7 useful tools to achieve your writing goals


Transcript of 7 useful tools to achieve your writing goals

Here again, the main focus

stays on using the paradox

therapy and this is some-

thing that is highly recom-

mended for writers who are

seeking some tips and tools

for writing.

Vision Boards

Vision boards are a great tool to in-

spire you. If your writing goal is to

be a best-selling author, find the

‘word’ best-selling author and cut it

out or make it in Photoshop (or

some other program). Find a pic-

ture of a blank book cover and

write the title of your book on it

with your name on it.

Did you know Dr. Wayne Dyer al-

ways has his publisher, HayHouse,

make him a preliminary book cov-

er? He puts the book cover on an-

other book and looks at it every

time he writes. Try this technique.

FYI: Dr. Dyer has published

many books, DVDs, CDs, etc.

some of which have been translat-

ed into different languages.

Let Go

If you squeeze your goals to death,

you’ll kill them. Relax, breathe, and

let go of your goals. Intuitive spir-

itual coach Colette Baron-Reid often

says, “That which is yours can’t be

taken away from you.” Remember,

make sure you want to reach the

goals you’ve set for yourself.


To get your mind off your goals and

give back to your community at the

same time, volunteer at your favorite

charitable organization. I volunteered

for The Arizona Humane Society and

loved it. I started as a dog walker but

started helping with events and be-

came a camp counselor in the Humane

Education department. It was a lot of



You may have heard of affirmations, which

are positive statements that you say to your-

self. In order for affirmations to work, you

must believe in them. You must feel them; oth-

erwise, you’ll be repeating a bunch of words

over and over that don’t mean anything.

Check out this post on affirmations for writers

which can help you get started using affirma-

tions to reach your writing goals. Remember

‘to feel’ the statements as you say them.


Yes, you can meditate. All it

takes is 10-15 minutes per day.

Find a quiet space in your home

and zone out. Let all of your

thoughts go and focus on your


Prayer You may not be into prayer and that’s fine.

But for writers who are, I’d like to give you a

guide on ‘how to’ pray.

When I say prayer, I’m not talking about the,

“Dear God (Universal Source, Universal In-

telligence, etc.), I would like to be a pub-

lished, best-selling author. If this happens, I

promise I’ll be nicer to my ex-husband.” This

won’t work. And you may want to be nicer to

your ex-husband to build up ‘good’ karma.

Try a prayer like this…

Dear (fill in the blank),

Help me to release my writing goals and al-

low everything to unfold in the perfect time.

I place my book, screenplay, freelance writ-

ing business, ghost writing business, etc. on

the altar and release it to you. With your

help, I know I’ll reach my writing goals.

This is just an example. You can say any

prayer you want as long as it’s NOT the

good ol’ “give me this, and I’ll give you

that” type of bargaining prayer.

Journaling Go to the store and purchase a couple of

journals, even notebooks will do. You

can journal in the morning, night, or

both. Write about your day and get eve-

rything out of your system. Vent about

the client that always changes a dead-

line. Vent about how your kids or family

members that are driving your nuts.

Clear your emotions. By the way…

Clarity can do wonders for your writing.

Now that you got everything out of your system, write

down your writing goals for the next three months, six

months, or one year. Think about what you’d like to ac-

complish. What do you see yourself writing? Where do

you want to be? Get all of your goals out of your head

and onto the pages of your journal.

Finally, put your journal away until the next day when

you’ll read what you wrote. You may discover that the

writing goals you wrote ARE NOT the ones you want

to reach after all. This is okay. Begin again by thinking

about your writing and what you’d like to bring to peo-

ple. What does your writing look like? What does it feel

like? Be honest.

What to do Right Now Clear your mind of negative thoughts by

CHOOSING thoughts and beliefs about your

writing and or being a published author or

well-paid freelance, ghost or creative writer

that feel good. Don’t try to control your

thoughts because you’ll become frustrated.

Grab a pen and paper or open a blank Word

document and start writing and or typing

your writing goals. Review your list and revise

it until you are 100% certain you want to

reach every goal on it.

You can reach your writing goals

without much effort. There’s no need

to struggle, push, or pull. You don’t

even have to work hard. All it takes is

focus, discipline, determination, and

perseverance to reach your writing


Remember, you may not reach your

writing goals tomorrow, but you’ll

reach them by taking inspired action,

believing you can reach your goals,

and visualizing the ‘end’ result.

What are you waiting for? Start

thinking about your writing

goals or visit the ones you have.

Don’t procrastinate.

Grab your laptop, iPad, net-

book, or pen and paper and com-

pile a list of writing goals.

Start right now!
