7 1,8 Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley ...

Elucidating the local atomic and electronic structure of amorphous oxidized superconducting niobium films Thomas F. Harrelson, 1, 2 Evan Sheridan, 1, 3, 4 Ellis Kennedy, 5 John Vinson, 6 Alpha T. N’Diaye, 7 M. Virginia P. Alto´ e, 3 Adam Schwartzberg, 3 Irfan Siddiqi, 1, 8 D. Frank Ogletree, 3 Mary C. Scott, 5, 9 and Sin´ ead M. Griffin 1, 3 1) Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 2) Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 3) Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 4) Theory and Simulation of Condensed Matter, Department of Physics, King’s College London, The Strand, London WC2R 2LS, UK. 5) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 6) Material Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA 7) Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 8) Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 9) NCEM, Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA Qubits made from superconducting materials are a mature platform for quantum information science appli- cation such as quantum computing. However, materials-based losses are now a limiting factor in reaching the coherence times needed for applications. In particular, knowledge of the atomistic structure and properties of the circuit materials is needed to identify, understand, and mitigate materials-based decoherence chan- nels. In this work we characterize the atomic structure of the native oxide film formed on Nb resonators by comparing fluctuation electron microscopy experiments to density functional theory calculations, finding that an amorphous layer consistent with an Nb 2 O 5 stoichiometry. Comparing X-ray absorption measurements at the Oxygen K edge with first-principles calculations, we find evidence of d-type magnetic impurities in our sample, known to cause impedance in proximal superconductors. This work identifies the structural and chemical composition of the oxide layer grown on Nb superconductors, and shows that soft X-ray absorption can fingerprint magnetic impurities in these superconducting systems. Superconducting qubits are one of the leading solid- state platforms for QIS (quantum information science) applications, with reported coherence times reaching 100 microseconds. 1,2 Despite this, materials-based de- coherence channels contribute significantly to microwave losses, and are now a central hurdle in device coher- ence and scaling. 3 In particular, the inevitable inhomo- geneities that are present from growth and fabrication, such as interfaces, defects, and structural disorder, each contribute to the decoherence in qubits amde from su- perconducting materials. 4,5 Precise knowledge of the atomistic structural and chemical makeup of superconducting qubit materials is particularly necessary for understanding materials- dependent decoherence processes. Intrinsic noise sources in superconducting qubits are typically classified into two categories – two-level system (TLS) noise, and non-TLS noise. 6 TLSs are fluctuating two-level states compris- ing local energy minima in the atomic structural poten- tial which were originally proposed to describe the mi- crostructure of amorphous materials. 7 TLSs can couple to electric and magnetic fields, reducing a qubit’s coher- ence time. Since the amorphous materials present on superconducting qubit surfaces consist of a variety of bonding environments, TLSs can host a range of barrier heights and tunnelling rates, and correspondingly a dis- tribution of fluctuation frequencies even within a given material. 8 Because of this, characterization of the local atomic arrangements is needed to build any predictive description of TLS-related decoherence. Non-TLS noise intrinsic in QIS materials includes the presence of nonequilibrium quasiparticles (QP) 9,10 and of magnetic impurities. 11–13 While careful shield- ing can mitigate some of these effects, the decay and control of QPs is materials dependent, and can be crucially influenced by nanofabrication and materials’ control. 9,14,15 Another key non-TLS loss mechanism is Cooper pair breaking induced by the presence of mag- netic impurities, 11 which can occur due to materials’ defects, interfaces, and surfaces, and cause impedance losses in the superconductor. 11–13 Therefore, to under- stand the structure-coherence relationships associated with the materials’ properties in superconducting qubits, knowledge of the local structural and chemical environ- ment is needed, regardless of the origin (TLS, non-TLS) of the noise. Superconducting qubits are typically comprised of Al/AlO x /Al Josephson junctions with superconducting circuit elements commonly made from Al, Nb, Ta, and alloys containing these. 4,16 Of these, Nb has many ad- arXiv:2111.11590v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] 23 Nov 2021

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Elucidating the local atomic and electronic structure of amorphous oxidizedsuperconducting niobium films

Thomas F. Harrelson,1, 2 Evan Sheridan,1, 3, 4 Ellis Kennedy,5 John Vinson,6 Alpha T. N’Diaye,7 M. Virginia P.Altoe,3 Adam Schwartzberg,3 Irfan Siddiqi,1, 8 D. Frank Ogletree,3 Mary C. Scott,5, 9 and Sinead M. Griffin1, 3

1)Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720,USA2)Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720,USA.3)Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720,USA4)Theory and Simulation of Condensed Matter, Department of Physics, King’s College London, The Strand,London WC2R 2LS, UK.5)Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720,USA6)Material Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899,USA7)Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720,USA8)Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA9)NCEM, Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720,USA

Qubits made from superconducting materials are a mature platform for quantum information science appli-cation such as quantum computing. However, materials-based losses are now a limiting factor in reaching thecoherence times needed for applications. In particular, knowledge of the atomistic structure and propertiesof the circuit materials is needed to identify, understand, and mitigate materials-based decoherence chan-nels. In this work we characterize the atomic structure of the native oxide film formed on Nb resonators bycomparing fluctuation electron microscopy experiments to density functional theory calculations, finding thatan amorphous layer consistent with an Nb2O5 stoichiometry. Comparing X-ray absorption measurementsat the Oxygen K edge with first-principles calculations, we find evidence of d-type magnetic impurities inour sample, known to cause impedance in proximal superconductors. This work identifies the structural andchemical composition of the oxide layer grown on Nb superconductors, and shows that soft X-ray absorptioncan fingerprint magnetic impurities in these superconducting systems.

Superconducting qubits are one of the leading solid-state platforms for QIS (quantum information science)applications, with reported coherence times reaching∼100 microseconds.1,2 Despite this, materials-based de-coherence channels contribute significantly to microwavelosses, and are now a central hurdle in device coher-ence and scaling.3 In particular, the inevitable inhomo-geneities that are present from growth and fabrication,such as interfaces, defects, and structural disorder, eachcontribute to the decoherence in qubits amde from su-perconducting materials.4,5

Precise knowledge of the atomistic structural andchemical makeup of superconducting qubit materialsis particularly necessary for understanding materials-dependent decoherence processes. Intrinsic noise sourcesin superconducting qubits are typically classified into twocategories – two-level system (TLS) noise, and non-TLSnoise.6 TLSs are fluctuating two-level states compris-ing local energy minima in the atomic structural poten-tial which were originally proposed to describe the mi-crostructure of amorphous materials.7 TLSs can coupleto electric and magnetic fields, reducing a qubit’s coher-ence time. Since the amorphous materials present onsuperconducting qubit surfaces consist of a variety ofbonding environments, TLSs can host a range of barrier

heights and tunnelling rates, and correspondingly a dis-tribution of fluctuation frequencies even within a givenmaterial.8 Because of this, characterization of the localatomic arrangements is needed to build any predictivedescription of TLS-related decoherence.

Non-TLS noise intrinsic in QIS materials includesthe presence of nonequilibrium quasiparticles (QP)9,10

and of magnetic impurities.11–13 While careful shield-ing can mitigate some of these effects, the decay andcontrol of QPs is materials dependent, and can becrucially influenced by nanofabrication and materials’control.9,14,15 Another key non-TLS loss mechanism isCooper pair breaking induced by the presence of mag-netic impurities,11 which can occur due to materials’defects, interfaces, and surfaces, and cause impedancelosses in the superconductor.11–13 Therefore, to under-stand the structure-coherence relationships associatedwith the materials’ properties in superconducting qubits,knowledge of the local structural and chemical environ-ment is needed, regardless of the origin (TLS, non-TLS)of the noise.

Superconducting qubits are typically comprised ofAl/AlOx/Al Josephson junctions with superconductingcircuit elements commonly made from Al, Nb, Ta, andalloys containing these.4,16 Of these, Nb has many ad-















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vantages over other superconducting materials includinglow kinetic inductance resulting in reduced variability,and a higher superconducting gap making it less suscep-tible to QP poisoning.17 Importantly, Nb forms a rela-tively clean surface, and is a mature material for the ad-vanced processing and lithographic patterning that is re-quired for contemporary qubit fabrication and for futurescaling of highly coherent superconducting architectures.However, Nb readily forms surface oxides such as NbO,NbO2 and Nb2O5, which introduce both TLS and non-TLS losses in the qubit.18,19 Previous work has lookedat the use of ultrahigh vacuum packing to reduce surfacecontamination,20 in addition to an understanding of theinfluence of both oxide surface removal19 and regrowth21

on the performance of superconducting resonators.

Despite extensive research on the variety of loss chan-nels and their mitigation through surface treatments andfabrication,22,23 the precise microscopic origins of TLSand non-TLS losses in superconducting systems is notknown. This is primarily due to the difficulty in accessinginformation about the local structural and chemical en-vironments which critically control the presence of theselosses. Since the native oxides formed on Nb are oftenamorphous, conventional diffraction and computationaltechniques cannot be used for structural information.Theoretical treatments often either rely on having crys-talline materials with periodic boundary conditions,24 orpropose phenomenological models without incorporatingnanoscale structural information. Instead, in this work,we combine Fluctuation Electron Microscopy (FEM), X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS), and first-principlescalculations to investigate the structural and chemicalcomposition of amorphous oxides on superconducting Nbfilms. We classify the short- and mid-range structuralproperties of our oxides by comparing our ab initio calcu-lations with experiments, identifying the structural andchemical makeup of surface Nb oxides on superconduct-ing resonators.

To characterize the mid-range atomic structure of theamorphous films we used FEM, a 4-D scanning trans-mission electron microscopy technique that is sensitive tomedium-range atomic ordering in disordered materials.25

FEM experiments were performed using an FEI TitanXoperated at an acceleration voltage of 200 kV. Addition-ally, XAS measurements of the O K-edge were performedat the bending magnet beamline 6.3.1 at the AdvancedLight Source at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.We consider three different Nb treatments: (1) unpat-terned, oxidized Nb films without any treatments, (2)Nb film from a chip patterned with qubits, and (3) Nbfilm from a chip with resonators only (no Josephson junc-tions), which allows us to potentially observe changes inthe Nb oxides with these different fabrication steps (Ta-ble I). XAS was performed on all three samples. FEMwas performed on Sample 2 because it had the thick-est oxide layer, which was required for improved signalin FEM analysis. Further details of the FEM and XASmeasurements are given in the SI.

FIG. 1. (a) Representative ab initio molecular dynamics gen-erated amorphous structure of Nb2O5. (b) Averaged specklepattern of Nb2O5 using FEM over many diffraction patterns.(c) Radial Distribution Function for Nb2O5 obtained fromaveraging over nine amorphous stoichiometric configurationsgenerated using ab initio molecular dynamics, (d) Annularmean of normalized variances of the FEM data measuringthe average interatomic spacing between Nb centers in theNb2O5.

Electronic and magnetic properties were calculatedusing density functional theory (DFT) as implementedin the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP).26

We used Nb2O5 amorphous structures that were gen-erated previously with ab initio molecular dynamicsas detailed in Ref.,13 which are available on Zenodo.27

X-ray absorption calculations were carried out usingthe Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) formalism as imple-mented within the ocean code.28 The BSE calculationsuse a basis of electron orbitals from DFT calculated withQuantum ESPRESSO,29 with pseudopotentials fromthe PseudoDojo collection.30,31 More details on the DFTand XAS calculations are given in the SI.

We first describe our FEM diffraction results of a rep-resentative oxidized Nb sample with the largest oxidethickness (Sample 2), and compare the short-range struc-tural description to ab initio generated structures. Incontrast to other diffraction techniques, which generallyidentify long-range ordering, FEM is uniquely sensitiveto the medium-range ordering on the size scale of theelectron beam probe.32,33 FEM data is acquired by ras-tering a small electron probe over a sample and captur-ing a diffraction pattern at each probe location. Thediffraction patterns are digitally preprocessed to removeimaging distortions, and the variance of the measured in-tensity as a function of scattering vector is calculated.34

As Bragg scattering in the diffraction patterns createslarge variance in intensity, the calculated variance is ametric for ordering in the amorphous material on the

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length scale of the electron probe.35 Full details of theFEM method and data analysis are given in the SI. InFigure 1b, we show the average speckle pattern of manynanodiffraction patterns taken over the Nb oxide regionof the film cross-section (see SI). The brighter spots in thespeckled halo primarily represent Nb-Nb distances be-cause electron scattering from Nb atoms dominates overscattering from O atoms. The broad diffuse halo presentin the average nanodifraction pattern suggests that theNb oxide film is amorphous. In Figure 1(d) we showan average spatial variance computed from six regionsof the sample, where each region differs in its thickness,as shown in Figure S1 of the Supplementary material.The broad peak centered at the wavevector ≈3 nm−1 isa measure of the average interatomic spacing between Nbcentres, corresponding to an average Nb-Nb distance of3.37 A.

We next analyze ab initio-generated amorphous struc-tures to investigate the short- and medium-range struc-tural order across a sample of stoichiometric Nb2O5

amorphous configurations. Figure 1(a) illustrates a rep-resentative stoichiometric amorphous configuration ofNb2O5 containing 105 atoms in the unit cell. The solidline indicates the Nb-Nb distance for edge sharing Nbsites in Nb2O5, while the dashed line highlights the longerNb-Nb distances for corner sharing Nb sites. These fea-tures are also present in Figure 1(c), where we showthe averaged radial distribution function (RDF) obtainedfrom nine stoichiometric amorphous configurations ofNb2O5 whose volume and internal coordinates were op-timized using DFT. We see from the first peak that theshorter edge sharing Nb sites are typically 3.15 A apart,and the longer corner sharing Nb sites are 3.8 A apart asindicated by the second peak. The immediate dip of theRDF at 4 A suggests that the edge- and corner-sharingenvironments shown in Figure 1(a) are the primary struc-tural motifs present in our amorphous Nb2O5. Giventhe reasonable comparison between ab initio-generatedamorphous structures and FEM analysis of our Nb ox-ide thin films, we can conclude that indeed our filmsare amorphous, lacking any long-range order, and thatour generated structures can be used for further analy-sis. Additionally, we find the average Nb-Nb distance inthe FEM measurement to be 3.37 A, which is betweenthe average corner- and edge-shared Nb-Nb distances inthe ab initio structures, suggesting our amorphous filmscomprise a mix of corner- and edge-sharing polyhedra.

We next use X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) toobtain information about the local morphology, elec-tronic structure, and potential magnetism. We focuson O K-edge spectra for three different NbOx samples,which are described in Table I. While XAS of the O Kedge probes unoccupied p-type states surrounding theoxygen atoms, these states are hybridized with the neigh-boring Nb, and so provide information on both the Nband O species. In Figure 2 we plot the measured XASfor the three samples, and find the XAS is similar for allthree. As is typical in transition metal oxides, we identify


� rt!

�0.9 0� c.. 0 V,


<t: 0.8 Vl


Nb4d e --. 03p

/1 tg

····:::,..l t2g- --·· 1

X-��0 ls

- Un patterned film (o=3 nm)- Qubit chip (6=15 nm)- Resonator chip (o=5 nm)


530 535 540 545 550 555 Energy (eV)

FIG. 2. Measured XAS spectra of O K-edge for the three dif-ferent samples described in Table I. Inset: Sketch of the elec-tronic structure of octahedrally coordinated Nb forming t2gand eg split orbital sets. These hybridize with the unoccupiedO orbitals that are excited upon X-ray absorption, creatingthe observed splitting between the peaks in the data. Spectrawere normalized by matching the baselines, and dividing bythe maximum value in the 525 eV to 550 eV window.


Thickness Description

1 3 nm Unpatterned, oxidized Nb film.

2 15 nmNb film fabricated with qubits

including AlOx Josephson junctions.

3 5 nmNb film fabricated with resonators

only (no Josephson junctions).

TABLE I. Summary of sample details used in experiments.XAS measurements were performed on all three samples,whereas FEM measurements were performed on Sample 2.

the two peaks at 533 eV and 537 eV as hybridized withthe empty Nb 4d orbitals, split by the crystal field split-ting ∆ into lower-energy t2g and higher-energy eg states.The broad feature near 544 eV reflects hybridization withNb 5sp-like states. Changes in the relative intensities ofthe t2g and eg, and splitting between them ∆, and (lessreliably) position of the edge onset, reflect changes in theNb d-manifold occupation, strength of the Nb-O bond-ing, and oxidation state of the metal ion, respectively.36

Comparing the XAS spectra of the three measuredsamples shows that the unpatterned film (Sample 1)and the resonator chip (Sample 3) are the most similar.We observe a slight increase in energy of the peak near537 eV, and the slight increase in intensity of the broadfeature near 544 eV for the resonator sample (Sample 3)compared to the unpatterned sample (Sample 1). Thequbit sample (Sample 2) has the largest NbOx thickness(∼ 15 nm), and largest increase in energy of the 537 eVpeak. The observed increase in the energy of the 537 eVpeak in the patterned samples suggests a greater crystal-field splitting hence more crystalline character comparedto the unpatterned films.

We use a combination of DFT and BSE calculations

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to further analyze the XAS spectra. We calculate spec-tra for fifteen different Nb2O5 amorphous configura-tions (both stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric), andfive different crystalline phases of Nb-oxides. In Fig-ure 3(a), we plot the calculated crystalline spectra forNbO (Pm3m), NbO2 (P42/mnm), and the average of3 different Nb2O5 phases (N-phase (C2/m), M-phase(I4/mmm), and B-phase (C2/c) and compare to the ex-perimental spectrum of Sample 1. We find that the mea-sured XAS spectra are best described by Nb2O5. Thesplitting between the two dominant peaks is larger in thecrystalline reference samples, while the relative heightsof the two dominant peaks is qualitatively described byNb2O5, suggesting amorphous structures with Nb2O5

stoichiometry. We further find that as the oxidation stateof the Nb atom increases (+2 in NbO to +5 in Nb2O5),both the intensity of the first peak increases, and the ra-tio of the intensity of the first peak to the second peakincreases. This is partially explained by considering theresulting filling of the t2g and eg states of an octahedrallycoordinated Nb atom (see inset of Figure 2); NbO devi-ates slightly from the trend because the coordination ofthe Nb atoms is square planar.

In Figure 3(b), we compare the calculated XAS spectrafor three different crystalline polymorphs and an amor-phous structure of stoichiometric Nb2O5 to the measuredXAS of Sample 1. We choose Sample 1 since we antici-pate the oxidized film with no additional fabrication stepsis most similar to a completely amorphous phase. Wefind that both the average amorphous spectrum and thecrystalline N-phase spectrum are most similar to the ex-perimental spectrum from Sample 1. Of the crystallinephases, we find that the N-phase best agrees with theXAS measurements, but the calculation shows a largersplitting between the two dominant peaks than the mea-sured spectrum. This is the case for all of the consid-ered crystalline phases of Nb2O5 (Figure 3(b)), which iscaused by the crystalline order increasing the crystal fieldsplitting.

Previous works suggest magnetic impurities con-tribute to impedance-based losses in superconductingqubits.11,13 In particular, d-type magnetic impurities onNb atoms were found to be more detrimental than p-typeimpurities on O atoms in Nb oxides.13 To investigate ifour XAS measurements can identify a low density of mag-netic impurities, we compare our calculated XAS spectrawith those measured. We divide our calculations intothree groups; stoichiometric Nb2O5, oxygen rich Nb2O5

(includes oxygen interstitials or Nb vacancies), and oxy-gen poor Nb2O5 (includes oxygen vacancies) with theresults given in Figure 4. As expected, we find a pre-edge feature in the oxygen rich calculations coming fromO-O dangling bonds, and resulting in the p-type mag-netic impurities. However, such a pre-peak feature is notobserved in any of the measured XAS spectra, so we canconclude that there is not a significant density of p-typemagnetic impurities in our measured samples. We find aslightly better agreement between the oxygen-poor cal-

� � C 0 ·.;:::;e-0V\

..c <( Vl <( X


� C 0 ·.;:::;e-0V\

..c <( Vl <( X


0 5


0 5



-Nb2Os Cale.

-XASdata (S1)

10 15 20 Relative Energy (eV)





---· Amorphous


-XASdata (S1)

10 15 20 Relative Energy (eV)

25 30

FIG. 3. (a) Calculated XAS spectra for crystalline NbO,NbO2 and Nb2O5 (averaged over all three calculated phases)and XAS measurements of the O K edge of Sample 1. (b)Calculated XAS spectra for crystalline Nb2O5 in the M-, B-,and B- phases, a representative ab initio generated amorphousstructure, and XAS measurements of Sample 1. Experimentaldata is normalized by rigidly shifting the spectrum to the rel-ative scale, removing the background signal, and normalizingthe heights to be comparable to our XAS calculations.

culated spectra and the measured spectra with shape ofthe second peak at ≈ 13 eV a closer match in this case.This suggests the presence of d -type magnetic impuri-ties associated with oxygen poor (and Nb rich) samples.To further quantify this, we perform statistical analy-sis on the 1250 distinct calculated atomic spectra andcompare them to the measured XAS to correlate spec-tral changes with structural and magnetic changes (de-tails in the SI). These results suggest that small densi-ties of d -type magnetic impurities are present in all threemeasured samples with an estimated density of 1.8×1022,1.7×1022, and 1.5×1022 d -type impurities per mol formedfrom oxygen vacancies found in Samples 1, 2, and 3, re-spectively. This density of magnetic moments is higherthan previous magnetic measurements on bulk crystallineT - and TT -Nb2O5 where they estimated a density of1021 – 1022 effective magnetic moments per mol.37 How-ever, the greater density of magnetic moments in our

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FIG. 4. (a) Comparison between stoichiometric, oxygen-deficient, and oxygen-rich amorphous calculated spectra ver-sus the experimental spectrum of sample 1. (b) Statisticalanalysis of the expected relative changes in structural descrip-tors given the three experimental XAS spectra. The highestvariance descriptors are on the left and lowest variance de-scriptors are on the right.

samples is consistent with the increased disorder and off-stoichiometry that we expect in our amorphous surfaceoxides. To elucidate the structural changes amongst thedifferent samples that are correlated with changes in theXAS spectra, we calculate the conditional mean for eachstructural and magnetic descriptor given to the experi-mental spectrum. The relative expected changes for themost and least varying descriptors are plotted in Fig-ure 4b. The shape descriptors (volume, area, etc.) referto Voronoi polyhedra constructed around each atom, σvalues refer to distortions within those descriptors (fulldescriptions are in the SI). We find that the fabricationprocedure has a reasonably large effect on the p-type im-purity density along with the shape descriptors of bothNb and O atoms. Bond length and coordination charac-teristics along with d -type impurity density showed lessvariation amongst the samples.

In summary,our FEM measurements confirm the lackof long-range order in a representative Nb-oxide film, ob-served from the broad halo in the average speckle patternof the FEM image. Comparing the calculated RDF ofour ab initio-generated stoichiometric Nb2O5 amorphous

structures to the angular average of the FEM patternindicates that our generated amorphous configurationsare a good representation of the distribution of struc-tures observed in real Nb-oxide films, containing a mixof edge and corner-sharing polyhedra motifs. We nextcompared our measured XAS spectra for a selection ofNb-oxide samples (Table I) to first-principles calculationsof both crystalline and amorphous Nb-oxide compounds,of which the amorphous phase most closely matched thedata, which isconsistent with our FEM results, and priorelemental analysis of Nb-oxide films.19 Finally, we ana-lyze our first-principles predictions for signatures of mag-netic impurities in the amorphous configurations to iden-tify experimental markers of these magnetic impurities inthe XAS spectra. We find a better fit of the XAS spec-tra for Nb2O5 configurations with oxygen vacancies, sug-gesting the presence of d -type magnetic impurities. Wefind no evidence for pre-edge impurity states associatedwith p-type magnetic impurities. Our results give an es-timate of the density of decoherence-inducing local mag-netic moments, and suggest experimental fingerprints forthe characterization of superconducting thin films usingspectroscopic approaches.


The data that support the findings of this study areopenly available in Zenodo at Ref.38


We thank John Clarke and David Santiago for use-ful discussions. Specific software and hardware is iden-tified for information purposes only and is not intendedto imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST. Thiswork was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Of-fice of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, MaterialsSciences and Engineering Division under Contract No.DE-AC02-05-CH11231 “High-Coherence Multilayer Su-perconducting Structures for Large Scale Qubit Integra-tion and Photonic Transduction program (QIS-LBNL)”.This research used resources of the National Energy Re-search Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a U.S. De-partment of Energy Office of Science User Facility locatedat Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, operated un-der Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. E.S. acknowl-edges support from the US-Irish Fulbright Commission,the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under awardnumber FA9550-18-1-0480 and the EPSRC Centre forDoctoral Training in Cross-Disciplinary Approaches toNon-Equilibrium Systems (EP/L015854/1). This workalso used the Extreme Science and Engineering DiscoveryEnvironment (XSEDE), which is supported by NationalScience Foundation grant number ACI-1548562. Elec-tron microscopy data acquisition for this work was sup-ported by National Science Foundation STROBE Grant

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No. DMR-1548924. Work at the Molecular Foundry wassupported by the Office of Science, Office of Basic En-ergy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy underContract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. This research usedresources of the Advanced Light Source, which is a DOEOffice of Science User Facility under Contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231.


The authors have no conflicts to disclose.

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