5th International Week PROGRAMME - IPS • International dinner at the “Casa Mãe da Rota dos...

9h00 – Meeting participants at Esp 9h15 - 10h00 –Welcome Session 10h30–Opening of the exhibition E the European Parliament in Portug Armando Pires, President of the P atrium 11h00 –Programme held by each I divided in groups and will visit, wit 13h30 –Institutional Lunch with all 14h30/17h30 – Seminar under the Moderator: Antón Monitoring students pro Portugal Educational and research Rosal, Universidad Rey Jua Portuguese Language an Helena Camacho, IPS - Sch Enterprise simulation: A Portugal Encouraging interdepend Technology, Portugal Blended learning / eLea University of Applied Scie LEOCARE - Improved trai successful Leonardo da V 17h30 –Participants pick-up at Set main entrance. 18h00 – Reception at the City Hall 8h30 – Participants pick-up at Espe 9h00 – Joint session – Presentation Business Administration | room D1 10h30 – 11h30 – Work meeting: Vi and Pablo Lekue, University of the 10h30 – 11h30 Work meeting: A Humenberger, Pedagogical Univer P perança Centro Hotel and walk to IPS Cloisters European Portugal – Half Century of History - an initia gal, Paulo Sande, Head of the European Parliament O Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal | School of Business A IPS School for the participants within the specific area th a mobility coordinator, the IPS school in which they l participants at the IPS canteen. e theme “Success”, Setúbal School of Technology |Aud nio Ramos Pires, IPS, Portugal ogress: online tests, José Palma, IPS - Setúbal Sc h innovation method applied to history of law, Gabr an Carlos, Spain nd Web 2.0: a successful partnership, Maria do Ro hool of Education, Portugal A successful case, Ana Damião, IPS - School of Bus dent and intradependent team-work, Pedro Neto, IP arning in adult education, Sirpa Vauhkonen and Ee ences, Finland ining modules for care workers in healthcare and so Vinci partnership, Gabriela Colaço, IPS – School of Hea túbal School of Technology – meeting point Setúbal by the Mayor / Performance by the Tuna Académica erança Centro Hotel n of the participants’ Home Universities and institutio 1.09 isual Education teachers, Rafael Sumozas, Universida Basque Country, Spain | School of Education | S14 Austrian folkmusic and choir singing in class, Robert Ho sity Linz, Austria | School of Education | room L1 PROGRAMME 26th March ative of the Cabinet of Office in Portugal and Administration | Main as (participants will be y will lecture) ditorium 2 chool of Technology, riela Cristina Cobo del osário Rodrigues and siness Administration, PS - Barreiro School of eva Haikonen, Laurea ocial environments - a alth Care, Portugal School of Technology “Hatuna Matata” 27th March onal fair | School of ad Castilha la Mancha, oefler and Siegfried

Transcript of 5th International Week PROGRAMME - IPS • International dinner at the “Casa Mãe da Rota dos...

Page 1: 5th International Week PROGRAMME - IPS • International dinner at the “Casa Mãe da Rota dos Vinhos” (Palmela) ... and Joanna Niezurawska - Torun School of Banking, Poland participant

9h00 – Meeting participants at Esperança Centro Hotel

9h15 - 10h00 –Welcome Session

10h30–Opening of the exhibition European Portugal

the European Parliament in Portugal

Armando Pires, President of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal


11h00 –Programme held by each IPS School for the participants within the specific areas

divided in groups and will visit, with a mobility coordinator, the IPS school in which they will lecture)

13h30 –Institutional Lunch with all participants at the IPS canteen

14h30/17h30 – Seminar under the theme

Moderator: António Ramos Pires, IPS, Portugal

• Monitoring students progress: online tests


• Educational and research innovation method applied to history of law,

Rosal, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

• Portuguese Language and Web 2.0: a successful partnership,

Helena Camacho, IPS - School of Education

• Enterprise simulation: A successful case


• Encouraging interdependent

Technology, Portugal

• Blended learning / eLearning in adult education

University of Applied Sciences, Finland

• LEOCARE - Improved training modules for care workers in healthcare and social environments

successful Leonardo da Vinci partnership

17h30 –Participants pick-up at Setúbal School of Technology

main entrance.

18h00 – Reception at the City Hall

8h30 – Participants pick-up at Esperança Centro Hotel

9h00 – Joint session – Presentation of the participants’ Home Universities

Business Administration | room D1.09

10h30 – 11h30 – Work meeting: Visual Education

and Pablo Lekue, University of the Basque Country

10h30 – 11h30 – Work meeting: Austrian folkmusic and

Humenberger, Pedagogical University


participants at Esperança Centro Hotel and walk to IPS Cloisters

European Portugal – Half Century of History - an initiative of the Cabinet of

the European Parliament in Portugal, Paulo Sande, Head of the European Parliament Office

of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal | School of Business Admini

Programme held by each IPS School for the participants within the specific areas

divided in groups and will visit, with a mobility coordinator, the IPS school in which they will lecture)

Institutional Lunch with all participants at the IPS canteen.

under the theme “Success”, Setúbal School of Technology |Auditorium 2

Moderator: António Ramos Pires, IPS, Portugal

progress: online tests, José Palma, IPS - Setúbal School of Technology,

ducational and research innovation method applied to history of law, Gabriela Cristina Cobo del

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain

Portuguese Language and Web 2.0: a successful partnership, Maria do Rosário Rodrigues and

School of Education, Portugal

Enterprise simulation: A successful case, Ana Damião, IPS - School of Business Administration

interdependent and intradependent team-work, Pedro Neto, IPS

Blended learning / eLearning in adult education, Sirpa Vauhkonen and Eeva

University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Improved training modules for care workers in healthcare and social environments

successful Leonardo da Vinci partnership, Gabriela Colaço, IPS – School of Health Care, Portugal

up at Setúbal School of Technology – meeting point Setúbal School of Technology

by the Mayor / Performance by the Tuna Académica

up at Esperança Centro Hotel

Presentation of the participants’ Home Universities and institutional fair

room D1.09

Visual Education teachers, Rafael Sumozas, Universidad Castilha la Mancha,

University of the Basque Country, Spain | School of Education | S14

Work meeting: Austrian folkmusic and choir singing in class, Robert Hoefler

niversity Linz, Austria | School of Education | room L1


26th March

an initiative of the Cabinet of

European Parliament Office in Portugal and

Administration | Main

Programme held by each IPS School for the participants within the specific areas (participants will be

divided in groups and will visit, with a mobility coordinator, the IPS school in which they will lecture)

Auditorium 2

Setúbal School of Technology,

Gabriela Cristina Cobo del

Maria do Rosário Rodrigues and

School of Business Administration,

, IPS - Barreiro School of

Vauhkonen and Eeva Haikonen, Laurea

Improved training modules for care workers in healthcare and social environments - a

School of Health Care, Portugal

point Setúbal School of Technology

“Hatuna Matata”

27th March

and institutional fair | School of

Universidad Castilha la Mancha,

oefler and Siegfried

Page 2: 5th International Week PROGRAMME - IPS • International dinner at the “Casa Mãe da Rota dos Vinhos” (Palmela) ... and Joanna Niezurawska - Torun School of Banking, Poland participant

10h30 – 11h30 – Work meeting: Mastering the teacher leads her to new skills? Example of the Foix IUFM

Jean-Yves Léna, Institut Universitaire de Formation de Maitres Midi Pyréénes

France | School of Education | room S9

10h30 – 12h00 – Workshop: Blended learning / eLearning in adult education

Haikonen, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland


11h00 – 13h00 – Open class: Managing People at Work, Milan Straňák

Czech Republic, Anna Dziadkiewicz

Business and Administration | C1.15

12h30 –Lunch at the expense of each

12h45 – 13h45 – Open Class: Financial mathematics

Republic | School of Business and Administration | D1.02

14h00 – 15h00 – Open Class: The accountancy of joint

Business School, Poland | School of Business and Administration | C1.07

14h00 – Cultural Visit – meeting point: Setúbal School of Technology main entrance

• Visit to Azeitão – José Maria da Fonseca winery museum

• Visit to Palmela Castle and historical centre

• International dinner at the “Casa Mãe da Rota dos Vinhos” (Palmela)

23h00 –Returns by bus to Setúbal (Hot

8h30 – Participants pick-up at Esperança Centro Hotel

9h00 - Portuguese Language and Culture Workshop

9h00 – 10h30 - Open Class: Financial mathematics

Republic | School of Business and Administration | D1.03

11h00 – 12h30 – Workshop for International Relations Officers |

11h00 – 12h30 – Workshop for Public Relations Officers |

11h00 – 12h30 – Open class: Learning from errors: what can teachers do to

what can we do to prepare teachers? Findings from a study in teacher education

University Frankfurt, Germany | School of Education | room S9

11h00 – 13h00 - Open class: Construction Project Management, D

Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain | Setúbal School of Technology |

12h30 – Lunch at the expense of e

14h00 – 15h30 – Workshop: Group D

Guerrero Valverde, Universidad Católica de Valencia, Spain

15h00 – 16h30 – Open class: Steps to design a B2C Social Media Strategy

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

14h00 –16h00 –Workshop: Human movement analys

Ricardo Matias |School of Health Care |

Mastering the teacher leads her to new skills? Example of the Foix IUFM

Institut Universitaire de Formation de Maitres Midi Pyréénes - Ecole Interne Université

School of Education | room S9

Blended learning / eLearning in adult education, Sirpa Vauhkonen and Eeva

, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland | School of Business and Administration | room

Open class: Managing People at Work, Milan Straňák - College of Polytechnics Jihlava,

Anna Dziadkiewicz and Joanna Niezurawska - Torun School of Banking, Poland

Business and Administration | C1.15

each participant

Financial mathematics, Radek Stolín, College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech

| School of Business and Administration | D1.02

The accountancy of joint ventures, Marzena Tatarska, West Pomeranian

| School of Business and Administration | C1.07

meeting point: Setúbal School of Technology main entrance

José Maria da Fonseca winery museum

Visit to Palmela Castle and historical centre

dinner at the “Casa Mãe da Rota dos Vinhos” (Palmela)

Returns by bus to Setúbal (Hotel Esperança)

up at Esperança Centro Hotel

Language and Culture Workshop | School of Education | room S9

Financial mathematics, Radek Stolín, College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech

| School of Business and Administration | D1.03

International Relations Officers | Setúbal School of Technology | room F203

Workshop for Public Relations Officers | Setúbal School of Technology

Open class: Learning from errors: what can teachers do to support these processes and

what can we do to prepare teachers? Findings from a study in teacher education, Eveline Wuttke,

| School of Education | room S9

Open class: Construction Project Management, Daniel Garcia-Almiñana,

Spain | Setúbal School of Technology | Auditorium 2

each participant

Workshop: Group Dynamics as an Educational Tool, Joana Calero Plaza and

Universidad Católica de Valencia, Spain | School of Education | room L2

Steps to design a B2C Social Media Strategy, Silvia Rodriguez

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain | School of Business and Administration | room D1.03

Human movement analysis and performance optimization (max 10 participants),

do Matias |School of Health Care | room B1.16

Mastering the teacher leads her to new skills? Example of the Foix IUFM,

Ecole Interne Université,

, Sirpa Vauhkonen and Eeva

School of Business and Administration | room

College of Polytechnics Jihlava,

Torun School of Banking, Poland | School of

College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech

West Pomeranian

28th March

College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech

Setúbal School of Technology | room F203

Technology | room D104

support these processes and

, Eveline Wuttke, Goethe

Almiñana, Universitat

Joana Calero Plaza and Empar

| School of Education | room L2

Silvia Rodriguez-Donaire,

| School of Business and Administration | room D1.03

(max 10 participants),

Page 3: 5th International Week PROGRAMME - IPS • International dinner at the “Casa Mãe da Rota dos Vinhos” (Palmela) ... and Joanna Niezurawska - Torun School of Banking, Poland participant

9h00– Participants pick-up at Esperança Centro Hotel

9h30 – 12:30 –Session for Students

• European Youth


• Bologna by students

• Successful mobility experiences

11h00 – Work meeting: Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, Cristina M. Quintella

Federal da Bahia, Brazil | Unidade de Apoio à Inovação, I&D

Services Building

12h30 –Lunch at the expense of each participant

13h00 – 15h00 – Open class: Intercultural Communication

Finance, Latvia | School of Business and Administration | room C1.15

14h00 – 15h30 – Workshop: Group dynamics as an educational tool,

Guerrero Valverde, Universidad Católica

14h00 – 15h30 - Open class: Austrian Folkmusic and Choir singing in class, Robert Hoefler and Siegfried

Humenberger, Pedagogical University Linz, Austria |

14h00 – 15h30 - Open class: Public relationships between the local educational institutions and the

adolescents in non-formal audiovisual and artistic education

Spain | School of Education | room S14

14h00 – 17h00 – Work meeting: IP Light, Carl

School of Health Care | room A2.07

15h00 - 16h45 - Open class: Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer

capabilities: recruiting, training, improving skills, giving incentives, and retaining

Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil

17h00 –Participants pick-up at Setúbal School of Technology

17h30 - 19h30 - Visit to the Barreiro Technology School | Cocktail and musical moment

18h30 – 20h30 - Open Class: Financial mathematics

Republic | School of Business and Administration | D1.01

9h00 - 13h00 – Parallel Activities:

� Open Classes held by guest lecturers

� Work Meetings for teaching and non teaching staff

up at Esperança Centro Hotel

for Students | School of Business and Administration | room D1.04

Programmes - Carlos Medeiros, Team Europe | Information and

Coordinator at the Jacques Delors European Information

Bologna by students – João Pita, FAIRe Secretary-General

Successful mobility experiences – IPS Exchange Students

Work meeting: Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, Cristina M. Quintella

Unidade de Apoio à Inovação, I&D e Empreendedorismo (UAIID

Lunch at the expense of each participant

ntercultural Communication, Vilhelmine Brauna, BA School of Business and

| School of Business and Administration | room C1.15

Group dynamics as an educational tool, Joana Calero Plaza and Empar

Universidad Católica de Valencia, Spain | School of Education | room L2

Austrian Folkmusic and Choir singing in class, Robert Hoefler and Siegfried

Pedagogical University Linz, Austria | School of Education | room L1

Public relationships between the local educational institutions and the

formal audiovisual and artistic education, Pablo Lekue, University of the Basque Country,

| School of Education | room S14

Work meeting: IP Light, Carl Hylebos and Marc Houtekier, Arteveldehogeschool, Belgium |

School of Health Care | room A2.07

: Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer - the challenges of searching for

recruiting, training, improving skills, giving incentives, and retaining, Cristina M. Quintella,

Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil | Setúbal School of Technology | room D206

up at Setúbal School of Technology

Visit to the Barreiro Technology School | Cocktail and musical moment

Financial mathematics, Radek Stolín, College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech

| School of Business and Administration | D1.01

Open Classes held by guest lecturers

Work Meetings for teaching and non teaching staff

29th March

| School of Business and Administration | room D1.04:

Information and

European Information Centre

Work meeting: Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, Cristina M. Quintella, Universidade

UAIID) | Welfare

BA School of Business and

Joana Calero Plaza and Empar

Education | room L2

Austrian Folkmusic and Choir singing in class, Robert Hoefler and Siegfried

Public relationships between the local educational institutions and the

University of the Basque Country,

ogeschool, Belgium |

the challenges of searching for

Cristina M. Quintella,

Visit to the Barreiro Technology School | Cocktail and musical moment

College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech

30th March