55 (2006) 19-34 Two-dimensional numerical analysis of a ... · Thermally driven circulations, such...

Introduction In the past four decades, the importance of local air circulations for air pollution transport, weather fore- casting, and land-use management has been realised. Thermally driven circulations, such as sea-breezes and diurnal orographically induced winds, result from interplay between topographic and thermal forcings. Over simple flat terrain, these wind systems can be forecast with a high degree of skill since the underly- ing physical mechanisms that drive them are well understood, and adequately formulated in atmospher- ic models. An extensive set of earlier literature reviews is provided by Defant (1951) and Flohn (1969), while books by Oke (1992), Atkinson (1981), Barry (1992) and Whiteman (2000) provide suitable in-depth description of these wind systems. In New Zealand, observational studies of thermal- ly driven circulations have been reported by McGowan et al. (1995), McGowan and Sturman (1996) and Kossmann et al. (2002). Kossmann et al. (2002) provided a comprehensive analysis of the ther- modynamics of local wind systems in the Lake Tekapo region situated in the Mackenzie Basin of the South Island. Numerical analysis of these circula- tions, using the Regional Atmospheric Modelling System (RAMS; Pielke et al. 1992), has also been described by Zawar-Reza (2000) and Zawar-Reza et al. (2004). Aust. Met. Mag. 55 (2006) 19-34 Two-dimensional numerical analysis of a thermally generated mesoscale wind system observed in the Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand Peyman Zawar-Reza and Andrew P. Sturman Department of Geography, University of Canterbury, New Zealand (Manuscript received November 2004; revised January 2006) A mesoscale numerical model was used to perform two-dimen- sional numerical simulations of a thermally driven circulation, known as the Canterbury Plains Breeze, to examine the effect of key physical mechanisms that determine the intensity of this cir- culation. The mesoscale model has a 2.5 order turbulence clo- sure scheme with a terrain following coordinate system, and has been previously used successfully for numerical studies in mountainous landscapes. The numerical results confirm obser- vational data showing that during settled weather, the Canterbury Plains Breeze is a significant climatological feature of surface airflow in the Mackenzie Basin in the South Island of New Zealand. This circulation is generated because the elevated plateau creates a horizontal temperature gradient between the air inside and outside the basin at the same height. Other forc- ing factors, such as the gradient in soil moisture and the land- sea discontinuity, only enhance the intensity of this mesoscale flow by modifying the horizontal temperature gradient. Corresponding author address: Peyman Zawar-Reza, Department of Geography, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch, New Zealand Email: [email protected] 19

Transcript of 55 (2006) 19-34 Two-dimensional numerical analysis of a ... · Thermally driven circulations, such...

Page 1: 55 (2006) 19-34 Two-dimensional numerical analysis of a ... · Thermally driven circulations, such as sea-breezes and diurnal orographically induced winds, result from interplay between


In the past four decades, the importance of local aircirculations for air pollution transport, weather fore-casting, and land-use management has been realised.Thermally driven circulations, such as sea-breezesand diurnal orographically induced winds, result frominterplay between topographic and thermal forcings.Over simple flat terrain, these wind systems can beforecast with a high degree of skill since the underly-ing physical mechanisms that drive them are wellunderstood, and adequately formulated in atmospher-ic models. An extensive set of earlier literature

reviews is provided by Defant (1951) and Flohn(1969), while books by Oke (1992), Atkinson (1981),Barry (1992) and Whiteman (2000) provide suitablein-depth description of these wind systems.

In New Zealand, observational studies of thermal-ly driven circulations have been reported byMcGowan et al. (1995), McGowan and Sturman(1996) and Kossmann et al. (2002). Kossmann et al.(2002) provided a comprehensive analysis of the ther-modynamics of local wind systems in the LakeTekapo region situated in the Mackenzie Basin of theSouth Island. Numerical analysis of these circula-tions, using the Regional Atmospheric ModellingSystem (RAMS; Pielke et al. 1992), has also beendescribed by Zawar-Reza (2000) and Zawar-Reza etal. (2004).

Aust. Met. Mag. 55 (2006) 19-34

Two-dimensional numerical analysis ofa thermally generated mesoscale wind

system observed in the MackenzieBasin, New Zealand

Peyman Zawar-Reza and Andrew P. SturmanDepartment of Geography, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

(Manuscript received November 2004; revised January 2006)

A mesoscale numerical model was used to perform two-dimen-sional numerical simulations of a thermally driven circulation,known as the Canterbury Plains Breeze, to examine the effect ofkey physical mechanisms that determine the intensity of this cir-culation. The mesoscale model has a 2.5 order turbulence clo-sure scheme with a terrain following coordinate system, and hasbeen previously used successfully for numerical studies inmountainous landscapes. The numerical results confirm obser-vational data showing that during settled weather, theCanterbury Plains Breeze is a significant climatological featureof surface airflow in the Mackenzie Basin in the South Island ofNew Zealand. This circulation is generated because the elevatedplateau creates a horizontal temperature gradient between theair inside and outside the basin at the same height. Other forc-ing factors, such as the gradient in soil moisture and the land-sea discontinuity, only enhance the intensity of this mesoscaleflow by modifying the horizontal temperature gradient.

Corresponding author address: Peyman Zawar-Reza, Department ofGeography, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800,Christchurch, New ZealandEmail: [email protected]


Page 2: 55 (2006) 19-34 Two-dimensional numerical analysis of a ... · Thermally driven circulations, such as sea-breezes and diurnal orographically induced winds, result from interplay between

During the Lake Tekapo Experiment (LTEX) fieldcampaign (Sturman et al. 2003) a persistent easterlywind system was observed in Mackenzie Basin undersettled synoptic conditions. The easterly – from hereon referred to as the Canterbury Plains Breeze (CPB)– was usually detected in the early afternoon, was ofmoderate intensity (6–12 m s-1), and blew throughoutthe basin overwhelming the locally generated circula-tions. Although its existence is well known to localinhabitants and its intrusive nature disliked by them,previous meteorological studies in the area paid littleattention to it, since it was believed to be the inflowof a sea-breeze circulation originating at the coast andthen propagating towards the mountain ranges(Fig.1). A visual clue to the existence of the CPB isthe formation of waterfall clouds over mountain sad-dles on days with quiescent synoptic weather condi-tions, and it is evident that the CPB is capable oftransporting large volumes of air from outside thebasin. Recently, degradation of air quality in basinshas been a major concern in Japan (Kurita et al.1990). Even though no significant local sources of airpollution exist in these basins, high concentrations ofair pollutants are often recorded at night. A wind sys-tem (analogous to the CPB that flows into theMackenzie Basin) is presumed to be an important fac-tor in transporting polluted air from large industri-alised plains outside the Japanese basins (Kimura andKuwagata 1993). Hence, these circulations have thepotential to transport air pollutants across large dis-tances and degrade air quality in pristine mountainousareas. Knowledge of such a persistent wind systemcan also aid in flight safety for local aircraft operators,forecasting early morning clouds (often the CPBtransports moist coastal air into the basin which, com-bined with nocturnal cooling of the basin atmosphere,leads to the formation of basin-wide low stratus cloudin the morning) and soil erosion.

In this paper, RAMS is used in a two-dimensionalconfiguration to determine the mechanism(s) respon-sible for the forcing of the CPB. Two-dimensionalcalculations have been used extensively by the scien-tific community to study thermally and dynamicallyforced circulations. Several investigators have usedthe two-dimensional framework to investigate ther-mally induced flows in complex terrain at a variety ofscales. Mannouji (1982) used a hydrostatic, anelasticequation system to study the characteristic features ofmountain and valley winds. He concluded that twowind systems are produced by thermal forcings incomplex terrain. A slope wind system is produced bythe gradient in the local topography, and a larger scaleplain-plateau wind produced by regional-scale hori-zontal gradients in temperature. The latter is also theresult of a topographic gradient, except at a much

larger scale. His findings were corroborated byBossert and Cotton (1994), who used the two-dimen-sional configuration of RAMS to study regional-scaleflows over the Colorado mountain barrier. In particu-lar, they supported the scale separation conclusionreached by Mannouji (1982). Kimura and Kuwagata(1993) and De Wekker et al. (1998) also performednumerical simulations to study plain-to-basin winds.An important conclusion reached by De Wekker et al.(1998) is the need for a horizontal temperature gradi-ent to exist at the mountain height for development ofplain-to-basin wind systems. Their findings are alsoin agreement with Mannouji (1982).

In the following sections, results from twelve two-dimensional numerical simulations are presented. Theapproach used is to build three simplified topographymodels in a two-dimensional configuration, roughlyrepresenting an east-west cross-section of the SouthIsland through Mackenzie Basin (Fig. 1), and analysethe thermally driven flow that is generated. This way,several forcing mechanisms are investigated for theirability to promote and influence the mesoscale coast-to-basin flow at this locality. The physical forcingsinvestigated are due to spatial variations in:a) landscape (land-sea contrast), resulting in sea-

breeze circulations outside the basin; andb) variation in rainfall (and hence soil moisture),

resulting in inhomogeneous boundary layer devel-opment between the plains and the basin.

20 Australian Meteorological Magazine 55:1 March 2006

Fig. 1 Map of the South Island of New Zealand show-ing the transect through the Mackenzie Basin.

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Numerical modelling

The Regional Atmospheric Modelling System(RAMS) was developed at the Colorado StateUniversity, where it was created as a result of merg-ing three different numerical codes (Pielke et al.1992). The code in its current form is capable of sim-ulating a variety of atmospheric flows. It has beenused to study flows at several scales, ranging fromflow over buildings to hemispheric circulations. Themodel contains a full set of subgrid, microphysical,radiative, convective and surface-layer parametrisa-tions. Prognostic models for soil and vegetation tem-perature and moisture are also included. The model’sother capability is a telescoping two-way interactivegrid nesting, so that it is possible for a single simula-tion to represent forcings from a multitude of scales.

A brief description of the three-dimensional equa-tions employed in RAMS is given here; these arebasically the Reynold’s-averaged Navier-Stokesequations. The horizontal equations of motion (Eqns1 and 2) are shown below; where term I representswind acceleration, term II represents advection, termIII represents the pressure gradient force, term IV rep-resents Coriolis force, and term V represents turbulentdiffusion (for an in-depth discussion on derivation ofthese equations refer to Pielke 2002):

Horizontal velocity components are represented by uand v; w is the vertical component. π' is the perturba-tion Exner function, which arises in these equations asa result of replacing pressure with the total Exnerfunction (π) (in mesoscale models, the pressure gradi-ent term is expressed using the Exner function). TotalExner function is defined as:

where Cp is specific heat of air at constant pressure,Tv is virtual temperature, and θ is the potential tem-perature. The vertical momentum equation for thenon-hydrostatic case is:

where term IV now represents buoyancy force.

The thermodynamic state of the atmosphere is pre-dicted by Eqn 5; where term I is total heating rate,term II represents horizontal advection, term III rep-resents turbulent flux divergence, and term IV repre-sents radiative flux divergence:

θil is the ice-liquid water potential temperature. Ice-liquid water potential temperature instead of potentialtemperature is used in RAMS to avoid specificationof latent heat tendencies in Eqn 5. According toTripoli and Cotton (1981), θil remains unchanged inthe presence of all water phase changes.

In the non-hydrostatic framework, the equation formass continuity is expressed as:

Where ρ is air density, Cv is specific heat for air atconstant volume, R is the gas constant, and π0, ρ0, andθ0 are synoptic-scale reference values of these vari-ables (Pielke 2002).

In a two-dimensional model framework, variationsin one of the horizontal directions (most commonlythe north-south) are ignored. Therefore in Eqns 1 to 6,all the terms that include (∂/∂y) are identically equalto zero, thereby reducing the number of terms thathave to be calculated, resulting in considerable reduc-tion in computation time. Two-dimensional modelshave been used extensively by the scientific commu-nity to study thermally and dynamically forced circu-lations, even though their results cannot be directlycompared with observations. Yet, they provide a valu-able tool for gaining insight into flows in complex ter-rain by stripping away complexities arising from thethree-dimensional aspect of nature. The version ofRAMS used for this work is designated as 3a. Thisparticular code has been extensively tested by scien-tists at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratories inRichland, Washington State to study mesoscale circu-lations, especially in a two-dimensional framework(De Wekker et al. 1998; Whiteman et al. 2000), butalso in three dimensions (Fast et al. 1996; Zhong et al.1996; Doran and Zhong 2000).

Calculation of fluxes of heat, moisture andmomentum in the surface layer are based on theMonin-Obukhov similarity theory (Monin andObukhov 1954), for a horizontally homogeneous flatterrain, under clear-sky conditions. Little is knownabout the validity of the similarity theory in complexterrain. However, it seems that the similarity theorymay be applied in complicated conditions since


...6( )= – ∂π'∂t ∂x


ρ0 θ0

∂ρ0θ0u + ∂y



= – u – v ...5







∂y– w




+ ∂(w'θil') ( )∂z

+ +

= – u – v ...4






– w ∂w∂z

– θ – ∂π'∂z


v + ∂(w'v')




π = Cp θTv


= – u – v ...1∂u∂t




– w ∂u∂z

– θ ∂π'∂x

+ fv + ∂(u'v')




= – u – v ...2






– w ∂v∂z

– θ ∂π'∂x

– fu + ∂(v'v')




Zawar-Reza and Sturman: Thermally driven winds in Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand 21

Page 4: 55 (2006) 19-34 Two-dimensional numerical analysis of a ... · Thermally driven circulations, such as sea-breezes and diurnal orographically induced winds, result from interplay between

numerical models have had relative success undersuch conditions. RAMS employs a scheme developedby Louis (1979) to estimate the surface layer fluxesvia pre-computed approximations of the flux profilefunctions of Businger et al. (1971). Subgrid verticaleddy mixing coefficients are calculated according toMellor and Yamada (1974, 1982) with a so-calledlevel 2.5 turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) scheme,including modification for the case of growing turbu-lence (Helfand and Labraga 1988). A local deforma-tion scheme based on Smagorinsky (1963) is used tocalculate horizontal diffusion

Table 1 provides a summary of the twelve simula-tions conducted for the Mackenzie Basin cross-sec-tion. A description of the topographic configurationsis provided in the next section. There are three topo-graphic configurations and four different sets of sur-face characteristics/forcings. For all three sets oftopographic simulations, the effect of the land-watercontrast generating a sea-breeze and the effect of hav-ing dryer soil on the elevated plateau (basin) are test-ed. From hereon, PLT, MTN and BAS designatedsimulations are referred to as dry runs and the rest ofthe simulations are referred to as wet runs.

Two-dimensional simulationdevelopment

Topographic configurationsThe three topographic configurations used are illustrat-ed in Fig. 2. The simulations designated as PLT are thesimplest representation of topography for an east-westcross-section of the South Island (Fig. 2(a)). Theplateau and the sloping terrain (~1.1° gradient) in theeast of the domain represent Mackenzie Basin and theCanterbury Plains respectively. The ‘plateau’ topogra-

phy is symmetric; the elevated surface is 95 km wideand has a constant elevation of 760 m ASL. The‘mountain’ runs (MTN) add a degree of complexity tothe topography by the addition of a 2000 m high moun-tain (Fig. 2(b)) to the west of the plateau, a rough rep-resentation of the main divide (backbone of theSouthern Alps). Consequently, the length of the plateauhas decreased to 44 km, which is approximately thediameter of Mackenzie Basin. The mountain has a half-width of 40 km and an average slope of ~4°. Finally,the basin characteristics are introduced to the topo-graphic configuration by the addition of a 1200 mmountain to the east of the plateau representing anapproximation of the Two Thumb Range (Fig. 2(c)).

Four scenarios are tested for each of the topo-graphic configurations (Table 1):(a) The PLT, MTN and BAS designated simulations

(dry runs) have a soil moisture content of 15 percent specified for the whole land surface (thisvalue represents the percentage of total watercapacity which the soil holds). The objective ofthese simulations is to study the effect of topogra-phy on the mesoscale circulation without theadded complexity introduced by variations inboundary-layer development associated with dif-ferent land-surface characteristics.

(b)The PLTO, MTNO and BASO designated simula-tions are initialised with the same soil moisturecontent as in 1), except ocean-surface characteris-tics are added to the outer domain to represent theocean around the South Island (Fig. 2). The sea-surface temperature is specified at 16°C, and thecoast is placed at 40 km from the plateau (approx-imately the distance between Mackenzie Basinand the east coast of the South Island). The objec-tive here is to investigate how the ocean around theSouth Island affects the development of the CPB.

22 Australian Meteorological Magazine 55:1 March 2006

Table 1. Summary of the two-dimensional RAMS experiments.

Name Description Purpose

PLT Symmetric plateau To examine response to surface heating aloneMTN Mountain and plateauBAS Basin topographyPLTO Surrounded by ocean To examine the influence of the oceanMTNOBASOPLT-M Higher soil moisture on the plains To examine the effect of variable ground wetnessMTN-MBAS-MPLTO-M Higher soil moisture on the plains To examine the combined effect of the above two influ-MTNO-M and surrounded by ocean encesBASO-M

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(c) The PLT-M, MTN-M and BAS-M designated sim-ulations have no ocean characteristics, but the soilmoisture content has been increased to 35 per centoutside the plateau (Fig. 2). The purpose of thesesimulations is to isolate the effect of regional-scalevariations in precipitation, and hence soil mois-ture, on the thermally induced circulation system.The climate of Mackenzie Basin is typical of innermontane basins of the South Island where the rain-shadow effects of the surrounding ridges result inannual precipitation rates of only 600 mm.Therefore the soil moisture content in the basin isusually lower than the surrounding plains.

(d)The runs designated as PLTO-M, MTNO-M andBASO-M examine the combined effects of thepresence of the ocean and the variability in soilmoisture on the mesoscale circulation. The whole domain uses the desert parametrisation

as a surface characteristic (which does not take intoaccount influences from vegetation). Results of tests(not shown here) indicate that the main features of theCBP are not affected by using different land-surfacecharacteristics (i.e. grass or irrigated crop) outside theelevated plateau.

Model setupA summary of the model setup is given in Table 2.Grid nesting was not employed for these runs. A gridspacing of 1 km was chosen for the horizontal direc-tion, and the vertical grid spacing starts at 35 m at thesurface increasing with a ratio of 1.12 to 1000 m nearthe model top, which is situated at 19 km above sealevel. Therefore, the lowest model computationallevel is at about 25 m above ground level, so that withthis vertical resolution, 10 grid-points are locatedwithin 500 m from the ground. The upper boundary isa rigid lid, and the eastern and western lateral bound-aries employ the radiative condition following Klempand Wilhelmson (1978a, 1978b), and the northern andsouthern lateral boundaries use the cyclic boundarycondition. A damping scheme is applied to the top tenvertical layers where the amplitudes of verticallypropagating gravity waves and other disturbances aregradually suppressed to reduce wave reflection fromthe rigid lid. Application of the damping scheme isnecessary when the domain contains topography withsignificant variation in elevation.

InitialisationFor this set of simulations, the model was initialisedat 1900 NZST on 11 February 1999 (0700 UTC, 11February 1999) and run continuously for a 30-hourperiod. The integration started with the atmosphereat rest (initial wind field was set to zero), so that theresulting wind field is a response to terrain coolingand heating alone. The initial vertical profiles oftemperature and humidity were measured by aninstrumented aircraft as described by Kossmann etal. (2002). The initial soil temperature was set to20°C for all 11 soil levels, with the deepest layer sit-uated at 0.5 m.

Simulation results

Plateau simulationsTurbulent transfer of sensible heat from the surfacecaused the boundary layer to grow to a depth of

Zawar-Reza and Sturman: Thermally driven winds in Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand 23

Fig. 2 Topographic configurations used to representthe Mackenzie Basin cross-section: (a) a sim-ple plateau (PLT); (b) mountain plus plateau(MTN); (c) basin between main divide andfoothills (BAS). The horizontal lines andarrowheads indicate where wet soil was placedin the wet runs. The U-component of windvelocity shown in Fig. 15 was extracted fromthe position indicated with u and a verticalarrow over the elevated plateau. East (west) isto the right (left) side of the cross-sections.

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approximately 700 m throughout the domain by1200 NZST (Fig. 3(a)). Heating of the slope gener-ated an upslope circulation, with a weak easterlywind (~2 m s-1) over the plateau’s edge. A baroclin-ic zone formed between the air over the plateau andthe air at the same elevation over the plain, with ahorizontal potential temperature difference of about2 K. The reason for this thermal contrast is that airover the elevated plateau gets heated much morequickly than air at the same elevation over the plainsdue to its proximity to the ground. By 1400 NZST,the boundary-layer depth had increased to 1200 m(Fig. 3(b)), the weak easterly had encroached ontothe plateau from the eastern slope, and the differenceof potential temperature was now about 2.5 K acrossthe baroclinic zone. The easterly continued to prop-agate westward at 1600 NZST and had penetratedapproximately 19 km onto the plateau (Fig. 3(c)). Asthe boundary-layer depth is higher than the elevationof the plateau, the differential horizontal tempera-ture gradient across the baroclinic zone remainedclose to 2.5 K. This plateau circulation is similar tothat simulated by Bossert and Cotton (1994) over aplateau 3000 m high and is induced by the asymme-try of the topography at the plateau’s edge. Mannouji(1982) also described the numerical development ofa similar circulation system over his 2000 m highplateau, which he termed a plain-plateau breeze.

The forcing mechanism for the development of thedensity current in the PLT run is analogous to sea-breeze and along-valley circulations. The relativelywarmer air mass over the plateau leads to a hydrosta-tically lower pressure there, creating a pressure gradi-ent force directed towards it, leading to relativelycolder air being drawn from the atmosphere above theplains (cold air advection). The hydrostatic approxi-mation can be written as:

where ∆P is the difference between surface pressureover the plateau and pressure at the same elevationover the plains, z1 is plateau floor height, z2 is theheight where horizontal temperature gradients dimin-ish, ρ is the air density (over the plains and plateau),and g is the gravitational acceleration. Cold air advec-tion by the plain-to-plateau circulation ultimatelyresults in depressing of the mixed-layer height overthe plateau. This depression of mixed-layer heightdue to cold air advection becomes more pronouncedin the subsequent runs. In summary, the primary forc-ing for the density current generated by the PLT runseems to be the regional-scale differential heating ofair due to proximity to the ground.

The addition of the ocean surface to the domainhas a significant impact on the development of thedensity current for the PLTO experiment. At 1400NZST, there was a difference in boundary-layerdevelopment over the plain (Fig. 4(a)) due to a west-ward-propagating sea-breeze circulation that hadbeen generated. Behind the sea-breeze front, the prop-agating marine air caused the formation of the coastalmixed layer. The cold air advection and subsidenceinduced by the return flow resulted in a decrease ofthe mixed-layer depth towards the coast. This depres-sion of the mixed-layer depth was also noted byAnthes (1978) and Lu and Turco (1994) with theirtwo-dimensional simulations. The boundary-layertemperature structure close to the plateau was notaffected by the sea-breeze at this time, so that the CPBstill had the same characteristics as the PLT run. It isapparent that the sea-breeze and the CPB are two dif-ferent circulation systems, generated by different

...7(ρplain - ρplateau)dz∆P = g ∫z2


24 Australian Meteorological Magazine 55:1 March 2006

Table 2. Summary of model setup.

Number of east-west nodes 465Number of north-south nodes 5Number of vertical nodes 42∆x, ∆y (m) 1000∆z (m) 35m at bottom, 1000m at topVertical stretch ratio 1.12Model top (km) 19∆t (s) 10Soil type Sandy loamVegetation type Desert (no vegetation)Soil moisture percentage of dry soil 15Soil moisture percentage of wet soil 35Coriolis force ActivatedTime differencing LeapfrogRadiation scheme Long wave and short wave (Chen and Cotton 1983)

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physical forcings. The sea-breeze front was about 18km from the plateau’s edge (propagating westward ata speed of 6.4 m s-1), while at the same time, a plain-to-plateau circulation with a wind speed of about 3.2m s-1 was blowing over the plateau. The front of thecurrent had penetrated 5 km onto the plateau. The

mixed-layer depth had increased to 1200 m over theplateau (similar to the PLT run), and the developmentof the boundary layer over the plains remainedrestricted due to the cold air advection associated withthe sea-breeze. As a result, the horizontal temperaturedifference across the baroclinic zone was about 4.5 K.

Zawar-Reza and Sturman: Thermally driven winds in Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand 25

Fig. 3 Isopleths of the u-component wind (m s-1) on the right and the potential temperature field (K) on the left forthe plateau simulation (PLT) at (a) 1200, (b) 1400 and (c) 1600 NZST. Dashed isopleths indicate negative u-com-ponent (winds blowing from right to left). Contour interval is 0.5 K for the potential temperature fields, and 0.3m s-1 for the winds.

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The 1600 NZST (Fig. 4(b)) fields show evidence of awell-developed CPB current with an intensity of 6.0m s-1 over the plateau which had propagated about 26km to the west, while the horizontal temperature dif-ference had increased to about 5.5 K. This experimentsuggests that sea-breeze formation on the coast due toland-sea temperature contrasts has an indirect impacton the CPB over the plateau. By depressing theboundary-layer height over the plains, the sea-breezeincreases the horizontal temperature gradient at theregional scale, intensifying the CPB as a result.

Variation in soil moisture content also has a dra-matic impact on the development of the CPB (PLT-Msimulations). At 1200 NZST (Fig. 5(a)), the mixedlayer over the plains had only grown to a depth of 400m compared with the depth of 800 m over the plateau.Already, a horizontal temperature difference of about

3 K existed across the baroclinic zone. An under-standing of soil moisture effects on boundary-layergrowth can be gained by examining the surface ener-gy balance equation that controls the turbulent trans-fer of heat from the surface. This relationship can bewritten in simple form as:

Q* = QE + QH + QG ...8

where Q* is the net radiation, QH the sensible heatflux, QE the latent heat flux, and QG the heat fluxinto/out of the soil (Oke 1992). The sensible (QH) andlatent (QE) heat flux terms can be expanded into:

QH = ρCP Cd u (Ts – Ta) ...9

QE = ρL Cd u (qs – qa) ...10

26 Australian Meteorological Magazine 55:1 March 2006

Fig. 4 Isopleths of the u-component wind (m s-1) on the right and the potential temperature field (K) on the left forthe plateau with the ocean simulation (PLTO) at (a) 1400 and (b) 1600 NZST. Dashed isopleths indicate nega-tive u-component (winds blowing from right to left). Contour interval is 0.5 K for the potential temperaturefields, and 0.5 m s-1 for the winds.

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where ρ is the air density, CP is the heat capacity ofair at constant pressure, Cd is the drag coefficient, u isthe wind speed close to the surface, Ts is surface tem-perature, Ta is air temperature close to the surface, Lis the latent heat of vaporisation, qs is the surface mix-ing ratio, and qa is the mixing ratio of air close to thesurface. When the soil contains more moisture, qs willbe greatly increased leading to partitioning of more ofthe net radiation into latent heat. The reduction of sen-sible heat flux results in a cooler and hence shallowerboundary layer over the more moist plains.

Similar to the PLT run, the mixed-layer depth overthe plateau had grown to a depth of 1200 m by 1400NZST (not shown), whereas it had only grown to adepth of about 500 m over the plains. With theincrease of the horizontal temperature gradient toabout 6 K, the CPB had intensified to 4 m s-1, andpenetrated 20 km onto the plateau. At 1600 NZST

(Fig. 5(b)), the mixed layer had grown to a height of1 km over the plains, although it was 4 K colder thanthe mixed layer simulated by the PLT run. Cold airadvection due to CPB depressed mixed-layer devel-opment over the plateau, while the easterly wind wasblowing with an intensity of 6 m s-1. The airflow pen-etrated 30 km onto the plateau, which is 5 km furtherthan the PLTO run.

The characteristic features of the CPB are the samefor the PLTO-M sets of simulations (Fig. 6; only the1600 NZST isopleths are shown). Since the highersoil moisture over the plains resulted in a reduced sen-sible heat flux near the coast, the sea-breeze circula-tion was not as vigorous as the PLTO run. A very shal-low boundary layer was formed over the coastal plainas a result of the combined effect of a reduced sensi-ble heat flux, due to higher soil moisture, and cold airadvection by the sea-breeze.

Zawar-Reza and Sturman: Thermally driven winds in Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand 27

Fig. 5 As in Fig. 4 but for the PLT-M simulation at (a) 1200 and (b) 1600 NZST.

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Mountain simulationsIn this section, the interaction of the CPB with theplain-to-mountain wind (Whiteman 2000) is investi-gated. The interaction of mountain flows and sea-breezes were first studied numerically by Mahrer andPielke (1977). They represent the closest situation tothat observed in Mackenzie Basin. Mahrer and Pielke(1977) found that the circulations combined to pro-duce more intense flows during the day. Lu andTurco (1994) found that the coupling of flows is afunction of:(a) the mountain height influencing the sea-breeze;(b)the distance of the land-sea discontinuity from the

mountain;(c) the vertical temperature profile of the atmosphere.It is therefore of interest to find out if the SouthernAlps have a similar influence on the development ofthe CPB.

At 1200 NZST, the boundary-layer thermal struc-ture over the plains generated by this run was verysimilar to that of the PLT simulation (Fig. 7(a)).Heating of the slopes generated a symmetric upslopecirculation on both sides of the 2000 m mountain(Fig. 7(a); only the eastern slopes shown). This ups-lope circulation is similar to the simulation over a 900m mountain made by Mahrer and Pielke (1977). Dueto the horizontal pressure gradient caused by themountain, a weak easterly flow had already been gen-erated over the plateau (Fig. 7(a)), while an easterlyflow was also evident at the plateau’s edge, similar tothe PLT run. The density current was well developedby 1400 NZST with an intensity of 3.2 m s-1, and hadpropagated about 20 km onto the plateau (not shown).

In this experiment, the plain-to-mountain wind andthe CPB circulations are not coupled, suggesting thatthe forcings that induce each flow are quite distinct.By 1600 NZST (Fig. 7(b)), the whole plateau wasdominated by an easterly flow with an intensity ofabout 3.5 m s-1. Therefore for this dry run, the char-acteristic features of the CPB circulation were unaf-fected, except that the flow was intruding into a weakdominant easterly flow set up by the presence of themountain.

Results for the MTNO, MTN-M and MTNO-M at1400 NZST are illustrated in Fig. 8. The characteris-tics of the boundary-layer development over theplains remains the same as the plateau simulations,and the characteristic features of the CPB are alsounaffected by the presence of the mountain. This sug-gests that for the terrain configuration of the two-dimensional simulations, the mountain is so far fromthe plateau’s edge (the source region for the CPB)that it does not significantly interfere with its devel-opment. The reduction in mixed-layer growth andthermal structure over the plains due to cold airadvection by the sea-breeze, and the high soil mois-ture content still have the strongest influence on thestrength of the CPB.

Basin simulationsThermally induced flows that transport air into basinshave been called plain-to-basin winds. De Wekker etal. (1998) performed a series of two-dimensional sim-ulations with the same version of RAMS used here, tonumerically study the characteristics of this particularcirculation. Several important differences exist

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Fig. 6 As in Fig. 4 but for the PLTO-M simulation, at 1600 NZST.

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Zawar-Reza and Sturman: Thermally driven winds in Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand 29

between their simulations and the ones presented inthis section. Although they used a variety of topo-graphic configurations, their basins were always sym-metrical (both ridges always had the same elevation).They also did not investigate the influences of inho-mogeneous soil properties, or the coastal influenceson the plain-to-basin circulation. De Wekker et al.(1998) concluded that the plain-to-basin wind:(a) intrudes into the basin after the cessation of ups-

lope winds on the basin side slope, when the sur-face sensible heat flux changes sign; and

(b)the intrusion time does not significantly vary inresponse to changes in basin configuration.In this study, it was found that in the ‘basin’

experiment, designated as BAS, the boundary-layerthermal structure developed in the same way as theprevious set of dry runs (Fig. 9), although heating ofthe slopes of the 1200 m mountain on the eastern sideof the basin generated upslope winds on both sides of

the ridge (Fig. 9(a)). However, because of the hori-zontal temperature gradient across the ridge, the east-erly upslope flow had already begun to overwhelmthe westerly flow generated by the shorter westernslope by 1200 NZST. As a comparison, since the hor-izontal thermal structure remained roughly symmet-ric around the 2000 m ridge, the upslope flows onboth sides of the higher ridge converged at the top(see also Fig. 7). By 1400 NZST, the density currenthad overwhelmed the upslope flow on the basin sideand propagated down the slope with a wind speed of3.2 m s-1 (Fig. 9(b)). The intrusion occurred threehours before the surface sensible heat flux changedsign. By 1600 NZST, the plain-to-basin wind exceed-ed 5 m s-1, particularly over the eastern side of thebasin (Fig. 9(c)). Hence, it seems that the asymmet-ric basin topography (unequal ridge heights) has asignificant impact on the intrusion time of the CPB(plain-to-basin wind).

Fig. 7 Isopleths of the u-component wind (m s-1) on the right and the potential temperature field (K) on the left forthe mountain simulation (MTN) at (a) 1200 and (b) 1600 NZST. Dashed isopleths indicate negative u-compo-nent (winds blowing from right to left). Contour interval is 0.5 K for the potential temperature fields, and 0.5m s-1 for the winds.

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Figure 10(a) shows the results of the introductionof ocean to the domain (BASO) at 1600 NZST.Similar to the basin run, there is a slight intrusion ofthe density current onto the basin side slope by 1200NZST (not shown), with an intensity of 2 m s-1. Asbefore, a sea-breeze front is evident over the plainsby 1400 NZST (not shown). By 1600 NZST (Fig.10(a)), the CPB had propagated westward 5 km fur-

ther than the dry run, since there was a slight increaseof 1-2 m s-1 in its wind speed.

The results from BAS-M and BASO-M runs at 1600NZST are shown in Figs 10(b) and 10(c). There is nosignificant difference between the thermal structures ofthe boundary layer over the plains above the plateauheight between these two simulations. This leads to thedevelopment of a similar plain-to-basin circulation sys-

Fig. 8 As in Fig. 7 but for the (a) MTNO, (b) MTN-M and (c) MTNO-M simulations, all at 1400 NZST.

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tem in these two runs. As before, the existing inversionlayer above plateau height was not eroded because ofthe prevention of mixed-layer growth due to cold airadvection by the sea-breeze and/or decrease in sensible

heat flux from the surface due to high moisture contentof the soil. The main differences between each of thebasin simulations clearly occur over the coastal plainsto the east, as shown in Figs 10(a)-(c).

Zawar-Reza and Sturman: Thermally driven winds in Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand 31

Fig. 9 Isopleths of the u-component wind (m s-1) on the right and the potential temperature field (K) on the left forthe basin simulation (BAS) at (a) 1200, (b) 1400 and (c) 1600 NZST. Dashed isopleths indicate negative u-com-ponent (winds blowing from right to left). Contour interval is 0.5 K for the potential temperature fields, and 0.5m s-1 for the winds.

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Discussion of results

The numerical simulations show that the CPB is pri-marily forced by the horizontal temperature gradientbetween the air over the elevated plateau (represent-ing Mackenzie Basin) and the air at the same eleva-tion over the plains (representing the CanterburyPlains). However, forcings that increase this tempera-ture gradient (such as cold air advection by the sea-breeze or higher soil moisture over the plains) caninfluence the intensity of the CPB by about 2 m s-1.

Time series of the u-component of wind from agrid-point on the plateau (indicated by an arrow inFig. 2) extracted from the lowest computational level(25 m AGL) are presented in Fig. 11 for all twelvesimulations. For the plateau experiment, while themaximum intensity of wind increased by 2 m s-1

between the dry and the wet runs (Fig. 11(a)), the dif-ference between the wet runs is negligible. However,there is a significant difference in the onset of the

Fig. 10 As in Fig. 9 but for the (a) BASO, (b) BAS-M and (c) BASO-M simulations, all at 1600 NZST.

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breeze at this location between the runs. When highersoil moisture content over the plains is specified(PLTM experiment), the CPB reaches this locationthree hours earlier than the dry run. For this topo-graphic configuration, the difference in soil moisture(and hence the boundary-layer development over theplains) seems to have the strongest influence on theintensity of the circulation.

Since the mountain range had already set up aneasterly current over the plateau, the intrusion of the

CPB into the elevated plateau was not as well definedwith the MTN simulations (Fig. 11(b)). There is neg-ligible difference in the maximum intensity of theeasterly between these series of runs and the PLT sim-ulations, suggesting that the Alps do not significantlymodify forcing of the CPB.

The CPB was detected at about 1400 NZST at thefield site for all scenarios for the basin simulations(Fig. 11(c)). The difference from the two other con-figurations was that the horizontal temperature gradi-ents have to be strong enough across the eastern ridge,so that the density current can overwhelm the upslopeflows opposing it from the basin side, before propa-gating westward. The difference in maximum intensi-ty of the wind between the dry and wet runs is about2 m s-1 (the same as the other two sets of runs),although there is little difference between the BAS-Mand BASO-M. This reinforces the conclusion that theocean has a marginal forcing effect on the CPB.


Twelve two-dimensional numerical simulations, test-ing three different topographic configurations and soilmoisture variation, were performed to confirm thatthe Canterbury Plains Breeze (CPB) is a regional-scale mesoscale circulation generated by the horizon-tal temperature gradient between the air over thebasin and the air at the same level over the CanterburyPlains. The numerical simulations show that the CPBis greatly modified by the ‘basin’ topography and thedifference in land-surface characteristics between thebasin and the plains. Sensitivity runs show that varia-tion of land-surface characteristics, such as land-seadiscontinuity and soil moisture gradient, influence theintensity of this density current by up to 2 m s-1. Thenumerical experiments also show that the sea-breezeand CPB are two different circulation systems gener-ated by different physical forcing.


This research was undertaken with a grant from theMarsden Fund (grant number UOC602), awarded bythe Royal Society of New Zealand. The leading authorperformed the numerical runs while he was a visitingfellow at Pacific Northwest Laboratories in Richland,Washington. We would like to thank Drs SharonZhong and Jerome Fast for assistance with runningRAMS, and Dr Whiteman for providing funding dur-ing the stay. We would also like to thank the supportstaff at the Geography Department of the University ofCanterbury for their invaluable assistance.

Zawar-Reza and Sturman: Thermally driven winds in Mackenzie Basin, New Zealand 33

Fig. 11 Time series of surface u-component wind atthe grid-point on the plateau (marked in Fig.2) for the (a) plateau, (b) mountain and (c)basin simulations.

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