6th South African Ferro-alloys - Metal Bulletin South African Ferro-Alloys... · Metal Bulletin...

www.metalbulletinstore.com Sponsor: Hyatt Regency, Johannesburg Book before 19 July 2013 & SAVE $500 Media partners: Ferro-alloys 6th South African Conference 18-19 September 2013 The Indian Ferro Alloy ProducersAssociation Confirmed speakers include: l Tribe Bhengu, Head of Projects, BHP Billiton, South Africa l Jürgen Schalamon, CEO, Samancor Chrome, South Africa l Johan Kriek, CEO, United Manganese of Kalahari, South Africa l Sechaba Letaba, CEO, Kudumane Manganese, South Africa l David Elwood, CEO, Metmar, South Africa l Han Zheng, Deputy GM Chrome & Manganese, Shanghai Tsingshan Mineral Co., China l Cui Min, Analyst, Beijing General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, China l Mbuyazwe Magagula, Head of Mining and Beneficiation, Industrial Development Corporation, South Africa l Moritz Hill, Director, Cronimet Chrome SA, South Africa l Kevin Fowkes, Managing Consultant, Alloy Consult, UK l Shaun Nel, Director, Energy Intensive Users Group, South Africa Joint rates available to attend the Chromite Conference 2013

Transcript of 6th South African Ferro-alloys - Metal Bulletin South African Ferro-Alloys... · Metal Bulletin...

Page 1: 6th South African Ferro-alloys - Metal Bulletin South African Ferro-Alloys... · Metal Bulletin Events’ 6th South African Ferro-alloys Conference in Johannesburg will answer these



Hyatt Regency, Johannesburg

Book before19 July 2013&SAVE$500

Media partners:

Ferro-alloys6th South African

Conference18-19 September 2013

The Indian Ferro Alloy Producers’ Association

Confirmed speakers include:

lTribe Bhengu, Head of Projects, BHP Billiton, South Africa

l Jürgen Schalamon, CEO, Samancor Chrome, South Africa

l Johan Kriek, CEO, United Manganese of Kalahari, South Africa

lSechaba Letaba, CEO, Kudumane Manganese, South Africa

lDavid Elwood, CEO, Metmar, South Africa

lHan Zheng, Deputy GM Chrome & Manganese, Shanghai TsingshanMineral Co., China

lCui Min, Analyst, Beijing General Research Institute of Mining andMetallurgy, China

lMbuyazwe Magagula, Head of Mining and Beneficiation, Industrial Development Corporation, South Africa

lMoritz Hill, Director, Cronimet Chrome SA, South Africa

lKevin Fowkes, Managing Consultant, Alloy Consult, UK

lShaun Nel, Director, Energy Intensive Users Group, South Africa

Joint rates availableto attend the

Chromite Conference 2013

Page 2: 6th South African Ferro-alloys - Metal Bulletin South African Ferro-Alloys... · Metal Bulletin Events’ 6th South African Ferro-alloys Conference in Johannesburg will answer these

In the ferro-alloys industry all eyes areagain on South Africa, with miningmaking headlines on both a domesticand an international level. Recurrentpolitical and social unrest in particularmeans one of the world’s mostimportant ferro-alloys producersremains a source of uncertainty forthe global industry.

The future of the ferro-chrome industrydepends heavily on developments in SouthAfrica and so far the picture looks blurry, withtalks about a chrome ore export tax betweenthe government and the ore and alloy producersstill not decisive. Manganese alloys productionhas had a boost with BHP’s recent capacityincrease, but it is unclear that this is the trendother producers will follow, especiallyconsidering lower than expected alloys prices.

And, crucially, what will the future solution forsustainable energy supplies in South Africa beand how will it impact the ore/alloy exportbalance from the country.

Metal Bulletin Events’ 6th South AfricanFerro-alloys Conference in Johannesburg willanswer these questions and more withspeakers from the international industry andthe key players in the region in attendance.

Ferro-alloys6th South African

Conference18-19 September 2013Hyatt Regency, Johannesburg

Benefits of attending:

Networkwith the key decisionmakers from the length of theferro-alloys supply chain andgovernment bodies

Understandwhere the supply/demand balance for chrome,manganese, nickel and vanadiumcurrently stands

Discoverhow the newmanganese projects in South Africawill evolve in the future

Findout how energy andinfrastructure constraints might beovercome to fully unlock thepotential of the region

Hearwhat effect the recentgovernment national beneficiationand industrialisation programme willhave on the ferro-alloys markets inSouth Africa

Chinese exports of high-carbon ferro-chrome (‘000 tonnes)Chinese ferro-chrome exports during Q1 were higher than during the whole of 2012 as producerslook for higher prices outside of China

European HC ferro-chrome price vs global stainless steelproduction (% change y-o-y)Ferro-chrome prices declined in early 2013 y-o-y despite gains in stainless output

Source: ISSF, Metal Bulletin Research

Source: Metal Bulletin Research











0Q1 12 Q2 12 Q3 12 Q4 12 Q1 13

Mar 10 Sep 10 Mar 11 Sep 11 Mar 12 Sep 12 Mar 13















Global stainless output (LHS)

European FeCr price (RHS)

Page 3: 6th South African Ferro-alloys - Metal Bulletin South African Ferro-Alloys... · Metal Bulletin Events’ 6th South African Ferro-alloys Conference in Johannesburg will answer these

Day one:Wednesday 18 September 2013

Outlook on steel & ferro-alloysdemand worldwide

14:00 Chairman’s opening remarks

14:15 European stainless steel industry and itsimplications for the ferro-chrome market• Consolidation of the stainless steel industry and its impact on the

ferro-alloys industry• Stainless steel production in Europe - is demand for stainless steel

in Europe likely to bounce back? Will it have an effect on capacitiesor will it be only a correction?

• Outlook on the ferro-chrome supply/demand balance in Europe-can it ever be self sufficient?

Mauri Kauppi, General Manager, OutokumpuChrome Oy, Finland*

14:45 Growth in Chinese stainless steel production-will it continue?• Stainless steel as a strategic industry - will the Chinese economy

increase its dependence on specialised steel products?• Supply/demand balance - will the Chinese market continue to

consume all output? Will China eventually become an exporter ofstainless steel?

• Cost of production - can China compete on the global scale, whatadvantages does it have?

• Sourcing raw materials - will investments into ferro-alloys continue?

Han Zheng, Deputy GM Chrome &Manganese, Shanghai Tsingshan Mineral Co., China

15:15 Index pricing in the chrome industry - is thechange in the pricing mechanism a trend? • Why we launched the index and why we set it up this way?• How the index works? • How the index captures prices and market trends?

Janie Davies, Senior Correspondent, Metal Bulletin, United Kingdom

15:30 Networking break

Managing the costs of productionof ferro-alloys – challenges and opportunities

16:15 Technology efficiency and its impact on ferro-alloys production in South Africa• Managing energy input – can new energy solutions really have an

impact on the bottom line. Where are the savings?• Optimisation in South Africa - what solutions are best suited to the

current market conditions; where can domestic producers reallygain an advantage?

• Comparison of capital cost per production unit - best availablepractices for maximum return on investment in chrome andmanganese markets

Dirk Slabbert, Vice President: Ferrous Solutions,Outotec Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa

16:45 Case study: Cost of ferro-chrome production –a comparative analysis• Cost of production in South Africa Vs. cost of smelting in China

Kevin Fowkes, Managing Consultant, Alloy Consult, UK

17:15 Chairman’s closing remarks

17:30 Welcome drinks reception co-hosted with theChromite Conference

Day two:Thursday 19 September 2013

Keynote presentations:09:00 Chairman’s opening remarks

09:15 DMR’s social labour plan and its’ impact on the mining and ferro-alloys industry in South Africa

Invited speaker: Godfrey Oliphant, MP, Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources, South Africa

09:45 Future of manganese assets in South Africa- can beneficiation protect its dominant global position?

• Manganese operations in South Africa- is the industry’s future onthe ore or alloys side?

• Challenges and opportunities on the energy and infrastructure side- can a challenge be turned into an opportunity?

• Beneficiation policy- what real value does it create for the ferro-alloys industry? What value will it bring in the long term?

Tribe Bhengu, Head of Projects, BHP Billiton, South Africa

10:15 Networking break

Energy-unlocking potential

11:00 Panel discussion: The future of energy pricingand availability in South Africa- outlook forthe next 5 years• Change in Eskom’s energy pricing system- how can extended

predictability of tariffs influence management of energy for ferro-alloy producers?

• Update on the new sources of power generation - timeframe andpredicted capacities of Medupi and Kusile plants

• Working with industrial customers- what incentives can be used byferro-alloys producers to increase their power allocation if needed?

• IPPs – can cooperation between Eskom and private initiativeprojects work in South Africa?

• What are the means available? What energy sources make mostsense and what is the cost of investment?

• What role will long term power strategies play in the investmentsand expansion of the ferro-alloy businesses?

• Energy efficiency: should ferro-alloy producers be investing in newtechnology? Does responsible energy management need tobecome a part of the ferro-alloys business?

Metal Bulletin Events reserve the right to alter the venue, timings and/or speakers. ©Metal Bulletin Events, part of Euromoney Trading Limited

Page 4: 6th South African Ferro-alloys - Metal Bulletin South African Ferro-Alloys... · Metal Bulletin Events’ 6th South African Ferro-alloys Conference in Johannesburg will answer these

• Alternative power generation: Are the co-generation plants acommercially viable option in the long term?

• Climate change and carbon pricing - what impact will it have onthe cost of energy? Can South Africa benefit?

Shaun Nel, Director, Energy Intensive UsersGroup, South Africa

Chrome industry as a two tiermarket –what will the future holdfor South African production?

11:45 The Ferro-chrome market in survival mode - will South Africa come out on top?• Future of the ferro-chrome industry - worldwide supply/demand

balance, are the fundamentals of the industry still strong?• South African position in the global supply chain - is the industry

comfortable or are there changes on the way? • End of electricity buy back schemes, how much capacity will come

back onstream?• Strategy for growth - should South Africa focus on more niche

markets taking advantage of its high quality chrome ore?

Jürgen Schalamon, CEO, Samancor Chrome,South Africa

12:15 Lunch

13:45 China and the ferro-chrome industry – will itcontinue to dominate?• China as the world’s biggest ferro-chrome producer - predicted

capacities and the pace of growth• Why is China investing so much in ferro-chrome production? Is the

government backing up the developments?• Chrome ore sourcing - does China purely rely on South Africa? • Are Chinese companies interested in off take agreements and

greenfield chrome ore exploration projects in Africa?

Cui Min, Analyst, Beijing General ResearchInstitute of Mining and Metallurgy, China

14:15 Panel discussion: Domestic beneficiation ofchrome ore Vs. exports - what direction willwe see the market taking?• Managing chrome ore production- why is the market oversupplied

and do we see it over the whole spectrum of products? Whateffect does it have on prices?

• Arguments for beneficiation- how can South Africa extract thebest value for its chrome ore reserves?

• What will be the impact of the UG2 markets on the future ofchrome? How will the industry influence the chrome ore export talks?

• Even if more UG2 is sold locally, will there be more ferro-chromecapacity available to smelt it?

• Impact of the chrome ore tax on non-integrated chrome oreproducers – can it push the industry to consolidation?

• View from an international perspective: how will Chinesedominance on the ferro-chrome market potentially affectsupplies in the future?

• Potential of ore tax on chrome could bring possibility of ore tax onother commodities, what markets could be affected?

Mbuyazwe Magagula, Head of Mining andBeneficiation, Industrial DevelopmentCorporation, South AfricaMoritz Hill, Director, Cronimet Chrome SA,South Africa

15:00 Networking break

Manganese market outlook – aglobal and regional perspective

15:30 Panel discussion: New capacities in theKalahari basin- what will the effect be onglobal manganese markets?• Long term view of the manganese market - how much ore will

be needed in the future? and is the market supported by strongfundamentals?

• How will additional output out of South Africa influence themarket supply/demand balance? How will producers approach themarket with their material?

• China factor - are domestic pressures in the manganese marketsencouraging further manganese ore expansions?

• Projects in the Kalahari basin - what is the timeline of new capacitycoming onstream?

• Grades of ore available - will the new output differentiate itselffrom the material already available on the market?

• What will happen with the extra manganese ore capacity, will it bebeneficiated or exported?

• Getting the financing - is the unstable situation in the miningsector in South Africa making securing funds impossible?

• Logistics - how will additional material be moved? What will be theimpact on the operational costs?

Johan Kriek, CEO, United Manganese ofKalahari, South AfricaSechaba Letaba, CEO, KudumaneManganese, South AfricaDavid Elwood, CEO, Metmar, South Africa

16:15 Metal Bulletin Manganese Ore Index -methodology and results• Why we launched the index and why we set it up this way?• How the index works? • How the index captures prices and market trends?

Inaki Villanueva, Index Analyst, Metal Bulletin Index, United Kingdom

16:30 Logistics update on the upgrade of themanganese railway corridor into CoegaIndustrial zone• Scope of the project - how much additional capacity will we see

and what are the challenges to overcome?• Timeframe of the project - how will we see the developments

unfolding and when can we expect upgrades to be completed?• Impact on the freight rates - how will the cost of the project put

pressure on prices in the near future?

Senior Representative, Transnet Freight Rail,South Africa

17:00 Chairman’s closing remarks and end of the conference*Subject to final confirmation

Metal Bulletin Events reserve the right to alter the venue, timings and/or speakers. ©Metal Bulletin Events, part of Euromoney Trading Limited

Page 5: 6th South African Ferro-alloys - Metal Bulletin South African Ferro-Alloys... · Metal Bulletin Events’ 6th South African Ferro-alloys Conference in Johannesburg will answer these

Sponsorship & exhibitionopportunities

What’s available?

Welcome receptionNetwork and welcome potential clients with your prominent branding

Host a delegate lunchEntertain a large number of existing and potential clients

Coffee break sponsorGet your message across with high visibility branding

Delegate bag sponsorYour company logo on the move for maximum effect

Brochure distributionEnsure your message is communicated to all delegates

Exhibition spaceShowcase your company services and products while establishingbusiness contacts

We welcome your creative sponsorship ideasIf you have a unique message, we will work with you to communicatethis to the delegates

Showcase your company, increase your brandawareness and enhance your networkingopportunities by becoming a sponsor of the 6thSouth African Ferro-alloys Conference.Sponsorship opportunities developed by MetalBulletin Events have become essential tools fororganisations in fulfilling their marketingobjectives. There are a range of sponsorshipopportunities which will enable your companyto raise your brand profile, before and at theevent as well as highlight your company to anaudience of senior executives and key decisionmakers from across the sector.

.metalbulletinresearch.com/FRequest a free sample at: www

+44 (0) 20 7779 8000 information? more




For sponsorship & exhibitionopportunities, please contact:

Manjit Sandhu Tel: +44 (0) 20 7779 8188Email: [email protected]

A conference for:

lChrome & ferro-chrome producers

lManganese & ferro-manganese producers

lFerro-vanadium & ferro-silicon producers

lFerro-alloy buyers

lStainless steel producers

lFerro-alloys traders

lLogistics providers

lEnergy providers

lFinanciers & investors

lEquipment providers

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Our VAT Number is GB 243 31 57 84

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Address: Metal Bulletin Events, Nestor House, Playhouse Yard, London, EC4V 5EX, UK

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BOOKING CONDITIONSRegistrations can only be confirmed upon receipt of payment or proof of payment and discounted fees will only apply when paymentis received within the offer period. If you are not able to attend, a substitute delegate will be accepted. Cancellations must be receivedin writing prior to 23 August 2013 to qualify for a full refund less $200 administration fee. It may be necessary for reasons beyond thecontrol of the organisers to alter the content, timing and venue. In the unlikely event of the conference being cancelled or curtailed dueto any reason beyond the control of Metal Bulletin Ltd., or it being necessary or advisable to relocate or change the date and/or locationof the event, neither Metal Bulletin Ltd., nor its employees will be held liable for refunds, damages and/or additional expenses whichmay be incurred by delegates. We therefore recommend prospective delegates arrange appropriate insurance cover.

VENUEHyatt Regency Johannesburg Address: 191 Oxford Road, Rosebank,

Johannesburg, South Africa 2132 Tel: +27 11 280 1234Fax: +27 11 280 1238 Email: [email protected]

Situated in the modern suburb of Rosebank, only 25 kms from the O.R. TamboInternational Airport, the luxury Johannesburg hotel is adjacent to Firs Shopping Centreand Cinemas. Guests will also enjoy easy access to the banking district of SandtonCBD, Constitution Hill, and African craft markets. Within 244 luxury rooms & suites,guests will encounter gracious service and tech-savvy amenities. The first-classconference and banquet space sets the 5-star hotel in Johannesburg as a premierchoice of business hotels in South Africa for discerning executives worldwide. HyattRegency Johannesburg offers some of the finest restaurants in Johannesburg, includingthe enticing Zaff Fine Dining Restaurant and the chic Ndau Lounge, with courtyardterrace and gardens.

Booking your accommodationUpon registration, delegates will receive an accommodation booking form by email to becompleted and returned direct to the hotel.

REGISTRATION RATESBefore 19 July 2013 $1,799Before 9 August 2013 $1,999Full standard rate $2,299Joint rates available to attend the Chromite Conference 2013 [email protected] or call the credit card hotline on +44 (0) 20 7779 7222

6th South AfricanFerro-alloys Conference18-19 September 2013 • Hyatt Regency, Johannesburg