5talents Magazine January 2014

DISCOVERING TALENTS FOR GODS’ KINGDOM ISSUE 16 JANUARY 2014 MarketPlace Revolution TALENTS 5 Christian Magazine www.5talentsMAG.com Michael Brian Founder - Business Seva Swaranjit Sen Chairman - CCCI Joseph Wilson Chairman - BMFI


5Talents is a Christian Magazine, which encourages people to discover their God given talents for furthering His kingdom.

Transcript of 5talents Magazine January 2014

discovering talents for gods’ kingdom

issue 16 january 2014


TALENTS5 Christian Magazine


Michael BrianFounder - Business Seva

Swaranjit SenChairman - CCCI

Joseph WilsonChairman - BMFI

Content TableMarketplace Ministries

~George Powell


Building Better Businesses - Globally

by Swaranjit Sen 105Talent Magazine is a webzine published monthly.

MISSION: - Promote the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ- Impact the character of individuals in the ’Body of Christ’ based on the word of God- Advertise programs and ventures that fulfills ‘The Great Commission’ for the end time purposes

5Talents Magazine grants permission for any original article to be quoted provided 5Talents Magazine is indicated to be the source. For use of an entire article permission must be granted.

PUBLISHER Deepakshi Kolia

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Premasis Satman EDITOR Elveera Redwood CREATIVE DIRECTOR Elizabeth Clayton



Hyderbad: 970 082 2149Canada: 416 502 3777

Editorial: [email protected]: [email protected]


Hyderabad- 500 040

What is Kingdom Business?

by Joseph Wilson 6

“Business Seva”A note

from MichaelBrian 14


by Sanjay 18

oday or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend

a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. (James 4:13)

Next year has been concluded in the agenda of God. In case you are wondering what the year has in store for you. You should never define your tomorrow, or the year ahead based on the pain you went through yesterday, because if you do, you will be short-changing yourself. If you are planning for new businesses, jobs or ideas, the Lord wants you to submit it to Him. Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Today, we are going to continue our journey of understanding: We must recognize that although God has a great plan for 2014, it is essential for our minds to grasp this truth in order for it to become our experiential reality.

The pain, hurt and disappointments of 2013 will not follow us into the coming year and in addition, we are

not coming out of 2013 empty-handed.

So look forward with anticipation. God’s word says ‘The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off’ (Proverbs 23:18).

Isaiah 43:18-19 “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

God has filled the year with His goodness. We must confess the word of God in order for this to be our reality. 2014 is a good year for you. It is an exceptional year for you, irrespective of what you experienced in 2013. tThe Message translation of Matthew 9:29 we are told ‘He touched their eyes and said, “Become what you believe”. We are what we believe; be careful therefore about what you allow to go on in your mind.

2014 is a glorious, abundant, victorious and joy-filled year. You will be what you believe. Your reality is the product of your thinking. You will no longer be chasing after blessings, they will be chasing after you. He is making a way in the wilderness


“Bright Future”

Premasis Satman

Executive Director

or about 39 years now I’ve been in pastoral ministry. I’ve loved it and honestly couldn’t see myself doing anything else. That

is, until recently. I’ll get to that in a minute.

Over the years I’ve had people ask me, “Why do you like being a Pastor?” or “Why did you choose to become a Pastor?” I can remember my own sons asking me similar questions. I use to take great pleasure in saying something like, “I love knowing that what I’m doing is making an eternal difference in people’s lives. I kind of feel sorry for people who have to go to work and do things that have no eternal significance.”

Maybe subconsciously I was giving that answer, in part, so they, too, would have a desire to “go into the ministry” like dear old dad.

Over the years, however, I’ve changed my perspective. Here’s what I mean. One doesn’t have to be a pastor, missionary, or in some kind of “full time Christian service” in order to make a difference for eternity. You can be a plumber, sales person, business owner, or whatever and make a difference in people’s lives in ways that have eternal implications.

Don’t get me wrong, being a Pastor is great and certainly positions one to have an enormous

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George Powell

amount of influence in people’s lives as we are given the privilege to teach, counsel, and guide people in matters of spiritual significance.

But honestly, people who are out in the market place on a daily basis have an equally enormous opportunity to represent Jesus and influence by living according to Christian principles that some in full time Christian ministry may never have.

Actually when it comes to representing Jesus, who is more effective, a paid salesman, pastors, or satisfied customers, business men and women in the marketplace?

Now back to my opening statement about loving ministry and not seeing myself doing anything else. Just recently, about 2 years ago, I had the opportunity of becoming certified as an Independent Coach, Trainer, and Speaker with the John Maxwell Team. Since then, it has opened up a whole new world for me as I’ve had the opportunity of working with business men and women in practically every field from sales to service . . . from entrepreneurs to long-time employees teaching and training others in leadership.

Some are a part of the church I pastor but many aren’t. So now, by God’s grace, He has


expanded my influence in ways it wouldn’t have been felt if only focused on a local ministry.

So what’s the point? Simply this: you can make a difference for God’s Kingdom and for His purposes whoever you are and whatever you do.

Is God calling you to full time Christian ministry? Then by all means answer the call. Is God calling you to be salt and light at your place of business? Then by all means, represent Him well. Is God calling you to excel at your business so you can help fund His purposes on this earth? Then by all means make as much as you can and give as much as you can.

I don’t see a distinction in God’s Word between spiritual and non-spiritual work. In fact, I believe God calls us to make a difference wherever He has planted us and through whatever He has gifted us to do. This world is only temporary and the short amount of time we have here needs to be used for His purposes.

I love Paul’s words in Colossians 3:23 (New Living Translation) “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”

So, to make this real practical, here are some questions to ask yourself as a businessman or woman in the marketplace to help assess your effectiveness for the Kingdom:

• How well do your attitudes and actions represent Jesus?• What are the people you work with learning about your Heavenly Father through your actions?• What do your work habits communicate about your values as a follower of Jesus?• What steps could you take so Christ’s character becomes more evident in your life?

Now, just for the record, I don’t see myself leaving full-time pastoral ministry anytime soon. But . . . if I did, I know my influence for Him could be just as great because the reality is, it is not what you do, but who you are that matters.

So be an attractive marketplace minister for Jesus wherever He has placed you and through whatever He has called you to do!

55Talents Magazine Jan 2014

Contact AdministratorHyderabad, India: 970 082 2149 Overseas, Canada: 416 502 3777


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6 5Talents Magazine Jan 2014 w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

n today’s Christian business circles terms like Kingdom Business, Business as Mission, God @ Work are abuzz with seminars and

workshops encouraging entrepreneurs, business persons and professionals to subscribe to it. Amidst it many takers have shelter under the old school of thought based on the existence of long established businesses in the marketplace since grandfather’s times that declare practicing biblical principles in business is not practical. There is yet another group that claims to be a BaM company or a Kingdom Business just because they channel sizable revenue for charity, ministry, missionary support or for extending God kingdom while business-as-usual transactions continue like any other company. Their intentions though noble and benevolent the modus operandi to earn the money may not be as per biblical principles; many ironically employ anti-biblical methods that are usually corrupt and un-righteous. Then again mere compliance to a few biblical principles here and there doesn’t qualify your company or business to become a Kingdom Enterprise.

So what makes a Kingdom Business? It got to be overall compliance – meaning the whole gamut of your business transactions and activities. And biblical standards for business are just contrary


In pursuit of Kingdom Business

Joseph WilsonChairman, BMFI

to what the world advocates. It starts with conviction about the ownership of the business, the purpose, change to a serving attitude, upholding righteousness & integrity and applying biblical principles in all aspects of business in the way that brings honor to God – whether it is personnel management, financial discipline, taxation, honoring commitments, compliance to statutory obligations and extends to even the least function of the business. Matthew 5:43-48 will illuminate the above aspect. “You’re familiar with the old written law, ‘Love your friend,’ and its unwritten companion, ‘Hate your enemy.’ I’m challenging that. I’m telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer, for then you are working out of your true selves, your God-created selves. This is what God does. He gives his best—the sun to warm and the rain to nourish—to everyone, regardless: the good and bad, the nice and nasty. If all you do is love the lovable, do you expect a bonus? Anybody can do that. If you simply say hello to those who greet you, do you expect a medal? Any run-of-the-mill sinner does that.” In a word, what I’m saying is, Grow up. You’re kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live


75Talents Magazine Jan 2014

generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you.”

Like how reaching the fullness in Christ after salvation is a life long process, becoming a totally kingdom enterprise is a journey – a continual transforming and orienting process. You got to start somewhere and it is best to start with yourself. You may call your business a kingdom enterprise when you have resolved and start working towards becoming one keeping in mind the fact you and your organization will be keenly observed. In my opinion it is not necessary to advertise being a kingdom enterprise for it is done to glorify the LORD – the real owner of your business. Let the stake-holders, employees, clients, suppliers and everyone associated and deal with you observe and testify your business is different.

The making of a Kingdom business starts with you.

My born again experience was indeed a turning point in life. It dawned to me becoming a new creation doesn’t begin and end with my self, just transforming into a new personality with character traits aligning with some of the fruit of the Spirit and biblical virtues. It would be hypocrisy to run the business as per the dictums of the god of this world and also be a child of God as the same time. So Kingdom business is about all that I do in the marketplace or profession for a living and more importantly also about how I deal with family, business, social, and ministry related matters and every other sphere of daily life.

The place of work is where I spend most of the time, making decisions everyday, exercising influence and authority. My words, deeds and actions have tremendous impact over every person I encounter or deal with daily. And next to home it is in the work place where my character and integrity is tested. How I react in a crisis, endure trying situations, respond to challenges that is not only noticed but carefully observed by all around me. They may appear to be passive but their affirmation is important to my claim as kingdom business.

The more I meditated the word of God deeper was my realization as to how much I fell short

of God’s standards and expectations. Ephesians 4:20-24 convicted me on this personal aspect. ‘You learned Christ! My assumption is that you have paid careful attention to him, been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in Jesus. Since, then, we do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything—and I do mean everything—connected with that old way of life has to go. It’s rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you.’

To please God my life and all that I do with it is supremely important. When I looked back the way I managed the affairs of my business and the means and methods I employed to achieve results I was ashamed. This led to a critical self introspection to identify the corrections needed in me and I resolved to be open to correction from all quarters. The meditation and consequently the application of the word of God helped me to transform into a better person revealing the flaws in me and replacing it with worthy qualities. This brought about change in attitude; let me highlight some for more understanding. Eventually I was convinced that my personal transformation alone is inadequate to be a Christian and the desire to transform my business into a Kingdom Enterprise swelled in me marking the start of a journey.

What you talk matters?

Doing business could involve a lot of talking and communication. In the past the use of abusive language and foul words when interacting with staff and employees was something I took pride in that got rooted as a habit in me until the word of God revealed I will be accountable for every idle useless work spoken. The Message version of Matthew 12:35-37 states – “It’s your heart, not the dictionary that gives meaning to your words. A good person produces good deeds and words season after season. An evil person is a blight on the orchard. Let me tell you something: Every one of these careless words is going to come back to haunt you. There will be a time of Reckoning. Words are powerful; take them seriously. Words can be your salvation. Words can also be your damnation.”


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Profane talk and abusive language in business and daily transactions can defile you and the organization. Jesus said, “It’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.” - Matthew 15:11. Careless usage of words can be an obstacle to entering God’s kingdom. Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit the guarantor to your eternity. Ephesians 4:29-31 cautions us - Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift. Don’t grieve God. Don’t break his heart. His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for himself. Don’t take such a gift for granted. Make a clean break with all cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another.

People around me who often heard my volley of abusive words are astounded by this permanent

change in my language. It was the same with anger too. The Bible counsels “Don’t let the sun go down on your anger, and don’t give the Devil an opportunity.” Eph 4:26-27. Prov 29:22 & 22:24-25 expounds it: “An angry person starts fights; a hot-tempered person commits all kinds of sin. Don’t hang out with angry people; don’t keep company with hotheads. Bad temper is contagious—don’t get infected”. Your anger can permeate through your organization starting with you at the top to the least contagiously carried over through the hierarchy.

There are several such biblical virtues and principles that got to be imbibed into the management system of a kingdom enterprise practicing whatever you preach in your home, organization and spheres of influence. In the forthcoming articles we will deal more about what it makes a kingdom enterprise.


95Talents Magazine Jan 2014

he BUSINESS MEN’S FELLOWSHIP INDIA is a marketplace ministry for Christians in business & profession. The BMFI Ministry is

full-gospel in nature and non-denominational in nature . BMFI is an off-shoot of the Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship International.

When we say Business Men’s Fellowship we mean ALL MEN AND WOMEN OF THE MARKET PLACE: entrepreneurs & executives, employers & employees, professionals & traders,IT Techies,civil servants & defense personnel and all rank and file engaged in some sort of business or profession. We are laymen - ordinary people, serving an extraordinary God.

The leaders of the BMF chapters, invite people with whom they interact or deal with in the marketplace, to the fellowship meeting and witness to them the love, the compassion and the reality of Jesus Christ. The true life experiences shared during these fellowship meetings offers the participants an opportunity to know THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST available for all mankind. A demonstration of God’s concern in the day to day affairs of every individual scores a point with all the participants who attend the meeting.

A BMFI Chapter’s fellowship meeting takes place in a secular venue over a meal-type setting. This enables people from different walks of life and

beliefs to meet without any bias or reservation. No preaching or doctrinal issues are discussed here but, only sharing of a testimony by a successful Christian businessman or professional is undertaken in these meetings.

We present Testimonies in the Most secular manner, yet impacting without using any threatening religious jargon. Towards the end an altar call is given and then we wind up for Dinner or Breakfast as per the occassion.

People from other faith have testified in the past how powerfully they were impacted with a Testimony over a Meal. The Ultimate aim is to reach Christ at the Marketplace.We would love you also to share your testimony in one of our chapters, dates will be intimated upfront.

We have a programme in Kathmandu on the 9th Nov saturday in the evening over Dinner at Lalitpur/Nepal . We would love to have you with your friends.This is an amazing platform to invite your friends and have a taste of Gods favor through a testimony. Kindly pray about it and do let know how you can fit in.

You may visit our website www.bmfindia.in to know further details.

You are Invited!Is pleased to have as our 18th Jan Saturday 2014. Guest, ROY MARKARA,

Business Networker.


Venue : Hotel United - 21, Opp. Passport Office,Clock Tower, Secunderabad.

Date/Time : 18th Jan Saturday 2014 / Morning 7.am to 8.30am

Registration/Eligiblity : Is Free for all/ Free will Donation will be accepted. Men and Women of all Professions and Entrepreneurs of All Trades are Welcome

Please be at your seats @ by 6.45am. We value time. Hence we will commence the programe by 7am sharp in the morning and conclude in time

Contact for details : Bro Philip - 09392252963 /David Selvakumar-09989295620/

Johnson-09849619994/David Babu-08125422957/Vijay-09849985726

(Businessmen Fellowship of India)


10 5Talents Magazine Jan 2014 w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

he Christian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) has completed three years of successful existence. Like any other new start-

up which relies on the good-will and the selfless support of its members, the Chamber has seen ups and downs, faced uncertainties and doubts, resource and finance crunch etc. Every time such challenges occurred, the Almighty God came up with the answers by bringing into our fold, persons of very strong resolve and resource. So, as we look back we can say with great confidence that, the future of the CCCI is very secure and bright confidence that our organization will surely redefine the commerce and trade scenario through its goal of :UNIFIED GROWTH FOR EXECELLENCE” as we grow.

“Emerging countries today are becoming aware of the importance of balanced inclusive growth as a means to sustainable development. Inclusive


Building Better Busi-nesses - Globally

Swaranjit SenIPS. DGP. Retd.

growth is all about reaching out to the undeserved and providing them opportunities that can help them enhance their social and economic status.”(Gauri Arora, Editor- Interface.)

The present opportunities are not to be passed over especially by the economically weaker communities, among which Christians figure quite prominently.

“We are at a point where several opportunities are being thrown up by the enviroment that can, in the long run, help us become a stronger player in the global economy,” as expressed by Ravi Venkatesan, Chairman Microsoft. This applies fully to the economic scenario within the country too. A proactive approach needs to be adopted in order to claim a suitable place on the business canvas of the country if any good is to come to our chamber.






he work of Partners Worldwide in India is focused on supporting and building up local leadership. These local

affiliates, Business Seva and Aatma Vikas, are empowering Christian business people, creating sustainable jobs, developing communities and eradicating poverty. These entrepreneurs are called to use their business to uplift the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized.

Our local affiliate, Business Seva is growing exponentially, with 14 chapters throughout India and stretching into Sri Lanka and Myanmar. On November 13 through 15, Business Seva, organized their 2nd annual Chapter Managers’ Training Program. Thirty-three participants had an enriching experience learning from each other and from esteemed Business Seva staff members. They were encouraged in their callings to serve their communities so that all may have life and have it abundantly.

The sessions were focused on how in the Bible God used one person such as Adam, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Daniel and Esther to impact their nation or community. Business Seva leaders were challenged to be that one person whom God uses to impact their sphere of influence, their community, and the nation. Finally, chapter managers were commissioned by pastors and leaders to accomplish greater exploits for God.

Our network in India and beyond cannot do this important work without your support. Aside from organizational fundraising goals, India region specifically needs to raise $55,000 to accomplish our goals. Our goal, for 2013-2014, is to create 982 jobs, to sustain 7,993 jobs, to build 4 new chapters, and to impact the countries of India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. Will you help us accomplish these things to the glory of God?


“Business Seva” -A note from Michael

~Michael Brian


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15 5Talents Magazine Oct 2013 w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

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175Talents Magazine Jan 2014








18 5Talents Magazine Jan 2014 w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s M A G . c o m

roverbs 14:8: The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way, But the folly of fools is deceit.

When I was in Sunday school the story of how King Solomon chose ‘wisdom’ intrigued me. The way the king asked and got wisdom, that helped him to tackle the dispute between two women over a baby grasped my imagination. This motivated me, so I started praying for wisdom for the singular purpose of getting first rank in my Sunday School Examination. My prayers were answered, and I got the highest marks. I got to know later on that there we were two who got the highest marks. A toss up was decided upon the following Sunday. I was ecstatic!

I had a full one week to pray for the coin to fall in my favor. When it actually did, my joy knew no bounds. I had done it!!

I prayed for ‘Wisdom’ and I got it. I prayed for ‘luck’ and I got it, or it seemed to me at that tender age. The Bible says in Proverbs 22:15

“Folly is bound up in the heart of a child only the rod of discipline drives it far away from him.”

It was only much later on in life, that I learnt the rigors of discipline and how to overcome the feeling of achieving things in a short run. Did you ever wonder how Solomon chose wisdom when God made a blanket offer to him in a dream? He reveals it to us in the wonderful passage hidden in Proverbs 4:3-6 “When I was a child…”

So, it was his father David, who groomed him to seek wisdom and to cultivate it. Let us observe the benefits of seeking wisdom in the passage below:

1 Kings 3:11-14 (NKJV) 11 Then God said to him: “Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life …

… 13 And I have also given you what you have not asked: both riches and honor, so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days. 14 So if you walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as your






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195Talents Magazine Oct 2013

father David walked, then I will lengthen your days.”

‘One Greater than Solomon’ echoed the same in the following verses in Matthew 6:33 “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”.

Is seeking wisdom the same as seeking the kingdom of God? Well it depends, on what you understand by wisdom. The Bible speaks about two kinds of wisdom in James 3:13, & 17. So how do we begin to seek wisdom? Job says in Job 28:28 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. Fear of the Lord is wisdom. To shun evil is understanding. No one shunned evil as he did in his time. It is written of him in Job-1:1 “There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil”.

So it’s not only about what you seek but also about what you shun. Proverbs 8:13. How do you shun evil? How can one sense evil garbed in the goodies of life? There is certainly only ‘ONE WAY’ by which you can overcome this sin problem. Proverbs: 8:13 reveals. “To fear the Lord is to hate evil”. Therefore, if you are in a state of trouble or confusion, in a situation from where you want to wriggle free then here is the answer.

‘Seek His Kingdom first and you will end up with heavenly wisdom to tackle the issues surrounding you’.

As you involve yourself more and more in ‘Kingdom’ related objectives that God has prepared for you, that you find you are suited to, you automatically open the doors of heavenly wisdom to knock off the troubles plaguing you, and you begin to exercise new freedom.

Proverbs: 14:15 says “The simple believes every word, but the prudent considers well his steps”.

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23 5Talents Magazine April 2013 w w w . 5 Ta l e n t s . i n







