64784950 Oral Hygiene Aids

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  • 8/3/2019 64784950 Oral Hygiene Aids


    Presented by

    Dr. Hala YassinLecturer Of Oral Medicine ,Oral Diagnosis & PeriodontologyFaculy Of Dentistry

    Pharos UniversityP.U.A

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    Dental Plaque

    Defined asa soft deposit

    firmly adherent to the

    tooth surface, made up

    of a complex microbial

    community that resists

    wash by salivary flow or

    forceful washing.

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    ToothpasteDental floss



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    Toothbrushing tools dateback to 3500-3000

    BC when the Babylonians and the Egyptians

    made a brushby fraying theend of a twig( a

    small branch).

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    The first natural bristle toothbrushchewing sticksAromatic tree twigs to freshen breath.

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    Chinese invented the firstnatural bristle toothbrush

    made from the bristlesfrom pigs' necks in the15th century, with the

    bristles attached to a boneor bamboo handle.

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    This design was adapted and often used softer

    horsehairs which manyeuropeans preferred.

    Other designs in europe used feathers.

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    The first toothbrush of a more

    modern design was made by 1780,

    the handle was carved from cattlebone and the brush portion was still

    made from swine bristles.

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    Synthetic bristles replaced the natural pig

    bristles. Nylon was first applied to the

    toothbrush at around 1938 and by the 1950s

    softer nylon bristles were being made, as

    people preferred these.

    The first electric toothbrush was made in 1939

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    The earliest toothbrush.

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    The chewstick for cleaning

    teeth was apparently

    borrowed from the Chinese

    and Babylonians. It is first

    mentioned as a commonmethod of cleaning the

    teeth by the Romans.

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    Egyptians are believed to have started using apaste to clean their teeth around 5000BC,before toothbrushes were invented. The

    world's oldest-known formula for toothpaste,has been discovered on a piece papyrus .

    An ancient Egyptian scribe has carefullydescribed what he calls a "powder for whiteand perfect teeth".When mixed with saliva inthe mouth, it forms a "clean tooth paste".

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    Ingredients used included a powder of ox

    hooves' ashes and burnt eggshells, that was

    combined with pumice.

    The Chinese used a wide variety of substances

    in toothpastes over time that have included

    ginseng, herbal mints and salt.

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    The Greeks and Romans favored more

    abrasiveness and their toothpaste ingredients

    included crushed bones and oyster shells.

    The Romans added more flavoring to help

    with bad breath, a s well as powdered charcoal

    and bark.

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    Ancient tooth powders used abrasives

    such as crushed bone, burned and crushedegg , snail or oyster shells, which were

    used to clean debris from teeth.

    According to the documents written theingredients needed for the perfect smile

    are a measure of rock salt - a measure ofmint, dried iris flower , pepper, all ofthem crushed and mixed together.

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    The earliest record of an actual toothpaste

    was in 1780 and included scrubbing the

    teeth with a formula containing burnt bread.)

    Other toothpastes ar ound this time called


    y 1 1/2 oz. dragons blood

    y 1 1/2 oz. cinnamon

    y 1 oz. burnt alum

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    In the 19th century, charcoal becamevery popular for teeth cleaning purposes

    First 'modern' toothpastes in the 1800swere home made, with chalk, soap and saltas common ingredients and were sold in

    jars either as a powder or paste.

    Modern toothpastes were developed inthe 1800s.

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    Drinking goats milk for

    sweet breath

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    Ashes from burnt mice heads, rabbits

    heads, wolves heads, ox heels and goats

    feet were thought to benefit the gums.

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    Picking the bones out of wolves body

    waste and wearing them (maybe in theform of a necklace?) was considered tobe a form of protection againsttoothaches.

    Washing your teeth with the blood froma tortoise three times a year was a surebet against toothaches as well.

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    Mouthwashes were known to consist ofpure white wine

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