70 Things to Always Remember

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  • 7/31/2019 70 Things to Always Remember


    70 Things To Always Remember:


    1.To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might bethe world.

    2. Your presence is a present to the world.3. You are unique and one of a kind.4. Your life can be what you want it to be.5. Take the days just one at a time.6. Count your blessings, not your troubles.7.You will make it through whatever comes along.8. Within you are so many answers.9.Do not put limits on yourself.10.Decisions are too important to leave to chance.11.Reach for your peak, your goal and your prize.12.Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.13.The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets.14.Do not take things too seriously.15.Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.16.Remember that a little love goes a long way. Remember that a lot

    goes forever.17.Remember that friendship is a wise investment.18.Lifes treasure are people together.19.Realize that it is never too late.20. Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.21.Have hearth and hope and happiness.22. Life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% of how you respond

    to it.23. Dont be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you

    can always carry easily.24. Take the time to wish upon a star.25. Words are windows to the heart.26. You are richer today if you have laughed, given or forgiven.27.

    I dont have to attend every argument Im invited to.28. Life is like an onion; you peel off one layer at a time andsometimes you weep.

    29. Learn from the mistakes of others. You cant live long enough tomake them all yourself.

    30. A good example is the best sermon.31.No one is easier to deceive than oneself.32. The greatest fault of all is to be conscious of none.

  • 7/31/2019 70 Things to Always Remember


    33. Love is understanding, acceptance, and tenderness. If it tries tostrangle and possess, it is not love.

    34. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.35. The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power within us.36. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting

    the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we willknow how to be grateful for that gift.

    37.When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times welook so long at the closeddoor that we dont see the one which hasbeen opened for us.

    38. The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch andswing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it wasthe best conversation youve ever had.

    39. Its true that we dontknow what weve got until we lose it, butits also true that we dont know what weve been missing until it

    arrives.40. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be

    what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chanceto do all the things you want to do.

    41.Always put yourself in others shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, itprobably hurts the other person, too.

    42. The happiest of people dont necessarily have the best ofeverything; they just make the most of everything that comes alongtheir way.

    43. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around youwas smiling.

    44. Live your life so that when you die, youre the one who is smilingand everyone around you is crying.

    45. Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than themind.

    46. You cant change the past, but you can ruin the present byworrying over the future.

    47.Love and you shall be loved.48. All people smile in the same language.49. A hug is a great gift..one size fits all. It can be given for any

    occasion and its easy to exchange.50. Everyone needs to be lovedespecially when they do not deserve

    it.51.The real measure of a mans wealth is what he has invested in love.52. Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it.53. Its important for parents to live the same things they teach.

  • 7/31/2019 70 Things to Always Remember


    54. If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries oftomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

    55.Happy memories never wear out. relive them as often as you want.56. Home is the place where we grumble the most, but are often

    treated the best.

    57.The choice you make today will usually affect tomorrow.58. Take time to laugh for it is the music of the soul.59. If anyone speaks badly of you, live so none will believe it.60. Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like

    stripping your gears.61.Love is strengthened by working through conflicts together.62. The best thing parents can do for their children is to love each

    other.63. Harsh words break no bones but they do break hearts.64. To get out of a difficulty, one usually must go through it.65. We take for granted the things that we should be giving thanks

    for.66. Love is the only thing that can be divided without being

    diminished.67.Happiness is enhanced by others but does not depend upon others.68. For every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60

    seconds of happiness that you can never get back.69. Do what you can, for who you can, with what you have, and