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  • 7/28/2019 7 Distinctions 2 IFO ELO Site


    If youWant to Live a Purposeful,

    Fulfilling, Abundant andMasterful

    Life this

    **FREE** Special Report is for you!

    The 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    How to Claim your Mastery in

    Life, Love, Career and Business

    with Jennifer Hoffman

    Your Guide to Masterful Living


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    www.enlighteninglife.com 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


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    www.enlighteninglife.com 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    Table of Contents

    Mastery and You.............................................................................................................................. 4My Winding Road to Mastery................................................................................................... 7

    Mastery Principle 1: Alignment ...................................................................................... 10

    Mastery Principle 2: Clarity and Focus ......................................................................... 11

    Mastery Principle 3: Take Guided Action...................................................................... 12

    Mastery Principle 4: Believe, Have Faith and Trust in the Process ........................ 13

    Mastery Principle 5: Integrity ......................................................................................... 14

    Mastery Principle 6: Acceptance .................................................................................... 15

    Mastery Principle 7: Forgiveness ................................................................................... 17

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    www.enlighteninglife.com 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]



    Mastery and You

    This is Your Mastery Journey. Your Potential is Waiting for You

    Each one of us is on a mastery journey whose highest potential is the fulfillment ofour most cherished dreams and hearts desires.

    What are your cherished dreams and hearts desires?

    They are what comes to mind when you say to yourself I wish I .

    That wish is the expression of your mastery potential and you can create it, as

    long as you follow your heart and know how to align yourself with its energy. Theoutcome of that creation process is another step on your mastery journey.

    It doesnt matter how long it takes for you to look at your life and decide that youwant something different. Your journey to masterybegins at the moment you decide its time to change,

    make your dreams come true, to fulfill your potentialand live your life through the highest possibleexpression of your energy. And that often happens

    when you are tired of where your life is now and dont

    know what to do next. In fact, sometimes change looksimpossible at this point.

    While you may feel powerless in that moment, you are actually at your most

    powerful because it is when you say I want something else that you can harnessyour mastery power to allow transformation to happen.

    In this special report you will learn 7 Mastery Principles that can help you create schange in an effortless, fulfilling way to expand your life to its maximum potential.

    And then:

    You can be fully aligned and surrender to the process of allowing your dreams to

    happen (Ill explain that later in this report)

    You can have the clarity and focus you need to know exactly what you want inyour life and stay energetically connected to it (well also talk about the opposite of

    clarity and focus).You can take guided action so you know exactly which steps will allow you to moveinto your mastery (and where your guidance comes from).

    You can have the beliefs, faith and trust that will allow you to know, without any

    doubt, that your dreams are going to manifest no matter what is happening in yourlife today (and how these are absolutely essential to Mastery).

    Mastery Tip:Your hearts desire

    is the first thing that

    comes to your mind

    when you thinkI wish I

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    www.enlighteninglife.com 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    You can be in integrity with your dreams and know how to be energetically

    aligned with what you want in your life.

    You can be in acceptance, which is the absence of judgment, so you stay in theflow of your mastery. Then you will not feel undervalued, unappreciated, unloved

    and disrespected in any way, by anyone, at any time.

    And finally you can learn the one thing that you need to know to achieve truemastery, forgiveness, which is how you let go of everything that stands the way of

    your dreams.

    By reading this report you will know the real secrets to spiritual mastery, which is

    the key to achieving your potential in every aspect of your life, including yourlove life, career and your business.

    How can these 7 Mastery Principles apply to every area of your life? I oftenremind my clients, students and readers that everything in our lives is connected. It

    is not possible to have a concern, problem, challenge or issue in one part of our life

    and not have it show up in other areas.

    It is through these connections that, for example, a problem at work makes usexamine our career goals, which then makes us think about our relationships, which

    then makes us take a look at our life objectives in general. While we may interpretthis as our life falling apart, it is really the Universe helping us see where we are notexpressing our true potential or where we are accepting less than what we


    What do you deserve that you do not have in your life at this moment?

    It is my hope that this report will awaken you to new possibilities and potential for

    your life, will help you remember a cherished dream that you put away long ago andare now ready to re-consider. Having a joy-filled, abundant and successful lifeis your birthright and once you step into your mastery and affirm how much you

    deserve to have your dreams come true, you literally open the floodgates to theblessings the Universe has been waiting to share with you.

    In this report I am going to share with you the secrets that are, quite honestly, the

    keys to a happy and fulfilling life. Because once you understand your masteryjourney you will know how to consciously and deliberately attract everything that

    brings you joy, abundance and love as you let go of everything which doesnt meetthat standard and also repel everything that is not alignment with your intention forpeace, joy, love and abundance in your life.

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    www.enlighteninglife.com 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    And you wont have to work hard or force the issue because as a spiritual being you

    have an energetic vibration that attracts everything that matches it. As long as

    your energetic vibration matches what you want (which you do by practicing the 7Mastery Principles you will read about in this special report) the process becomeseffortless.

    So everything you want in your life that matches your energetic vibration will be

    there and everything that does not match your vibration will just fall away or wontbe around you.

    Now that might be a little scary at first, and I have had clients who started on thisjourney only to find that the Universe literally rushed in to help them and they felt,

    at first, that everything fell out of their life. They were a little concerned about this

    (you would be too)!

    What happened?

    Sometimes we put off making life changes until we are at the point where theyHAVE to be made. Then we experience a huge energetic shift in response to our callfor change and everything seems to happen at once.

    By practicing the 7 Principles of Mastery you will

    learn how to manage those changes moreefficiently and smoothly, so you flow into them

    instead of having them dumped in your lap.

    Theres one important rule that we need to discuss

    before we continue, though, and it is absolutelycritical to every aspect of your mastery journey

    You cannot judge yourself or any aspect of your

    life at any time because doing so creates blocks,

    limits your movement and frankly, adds no valueto your experience. Everything you have everdone, at any point in time, reflected your beliefs,

    thoughts and vibration at that moment.

    And it was part of your path of learning, healing,growth and transformation for that moment.

    The results you achieved were part of your life path at that time. You may judge

    them as bad, challenging or hard because you didnt like the results, or believe youcould have done better, said something else, had a different result but

    Mastery TipMastery is a No-Judgment

    Zone which means that you

    should not judge any aspect

    of your life, past actions,

    choices or decisions. It

    doesnt matter what you did

    twenty years ago or what

    happened in the last two

    minutes. Your mastery exists

    in the present moment and

    all that matter is what you do

    and think now and from this

    moment forward.

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    www.enlighteninglife.com 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    Every moment on your path is valuable and each one has contributed to where

    you are today. So our most important rule about mastery is no judgment of

    anything or anyone, including and especially you.

    Before you get started, you may be wondering what I know about mastery and why

    can I write about this subject.

    Let me share my mastery journey with you because it is probably very similar toyours and will show you how I got to where I am (and it was not always a smooth


    My Winding Road to Mastery

    Being very intuitive and sensitive was hard for me as a child and my first memoryof receiving intuitive and empathic messages happened when I was 3 years old.

    Then when I was 5 years old, and was planning to start ballet lessons to fulfill mydreams of becoming a ballerina, I developed a high fever one day at school, wentinto a coma and awakened a week later paralyzed from the neck down. Although

    doctors initially thought I had polio, I learned years later that I had Guillain Barre


    For the next 5 years I had to re-learn how to move my body, arms and legs. (I

    know how to braid now because that was part of my finger and hand therapy in therehabilitation center.) And my dreams of ballet were over. I went from beingbedridden, to a wheelchair, to having my legs strapped into full length leg braces

    and walking with crutches, to having knee-high braces and finally, I could walk againwithout braces or crutches. The physical therapy was painful and for several years Ihad to sleep in a full body cast, which stretched my legs to prevent my muscles from


    Then, when I was 11 years old and could finally ride a bicycle (my leg braces got inthe way before), I was hit and run over by a car, an accident I miraculously

    walked away from (although I must admit I gave that driver quite a scare). Withboth of these incidents I had near death experiences and was told that it was not my

    time to go yet, I had a lot of work to do and I needed to be here. Actually, with thesecond NDE, when I got hit by the car, I was told to stop trying to go Home!

    Through these experiences I learned how to transform my life, overcometremendous limitation, to be able to find solutions to any problem, no matter how

    challenging. I have always been spiritually aware and connected and I can teach that

    to others. I have the benefit of a strong awareness of both the spiritual and materialworlds, and can share that knowledge with others.

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    www.enlighteninglife.com 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    But I didnt start my career life with any intention of being an author, spiritual

    teacher, intuitive, speaker or intuitive life coach, far from it.

    I never even considered spiritual work as a life path because I had much differentplans for my career. I went to college, graduated with several degrees in business,

    finance and economics, with the intention of pursuing a career in technology,eventually becoming president of a Fortune 50 corporation. And I loved the corporate

    world but it didnt love me.

    Everywhere I went I became the catalyst for change, whether it was working for

    companies that were going to be shut down, sold or merged into other organizations,

    or departments whose management teams required an overhaul. After six layoffs ineight years, I knew that the corporate world was not the right place for me.

    But even though I have a strong connection with the spiritual world, I had not spenta lot of time exploring it, other than some trance channeling I did in the 1990s.

    Then one day, in October 2003, I was doing a reading for a friend and noticed she

    was staring at me. I asked her what was wrong and she said Jennifer, your voicehas changed and you are glowing. So I asked if a spirit or entity was present andI heard Its Archangel Uriel. I looked at my friend and said Who is Archangel

    Uriel? Neither of us knew so I went home and looked him up on the internet. And

    then I began to get messages about writing a newsletter, teaching, speaking, healingand working in this area.

    And at first I flatly said No, Im not interested. I really did. I had not been on anyformal spiritual path, had no training in that area, was not an author or recognized

    spiritual authority and I thought that there were many more people who were far

    more qualified than I was.

    But I was the one Archangel Uriel wanted to work with.

    And the messages and requests kept coming so I agreed to start the website andnewsletter, which I did in February 2004. And when I wrote that first newsletter Ithought OK, I can do this once a month. But Archangel Uriel had other plans and

    told me I had to write the newsletter every week, and to not worry about the

    content, as it would be given to me. So I said OK. And every Sunday evening,since March 2004, I have written the newsletter that now has over 2 million weekly

    readers. (I always write the newsletters on Sunday evenings and they are publishedas soon as I finish them.) And if you have seen one of these newsletters, each onecontains 4 articles, averages 3000 words and I also write a monthly, 2 to 3 pagearticle.

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    www.enlighteninglife.com 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    What does that have to do with your mastery journey? I had to take the same

    journey, learn the same lessons, I had the same doubts, had to overcome the same

    challenges that you are facing now and learn to apply these mastery principles to mylife. My attempts at creating a corporate career taught me a lot about being inalignment and integrity with my life purpose (which was not in the corporate world),

    I learned about intention and beliefs, faith and trust were big lessons for me, as was


    What you may not know is that everyone faces their mastery challenges, as it isthe purpose of our lifetime. And it can be as easy or as hard as we want it to be.

    When you understand mastery and know these 7 mastery principles, the journey

    becomes much easier.

    Before we begin there are a few guidelines to help you keep the properperspective on this issue because as you explore the mastery principles you mayspend some time dealing with a few issues from your past. And these can be

    reminders of things you would rather forget. So here are some things to keep in

    mind as you explore your mastery:

    No blame or shame you cant blame or shame yourself or anyone else for

    anything that happened in the past.

    No regrets regrets are judgments and they keep you focused in the past because

    everything you can regret happened in the past.

    You are the creator you are the architect of your reality and everything in it is

    your creation. No matter what your life looks like, you have created it. This is anaspect of Universal law that is true for everyone, including you.

    Be forward focused as you read these principles you may start thinking aboutwhat is possible for your life. Thats great. Write those thoughts down because they

    are part of your potential that is being revealed to you.

    Be in this moment the only thing that is happening in your life is happening rightnow, in this moment, which is the only important one. How do you know where the

    present moment is? It is the moment in which you are breathing.

    Now, from your place of No Judgment, lets explore the 7 Principles of Spiritual


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    www.enlighteninglife.com 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    Mastery Principle 1: Alignment

    When we are in alignment, our energetic vibrations support the manifestation ofour dreams. For example, if we want to create abundance then we must be at the

    vibration of the abundance we want to create. We cant resonate with the vibrationalenergy of poverty and expect to create abundance. And it doesnt matter what ishappening at this moment, we must believe that the abundance we want is availableto and possible for us to have it.

    Being out of alignment is like trying to drive a car whose steering wheel is not

    attached to the wheels. One of the reasons I could not succeed in a corporate careeris because it was out of alignment with my life purpose of being an author and

    spiritual teacher. So no matter how hard I tried, I could not make it work. I hadto learn to surrender to and stop resisting the path that was opening for me. When

    we surrender we allow our path to unfold, instead of resisting and forcing an

    outcome that is the only one we can see as possible, which is not always the best,

    most promising one for us.

    Alignment puts us in the same energetic vibration as what

    we want to create, which means that to be in alignmentwe have to take our thoughts and beliefs above anychallenges we are facing at any moment and put them

    into the right perspective: all challenges are lessons we

    learn from in order to create a higher potential for ourlife.

    When you are in alignment with your dreams, all of your energy is focused on them.Any energy that you are putting towards something else is energy that is not going

    towards the fulfillment of your dreams.

    Mastery Tip

    Your masteryjourney needs

    100% of yourenergetic


    Mastery Question

    Are you out of alignment in any part of your life?

    What steps can you take to align yourself energetically with your mastery


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    www.enlighteninglife.com 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    Mastery Principle 2: Clarity and Focus

    Clarity is the state of knowing the outcome you want to achieve. Focus is the abilityto concentrate your energy, beliefs, thoughts and actions on that outcome.

    The opposite of clarity is confusion; the opposite of focus is distraction.

    With clarity we have a vision that can guide us through each step of the creation or

    manifestation process. Its easy to have clarity until we run into a block or things

    dont happen quickly. If we bring doubt into the process then we are unclear, unsureand unfocused. Clarity is lost when we begin to doubt because we probably havemany reasons to believe that something wont happen, based on what we are

    experiencing in the moment or have known in the past.

    Distraction, the opposite of focus, includes everything thatkeeps us off of our path of creation. Sometimes we invitedistractions deliberately because we are afraid of having

    what we want.

    Have you ever been close to achieving a goal and then you

    get sick, break your leg, or have a family emergency that

    you must take care of? These may be important issues butthey are also distractions.

    Remember that we attract everything in our life, including doubt and distractions.But we can choose to give them our energy or not and whether we will allow them to

    take us off of our path.

    With clarity you stay on the path that moves you towards what you want to create

    and then stay focused on it, no matter what else happens. When you do not allowdoubt or distractions to remove your focus, you are on your mastery path.

    Mastery Tip

    Clarity isknowing what

    you want. Focus

    energeticallyempowers it.

    Mastery Question

    Is there an area in your life where you have, want or need clarity?

    Are you able to focus on your intention for your life or do you find yourselfdistracted by the past, recurring problems, other people, your thoughts, or things

    you must do?

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    www.enlighteninglife.com 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    Mastery Principle 3: Take Guided Action

    Sometimes we know what we want and it appears to be impossible. We may have noidea how we are going to create abundance when we have no money, find a new

    relationship when we cant seem to attract anyone, or achieve joy when we are sodepressed we can barely get out of bed.

    Taking action in any direction hasnt worked, why should we

    believe that it is going to happen now?

    Taking guided action means allowing ourselves to follow our

    inner guidance, without judgment. So often when we arent

    happy, successful and feeling fulfilled, we doubt our potentialbecause we have been unable to achieve what we want in the

    past.But we are in the present moment and when we set ourintention, and have clarity and focus, the next steps appear

    before us.

    We must be willing to follow our inner guidance and make that next phone call, send

    an email, go to the places we are guided to go without judging whether or notanything will happen. There is an African proverb, Pray and move your feet, that Iuse to remind my clients that intention also requires action. If we cant move our

    feet, we wont move the energy in our life.

    Remember your biggest block to mastery is fear, in all of its forms, which

    includes doubt and feeling stuck, unable to move forward.

    Mastery TipOur inner

    guidance willalways suggest

    the next step onour mastery


    Mastery Question

    Have you taken the time to ask your inner guidance about the next step on yourmastery path?

    What reply did you receive?

    How can you move your feet and get the energy moving towards what you wantto create in your life?

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    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    Mastery Principle 4: Believe, Have Faith and Trust in the


    The mastery principles we have discussed so far are to be in alignment with our

    intention, have clarity and focus and take guided action. But what if we are doingthose things and nothing is happening? That is why Mastery Principle 4 is soimportant because it is our willingness to have faith and trust in the process and to

    ensure that our beliefs are in alignment with what we want to create that allowseverything to unfold with the perfect result at the perfect time.

    We have to know in our hearts that the joy, love and abundance we want is the truthfor us before we have proof of it in our reality.

    Our beliefs powerfully create our reality. In fact, if we dontbelieve something is possible it wont happen. No matter

    how much we may want it, we will not be able to create ituntil we can align our beliefs with our desires andintention.

    Faith allows us to know that all things are possible no

    matter how impossible we may think the outcome is. Yousee, everything you want to create is part of your field of

    potential, which is all of the things that are possible for you in your life. Your most

    cherished dream is something that you can create because it exists as a possibility

    for your life even if it has not yet happened for you.

    Think of something you have wanted for a long time (and dont have yet). Do you

    notice that thing around you? Are you aware of it when you see someone else withit? Now think of something that you do not want at all. Do you notice those things

    around you? Of course not, because you are not interested in them and they are

    not part of your field of potential.

    Trusting in the process is hard to do if everything you have done so far has notresulted in what you want. But heres the secret you need to knowthe process

    works, step by step, when your beliefs are aligned with your intention, you trust in

    the process and have faith. Its that simple.

    Mastery Tip

    Our beliefscreate our

    reality, faith

    energizes it andtrust allows us to

    stay aligned withour potential.

    Mastery Question

    What is in your field of potential?

    What does your heart tell you is possible for you and for your life?

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    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    Mastery Principle 5: Integrity

    Integrity is the state of being whole and complete and in perfect alignment withthe energy of what we wish to manifest. When we are in integrity all aspects of ourbeing, body, mind, emotions and spirit, are balanced. Our inner and outer voices

    speak together, responding to our intention with the energy that allows it tomanifest.

    There are two aspects of integrity that apply to mastery. One aspect has to do withenergy, the second has to do with outcome.

    At each moment everything in your life is in integrity with

    your energetic vibration, which means that you have

    created whatever corresponds to the energy you areresonating with in each moment.

    And that is reflected in every outcome. Changing theoutcome must be done at an energetic level becauseenergy and outcome are always in balance, or in integrity.

    To create change at any level, our energy must be at the level

    of the change we wish to create.

    For example, when you want to create a new relationship, you may be tempted tolook at your life from the point where you dont have a relationship. And you may be

    sad and upset over how your previous one ended.

    Are you in integrity with a loving, fulfilling relationship in this case? Not at all.Your energy level is low, you are sad, you feel sorry for yourself and are thinkingabout the unhappy past. What is that going to create? An unfulfilling, unhappy, sad

    relationship that is a mirror of what you had in the past.

    Remember Mastery Principle #4, you have to believe, trust and have faith. In fact,

    you must put yourself in the energy of what you want to create in order to receive it.So to have a fulfilling, loving relationship you must focus on that, have clarity,

    release your doubts and dont distract yourself with the past.

    Mastery TipYour energy

    must always be

    in integrity withthe outcome and

    the outcomecannot be

    greater than yourenergy.

    Mastery Question

    Is your integrity aligned with what you want to create in your life at the moment?

    If not, how can you change your energy level so it is in harmony or balanced withyour intention?

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    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    Mastery Principle 6: Acceptance

    Acceptance may be one of our most challenging and difficult lessons because itrequires two things, non-judgment and unconditional love.

    Although we already talked about the importance of non-judgment we will mention it

    again because when we judge we create energetic boundaries that limit theflow of energy to us and through us. So if we say something like I dont think

    that is possible it is a judgment that limits the energy so the judgment is true andthat thing will not be possible. (remember Mastery Principle #5 and integrity).

    The Universe always responds to us and to whatever we do or say, without

    judgment, so everything we think and say yields that exact result.

    Whether you say I never get ahead or I am manifesting unlimited abundancethey get equal attention from the Universe. Which one do you think creates betterresults on your mastery journey?

    When we practice acceptance we also enter into the space ofnon-judgment, of ourselves and of others. There are more

    positive, fulfilling and productive ways to use your

    energy than to judge yourself or others. The one thing youmust know about judgment is that every judgment limits theenergy flow so that it matches your judgment. And it keeps

    your energetic vibration at the level of what you are judging.

    And if you begin to practice non-judgment, you will find that your life will begin toexpand in new and exciting ways and you will find fewer things to judge, as well aslimit the judgments you receive from others. Remember that we attract according to

    our energetic vibration, so if you judge, you invite judgment into your life.

    The other aspect of acceptance is unconditional love, which should not be confusedwith romantic, friendly or other kinds of love. It is the state of total acceptance,

    where we see that everyone in the right place, at the right time, doing things that

    serve and are right for them. And on another level, everything situation is alsoperfect in each moment. With unconditional love we understand that everything

    serves our healing, learning, growth and transformation. The secret to understandingunconditional love is to know that it cannot exist in the same space as judgment. If

    you are in a state of unconditional love you cannot be in judgment too.

    Mastery Tip

    When we are injudgment weput ourselves

    at the energetic

    vibration ofwhat we judge.

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    Acceptance and unconditional love are probably our greatest mastery challenges (try

    spending an entire day not judging anything!) because they require 100% of our

    energy to be focused on the continuous creation of an abundant, joyful, peaceful lifefull of love.

    Any judgments you have about anyone or anything (including yourself) put you in alower vibration that blocks the flow of energy, removing your focus, reducing your

    clarity, creating confusion, preventing you from taking action and then you feelstuck.

    One final note, you do not have to like something you accept, you just have toremove your judgment about it until you can look at it and have no opinion (opinions

    are judgments) about it and just know that it has its place in the Universe, just like

    you. Once you can accept it, its purpose in your life can be revealed and then youcan move on from it.

    Mastery Question

    Where can you practice acceptance in your life? Think of something you wishyou had not done or experienced. Now release yourself of all judgments aboutit.

    Or think of someone who has wronged you in some way and release alljudgments of the experienced and of them.

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    Mastery Tip

    Forgiveness is a giftwe give to ourselves

    so we can heal and

    release our karmawith others.

    Mastery Principle 7: Forgiveness

    Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves, which releases karma and removes theenergetic bonds that connect us to people and situations through our fear and lower

    energetic vibrations. And to live within our mastery vibration we must be willing toforgive unconditionally.

    If we cant forgive someone or something, including

    ourselves, no matter what it is (remember thateverything is equal in the eyes of the Universe),

    then we are out of integrity with our mastery and arein judgment.

    And because this is so important to our soul growth we will re-create a forgivenesslesson, again and again, until we can learn to forgive it. Everyone around us willparticipate in this learning journey and every life situation will reflect this lessonbecause whatever we need to forgive is our biggest, strongest, most important soul


    And the harder it is for us to forgive someone or something,

    the more important the lesson, and its forgiveness, is to us.

    Forgiveness is strongly linked to our karma, and those we have the greatestforgiveness challenges with are also the soul group partners we have strong karmic

    ties with. The only reason they keep re-appearing in our lives is because we, and

    they, are looking for forgiveness. And it does not matter who does the forgiving,it just has to be done by someone or we will re-play and re-run the forgivenesslesson until it is resolved.

    The Mastery Principle of Forgiveness links all of the other mastery principles.

    With forgiveness we are in alignment with what we want to create because our

    energy can be focused on manifestation instead of anger and fear.

    With forgiveness we have laser sharp clarity and focus without the distractions ofwhat has been done to us or scattering our energy into actions of regret or revenge.

    With forgiveness we can take guided action in the direction of our dreams andlisten to the voice of our inner guidance, which we cannot hear when we are listening

    through our fears or our focused on our past hurts.

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    With forgiveness we can believe, have faith and trust in the process because we

    are not in victim energy or dependent on anyone other person for our good orwaiting for someone to validate us and our pain.

    With forgiveness we are in integrity, our energy is balanced and aligned with

    creating the joy, peace and abundance we want in our life.

    With forgiveness we can be in acceptance of everything and everyone, free ofjudgment and do not concern ourselves with what others have done in the past.

    And forgiveness is how we remove every block that stands in the way of ourmastery journey because when we can forgive we release ourselves from the

    energetic bonds that keep us connected to others and to the past.

    Can you claim your mastery and live a life of abundant, unfolding blessings and be

    happy? Yes you can and Ive helped thousands transform their lives with these

    principles and I know you can too. You deserve to have joy, peace, love andabundance in your life it is your birthright and you can create it.

    It is a life long journey that rewards us with an unfolding abundance of everything

    our heart desires. So claim your mastery by making these 7 Mastery Principles adaily practice and watch your life transform because it will. By being aligned inbody, mind, emotions and spirit you are fulfilling your life purpose, to learn, heal,

    grow and become the highest potential your heart desires for you. Then you can helpothers on their journey too because when we live a fulfilled life we become ashining light for others.

    Mastery Question

    Who can you forgive so you can release karma and be on your mastery path?What can you forgive yourself for?

    Think of someone who has done something to you that you are ready to forgive.

    Doing this releases you and them from your karma and allows you to stoprepeating this lesson with them and with others like them.

    Think of one thing you want to release and forgive yourself for it so you can be atpeace and invite joy, love and abundance into your life.

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    You have learned about the 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery in this report and I

    hope that it has been helpful for you. Until next time, Believe in Yourself, Act with

    Purposeful Intention and Receive the abundant blessings that you deserve. Thankyou for being a shining light for the world, I appreciate you and am honored to bepart of your mastery journey.

    Many blessings,

    Jennifer Hoffman

    Are you wondering what you are going to do with this information?

    How can you apply it to your life and where do you begin?

    Sometimes learning new information brings us to the realization that everything has

    to change and that can be depressing. To manage the healing process, its best totake things one step at a time. Read on for some suggestions, you can find theseproducts and join our Mastery Membership Community where you can find all of the

    thousands of articles, channels and message that I have written since 2004, as wellas classes, on-line programs and news about events at www.enlighteninglife.com

    Heres how you can apply the 7 Mastery Principles to your life:

    The first phase of your healing journey is to release old blocks from the past andsome of our most popular products are:

    The Maternal Emotional Energetic Imprint helps heal the emotional energies

    absorbed during pregnancy. Whatever your mother was experiencing emotionallywas absorbed by you, from the moment of conception to the moment of birth. This 3CD set contains the 90 minute teleclass and the 30 minute meditation, which has

    been a life changing breakthrough for everyone who has experienced it.

    The Guilt and Shame Mastery program is a 4 CD set, over 4 hours of instruction,

    with an 80 page workbook and meditations, designed to help you uncover andrelease the guilt and shame imprints which can run, and ruin, your life. This program

    addressed guilt, shame, their energies and effects and how to heal and release themforever, so you can life guilt and shame free.

    The Mastery Alignment Program is a 4 CD set, over 4 hours of instruction, with a

    76 page workbook and meditations, which address your four trinity aspects body,mind, emotions and spirit. Each aspect is the subject of one of the 4 CDs, whichincludes instruction, explanation, insights, meditations and release exercises to help

    you understand their role in your life path, how they work together and how to getthem in alignment.

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    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064Email: [email protected]


    Books include:

    30 Days to Everyday Miracles How to Live a Miraculous Life. This 30 day

    program has been used by thousands to create amazing miracles, lifetransformations that they would never have considered possible. First you create

    your miracle list, up to 5 things you want to create in your life, then for 30 days youapply one of the miracle principles to the items on your list. Everyone who has read

    this book has reported a miraculous breakthrough and the fulfillment of everythingon their miracle list.

    Ascending into Miracles The Path of Spiritual Mastery. Released in July 2011,this book is the culmination of Jennifers work with Archangel Uriel and the

    Enlightening Life newsletter which she has written since 2004. 483 pages of

    guidance, information, instruction and soul awakening content and questions that willhelp you align yourself with your spiritual mastery.

    For more information and to purchase these products, click here to visit our MasteryStore.

    About Jennifer Hoffman

    Jennifer Hoffman is a top selling author, channel, intuitive counselor, spiritual

    mastery guide and popular radio show host who inspires a global audience to

    embrace their mastery in all areas of their life. Jennifers miraculous recovery fromparalysis during her childhood has inspired her to teach empowered, masterful livingto others, so they can learn to rise from their paralyzing thoughts and beliefs and

    dream big, achieving their highest potential and living in joy, peace and abundancein life, love, career and business.

    She is the author of the weekly Enlightening Life newsletter, with more than 2 million

    readers and has written several books, including the recently released Ascending intoMiracles the Path of Spiritual Mastery.

    You can join her each week on the #1 Blog Talk Radio show, the Enlightening Lifeshow, visit this link to hear the show live or listen to the archives.

    Jennifer provides individual and group coaching, workshops and other programs.

    More information about Jennifer and her products and services is available atwww.enlighteninglife.com.

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    www.enlighteninglife.com 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery

    Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. P.O. Box 7076 Lees Summit, MO 64064


    About Jennifer Hoffman

    Jennifer Hoffman is a celebrated intuitive, author, spiritual

    life and business coach, speaker, popular radio show hostand creator of Miracle Coaching. She is the CEO and founder

    of Enlightening Life OmniMedia, a resource for self empowerment, information and education dedicated to helpingothers live on purpose and in their mastery. Her latest book,

    Ascending into Miracles the Path of Spiritual Mastery, i s a nAmazon top seller.

    During her childhood she overcame physical paralysis and

    miraculously survived a near fatal car accident, which allowed her to learn how to

    transcend fear and limitation, hallmarks of her teachings, to achieve total confidenceand personal fulfillment. She is celebrated for her Enlightening Life newsletter, withmore than 2 million weekly readers, and for her transformational work in helping

    others master their purpose to create joy, passion, success and abundance in life,

    love, career and business. She is the author of the weekly Enlightening Life

    newsletter, with more than 2 million readers.

    You can join Jennifer each week on the #1 Blog Talk Radio show, the Enlightening

    Life show, visit this link to hear the show live or listen to the archives.

    Jennifer provides individual and group coaching, workshops and other programs.

    More information about Jennifer and her products and services is available atwww.enlighteninglife.com.

    Jennifer travels internationally, teaching seminars and workshops on a variety oftopics. Learn more about Jennifers work at www.enlighteninglife.com

    If you found inspiration in this FREE report, the 7 Principles of Spiritual Mastery,

    you will appreciate Jennifers breakthrough mastery products and services tohelp you identify your life purpose, be aligned with your mastery, heal karma,

    overcome limitations and transform your life.

    Jennifer offers private one-on-one life transformation sessions, Mastery private andgroup coaching, master mind support groups, LIVE events and life changing studytools to help you create your masterful life. A full listing of all products and

    services is available at www.enlighteninglife.com

    I wish you the blessings of masterful living, the fulfillment of your dreamsand that you have the joy, peace, love and abundance you deserve.

    Jennifer Hoffman

    Your Guide to Masterful LivingSM
