7 Days to Success With Law of Attraction

Seven Days to Success with The Law of Attraction ACTION PACK Workbook and Guide



Transcript of 7 Days to Success With Law of Attraction

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Seven Days to



The Law of Attraction


Workbook and Guide

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Seven Days to Success with the Law of Attraction © Jeffrey Howard, MasterMind Mentor www.MasterMindMentor.com


Please Read This Important Information

This workbook is offered as a bonus to a book or other personal development product launch and as such, is available to you for your personal use. You may also freely forward this workbook to others as long as you do so without charge or compensation of any kind.

If you intend to offer this workbook as a bonus or other gift as part of your own or another product launch, please contact the author (Jeffrey Howard) or his representatives to discuss specific permission for your project.



Email: [email protected]

This comprehensive workbook is an excerpt from Jeffrey Howard’s Law of Attraction ACTION PACK – Seven Days to Success with the Law of Attraction. It is a simple, yet powerful 7-day system for creating your Ultimate Dream Life using the Law of Attraction. Each day builds upon the next so that at the end of the first 7 days, you have a built a new custom system for yourself that you can then use to change your life in whatever way you choose.

Order either of these programs today at the following web sites:

The Law of Attraction Action Pack: www.LOAinSevenDays.com

Attraction Mastery: www.InsideTheGreatSecret.com

The Law of Attraction ACTION PACK™, Seven Days to Success with the Law of Attraction™ and MasterMind Enhancement Music™ are all trademarks of MasterMindMentor.com.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2008

All the statements in this publication represent the opinions of its author, Jeffrey Howard. While best efforts have been made by the author and publisher to ensure the accuracy of all statements in this publication, MasterMindMentor.com makes no warranties or representations as to its contents and assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions therein. Neither MasterMindMentor.com nor any of the other parties involved in creating, producing or delivering this publication is liable for any damages suffered as a result of using it.

This publication is not intended to take the place of any necessary personal work or counseling required on the party of the reader, nor is its creator or publisher providing any such counseling or advice herein.

The experiences of the author and any other represented herein are unique. Your experience will vary depending upon the amount of time, effort and energy you invest and on other factors.

All trademarks used herein are the property of MasterMindMentor.com, and/or its assigns.

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Seven Days to Success with the Law of Attraction © Jeffrey Howard, MasterMind Mentor www.MasterMindMentor.com


Seven Days to Success

With the Law of Attraction

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4

Day One ................................................................................................................... 9

Day Two ................................................................................................................. 18

Day Three ............................................................................................................... 23

Day Four ................................................................................................................. 28

Day Five .................................................................................................................. 35

Day Six .................................................................................................................... 40

Day Seven ............................................................................................................... 46

Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 52

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Seven Days to Success with the Law of Attraction © Jeffrey Howard, MasterMind Mentor www.MasterMindMentor.com



When I set out to create this program, I had to stop and think what people were

really missing when it comes to the Law of Attraction. I have talked to thousands

of people about the subject of Law of Attraction. Time and time again, I hear

things like this:

“I’m meditating and visualizing and I can see my stuff but it’s not showing

up…what am I doing wrong?”

-- or --

“I think I understand this whole positive thinking thing but I still have all these

negative thoughts coming up and it doesn’t seem to be working for me.”

Have you had any thoughts like this? Have you run into barriers in getting the

Law of Attraction to work in your life?

Well, as I discuss in my talks, workshops and seminars on this subject, there is

nothing you’re necessarily doing “wrong” with any of this, but the Law of

Attraction, or more specifically, that Universal dynamic quantum physics energy

field that magnetizes things to you really doesn’t have the ability to distinguish

between your positive and negative thoughts, or the internal images that you

want or don’t want to create or attract into your life. The Law of Attraction works

with the conscious AND subconscious mind and like everything else that’s

happening subconsciously, it is running on automatic without any judgment about

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whether you REALLY want what you say you want or not.

That, I believe, is the inherent dilemma for most people. At first, the concept

seems so easy but then as you study it, you realize that there really is some work

involved. We have to work on the things that are blocking us from receiving. We

have to work on issues we may have carried around with us for years – even our

whole lives – about whether we “deserve” to be successful, or happy, or

prosperous or loved.

But that’s okay; we don’t mind doing the work, do we? As long as we know what

work we really need to do.

So, my intention with this

workbook is to help you DO

THE WORK in the most

effective and efficient way I

know. The idea is to get you

started down the path toward

putting the Law of Attraction

on automatic pilot for you.

It is important to understand

that your life right now is the

culmination of the thoughts,

feelings, attitudes, knowledge and programming that you have brought forward

with you since your first day on this planet. A large part of that information and

programming serves you quite well. But some things are outdated or were just

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plain ineffective for you from the start.

Worse yet, some of that mental junk slipped in there without you even knowing

about it…and that’s the stuff we’re going to be working on short-circuiting so you

can install new beliefs, new thoughts, new ideas and they will support you in

creating your Ultimate Dream Life, as you attract all the things you want into your

personal universe.

So, with all this in mind, I realized that this program needed to fill in the gaps and

really help people create success using the Law of Attraction and because of the

microwave society we live in these days, I had to do it quickly so I could keep your


That’s why I’ve developed this Seven Days to Success with the Law of Attraction

workbook and audio program. So you can be well on your way to attracting the

things you really want into your life within seven days.

Now, there is one caveat, a condition that you must be aware of starting right

now. Seven days is probably NOT enough to completely change your life,

assuming that’s what is required for you to start attracting what you really want.

I’ll be the first person to tell you that you DEFINITELY want to set your intentions,

goals and aspirations REALLY HIGH and assume that process will move quickly,

because it truly can (in fact, it does) move at light-speed. And what’s the point of

setting a goal that you already know you can achieve anyway? Where’s the

challenge in that? So, set your bar really high, commit to the process and to your

own success. That commitment is going to start accelerating the power of the

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Law of Attraction for you so you can start to see those light-speed changes.

Seven days is enough to start creating your new habits. After seven days, you will

have developed a process that supports your new power in the Law of Attraction.

But seven days is not the end of it. You’re not just going to do one exercise for

each day and then you’re done, forever...sorry, it doesn’t work that way. I would

love to tell you that it does, but it just doesn’t. We’re talking about installing a

new operating system; new internal software by which you will now run your new

life. And then you will be operating under that new system, forever.

Thirty days of consistent practice at this and you’ll be a pro. Scientific research

studies tell us that it takes right around 30 days to develop a new habit or

internalize a belief. So, this first seven days is just your set up time; your time to

get clear and practice the process.

Then, for the next 30 days, you will practice each step of the seven-step action

plan. Once you have it down, it only takes a few minutes a day. Twice a day is

even better. I suggest that you go through it once in the morning just after you

rise out of bed and once again right before you go to sleep.

At the end of 30 days, this will have become a ritual for you, IF you do the work.

That’s where your personal commitment comes in. How much do you REALLY

want your Ultimate Dream Life? After seven days, you’re going to know what you

want and how to get it. Then it’s up to you because things are going to start

coming to you and you will need to be ready to take that “Inspired Action” that

we’ll talk about in the program.

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You may decide that you need

some support in all this.

Perhaps you need someone to

hold you accountable for your commitments. We can assist with that too if you


If you have not done so already, consider contacting me about Law of Attraction

Coaching, which is part of our MasterMind Life Design Coaching Programs.

For more information you can contact our offices or visit our web site:

www.MasterMindMentor.com. For free instant access to a great library of

personal development material, you can also go to


Remember, the Law of Attraction IS already working in your life. So, the big

question now is: How are you going to now use it in a conscious manner and

really create your Ultimate Dream Life.

I want to hear from you about your success stories. And remember, contact us if

you need some assistance, guidance or coaching to really make this work for you.

I wish you all the very best in everything you pursue.

Jeffrey Howard Chief Visioneering Officer www.MasterMindMentor.com 1-800-507-4558

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Day One

Get Clear About What You Want Create Your Daily Ritual

Today is the day you’re going to really start setting up your process for getting the

most out of the Law of Attraction. Today is the day that you are going to get clear

about what you want and create your daily ritual visioning process so you can

continue to enhance those visual pictures you’ll be carrying around with you

throughout your day.

So how do we get clear about what we want? I get that question a lot and it’s

going to seem a little bit contradictory at first, but what I want you to do is to first

get clear about what you DON’T want.

Take a few minutes, or as long as you need, to think about the things in your life

that aren’t working. Don’t be afraid to get vivid about this. We’re going to be

replacing these negative thoughts and feelings with positive thoughts and actions

in just a moment.

We’re going to do a simple process to replace the old with the new.

So, make a list of all those things that are not working in your life.

Next, write a short note about what this particular aspect of your life feels like.

Then, write a replacement statement for the thing you don’t want that is the

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exact polar opposite of what you wrote down that you don’t want.

Now, write what you will feel like when you have that new positive thing in your


So you can use the chart below or create one of your own or just write it down on

a piece of paper…definitely do not let the process slow you down; do whatever is

easiest and most convenience for you.

Here’s how a chart can be laid out and a couple of examples of shifting the

negative (things you don’t want) to positive (things you do want).

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What I DON’T want in my life anymore

How it feels to have this in my life


What I DO want in my life now (the


How it will feel when I have that in

my life

I’m sick and tired of all this debt

Tired, stressed, worrying all the time

I am paying off my credit cards every month and have plenty of money in the bank always

Great, awesome, free

This bad relationship.

Draining, unsatisfying

I am enjoying a loving and supportive relationship

Ecstatic, warm, loving

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Now, hopefully, you won’t need more

space in the chart above than we have

provided for you here just to lay out the

things you DON’T want in your life.

But you probably have more things that

you want in your life that aren’t necessary

related to anything happening in your life


So, use the rest of the space on this chart to jot down a few more things that you

really would like to have in your life. Go wild with this one; don’t hold back…you

want a Ferrari and a million dollar house? Go for it! The sky’s the limit on this


Use the lines below to throw out your ideas, whether you believe they are

realistic right now or not:










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Next, you want to create a list of “I AM” statements about the things that you

want. This is to bring your intention about what you want to attract into the


For example, if

one of the things

on your list is to

live in a luxury

home, you might

use something like

the following I AM


“I AM enjoying my

leisurely life in my

new luxury home

right now.”

With each


visualize in your mind’s eye having, being and doing all those things that you have

now determined that you want to attract into your life.

Day One is about getting clear and setting up your daily ritual process.

Now, you are ready to finalize your Action Plan for Day One. You are clear about

what you want. You will no longer focus on what you don’t want and you are

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ready to move forward with exciting new tools for success in the Law of


Now that you are ready, we can begin to go through your Action Plan. We will

add to the Action Plan with each day’s processes.

Day One Action Plan Steps:

1. View the MasterMind Law of Attraction Movie (begin programming your

mind into the right mode for “attracting”) (11 mins)

2. View the movie “Putting the Action Into the Law of AttrACTION! It’s

important to get clear on the bigger picture and the entire process today!

(45 minutes)

3. Listen to the LOA CD with MasterMind Enhancement Music™.

4. Read each of your I AM statements about what you want to attract

5. After each I AM statement, visualize yourself having, being or doing the

thing you have stated.

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That’s it for Day One!


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Day Two

Discover and Release Your Internal Blocks

Day Two is where we begin developing your awareness of the things that may be

causing you to block what you really want to attract.

We’re going to build upon Day One’s work because we need to use the “I AM”

statements to really get clear about what those blocks might be.

When it comes to internal blocks, chances are you are carrying around some

issues surrounding money and prosperity if you don’t have enough of it in your

life right now. The same would apply for successful relationships or harmony in

your family or anything else that might have shown up on your list of “wants”

from Day One.

Day Two involves one exercise and a little homework for you:


To develop your awareness of where your internal blocks might be, do the

following simple exercise:

1. Read each of your I AM statements from Day One

2. After each statement, pay attention to what “comes up” for you. Any inner

voice you hear, especially the little “devil-on-your-shoulder” voice telling

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you that you can’t or you shouldn’t or you aren’t good enough.

3. Jot down on a piece of paper what comes up after each I AM statement.

It’s really that simple. When you begin to get clear on where your blocks are,

then you can start the release process. Awareness is the key to virtually every

aspect of Law of Attraction.

Once you have determined where your blocks are, then you will need to do some

work to release them.

There are a number of ways to release internal blocks from your system. I

suggest the following two methods in the interest of speed and efficiency. There

may be more required for you, and in some serious cases, even counseling may

be helpful, but I have found both the Sedona Method and Emotional Freedom

Technique (EFT) to be the most effective systems for releasing any issue quickly

and effectively.

While both of these techniques are very effective, I cannot include the details of

either in our workbook. However, I can provide resources for you and you’ll have

to do a little work yourself on that. Or perhaps you already have a method you

like to use. These are merely suggestions but removing these blocks is going to be

a key part of successfully navigating the Law of Attraction.

Here are some resources you can use to access these techniques:

1. Sedona Method – They will send you a FREE CD and DVD simply by signing

up for it on their internet site: www.Sedona.com or you can call them at 1-

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2. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – There are many resources on the

Internet with video instructions on how to apply this technique whether for

Law of Attraction or any other issue you want to release from your life.

You can Google the term “EFT” or “Emotional Freedom Technique” and get a lot

more information, but here are some direct links to resources, including


www.YouTube.com (search EFT and you’ll find massive amounts of EFT


Here are a couple of my favorites:

David Childerley



Karin Witzig


www.EmoFree.com (wonderful resource to learn more about EFT)

Now you are ready to add on your new processes to create your Day Two Action


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Day Two Action Plan

1. Watch the MasterMind Law of Attraction Movie (to begin programming

your mind into the right mode to start “attracting”)

2. Read each of your I AM statements about what you want to attract

3. After each I AM statement, visualize yourself having, being or doing the

thing you have stated.

4. Pay attention to the most prominent “block issue” that comes up in your I

AM statement process.

5. Go through the EFT or Sedona Method process for that particular issue.

6. Listen to the LOA CD with MasterMind Enhancement Music™

You’re finished with Day Two!


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Additional Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Day Three

Practice Feeling Your Ultimate Dream Life

Day Three is where you begin to really get a sense that “this stuff can really

work.” You should already be feeling a sense of validation in your processes.

On Day Three you are going to do only one simple exercise and it’s a lot of fun.


1. Go through each of your I AM statements one at a time. This time say each

one out loud, if you have not been doing that already.

2. After each I Am statement, stop and visualize the experience you stated.

See yourself having, being or doing the thing you listed in the statement.

3. Now, go one step further and put yourself in the place of really being there.

Feel the feelings that come along with that experience.

4. Now, intensify those feelings even further. Really put yourself in the

present tense of having, being and doing the things that you really want in

your life.

How much fun is that??? It’s almost like actually being there isn’t it?

And remember, neither your subconscious mind, nor the forces that drive the Law

of Attraction can tell the difference between a vividly imagined experience and a

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real one.

If you doubt that this is true, do a little research on how athletes use visual

imagery and mental rehearsal to experience their games or races long before they

run or play them.

Scientific testing has determined that when an athlete vividly imagines an

upcoming race, for example, the same brain functions occur and the same

muscles groups fire as if they were actually physically running that race.

So, put yourself in the deepest and most vivid state that you can of mental and

emotional connection to the things that you want. You will get better at this with

practice, so don’t worry if you have a little challenge with it initially. Remember,

we are developing new life habits and patterns. Everything may not happen


You are now ready for your Day Three Action Plan:

Day Three Action Plan

1. Watch the MasterMind Law of Attraction Movie (to begin programming

your mind into the right mode to start “attracting”)

2. Read each of your I AM statements about what you want to attract

3. After each I AM statement, visualize yourself having, being or doing the

thing you have stated.

4. After each I AM statement, put yourself into the emotional state of having,

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being or doing the thing you have stated from your list. Feel the feelings of

actually being there, in the present tense.

5. Pay attention to the most prominent “block issue” that comes up in your I

AM statement process.

6. Go through the EFT or Sedona Method process for that particular issue.

7. Listen to the LOA CD with MasterMind Enhancement Music™

The process is kicking in…can you feel it? You’re finished with Day Three!


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Additional Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Day Four

Create Your Dream Board, Vision Board or MasterMind Movie

Okay, now things are going to get really fun! You have gotten clear on your vision

of what you want to attract, you are releasing your blocks about anything holding

you back, you can really FEEL what it’s like to have, do and be the things you want

in your life…now, let’s solidify the process even more deeply and build upon what

we’ve learned.

It’s time to create a Dream Board or Vision Board or if you already have the skills,

a MasterMind Movie of your Ultimate Dream Life.

You should have already gone through the video Putting the Action Into the Law

of AttrACTION! by now. If you haven’t, stop everything and do it now. I mean it,

no shortcuts, do it now…it’s only 45 minutes long. The video has a section called

“Surround Yourself With Images” and that’s going to give you some insight on

building your Dream Board.

There is also an instructional video that shows you how to create your own

MasterMind Movie, so if you want to do that (which I strongly recommend),

definitely watch that video to give you ideas and techniques on how to create

your own movie.

What is a Dream Board?

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A Dream Board, or Vision Board or MasterMind Movie is another tool that you

will use to create an even stronger foundation for what you want to attract. It

doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but you can get as creative and technological

with it as you choose.

You can use a bulletin board, a notebook, your computer, or a movie-making

software program to create your collage of pictures, quotes, affirmations and

music. This is a powerful way to reinforce the images and feelings associated with

the things you want to attract.

What Materials Will You Need?

A bulletin board or notebook (or you can do it on your computer)

A picture of yourself (preferably one that you like!)

Some selected photographs of the things you want to attract (cars, houses,

relationships, romance, money, health, etc.)

Some of your favorite quotations

Printed versions of some (or all) of your I AM statements

OPTIONAL: If you’re making a movie, you might want some of your favorite music

to add to it.

The rest is pretty simple. There is no specific requirement or formula; just do

what feels right to you.

Place a picture of yourself on your Dream Board, then your other pictures all

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around you. Add quotes and affirmations and spend some time each day

reviewing that material and mentally putting you in the picture at the same time.

The idea is just to enhance and build upon what you have previously developed in

your Action Plan.

Where Do You Get Great Pictures?

You have lots of options for pictures. If you are connected to the Internet, try a

Google Image search for the things you want. Do you want to attract a Ferrari?

Just Google Ferrari under Google images…it’s that simple.

You can cut pictures out of magazines like Architectural Digest (for beautiful

homes), Robb Report (for luxury EVERYTHING) and anything else you like. Travel

magazines, car magazines, whatever you’re attracting. Again, there is no specific

formula that you MUST use. It’s really up to you.


Some additional hints and tips:

Use post-it notes with affirmations on your bathroom mirror.

Keep a list of your I AM statements on the wall next to your toilet (I know

you’re laughing right now, but try this…you spend a lot of time there, so

you might as well put it to use!)

Try putting a picture of the perfect Adonis body or “bikini body” next to the

handle of your refrigerator door (if you’re wanting to attract that kind of

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body)…it will make you think twice before opening that refrigerator for that

midnight snack.

Put images anywhere you spend time, in your car, in your bedroom.

Put your Dream Board someplace where you can’t help but see it, but make

a point to spend some focused time viewing it throughout your day.

Add more zeros to a one dollar bill or get one of the novelty printed

$1,000,000 bills and place it above your bed on the ceiling.

Have fun with this process. Your only limitation is how creative you can be with


Now, you’re ready for your Day Four Action Plan:

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Day Four Action Plan

1. Watch the MasterMind Law of Attraction Movie (to begin programming

your mind into the right mode to start “attracting”); or watch your own

MasterMind Movie if you’ve created a custom version for yourself

2. Read each of your I AM statements about what you want to attract

3. After each I AM statement, visualize yourself having, being or doing the

thing you have stated.

4. After each I AM statement, put yourself into the emotional state of having,

being or doing the thing you have stated from your list. Feel the feelings of

actually being there, in the present tense.

5. Spend at least five minutes morning and night viewing your Dream Board.

6. Pay attention to the most prominent “block issue” that comes up in your I

AM statement process.

7. Go through the EFT or Sedona Method process for that particular issue.

8. Listen to the LOA CD with MasterMind Enhancement Music™

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You are attracting what you want into your world! How does it feel now?

You’re finished with Day Four!


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Additional Notes: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Day Five

Trust that the Process is Working for You

Day Five is about Trust. This can be a big issue for many people which is why we

have spent a few days building your foundation before moving into this area.

Trust is an area in which many people have challenges. Again, just like issues with

money and love, we may have internal messages blocking us in the area of trust.

You can use the Sedona Method and EFT again here to release any block relating

to trust.

As you do the exercise today, I am going to ask you to take a leap of faith (and

trust) so you can move forward in the most efficient and effective way possible

toward building your Ultimate Dream Life through the Law of Attraction.

Keep in mind as you go through the following exercise that you are “trusting” all

the time. Trusting people, trusting situations and trusting yourself.

You trust that you can walk out of your house right now and be safe.

You trust that you can drop off your kids to school and the teachers and

administrators will take care them in your absence

You trust that you are going to wake up in the morning

You trust that the sun is going to be up with you.

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These things may seem simple, but I’m trying to make this process simple for you.

It is important to recognize that every day we trust so many things. Sometimes,

in fact, many times, we even take that “leap of faith” and trust something that we

don’t know anything about.

Before you do this exercise, I’m going to ask you to suspend any DISbelief you

have for now. Just for now. The Law of Attraction is in operation in your life,

whether you choose to believe in it, or trust it. The truth is still the truth,

regardless of your belief. Therefore, let’s do a simple little exercise to help you

with this concept, just in case you’re having any trouble in the “trust” area.


Answer the following questions:

1. Do you believe and trust in the Law of Gravity?

a) If your answer is no, pick up something right now, and drop it.

b) Did it fall? Of course it did. OK, so the truth is still the truth no matter

what you choose to believe. You can TRUST in the Law of Gravity.

2. Who in your life do you trust right now?

a) Write them down.

b) Write down a couple of reasons that you trust each person you have on

your list.

c) Realize that you can trust and that you DO trust in your life all the time.

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3. Look back over your last four days in the Seven Days to Success with the

Law of Attraction process. Have you made progress? Are you beginning to

think differently, feel differently, act differently? You have followed

through with the process and therefore you can also trust YOURSELF to

work with these concepts and trust that the Law of Attraction will work for

you in return.

Trust is a touchy subject for many people. The most I can ask of you right now is

to “just do it” in the immortal words of Nike. Trust that the process is working.

You have nothing to lose in trusting this process. If you do not learn these skills

and consciously use the Law of Attraction, it’s still going to work, but you will lack

the control over how well it works for you. If you try and it doesn’t work, you

have lost nothing (except perhaps a little of your time). If you try it and it DOES

work, your life will be forever changed for the better and you will have

empowered yourself on a very deep level to create anything you want in your life!

Now, you are ready for your Day Five Action Plan:

Day Five Action Plan

1. Watch the MasterMind Law of Attraction Movie (to begin programming your

mind into the right mode to start “attracting”); or watch your own

MasterMind Movie if you’ve created a custom version for yourself

2. Read each of your I AM statements about what you want to attract

3. After each I AM statement, visualize yourself having, being or doing the thing

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you have stated.

4. After each I AM statement, put yourself into the emotional state of having,

being or doing the thing you have stated from your list. Feel the feelings of

actually being there, in the present tense.

5. Spend at least five minutes morning and night viewing your Dream Board.

6. Pay attention to the most prominent “block issue” that comes up in your I AM

statement process.

7. Go through the EFT or Sedona Method process for that issue.

8. Go through the EFT or Sedona Method process for “trust” if that is coming up

for you.

9. Listen to the LOA CD with MasterMind Enhancement Music™

That’s it for Day Five…

This was great progress you made today! Congratulations!

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Day Six

Develop Your Awareness So You Can Take Inspired Action

Here we are at Day Six already! You’ve made great progress!

Day Six is about developing your awareness of what pops up around the things

you want to attract. You have now gotten clear about what you want, released

your blocks about it, put yourself in the present tense, visualizing and feeling

what you want to attract, you’ve surrounded yourself with images and then

accepted your own trust that the process is working. And it IS working!

So, now it’s time to start developing that higher level of awareness about the

people, situations and opportunities that will arise through Law of Attraction, so

you can follow the trail to the things you want to attract.

Awareness takes practice and practice is the best way to increase your awareness.

In today’s exercise, you’re going to start out by becoming aware of what’s going

on in your immediate vicinity and then move out from there.


1. Wherever you are right now, just stop and relax. Either sit down or just stand

in a relaxed manner.

2. Take a few deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth

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(just like in the relaxation section of the Law of Attraction CD you’ve been

listening to).

3. Now, close your eyes. Listen. What do you hear? Pay attention to each

individual sound that you hear. Try to separate out the sounds. If you’re in a

rural setting or outside in a park, that’s great, but you can do this exercise

anywhere. If you are in the city or a noisy place, it’s just as good for this


4. After spending a few minutes noticing and becoming aware of the various

sounds you can hear around you, try this: distinguish each sound…pick it out

by itself and try to hear just that sound. Now, let in the other sounds around

you. Pretty interesting isn’t it…how you can distinguish between various

sounds just by where you focus your attention?

5. Now, try this exercise. While listening to each sound, try listening for the

“silence” in between the sounds. Even that split-second of silence in the gap

of a noisy place.

6. OK, now that you’ve practiced your sensory awareness with your eyes closed,

open your eyes. Try to go through the various sounds you noticed before and

pinpoint the source of that sound.

7. Look around you. What do you see? What do you feel? Is there a breeze? Is

it warm or cold? What colors do you see? What are the people around you


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Awareness is a learned skill. In that previous exercise, wasn’t it amazing how

much more detail became clear to you by picking out each individual sound and

visual around you? Practice this over and over every day.

Practical awareness skills like this will hone your intuitive awareness as well. Pay

attention to that feeling in your “gut” when something is “right” or something is

“not quite right.” Pay attention to what rings as truth to you when someone tells

you about something or points out something or talks about a person they met.

Follow that trail. Whenever something “feels” right, follow the trail, every time,

until you hit a dead end or until it becomes clear that this is related to what it is

you want to attract.

Remember that what you want may not always come in a pretty little package

with a bow tied around it. It might come through a domino effect of experience

that you need to go through to get where you want.

Look for the opportunities that arise during your day. Maybe it’s a phone call you

get or something you overhear in a conversation or something you read in the

newspaper or a magazine or an email that you receive. Pay attention to

everything that happens around you.

Also remember that sometimes opportunities are disguised as challenges.

Sometimes it seems we are tested to see if we REALLY want what we think we

want. All these things lead us to gain a keener sense of awareness that ultimately

leads us to our destiny, to our Ultimate Dream Life through the Law of Attraction.

Now that you are aware, it’s time for your Day Six Action Plan:

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Day Six Action Plan

1. Watch the MasterMind Law of Attraction Movie (to begin programming your

mind into the right mode to start “attracting”); or watch your own

MasterMind Movie if you’ve created a custom version for yourself

2. Read each of your I AM statements about what you want to attract

3. After each I AM statement, visualize yourself having, being or doing the thing

you have stated.

4. After each I AM statement, put yourself into the emotional state of having,

being or doing the thing you have stated from your list. Feel the feelings of

actually being there, in the present tense.

5. Spend at least five minutes morning and night viewing your Dream Board.

6. Be aware of everything that even “could be” related to what you want to

attract and follow that trail.

7. Go through the EFT or Sedona Method process for any issues that are still

coming up.

8. Listen to the LOA CD with MasterMind Enhancement Music™

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You have completed Day Six…

You are awesome and the Law of Attraction is working in your life!


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Day Seven

Be Grateful for All of It! Gratitude is Everything

Day Seven has arrived and it is all about Gratitude. Developing an “attitude of

gratitude” is one of the key elements to success in the Law of Attraction, because

when you are grateful for what you have, the Universe is hearing the message “I

want more of that” and provides it to you.

Be grateful for everything. Be gracious to everyone. Appreciate what you have

now and what you intend to have through the Law of Attraction (as if it were here

right now, in the present tense).

This element is probably the easiest part of the process because there truly is so

much to be grateful for in this life. The following exercise will help you see that

for yourself:


1. Make a list of everything you that are grateful for in your life. Don’t hesitate to

put EVERYTHING you can think of on this list.

2. Are you having trouble with that one? If so, here’s a little help: Are you

grateful for being able to breathe that first breath of air into your lungs? Are

you grateful for being able to get out of bed and walk today? Are you grateful

for the traffic you experienced on your way to work? You see where I’m going

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with this…be grateful for everything!

3. Now, if there are a few things on the list that you resisted and put on there

anyway (like being grateful for the traffic), write down something good about

that experience. Find the good in everything.

OK, so I know some of you are already asking: “Jeff, why do I want to be grateful

for the traffic? You said that the Universe responds by giving you more of what

you’re grateful for, right? And I don’t want more traffic!”

Of course, none of us really wants to experience more traffic but in finding the

good in the traffic experience, other good things will come to you; things that you

really do want. For instance, the traffic gave you the time to think about a

challenge you were having that needed some attention; or you got to finish

listening to some great music that would have been cut off if you didn’t get

delayed; or you were really able to pay attention and give more to someone you

talked to on your cell phone; or you realized you were grateful for the fact that

you are driving when some people have to walk or take the bus…

Through this process, the Law of Attraction works to bring you the things upon

which you focus your attention, while you are grateful for what you have now.

It’s really just that simple.

Now, you are ready for your Day Seven Action Plan:

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Day Seven Action Plan

1. Watch the MasterMind Law of Attraction Movie (to begin programming your

mind into the right mode to start “attracting”); or watch your own

MasterMind Movie if you’ve created a custom version for yourself

2. Read each of your I AM statements about what you want to attract

3. After each I AM statement, visualize yourself having, being or doing the thing

you have stated.

4. After each I AM statement, put yourself into the emotional state of having,

being or doing the thing you have stated from your list. Feel the feelings of

actually being there, in the present tense.

5. Spend at least five minutes morning and night viewing your Dream Board.

6. Be aware of everything that even “could be” related to what you want to

attract and follow that trail.

7. Go through the EFT or Sedona Method process for any issues that are still

coming up.

8. Listen to the LOA CD with MasterMind Enhancement Music™

9. Stay in an attitude of gratitude about everything you have in your life; and

everything you choose to experience; and everything you are attracting into

your life!

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That’s It!!!

You have completed Day Seven and set yourself up to lead your life in a completely different way, attracting what you want and focusing your attention, energy, thoughts

and emotions…

The Law of Attraction is consistently working in your life, now and forever!

You have set yourself apart from most people by completing this part of the program.

Congratulations to you and I wish you the very best in all you choose to pursue!

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You have done it! I didn’t want to tell you this in the beginning but most people

never get this far; most people never take the time or focus the attention

required to really make lasting changes in their lives. But you have done it. You

have created a structure for yourself that will now serve you and give you more

control and power over your life.

Your key goal now is to practice, practice, practice. Stay aware and continue the

process. Remember, you’re only Seven Days into the process of developing your

new life structure. You need to carry this out for at least 30 days to make it stick

forever. And you will! You have chosen something different and you have

created a new plan.

Now that you have started the process of attracting the things you really want

into your life, you will begin to see things in a different way. You will begin to

attract new and different people and experiences. You will be following a new

trail of things that will lead you to what you want. And all this leads to you

creating your Ultimate Dream Life.

So, repeat the Day Seven Action Plan now for each day and add to it anything you

feel you need from previous days. In fact, add anything you feel will make the

process more powerful for you. Because in the end, your results were not

created from something you read in this book, or heard on a CD or watched on a

DVD. You created your results because:

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You Have The Power! ™

Let me know your success stories! I can’t wait to hear what you attract into your

new Ultimate Dream Life. Until then, I want to wish you all the very best of


Peace and Prosperity,

Jeffrey Howard

CEO & Founder


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Seven Days to Success with the Law of Attraction © Jeffrey Howard, MasterMind Mentor www.MasterMindMentor.com