731 Exchange Street, Vermilion, OH., 44089 / 440 967 8711 ...

OUR PARISH VISION : Inspired by the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Sacraments, St. Mary Parish Vermilion, is a welcoming Christ-Centered community. We are committed to developing spiritual growth, sharing vibrant faith, and encouraging total parish involvement. 731 Exchange Street, Vermilion, OH., 44089 / 440-967-8711 / www.stmaryvermilion.org

Transcript of 731 Exchange Street, Vermilion, OH., 44089 / 440 967 8711 ...

OUR PARISH VISION : “Inspired by the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Sacraments, St. Mary Parish Vermilion, is a welcoming Christ-Centered community. We are committed to developing

spiritual growth, sharing vibrant faith, and encouraging total parish involvement.”

731 Exchange Street, Vermilion, OH., 44089 / 440-967-8711 / www.stmaryvermilion.org


5450 Ohio St. Vermilion, Ohio 44089

440-967-7911 www.stmaryschoolvermilion.org

St. Mary School Mission Statement

St. Mary School inspired by our patroness is a Christ-centered nurturing Environment dedicated to academic excellence and education the whole child.

We are committed to: Answering Our Lady’s call to work for peace, giving service to others, living the

Gospel and being good stewards of God’s creation.

For more information about enrolling please contact: George Mitchell, Principal [email protected] OR

Amber Settie, Secretary [email protected]

Our Parish Office and Church Schedule.

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, Mornings: 9:15 am to 12 Noon [Lunch 12:15 - 1:15 pm]

Afternoons: 1:15 pm to 4 pm

We will continue our Live Stream Daily Mass M, T, Th at 8:30 am; W, and F at 9:00 am during school year

Weekend Mass - Saturday at 4:00 pm - Sunday at 8:00 am and 10:30 am.

Masses are recorded and able to be viewed anytime on our parish website: https://stmaryvermilion.org

Mr. James Tokarsky, Pastoral Associate

[email protected] Mr. Edward Klimczak - Bookkeeper [email protected]

Mr. Joseph Kwiatkowski,

Director of Liturgy / Music [email protected]

Mrs. Kathie McBride - Office Assistant [email protected] Mrs. Betty Nunn - Office Assistant [email protected]

PARISH OFFICE: 731 Exchange Street

Vermilion, Ohio 44089 440-967-8711


The Parish Staff continues to work hard to help our parish family to live out our Baptismal call as followers of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. If you have any questions or if there is some way we can be of service to you, please contact us using the emails below.

Fr. Paul Schreiner, Pastor [email protected]

Mrs. Sandy Smith, Religious Education Coordinator /Life Teen

[email protected]

Mr. Steve Stumphauzer, Facilities Maintenance Coordinator [email protected]

Mr. Charles Trinter,

Confirmation Coordinator [email protected]

Mr. Elisha Valladares - Cormier

Communications Coordinator [email protected]

MaryEllen Ahern (Mother of Meghan Dubois) Frank Andrasak Rylan Andrews (Grandson of Nancy & Russell Beach) Casey Bellis Tanner Bergman Gideon Biggie Kathy Blackham Mary Bosch Kirt Bott (Grandson of Yvonne Bott) Grace Brown Richard Bulan Christopher Burkart Wilhelmina Burr Emma Cairns Penny Cambell (Granddaughter of Mike & Anthea Simpson) Colin Capek Jon Capek Elizabeth Cassidy Alexis Cerio (Niece of Ray & Jackie Holland) Eileen Coufalik (Cousin of Karen & Jim Gaul) Francis Luann Charity (Mother of Kellsey Horton) Mary Clotz Halina Czochara Mike Daughtry Debbie Dickerhoff Valentino Dziak Anita Edwards Sandy Esper Vicki Fagan Larry Feldkamp R. Feldkamp & Fam Nick Ferrara Denise Fenik Monica Malloy Finley Don Fischer Dick & Linda Flaim Carol Fleming Bill Fox Harris Friedman

Brenda Funk Julie Ann Gargasz Blaine Gasdick Bernie Gorenshek (Mother of Cheryl Hribar) Adele Govoni Steven Gross Harry Hadaway Raymond Halliwell Tom Hanway Sheri Haponic Elizabeth (Burkart) Hawkins Jasmine Rose Hoholski Ray & Jacqueline Holland Fr Jim Holmer Cory Holzhauen Don Hujarski Gwen Jones Maria Johnson Theresa Johnson Joan Joye Patricia Joyce Jusak Michael Kaprowski Veronica Karolak Victoria Kastanis (Mother of Margo Shultz) Mac Kellar Joni Kissel (Sister of Jeanne McCale) Denise Kleinhans Fr. Ted Kosse Alma Kovarik Rich Krieg (Nephew of John & Gloria Showalter) Karen Krohe (Sister of Lorraine Lantz) Evelyn Kruse (Mother of Teresa Krause) Christine Lallo (Daughter of Brian & Gloria Holloway) Blake Lantz Tom Lesniak Amon Linnell (Son of Loren & Sara) Nick Luby Vincent Lupica Douglas & Pamela Majoras Joseph Majoy

Joseph Mayer Claudia Mercer Jacob Meyer Sophia McCauley Linda McCue (Sister in Law of Colleen DeMarco) James Mitchell Lynne Nagy David Nash Holly Neiding Jessica Neiger (Daughter of Michael & Jill) Len Nickoloff Emmett Novak (Grandson of Dale & Tranette) Jeff Pabon (Brother of Joe) Lou Palker Jason Peak Rose Petterson Susan Plas (Sister of Annette Dillion) Debbie Platts Cathy Presnell Marianne Prete Kim Raeburn Lola Rakar Greg Ramser Susan Ramser Amy Redden Nicholas Reed Pat Reed Joann Richardson Mario Rini Bill Roach Lucy Root Lori & Tom Rottenborn I (In Laws of Celia ) Daniel Rotundo Mary Ruff Vince & Mary Ann Schaffer Rich Schaffer Stephanie Sese Joe Sharpnak Riley Sherman Susan Shultz

Anthea Simpson Bern Smith (Brother of Julie Stumphauzer) Steve Smith Rick Soley Valerie Spies Rick Stanford Bud Stanner (Son-in-law of Kathie McBride) Thomas Stefanik Ed & Sharon Stempowski Donna Strittmather Julie Stumphauzer Stephen Stumphauzer,V Karen Suhy Terry Szperski Gary & Diana Taylor Rita Tershack Joann Thaxton Sharon Tomshack Scott Trifiletti (Father of Anthony) James Trohan Michael Trotto (Nephew of Gerry Harkins) Emery & Betty Vajda Michael & Sereta Vallo Mary Wagner (Mother of Bill) Ginny Walker Tammy Waybright Jim West Bob Whorton John Williamson Betty Yuhos Catherine C, Yukish Clint Young Pat Youngross (Sister of Steve Stumphauzer) Jennifer Zadell Walker Meghan Zadell Gloria Zust Betty Zywczyk

This Week in our Parish

Sunday, 1/31 Catholic Schools Week Begins Monday, 2/01 5:30 pm - Boys Basketball (Gym) Tuesday, 2/02 9:00 am - Adoration (Church) 6:00 pm - Confessions 7:00 pm - Reposition (Church) 7:00 pm - AA Meeting (PLCC) Wednesday, 2/03 9:00 am - General Blessing of throats Individual blessings available after Mass 5:30 pm - Boys Basketball (Gym) Thursday, 2/04 9:30 am - Adult Learning (PO) 5:30 am - Boys Basketball (Gym) 6:00 pm - School Advisory Board (Lib) Friday, 2/05 Saturday, 2/06 3:00 pm - Confessions

MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, 1/30 4:00 pm - For the Parish Family Sunday, 1/31 8:00 am - Tonya Livengood 10:30 am - In appreciation of Paul & Barb Mueller Monday, 2/01 8:30 am - Joseph Wysocki Tuesday, 2/02 8:30 am - John McBride Wednesday, 2/03 9:00 am - For the Parish Family Thursday, 2/04 8:30 am - For the Parish Family Friday, 2/05 9:00 am - For the Parish Family Saturday, 2/06 4:00 pm - For the Parish Family Sunday, 2/07 8:00 am - Mary Ann Westropp 10:30 am - Sally Hoffmamn

Prayer Line: 963-9572 or 967-2599

Join us on Facebook :Www.facebook.com/stmaryvermilion Twitter@StMaryVermilion

Please pray for the following people ...

Greetings to the People of God!

Reading today’s excerpt from Corinthians, I immediately thought of Msgr. Morman, who taught scripture to Fr. Paul in the seminary and to me as a diaconate candidate. Msgr. Ken often lamented the bad wrap that St. Paul gets because of the way his letters are read. He can be seen as anti-marriage or anti-woman because of the way excerpts are taken out of his letters and inserted into the Lectionary we use at Mass. Today’s second reading is an example of this, but we always need to remember that what we hear in Mass is only a portion of an entire book. Paul is writing to a young parish literally located right in the middle of the Greco-Roman world. It is a commercial center that is the pass through between the Western and Eastern portions of the Roman Empire. This was a city of several hundred thousand pagan citizens practicing all kinds of questionable morals. In the middle of all this was planted a growing community of believers in Jesus. They were confused and had questions and were being pulled apart by many factions within their group and by forces outside their circle. They probably were polarized into certain camps. We can’t identify with that can we? (I ask with a touch of sarcasm.) Some of the questions had to do with marriage. That is where our excerpt is taken. Paul provides them with answers as a caring pastor would. His message is that everyone should drop their anxious thoughts. We could sure use Paul on social media! He is telling them being married or staying unmarried should never be the primary concern. Our relationship with Christ should be our first concern. He basically says that it is best to stay in the state you find yourself. If married, stay that way. If unmarried, stay that way. If you feel that you are not suited to remain single, then marry. Just always make your relationship with Jesus primary, because as Paul writes directly before today’s passage, For the world in its present form is passing away. No matter where you find yourself, married or not, live as Jesus would want you to live because our time on this earth is temporary. What are we as Americans in the 21st century to draw from Paul writing to 1st century Greeks? Paul writes, I should like you to be free of anxieties. And later says that he shares this for better adherence to the Lord without distraction. If we are overly worried and anxious about all this other stuff going on around us, we can sacrifice that all important relationship with Jesus. With peace in our hearts, we can make decisions which adhere us closer to Jesus.

Perhaps we should ask ourselves these questions. What is making me anxious today? How can I let that anxiety go so that I can better attach myself to my savior, my friend, Jesus? Perhaps some time in Adoration on Tuesday might be a quiet place without distraction to ask those questions. Perhaps visiting the Sacrament of Reconciliation might work. Perhaps carving out a few minutes for quiet prayer in the morning might work. Perhaps receiving Jesus in Eucharist is a good start. Perhaps getting your Marriage situation right in the Church would bring peace. Take a deep breath and take that anxiety to Jesus. If I can help in some way to bring about less anxiety in your life, let me know.

Praying for us ALL!

Jim Tokarsky

UNABLE to attend Mass

because of health issues or seclusion

from the pandemic?

Call ME

at the Parish Office. I can be very creative in getting you or your

loved one the Eucharist!

Also, Fr. Paul is

flexible in hearing confessions by

appointment for those not leaving their



Parishioners received church envelopes for December in the mail as planned. (That was our trial run...and it worked well.) Unfortunately due to the Postal Service delays, many have yet to receive their January/February envelopes. Due to this, you may choose to use either online giving or you may use any envelope available with your name, address and the date. Envelopes may be brought to Mass or dropped in the slot next to the parish office door. Envelopes will be delivered by USPS to your homes from now on. All Blessings to you! Jim

Where are my Church envelopes?

Sacrificial Giving Summary January 23 & 24, 2021 Sunday Collection $ 7,267.00


Maintenance $ 195.00

Solemnity of Mary 20.00

Initial Offering 50.00

Latin America Collection 757.00

TOTAL $ 8,289.00

Our prayers and condolences are extended to the following families and friends who have

To Don Rottari and Family on the death of his Sister,

Pauline Blivens


To Rich Piskur & Family on the death of his Parents,

Jon & Jeraldine Piskur

May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace … AMEN!

If you requested your family’s contribution statement, they will be sent, as requested, after the end of the month. Please contact either Betty or Kathie in the Parish Office to request your statement and/or update your records if you have experienced changes, such as: 1. If you have moved and haven’t let the Church know. 2. You have disconnected your home phone and are now using

only your cell phone for phone calls at home. 3. Your email has changed or you’ve never filed your email with

the parish. 4. You DO NOT wish to receive envelopes because you now

give on line. 5. Have had family changes such as an infant that hasn’t been

registered yet, or children who are 21 or older or have moved out on their own. (Please encourage them to register as an adult member of our parish , if they are local, or the parish they attend.)

Thank you for your help in this matter.

Please... N




Update Your



Ash Wednesday Is

February 17, 2021

Please bring your old palms to be burned for this years ashes. Please place in the cauldron in

the Gathering Space.

Checks payable to: St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church

SEND PYMT & REG to: Joan Washburn

3968 East State Rd., Port Clinton, OH., 43452

[email protected] 1-865-696-7809