7-42 the Conversion of Saul

7/21/2019 7-42 the Conversion of Saul http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/7-42-the-conversion-of-saul 1/49 Repentance Repentance I am sorry” is not always easy to I am sorry” is not always easy to say say When I know I’ve been thoughtless When I know I’ve been thoughtless and done something wrong. and done something wrong. I’ll try to repent, to do better, to I’ll try to repent, to do better, to pray pray That eavenly !ather will help me That eavenly !ather will help me be strong. be strong. Words: Words:  Sylvia Knight Lloyd, b. 1933. © 1974 IRI, Sylvia Knight Lloyd, b. 1933. © 1974 IRI, Music: Music:  Robert P. Manookin, 191!1997. © Robert P. Manookin, 191!1997. © 1974 IRI 1974 IRI


The conversion of Saul primary power point

Transcript of 7-42 the Conversion of Saul

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““I am sorry” is not always easy toI am sorry” is not always easy to


When I know I’ve been thoughtlessWhen I know I’ve been thoughtless

and done something wrong.and done something wrong.I’ll try to repent, to do better, toI’ll try to repent, to do better, to


That eavenly !ather will help meThat eavenly !ather will help me

be strong.be strong.

Words:Words: Sylvia Knight Lloyd, b. 1933. © 1974 IRI,Sylvia Knight Lloyd, b. 1933. © 1974 IRI, Music:Music: Robert P. Manookin, 191!1997. ©Robert P. Manookin, 191!1997. ©

1974 IRI1974 IRI

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What happensWhat happenswhen waterwhen water


What happensWhat happenswhen waterwhen water


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When waterWhen water

changes to icechanges to iceor steam, weor steam, wesay that it hassay that it has

beenbeen“converted.”“converted.”It is di%erentIt is di%erent#rom the#rom theoriginal water.original water.

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ow are peopleow are people

converted to the gospelconverted to the gospel

o# &esus 'hrist"o# &esus 'hrist"

ow do their lives changeow do their lives changewhen they are converted"when they are converted"This lesson is about oneThis lesson is about one

man’s miraculousman’s miraculousconversion to the gospelconversion to the gospelo# &esus 'hrist.o# &esus 'hrist.

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""Le##on 4$% &he 'onver#ion o( Sa)l,*Le##on 4$% &he 'onver#ion o( Sa)l,* Primary 7: New Testament,Primary 7: New Testament,

147 + "Sa)l Learn# abo)t e#)#,*147 + "Sa)l Learn# abo)t e#)#,* New Testament ScriptureNew Testament Scripture

StoriesStories, 'ha-ter 9, 14/1, 'ha-ter 9, 14/1

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(aul had watched(aul had watched

the people killthe people kill

(tephen.(tephen.)ne day (aul was)ne day (aul was

walking to thewalking to the

city o# *amascuscity o# *amascuswith somewith some

#riends.#riends.e wanted to pute wanted to put

some o# 'hrist’ssome o# 'hrist’s

disciples indisciples in


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(uddenly a(uddenly abright lightbright light

#rom heaven#rom heavensurroundedsurroundedhim and hehim and he

#ell to the#ell to theground.ground.Then (aul heard theThen (aul heard the

voice o# &esus asking himvoice o# &esus asking himwhy he was trying towhy he was trying to

hurt the (aints.hurt the (aints.

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(aul asked(aul asked &esus what he &esus what heshould do.should do.

The (avior said (aulThe (avior said (aul

should go to *amascus.should go to *amascus.There (aul would be toldThere (aul would be told

what he needed to do.what he needed to do.

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(aul opened his(aul opened hiseyes, but heeyes, but he

could not see.could not see.e was blind.e was blind.is #riends tookis #riends took

him tohim to*amascus.*amascus.

While (aul was inWhile (aul was in*amascus he #asted and*amascus he #asted andprayed #or three days.prayed #or three days.

+ disciple o# &esus 'hrist+ disciple o# &esus 'hrist

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In a vision,In a vision,

 &esus told &esus told+nanias to go+nanias to goto (aul.to (aul.

+nanias had+nanias hadthe priesthood.the priesthood.+nanias was a#raid. e+nanias was a#raid. e

had heard about (aulhad heard about (auland how he had beenand how he had beenputting &esus’ disciples inputting &esus’ disciples in


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+nanias went to the home+nanias went to the home(aul had been staying at.(aul had been staying at.+nanias called him+nanias called him“-rother (aul” and told“-rother (aul” and told(aul he had been sent by(aul he had been sent by

the ord.the ord.e put hise put his

hands onhands on

(aul’s head(aul’s headand blessedand blessed

him thathim that’’

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+#ter being healed, (aul+#ter being healed, (aulwas bapti$ed and receivedwas bapti$ed and receivedthe gi#t o# the oly host.the gi#t o# the oly host.

e becamee becameknown asknown as

/aul. e/aul. e

was calledwas called

to be anto be an


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/aul became a missionary #or/aul became a missionary #or

the 'hurch. e preached thethe 'hurch. e preached thegospel in many lands.gospel in many lands.

e wrotee wrote

manymanyletters toletters to'hrist’s'hrist’s

disciples.disciples.0any o#0any o#thesethese

letters areletters are

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ow might the members o#ow might the members o#

the 'hurch have #elt aboutthe 'hurch have #elt about

(aul"(aul"ow would you #eel i#ow would you #eel i#

someone persecuted you #orsomeone persecuted you #or

your belie#s"your belie#s"ow should we respondow should we respond

when someone does this"when someone does this"

as someone made #un o#as someone made #un o#you or been unkind to youyou or been unkind to you

because o# your belie#s"because o# your belie#s"

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What happened on the roadWhat happened on the road

to *amascus that helpedto *amascus that helped(aul reali$e he needed to(aul reali$e he needed to

repent o# his sins"repent o# his sins"



+cts <3+cts <3;56;56

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Who didWho did(aul speak(aul speakwith in thiswith in this

vision"vision"et’s readet’s read+cts <34+cts <34

ow do eavenlyow do eavenly!ather and &esus 'hrist!ather and &esus 'hrist

help us know when wehelp us know when we

need to repent"need to repent"

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What does itWhat does it

mean to “kickmean to “kick

against theagainst thepricks”"pricks”"et’set’s

readread+cts <34+cts <34

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+ prick was a+ prick was asharp spearsharp spear

people usedpeople usedon animalson animalsto maketo makethem move.them move.

)#ten the animals)#ten the animals

would kick back whenwould kick back when

pricked, which madepricked, which made

the spear hurt themthe spear hurt them

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 &esus 'hrist was telling &esus 'hrist was telling

(aul that his actions were(aul that his actions wereharming himsel# more thanharming himsel# more than

anyone else.anyone else.

When we >ghtWhen we >ght against against  what is right, we hurtwhat is right, we hurt

ourselves the most.ourselves the most.

ow could someone beow could someone behurt by >ghting against thehurt by >ghting against the


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What did (aul do to repent andWhat did (aul do to repent and

turn to &esus 'hrist"turn to &esus 'hrist"

e recogni$ed his sins ?e recogni$ed his sins ?+cts <36+cts <36@.@.

e #asted and prayed #ore #asted and prayed #or

#orgiveness ?#orgiveness ?+cts <3<, ::+cts <3<, ::@[email protected] was bapti$ed ?e was bapti$ed ?+cts <3:9+cts <3:9@[email protected] tried to correct the thingse tried to correct the things

he had done wrong ?he had done wrong ?+cts <3=7+cts <3=7@[email protected] changed and nevere changed and never

persecuted people again.persecuted people again.

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(aul was not wicked in his(aul was not wicked in his

heart8 he was deceived. eheart8 he was deceived. eneeded to repent and beneeded to repent and be


What doWhat dowe needwe need

to do toto do to

repent o#repent o#our sins"our sins"

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Why is itWhy is it

important toimportant torepent when we dorepent when we dosomething wrong"something wrong"

ow doesow does

repentancrepentance make use make us


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The +nanias in this lesson isThe +nanias in this lesson is

di%erent #rom the one whodi%erent #rom the one whowas struck dead #orwas struck dead #or


What didWhat didthe ord askthe ord ask

+nanias to+nanias to

do"do" Why"Why"et’s readet’s read

+cts <3:75:+cts <3:75:

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Why was +nanias a#raid toWhy was +nanias a#raid to

do what the ord asked"do what the ord asked"et’s readet’s read +cts <3:;5:A+cts <3:;5:A

Why did theWhy did theord callord call

(aul a(aul a


et’s readet’s read

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What important things didWhat important things did

eavenly !ather want (aul toeavenly !ather want (aul to

do"do"et’s readet’s read +cts =63:9+cts =63:9



eavenlyeavenly!ather want!ather wantyou to do"you to do"

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ow didow did

(aul lose(aul losehishiseyesight"eyesight"

et’s readet’s read+cts <39+cts <39 BB==3::==3::What happened whenWhat happened when

+nanias blessed (aul"+nanias blessed (aul"et’s readet’s read +cts <3:25:9+cts <3:25:9

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+#ter (aul’s conversion, why+#ter (aul’s conversion, whywould neither the peoplewould neither the people

nor the disciples believe himnor the disciples believe himwhen he preached"when he preached"et’s readet’s read +cts +cts <3=:, <3=:, =6=6

Why didWhy did

(aul have(aul have

to leaveto leavethethe



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What does eavenlyWhat does eavenly

!ather do when we repent!ather do when we repento# our sins"o# our sins"et’s readet’s read

*B' 493A=*B' 493A=ow canow canwe helpwe help

others whoothers whoare tryingare tryingto repentto repent

and #ollowand #ollow

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What was (aul’s testimony o#What was (aul’s testimony o# &esus 'hrist" &esus 'hrist"

et’s readet’s read +cts <3=7+cts <3=7 BB =63==5=;=63==5=;

ow do weow do we

know whenknow whenwe are trulywe are trulyconverted toconverted to

the gospel o#the gospel o# &esus 'hrist" &esus 'hrist"et’s readet’s read0 i h 3=0osiah 43=

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/resident C$ra Ta#t -enson,/resident C$ra Ta#t -enson,thirteenth /resident o# thethirteenth /resident o# the

'hurch, said this3'hurch, said this3““When we have undergone thisWhen we have undergone thismighty change, which is broughtmighty change, which is broughtabout only through #aith in &esusabout only through #aith in &esus

'hrist and through the DworkingE'hrist and through the DworkingEo# the (pirit upon us, it is aso# the (pirit upon us, it is asthough we have become a newthough we have become a newperson.person.

“F“F Gou have #orsaken lives o# sin Gou have #orsaken lives o# sinF and have become clean. GouF and have become clean. Gouhave no more DdesireE to returnhave no more DdesireE to returnto your old ways. Gou are into your old ways. Gou are in

reality a new person”reality a new person”??The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson,The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, 

p. [email protected]. A27@.

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0nr. 2t.1

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As I point to each itemAs I point to each item

on the list, silently askon the list, silently askyourself, “Do I need toyourself, “Do I need to

repent of this?”repent of this?”

Review the steps thatReview the steps that

Saul took to repent.Saul took to repent.0nr. 2t.1

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et’s review and memori$eet’s review and memori$e

the !ourth +rticle o# !aith3the !ourth +rticle o# !aith3

We believe that the >rstWe believe that the >rstprinciples and ordinances o#principles and ordinances o#

the ospel are3the ospel are3 >rst, !aith in>rst, !aith in

the ord &esus 'hrist8the ord &esus 'hrist8second, Repentance8second, Repentance8 third,third,

-aptism by immersion #or-aptism by immersion #or

the remission o# sins8the remission o# sins8 #ourth,#ourth,aying on o# hands #or theaying on o# hands #or the

gi#t o# the oly host.gi#t o# the oly host.0nr. 2t.3

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We have a specialWe have a specialguest today whoguest today whowill tell us aboutwill tell us about

how someone’show someone’sli#e can beli#e can bechanged as he orchanged as he orshe came toshe came tobelieve in 'hrist,believe in 'hrist,repented, andrepented, andwas bapti$ed.was bapti$ed.

0nr. 2t.4

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I need a volunteerHI need a volunteerH

/lease draw a/lease draw apicture o# a #orkedpicture o# a #orked

road on theroad on the


0nr. 2t.

I need anotherI need another


/lease write the name/lease write the nameo# a city you would likeo# a city you would like

to visit at the top o#to visit at the top o#

one road.one road.


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What would youWhat would you

do i# you took ado i# you took a

wrong turn andwrong turn and#ound yoursel##ound yoursel#

on the wrongon the wrong


0nr. 2t.

'ould you get to the'ould you get to the

city #rom where youcity #rom where you

are"are"What would you have toWhat would you have todo now to get to the citydo now to get to the city

you wanted to go to"you wanted to go to"


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ow isow isrepentancerepentance

like gettinglike getting

back on theback on the

right road"right road"

0nr. 2t.

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I bear testimony o# howI bear testimony o# how

important repentance isimportant repentance isin our lives and howin our lives and how

important it is to beimportant it is to be

truly converted to thetruly converted to thegospel o# &esus 'hrist.gospel o# &esus 'hrist.I love the gospel andI love the gospel and

have enoyed learninghave enoyed learningmore while being yourmore while being your


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 &he le##on i# (ro ld#.org. &he #2ri-t)re &he le##on i# (ro ld#.org. &he #2ri-t)re

#torie# are (ro ld#.org and -ara-hra#ed#torie# are (ro ld#.org and -ara-hra#ed

(ro vario)# arti2le# on ld#.org and (ro(ro vario)# arti2le# on ld#.org and (rothe #2ri-t)re#.the #2ri-t)re#.Iage# and 2li-art are (ro ld#.org,Iage# and 2li-art are (ro ld#.org,

Mi2ro#o(t 562e, and other eb#ite#Mi2ro#o(t 562e, and other eb#ite#

indi2ating the iage# ere in the -)bli2indi2ating the iage# ere in the -)bli2doain or -eritted (or 2h)r2h and hoedoain or -eritted (or 2h)r2h and hoe

)#e.)#e.Plea#e do not )#e thi# -re#entation (orPlea#e do not )#e thi# -re#entation (or

2oer2ial )#e. 8eel (ree to alter the2oer2ial )#e. 8eel (ree to alter the-re#entation (or )#e in 2h)r2h or hoe to-re#entation (or )#e in 2h)r2h or hoe to

#)it -er#onal -re(eren2e.#)it -er#onal -re(eren2e. &hi# -re#entation i# intended to &hi# -re#entation i# intended to

#)--leent, not re-la2e, the le##on#)--leent, not re-la2e, the le##on

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8ro ible :i2tionary% Pa)l. &he li(e and ork o( the great a-o#tle Pa)l i# re2orded at 2on#iderable

length in the 2t# and the e-i#tle#. It i# only -o##ible to indi2ate here a (e o(the 2hie( (a2t#. ;e a# knon in early li(e a# Sa)l< hi# Latin nae Pa)l i# =r#tentioned at the beginning o( hi# gentile ini#try >2t# 13%9?. ;e belongedto &ar#)#, in 'ili2ia >2t# 9%11?< a# a Phari#ee and a -)-il o( @aaliel >

2t# $$%3?< a# a2tive in the -er#e2)tion o( 'hri#tian# >2t# %3< $A%1B<@al. 1%13< Phili-. 3%A?< and took -art in the artyrdo o( Ste-hen >2t# 7%<%1?. ;e #tarted (or :aa#2)# (or the -)r-o#e o( ()rther -er#e2)tion >2t# 9%1? and on the road #a a vi#ion o( the Lord e#)#, hi2h 2hanged thehole 2)rrent o( hi# li(e >2t# 9%4!19< $$%7< $A%14< @al. 1%1!1A?. (ter hi#ba-ti# by nania# >2t# 9%1?, he retired into rabia >@al. 1%17?, and thenret)rned to :aa#2)#, here he -rea2hed >2t# 9%19!$< $ 'or. 11%3$<@al. 1%17!1?. eing 2o-elled to Cee, abo)t three year# a(ter hi# 2onver#ionhe ent to er)#ale, here he #tayed 1 day#, arnaba# introd)2ing hi to

Peter and ae# >2t# 9%$A!3B< @al. 1%1!19?. eing in danger, he retired to &ar#)# >2t# 9%$9!3B? and there reained #iD or #even year#, -rea2hing inSyria and 'ili2ia >@al. 1%$1!$4?. ;e a# then bro)ght by arnaba# to ntio2h>2t# 11%$A?, and a(ter one year -aid a vi#it to er)#ale >2t# 11%$9!3B?.(ter to ore year#E ork in ntio2h, he #tarted ith arnaba# and Mark onhi# =r#t i##ionary Fo)rney >2t# 13%1!14%$A?. &hen 2ae another vi#it to er)#ale ith arnaba# to attend a 2on(eren2e ith the other a-o#tle# >2t#1%1!33< @al. $%1!1B?, a(ter hi2h they ret)rned to ntio2h >2t# 1%3?. ;ethen #tarted on hi# #e2ond i##ionary Fo)rney >2t# 1%3A!1%$$?, hi2hla#ted abo)t three year#, and ended ith a vi#it to er)#ale. (ter a #hort#tay in ntio2h, Pa)l began hi# third Fo)rney, hi2h o22)-ied abo)t 3G year#>2t# 1%$3!$1%1?. 5n hi# ret)rn to er)#ale he a# arre#ted and #ent to'ae#area >2t# $1%17!$3%3?, here he reained a -ri#oner (or to year#>2t# $4%1!$A%3$?, and a# then #ent (or trial to Roe, #)Hering #hi-re2kon the ay >2t# $7%1!$%1B?. ;e reained in Roe to year# >2t# $%3B?and a# then relea#ed. ;e then a--ear# to have vi#ited #ia, Ma2edonia,'rete, and -erha-# S-ain. t the end o( abo)t (o)r year# he a# again takena -ri#oner to Roe, and #)Hered artyrdo, -robably in the #-ring o( .:.A. 8or an a22o)nt o( hi# tea2hing, #ee Pauline Epistles.

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