6.activity 4 problem statement


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Transcript of 6.activity 4 problem statement

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Activity 4

Problem Statements

Task: For the following problem statements identify the following:

- The general research area- The specific research area- The research gap- The problem which the research intend to investigate. (note: sometimes this can be in terms of research question)

Example 1

According to business marketing theory, businesses are more likely to succeed if they utilize marketing management approaches or techniques. For example, the marketing concept, a cornerstone of business marketing thought, stresses the importance of determining the needs and wants of consumers and delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors (Kotler, 1986). Philosophies from marketing management have recently been applied to almost every industry from insurance to travel and hospital services, but not often to farming. Concerns have been raised about the distinction which appears to exist between agricultural and business marketing theory (Bartels, 1983; Bateman, 1976; Muelenberg, 1986).

Example 2

Live online sessions may be delivered in virtual classrooms from Adobe Connect, Elluminate, GoToMeeting, Wimba, or other software programs Many authors such as Offir, Lev, and Bezalel(2008) found the interaction level in a synchronous class, also known as web conferencing, to be a significant factor in the effectiveness of online class. Other researchers describe “the power of a synchronous online system to empower students in conversation and expression (McBrien, Jones, & Cheng, 2009). However, online learning calsses are only effective if students attend these calsses. Many studies have been conducted on online classes (Kenning, 2010; Lavolette, Venable, Gose, & Huang, 2010 ) but few specifically studied why students do or do not attend. According to Skylar(2009), “research concerning the use of newer multimedia technologies, such as interactive synchronous web conferencing tools, is in its infancy and needs further and continued study” (p. 82). McBrien, Jones, and Cheng (2009) stated that “more studies are needed to explore students’ perceptions of the synchronous learning experience.” Thus the central question this research intend to study is, “What are students’ attitudes regarding non mandatory synchronous sessions in a southern university?”

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Example 3

Live online sessions may be delivered in virtual classrooms from Adobe Connect, Elluminate, GoToMeeting, Wimba, or other software programs. Regardless of the software used, student attendance at live online sessions, especially optional ones, can be unpredictable at best. It is a common complaint among the online faculty at a university in the south that many, oftentimes most, of their students do not attend the live online sessions. This study will address the problem of low student attendance at non mandatory virtual classroom meetings in online college courses.

Example 4

Companies benefit through employee loyalty. Crude downsizing in organizations during the recession crushed the loyalty of millions. The economic benefits of loyalty embrace lower recruitment and training costs, higher productivity of workers, customer satisfaction, and the boost to morale of fresh recruits. In order that these benefits are not lost, some companies, while downsizing, try various gimmicks. Flex leave, for instance, is one. This helps employees receive 20% of their salary, plus employer-provided benefits, while they take a 6 – 12 month sabbatical, with a call option on their services. Others try alternatives like more communication, hand holding and the like.

Example 5

The GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) do an unacceptable job of accounting for the principal activities of information age companies. Today, investors are in the dark because the accounting is irrelevant. The basic purpose of accounting is to provide useful information to help investors make rational investment, credit, and similar decisions, but today’s most important assets and activities – intellectual capital and work knowledge- are totally ignored.

Professor Robert A. Howell wants to reform the accounting system with the goal of making clear the measurement of how companies produce cash and create value.