.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Sheppard, Logan, and Carey.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Sheppard, Logan, and Carey.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Sheppard, Logan, and Carey.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. King, George, Walsh, Reed, and Cou-zens.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Bailey, Logan, and Cap-per.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Bailey, Trammell, and Capper.

    (Senate aBk8.)

    Messrs. Glass, Wagner, Barkley, Walcott, and Townsend.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Hayden, OVerton, and Steiwer.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Walsh, Costigan, and Metcalf.

    (Senate asks.)

    Report filed

    Report agreed to in-

    Report No. House Senate

    1934 1934 1934 June 4 June 9 .Tune 9 (calendar day,June

    8) 1923 I

    (Approved June 18, 1934. Public Law No. 393.)

    June 4 June 11 I June 12 (calendar (Approved June 16, day, June 1934. Public Law

    8) No. 362.) 1925 I

    June 4 June 13 June 9 (calendar (ApprolJed June 21, day, June 1934. Private Law

    7) No. 314.) 1914 I

    June 4 June 13 June 9 (calendar (Approved June 21, day, June 1934. Private Law

    7) No. 312.) 1916 I

    June 4 June 13 June 9 (calendar (Approved June 21, day, June 1934. Private Law

    7) No. 315.)

    1915 I June 14 June 15 June 14

    2000 (Approved June 18, 1934.

    Public Res. No. 38.)

    June 12 June 15 June 5 1967

    (Approved June 18, 1934. Private Law No. 283.)

    June 121 June 15\ June 16 1968

    (Approved June 26, 1934. Public Law No. 350.)

    June 15 June 15 June 16 (calendar (calendar day, June day, June

    16) 16) 2056

    (Approved June 19, 1934. Public Law No. 417.)

    June 15 June 15 June 16 2039 (calendar

    day, June 16)

    (Approved June 26, 1934. Public Law No. 473.)

    June 151 June 151 June 16 2024

    (Vetoed June 26, 1934.) I I

  • Bill No.

    Date. COn-{ASked fer- Agreed ence to

    Brief of title



    House Senate

    Report filed

    Report agreed to In-

    House Senate

    -----I------~ 1-------- --------- ----1---- ----

    1934 H.R. 8910

    June 15 June 15

    S. 3231 June 15 June 15

    H.R. 3645 June 15 June 15

    H.R. 6462 June 15 June 15

    H.R. 9046 June 15 June 16

    H.R. 9830 June ~5 June 15

    (calendar day, June 16)

    H.R. 9620 June 16 June 15

    (calendar day, June 16)

    S. 3580 JUDe 16 June 15

    (calendar day, June 16)

    Archives, establish_

    Railroads, em-ployees, retire-ment system.

    Indians, lands, conserve, de-velop, etc.

    Public lands, grazing, prevent injury to.

    Postal Service, fur-loughs, discon-tinue.

    Emergency Ap-propriations Act, 1935 (defi-ciency).

    National Housing Act ..

    Bankruptcy, 'agri-cultural exten-sions.

    Messrs. K e 11 e r, Warren, and Luce.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Lea of California, Cross-er, Milligan, Holmes, and Reece.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Howard, Knute Hill, Ayers of Montana, Gil-christ, and Col-lins of California.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. DeRouen, Chavez, Robin-son, Englebright, and Edmonds.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Sweeney, Brunne!>~ Lam-neck, fi.elly of Pennsylvania, and Doutrich.

    (House asks.)

    Messrs. Buchanan, Taylor of Colo-rado, Ayres of Kansas, Arnold, Collins of Missis-sippi, Oliver of Alabama, Taber, Bacon, Thurston, and Bolton.

    (House acts first.)

    Messrs. Steagall, Goldsborough, Prall, Luce, and Beedy.

    (Hou8e acts first.)

    Messrs. GregorYj Ruffin, ana Kurtz.

    (House aet$' fiT'st.),

    Messrs. ,Barkley, McKellar, and Fess;

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Wheeler Wagner, Brown, Hatfield, anl-Hastings. (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Wheeler, Thomas of Okla-homa, and Fra-zier.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Adams, O'Mahoney, and Nye.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. McKellar, Hayden, and Schall.

    (Senate acts first.)

    Messrs. Adams, McKellar, Byrnes, Hale, and Dick-inson.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. Bulkley, Barkley, Wag-ner, Townsend, and Steiwer.

    (Senate asks.)

    Messrs. McCarran, Long, and Rob-inson of Indiana.

    . (Senate asks.)

    1934 1934 1934 June 15 June 15 June 16 (calendar (calendar

    day, June day, June 16) 16)

    2048 (Approved June 19, 1934.

    PubZic Law No. 433.)

    June 15 June 15 June 16 2042 (calendar

    day, June 16)

    (Approved June 37, 1934. Public Law No. 485.)

    June 15 June 15 June 16 (calendar (calendar

    day, June day, June 16) 16)

    2049 (Approved June 18, 1934.

    Public Law No. 383.)

    June 15 June 15 (calendar (calendar

    day, June day, June

    June 16

    16) 16) 2050

    June 15 (calen-dar day, JUne 16) 2061

    June i5 (calen-dar day, June 16)

    June, 16

    (Vetoed June 38, 1934.)

    June 15 (calen-dar day, June 16) 2057

    June 15 (ealen-dar day, June 16)

    June 18

    (Approved June 19, Public Law No. 413.)


    June 15 (ealen-dar day, June 18) 2066

    June 15 (calen-dar day, June 18)

    June 18

    (Approved June .37, PubZic Law No. 479.)


    June 15 June 15 June 18 (ealen- (calen-dar day, dar day, June June 18) 18) 2063

    (Approved June 38, 1934. Public Law No. 488.)

  • 11


    Clause 1, Rule XIII: "First. A calendar of the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, to which

    shall be referred bills raising revenue, general appropriation bills, and bills of a public character directly or indirectly appropriating money or property."

    Hl33 Mar. 9

    Mar. 10

    H.R. 37tH Mar. 29

    n.R. 4222 Mar. 29

    P.R. 5569 May 9

    H J.Res. 118 May 11

    B.R. 4811 May 18

    H.Rept. 166 May 26


    Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, when organized.

    Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union, when organized.

    Mr. Rayburn ______________ . Interstate and Foreign Com-

    merce. Report No. 15

    Mr. Rayburn ______________ . Interstate and Foreign Com-

    merce. Report No. 16

    Mr. Mansfield _____________ . Rive:rs and Harbors.

    Report No. 119

    Mr. Dickstein ______________ . Immigration and Naturaliza-

    tion. Report No. 127

    Mra Vinson of Georgia ______ . Naval Affairs,

    Report No. 145

    Mr. McDuffie ______________ _ The Joint Congressional Com-

    mittee on Veterans' Affairs. Report No. 166

    Message of the President of the United States to the Congress on the subject of the banking situa-tion. (Ordered printed Mar. 9, 1933.)

    Message of the President of the United States to the Congress on the subject of economy in Govern-ment. (Ordered printed Mar. 10, 1933.)

    A bill to amend secs. 15a and 19a of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amend.ed, and for other pur-poses. (By Mr. Rayburn.)

    A bill to amend sec. 5 of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, relating to the consolidation and acquisition of control of carriers by railroad. and for other purposes. (By Mr. Rayburn.)

    A bill a'Jthorizing the construction, repair, and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Mans-field..)

    A joint resolution to provide for the return to the Philippine Islands of unemplo~ed Filipinos resident in the continental United tates, to authorize appropriations to acc0Wtlish that result, and for other purposes. (By r. Dickstein.) (Objected to June 5, 1983.) (Objected to and stricken Irom Consent Calendar Feb. 6, 1984.)

    A bill limiting increased pay for making aerial flights. (By Mr. Vinson of Georgia.)

    A report pursual)t to Title VII, Publio Law No. 212, 72d Congress, approved June 3, 1932, and in con-formity with the provisions of S.J.Res. 262, 72d Congress approved Mar. 3, 1933.

    No. 1







    8, 320 Mr. SteagaIL_______________ An act to provide for direct loans by Federal Reserve 61 June 9 Banking and Currency. banks to State banks and trust companies in cer-

    Report No. 231 tain cases, and for other purposes. '

  • 1933 H.R. 5153

    June 9

    H.J.Res. 202 June 10



    Mr. Tarver ________________ The Judiciary.

    Report No. 235

    Mr. McDuffie ______________ Insular Affairs.

    Report No. 236 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 368.)

    A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to equip the United States penitentiary, Atlanta, Ga., for the manufacture of supplies for the use of the Govern-ment, for the compensation of prisoners for their labor, and for other purposes", approved July 10, 1918 (U.S.C., title 18, sec. 794). (By Mr. Tarver.)

    A joint resolution providing for extension of coopera-tive work of the Geololtical Survey to Puerto Rico. (By Mr. Iglesias.) (Objected to June 4 (calendar day, June 7), 1934.)

    H.J.Res. 94 Mr. Somers of New York____ A joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the June 10 Coinage, Weights, and Moos Treasury to accept certain gifts. (By Mr. Boylan.)

    1934 Jan. 4

    HoR. 5073 Jan. 17

    H.R. 6974 Jan. 19

    H;R. 1517 Jan. 23

    HIR. 5595 Feb. 7

    H.R. 5739 Feb. 7

    H.J.Res. 271 Feb. 20

    urea. Report No. 240

    Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.

    Mr. Steagall. ______________ . Banking and Currency. Report No. 290

    Mr. Tarver ________________ The Judiciary.

    Report No 296

    Mr. Fulmer _________________ Agriculture.

    Report No. 336

    Mr. Knute Hill _____________ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 624

    Mr. Ayers of Montana _______ Indian Affairs.

    Report lit o. 626

    Mr. Ford ___________________ Foreign Affairs.

    Report No. 821

    Message of the President of the United States to the Congress on the subject of the state of the Union. (Ordered printed Jan. 4, 1934.)

    A bill to regulate the value of money in accordance with article I, section 8. of the Constitution of the United States, to reestablish the gold standard, to provide for its maintenance and stabilization, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Goldsborough.)

    A bill to provide for the regulation of prison indus-try And the appointment of a Prison Industrial Board, and for other purposes.' (By Mr. Tarver.) (Objected to, Feb. 6, 1934.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar, Feb. 19, 1934.)

    A bill to provide for the use of net weights in inter state and foreign commerce transactions in cotton, to provide for the standardization of bale cover ing for cotton, and for other purposes. (By Mr Fulmer.) (Objected to, Feb 6, 1934.) (Objected to and 8tricken from Con8ent Calendar, Feb. 19, 1934.)

    A bill to amend sec. 3 of the act entitled" An act to extend the period of restriction in lands of certain members of the Five Civilized Tribes, and for other purposes", approved May 10, 1928 (45 Stat.L. 496), as amended by the act of Feb. 14, 1931 (46 Stat.L. 1108). (By Mr. Howard.)!

    A bill to facilitate a more ecunomical administration of forest and grazing lands on Indian reservations. (By Mr. Howard.)-

    A joint resolution providing for an annual appropria-tion to meet the quota of the United States toward the expenses of the International Technical Com-mittee of Aerial Legal Experts. (By Mr. McRey-nolds.) (Objected to Apr. 6. 1934.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar, Apr. 16, 1984.)

    No. 61S







    1 I !


  • 13


    1934 No. HR. 5013 Mr. Rogers of Oklahoma ____ , A bill for the relief of the Omaha Indians of Nebraska. 129

    Feb. 22 Indian Affairs. (By Mr. Howard.) Report No. 830

    H.R. 5633 Mr. RogerS of Oklahoma ____ , A bill to permit relinquishments and reconvelcances 130 Feb. 22 Indian Affairs. of privately owned and State school lands or the

    Report No. 831 benefit of the Indians of the Acoma Pueblo, N. Mex. (By Mr. Howard.)

    H.R. 5911 Mr. Rogers of Oklahoma ____ A bill to authorille the Secretary of the Interior to 131 Feb. 22 Indian Affairs, cancel restricted fee patents and issue trust patents

    Report No. 832 in lieu thereof. (By Mr. Howard.)

    H.R. 5912 Mr. Rogers of Oklahoma ____ A bill for the benefit of Navajo Indians in New Mex- 132 Feb. 22 Indian Affairs. ico. (By Mr. Howard.)

    Report No. 833

    S. 2633 Mr. Kleberg _______________ An act to supplement and support the Migratory Bird 136 Feb. 24 Agriculture. Conservation Act by providing funds for the acqui-

    Report No. 841 sition of areas for use as migratory-bird sanctuaried refuges, and breeding grounds, for developing an administering such areas, for the protection of certain migratory birds, and for other purposes.

    B.R. 5681 Mr. De Priest ______________ , A bill to set aside certain lands for the Leech Lake 138 Feb. 24 Indian Affairs. Band of Chi~ewa Indians in the State of Minna-

    Report No. 843 sota. (By r. Knutson.)

    B.R. 5881 Mr. Chavez ________________ . A bill to investigate the claims of and to enroll certain 139 Feb. 24 Indian Affairs. persons, if' entitled, with the Omaha Tribe of In-

    Report No. 844 dians. (B~ Mr. Howard.) (Objected to Mar. 6, 19S ) (0 1ected to and stricken from Consent Cal-endar Apr. 6, 19S )

    B.J.Res. 270 Mr. Jones _________________ A joint resolution to make available to Puerto Rico 141 Feb. 24 Agriculture. certain appr1.riations for the fiscal year ending

    Report No. 846 June 30, 193 , for experiment station and exten-(Placed on Consent Calendar, sion work, which have not been paid because of

    No. 398.) unfulfilled conditions. (By Mr. Iglesias.) (Ob-jected to June 4 (calendar day, June 8), 1934.)

    H.R. 5871 Mr. De Priest ______________ . A bill to provide for the protection and conservation 149 Mar. 2 Indian Affairs. of the grazing resources of the undisposed of ceded

    eport No. 862 Indian lands the tribal title to which remains unex-tinguished. (By Mr. Howard.)

    H.R. 7976 Mr. Rogers of Oklahoma _____ A bill to add certain public-domain land in Montana 152 Mar. 2 Indian Affairs. to the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation. (By Mr.

    Report No. 865 Howard.)

    B.R. 5887 Mr. Collins of California _____ A bill to authorize the creation of an Indian village 156 Mar. 5 Indian Affairs. within the Shoalwater Indian Reservation, Wash.,

    Report No. 870 and for other purposes. (By Mr. Howard.)

    B.R. 8492 Mr. Connery _______________ A bill to provide a 30-hour week for industry, and 158 Mar. 7 Labor. for other purposes. (By Mr. Connery.)

    Report No. 889

  • 1934 B.R. 4942

    Mal-" 10

    B.R. 29 Mar 10



    Mr. Palmisano _____________ . A bill to establish an Athletic Commission to regu-The District of Columbia. late boxing, sparring, and wrestling exhibitions.

    Report No. 898 (By Mr. Black.)

    Mr. Maloney of Louisiana ___ _ Interstate and Foreign Com-

    merce. Report No. 918

    A bill authorizing the Secretary of Commerce to dispose of certain lighthouse reservations, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Corning.)

    No. 161


    'B.R. 7085 Mr. Christianson ___________ . A bill to amend the act approved June 28,1932 (47 169 Mar 13 Indian Affairs. Stat.L. 337). (By Mr. Knutson.)

    H.R. 1577 Mar 16

    H H.. 3206 Mar. 17

    H.R. 5368 Mar. 17

    Report No. 965

    Mr. Fiesinger ______________ . Coinage, Weights, and Meas-

    ures. Report No. 993

    Mr Robinson ______________ . The Public Lands.

    Report No. 994

    Mr. Robinson ______________ _ The Public Lands.

    Report No. 995

    A bill to . preserve and protect the gold standard through establishment of an auxiliary monetary reserve of silver and the issuance of silver certifi cates payable in their gold value equivalent and under such regulations as will provide protection to gold from being cornered and protection from inflation in gold values during periods of excessivE' demands. (By Mr. Fiesinger.)

    A bill for the exchange of lands adjacent to national forests in Colorado. (By Mr. Martin of Colorado.)

    (Objected to Apr. 16, 1934.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar May 14, 1934.)

    A bill to extend the provisions of the Forest Exchange Act of Mar. 20, 1922 (42 . Stat. 465). (By Mr. Martin of Colorado.) (Objected to Apr. 16, 1934.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar May 14, 1934.)



    H.R. 8641 Mr. Connery ________________ A bill to protect labor in its old age. (By Mr 188 Mar. 17 Labor. Connery.)

    Report No. 998

    B.R. 6851 Mr. Fulmer _________________ A bill to make peanutsll basic agricultural commodity 193 Mar. 22 Agriculture. for the purposes of the Agricultural Adjustment

    S. 2660 Mar. 22

    Report No. 1034 Act. (By Mr. Kerr.)

    Mr. Bland _________________ _ Merchant Marine, Radio, and

    Fisheries. Report No. 1037

    An act to amend the Radio Act of 1927, approved Feb. 23, 1927, as amended (44 St~t. 1162). (Ob. jected to Apr. 5, 1934.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar May 14, 1934.)


    S 1881 Mr. O'Malley _____________ :.. !,Anaot to authorize the creation of an fndian village 203 Mar. 28 Indian Affairs. . within the Shoalwater Indian Reservation, Wash-

    S. 1888 Mar. 28

    Report No. 1098 ington, and for other purposes.

    Mr.O'Malley ______________ . Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1099

    An act to provide for the protection and conservation of the grazing resources of the undisposed of ceded Indian lands, the tribal title to which remains unextinguished.


  • 15


    1934 S. 1889' Mr. O'Malley _______ .. ______ An act to facilitate a more economical administration

    Mar. 28 Indian Affairs. of forest and grazing lands on Indian reservations.

    S. 2026 Mar. 28

    H.R. 8890 Apr. 4

    H.R. 8568 Apr.' 5

    H.R. 4548 Apr. 5

    H.J.Res. 248 Apr. 9

    S.J.Res. 21 Apr. 9

    H.R.8865 Apr. 9

    H.R. 1613 Apr. 9

    H.R. 7088 Apr. 10

    Rellort No. 1100

    Mr.O'Malley _____________ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1101

    Mr. Mansfield ____________ _ Rivers and Harbors.

    Report No. 1136

    Mrs. Norton ______________ _ The District of Columbia.

    Report No. 1143

    Mrs. Norton ______________ _ The District of Columbia

    Report No. 1148

    Mr. Keller ~ _______________ _ The Library.

    Report No. 1158

    Mr. Keller _________________ > The Library. Report No. 1159

    An act providing for payment of $25 to each enrolled Chippewa Indian of Minnesota from the funds standing to their credit in the Treasury of the United States.

    A bill authorizing the construction, repair, and pres-ervation of certain public works on ri vere and har-bors, and for other purposes. (By M T. Mansfield.)

    A bill to amend sec. 11 (i) of the District of Columbia Alcoholic Beverage Act (Pub., No. 85, 73d Cong.). (By Mr. Dirksen.)

    A bill to provide old-~e securities for persons. over 60 years of age residing in the District 'of Colum-bia, and for other purposes. (By Mrs. Norton.)

    A joint resolution to authorize the erection on publio grounds in the District of Columbia of a stone marker designating the zero milestone of the Jeffer-son Davis National Highway. (By Mr. Clark of North Carolina.) (Objected to Apr. 18, 1994-.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent CaZendar May 7, 1994.)

    A l0int resolution authorizing the erection in Wash-Ington, District of Columbia, of a monument in memory of Col. Robert Ingersoll. (Objected to Apr. 18, 1994-.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar May 7, 1994.) .

    Mr. Darden _______________ A bill to amend sec. 1 of the act approved May 6, Naval Affairs. 1932 (47 Stat. 149b' U.S.C., Supp. VII, title 34, Report No. 1164 seo. 12). (By Mr. arden.)

    Mr. Jeffers ________________ . A bill to amend the act of May 29, 1930, for the The Civil Service. retiremenj, of employees in the classified civil serv-

    Repc;>rt No. 1173 ice. (By Mr"Jeffers.)

    Mr. Romjue _______________ _ The Post Office and Post

    Roads. Report No. 1179

    A bill to amend the provisions of laws relating to appointment of postmasters. (By Mr. Hoeppel.) (Objected to Ma.y 14, 1994.) (Objected to and stNcken from Consent Calendar May Bl, 1984.) :

    No. 203










  • 1934 H.R. 8479

    Apr. 12

    H.R. 7392 Apr. 12

    H.R. 9015 Apr. 13.

    S. 1694 Apr. 17

    S.J.Res. 83 Apr. 18

    s. 1657 Apr. 18

    S. 1891 Apr. 18

    s. 2754 Apr. 18

    H.R. 8918 Apr. 19



    Mr. Brown of Michigan _____ . Banking and Currency. Report No. 1230

    Mr. Taylor of South Carolina Post Office and Post Roads.

    Report No. 1234

    Mr. Bland _________________ _ Merchant Marine, Radio, and

    Fisheries. Report No. 1238

    A bill to promote resumption of industrial activity, in-crease employment, and restore confidence by ful-fillment

  • 1934 H.R. 7908

    Apr. 23

    H.J.Res. 282 Apr. 23

    H.R. 5266 Apr. 23

    H.R. 9241 Apr. 23

    H.R. 1582 Apr. 25

    a.J.Res. 327 Apr. 25

    d. 1887 Apr. 26

    S. 2876 Apr. 26

    S. 1874 Apr. 26

    S. 2425 Apr~ 26




    Mr. Brown of Michigan ______ 1 Banking and Currency. I Report No. 1288

    (See Discharge Calendar No.3)

    Mr. Bland _________________ _ Merchant Marine, Radio, and

    Fisheries. Report No. 1299

    Mr. Bland _________________ _ Merchant Marine, Radio, and

    Fisheries. Report No. 1300

    Mr. Mead _________________ _ The Post Office and Post

    Roads. Report No. 1302

    Mr. Keller __________________ The Library.

    Report No. 1327

    Mr. Keller _________________ The Library.

    Report No. 1336 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 312)

    Mr. Collins of California _____ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1367

    Mr~ Collins of California _____ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1368

    Mr. Collins of California _____ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1370

    Mr. Collins of California _____ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1372

    A bill to promote resumption of industrial activity, increase employment, and restore confidence by fulfillment of the implied guaranty by the United States Government of deposit safety in national banks. (By Mr. McLeod.)

    A joint resolution requmng 50 per cent of the cargo imported and exported under trade agree-ments between the United States and foreign na-tions to be carried in vessels of the United States. (By Mr. Bland.) (Objected to May Sl, 1934.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar June 4 (calendar day, June 7), 1934.}

    A bill to amend sec. 4548 (U.S. C., title 46, sec. 60S) of the Revised Statutes of the United States. (By Mr. Edmonds.) (Objected to May I1t 1934.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent valendar May Bl, 1934.)

    A bill to authorize the Postmaster General to award I-year contracts for carrying air mail, to establish a commission to report a national aviation policy, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Mead.)

    A bill authorizing an appropriation for the erection of a memorial to the officers and men of the U.S. Navy who lost their lives as the result of a boiler explosion that totally destroyed the U.S.S. Tulip near St. Inigoes Bay, Md., on Nov. 11, 1864, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Gambrill.)

    A joint resolution authorizing the appointment of a lanning committee in connection with the U.S.

    otanic Garden, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Keller.) (Objected to June 4 (calendar day, June 7),1934.)

    An act to authorize tha change of homestead desig-nations on allotted Indian lands.

    An act to provide for the transfer of national-forest lands to the Zuni Reservation, N .-Mex., exchanges, and consolidation of holdings.

    An act relative to leasill;f restricted lands of Indians of the Five Civilized ribes of Oklaho.na, and for other purposes.

    An act to repeal the act entitled II An act to grant to the State of New York and the Seneca Nation of Indians jurisdiction over the taking of fish and ~ame within the Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Oil

    pring Indian Reservations", approved Jan. 0, 1927.

    20825-73-H BUS CA&--2

    No. 269










  • 1934 S. 728

    Apr; 26

    H.R. 9147 Apr. 30

    H.R. .9148 Apr: 30

    H.R. 9152 Apr. 30

    H.R. 9153 Apr. 30

    H.R. 9312 Apr. 30

    'B.R. 1640 Apr. 30

    B.R. 8017 Apr. 30

    H.R. 5596 May 1

    H.R. 6927 May 1

    H.R. 7969 May 1



    Mr. Collins of California ____ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1374

    Mr. DeRouen ______________ . The Public Lands.

    Report No. 1399 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 425)

    Mr. DeRoueD-______________ The Public Lands.

    Report No. 1400 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 426)

    Mr. DeRouen _______________ The Public Lands.

    Report No. 141)1 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 427)

    Mr. DeRouen _______________ The Public Lands.

    Report No. 1402 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 428)

    Mr. Kniffin _________________ Naval Affairs.

    Report No. 1403

    Mr. Rogers of Oklahoma ______ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1407

    Mr. Rogers of Oklahoma _____ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1409

    Mr. Ayers of Montana _______ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1422

    Mr. Ayers of Montana _______ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1423

    Mr. Ayers of Montana _____ ~_ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1424

    An act to amend the act of Mar. 13, 1924 (43 Stat.L. 21), so as to ~ermit the Flathead, Kootenai, and Upper Pend d Oreille Tribes or Nations of Indians to file suit thereunder.

    A bill to eliminate certain lands from the Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho. DeRouen.)

    (By Mr.

    A bill to accept the cession by the States of North Carolina and Tennessee of exclusive jurisdiction over the lands embraced within the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and for other purposes. (By Mr. DeRouen.)

    A bill to authorize the transfer of the Otter 0 Clift's Radio Station on Mount Desert Island in the State of Maine as an addition to the Acadia National Park, and for other purposes. (By Mr. DeRouen.)

    A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the exercise of sole and exclusive Wrisdiction by the United States over the Hawaii ational Park in the Territory of Hawaii, and for other purposes" approved Apr. 19, 1930 (46 Stat. 227). (By Mr. DeRouen.) ,

    A bill to increase the statutory limit of expenditure for repairs or changes to naval vessels. (By Mr. Kniffin.)

    A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to pay $500 for eXK.inses of Sac and Fox business commit-tee, (By r. McKeown.) (Objected to June 4 (calendar day, June 7), 1934.) .

    A bill to &rovide for expenses 0 of the Crow Indian Tribal ouncil and authorized delegates of the tribe (By Mr. Ayers of Montana.)

    A bill to amend the Act of Mar. 3, 188~ entitled "An Act fJroviding for ,allotment of lan s in sev-eralty to he Indians residin~ upon the Umatilla Reservation, in the State of regon, and granting lMtents therefor, and for other purposes." (By

    r. Howard.)

    A bill to add certain lands to the Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge. (By Mr. How-ard.)

    A bill to reserve certain public-domain lands in Ne-vada and Oregon as a grazing reserve for Indians of Fort McDermitt, Nevada. (By Mr. Howard.)

    No. 2M











  • 1934 H.R. 8255

    May 1

    H.R. 8808


    May 1

    1890 May 1

    S. 3272 May 1

    S. 8289 May.3

    H.R. 9407


    May 4

    2817 May 4

    H.R. 9471 May 9

    H.R. 8982 May 9

    H.R. 9544 May 10



    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ . A bill for the relief of the rightful heirs of Waki-Indian Affairs. cunzewin, an Indian. (By Mr. Howard.)

    Report No. 1425

    Mr. Ayers of Montana _______ . A bill authorizing the exchlllRge of the lands reserved Indian Affairs. for the Seminole Indians in Florida for other lands.

    Report No. 1426 (By Mr. Howard.)

    Mr. Chavez _______________ . Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1427

    An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to grant concessions on reservoir sites and other lands in connection with Indian irrigation projects and to lease the lands in such reserves for agricultural, grazing, or other purposes.

    Mr. Cartwright_ _ ___________ A bill for the relief of the city of Baltimore __________ _ War Claims.

    Report No. 1416

    Mrs. Norton ________________ An act to transfer the powers of the Board of Public The District of Columbia. Welfare to the Commissioners of the District of

    Report No. 1448 Columbia, and for other purposes.

    Mr. Stubbs _______________ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1495

    Mr. Jones _________________ _ Agriculture.

    Report No. 1498

    Mr. Jones _________________ _ Agriculture.

    Report No. 1522

    A bill to amend the act ot Mar. 27, 1928, and sec. 4 of the act of May 31, 1933, enacted to safeguard the interests and welfare of Indians of the Taos Pueblo, N.Mex., in certain lands within the Carson Na-tional Forest. (By Mr. Howard.)

    An act to amend the act relating to contracts and agreements under thp. Agricultural Adjustment Act, approved Jan. 25, 1934. (Objected to May 21, 1934-.) (Obj~cted to and stricken from Consent Calendar, June 4- (calendar day, June 7), 1934-.)

    A bill to amend the Grain Futures Act to prevent and remove obstructions and burdens upon inter-state commerce in grains and other commodities by regulating transactions therein on commodity fu-ture exchanges, by providing means for limiting short selling and speculation in such commodities on such exchanges, by licensing commission mer-chants deal1ng in such commodities for future de-livery on such exchanges, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Jones.)

    Mrs. Greenway _ _ _ __________ A bill to define the exterior boundaries of the Navajo Indian Affairs. Indian Reservation in New Mexico, and for other

    Report No. 1525 purposes. (By Mr. Howard.)

    Mr. Douglass ______________ _ Education.

    Report No. 1562

    A bill to provide for the cooperation by the Federal Government with the several States and Terri-tories and the District of Columbia in meeting the crisis in education. (By Mr. Douglass.)

    No. 325










  • . . . 1934 . H.R. 6009

    May 10

    S. 1800 May 11

    H.R. 8346 May 15

    fl.R. 4864 May 15

    H.R. 5747 May 15

    H.R. 5946 May 15

    H.R. 6469 May 15

    H.R. 7146 May 15



    Mr. De Priest_______________ A bill to carry out certain obligations to certain Indian Affairs. enrolled Indians under tribaJ. agreement. (By Mr .

    Report No. 1573 Disney.)

    Mr. Jones _________________ _ Agriculture.

    Report No. 1585

    (Placed on Consent Calendar, No. 313)

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1645

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1646

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1647

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1648

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1649

    Mr. Ayers of Montana _____ __ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1650

    An a(}t to provide for an investigation and report of losses resulting from the campaign for the eradica- . tion of the Mediterranean fruit fly by the Depart-ment of Agriculture. (Objected to June 4 (calendar day, June 7), 1934.}

    A bill to provide funds for cooperation with school district no. 17-H, Big Horn County, Mont., for extension of public-school buildings to be available to Indian children. (By Mr. Ayers of Montana.) (Objected to May 21, 193J,..) (Objected to and 8tricken from Con8ent Calendar June 4 (calendar day, June 8),193J,..}

    A bill to provide funds for cooperation with the school board at Queets, Wash., in the construction of a public-school building to be available to Indian children of the village of Queet~..Jefferson County, Wash. (By Mr. Smith of washington.) (Ob-jected to May 21 1934.) (Objected to and 8tricken from Consent Cate;"dar June 4 (calendar day, June 8),1934.}

    A bill to authorize appropriations for the completion of the public high school at Frazer, Mont. (By Mr. Ayers of Montana.) (Objected to May 81, 193J,..) (Objected to and 8tricken from Consent Calendar June 4 (calendar day, June 8), 1934.}

    A bill for expenditure of funds for cooperation with the public-school board at Poplar, Mont., in the construction or improvement of public building to be available to Indian children of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Mont. (By Mr. Ayers of Montana.) (Objected to May 21, 1934.) (Objected to and 8tricken from Con8ent Calendar June 4 (calendar day, June 8),1934.}

    A bill for expenditure of funds for cooperation with the public-school board at Wolf Point, Mont., in the construction or improvement of a public build-ing to be available to Indian children of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Mont. (By Mr. Ayers of Montana.) (Objected to May 21, 193J,..) (Ob-jected to and stricken from Consent Calendar June 4 (calendar day, June 8), 1934.}

    A bill to provide funds for cooperation with the school board at Brockton, Mont., in the extension of the public-school building at that place to be available to Indian children of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation. (By Mr. Ayers of Mon-tana.) (Objected to May 21, 1934.) (Objected to and 8tricken from Consent Calendar June 4 (calen-dar day, June 8), 1934.}

    No 31S5








  • 1934 H.R.7361

    May 15

    HR. 7412 May 15

    B.R. 8342 May 15

    H.R. 8906 May 15

    H.R. 85 May 17

    H.R. 7255 May 17

    H.R. 7256 May 17

    II.R. 8852


    May 17

    236 May 17



    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ . Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1652

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1653

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ . Indian Affairs. Report No. 1654

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1655

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1658 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 343)

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1659 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 344)

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1660 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 345)

    Mr. Coffin _________________ _ Military Affairs.

    Report No. 1665 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 348)

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ , Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1682

    A bill to provide funds for cooperation with White Swan school district, no. 88, Yakima County, Wash., for extension of public-school buildings to be available for Indian children of the Yakima Reservation. (By Mr. Knute Hill.) (Objected to May 21, 1934.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar June 4 (calendar day, June 8), 1934.)

    A bill to provide funds for cooperation with Marys-ville school district, no. 325, Snohomish County, Wash., for extension of public-school buildings to be available for Indian children. (By Mr. Wall-gren.) (Objected to May 21, 1934-) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar June 4 (calendar day, June 8), 1934.)

    A bill to provide funds for cooperation with school district no. 27, Big Horn County, Mont., for ex-tension of public-school buildings, to be available to Indian children. (By Mr. Ayers of Montana.) (Objected to May 21, 1934.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar June 4 (calendar day, June 8), 1934.)

    A bill to provide funds for cooperation with the pub-lic-school board at Covelo, Calif., in the construc-tion of public-school buildings to be available to Indian children of the Round Valley Reservation, Calif. (By Mr. Lea of California.) (Objected to May 21, 1934.) (Objected to and stricken from Consent Calendar June 4 (calendar day, June 8), 1934)

    A bill to extend Federal aid to certain school districts in the State of North Dakota upon condition that the public-school buildings benefited shall be avail-able to Indian children of Fort Berthold Indian Reservation. (By Mr. Sinclair.) (Objected to June 4 (calendar day, June 8),1934.)

    A bill for the relief of the Winnebago Indians residing in school district no. 17, nurston County, State of Nebraska. (By Mr. Howard.) (Objected to June 4 (calendar day, June 8), 1934.)

    A bill for the relief of the Omaha Indians residing in school district no. 16, Thurston County, State of Nebraska. (By Mr. Howard.) (Objected to June 4 (calendar day, June 8), 1934.)

    A bill to amend secs~ 1, 2, and 3 of the act entitled " An act to provide for the commemoration of the termination of the War between the States at Appomattox Court House, Va.", approved June 18, 1930, and to establish the Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Drewry.)

    An act to provide funds for cooperation with the school board at Queets, Wash., in the con-struction of a public-school building to be available to Indian children of the village of Queets, Jeffer-son County, Wash.









  • 1934 S. . 1826

    May 17

    S. 1977 May 17.

    S. 2769 May 17

    s. 2874 May 17

    S. 2940 May 17

    H.R. 7517 May 21

    S. 2506 May 21

    H.R. 7984 May 22

    H.R. 1729 May 24

    H.R. 7430 May 24



    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1683

    Mr. Ayers of Montana _______ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1684

    Mr. Ayers of Montana _______ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1685

    Mr. Stubbs _________________ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1686

    Mr. Ayers of Montana _______ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1687

    Mr. Coffin __________________ Military Affairs.

    Report No. 1709 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 359.)

    Mr. Ayers of Montana ______ . Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1721

    An act for expenditure of funds for cooperation with the public-school board at Poplar, Mont., in the construction or improvement of public-school building to be available to Indian children of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Mont.

    An act to provide funds for cooperation with the school board at Brockton, Mont., in the extension of the public-Bchool building at that place to be available to Indian children of the Fort Peck In-dian Reservation.

    An act to provide funds for cooperation with Marys-ville School District, no. 325, Snohomish County, Wash., for extension of public-school buildings to be available for Indian children .

    . ,

    An act authorizing the submission of an alternate budget for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. .

    An act to provide funds for cooperation with the school board of Shannon County, S.Dak., in the construction of a consolidated high-school build-ing to be available to both white and Indian children.

    A bill providing for the establishment of the Genetal John J. Pershin~ National Militar~ Park near Laclede, in Linn ounty, Mo. (By r. Romjuil.) (Objected to June 4 (calendar day, June 7), 1934.

    An act to provide funds for cooperation with White Swan school district no. 88, Yakima County, Wash., for extension of public-school buildings to be available for Indian children of the Yakima Reservation.

    Mr. Smith of West Virginia ___ . A bill to amend sec. 5 of the act of Mar. 2, 1919, Mines and Mining. generally known as the " War Minerals Relief

    Report No. 1740 Statutes." (By Mr. Vinson of Georgia.)

    Mr. Coffin _________________ _ Military Affairs.

    Report No. 1758 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 367)

    Mr. Rayburn ______________ _

    Interstate and Foreign Com-merce.

    Report No. 1763 (See Discharge Calendar,

    No, 4)

    , A bill to create. a national memorial military park

    at and in the vicinity of Kennesaw Mountain in the State of Georgia, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Tarver.) (Objected to June 4 (caZend(g day, June 7), 1934.

    A bill to establish a 6-hour day for employees of car-riers engaged in interstate and foreign commerce, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Crosser of OhiO.)

    No. 40040









    40240.' .

  • 23

    UNION CALENDAR -- ~ .--- ~- ... ~- _. _ .. --~ - ._--

    1934 H.R. 9705 Mr. Gasque __________________ _

    May 24 Pensions.

    H.R. 9725 May 24

    May 30

    Report No. 1770

    Mr. Dickstein ______________ _ Immigration and Naturaliza-

    tion. Report No. 1772

    Mr. Dickstein ______________ _ Supplemental report, Part 2.

    A bill to amend sec. 30, title III (veterans' provisions), of Public Law No. 141, 73d Cong., to give the berie-fits thereof to veterans who enlisted in the United States forces after Aug. 12, 1898, and who served outside the continental limits of the United Sta~s. (By Mr. Gasque.) ,

    A bill to authorize'the deportation of the habitual criminal, to guard against the separation from their families of aliens of the noncriminal classes, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Dickstein.)

    No~ 4;28


    H.J.Res. 316 Mr. Keller __________________ A joint resolution authorizing the erection of a , 4,~2 May 28 The Library. memorial to J. J. Jusserand. (By Mr. Luce.)

    Report No. 1776

    H.R. 8055 Mr. Keller __________________ A bill to provide monuments to mark the birthplaqes 4,33 May 28 The Library. of deceased Presidents of the United States. (By

    H.B.. 8389 May 28

    H.R. 7834 May 28

    H.R. 8683 May 28

    H.R. 8684 May 28

    H.R. 9619 May 28

    H.R. 7663 May 28

    P H.R. 9702 May 28

    Report No. 1777 Mr. Montague.)

    Mr. Doxey ________________ _ Agriculture.

    Report No. 1779 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 379)

    Mr. Wearin ___ ~ ____________ _ The Public Lands.

    Report No. 1788 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 388)

    Mr. Englebright ____________ _ The Public Lands.

    Report No. 1789 ' (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 385)

    Mr. Englebright ____________ _ The Public Lands.

    , Report No. 1790 (Placed on Consent

    Mr. Fulmer ________________ _ Agriculture.

    Report No. 1793 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 403)

    A bill to amend sec. 36 of the Emergency Farm Mort-gage Act of 1933 and amendments thereto. (By Mr. Doxey.) (Objected to June 4 (calendar day, June 7), 1934.)

    A bill to provide for conveying to the State of Iowa certain lands within the nonnavigable meandered lake beds within that State for use as public.parks, recreation grounds, and game refuges. (By 'Mr. Gilchrist.) (Objected to June 4' (calendar day, June 8),1934.)

    A bill to provide for ,the selection of certain lands ,in the State of California for the use of the California State park system. (By Mr. Burnham.) (Object-ed to June 4 (calendar day, June 8), 1934.)

    A bill to provide for the selection of certain lands in the State of California for the use of the California State park system. (By Mr. Burnham,) " (Object-ed to June 4 (calendar day, June 8), 1934.) .

    A bill to authorize the disposal of surplus personal property, including buiIdiIlgs, of the Emergency:, Conservation Work. (By 'Mr. Tarver.) (Objecte(J, to June 4 (calendar day, June 7), 1934.)

    A bill to authorize payment of farm-loan mortgages with bonds issued by ioint-stock land -banks, and for other :purposes. (By Mr., Fulmer.) (Objected to June 4 (calendar day, June 8), 1934.)

    Mr. Buck ___________________ A bill authorizing the adjustment of existing con-Agriculture. tracts for the sale of timber on the national forests,

    Report No. 1794 and for other purposes. (By Mr. Buck.)





  • 1934 S. 1138

    May 28

    S. 2924 May 28

    H.R. 9272 May 28

    H.R. 7902 May 28

    S. 3457 May 30

    HJ!.. 7095 May 31 .

    H.R. 8835 May 31

    S. 2934 May 31

    H.R. 9477 June 1

    S. 1574 June 1



    Mr. Buck _________________ _ Agriculture.

    Report No. 1795

    Mr. Mott _________________ _ The Public Lands.

    Report No. 1797 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 387)

    Mr. Zioncheck _____________ _ Naval Affairs.

    Report No. 1803 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 381)

    Mr. Howard _______________ _ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1804

    Mr. Plumley _______________ . Military Affairs.

    Report No. 1825

    Mr. Collins of California _____ Indian Affairs.

    Report No. 1837

    ~.~, i: .

    Mr. Keller __________________ The Library.

    Report No. 1843

    Mr. Glover _______ llt ___ _____ Agriculture.

    Report No. 1845

    Mr. Collins of California _____ Indian Affairs.

    ~port No. 1846

    Mr. Dingell _________________ Insular Affairs.

    Report No. 1848

    An act authorizing transfer of an unused portion of the United States Range Livestock Experiment Station, Mont., to the State of Montana for use as a fish-cultural station, game reserve, and public recreation ground, and for other purposes.

    An act to include within the Deschutes National For-est, in the State of Oregon, certain public lands within the exchange boundaries thereof. (Objected to June 4 (calendar day, June 8),1934.)

    A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to pro-ceed with the construction of certain public works. and for other purposes. (By Mr. Zioncheck.) (Objected to June 4 (calendar day, June 7), 1934.)

    A bill to grant to Indians living under Federal tute-lage the freedom to organize for purposes of local self-government and economic enteIprise; to pro-vide for the necessary training of Indians in ad-ministrative and economic affairs; to conserve and develop Indian lands; and to promote the more effective administration of justice in matters affect-ing Indian tribes and communities by establishing a Federal Court of Indian Affairs. (By Mr. Howard.)

    An act to authorize the Secretary of War t9 sell or dispose of certain surplus real estate of the War Department.

    A bill to amend the act entitled " An act authorizing the attorney general of the State of California to bring suit in the Court of Claims on behalf of the Indians of California", approved May 18,- 1928 (45 Stat.L. 602), by adding a new section thereto, to be known and designated as "section 8." (By Mr. Dockweiler.)

    A bill authorizing the estaJ;>lishment ot a filing and indexing service for useful Government publica-tions. (By Mr. Lundeen.)

    An act to facilitate the acquisition of migratory-bird refuges, and for other purposes.

    A bill ~anting certain property to the State of Wis-consm for institutional purposes. (By Mr. Peavey.)

    An act to provide a government for American Samoa_

    No. 444:










  • I

    1934 H.R. 8397

    June 1

    H.R. 9045 June 1

    H.R. 9116


    June 1

    1947 June 1

    H.R. 9441 I June 4

    !&l' June 15 {calendar

    day, June 16)

    June 4

    S. 1286 June 4 .

    (calendar day, J'une 5)

    H.R. 9788 June 4

    (calendar day, June 6)

    9822 (calen~ day, 8)



    Mr. Chavez __________ .. _____ A bill to provide for the creation of the Saratoga The Public Lands. National Historical Park in the State of New York,

    Report No. 1852 and for other purposes. (By Mr. Mead.)

    Mr. SteagaIL _______________ A bill to amend sec. 5219 of the Revised Statutes, Banking and Currency. as amended. (By Mr. Steagall.) Jlport No. 1853

    l'.1:r. Chavez ______________ _ The Public Lands.

    Report No. 1854

    Mr. Chavez ________________ _ The Public Lands.

    Report No. 1855 (Placed on Consent Calendar

    No. 415)

    Mr. Doughton _____________ _ Ways and Means.

    Report No. J 882 Mr. Woodruff ______________ _

    Minority views, pt. 2.

    Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.

    A bill extending and continuing to Jan. 12, 1936, the provisions of the act entitled" An Act authoriz-ing the Secretary of the Interior to determine and confirm by patent in the nature of a deed of quit claim the title to lots in the city of Pensacolal Fla.", approved Jan. 12, 1925. (By Mr. Caldwell.)

    An act to provide for the creation of the St. Croix Island National Monument located near the mouth of the St. Croix River in the State of Maine, and for other purposes. (By Mr. White.)

    A bill to reduce internal-revenue taxes on tobacco products. (By Mr. Vinson of Kentucky.)

    Message of the President of the United States to the Congress on the subject of a comprehensive plan for the improvement and development of the rivers of the United States, with a view of giving the Congress information for the guidance of legis-lation which will provide for the maximum amount of flood control, navigation, irrigation, and develop-ment of hydro electric power. (Ordered printed June 4,1934.)

    Mr. Thomason ______________ An act to increase the efficiency of the Veterinary Military Affairs. Corps of the Regular Army.

    (Report No. 1885)

    Mr. De Rouen _____________ _ Public Lands.

    Report No. 1895 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 422)

    Mr. Thomason _____________ _ Military Affairs.

    Report No. 1891 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 419)

    A bill to aid in providing the people of the United States with adequate facilities for park, parkWay, and recreational-area purposes, and to provide for the transfer of certain lands chiefly valuable for such purposes to States and political subdivisions ,thereof. (By Mr. DeRouen.)

    A bill authorizing the President of the United States wextend the time for awarding decorations to par-ticipants of the World War. (By Mr. Fitzpatrick.)

    Mr. Murdock _______________ A bill authorizing an appropriation for payment to Indian Affairs. the Osage Tribe of Indians, on account of 'their

    Report No. 1921 lands sold by the United States. (By Mr. Disney.)

    No. 471










  • 1934 June 4

    (calendar day, June 8)

    H.R. 9670 June 9

    H.R. 9599 June 11

    H.R. 9223 June 11

    H.R. 9876 June 11



    Referred to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union.

    Mr. Wilson ________________ _ Flood Control.

    Report No. 1927 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 429)

    Mr. Maloney of Louisiana ___ _ Interstate and Foreign Com-

    merce. Report No. 1931

    Mr. Bland _________________ _ Merchant Marine, Radio, and

    Fisheries Report No. 1947

    (Placed on Consent Calendar, No. 423)

    Mr. SteagalL ______________ _ Banking and Currency. Report No. 1948

    Message of the President of the United States to Congress on the subject of insuring social security in the United States.

    A bill to provide a preliminary examination of the Willamette River and its tributaries in the State of Oregon with a view to the control of its floods. (By Mr. Mott.)

    A bill to amend the Air Commerce Act of 1926 and to increase the efficiency of the Aeronautics Branch of the Department of Commerce with respect to the development and regulation of civil aeronau-tics. (By Mr. Rayburn.)

    A bill to amend sec. 27 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920. (By Mr. Bland.)

    A bill to amend certain sections of the Banking Act of 1933, and the Federal Reserve Act and certain laws relating to national banking associations, and for other purposes. (By Mr. Steagall.)

    No. 487




    H.R. 444 Mr. Englebright _____________ A bill to relinquish the title of the United States to 498 June 12 The Public Lands. certain lands in the county of Los Angeles, State

    Report No. 1956 of California. (By Mr. Evans.)

    H.J.Res. 36S June 12

    H.R. 9756 June 13

    H.RI 3829 June 13

    Mr. Buck _________________ _ Agriculture.

    Report No. 1964

    Mr. Haines ________________ _ The Post Office and Post

    Roads. Report No. 1980

    (Placed on Consent Calendar, No. 433)

    Mr. Doxey ________________ _ Agriculture.

    Report No. 1981

    A joint resolution to amend an act entitled "An act to place the cotton industry on a sound commercial basis, to prevent unfair competition and practices in putting cotton into the channels of interstate and foreign commerce, to provide funds for paying additional benefits under the Agricultural Adjust-ment Act, and for other purposes" (Public, No. 169, 73d Cong.), approved Apr. 21, 1934. (By Mrs. Greenway.)

    A bill to authorize the establishment and mainte-nance of an industrial plant at Reedsville, W.Va. (By Mr. Randolph.)

    A biil to regulate the importation of milk and cream and milk and cream products into the United States for the purpose of promoting the dairy industry of the United States and protecting the public health. (By Mr. Henney.)




    S; 3113 Mr; Doxey _________________ An act to add certain lands to the Malheur National 609 June 13 Agriculture. Forest in the Stllte of Oregon.

    Report No. 1982

  • l-934 H.R.", 9355

    June 13

    H.J.Res. 3~6 June 14,

    S. 1386 June 14

    S. 3431 June 14

    H.R. 9804 June 14

    H.R. 8778 June 14

    333 14



    Mr. Johnson of West Virginia_ The Post Office and Post

    Roads. Report No. 1986

    (Placed on Consent Calendar, No. 436)

    Mr. Thompson of Illinois ____ _ Military Affairs.

    Repo,rt No. 1990

    Mr. Wilson ________________ _ Flood Control.

    Report No. 1997 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 437)

    Mr. Wilson ________________ _ Flood Control.

    Report No. 1998 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 438)

    Mr. Wilson ________________ _ Flood Control.

    Report No. 1999 (Placed on Consent Calendar,

    No. 439)

    Mr. Fulmer ________________ _ Agriculture.

    Report No. 2001

    A bill to increase the postage charge for the return of dead letters and to provide for the collection of a registry fee upon such letters when containing money. (By Mr. Johnson of West Virginia.)

    A joint resolution directing the American Battle Monuments Commission or its successor to restore the inscriptions obliterated from the Three Hun-dred and Sixteenth Infantry Memorial erected by a French organization on property of that organ-ization at Sillon~Fontaine (Cote 378), Territoire de Sivry-sur-Meuse. (By Mr. Coffin.)

    An act to provide for a preliminary examination of Nisqually River and its tributaries in the State of Washington, with a view to the control of thir floods.

    An act authorizing a preliminary examination of the lower Columbia River, with a view to the con-trolling of floods.

    A bill a