6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and...

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 1 NAAM:___________________ 6VWO ENGELS Examenvoorbereiding

Transcript of 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and...

Page 1: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

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6VWO – ENGELS Examenvoorbereiding

Page 2: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 2

Inhoudsopgave P3 Examen-mail P4 Uitgangspunten P5 Soort vragen P6 Examenanalyseformulier Leespiramide P7 CITO leesstrategieen P8 Linking Words P9 Linking Linking Words… P10 Vaardigheden P11 Lees-strategieën -P11 Scannen -P12 Gericht lezen -P13 Skimmen P14 13 zaken om te onthouden… P15 Wat doe je als…(dos/donts) P16-26 CITO teksten P27 Veel voorkomende woorden in

vragen en antwoorden BIJLAGE

Page 3: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 3

LEES dit tijdens de voorbereiding op het

CE nog een keer door! Op dinsdag 17 mei 2016 (om 13.30u) staat het CE Engels op het programma.

Hieronder een aantal tips (die vaker terug zullen komen)

>Als je zelf wilt oefenen met teksten (vooral doen!) dan moet je even naar www.eindexamen.nl of

www.examenblad.nl gaan, dan linksboven een jaar aanklikken, dan VWO en dan Engels. Daar staan

bijna 20 compleet uitgewerkte examens op + correctievoorschrift.

>Vergeet NIET om je woordenboek (EN-NE) mee te nemen. Soms staan er woorden in de tekst die je

niet kunt herleiden uit de context en die je dus moet opzoeken (vooral als het betreffende woord in

de vraag of in een antwoord vermeld staat).

>De eerste tekst van het examen is meestal vaak redelijk lang en er zitten weinig vragen bij. Als je die

tekst lastig vindt, ga niet meteen stressen en ga eerste verder met de volgende!

>Lees goed de instructie! Soms eist CITO dat je op een bepaalde manier antwoordt, doe dat dus ook.

Staat er dat je met NIET / WEL moet antwoorden, doe dat dan ook, en schrijf niet op JUIST / ONJUIST

of alleen een N / W. Doe je dit foutief, dan krijg je geen punten. CITO (en de tweede corrector) is

onverbiddelijk. Werk zorgvuldig dus!

>Beredeneer jouw antwoord op basis van de tekst, en niet eigen logica. Het antwoord dat CITO

vraagt halen zij uit de tekst, en doet moet jij dus ook doen!

>Bekijk de woordenlijst die ik jullie heb gegeven nog een keer goed. Vooral de signaalwoorden (but,

however, consequently, therefore, subsequently, nevertheless, though, for instance, all in all, hence,

so, yet etc etc), die aangeven hoe een tekst is opgebouwd.

>Loop voordat je begint aan een tekst even kort door de leesrondes: plaatjes, titel, alinea’s, opbouw,

lay-out, bron, ondertitel, en schrijver.

>Bij een tekst waar je woordjes moet invullen (gap-fill), raad ik jullie aan om soms net een paar

regels extra door te lezen. Heel vaak wordt dan duidelijk welk woord je moet invullen.

>Dat was het wel zo’n beetje. Je hoeft dus tijdens het examen alleen maar teksten te lezen en

vragen te beantwoorden (sommige vragen open, maar de meeste zijn multiple-choice). Je hoeft dus

ook niet, zoals bij Nederlands, een samenvatting te schrijven.

Ik hoop jullie hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd. Als je vragen hebt of als je een afspraak

wilt maken->meteen mailen!!!

Succes met de voorbereidingen, en ik duim voor jullie!

Page 4: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 4

Uitgangspunten CE Bij het CE moet je op de hoogte zijn van de volgende zaken

1. Het examen duurt 2,5 uur (150 minuten).

2. In totaal bestaat het CE uit ongeveer 42 vragen en 11/12 teksten.

3. Open vragen beantwoord je in het NEDERLANDS, tenzij dit anders aangegeven


WANNEER BIJVOORBEELD? ______________________________________

4. Je mag een woordenboek gebruiken. EN-NE is natuurlijk het meest logische.

5. Vul bij wel/niet of juist/onjuist vragen geen afkortingen of kruisjes e.d. in hou je

netjes aan de instructie van CITO.

6. Het antwoord op een vraag staat altijd IN de tekst en niet in de tekst die je

misschien zelf al starend en dromend hebt verzonnen. Beperk je dus echt tot het

geschreven woord.

7. Rode Boekje: bekijk op z’n minst de pagina’s met ‘signaalwoorden’ en veel

voorkomende woorden in vraagstellingen. Dit scheelt je enorm veel tijd.

8. Vrijwel alle vragen en antwoorden van CITO zijn in het Engels.

9. Doseer je tijd. Je hebt ongeveer 3,5 minuut per vraag. Meer dan genoeg tijd dus.

10. Kom geconcentreerd naar het CE: goed slapen, goed ontbijten, geen energiedrank

en sigaretten (en andere zooi…).


-Wat is een zinsgedeelte/deel? ____________________________________________________

-Wat is een citaat? ____________________________________________________

-Hoe moet je citeren? ____________________________________________________

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6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 5


1.__________________________________ 1.________________________ 2.__________________________________ 2.________________________ 3.__________________________________ 4.__________________________________ 5.__________________________________

Noteer de juiste vraagsoort bij de vraag!

Which of the following fits the gap in the text? A floppy trousers B French tourists C overweight visitors D professional athletes E tight trunks

Geef van elk van de volgende beweringen aan of deze wel of niet in overeenstemming is met de inhoud van de alinea’s 3 en 4. Volgens Dr Wrangham 1 krijgen mensen door de inname van alleen rauw vlees onvoldoende voedingsstoffen binnen. 2 leefde de homo erectus voornamelijk van vegetarisch voedsel. 3 levert het eten van rauw vlees minder calorieën op dan van plantaardige voeding. 4 zorgt de consumptie van rauw voedsel ervoor dat de huidige mens fit blijft. Noteer het nummer van elke bewering, gevolgd door “wel” of “niet”.

Worden er in de tekst methodes/mogelijkheden genoemd om de uitstoot van kooldioxide te verminderen door computers in te zetten? Zo nee, antwoord “Nee”. Zo ja, noteer het nummer van de alinea waarin dit voor het eerst aan de orde komt.

Wat is de relatie tussen de alinea’s 3 en 2? 1p 34 In alinea 3 wordt de inhoud van alinea 2 A gerelativeerd. B herhaald. C verklaard. D weerlegd.

What is the function of paragraph 4? A To expand on the information provided in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a different view on the subject of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. D To prove that the claims made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 are wrong.

Page 6: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 6

Examenanalyseformulier Naam:

Vraagvorm Behaalde punten Totaal %


Multiple Choice


Vraagsoort Behaalde punten Totaal %





Gapfill (niet structuur)

TOTAAL N-TERM = Eindcijfer

Page 7: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 7

CITO Examentraining: drie stappen1

Stap 1: begin met het toepassen van leesstrategieën 1 Stel eerst vast wat het lees-doel is (iets specifieks zoeken? heel globaal begrijpen? een goed beeld hebben van de hele strekking?). - Bij zoekend lezen: bedenk waar je op gaat letten en ga scannen. 2 Bij overige doelen: - kijk eerst naar de ‘uitstekende delen’ (titel, tussenkopjes, illustraties, grafieken en dergelijke) en probeer een eerste voorspelling te doen over de strekking van de tekst als geheel; - lees eerst de eerste en laatste zinnen van alinea’s en vul op grond daarvan je voorspelling verder in; - lees de hele tekst; - markeer de structuurwoorden en wat die met elkaar verbinden; - maak bij elke alinea even een soort samenvattend tussenkopje of een vraag waar de alinea antwoord op geeft; - zijn er woorden of uitdrukkingen die je niet kent en niet kunt raden en die echt een struikelblok voor goed begrip vormen? Zoek die even op.

Stap 2: pas de toets-strategieën toe 1 Begin met het maken van een tekst over een onderwerp waar je iets van weet (kennis van de wereld helpt erg bij het lezen en begrijpen). Doe eerst de tekst met de meeste items. 2 Als er geen teksten bij zitten waar je veel over weet, begin dan met de eerste en de laatste tekst, die zijn vaak net iets makkelijker dan de rest. 3 Lees eerst alleen de vragen, zoek onbekende woorden in de vragen even op en formuleer een eigen antwoord. 4 Lees dan de alternatieven en kies het alternatief dat het meest lijkt op het antwoord dat je zelf hebt bedacht. (Laat je niet afleiden door ogenschijnlijk aanlokkelijke alternatieven!) 5 Is er geen alternatief bij dat op je eigen antwoord lijkt, dan kun je het item op grond van je kennis kennelijk niet goed beantwoorden en moet je gokken.

Stap 3: vergroot de gok-kans 1 Schrap de alternatieven die duidelijk fout zijn. Meestal houd je dan twee alternatieven over. 2 Kijk of in die overblijvende alternatieven iets voorkomt dat letterlijk (dus niet een synoniem) in de tekst staat (‘tekstecho’). Is dat het geval, kies dan het andere. (Tekstecho wordt nogal eens gebruikt om een fout alternatief aantrekkelijk te maken.) 3 Heb je nog steeds twee alternatieven over, kies het langste. (Vaak is het makkelijker voor een toetsmaker om een fout alternatief te formuleren dan een goed.) 4 Levert ook dit niets op, tel je knopen of kies altijd dezelfde letter. (Bedenk dat de foute alternatieven zo zijn gemaakt dat ze juist voor wie het niet heeft begrepen aanlokkelijk zijn. Ze heten niet voor niets ‘afleiders’. In dit stadium geeft loten meer kans.)

1 Gebaseerd op Levende Talen, Meten en Mesten.

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Look at the following linking words and put them in the right category in terms of textual reference (voor welke tekstfunctie wordt het woord gebruikt)?

1 So 7 Nevertheless 13 Similarly 19 Consequently 2 However 8 By the way 14 Additionally 20 In conclusion 3 As a matter of fact 9 All in all 15 By contrast 21 To be honest 4 Firstly 10 Lastly 16 In fact 22 Furthermore 5 Therefore 11 Equally 17 Rather than 23 As a result 6 Hence 12 Though 18 Compared to 24 In brief































Page 9: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 9

Linking Linking Words

Link the English word to its Dutch translation

All in all, it was nice Van

Beyond my wildest dreams Tenzij

By lending money Als gevolg daarvan

Consequently, we got more tourists Uit / van

Despite the weather… Met andere woorden

During my vacation Integendeel

Even if you come, I will still… Daarom

For instance, take this egg… Bijvoorbeeld

From all over the world In de loop van

In fact/actually, I don’t really like it Door

In other words, keep trying Alles samengenomen

Into the new building Naar

Nevertheless, it was still fun Sterker nog

Of which country is this the flag Door

On the contrary, it looks good! Eigenlijk

Over the past few years, we … Boven/buiten

Therefore, it is not safe to… Met / van

Through my eyes, it looks… Ondanks

To a friend… Gedurende

Towards the new airport Niettemin

Unless we get some money… Zelfs al

What’s more, we have to start… In

With pain and anger Aan

Page 10: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 10

Vaardigheden (woordenschat)

I Guessing definition based on context What do the bold and underlined words mean?

Runaway lorry travels 10km on German motorway

A heavy goods lorry careered (_______________) along a German motorway for 10km (six miles) with an unconscious (___________) driver at the wheel, but nobody was hurt, police say. The lorry gradually (___________) lost speed, after hitting the central barrier (______________) several times, and halted (_____________) at a service station "by chance", police told BBC News. The incident happened on Wednesday near Sinsheim, in southwestern Germany. Police barred (_____________) some traffic lanes. The Czech driver is now gravely (________________) ill in hospital with suspected heart trouble. Debris (________________) was left strewn (__________________) along the A6 motorway, as the 40-tonne lorry collided (_______________) with the central barrier. Eventually it ploughed (______________) into an earth bank outside the service station. The 48-year-old driver of the Czech-registered lorry had collapsed at the wheel, Heidelberg police said, without giving details of his medical complaint (______________).

II Gokken op basis van “woorden uit elkaar trekken /

demonteren” What do the following words mean?

1. Unreliable _______________________________ 2. Unfortunately _______________________________ 3. Improbably _______________________________ 4. Indifference _______________________________ 5. Disquieting _______________________________

Page 11: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 11

Lees-strategieën Scannen CITO vraagt een aantal keer op het CE om heel gericht op zoek te gaan naar informatie in een tekst, vaak een hele tekst. Je moet dan de tekst gaan scannen op informatie. Gericht lezen kun je niet, want er staat niet aangegeven waar je moet kijken.

QUESTION: Staat in de tekst vermeld hoe deze vrouw zo lang ongehinderd haar gang heeft kunnen

gaan met het verdoezelen van financiën? Zo niet, schrijf op NEE. Zo ja, citeer het het eerste en

laatste woord van het zinsgedeelte waar het antwoord uit blijkt.

Darlene Jo Lewis Allegedly Stole $10k From Girl Scouts, Spent On

Senior Dating Service

Looks like someone may have been caught with her hand in the Girl Scouts' cookie jar. A mother in Georgia was arrested Friday for allegedly stealing nearly $10,000 from her daughter's Girl Scout troop, then spending the dough on a slew of expenses ranging from gas to a dating service for seniors. Darlene Jo Lewis, 49, was the treasurer and co-leader for Douglasville's Girl Scout Troop 798, which disbanded in May 2012, according to WSBTV. My Fox Atlanta

reported that the troop had to disband because of the loss of the money allegedly embezzled by Lewis. Tracy Williams, who became a troop co-leader in 2010, told WSBTV that she continually asked to see bank statements and always got excuse after excuse. "She even told me once, 'I looked at the balance and thought there was more than that.'" Investigators say Lewis had embezzled $9,805.42 between April 2010 and January

2011, the Douglas County Sentinel reported, which she used on purchases at Walmart, Sam's Club, a Christian bookstore and senior dating website "Senior People Meet." "She had a PayPal account hooked to the debit card and was just making her own personal purchases off of the troop account," Douglasville Police Sgt. Todd Garner told WSBTV. Lewis has been charged with felony theft, and is now out of jail on $9,800 bond.


Page 12: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 12


CITO vraagt je om nu heel gericht bepaalde informatie te vinden en hoofdzaken van bijzaken te scheiden. Zie het volgende voorbeeld. CITO beperkt zich bij de vraagstelling ook telkens tot 2 alinea’s en niet een hele tekst! Dit doe jij dus OOK!

1.What is the function of paragraphs 1 and 2 of the text? A To give examples of the public’s ever-growing demand for breath-taking stunts achieved by visual effects technology. B To illustrate that the increased use of visual effects technology adds to an actor’s popularity. C To introduce the subject of how visual effects technology can change the authenticity of an actor’s performance. D To warn audiences that they are being fooled on a large scale by directors who use visual effects technology. 2.Geef voor elk van de onderstaande beweringen aan of deze wel of niet overeenkomt met de inhoud van de alinea’s 2 en 3. 1 Als je bij de film werkt in de afdeling visuele effecten wordt je aangeraden niet vrijuit met buitenstaanders over je werkzaamheden te spreken. 2 Mensen die voor de visuele effecten in een film zorgen, vinden een perfect resultaat van hun werk belangrijker dan acteerprestaties. 3 Om kosten te besparen worden in films steeds vaker en meer visuele effecten gebruikt. 4 Uiteindelijk bepalen de acteurs welke visuele effecten er voor hun filmrol ingezet worden. Noteer het nummer van elke bewering, gevolgd door “wel” of “niet”.

And for my acting Oscar … Ben Hoyle, Arts Reporter 1 From a welling tear to a wounded stare, the ability to project convincing emotions in close-up is the test of a cinema actor. But now it appears that there is more to some star turns than meets the audience’s eye. Directors have started to manipulate actors’ performances in postproduction. Modern visual effects technology allows them to go beyond traditional cosmetic changes, such as removing wrinkles and unsightly hairs, and adjust actors’ facial expressions and subtly alter the mood of a scene. 2 At the Visual Effects Society’s recent conference, Jeff Okun, the organisation’s chairman, showed before and after versions of one of the climactic shots in the Oscar-nominated film Blood Diamond. In the “before” shot Jennifer Connolly, the leading lady, was shown talking on her mobile phone. The digitally manipulated “after” shot showed her talking on her mobile phone with a tear rolling down her cheek. Such alterations are becoming increasingly common, but practitioners are discouraged from discussing this work. “Acting is all about honesty, but something like this makes what you see on screen a dishonest moment,” said a leading technician privately. “Everyone feels a bit dirty about it.” 3 Visual effects experts admit to changing actors’ expressions: opening or closing eyes; making a limp more convincing; removing breathing signs; or splicing together different takes of an unsuccessful love scene to produce one in which both parties look like they are enjoying themselves. Mr Okun told The Times: “What used to cost £40,000 is now only going to cost you £6,000. No re-shoot necessary. We are put in a difficult moral position when directors ask us to change an actor’s performance. The performance is sacrosanct and to alter it is creepy. But we don’t get hired by actors. We get hired by directors.”

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6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 13


CITO wil soms dat je op zoek gaat naar een bepaalde alinea waar informatie in staat. De hele tekst lezen is dan niet nodig. Je kunt gaan skimmen, browsen, snel lezen. Een voorbeeld.

QUESTION: In welke alinea staat wat de daadwerkelijke reden was voor de politie om de man in de kraag te vatten? ALINEA nummer: _______

Austin Whaley, Kentucky Man, Falsely Yells 'Bingo,' Is Ordered Not To Say Word For 6 Months Screaming "bingo" was his shame-o.

I Comparing the act to yelling "fire" in a crowded theater, a police officer cited an

18-year-old man for falsely yelling "bingo" in a Covington, Ky., parlor, the Cincinnati

Enquirer reports. Austin Whaley was slapped with a disorderly conduct charge and then

ordered by a judge last week to refrain from uttering the word "bingo" for six months.

II According to the report, Whaley entered a bingo hall packed with mostly elderly

women on Feb. 6. The man yelled "bingo," and his actions disrupted the game for several

minutes because players thought they had lost, the paper wrote. Whaley was asked to

apologize to the angry patrons, but his refusal prompted an officer to take action. News

outlets, of course, jumped on the story.

III MSN wrote, "Never get between old ladies and their bingo," while the Daily Beast

referred to Whaley as "the boy who cried bingo?" However, bingo theft is usually a bigger

problem than falsely calling "bingo."

IV Husband-and-wife schoolteachers in the Denver area were fired in May for

allegedly stealing $25,000 from bingo fundraisers, CBS4 reported at the time. In

addition, a mother and daughter are accused of taking $700,000 in bingo proceedsfrom

a fire department in Swoyersville, Pa, according to the Times Leader.

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6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 14

Dertien dingen om aan te denken bij het CE…

Algemeen 1. Kijk, voordat je met de eerste tekst begint, hoeveel teksten en opdrachten er zijn. Op die manier kun je voor jezelf vaststellen hoe lang je ongeveer met de opdrachten bezig kunt zijn, en kun je zo af en toe (bijvoorbeeld na 10 vragen, na 20 vragen, etc.) kijken of je niet in tijdnood komt of juist te snel werkt. 2. Gebruik je woordenboek, maar niet zodanig dat je álles opzoekt waar je niet zeker van bent. Dan kom je zeker in tijdnood! 3. Ga altijd na of je het antwoord dat jij gegeven hebt, hard kunt maken met de tekst, of je jouw antwoord dus terug kunt vinden in de tekst. Kun je dit niet, dan is de kans groot dat je antwoord fout is. 4. Bestudeer van tevoren de lijst met veelvoorkomende vragen.

Open vragen 5. Bij open vragen: lees goed in welke taal je moet antwoorden. Bij een citaat schrijf je in het Engels, bij een eigen geformuleerd antwoord in het Nederlands, tenzij anders vermeld. 6. Als je in één zin moet antwoorden, en je schrijft twee zinnen op, telt alleen de eerste zin bij de correctie. Kom je er niet uit met één zin, werk dan met komma’s en niet met punten, zodat je toch één zin hebt. 7. Lees je eigen geformuleerde antwoord altijd nog eens door. Voor kromme zinnen krijg je geen of minder punten, wees dus zo duidelijk mogelijk. 8. Word er gevraagd drie voorbeelden te geven en je schrijft er meer op, dan tellen alleen de eerste drie voorbeelden mee. Schrijf dus niet meer op dan gevraagd wordt!

Gatentekst 9. Lees bij een gatentekst de hele alinea uit. Meestal geeft de zin waarin het ontbrekende woord moet staan niet voldoende informatie. 10. Bepaal eerst zelf wat er volgens jou in het “gat” moet staan. Kijk vervolgens of één van de antwoorden met jouw antwoord overeenkomt. 11. Denk als dat kan in termen van positief/negatief: moet er een positief of een negatief woord komen te staan? Vaak valt dan de helft van de antwoordmogelijkheden al af.

Meerkeuzevragen 12. Vul altijd iets in! Kijk als je klaar bent goed of je bij elke meerkeuzevraag duidelijk één antwoord gegeven hebt. Geen antwoord is fout, een onduidelijk antwoord ook! 13. Vaak bevat het goede antwoord synoniemen van de woorden in de tekst. Met andere woorden: wat in de tekst met bepaalde woorden omschreven staat, staat in andere woorden omschreven in het antwoord.

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6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 15

Tijdens/voor het CE, wat doe je als…. 1.Je aan een tekst begint? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Je een vraag niet snapt? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.Je een woord niet kent? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.Je te weinig tijd hebt voor de laatste tekst? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5.Je een tekst helemaal niet begrijpt? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6.Je twijfelt tussen twee antwoorden die beide in jouw ogen goed lijken te zijn? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7.Je een signaal woord niet begrijpt? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8.Je een antwoord tegenkomt in de lijst die op basis van logisch verstand goed lijkt te zijn maar niet wordt vermeld in de tekst? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.Je een woord in de vraag of antwoorden niet kent? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10.Je er voor het CE achter komt dat je te weinig woorden kent (CITO gaat ervan uit dat 80% van de woorden in de tekst kent)? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11.Je wilt weten wat voor een soort tekst het is? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________12.Je klaar bent met het CE? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 16

Harrison Ford se estrella en una avioneta y resulta herido

I (CNN Español) – Una avioneta piloteada por Harrison Ford tuvo un aterrizaje forzoso en un campo de golf en Los Angeles y el actor estaría herido, según confirmó CNN. II El accidente ocurrió en Venice, California, cuando Ford viajaba en lo que parece ser una avioneta vintage de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. III El avión se estrelló en el campo de golf poco después de despegar del aeropuerto de Santa Mónica, según Ian Gregor de la Administración Federal de Aviación. IV El audio de una llamada desde el avión donde iba Ford y que fue divulgado por live.ATC.NET narra el momento de la emergencia, cuando el piloto indica que surge un problema en el motor. V El hijo de Harrison Ford, Ben Ford, tuiteó: "En el hospital. Papá está bien. Maltratado, ¡pero no está mal! … Él es un hombre increíblemente fuerte. Gracias a todos por sus pensamientos y buenas vibras para mi papá". VI “Harrison estaba volando un avión de la Segunda Guerra Mundial que tuvo problemas con el motor al despegar. No tuvo más remedio que hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia, el cual hizo de forma segura. Se golpeó y está en el hospital recibiendo atención médica. Las lesiones sufridas no son potencialmente mortales, y se espera que se recupere completamente”, dijo a CNN Ina Treciokas, publicista del actor. VII Patrick Buttler, jefe de bomberos de Los Ángeles, quien "por protocolo" no pudo confirmar inmediatamente si se trata del famoso actor de La Guerra de las Galaxias, señaló que el piloto sufrió un trauma moderado y estaba "alerta y consciente" cuando fue llevado al hospital. VIII Buttler informó que el piloto herido era la única persona a bordo y que la avioneta se estrelló contra un árbol al aterrizar sobre si mismo con el ala izquierda tocando el suelo. Hay una marca en el suelo detrás del avión en donde la aeronave cortó el césped. IX "Algo pasó que le hizo volver de nuevo hacia el campo. Se escucha como si él hubiera tenido un (tipo de) falla de motor", dijo el analista de aviación Miles O'Brien a CNN, que ha volado en el aeropuerto varias veces. X El piloto acababa de despegar cuando el avión experimentó algún tipo de problema. Él estaba tratando de regresar al aeropuerto cuando se produjo el accidente, dijo Ian Gregor, portavoz de la Administración Federal de Aviación (FAA por sus siglas en inglés). XI El aeropuerto de Santa Mónica es una pequeña instalación y está básicamente en el patio trasero de una comunidad de playa muy densa. Han habido muchas quejas sobre el tráfico aéreo. La gente en el campo de golf dice que los aviones vuelan demasiado cerca. XII El avión se estrelló contra un árbol al aterrizar, dijeron las autoridades. No es la primera vez que el actor se ve envuelto en un accidente aéreo. En 1999 tuvo que hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia en un área de California mientras piloteaba un helicóptero.

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QUESTIONS (answer in DUTCH) 1. With this text being in Spanish, what techniques can you apply to still find some sort of meaning to what’s written? ___________________________________________________________________________




2.Describe in Dutch what the text is about (in no more than two sentences). Explain how you know. ___________________________________________________________________________




3. How would you describe the Santa Monica Airport based on paragraph XI?



4. Try to find the Spanish words for the following English translations:

English word PAR Spanish word

1. According to I _________________________

2. War II _________________________

3. Strong V _________________________

4. Only VIII _________________________

5. Engine failure IX _________________________

6. Small XI _________________________

How did you manage to find them? Explain in Dutch!





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Getting the message, at last (VWO 2012, TV 2, tekst 4) A parable of manners from Victorian dentists to modern airlines ON A May evening in 1864, several British politicians were disturbed by a knock at the door and the delivery of a telegram―a most unusual occurrence at such a late hour. Had war broken out? Had the queen been taken ill? They ripped open the envelopes and were surprised to find a message relating not to some national calamity, but to dentistry. Messrs Gabriel, of 27 Harley Street, advised that their dental practice would be open from 10am to 5pm until October. Infuriated, some of the recipients of this 1_____ message wrote to

the Times. “I have never had any dealings with Messrs Gabriel,” thundered one of them, “and beg to know by what right do they disturb me by a telegram which is simply the medium of advertisement?” The Times helpfully reprinted the offending telegram, providing its senders with 2_____ . This was, notes Matthew Sweet, a historian, the first example of what is known today as “spam”. It shows that new communications technologies have been prompting questions about 3____

ever since the advent of the telegraph in the 19th century. The pattern is always the same: a new technology emerges on the scene, and nobody can be quite sure how it will be employed, or what the appropriate guidelines are. So users have to make up the rules as they go along. When the telephone appeared in the 1870s, people worried about receiving calls from people to whom they had not been properly introduced. And what should one say when picking up the receiver? Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, suggested “Ahoy, ahoy”. But as in many other respects, his ideas lost out to those of Thomas Edison, who preferred “Hello”, an expression that was rarely used before the telephone but is now ubiquitous. Further 4____ awaited. In 1903 the trade

journal Telephony reported an elderly woman’s complaints about her niece, who received a phone call from a male friend

1 A confusing B poorly timed C rather obscure D unsolicited 2 A a cause for complaint B further free publicity C proof of their success 3 A etiquette B sincerity C the impact of advertising 4 A adversity B deceptions C miscommunication D social minefields

GAP Fill Lees altijd verder dan de gap.

In de zin(nen) erna staat vaak cruciale


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while dressing. “The two of them stood talking to one another just as if they were entirely dressed and had stopped for a little chat on the street! I tell you this generation is too much for me,” she grumbled. Subsequent inventions have posed further tricky questions. Is it appropriate to dump your boyfriend by fax? When sending a message to several friends by email, should you put all of their addresses in the “To” field, and so reveal them to all the recipients? Or should you send the message to yourself and “BCC” everyone else? (Answer: b.) How should you respond if your boss “friends” you on Facebook? Does a thank-you letter count if it is sent electronically? The technology that has done most to 5____ , of course, is the mobile phone. Because it can be used almost anywhere, and is used by almost everyone (in the rich world at least), it has the greatest potential for social disruption: bleeping inappropriately in theatres, churches and concert halls, subjecting bystanders to tedious diatribes on trains and buses, and distracting people in restaurants. No public event is now complete without a request that phones be switched off. Given the industry’s long history of introducing new gizmos without much thought for their social knock-on effects, the extension of mobile phone coverage to aircraft, now under way, represents a striking and welcome change. It is 6____ , for three reasons. Planes are one of the few remaining places where mobile phones do not work; they bring together people from different cultures; and airlines are in a position to enforce whatever in-flight rules they decide upon. They are treading carefully. Over the next few months they will allow passengers to use their phones on a handful of aircraft, limiting access in some cases to data (i.e., text messages and e-mail), and asking for comments in order to choose the appropriate etiquette. No doubt there will still be unexpected social consequences, and some people will object to the outcome. Determining the right etiquette in advance will not be easy. But airlines

5 A complicate matters B make guidelines pointless C promote communication D solve these problems 6 A an admirable attempt B a near impossible task C an unusual situation D an urgent matter

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should be applauded for trying. ▪ The Economist, 2007

VWO 2012, TV 2, Tekst 3

The following text is the beginning of the first chapter of the novel Boomsday, by

Christopher Buckley.

Cassandra Devine was not yet thirty, but she was already tired. ‘Media training’, they called it. She’d been doing it for years, but it still had the ring of ‘potty training’. Today’s media trainee was the chief executive officer of a company that administered hospitals, twenty-eight of them throughout the southeastern United States. In the previous year, it had lost $285 million and one-third of its stock market value. During that same period, the client had been paid $3.8 million in salary, plus a $1.4 million ‘performance bonus’. Corporate Crime Scene, the prime-time investigative television program, was doing an exposé and had requested an interview. In her negotiations with the show’s producers, Cass had learned that they had footage of him boarding the company jet ($35 mil) wearing a spectacularly loud Hawaiian shirt and clenching a torpedo-shaped indeed, torpedo-size cigar in his teeth while hefting a bag of expensively gleaming golf clubs. Unfortunate as it was, this footage was only the appetizer. The main cinematic course was a video of the company’s recent annual ‘executive retreat’ at a Bahamas resort of dubious taste. It showed the client, today’s trainee, along with his fellow executive retreatants – doubtless exhausted after a hard day of budget cutting and crunching numbers – drinking rum punch dispensed from the breasts of anatomically correct female ice sculptures, to the accompaniment of a steel drum band, a limbo bar, and scantily clad waitresses dressed as – oh dear – mermaids. It would all make for a spirited discussion on the upcoming episode of CCS, especially when juxtaposed against the footage they were also running of patients parked like cars in an L.A. traffic jam in litter-strewn corridors, moaning for attention, some of them duct-taped to the wheelchairs. ‘So they don’t fall out’, the client explained. Cass took a sip from her seventh or eighth Red Bull of the day and suppressed a sigh, along with the urge to plunge her ballpoint pen into the client’s heart. Assuming he had one. ‘That last one was a lot better’, she said. They’d done four practice interviews so far, with Cass pretending to be the interviewer from the television program. ‘If you have the energy, I’d like to do just one more. This time, I’d like you to concentrate on smiling and looking straight into the camera. Also, could you please not do that sideways thing with your eyes? It makes you look … like a sleazebag. ‘It works against

Geef van elk van de volgende beweringen aan of deze wel of niet in overeenstemming is met de inhoud van de tekst. 1 Cassandra zou haar cliënten het liefst behandelen als kleine kinderen. 2 De cliënt met wie Cassandra aan het werk is, heeft al veel tv-optredens achter de rug. 3 De cliënt zal stevig aan de tand gevoeld worden in Corporate Crime Scene. 4 Ziekenhuizen die de toestroom van patiënten niet aankonden, waren veel in het nieuws de laatste tijd. 5 Cassandra slaagt erin de cliënt een positieve houding bij te brengen ten aanzien van zijn tv-interview. 6 Cassandra denkt dat de cliënt voor de rechter zou kunnen komen. 7 Cassandra voelt behoefte aan ontspanning na haar uitputtende werkdag. 8 Terry voelt Cassandra’s stemming goed aan. Noteer het nummer van elke bewering, gevolgd door “wel” of “niet”.

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the overall tone of you know … transparency.’ The man was as transparent as a bucket of tar. ‘I really don’t know why we’re even agreeing to the interview.’ He sounded peeved, as though he’d been frivolously talked into attending a performance of The Marriage of

Figaro when he’d much rather be at the office, helping humanity, devising new and more cost-effective methods of duct-taping terminal patients to their wheelchairs so they could be parked in corridors all day. ‘Terry feels that this is the way to go. In cases like this …’ The client shot her an ‘I dare you to call me a criminal’ glance of defiance. ‘That is, where the other side has a strong, uh, visual presentation, that it’s best to meet them in the center of the ring, so to speak. We’re looking to project an image of total … up-frontness.’ The client snorted. ‘That no one is more upset at the’ –she glanced at her notes to see what artful term of mendacity they were using at the moment– ‘revenue downtick’. ‘And that you and management are’ – she looked down at her notes again, this time just to avoid eye contact – ‘working around the clock to make the, uh, difficult decisions.’ Like where to hold next year’s ‘executive retreat’. Vegas? Macao? Sodom? The client generously consented to one final practice interview. He left muttering about persecution and complaining of the indignity of having to fly back to Memphis via commercial aircraft. Terry had sternly forbidden him the company jet. Tomorrow, the client would spend an hour in a soup kitchen ladling out faux humanity to Memphis’s wretched, an act of conspicuous compassion that would be inconspicuously videorecorded by one of his aides. If Corporate Crime Scene declined to air it, perhaps it might come in handy down the line – say, during sentencing deliberation. Cass sent him off with a DVD of his practice interviews. With any luck, they’d cause him to jump out his corner office window. Cass wanted to go home to her apartment off Dupont Circle, nuke a frozen macaroni-and-cheese, pour herself a goldfish bowl-size glass of red wine, put on her comfy jammies, get under the covers, and watch reruns of Law & Order or Desperate

Housewives or even the new reality show, Green Card, in which illegal (but goodlooking) Mexicans had to make it across the U.S. border, past the Border Patrol and minutemen and fifty miles of broiling desert, to the finish line. The winner got sponsorship for a green card and the privilege of digging ditches in some other broiling – or, if he was lucky, frigid – part of the country. Yes, that would be lovely, she thought, then realized with a pang that she hadn’t posted anything on her blog since before work that morning. There was an important Senate vote on Social Security scheduled for that day. She hadn’t even had time to glance at CNN or Google News to see how it had turned out. The light was on in Terry’s office. She entered and collapsed like a suddenly deflated pool toy into a chair facing his desk. Without turning from his computer screen, Terry said, ‘Let me guess. You had a wonderful, fulfilling day.’ He continued to type as he spoke.

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Nanny doesn’t know best (VWO 2012, TV 1, T5) In the age of the working woman, guilt goes with motherhood as surely as apple pie. Two thirds of women are back at work within a year of giving birth, and it is a safe bet that most of them have felt a pang when the moment came to leave the infant in the care of others. It does not take much to reactivate these guilty feelings. However mothers juggle work and children, they are 1_____ . 2 Maternal agony will scarcely be abated by a government-funded study on the effects of work patterns and childcare on 12,000 children. Working

Mums claims to show that the children of mothers who returned to full-time work within 18 months of birth, and who relied solely on unpaid care (for example, a grandparent, friend or neighbour), were likely to suffer “significant detrimental effects”. Children who attended a day nursery, by contrast, had “better cognitive outcomes” than those whose mothers stayed at home. The authors recommend “inexpensive and high quality childcare”, but that is easier said than done. Leaving the baby with granny is for many women a cheap and reliable solution. The type of childcare the authors rate most highly – the nursery – is certainly stimulating, but by no means inexpensive. 3 The authors do not explain why the bad effects of relying solely on grandparents are more marked higher up the social scale. Such grandparents expect to exercise more choice than their predecessors. Could it be that these affluent grandparents resent being left in charge of the baby, but acquiesce in childcare out of a sense of duty? 4 What this research suggests is that each family finds a combination of work and childcare to suit its particular circumstances. The state should interfere in this process as little as possible. It is good policy, for instance, to let parents keep most of what they earn, so that mothers can choose whether or when to resume full-time work, and can afford good childcare. It is bad policy to confiscate a third or more of quite modest family incomes, while devising ever more complicated, means-tested subsidies for state-approved forms of childcare. The government, of course, prefers the latter policy. So much the worse for families. 1.Which of the following fits the gap at the end of paragraph 1? A bound to make mistakes

B not spared from judgement

C their own harshest critics

2 Which of the following conclusions is in line with the contents of paragraph 2?

The report Working Mums

A favours in actual fact the more costly type of childcare.

B illustrates the favourable effects of children being looked after by relatives.

C shows the positive cognitive development of children in their mother’s care.

D suggests a number of possibilities to ease the working mother’s burden.

Daily Telegraph,2008

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“Could it … of duty?” (einde alinea 3) 3 Welke uitkomst van het onderzoek probeert de schrijver met deze zin te verklaren?

4 What, according to paragraph 4, do the writer’s recommendations amount to? 1 Allowing parents to set up their own childcare centres. 2 Creating more part-time jobs for mothers. 3 Reconsidering the tax system. 4 Revising government support for childcare. A Only 1.

B Only 2.

C Only 1, 2 and 3.

D Only 2 and 3.

E Only 3 and 4.

F Only 2, 3 and 4.


The Secret Millionaire Channel 4, 9pm 1 Each week, a different millionaire goes undercover among the needy to decide who is most deserving of his or her generosity: this new series is either a jolly good wheeze or an alarming example of social voyeurism masked as philanthropy, depending on your point of view. Either way, it makes for very watchable television. 2 Tonight’s first Rockefeller is Ben Way (picture). At just 16 years of age, the new-technology boffin signed his first major deal for £25 million. The baby-faced millionaire still looks much younger than his actual age of 25, and having prospered despite a broken home and severe dyslexia, he now wants to help others to overcome life’s obstacles. 3 You’d think that sticking this moneyed choirboy in the notorious ‘Murder Mile’ of inner-London’s Hackney would be an accident waiting to happen but, thanks to his earnestly honest approach, Way acquits himself well as a volunteer at a local youth centre. There he meets amazingly committed stalwarts who do so much for those around them yet ask for nothing in return. Ufu, the streetwise manager of Pedro Youth Club, seems to have kept it going single-handedly, while former boxing champion James Cook dedicates his life to battling the scourges of drugs and crime. Meanwhile, talented teenage artist Wayne dreams of selling his own range of designer fashion. 4 Of course, the money shot here is the money shot, but before we learn whose name is on the cheque, this show’s positive portrait of a community adds up to much more than just the financial bottom line. Radio and TV Times

1.Which of the following quotations indicates why “The Secret Millionaire” has been chosen as “PICK OF THE DAY” (tekst 1)? A “a jolly good wheeze” (paragraph 1)

B “he now … life’s obstacles” (paragraph 2)

C “thanks to … approach” (paragraph 3)

D “this show’s … bottom line” (paragraph 4)

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World View (VWO 2009, TV1, T7)

We All Have a Lot to Learn BY FAREED ZAKARIA

1 Last week India was hit by a terror attack that unsettled the country. A gunman entered the

main conference hall of the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, tossed four grenades into the audience and, when the explosives failed, fired his AK-47 at the crowd. One man, a retired professor of mathematics from one of the Indian Institutes of Technology, was killed. What has worried some about this attack is not its scope or planning or effect ─ all

unimpressive ─ but 25 . The terrorists went after what is increasingly seen as India’s core

strategic asset for the 21st century: its scientific and technological brain trust. If that becomes insecure, what will become of India’s future? 2 This small event says a lot about global competition. Travelling around Asia for most of the

past month, I have been struck by the relentless focus on education. It makes sense. Many of these countries have no natural resources, other than their people; making them smarter is the only path for development. China, as always, appears to be moving fastest. When officials there talk about their plans for future growth, they point out that they have increased spending on colleges and universities almost tenfold in the past 10 years. Yale’s president, Richard Levin, notes that Peking University’s two state-of-the-art semiconductor fabrication lines ─ each employing a different technology ─ outshine anything in the United States.

East Asian countries top virtually every global ranking of students in science and mathematics. 3 But one thing puzzles me about these oft-made comparisons. I talked to Tharman

Shanmugaratnam to understand it better. He’s the minister of Education of Singapore, the country that is No. 1 in the global science and math rankings for schoolchildren. I asked the minister how to explain the fact that even though Singapore’s students do so brilliantly on these tests, when you look at these same students 10 or 20 years later, few of them are worldbeaters anymore. Singapore has few truly top-ranked scientists, entrepreneurs, inventors, business executives or academics. American kids, by contrast, test much worse in the fourth and eighth grades but seem to do better later in life and in the real world. Why? 4 “We both have meritocracies,” Shanmugaratnam said. “Yours is a talent meritocracy, ours

is an exam meritocracy. There are some parts of the intellect that we are not able to test well ─ like creativity, curiosity, a sense of adventure, ambition. Most of all, America has a culture

of learning that challenges conventional wisdom, even if it means challenging authority. These are the areas where Singapore must learn from America.” 5 Shanmugaratnam also pointed out that American universities are unrivaled globally ─ and are getting better. “You have created a publicprivate partnership in tertiary education that is amazingly successful. The government provides massive funding, and private and public colleges compete, raising everyone’s standards.” Shanmugaratnam highlighted in particular the role that American foundations play. “Someone in society has to be focused on the long term, on maintaining excellence, on raising quality. You have this array of foundations ─ in fact, a whole tradition of civic-minded volunteerism ─ that fulfills this

role. For example, you could not imagine American advances in biomedical sciences without the Howard Hughes Foundation.” 6 Singapore is now emphasizing factors other than raw testing skills when selecting its top

students. But cultures are hard to change. A Singaporean friend recently brought his children back from America and put them in his country’s muchheralded schools. He described the difference. “In the American school, when my son would speak up, he was applauded and encouraged. In Singapore, he’s seen as pushy and weird. The culture of making learning something to love and engage in with gusto is totally absent. Here it is a chore. Work hard, memorize and test well.” He took his children out of the Singapore state school and put them into a private, Western-style one.

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7 Despite all the praise Shanmugaratnam showered on the States, he said that the U.S.

educational system “as a whole has failed.” “Unless you are comfortably middle class or richer,” he explained, “you get an education that is truly second-rate by any standards. Apart from issues of fairness, what this means is that you never really access the talent of poor, bright kids. They don’t go to good schools and, because of teaching methods that focus on bringing everyone along, the bright ones are never pushed. In Singapore we get the poor kid who is very bright and very hungry, and that’s crucial to our success.” 8 “From where I sit, it’s not a flat world,” Shanmugaratnam concluded. “It’s one of peaks and

valleys. The good news for America is that the peaks are getting higher. But the valleys are getting deeper, and many of them are also in the United States.” Newsweek

1 Which of the following fits the gap in paragraph 1? A the change of tactics B the choice of country C the impact D the target “It makes sense.” (third sentence of paragraph 2) 2 How many arguments does the writer give in paragraph 2 for this opinion? A 1 B 2 C 3

3 Welke twee doelstellingen zou het onderwijs in Singapore moeten gaan hanteren om de leerlingen het even goed te laten doen als Amerikaanse, volgens alinea 4?

4 What is meant by “civic-minded volunteerism” in paragraph 5? A Financial institutions taking over the state’s responsibilities in matters of higher education. B Private money being donated to stimulate top scientific research. C The provision of scholarships for talented students to attend first-rate universities. D The willingness of American universities to share their expertise with other scientific institutions. “Singapore is now … its top students.” (first sentence of paragraph 6)

5 Which of the following quotations from this paragraph illustrate(s) this? 1 “A Singaporean … schools.” 2 “In Singapore, … weird.” 3 “Here … chore.” 4 “Work … well.” A Only 1. B Only 1 and 4. C Only 3 and 4. D Only 2, 3 and 4. E All four. F None.

6 Waarop komt Tharman Shanmugaratnams bezwaar tegen het onderwijssysteem in de V.S. (alinea 7) neer? In een toespraak over onderwijs in Singapore zei Tharman Shanmugaratnam onlangs: “We have to maintain a sense of balance as we go forward, and focus on what we cannot measure, as much as what we can measure. While we want to develop students’ minds, there is nothing more important than developing their character.” 7 Bij welke alinea sluiten deze woorden aan?

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3 4

Looks ’r’ us ‘The Australian marsupial mouse makes Mick

Jagger look like a librarian with a lost libido,’

wrote Jerome Burne (News, last week).

Allowing for the compulsion to use

alliteration, he has dug himself an interesting

little hole here.

I must first declare an interest, being a

qualified librarian. I have shinned up to the

loft and dug out a very fetching twinset,

pearls and sensible skirt. This, along with

cleaning the old hornrims, and scraping my

short spiky hair into a bun, has put me in the

frame of mind for an indignant rant about

_____6_____ . Much more conducive to the

mood than my customary Prada leggings or

Vivienne Westwood rubber frock, don’t you


Come off it, Jerome, we library moles are

now well and truly connected, with freedom

to access all the naughty bits the Internet can

throw at us. That can really kick-start the old

libido, making Mick Jagger look just like … a

journalist with brewer’s droop.

Judy Addison


The Observer

The Paperless Newspaper

To the Editor:

The essay about reading news on-line

calls to mind a phenomenon of

longstanding interest to social scientists

and critics: the ___7___ newspaper reading.

At issue is the comfort of a context for

the disturbing news we experience

immediately and viscerally on television.

The mediation of a familiar front page

and calm editorial commentary reassures

us that the world has not been jarred

loose from its moorings. Or as Marshall

McLuhan put it: “People don’t actually

read newspapers. They get into them

every morning like a hot bath.” ROBERT STEIN

Barrytown, N.Y.

New York T imes

Fine mess (5) Self-contradiction is the hallmark of the Government’s policy on sex offenders. On Tuesday, the Department of Health announced a new Bill on Mental Incapacity. Its most striking provision is the pre-emptive detention of people who have not been 11_______ of a crime, but are thought to have a disposition to violence or sexual assault. On Thursday, the Home Office announced plans to build five more “rehabilitation hostels” for serious sex offenders, who would be free to come and go as they pleased. While the Department of Health was proposing to lock up people who haven’t committed any crimes, the Home Office was planning to leave more of those who have “in the community”. Does one hand of government know what the other is doing? The health department’s plans to lock up sexual psychopaths such as Roy Whiting, the killer of Sarah Payne, before they rape and murder children are comprehensively undermined by the Home Office’s insistence that those convicted of sexual offences should be free to live with the rest of us. Labour used to promise consistent policies. What it has delivered is not “joined up” government but broken down government. www.opinion.telegraph.co.uk

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Tekst 3 6. Which of the following fits the gap in

the text?

A librarians

B media coveragae

C modern fashion

D stereotyping

Tekst 1 The heading (‘A’ Is for …) is followed

by “Anything goes?”.

1 What does this question suggest, judging

from the article?

A American universities can no longer

compete with universities abroad.

B Students should be honest about their

real level of achievement.

C Top students at American universities

are not given a chance to stand out.

D Universities should award students

grades in accordance with their


2.(In Dutch). What is grade inflation?



3.(in Dutch). Why are the Ivy league

Universities used in this text? _____________________________________


Tekst 2 “An end to anonymity” (kop tekst 1)

4 Hoe komt het dat men van mening

veranderd is wat betreft de anonimiteit van

zaaddonoren? _____________________________________



5. Wat is de mening van de auteur? _____________________________________



Tekst 4 The Paperless Newspaper 7 Which of the following fits the gap in the text? A amount of information gained from B amount of time spent on C psychological significance of D public’s general dislike of 8. Wat bedoelt de auteur met de laatste zin? “They get into them every morning like a hot bath.”



9. Wat voor een soort tekst is dit en hoe weet je dat? __________________________________________


Tekst 5 “Self-contradiction is the hallmark of the Government’s policy on sex offenders.” (begin tekst) 10 Waaruit bestaat deze “self-contradiction”? Noem beide elementen ervan. ________________________________________________________________________________________


11.Welk Engels woord ontbreekt er bij 11? ________________________________________________________________________________________

12.Wat betekent het woordje pre-emptive? (gokken op basis van context) ________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 29: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

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Page 30: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 30

Understanding questions / Begrijp de vraagstelling

Vertaal de onderstaande vraagstelling of leg uit waar nodig.

1. Which of the following fits the gap in the text ?


2. How does the writer introduce the topic of the article in paragraph 1 ?


3. “Moreover, without cooking, the human brain (which consumes 20-25% of the body’s energy) could not keep running.” (lines 8-9) Which of the following is in line with the quotation mentioned above ?


4. How does paragraph 2 relate to paragraph 1 ?


5. In paragraph 3, what is the example about the NBA player meant to make clear ?


6. What goal did the authors Singh and Ernst have in writing this book ?


7. What is Phil Bloomfield’s opinion on this book ?


8. How does the writer introduce the subject of the article in paragraph 1?


9. Geef van elk van de onderstaande citaten uit alinea 2 aan of deze wel of niet het

gevolg van deze zware vorm van spijt beschrijft.

Wat moet je dus doen ? …………………………………………………………….

10. “The dark side of organ donation” (paragraph 3) Which of the following does this refer to, judging from paragraphs 3 and 4 ? ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Page 31: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 31

11. Which of the following reflects the main point of paragraph 5 ?

…………………………………………………………………………………………. 12. What is the main point made in paragraph 1 ?


13. “Women make ... construction workers” (paragraph 3) What is the purpose of this statement ? ……………………………………………………………………………………….

14. How does the writer round off the article in paragraph 5 ?

………………………………………………………………………………………. 15. Welke omschrijving karakteriseert alinea 2 ?

Wat wordt bedoeld met ‘karakteriseert’ ? ……………………………………………………………………………………….

16. Welk van de volgende citaten bevat geen beeldspraak? Wat is beeldspraak ? Kun je een voorbeeld van beeldspraak geven in het Nederlands ? ……………………………………………………………………………………….

17. How does paragraph 2 relate to the last sentence of paragraph 1 ?


18. Which of the following have caused the writer’s anger according to paragraph 1 ?

………………………………………………………………………………………. 19. Which of the following quotations is not ironic in tone ?

Wat betekent ironisch ? Geef een voorbeeldje in het Nederlands. ……………………………………………………………………………………….

20. How does paragraph 4 relate to paragraph 3, besides elaborating on it ?

………………………………………………………………………………………. 21. “Diaper contract sparks fear for group’s legacy” (onderkop)

In welke alinea wordt deze opmerking nader uitgewerkt? Wat wordt bedoeld met ‘nader uitgewerkt’ ? ………………………………………………………………………………….

Page 32: 6VWO ENGELS - jeroenvanhilten.nljeroenvanhilten.nl/?download=6V_EXAMEN_reader.pdfparagraphs 1, 2 and 3. B To explain the statements made in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. C To introduce a

6VWO| Examenvoorbereiding 32