7 Pc Marketing Internet Mkt

7 Pc marketing Internet Mkt Executive Summary Today marketing is one of the primary concerns of the organization. The question is that which type of marketing will be beneficial for that organization. Today there is large scope for marketing fields and most profitable marketing channels. Internet marketing is one of such marketing medium. My project is all about Internet Marketing. Today in the era of globalization every business tries to reach out global. They want to show their product, service or idea to the world. Internet marketing gives them such ability and accessibility. My project explains how this marketing is important in today’s world of business. It answers of the following important questions. 1. How internet marketing is important in today’s world? 1. How it should be designed? 1


7 p of market

Transcript of 7 Pc Marketing Internet Mkt

7 Pc marketing Internet MktExecutive SummaryToday marketing is one of the primary concerns of the organization. The question is that hich type of marketing i!! "e "eneficia! for that organization. Today there is !arge scope for marketing fie!ds and most profita"!e marketing channe!s. Internet marketing is one of such marketing medium. My pro#ect is a!! a"out Internet Marketing. Today in the era of g!o"a!ization every "usiness tries to reach out g!o"a!. They ant to sho their product$ service or idea to the or!d. Internet marketing gives them such a"i!ity and accessi"i!ity. My pro#ect exp!ains ho this marketing is important in today%s or!d of "usiness. It ansers of the fo!!oing important questions.&. 'o internet marketing is important in today%s or!d(&. 'o it shou!d "e designed(). 'o to carry "usiness on internet(*. +hat are the various strategies for internet marketing(,. 'o #oint ventures he!p in internet marketing(This pro#ect tries to cover a!! the aspects of internet marketing.1I-.E/Sr.noContents Page No.17 p's of marketing on the internet082Understanding the internet customers113The information super highway 134 Brand ui!ding on the internet1""Traditiona! marketing #s$ internet marketing20%Bui!ding an effecti#e sa!es we site&217'ffecti#e sa!es copy288 (rdering processes and payment types 402)Using the power of e*mai!4710+uto*responders"311Use of search engine "712 ,tarting in*demand news!etter%%13-oint #entures in i*marketing701" .onc!usion73347 P's of Marketing on the InternetThe four P's - Product, Price, Place and Promotion hae long !eenassociated"ithmarketing, !ut thingshaechangedontheInternet. #oalong "ith a change in the nature of the four P$s there are three ne" P$s"hich are releant to the internet marketer.1. ProductontheInternet usuall%changes formonline, andtheusere&'eriences it electronicall%, in the form of te&t, images andmultimedia. Ph%sical goods areusuall%'resentedintheformof adetailed online catalogue that the customer can !ro"se through.Technolog% allo"s the user to irtuall% touch and feel the 'roduct ontheInternet -rotateit, (oominor(oomout andeenisuali(ethe'roduct in different configurations and com!ination.Contentandsoftwareare t"o aatars of digiti(ed 'roducts that can !e eendistri!uted oer the Internet. )n the Internet, *-marketing "ill !e !asedmore on the 'roduct +ualities rather than on the 'rice. *er% com'an%"ill !e a!le to !ring do"n the cost of its 'roducts and hencecom'etition "ill not !e on 'rice. It "ill rather !e on the uni+ueness ofthe'roduct.To!ea!letoattractthecustomersandretainthem, thecom'an% "ill hae to 'roide nouelle and distinct 'roducts that forcesthe net users to 'urchase and come !ack for more.2. Price has !een drasticall% changed oer the Internet. It lets the !u%erdecides the 'rice. ,lso it gies the !u%ers information a!out multi'lesellers selling the same 'roduct. It leads to !est 'ossi!le deal for the!u%ers in terms of 'rice. , "e!site named Priceline.com is e&tremel%-'o'ular as its com'ares the 'rice of man% airlines and offers the least'rice to the !u%er. Pricing is d%namic oer the Internet. 3. P!ace reoles around setting u' of a marketing channel to reach thecustomer. Internet seres as a direct marketing channel that allo"s the'roducer to reach the customer directl%. The elimination of theintermediate channel allo"s the 'roducer to 'ass the reduceddistri!ution cost to the customer in the form of discounts.4. Promotion is e&tremel% necessar% to entice the customer to its "e!site,astherearecurrentl%morethanone!illion"e!'ages. Promotinga"e!siteincludes!othonlineandofflinestrategies. )nlinestrategiesinclude searchengine o'timi(ation, !anner ads, multi'le 'oints ofentr%, iral marketing, strategic 'artnershi'andaffiliate marketing.Presentl%,thec%!ers'aceisalread%cluttered"iththousandsofsites'ro!a!l%sellingsimilar'roducts. .orthecustomerstokno"ofthe/om'an%$s e&istence and to garner information on the kind of 'roductsor serices that the com'an% is offering, 'romotion has to !e carriedout. There can !e traded links or !anner adertisements for the same.,lso the traditional mediums like 'rint, outdoor adertising andteleision can !e used to s'read a"areness.0-. Presentation The 'resentation of the online !usiness needs to hae aneas% to use naigation. The look and the feel of the "e! site should !e!ased on cor'orate logos and standards. ,!out 123 of the 'eo'le readonl%223of the"e!'age. Therefore, the"e!'ageshouldnot !ecluttered "ith a lot of information. ,lso, sim'le !ut 'o"erfulnaigational aids on all "e! 'ages like search engines make it eas% forcustomer to find their "a% around.0. Processes /ustomer su''orts needs to !e integrated into the online "e!site. , sales serice that "ill !e a!le to ans"er the +uestions of theircustomers fast and in a relia!le manner is necessar%. To further enhanceafter sales serice, customers must !e a!le to find out a!out their orderstatus after the sale has !een made. .or e.g. .ed*& 4""".fede&.com5,the oernight /ourier /om'an% allo"s its customers to kee' track ofthe 'arcel and the% are "ell informed a!out the 'resent "herea!outs oftheir 'ackage. 7. Persona!ization6sing the latest soft"are from7road-8ision andothers, it is 'ossi!le to customi(e the entire "e! site for eer% singleuser, "ithout an% additional costs. The mass customi(ation allo"s thecom'an% to create "e! 'ages 'roducts and serices that suit there+uirement of the user. , customi(ed "e! 'age does not onl% includethe 'referred la%out of the customer !ut also a 're selection of goodsthe customer ma% !e interested in. .or e.g. 9ahoo: 4""".%ahoo.co.in5entered the Indian c%!ers'ace and started its 'ersonali(ed serices. ,registered user of 9ahoo can no" 'ersonali(e the front 'age "ith the allthe information he needs. ;e can read the ne"s of the "orld, add a ta&7calculator, see the "eather forecasts of his cit% and listen to his faoritesongs and all this simultaneousl%. 6nderstanding the Internet /ustomerse! as an entertainment mediumof ast !reath and 'otential and "ant to e&'lore the medium !efore themass gets there. DirectedBuyers= The%"ant to!u%something-no".The%aresure"hat the% re+uire and ?ust log on to the >e! to 'urchase the item.1The Pur'ose of Internet usage inIndia.The volving !alue "ropositionsThe alue 'ro'ositions of goods and serices offered in the 'h%sical "orlddiffer 'ointedl%fromthoseinthedigital "orld. Theultimateaimof theuniersal marketer is to 'roide a com'lete end-to-end consumere&'erience---right from the 'romise to satisf% his need to its delier%. 7ut the'h%sical "orld offers onl% @Point #olutionsA "hich is !asicall% a solution ofhis needs in terms of functional !enefits. , credit card, for instance, allo"sconsumerstosatisf%theimmediatenecessit%ofsettingatransaction. 7uttoda%$sconsumersarealsolookingfor 'rocessandrelationshi'!enefit---!ook referrals at no e&tra cost or e-mail reminders. The 'h%sical "orld is nota!le to delier these !enefits !ecause of ga's in time, s'ace and memor%. The"e!, on the other hand 'roides all of these and more 4@reerse marketing, fore&am'le, "here consumers seek out endors rather than the other "a%aroundA5 !% giing the com'an% the o"nershi' and control oer allinteractions "ith the consumer.BThe Information #u'er ;igh"a% Thereis areasontheInternet has !eendeemedCThe Information#u'er;igh"a%C D the entire medium is !ased on the conce't of instant access toinformation: *er% da% there are millions of us online e-mailing friends and!usiness associates, seeking financial serices, looking for medicalinformation, checking real estate listings, chatting on ne"sgrou's, looking for"eather forecasts, researching 'roducts and serices... the list is endless: Itsno"ondertheInternet isreolutioni(ingthe"a%"euseinformation:)'en24/ 7da%sa"eek, theInternet has!ecomeakindofInformation/onenience #tore "here "e can instantl% find "hateer "e need "ith er%little effort. .or instance if "e are selling a !ook sa% EInternet Marketing$ 'riced at F-2"hich costs us a mere F3 and still the customer is 'a%ing for it. )ur customersarenot'a%ingfortheCalueCofthe!ookitselfDthe%are'a%ingforthealue of the information "e 'roide: Information 'roducts hae the follo"ing adantages=Information products are easy to produce#There are almost no costs involved in pu$lishing an informationproduct# Information products can $e delivered electronically#12Delivery is instant#%e can automate our $usiness entirely through e&commerce# If wearesellingaproduct that re'uiresphysical delivery( thenourgoalshould $e to minimi)e the associated pro$lems so that they $ecome a non&issue for the consumer when they are making their $uying decision# %e can do this $y: *fferingfreedelivery+"erhapswithpurchasesoveracertaindollar figure,- *ffering a wide variety of delivery options including overnightcourier and economical .snail mail#.nsuring that our product is delivered in a timely fashionDo /*T run out of stock & this is 0ust $ad $usiness# The !ottom line is that "hen "e are 'roiding a serice the "a% "e can !eahead of the com'etitors is !% 'roiding something 0E/T12%. That E*&tra$can !e some free item, additional serice, discountG or an%thing, "hich can!e useful to our direct customers. 11 7rand 7uilding on the Internet.or the /om'an% on the c%!ers'ace, their "e! site is their most im'ortant!rand. The seen P$s of *-marketing mentioned earlier not onl% hae to tr%andmake!usiness successful !ut alsodo!rand!uildinginthe'rocess.,ma(on.comnot onl%sells 'racticall%eer%thingunder thesun!ut alsoconsciousl% aims to !uild a strong !rand. The im'ortance of haing a strong!rand hardl% needs em'hasis as the >all #treet has made most dotcom-ers,!illionaires. The success formu!a is /01(2U.T3 4 5'6T1+7 Starting our Own Hot Product or Service idea: The ke% 'arameters to !e considered "hen coming u' "ith our o"n 'roductor serice are= %hat are we interested in, %hat are we passionate a$out,12 %hat su$0ect or topic do we have a lot of knowledge a$out, %hat are people always coming to us for advice a$out, Some of the product ideas are as follows: &. .eve!op a ne product or service !% researching 'otential com'etitors inour area of interest to find out "hat their !est-selling 'roduct is... and figureout a "a% to im'roe on it:). 3heck out the nesgroups$ discussion "oards$ and chat rooms "here ourtarget market hangs out and accordingl% ask their o'inion a!out theire&'ectation from a 'articular 'roduct or serice. *.If"ealread%haeane&istingcustomer!ase, "eshoulddoane4mai!survey5 #ure%s are not onl% a great "a% to im'roe on an% e&isting 'roductor serice "e ma% offer, the% are also a great "a% to discoer fresh 'roduct orserice ideas.Infact( statisticshaveshownthat ourcurrent client $aseis&agoldmine### and that as many as 123 of the people who have $ought somethingfrom us previously will $uy again if we have something similar to offer#,. 3heck out consumer revie e" sitesto find out what people like anddislike 4 a$out our competitors4 products#Some of these we$sites are:http:55www#consumerreview#comhttp:55www#consumersearch#com13http:55www#epinions#com5.JoinanAffiliateProgramandpromotesomeoneelse4s product for areferral fee# The advantage is we don4t ever worry a$out###Collecting the money"ackaging the productShipping the productCustomer service... or an%thing else for that matter: >e ?ust do the 'romotion and collect ourreferral fee from the resulting sales: 6. 3ompi!eacertaintypeof informationandthenpackageit as ane7ook.7. 8neof theeasiest p!aces to!ookforproduct ideas is inouronindustry. 9es it is "e "ho are the !est "ho kno" a!out our o"n industr% andcan right reall% useful data for others to refer regarding our industr%..or e&am'le, if "e "ere in the cellular 'hone industr%, "e might kno"that ne" #ales 'eo'le reall% need a +uick-reference training manual that listsall of the features and !enefits of cell 'hones. 9.,notherreall%'o"erful'roduct ideaistolocatea'ro!lem... andthendeelo'a 'roduct or serice tosole it )Hinother "ords conducting0-I3'E M21:ETI-; 8- T'E -ET% indo"s B- 4or higher5 and a sound card. &=. 2 nes!etter is a great ay to earn a !arge income very quick!y. Infact, ifourne"slettercoersanin-demandto'icand"e!uildu'alargesu!scri!er !ase, "e could 'otentiall% take adantage of numerous streams ofreenue including="aid su$scriptions6dvertising"roduct promotionsSelling our customer data$ase &&. 3reate a >Tip4of4the4.ay> -es!etter. If we have valua$le information that will solve a pro$lem or fill a need( thenwe may $e a$le to set up our very own .tip&of&the&day. newsletter( sharing a'uick tid$it of information with our su$scri$ers every day## for a small fee( ofcourse# .or e&am'le, if "e are a stock!roker "e could "rite an @Investment Tip of the .ay? ne"sletter. )r if "e are a real estate agent, "e could set u' a ti' of the da% ne"sletter called CIncreasing )ur Pro'ert% 8alueA, each da% giing 'eo'le ne" tricks and ideas for increasing the alue of their home.1- &). Se!! unique or hard to find products on auction e" sites. Eg: %e can sell some of the anti'ues( which are availa$le easily in our area$ut are hard to find elsewhere and command a good price# &*. 3reate an on!ine community and se!! mem"erships and advertising. Eg:www.harrycool.comis acool sitefor funlovingsurfers onthenetstarted 0ust in 7887 and having a customer data$ase of 7888 hits every dayand managed $y a single individual with )ero investment#T12.ITI8-2@ 2.A. BT2C I-TE1-ET 2.A. BI2C T, is static. It is d%namic "ith multimedia- su''orting te&t and gra'hics ideo sound all together. #'ace is not a restricting factor #'ace is a 'ro!lem, as regards si(e of the !anners etc. The 'ro'ortion of adertising to editorial is high sometimes -2=-2. , "e! 'age "ould !e B13 editorial and B3 adertising. Loes not eoke immediate action. Inokes immediate action as %ou at-least need to click on the ad. Hes'onse to the action is not immediate. .irst res'onse is immediate as "hen the user clicks, the 'erson is directed 10to other "e! 'age "ith more details. ,dertisements are 'assiel% receied. The user has high attention leel and concentration "hile using the net, and hence the% notice the ad. 4'lease refer the cha'ter5 ,dertising does not al"a%s target a much focused audience. This can !e much focused. ,dertisements are u!i+uitous. ,dertisements catch users "hen the%are on the lookout for some thing. .or e&am'le the search is for trael on a search engine there are ads of trael agents on the net. Lifficult to track the e&act num!er of 'eo'le "ho sa" the adertisement. This is +uite 'ossi!le "ith Internet adertisements. ,ds are gra'hic intensie and aoid co'% oerload. 7oth co'% and gra'hics are restricted !% the !anner si(e s'ecifications. The costs "ould !e 'rohi!itie to reach a glo!al audience. There are no such constraints. 7uilding an *ffectie #ales >e! #ite:17 If "e "ant to do !usiness online, then "e need a "e! site. )ur "e! site "ill !e our adertisement, our storefront, our customer serice re'resentatie, our sales 'erson, and our cash register. )ur "e! site is our !usiness: #o no matter "hat Internet marketing techni+ues "e choose to em'lo%, our"e! site "ill ultimatel% !e our ke% to success online. The 'hrase >surfing the -et? suggests ho" isitors to our site a''roach theInternet in generalM the% come in, sniff around, and moe on. If "e don't snag them immediatel% "e "ill lose them foreer. That's "h% it is so im'ortant that "e 'a% careful attention to eer% as'ect ofour "e! site deelo'ment. If customers don't stick around, to !u% "hat "e areto offer !ecause our "e! site loads at a snail's 'ace... it's too cluttered... toohard to read... or difficult to naigate, "e "on't get a second chance: , "ell-designed "e! site is an integral 'art of a successful sales 'rocess. Choosing a Web Host:11 >e sim'l% cannot afford to do !usiness "ith an un'rofessional "e! hostingcom'an%M it "ill cost usc!ients$ revenue$ and credi"i!ity. )nce "e'e lostthese three essentials, "e hae nothing left... nothing !ut a massie headachethat is:>e need to do our research and find a relia!le hosting com'an%. Kust thinka!out ho" man% hundreds of thousands of dollars it could cost us if... )ur site goes do"n for ?ust 2-3 hours a month >e are forced to s'end da%s chasing their technical su''ort stafffor an ans"er to a critical +uestion There is a hard"are failure and "e lose all of our informationincluding our site content ... and the list goes on and on. It can literall% cost us our !usiness: ,nd remem!er... oure" host is responsi"!e formaking thatvita!connection "eteen us and our customers, so !e sure that "e take the timeto get to kno" them "ell !efore signing an% contracts or agreements. Purchasing 2 .omain -ameD1B Therearethreekeyreasons"h%"eneedto'urchaseour o"ndomainname= 15 )ur "e! host cannot hold our hostage: >e can easil% moe our domainname to another host. 25 #hould"e!eforcedtomoeour "e!sitefromonehost toanother,customers "ill still automaticall% find us !ecause our domain name has notchanged. 35 If "e hae a CslickC domain name, it can entice 'eo'le surfing the "e! toisit our site !efore someone else's. .or e&am'le, let's sa%"e'erformedasearchfor theke%"ordsCInternet!usiness marketingC in a search engine, and receied the follo"ing results= htt'=JJ""".nm!msinternetcomhtt'=JJ""".internetusage.comhtt'=JJ""".internetmarketing.com >hich one "ould "e go to firstN )!iousl% "e'd head tohtt'=JJ""".internetmarketing.com. The domain name lets us kno" that thissite is definitel% related to our search. >e need to get our o"n domain name and get it +uick.-. The% are goingH*,II9.,#T: It isgettingharder andharder tofindreall%goodones.22,!out --0 %ears ago, "hen the Internet "as still er% ne", a fe" 'eo'le sa"ano''ortunit%.Hel%ingontheideathat theInternet"asgoingto!ecomemassie, the% started !u%ing u' domain names. >h%N #o "hen the Internetdid !ecome huge - and the large cor'orations decided it "as time to ca'itali(eonthisne"marketingmediumDthe%couldturnaroundandsell thesedomain names for 1,222 times the 'rice the% 'aid: Imagineif"ehad'urchased""".m'3.comor""".gam!ling.com"henthe% first !ecame aaila!le: >e "ould !e a millionaire toda% "ith almost no"ork or inestment on our 'art. The domain ."usiness.com recentl% sold for F7.- million: ."ingo.com sold for F1,222,222: .a!!Street.com also sold for F1 million dollars ... and the list goes onand on. .o It Eourse!f vs. 'iring 8utD Prepare to do everything yourse!f5 7ecause "e "ill initiall% !e testing man% different ideas on our "e! 'agesandchangingour site+uitefre+uentl%,"eshouldmakeaneffort tolearn;TMI. That "a%, "e "ill e "ill !e forced to "ait until our >e!master has a s'aremoment to make the changes for us. 25 >e cannot make the +uantit% of changes "e "ill need to. If "e hae to askour "e! master to make these changes each time, then "e "ill not !e a!le tomake as man% ad?ustments as "e "ould 'ro!a!l% like. 35 >e cannot e&'ect the changes to !e made the "a% "e 'ictured !ecause the'rogrammerma%haeadifferent understandingof"hat "earetr%ingcoaccom'lish. 45 It's reall% e&'ensie to do !usiness this "a%: These changes "ill cost us an>armanda!eg?-andall for"orkthat "ecouldhaedoneourselffor.H**: Iearning;TMIiseasier thanit might sound. 6nlikelearning.renchorother language, most of it is self-e&'lanator%. >e can use a lot of ;TMI editors, and these t"o are !% for the !asic .reameaver""".macromedia.comJsoft"areJdream"eaerJ +e" Site .esign Strategies for The Serious Entrepreneur 22;ere are a fe" rules that "e should follo" "hen deelo'ing and maintainingour "e! site=&C It must "e fast !oading.)C3o!!ect e4mai! addresses andmake agooddata"asesoas tomaintain regu!ar contact ith our customers*C @imit our visitorsF choices on the main page,C -ever inc!ude !inks to re!ated sites on our main page.GC It must "e simp!e to navigate.6C 7e consistent.7C 7e ise hen using co!ored text.9C 7e carefu! hen choosing co!ored "ackgrounds. our e" site5 ))C'yper4!ink to our sa!es message5)*C:eep our purpose in focus at a!! times5*ffectie #ales co'% .ar too man% hen "riting %our sales co'%, direct %our "ords to"ards one s'ecific 'erson. 6se "ords like C%ouC and C%ourC rather than CthemC or Ctheir.C >rite as if %ou are s'eaking "ith ?ust one'erson -- one on one. >rite to 'ersuade, that's the !ottom line.20*. Hse the fo!!oing advertising formu!a hen riting your e"site sa!es !etterD, - ,ttention - 6se a 'o"erful headline that demands attentionI - Interest - Intrigue interest and create curiosit%L - Letail - Proide details a!out %our 'roduct or serice, - ,ction - /all for action ,. 7ui!ding Eour 3ustomers Trust Man% Internet users are a''rehensie "hen it comes to making a 'urchase on the Internet. 9ou must 'ut their mind at ease !% dis'la%ing %our full name, com'an% name and contact information. In addition, %ou must com'letel% remoe their risk. Proide %our 'otential customers "ith a solid, no risk, mone% !ack guarantee. This "ill 'ut their mind at ease !% !uilding their confidence in %ou and %our 'roduct. In addition, include some of %our testimonials "ithin %our sales letter. Make sure %ou don't create a se'arate 'age for %our testimonials, as the% most likel% "on't !e read. Place %our testimonials throughout %our sales letter to ensure their isi!ilit%.G. 2nser the Juestion$ >+hat%s in it for me(>Oiller salesco'% doesn't focus on the features of our 'roduct or serice. It focuses on ho" the isitor "ill !enefit from these features. This is asu!tle difference that 'eo'le regularl% miss "hen "riting their salesletter. Iet me gie an e&am'le that "ill illustrate this 'oint.27 )ur friend ,nil has decided to scan marketing his office chairs online. ;e !uilds his "e! site and 'osts a salesletter that sa%s= F'iF e shou!d "uy my office chairs "ecause they are the "est in the industry. My chairs are made from soft !eather$ theyFre rea!!y sturdy$ and theyFre easy to ad#ust. They on!y cost KG==$ so "uy one today5> e'll sigh "ith relief the first time "e sit do"n and settle !ack against the silk% soft leather... ,nd "e'll !e thrilled "ith the eas%-to-ad?ust height and !ack su''ort that make !eing comforta!le incredi!l% eas%: This +ualit% is un'aralleled in the industr%... ,nd the ama(ing 'art is, our chairs cost F122 less than our ne&t closest com'etitor: #o not onl% do our chairs sae us mone%... the% hel' "e aoid the e&cessie discomfort of !ack 'ain caused !% sitting in an uncomforta!le chair: Thanks to our chairs, "e can no" leae "ork each da% feeling read% to en?o%our eening off. Plus, "e'll sae time using our eas%-to- ad?ust height and 21!ack su''ort- >h% "ould "e "ant to struggle "ith a"k"ard leers that don't reall% do the ?o!, "hen "e could !e sitting !ack, rela&ed in one of our chairsNC ;ere "e see, ans"ering the +uestion, > +hatFs in it for me(? is all a!out informing 'eo'le ho" our 'roduct or serice could sae them time... sae them mone%... reduce #tress in their lies... hel' them to im'roe their relationshi's, etc.... *m'hasi(e !enefits and sole 'ro!lems: Make this the focus of eer%thing "e "rite, on eer% 'age of our "e! site. Lon't tr% to #*II isitors the 'roduct or serice... ;*IP them: 6. Educate 8ur Aisitors7% taking the time to educate the consumer, "e are !uilding credi!ilit%. >e are 'resenting ourself as an e&'ert in our field - someone "ho is kno"ledgea!le and trust"orth%: ,nd once our isitors trust us, the% "ill !u% from us:.or e&am'le, if "e "ere selling an e&ercise ideo, "e "ould "ant to e&'lain to our isitors e&actl% ho" using our 'roduct "ould im'roe their lies. >e "ould also "ant to let them kno" "hat makes our ideo !etter than the others that are currentl% on the market. Perha's a s'ecial team of doctors 2Bdesigned our e&ercises, or 'erha's our ideo contains motiating, current music instead of old sho" tunes. 7. Esta"!ish 3redi"i!ity and .eve!op 1apportHa''ort is er% im'ortant: Part of "hat "ill dra" our isitors through our co'% is the 'ersonal relationshi' that "e deelo' "ith them. The sooner "e esta!lish credi!ilit% and deelo' ra''ort, the sooner our isitors "ill !egin to trust and acce't "hat "e are telling them. >e see, !% !eing u'-front "ith our isitors a!out "ho "e are, the% "ill feel more comforta!le doing !usiness "ith us. The% "ill !e less likel% to think that "e are hiding something from them or that there must !e a CcatchA. 9. :no our 2udience BMarket SegmentationCIt is criticall% im'ortant that "e hae a clear idea of "hom "e are tr%ing to sell our 'roduct or serice to. Ono" our target market: >hat do the%needN >hat do the% "antN >ho are the%N ;o" old are the%N >hat kind of education do the% haeN >hat are their re+uirementsN >e should kee' our target market in focus at all times "hen "riting our salesco'% >e can't sell to eer%one, so should not "aste our time and mone% tr%ing.32 hen "riting our salesco'%, "e should !e sure that "e transfer o"nershi' to the reader !% using the "ords ''%ouA and C%our.A This makes our "riting muchmore 'ersonal:.or e&am'le, "e should sa% things like,C9our "idget "ill !e deliered in - da%s...C32C9ou "ill learn...CC9ou "ill receie...C&,. Make 8ur Sa!es Message ExcitingMake our co'% e&citing !% using Cglamour "ordsC that 'i+ue the reader's interest.#ome e&am'les of "ords that motiate 'eo'le to !u% are= Ioe, #afe, e'e all !een !urned !efore- - - and eer% time it ha''ens, it !ecomes harder for us to trust an%one. Suarantees hel' to alleiate an% an&iet% the customer ma% !e feeling a!out ordering from us. If "e are marketing a +ualit% 'roduct or serice, then "e should not !e afraid to !ack it u'.34 &e "ant our customers to !e a!le to sli'through our order form like a greased 'ig on a "ater slide. The first thing that a isitor "ill do "hen the% arrie at our "e! site is scrolldo"nthe'age. Ifthe%seeanorderformatthe!ottom, thegameisoer.>e'e ?ust told them that "e're a!out to tr% and sell them something. Peop!e come on!ine to research$ not to "uy5 #o"e"ant our salesletter toa''ear likeanarticlefull offreeti'sandinformation... not a hard-core Csales 'itchA.37 ,t the !ottom of our salesletter, "e should include one link to our order form.It should !e su!tle and incons'icuous in nature. .or e&am'le= >3!ick here no" to receie this s'ecial offerA If "e "ant to capture the "usiness of every "uyer "ho arries at our orderform, then "e need to offer a "ide assortment of 'a%ment o'tions. /oer allof the !ases !% including= &C .irect on!ine ordering via a secure server.)C 2n 9== num"er avai!a"!e ), hours a day$ seven days a eek ith !iveoperators.*C 2n order form hich customers can print out and fax or mai! in. &. 2utomation 4 'o does it ork(>eshouldhae a com'letel%automateds%stem"hichcan'erformthefollo"ing tasks.15 The credit card is a''roed in Creal timeC "hile the customer "aits for afe" moments. 3125 The mone% is de'osited to m% merchant account.35 The order is e-mailed to a fulfillment com'an% "ho shi's the hard co'% ofthe !ook. 45 The customer is sent a confirmation of the order !% e-mail. ). 2ccept 3redit 3ards 4 8r our 7usiness +i!! Suffer 7% acce'ting credit cards "e gie our !usiness a measure ofcredi!ilit%D"e"on't a''ear likesome>heretoday$ gonetomorro>!asement o'eration. ,cce'tingcreditcardsonline"e"illactuall%makeour #o"aho!e!oteasier... >e"on't needtomakeas man%tri's tothe!ank!ecauseeer%thing is de'osited electronicall%.There is "a% less 'a'er"ork to do. >e "on't need to "orr% a!out !ounced checks D credit cardsare almost e+uialent to cash. Tracing orders for customer serice is reall% eas%. The most 'rofit is made from online orders !ecause "e're not'a%ingfeesfor lieo'erators"iththe122num!er... or "asting'recious time 'rocessing the manual order-form orders. ... and muchmore:3B 'o To ;et 2 Merchant 2ccount(15 Set ouro"n8isaJMaster/ardoran%otheraccounts"ithalocal!ank.25Set 8isaJMaster/ard or an% other accounts through a !roker.35;ire a fulfillment house and use their credit card accounts.*. 2dding Shopping 3arts to our site M Types$ 2dvantages So$ +hat Exact!y IS a Shopping 3art( , irtual sho''ing cart is a lot like the metal one at the grocer% store P "ith a"holelot offeaturesaddedon. Theirtual cart collectsthe'roductsthatisitors to our site hae an interest in 'urchasing, and sho''ers can CaddC orCremoeC items as the% 'lease, ?ust like "ith a real sho''ing cart. )nce the sho''ing cart hears !ack from the merchant account, it... &C Senerates a customer recei't and e-mails it to the customer, then)C#ends us a fa& or an encr%'ted e-mail that contains the customer detailsand order information.... ,nd at that 'oint, "e can fill the orders. 42.ifferent :inds of Shopping 3arts Thereareliterall%hundredsofsho''ingcartsaaila!lefor"etochoosefromM ho"eer, the% all t%'icall% fall into one of the follo"ing threecategories= &. 2SPsB2pp!icationServiceProvidersC'roidethesho''ingcart asaserice to us. The ,#P hosts the cart on their serer and gies us eer%thing"e need to run it. #igning u' "ith an ,#P is like 'a%ing someone to take careof the "hole 'rocess for us. ). Shopping cart softare is ?ust "hat it sounds like - soft"are that "e 'a%a flat fee to license. In this case, "e are res'onsi!le for installing and hostingthe a''lication ourself. *. 3ustomized shopping carts are ones that "e !uild ourself. In m% o'inion,there's noneedto"riteour o"nsho''ingcart soft"areunless "ehae8*H9 s'ecific needs and T)e can com'are the e-mail address to the IP address. If the% are from different sources, "ecan!e sure that somethingis not right andinestigate. >hen"ereceie a numerical IP address, "e can check it using such 'rograms as># Ping. )f course, there "ill !e times "hen "e do not get a matchingsite name. >hen this is the case, tr% 'honing etc... 11.Place anti4fraud notices on a!! of our on!ine order forms. 12.Hsethefree +hois@ookup Too!athtt'=JJ""".!etter"hois.comJtodetermine "ho o"ns the domain and "here the% are located. 13.3a!! the customer. 14..onFt "e afraid to get the authorities invo!ved436sing the Po"er of *-mail *-mail gies us the 'o"er to contact 'eo'le again and again, 'romoting our'roducts, our serice, our "e! site, "hateer "e like... for .H**: This is impossi"!e off!ine5 6nfortunatel%, too often this 'o"er goes to the heads of ne"!ie marketers. This is "here the trou!le !egins... and their !usiness ends: , 'oorl% designed e-mail cam'aign is a dangerous thing. >e can enrage B23of our e-mail list... "e can !e !om!ed, flamed, or een sued !% thousands of'eo'le 4er%, er% rare though5... "e can !e accused of s'amming and our I#Pcan cancel our account... and the list goes on: The key e!ements of a successful e-mail marketing cam'aign are= Three *-mail Marketing #trategies &C >e can e-mail our salesletterdirect!y to our customersandinclude link to our order form.44)C>e can use the >to4step> approach that inoles mailing aletter toour customerscontaininginformationthat "ill !eofinterest tothem... andthendirectingthem"ithalinktoouractual salesco'%.*C>e can e4mai! the "usinesses on!ine that dea! direct!y ithour target marketto discuss 'romotingJselling our 'roduct ontheir sites. @ink Partner Pro can assist us !% gathering targetede-mail addresses and names from related "e! sites, giing us the'o"er to e-mail them a!out 'ossi!le ?oint entures or links. Leelo'ing a #uccessful *-mail Marketing /am'aign >hateer method "e choose, there are some ke% ste's that "e need to follo" if "e "ant our e-mail cam'aign to !e successful. The ste's inoled are= Step &D E4mai! a >targeted> !ist of peop!e ho i!! "e interested in our offer )ur ?o! is e should focus our energ% on the 'eo'le "ho do: Those "hohaeo'ted-intoourmailinglist, ourcustomersandleads, andindiiduals"hohaere+uestedinformationfromour autores'onder areall e&cellent'ros'ects:4- Step )D Persona!ize each and every e4mai! Peo'le are more likel% to read 4as o''osed to delete5 e-mail that isaddressed s'ecificall%tothemand that 'resentstheir e-mail address intheCTo=C field There are a fe" 'rograms aaila!le that "ill take our customer data!ase ande-mail each address indiiduall%, 'ersonali(ing our letters so that "e receie amuch higher res'onse. There are t"o of these 'rograms that I highl% recommend= Mai!!oop and MyEmai! Manager.These e-mail and !usiness automation o'tions allo" us toautomateall of our e-mail chores, sothat "ecanfocus ongro"ingour!usiness rather than maintaining it.htt'=JJ""".marketingti's.comJmailloo'htt'=JJ""".M%*mailManager.com Step *D 8ur su"#ect !ine is key40 Soodsu!?ect lines4andheadlines5makethedifference!et"eene-mail that automaticall% hits the trash !in and e-mail that is o'ened and read.The ke% here is to em'hasi(e !enefits. #ome e&am'les of good su!?ect lines might !e= 89earn how we can safe!y !ose 30 pounds in 4 weeks&8 8:et etter rates on our mortgage using this secret trick&8 The headline>+hatFsinit for me(>It'sthe!est 'ullingheadlineJsu!?ectline !% far - it "orks like "ildfire: Step ,D Summarize our entire sa!es pitch ithin the first paragraphThefirst 'aragra'hshouldmakereferencetoour headline, !uildingfurther e&citement and motiating our 'otential customer to continue reading.Kust !ecause"e'econincedthemtoo'enthee-mail "ithacom'ellingsu!?ect linedoesn't meanthat "e'rehomefree... >eneedto!uildmoree&citement and make them curious a!out "hat's to come: 47,gain, the ke% is to focus on !enefits: Step GD Test our e4mai! on a sma!! percentage of our opt4in !ist>hen tr%ing to increase the res'onse to our offer, "e "ant to test theheadline or o'ening 'aragra'h, our offer, and our 'ricing. Testing our offerandoursalesco'%isthechea'est andmostefficient "a%toma&imi(eoursales 'rofits: In fact, this should !e an ongoing 'art of our !usiness. Instead ofsending our latest 'romotional letter to our entire customer !ase, tr% sending itto a small test grou'. Loing a trial run "ill allo" us the o''ortunit% to ironout an% kinks, saing "e time, mone%, and hassle: Building An Opt-n !-mail "ist41 )'t-ine-mail istheo''ositeofCs'am.C>hen'eo'leoluntaril%sign-u' to receie our electronic messages, the% are Co'ting-inC to our mailinglist.7ecause the% hae actuall% re+uested information from us, our messagesare not considered to !e ?unk mail, s'am, or unsolicited e-mail.,ll online !usinesses can !enefit from haing an o't-in mailing list of somekind: )'t-in e-mail lists generall% fall into 0 categories....1. ith an ad like this, it doesn't look like "e're selling an%thing at allM it?ust looks like "e're giing a"a% alua!le information for free: #o "e can !esure D de'ending on ho" man% classified ad sites "e su!mitted it to D thatthis ad "ill increase the num!er of 'eo'le "ho are re+uesting ourautores'onder... and !ecoming familiar "ith our !usiness and us:-2 +hat to @ook Lor In an 2utoresponder15>e must hae 'ersonal control oer our autores'onder documents.25 The autores'onder must !e user friendl%.35 To kee' things sim'le, "e must use an autores'onder that "ill send as'ecific message45 >e must !e sure "e kno" ho" fast our serer "ill set u' additionalautores'onders if "e need them.-5>ill the autores'onder ca'ture and log the e-mail address of eer%'erson "ho re+uests our informationN -36se of #earch *ngineStatistics have repeated!y shon that anyhere from )=P to 9=P of our visitors i!! find our e" site via a search engine.;o"eer, "eshouldalsokno"that statisticssho"that most >e!surfersneer search !e%ond the to' 32 results the% receie. >ith that in mind, it'sclear that a to' 'osition should !e the goal of an% sa% site o"ner. >e should take adantage of the search engines no", !uild our traffic !ase,and make the connections that "ill gie our !usiness an adantage oer ourcom'etition. The traffic that "e !egin to generate oer the ne&t fe" "eeksandmonthscould!e"hat allo"susto"!oourcompetitionoutoftheater in the years to come5 +hatFs a search engine(7asicall%, search engines are 'rograms that use s'iders to Ccra"lC the "e! and automaticall% inde& our "e! site 4i.e. check it out and record "hat's there5 !ased on algorithms 4mathematical formulas5.-4#ound confusingN >ell, search engines can certainl% get com'licated:Particularl% "hen "e start tr%ing to learn ho" each search engine's algorithms"eigh the different as'ects of our "e! site to determine our ranking. Some of the types of Search EnginesD &. MET2SearchEngineDThesearesim'l%'rograms that gather searchresults from multi'le search engines simultaneousl%. The 'osition of our "e!siteiscalculatedusingourcom!inedrankinginalloftheincludedsearchengines*&am'le= """.metacra"ler.com, """.dog'ile.com. ). Specia!ty Search EngineQ.irectoryD#'ecialt% search engines anddirectories offer analternatietothema?or searchengines. The%deotethemseles to !eing CtheC online resource for a 'articular su!?ect or niche.*&am'le=""".findla".com,"""."omen.com,""".s'ortsearch.com,""".u!l.com Lactors considered "y search engines to rank a siteD --&C @inkpopu!arityD,lta8ista, *&cite, I%cos, andthe"e!'ages search'ortion of 9ahoo use a ranking s%stem that inoles measuring and rankingthe num"er of !inks that are directed toards a particu!ar e" site.This means that link'o'ularit%is no"a"eight%factor insearchengine ranking. ;o"eer, it's not ?ust link 'o'ularit% that's !eing measured Dthe qua!ity of the !inks is "eing considered as e!!5 )C 8ur .omain -ameD Lomain names rich in ke%"ords "ill rank higher insomesearchengines!ecausesearchenginesloe6HI'sthat aresaturated"ith ke%"ords: 7rainstorm ke%"ords and ke% 'hrases for our 'roduct or serice andthen use them to create a catch% 6HI... or load the domain name "ith our!est ke%"ords to get ranked higher in the search engines.This is a reall% hot techni+ue: ,nd "e can no" register domain namesof u' to 07 characters, so it's eas% to im'roe our search engine ranking "itha ke%"ord saturated domain name. *C :eyords and :ey PhrasesD>e "ill find that an% discussion of searchengine 'ositioningeentuall%comes !acktoke%"ords andke%'hrases.>h%N 7ecause it doesn't matter if "e'e used the most cutting-edgetechni+ues to su!mit our "e! site to the search engines. If "e'e...-0,5 )'timi(ed our site using the "rong ke%"ords )H75 /hosen ke%"ords that are too general or highl% com'etitie i.e.7usiness. Internet, soft"are5 ... our target market "ill neer find our "e!site:)ur ke%"ords are "hat the search engines look for in our Title Tags,our Meta Tags, and the !od% of our te&t "hen ranking our "e! site. The%'realso "hat the search engines "ill ultimatel% use to categori(e our "e! site: ,C :eyord .ensityD Oe%"ord densit% refers to the num!er of times that ourke%"ordsa''ear throughout our "e!siteascom'aredtoall oftheother"ords. .or e&am'le, if our ke%"ord"as Cdog,C andour "e!'age "ascom'rised of the single sentence,CI loe m% dog,C the ke%"ord densit% ofCdogC "ould !e 2-3.Oe%"ord Lensit% V Total num!er of times the ke%"ord a''ears diided!% total num!er of "ords. Oe%"ord Lensit% V 1 instance of dog diided !% 4 "ords V 2.2- V2-3 )ur ke%"ord densit% is a factor that is heail% "eighted !% man% of the ma?orsearch engines, so it's im'ortant that "e design "e! 'ages that make strategicuse of our ke%"ords "ithout crossing the line into Cke%"ord stuffing.A -7GC MET2 tagsDM*T, tags are messages that are coded intothe ;TMI ofour "e! 'age, !ut neer dis'la%ed on "e! !ro"sers or seen !% isitors. The%are onl% eer seen !% the search engines that isit and inde& our 'age. >hat are the% used forN >ell, some search engines "ill use our M*T, tags asour 'age descri'tion... and some "ill use them to determine our site content. M*T, tags tell an% s'ider that isits ho" to catalogue our "e! site !ased onour 'referred descri'tion and choice of ke%"ords. >ords contained in M*T,tags are gien a lot of "eight !% some search engines, so this is another greato''ortunit% to use our carefull% chosen ke%"ords. 6C Tit!e tagsD )ur title tags are of 'aramount im'ortance "hen it comes to securing a to' s'ot in the search engines: Title tags are sim'l% used to dis'la% the title of our "e! site in the to'of our isitors !ro"sers. >e can easil% do this !% 'lacing our "e! site title"ithin the WTITI*XWJTITI*X tags of our source code. Too often, site o"ners underestimate the im'ortance of their title tagsand 'ut title thought into them. The% use ineffectie tides such as Cm% home'ageC or Cgar%l2232.AThis is a 'ro!lem !ecause= -11. 8isitors "ho !ookmark our site cannot remem!er "hat the site is all a!out2. Lescri'tie titles that incor'orate ke%"ords are faored !% the search engines "hich is not in this case. Search Engine Su"mission There are a fe" different "a%s to su!mit our "e! site to the search engines= &C Hse of free su"mission serviceD >e hae alread% encountered one of thesesericesduringour "e!traels. The%'romisetosu!mit our "e!siteto!et"een 1 and 12 of the to' search engines 4sometimes as man% as -225... for.H**:#ounds like a 'rett% great deal, rightN >ell, it's not: >e should not getfooledor get distracted!%the"ordC.H**C. 7ecause, if "euseafreesu!mission serice, "e'll 'a%: It "ill cost us traffic and sales that should hae!een ours: 7luntl% 'ut, to' ranking 'ositions are e isit each search engine se'aratel%, and manuall%su!mit the information for each "e! 'age "e "ish to hae listed. 7% doing this, "e "ill ensure that "e hae met the s'ecificre+uirements for each of the indiidual engines, a ke% ste' in the o'timi(ationof our ranking. ;o"eer een this has certain disadantages like= It can "e very time consuming and !a"or intensive02 There are no professiona!saaila!le to look oer our ke%"ords andtitles, erif% that "e are using the most u'-to-date search engine tricksand techni+ues, and then dou!le-check our choices and test theireffectieness. ,C Hse a professiona! search engine consu!tantDThese are e&tremel%effectie and "orth considering if "e can afford it. #earch engine consultants"ill educate us and "ork hand-in-hand "ith us to ma&imi(e our e&'osure ineachsearchengine. The%kno"all of thelatest tricksandtechni+uesforsecuring a to' s'ot, and "ill sho" us e&actl% "hat "e need to do to o'timi(eour "e! site for the !est 'ossi!le ranking. The% ealuate our "e! site, hel' design ke%"ords and content, gieti's and 'ointers, and design a search engine su!mission cam'aign. Then, "henthe%start su!mittingourinformationtotheto'searchengines, the% "ill not onl% ma&imi(e eer% single field in the search enginesu!mission forms, the% "ill also su!mit multi'le "e! 'ages from our "e!site.GC Hse su"mission softareD#u!mission soft"are mostl% 'erform the sametask as free and lo"-cost su!mission serices doM the% su!mit the same set ofinformation to all of the search engines... so our site is never optimized ande never secure the top ranking e need. ;o"eertherearesomesoft"are$s, "hichusethetutorial formtosu!mit our "e! sites much like a tailor-made one. Thus the% 'roide us "ithdifferent o'tions to list our "e!site online.01 Monitoring our 1anking BMonitoring competitive positionC It can take some search engines as long as si& "eeks to numerous months toinclude our su!mission in their data!ase, "hereas others ma% onl% take a da%or t"o. It is im'ortant that "e checkthemregularl%tomake sure oursu!mission gets included in at least the to' eight search engines. #u!mittingour "e! site to the search engines is onl% half the !attle: e should not underestimate the 'o"er of a free su!scri'tionne"sletter Dit can!e ahigh!yva!ua"!e marketingtoo!5Peo'le "hosu!scri!etoour ne"sletter "ill !ecomeer%lo%al customersif"esho"them that "e are honest, credi!le, and that "e reall% do kno" "hat "e aretalking a!out. The% "ill not onl% !u% "hat "e are offering no",they i!!a!so "uy entire!y different products that e offer in the future !ecause "e"ill hae esta!lished our credi!ilit% and deelo'ed a ra''ort "ith them. 03)CPaidSu"scription-es!ettersDIf"ehaeinformationthat'eo'leare"illing to 'a% for, then a 'aid su!scri'tion ne"sletter is a great "a% to earnhuge 'rofits "ith relatiel% little e&'enditure. The nes!etters shou!d "e of qua!ity information +e can rite artic!es that inc!ude such information as... Industr% ne"s or u'dates Info related to the 'roductJserice "e are marketing,rticles"ehaecom'iledfromother sources4"ith'ermission, ofcourse:5 #'ecial ti's , com'iled list of interesting "e! sites to isit e can include the !est com!inationout of these contents to make the !est of our ne"sletter. Lree 3ontent Lor The Taking If "e are er% ne" to "riting articles or 'ro!a!l% don$t hae the time to do so.>e can take articles directl% from the net. There are a num!er of "e!sites that'roide for free articles onl% on the condition that the details of the author are "ritten at the !ottom of the article and to gie himJher due credits "hereer 'ossi!le. #ome of the "e!site that 'roide "ith this serice are=htt'=JJlist-resources.comhtt'=JJ"""."e!-source.netJ"e!J.reeZ/ontentJhtt'=JJe(inearticles.comhtt'=JJ""".ideamarketers.com 0-7% 'roiding our su!scri!ers "ith the e&act information the% need, "e "ill&CEsta"!ish our credi"i!ity as an industry expert)CIncrease our traffic "y making our e" site >sticky.>*C'ave a !egitimate reason to contact them over and over again5 Lormatting our -es!etter R)ur first im'ression is our last im'ressionA. #ome of the things that "e haeto !ear in mind "hile formatting our ne"sletters are= ;ae a ;eader and .ooter for our ne"sletters ,dd a Ta!le of /ontents 6se of Teasers "hereer 'ossi!le so as to kee' the reader engrossedand interested in our ne"sletter. 6se of diiders to se'arate the different sections Placing of the adertisementJsof our s'onsors Make It eas% to unsu!scri!e /arefull% choosing a su!?ect Iine so as to catch attention ;o" of the ne"sletter is to !e sent00 /hoosing the length of the ne"sletter Koint 8entures in i-marketing Koint 8entures is all a!outre!ated "usinesses teaming up andcom"iningski!!s$ products$ services$ and resourcesto createne streams of incomeand profit.'o 3an 2 Ioint Aenture 7enefit our 7usiness( >e can enter into ?oint enture deals !oth on and off the Internet: *en if "edon't hae a 'roduct to sell... een if "e don't hae a serice to sell... een if"e don't hae an esta!lished customer !ase... "e can still ?oint enture usingthe Internet e&'ertise and marketing kno"ledge "e hae. In fact, if "e are strategic in our alliances, ?oint entures can !e a 'o"erful"a% to dramaticall% increase our income in very !itt!e time ith very !itt!eexpense "ecause...15 Koint entures area'o"erful "a%tostrengthenour e&istingrelationshi' "ith customers and su!scri!ers !% offering them increased alue.25Koint entures are a great "a% to offer ne" 'roducts and serices toour e&istingclient andsu!scri!er !ase"ithout thee&'enseof ne"'roduct deelo'ment and distri!ution. 0745 Kointenturesallo"ustoincreasetheres'onse"ereceie!%asmuch as 4223 !% using third 'art% endorsements.-5 If %ou're a re'uta!le !usiness, then it should !e reall% eas% to findother com'anies to 'artner "ith. ;o" do "e #et u' a Koint 8entureN >e can sim'l% follo" these eas% ste's, and setting u' our o"n ?oint entures"ill !e a !ree(e... &C Persona! contacts ith potentia! partnersDThis is one situation "herean e-mail ?ust isn't going to do the trick. , 'ersonal 'hone call or meeting "ill!e far more effectie. >e'll !e taken much more seriousl%, and "e'll !e a!le toans"er their +uestions right on the s'ot Plus, it's much more difficult to sa%Chile it's im'ortant that"eclaimas muchof the'rofits for ourself as "ecan, if thedeal isn'tfinanciall% a''ealing to 'otential 'artners, it's going to !e nearl% im'ossi!leto get them to sign on the dotted line. 7C Make it extreme!y easy for them to doD7e 're'ared to do the ma?orit%of the "ork ourself, if not all of it. The more "ork "e do, the easier "e makeit for them. ,nd the easier "e make it for them, the easier it "ill !e to dosethe deal. 7est of all, though, !% em'hasi(ing ho" "e're going to do almost allof the "ork ourself, "e make it much easier to c!aim a !arger percentage of0Btheprofits.The%'ll !emorelikel%toacce't asmall share!ecause"e'emade it so eas% for them an%"a%. The 3onc!usion7enefits of i4Marketingi-marketing is a hot to'ic es'eciall% in these da%s of instant results. The reason "h% i-marketing has !ecome so 'o'ular is !ecause the% 'roide three ma?or !enefits to 'otential !u%ers=1. /onenience= /ustomers can order 'roducts 24 hours a da% "hereer the% are. The% don$t hae to sit in traffic, and a 'arking s'ace, and "alk through countless sho's to find and e&amine goods.2. Information= /ustomers can find reams of com'aratie information a!outcom'anies, 'roducts, com'etitors, and 'rices "ithout leaing their office orhome.3. .e"er hassles= /ustomers don$t hae to face sales'eo'le or o'en themseles u' to 'ersuasion and emotional factorsM the% also don$t hae to "ait in line.i-marketing also 'roides a num!er of !enefits to marketers=1. Uuick ad?ustments to market conditions= /om'anies can +uickl% add 'roducts to their offering and change 'rices and descri'tions.2. Io"er costs= )n-line marketers aoid the e&'ense of maintaining a storeand the costs of rent, insurance, and utilities. The% can 'roduce digital catalogs for much less than the cost of 'rinting and mailing 'a'er catalogs.723. Helationshi' !uilding= )n-line marketers can dialogue "ith consumers and learn from them.4. ,udience si(ing= Marketers can learn ho" man% 'eo'le isited their on-line site and ho" man% sto''ed at 'articular 'laces on the site. This information can hel' im'roe offers and ads./learl%, marketers are adding on-line channels to find, reach, communicate, and sell. i-marketing has at least fie great adantages. .irst, !oth small and large firms can afford it. #econd, there is no real limit on adertising s'ace, incontrast to 'rint and !roadcast media. Third, information access and retrieal are fast, com'ared to oernight mail and een fa&. .ourth, the site can !e isited !% an%one from an% 'lace in the "orld. .ifth, sho''ing can !e done 'riatel% and s"iftl%.The Internet is a 'o"erful tool for strengthening relationshi's. 7% offering customers content and time alue, *-Marketing has o'ened ne" istas for marketers. The greatest feature of the digital econom% is that it ena!les the *-Marketer to eradicate man traditional !arriers !efore entering ne" markets. These !arriers include economies of scale and geogra'hic 'ositioning. The innate strength of an *-Market comes not from the seamless flo"s of goods and serices from the 'roducer to the customer !ut in the geometricall% increasing returns from conerging ideas and technological change the strength of online communities has neer !een so great, and com'anies hae used them to deelo' ne" markets.