53215517 Build Your Own Rocket Stove

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  • 8/13/2019 53215517 Build Your Own Rocket Stove




    Why? Rocket Stoves are:!e" E##$c$e%t: Because they direct all the heat energy (from the flames)upward, most of the heat actually goes into heating the food, rather thanbeing radiated outward (like most campfires).&ot: Rocket Stoves have 'ee% (eas!re) at *+,,- (649 ). !hat iseasily hot enough to melt some metals (lead, bismuth, tin, indium, antimony,and a few others "it#s not $uite hot enough to melt %luminum at &'' *). +tis also hot enough to ignite magnesium.

    Sa#e: +f you should abandon your ocket -toe, or leae it unattended, itwill go out within a minute or two.

    Easy to B!$"): /ou can build your own ocket -toe with materials that are0ust laying around at home, and ine1pensie things that you can easily obtainfrom the hardware store. (see accompanying list of materials for your ocket-toe).

    O!t)oor: Ca!t$o% .. or o!t)oor !se o%"y/

    STE0 * .. To Start:*1 %ll you need is two standard 23& cans (commonly called 2institutionalsi5edcans). !hey are about 6 inches wide at the top, and about inches tall./ou can get these for free by asking at restaurants, bakeries, schoolcafeterias, etc. !hey often throw many of these cans away eery week.

    +1 -ae the can lid when you open the can. /ou will need one of the can lids

    for your ocket -toe.

    21 Watch the v$)eo o% 3oo4"e V$)eothat shows how to make a ocket-toe. 7y demonstration here (in the photo) is an adapted ersion of the

    stoe that is featured on 8oogle ideo. (ty5e $% the search ter(s 6rocketstove7 a%) choose the v$)eo that $s +, ($%!tes "o%4and has at least than 6


  • 8/13/2019 53215517 Build Your Own Rocket Stove


    :ist of 7aterials to build your

    Rocket Stove

    8!a%t$ty Ite(' 3& cans& tin snips& or ' regular tin cans (you#ll cut part of the top off with the tin snips to make the pot

    rack)& straight 4;inch stoe pipe (an &

  • 8/13/2019 53215517 Build Your Own Rocket Stove




    STE0 +:

    *1 ut a 4;inch hole in the side of one of the 3& cans, with tin snips, about'.F cm from the bottom of the can. Go this oer some newspapers, so you

    don#t accidentally drop sharp pieces of metal onto your carpet (you don#t wantto cut your foot later, rightH)

    +1 +f you cut the hole to the e1act si5e, you will be able to barely fit theelbow;piece of 4;inch stoepipe through the hole (from the inside of the can).Be sure the #corrugated# part of the elbow remains inside the can, pointedupwards.

    21 Iith a can opener, cut the top and bottom off the other 3& can, so thatyou can see completely through it.

    1 Jsing a sharp chisel and a hammer, cut a 4;inch hole out of the middle ofone of the can lids. Go this against the piece of wood that you brought. !hatway you won#t damage your floor (or the chisel).

  • 8/13/2019 53215517 Build Your Own Rocket Stove




    STE0 2:

    *1 Jsing the AB Ield, glue the two 3& cans together, making sure that thelid;less one is on the top. :eae this to dry. +t takes '4 hours for AB Ield to

    set completely.

    !o reinforce this, you can later bolt the two cans together if you want.

    +1 ut off a 6; to 6 &K';inch section of the straight stoe pipe (from thesmooth end). it it to the top of the elbow piece of stoe pipe in the ocket-toe.

    21 ill the interior of the ocket -toe (inside the stoe, but @=! inside thestoe pipe. !his will be insulation that will keep most of the heat of theflame from radiating outward) with the ermiculite (or ashes or pumice). illit up to about ';'.F cm from the top of the stoe pipe. Dack the ermiculitedown tight.

    1 place the donut;shaped can lid oer the stoe pipe and slide it down as faras it will go. !his will preent the ermiculite from #leaking# or falling out.

  • 8/13/2019 53215517 Build Your Own Rocket Stove




    STE0 :

    *1 @ow you can cut strips of metal off the tops of tin cans to create the#spacers# (pot rack) that you need to keep your cooking pot far enough fromthe top of the stoe pipe so that it won#t smother the flame (E;F cm wideshould be sufficient).

    Jsing an awl, poke training holes in the 3& can, and in the metal strips,where you want to insert the machine screws, where you need them to be.

    !hen you insert the screws and tighten them.

    +1 ut off a 6;inch section of the straight stoe pipe (from the corrugatedend). +nsert the corrugated end of this stoepipe into the elbow end thatprotrudes from the side of the ocket -toe.

    21 ut another piece of metal from another tin can. +t needs to be 4;incheswide (& cm)(e1cept the ery top inch) and about F or 6 inches long (&E;&6cm). 7ake sure the ery top of this piece of metal forms a slight #t;shape#,with the top being about 4 inches wide. lip the corners off to get rid ofthe points, and file all the edges with the file to minimi5e the danger ofcutting yourself. Th$s $s the tray >here yo! >$"" "ay the st$cks that yo!>$"" '!r%< -lide it into the hori5ontal stoepipe that protrudes from the side

    of the ocket -toe.

    1 @ow you are L%G/ != BJ@M 8o outside and test your ocket-toe. Boil some water and see how fast it boils.