
第一章 緒論 第一節 緣起 「對於年輕人而言,手機不僅是手機。手機是一種個人辨識、是一種姿態, 甚至是確定自己存在的方式……」 「不受歡迎的人,手機是寂寞的。手機經常響起的人,弦外之音就是他是 Mr.Popular or Miss Popular,對於渴望得到朋友認同的年輕人是含有著很濃的 虛榮成份。」 (陳玲玲,1999 76-77這兩段文學性語言的描述深刻地描繪出手機在現代年輕人當中所扮演的另 一種角色與面貌。第一段敘述說明手機對於年輕人而言,已不僅僅是原初的溝通 功能,而是一種辨別自己/他者、辨識自我存在的方式;第二段敘述則說明了手 機與年輕人人際網路及群體認同的關係。 如同任何流行商品一樣,「手機」這個原本強調溝通功能的產品,透過業者 行銷策略的運用、媒體廣告的包裝以及消費者賦予產品不同的詮釋意義下,已然 有著更為深刻和複雜的意義。不論是在人潮鼎沸的流行鬧區、川流不息的大眾運 輸系統,抑或百年樹人的校園當中,隨處可見青少年人手一機,滔滔不絕地講著 屬於他/她們的話語—不管是必要的溝通或者冗贅的閒話。 眾所皆知,在最新一波的數位行動通訊革命中,手機已成功地結合並轉換人 類的工作習慣、休閒娛樂、互動行為和感知模式,成為最炙手可熱的時尚概念科 技商品(張小虹,2001)。其中,青少年對於手機的消費現象、手機對於青少年 的意義內涵,更是引人省思的課題。 1



Transcript of 青少年手機消費的省思―從符號消費到秀異

  • 1. Mr.Popular or Miss Popular 199976-77 2001 1

2. Economist2001 ABLGartnerIDC 2000 Economist2001 OVUM Report 2000 2004 10 4 OVUM2000 2004 9 22,334 97 2004 40% 29% 13-18 90% NTT DoCoMo i-MODE 70% 25% 10-19 36%2001 35% 2005 68%2003 E-CIP 2029 92.8 1319 57.5 2002E-CIP 2001 13-19 2 3. 2001 2001 304 2003 2002 Nokia 2002 2002 2002 20022001 3 4. 2001 2001 2001 2000 2002 1998 20022002 2001 2001Java Web PLC 2001 4 5. Mike Featherstone1991 Featherstone,1991J. Baudrillard 1997 60 H. Lefebvre object-sign Featherstone,1991 1968 1997 5 6. Thorstein Veblen P. Bourdieu self-consciousness1984 Bourdieu,1984 competence Baudrillard1998 Bourdieu,1984 6 7. 1213 35 40 1987 0-11 12-18 18 2-1 12-21 12-18 18-21 12-24 12-1515-24 12 18 18 86 P2-3 7 8. 11-12 12-13 1999 1999 80-87 15-16 13-15 16-18 19-22 19-24 Elkind,1984 1989426-428 Erikson,1968 8 9. identity versus role confusion psychosocial stage re-examination 1990 139-141 1992 1992 9 10. 1999 7 18 156 3 12 . 46%1999 1995 35.99 43 5,180 1995 2002 12~14 15~24 3,856 4,711 12~14 100%15~24 64.87% 2002 10 11. 19901996 1997 19972001 2001 2001 20012002 2002 11 12. Rautiainen2001 Rautiainen,2001 Holmes Russell1999portable wearable Holmes & Russell,1999Oksman Rautiainen2002 Oksman Rautiainen,2002 Ling2000 Ling feminine Ling,2000 12 13. Veblen, 1857~1929conspicuous consumption Fordism 1991 1995 13 14. Raymond Williams 1976 Featherstone,1991 material culture Douglas Isherwood1979 Lury,1996 Douglas & Isherwood,1979 Lury,1996Slater1997 1995 McCracken1988 14 15. 1995 materialism Oxford English Dictionary Richins Dawson1992 Richins & Dawson,1992 15 16. Polanyi1944 Sahlins1976 non-utilitarian 1997 1997 1997 fetishism fetishism 16 17. 200018 2000 conspicuous consumption 1912 The Theory of the Leisure Class nouveaux riches Veblen,1926 Veblen conspicuous consumption 17 18. Veblen,1912 Campbell,1987 1. Veblen1912 Veblen 2. Douglas Isherwood1979 Douglas & Isherwood,1979 Veblen Veblen 3. 18 19. Campbell1995 Veblen1912 Campbell,1995Veblen1912 (Jean Baudrillard) (commodity aesthetics) 1998 1988 19 20. (1995 symbolic consumption 1995 J. Baudrillard Baudrillard,1996 Baudrillard,1981 20 21. Baudrillard,1996 needswants 1988 2000 Baudrillard,1998 21 22. Bocock 1995 22 23. (The system of Objec) Baudrillard,1998 1998 Roland Barthes 1998 2000 == 1991 23 24. 20012002 1992distinction fieldcapitaltaste practice (Distinction) 2000 24 25. agent) Bourdieu,1984 1998 Bourdieu,1984 2002 Bourdieu,1984 habitus habitus dispoisition 1998 25 26. 110-111 internalized 1991 Bourdieu,1984169-1751998 927-929 structuring structures structured structuresBourdieu 1984 170-171 Bourdieu 1998 936 champs field Bourdieu,1983 1998947 26 27. 1998 947-948Bourdieu 1998 1996 1998948 capital Bourdieu1983 1998 1. economical capital 1998131 199945 27 28. 2. cultural capital 199945 1998132199137 . (1) . (2) (3) 3. social capital 1991 1998922 4. symbolic capital 28 29. 1998131 199139 1998 1998923 (taste) 2000 2002 1992 29 30. (distinction) Bourdieu,1984 30 31. Jary1999 Jary,1999 Strauss Corbin1997 Strauss Corbin,1997 in-depth interviews Wimmer & Dominick,1994 206 1995 31 32. 1structured interview 2 unstructured interview 1998 BBS 32 33. 1996 15 24 1999 12 24 12~24 200212~14 12~14 100% 15~24 3,856 4,711 15~24 15~24 2002 33 34. 12~14 12~14 15~24 15~24 15~24 snowball or chain 2003 12 5 2004 1 5 11 34 35. 40~60 11 200089 891445 90 2002 15~24 35 36. 4711 P. DiMaggio DiMaggio, 1982 2002 2002IKEA 2002 CDDVD mp3 2002 20022002 1. 2. 3. 36 37. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.( 1994) (1995) 1. 2. 3. 4. 37 38. 5. (Grounded Theory) Barney Glaser & Anselm Strauss 1997 199719-37 38 39. 1997 (open coding) labeling phenomenon 39 40. (axial coding) (selective coding) 40 41. 41 42. 42 43. /1995 43 44. () 4-1 () (Peggy) Ericsson A3618 44 45. () (Peter) (EVone) (LuLu) PHS (Peggy) Nokia 8250 (Edward) (Christina) (lulu) (peggy) 45 46. () (lulu) (Anna) () 4-2 () () ~ ()(Camilla) COCO Panasonic GD92 (Anna) (Jay) 46 47. () (Peggy) MOTOROLA V690 V690 (Jay) 901 match (Christina) (Christina) SURPRISE (Jay) 47 48. () 4-3 () (Arron) (Evone) care (AFe) (peggy) (Christina) COCO Panasonic GD92 (Anna) 48 49. () () (Camilla) OhMy God (peggy) ~ (Peggy) (Camilla) () 49 50. 4-4 () Kitty Miffy (peggy) ~ LuLu Kitty Miffy (Anna) (lulu) () ~ ()(Camilla) (Edward) 50 51. () (Christina) (Camilla) (AFe) (Jay) (Christina) 8850 (Edward) Sony Z28 (AFe) Lady OL (Peggy) 51 52. 52 53. McNeal1987 1992 (Peggy) 8850 (Edward) PHS (Peggy) 53 54. (Christina) V.S. (Rautiainen,2001) 54 55. (Ling,1999 (Christina) (lulu) (Jay) 1988 55 56. ( 2004) (Evone) ( )~( ) (Camilla) (Peter) 56 57. 2001 1998 (image)1990 1995 () energy ToRo energy (Anna) (Peggy) ~ (Camilla) The Mirror Makers Fox 57 58. 2002 2003 901 match (Christina) (AFe) (Peggy) (intertextuality) 1999 58 59. (LuLu) (Camilla) (peggy) needs wants 1988 ego( 2003) (wants) 59 60. 1995 1997 1996 1992 60 61. (peggy) (Evone) COCO Panasonic G51 (Anna) care care (AFe) (Edward) (Camilla) 61 62. 1997 /1995 () (Camilla) OhMy God() (Peggy) style (AFe) Mr. Popular or Miss Popular 2003 62 63. Rautiainen,2001 ~ (LuLu) (Camilla) call (Arron) / Mr.Popular or Miss Popular 63 64. 2001 Kitty Miffy (Anna) energy (Arron) (Peter) 64 65. 1987 (cyborg) 1 Christina 1 CyborgManfred ClynesNathan Kline 1960 cyborg cyborg Donna Harawaycyborg cyborgA Cyborg Manifestocyborg human and animalhuman and machinephysical and non-physicaltranslationbetween spaces 65 66. (Christina) Christina (Christina) (Christina) Peter (Peter) () (Peter) S308 S308 () S308 66 67. (Distinction) (Mean) 11 67 68. 5-1 LuLu 5 4 9 5 4 3 4 16 Jay 4 4 8 4 5 2 3 14 Afe 1 3 4 5 5 2 3 15 Arron 3 2 5 4 4 2 3 13 Christina 2 3 5 4 4 4 4 16 Edward 5 4 9 2 3 2 2 9 Peggy 2 5 7 2 2 3 2 9 Evone 4 5 9 1 2 1 3 7 Anna 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 8 Camilla 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 8 Peter 1 3 4 1 3 1 2 7 6 10 (Mean) 5-2 LuLuJay AfeArronChristina Edward Peggy Evone AnnaCamillaPeter 68 69. 5-2 LuLuChristinaAfeJayArron (LuLuJay) 7000 (ArronAfe Christina) 5000 (CamillaPeggyEvoneAnnaPeter Edward)(EdwardEvonePeggy) 8000 (AnnaPeterCamilla) 5000 9 69 70. (PegyyJay) Peggy Jay Peter (Jay) (Anna) (Lin,1999) 70 71. Sony (Afe) (Camilla) 71 72. Nokia 8250 () (Camilla) PHS (Peggy) 72 73. 2001 (Bourdieu,1984) Edward 73 74. Friday Pierre balmain D&GJohn Smedley (Edwrd) (Edwrd) Edward 8850 (Edward) Edward Edward Edward () Edawrd () 74 75. Jay oasisGuessDC pub (Jay) Jay V290 (Jay) Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay 75 76. Camilla YOYO (Camilla) Camilla (Camilla) Camilla Camilla 76 77. Camilla Camilla Camilla Camilla Camilla Arron Netbossini 77 78. (Arron) Arron (Arron) Arron Arron Arron Arron Arron Arron 78 79. 79 80. 5-3 80 81. (wants) 81 82. cyborg 82 83. (Distinction) 83 84. embodypractice V.S. 1995 84 85. V.S. 85 86. 2001 Nokia8850 T28 Nokia8210 GD90 V2088 Nokia3210 2000 86 87. 2000 Miles Miles,2000 Ernst Mondel F. Jameson 2004 Adshead 87 88. Adshead,1997 desire to consumepropensity to consume need Bocock 1995 88 89. (artificial desire) (update) Ritzer,2001) 89 90. 2003 ? 2004 2001 90 91. () Bocock 1995 BBaudrillard & Bourdieu 91 92. (wants) (distinction) 92 93. 2001 93 94. / 1995 (Elias) (manner) (Simmel) (Veblen) McCracken The making of modern consumption 94 95. McCracken,1990 / (taste) Ritzer Ritzer, 2001 Storey, 1999 95 96. 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Edward 17 20 Peter 20 8 6 Peggy 17 6 1 6 Camilla 18 7 5000 Afe 22 5 89 LuLu 19 20 6000 Evonne 20 1 1 Anna 17 56 7 Christina 21 7 8 Arron 21 10 8 Jay 22 10 1 105 106. 1 2? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 106 107. 01 (Camilla) (AFe) (Evone) ( ) (Peter) (Christina) (lulu) (Jay) ~ (Camilla) energy ToRo energy (Anna) 107 108. (peggy) (lulu) ~~ (Camilla) Sony Sony (AFe) SonyEricsson Nokia (Camilla) Nokia (Peggy) MOTOROLA V690 V690 (EVone) (EVone) 108 109. SURPRISE (Jay) 02 (peggy) 8850 (Edward) (Camilla) Motorolla v690 fashion (Peter) 109 110. PHS (Peggy) (Christina) S308 S308 S308 (peter) (LuLu) 110 111. 03 (Anna) (Arron) (Evone) care (AFe) (Edward) (peggy) 04 OhMy God (peggy) 111 112. () (Camilla) style (AFe) (Jay) (lulu) (Christina) COCO Panasonic GD92 (Anna) 112 113. 05 ~ (LuLu) (AFe) (Camilla) call (Arron) (Jay) 113 114. 06 Kitty Miffy (peggy) (Jay) () ~ ( )(Camilla) (lulu) (Anna) (Peter) energy (Arron) ELVA()(LuLu) 114 115. (Anna) 115 116. 1. (1) 40000 (2)40001 ~70000 (3)70001 ~100000 (4)100001 ~130000 (5)130000 2. (1)1000 (2)1001 ~4000 (3)4001 ~7000 (4)7001 10000 (5)10001 3. (1) (2)(3) (4) (5) 4. (1) (2)(3) (4) (5) 5. (1) (2)(3) (4) (5) 6. (1) (2) ()(3) (4) (5) 116 117. 07 Evone(15~20 ) Edward(20 )Jay( 20 )Anna(10~15 ) LuLu( 20 ) Christina(15 ) AFe(5 )Camilla(7 )Arron(7 )Peter(8 )Peggy(6 ) () Camilla LuLuEvone Jay Arron EdwardChristina AFeAnna PeggyPeter Edward JayLuLuEvoneArron ChristinaPeggy AFeAnnaPeterCamilla CamillaAnnaLuLu PeterChristina EdwardAfeJayArron PeggyEvone 117 118. 08 (Camilla) (Anna) style (LuLu) (Peggy) 118 119. (Christina) (Edward) (Evone) (AFe) (Anna) (Jay) 119 120. (Peter) (Arron) 120 121. 09 SPA (Peggy) oasisGuessDC pub (Jay) Friday Pierre balmainD&GJohn Smedley (Edwrd) ( ) 121 122. DKNY SISLEYAN'GE (Evone) (Peter) YOYO (Camilla) PS (Anna) pub (LuLu) 122 123. 2000 KTV(AFe) Netbossini (Arron) (Christina) (Camilla) sweet (Anna) (LuLu) (Christina) 8850 ( ) 123 124. (Edward) T610 (Peter) V290 (Jay) Lady OL (Peggy) (Arron) (Evone) Sony Z28 (AFe) 124