5312 Backlick Road Springfield, VA 22151

St. John's United Methodist Church 5312 Backlick Road Springfield, VA 22151 Return Service Requested g fie ~ a ttl6JIlIdij p~ficatWn 0/ St. :JJm~ Unitul ~t eIiwtdi V(9£. 53-.N(9. 9 United Methodist Men If you are a man who would like to be part of a SWELL organization, join St John's UMC United Methodist Men (UMM). We're SWELL because we: SERVE God WORSHIP Him through a variety of activities ranging from Bible Study to work projects ENJOY fellowship LIKE to eat at our monthly breakfasts (normally the second Sunday of each month) LEAN on one another in good times and bad. UMM Cook-Out On September 11, at 6pm the Methodist Men will sponsor a cookout for all the men in the church. Come to Donaldson Hall for a time of fellowship, fun, planning and devotion. Hamburgers, Hotdogs and other picnic delicacies will be served. Please feel free to bring your favorite dish to share.

Transcript of 5312 Backlick Road Springfield, VA 22151

St. John's United Methodist Church5312 Backlick Road

Springfield, VA 22151Return Service Requested

gfie ~ a ttl6JIlIdij p~ficatWn 0/

St. :JJm~Unitul ~t eIiwtdiV(9£. 53-.N(9. 9

United Methodist MenIf you are a man who would like to be part of a SWELL organization, join

St John's UMC United Methodist Men (UMM).

We're SWELL because we:SERVE God

WORSHIP Him through a variety of activities ranging from Bible Study to work projectsENJOY fellowship

LIKE to eat at our monthly breakfasts (normally the second Sunday of each month)LEAN on one another in good times and bad.

UMM Cook-Out

On September 11, at 6pm the Methodist Men will sponsor a cookout for all the men in the church.Come to Donaldson Hall for a time of fellowship, fun, planning and devotion. Hamburgers, Hotdogs andother picnic delicacies will be served. Please feel free to bring your favorite dish to share.


Have you ever wanted to see 40,000 pounds of potatoes dropped on our church parking lot? Have you everwanted to help alleviate hunger in Northern Virginia? Then this is the project for you.

The Facts1. Hunger exists in America. Over 40 million Americans struggle each day to get enough to eat. Nearly half

are children and a large number are elderly.2. In the U.S., according to the USDA, 27% of all the food produced each year is lost at the retail, consumer

and food service levels. To put it another way, we throwaway 263 million pounds of food each day­much of which is just surplus, still perfectly edible.

The OrflanizationSociety of St. Andrew is an organization that was founded to bring these two facts together. Through theirvarious networks and projects, they salvage fresh nutritious produce from American farms - produce thatwould otherwise be left to rot - and deliver it to agencies across the nation that serve the poor.

The ProiectSt. John's will be helping with their efforts by hosting what is known as a Potato Drop. On Saturday, Octo­ber 19, an 18-wheel tractor-trailer will pull into the St. John's parking lot with 40,000 pounds (in 50-lb. bags)of commercially unmarketable yet perfectly good, nutritious white potatoes donated by the agricultural com­munity, food processors and manufacturers. Our job will be to transfer the potatoes into smaller, household­size bags for distribution.

The RecivientsOur potatoes will go to agencies right here in the Northern Virginia area who serve the poor and hungry in ourcommunity such as ECHO, Capital Area Food Bank and others.

The FundraiserAlthough most of the costs are covered, we will have a fundraiser to help with any additional costs. On Sun­day, September 15, following worship, there will be a Baked Potato Sale to raise this money.

The VolunteersA project ofthis size can't be handled by just a small group of people; it takes a huge effort. We want all ofour St. John's members, friends and family to participate. There will be a task for everyone regardless of ageor ability. We will also be asking other churches, Scouting groups and schools to help so put the word out.

Here are some of the jobs to be done: * Starred tasks can be done sitting down.• *Cut and tie mesh bagging to make the smaller bags.• Set up on Potato Drop Day (set up tables/chairs, put up tarps and canopies, etc.)• Unload the 50-lb. bags from the truck.• *Fill small bags with 10-15 Ibs. of potatoes.• Recordkeeping• Pickup trucks are needed to deliver potatoes to agencies which are unable to pick them up.• Help with Baked Potato fundraiser on September 15.

For more information and to find out how you can help, contact Anne Moore at 703-321-7386 [email protected].

A Note from





Message from our PastorA Notefrom




It's September!!! Back to School for some! Back to Church for all! Back to more focused stew­ardship of our time and talents!

Why not step up and do SOMETHING.

What are you waiting for?

Thought I'd offer you some possible responses:--a better time--time to almost run out

--the two-minute warning--the semester to start

--your way to be clear--the cat to stop clawing the sofa--the barking dog next door to leave town--a new credit card

--the pot to boil--the rates to go up--the rates to go down--your ship to come in--aches and pains to subside--your annual checkup--an absence of risk

--someone else to go first--a cue card--the kids to leave home

--your youth to return--the lion to lie down with the lamb

--a more favorable horoscope

Hope these excuses amused you .NOW, regarding the needs of the world and your church and yourability to have an impact,


See you in services .....and in service!

Pastor Paula

St. John's Music MinistryPerforming National Anthem at Nationals Park in D.C.Six members from St. John's Bells of Praise: Michael Parker, Mitch Meaney, Joan Barker, Linda

Meaney, Eileen Leamon,and Kay Gill joined five hundred handbell ringers coming from Washington, D.C.,Maryland, Virginia, and even Delaware to perform the National Anthem for the Nationals vs. Marlinsgame on Thursday, August 29 at Nationals Park in D.C.

Welcoming a New Choir YearSt. John's Music Ministry will continue the mission to support our new pastor in every way we can in theupcoming fall 2013 season. Sunday, September 1 is a communion Sunday. It is also the Labor Dayweekend. I would like to invite members of Sanctuary Choir, Senior Saints, and Youth Choir whoeverwill be in town to sing in the choir. Let's receive the blessings from the bread and wine and thestrength to face the new challenges God will give us.

The first rehearsal for St. John's Senior Saints is set on Wednesday, September 4 at 10:30 a.m.

followed by a luncheon at Kilroy's Restaurant. Wednesday, September 4 at 5:30 p.m. members ofBells of Praise and Bells of Joy will come to church to clean the handballs, receive new music, and thenenjoy a dinner at the Outback Restaurant.

Starting the season with a pot luck dinner is a tradition of St. John's Sanctuary Choir. We are alsolooking forward to welcoming the new members to join us on Thursday, September 5 at 7:00 p.m.

The first concert of St. John's Concert Series fall 2013 season will be on Saturday, September 7 at

2:00 p.m. featuring the Navy Band Country Current, the nationally renowned country-bluegrass ensem­ble. The concert is open FREEto the public.

Sunday, September 8 - Back to Church Sunday, all members of Youth Choir, Sanctuary Choir, and Sen­ior Saints are asked to sing in the choir. St. John's Children's Choir will start the new season during theSunday school hour.

After the worship service of Sunday, September 8 St. John's Youth Choir members and parents willhave a lunch together to receive the information about the youth choir program in this new season.

St. John's Golden Chimers will start the new season on Wednesday, September 11 at 11:00 a.m. in

the Library. Director Mrs. Hazel Marshall prepared lots of new music for the chimers.

Adult Hand Chimes Choir. September 11,2013 , this choir begins its twelfth year. Originally, it con­sisted of three members, later expanded to six, and presently has nine members. Initially, only one oc­tave melodies could be played. Now the choir plays two and three octave compositions. In the past, thechoir has performed at the Hermitage and Greensprings. The group performs for St. John's specialevents e.g. Christmas, Easter, and Bells of Praise Concerts. Music for Advent and Christmas will be thefocus when practice resumes.Two members, Fran Matkins and Maryann Lacheman deserve "special mention". While not original mem­bers, they began with the first group of six and have continued. Thanks for your commitment.

To be continued in the October Chimes. In the meantime, updates can be found atwww.saintiohnsumc.ora/music

Church News

Start the Fall Season doing something foryour Health

Comejoin a great group of ladies here at StJohns for a low (very low) impact Zumbaclass. Classes are free (donations welcome to­wards Scholarships). No requirement except tohave fun dancing and fellowship. All ages welcomeZumba classes are held in Donaldson Hall

Tues 4:30 - 5:15 p.m.Thurs 6: 15 - 7:00 p.m.Pleasesend emails to [email protected] to be in­

cluded in the weekly emails regarding classchanges.


Thank you to the members of the Adult SundaySchool Classes and UMW for sponsoring SocialHour in August. September Social Hour willbe sponsored by the Thursday Morning BibleStudy.


If you would like to provide flowers forWorship Service, you may sign up on theFlower Chart in Donaldson Hall. The

chart is located on the wall on the parking lotside. The cost is $30. You will be contacted by amember of the Altar Guild. Thank you for thesupport you give to St. John's.


We want to thank everyone who has come out thelast couple of weeks to make St. John's brightand beautiful! There have been the scouts, pre­school leaders, church members, and staff who

have all been here cleaning and painting. A bigthank you to our janitor Juan in making our floorsshine!

6 Blood Drive

BLMIVE It only takes a drop to get a unit ofV'!(f'1 blood flowing. The entire process fromcheck-in, health questionnaire, vitals, donationand snack time should take about an hour.

If you've given before ---Thank you! If you canno longer donate - thank you for past donations.If you'd like to join our team of "LIFE SAVERS"- please join us on Sunday, September 22. Ages17 to ageless (16, with parental permission form,and must weigh at least 110 Ibs).Sign-up sheets in Narthex and lor DonaldsonHall. Bring a friend!SOMEONE NEEDS A LITTLE OF YOUR BLOOD

A LOT!!! Please sign up or call Judy Bennett at703-425-7636 for more information or details.

Nursery AttendantSt. John's United Methodist Church is lookingfor a part time Nursery Attendant to supervisechildren during Sunday school and Sunday worshipservices. The attendant will address the physicalneeds of children in the nursery and keep thementertained while creating a welcoming, safe andnurturing environment. This is a paid position andhours are 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM every Sunday. Abackground check will be required. Interestedparties should contact Tip Holcombe [email protected]

Calls for Leadership PositionsSt. John's Lay Leadership (Nominating) Commit­tee may be calling on you to see if you are stillwilling to hold your position or to serve on a com­mittee.

Church News

. Life Line Screening LIFE L1NEr:t'SCREENINC;,Today I wanted to tell all of ''If TlrtPowtrofPrtmtion

you about an important ser-vice that we are bringing to St. John's UnitedMethodist Church on 10/24/2013. As many ofyou may not know, stroke is a leading cause ofdeath today, affecting over 750,000 people eachyear. Every 45 seconds in America, someone suf­fers a stroke and every 3 minutes, someone diesfrom one. This means that during the time todayit will take you to read this, approximately 15people in the United States will have died due toa stroke.

Stroke can change your life, but it can also takeyour life. Please consider taking part in these po­tentially life-saving screenings. We are happy toannounce that Life Line Screening is working withus to provide our members $10 additional dis­counts off of a screening package in addition to a$10 donation to St. John's United MethodistChurch. If you would like to take the next step inpossibly saving your life or the life of someoneyou know and if you would like to help us as well,please place your name, the tests you would likeand your phone number on the sign-up portion ofthe provided flyers today.Please note that you must sign up on either theprovided registration sheet (available on theflyers) or by calling the special Helping Handsregistration number, which is 1-800-324­9458, in order for us to receive our $10 do­nation as well. If you prefer to visit the ex­clusive Helping Hands website to register, youmay do so by visitingwww.helpinghandsforhealth.com. You mustsign up one of these three ways in order toget both the $10 discount as well as the $10donation for St. John's.


"The Old Dominion" is one of Virginia's nicknames,

its origin dating from colonial times when whatwas to become our commonwealth was totally sub­

ject to the say-so of the English monarch, how­ever arrogant and harmful. That'sone way we use the word, dominion, but what wasGod's intention when he gave human­kind dominion over the earth and everything in it[Genesis 1:28-30p Webster's dictionary de­fines dominion as "sovereign authority." Was that

really what God had in mind? Arewe sovereigns over God's creation? Free to rulethe earth as we see fit? Even destructively, re­

gardless of how calamitous the consequencesmight be? Not so, according to theologians andbiblical scholars, among them John Wesley (1703­91), the renowned English clergyman, evangelistand founder of the Methodist Church. "We are

now God's stewards," Wesley reasoned in his Ser­mon 51, The Good Shepherd "We are indebted tohim for all we have ... A steward is not at liberty

to use what is lodged in his hands as he pleases,but as his master pleases ... [for] he is not theowner of any of these things but barely en­trusted with them by another ... Now this is ex­actly the case of everyone with relation toGod. We are not at liberty to use what God haslodged in our hands as we please, but as­God pleases, who alone is the possessor of heavenand earth and the Lord of every creature ... [God]entrusts us with [this world's goods] on this ex­

press condition, that we use them only as ourMaster's goods, and according to the particulardirections which he has given us in his

Word." Therefore, let's take Rev. Wesley's wordsto heart and serve as faithful stewards - good

shepherds/- of this beautiful earth and its won­drous bounty that God, with his unbounded grace,has created for us.

New for Sunday SchoolCHANGES

FALL 2013 (begins Sept. 8) - Sunday School and Adult Bible Studies

"Breakfast with Champions" - a light breakfast is available 8:50 - 9:10 AM in Donaldson Hal! to take the"hurry" out of your Sunday morning.

9:15 - 10:15 AM

Children's Sunday School - Grow-Proclaim-Serve (ages 4 years to 5th Grade) - Bible stories and scrip­ture from the Old and New Testament, as well as Music.

Leaders: Judy Dubler, Vicki Holcombe, Anne Moore [Room 55]

Confirmation Class (6th and 7th Grades) Confirmation is a significant event in the lives of a Christianyouth. Each week we discuss Bible stories, scripture, our Methodist beliefs and traditions. We dohands-on mission activities and field trips. At the end of the year, class participants are invited to beconfirmed in the church. [Library]

Teen Faithweavers (8th_12th Grades) Teens meet for Bible study, conversations on Christian values intoday's world, and hands-on-mission activities. Teen and Adult Faithweavers will share some classes to­gether.

Adult Faithweavers Bible study and discussions on parenting by applying GodIs truth to everyday life.Leader: Rae Winstead [Resource Center]

Old and New Testaments Study Old and New Testaments. Leader: Rusty Grimsley [59]

In the Book Study of Old and New Testaments - will begin Fall 2013 with a New Testament study.Leader: Bob Winstead [Parlor]

Life Applications uses flexible setting to talk about God and Spiritual side of our lives - this fall wewill discuss "Spiritual Friendships" by Mindy Caliguire. Through this study we will explore ways to at­tain a rich, God-centered relationship to nourish our souls.Leader: Suzanne Dorick [52]

Methodist 101 - October 6, 13, 20 & 27 4-week class about UMC history, theology and principles.A short class designed for those who are new to the Methodist church, as well as those who want to re­discover our Methodist "roots".

Leader: Barbara Turpyn [Donaldson Hall]

Children's Worship (Ages 3 years to 3rd Grade) 10:30 - 11 :30 AM Children are invited to par­ticipate in a Children's Worship during the church Worship service. Following the "children's time withthe pastor," they leave the sanctuary for a program that engages them in Bible lessons, crafts andgames.

Thursday Bible Studies wI June Aylor - 10:30 AM to Noon. Study the books of the Bible and discus­sions on faith. Beginning Sept. 5, the Thursday morning Bible class will do a five-week study on "LifeTruths" in the Library, Each session will encourage us in growing our relationship with Jesus Christ.Join our fellowship as we discuss how we best live out the purpose for which we were created. Bringyour Bible.

United Methodist Women

We need your supportlSt. John's UMW supports many world, national and local mission projects including Appalachian ServiceProject, Camp Highroad Scholarship, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), Rising HopeChurch, St. Andrews Food Aid Program, and St. John's CECEScholarship Fund. We also provide fund­ing for the annual St. John's children's Easter Party, childcare during UMW Meetings, program re­sources and guest speakers, and new books for the UMW library.We would like to encourage all UMW Members to make a monetary donation or pledge in 2013. Pledgesand donations provide funding for all UMW programs - we do not hold any fund raisers. Please prayer­fully consider giving to the UMW this year. Pledges are voluntary, confidential and may be changed atany time and are tax deductible.UMW Pledge forms are available on the shelf outside the church office. Pledges and donations can begiven to your Circle Treasurer, Vicki Holcombe or placed in the UMW mailbox.

Meet & Greet

Attention Ladies of St. John's, please mark your calendar for October 16, Wednesday at 7 pm inDonaldson Hall - The Joy Circle will be hosting a Meet & Greet- All women of St. John's are invited forthis opportunity to meet fellow women from St. John's and enjoy dessert also!

Candle Burning 2013

Candle Burning is a Virginia Conference UMW project which was started in 1990 to fund missions.Through the Candle Burning project UMW members have the opportunity to be in mission with women,youth and children who need help in the United States and around the world by making a donation tohonor or remember special people in their lives.During our December UMW Christmas Meeting we burn a candle to represent the donations received.After totaling contributions we determine how many minutes of UMW mission work we have supported.The cost is sixty cents (.60) per second, $36.00 per minute or a donation of any amount.

Please complete the form below and return it with your check (payable to St. John's UMW) toyour Circle Treasurer or Vicki Holcombe by November 1.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1

Please print clearly

Your Name: _

Recipient NameExample: Mary JonesExample: Sally Smith

Time in Seconds28

In Honor/Memory ofMemory




"BrinaJng Jesus into Everydav Life" - Thursday Bible Study

Our Thursday morning Bible class completed a Bible study back in June for "Bringing Jesus into Every­day Life." Everyday we cross paths with family, friends, workers, neighbors and others. When we liveas servants of Christ, we use these intersect points as God's given opportunities.Our class wrestled for six weeks with what Jesus has in mind for us in our daily living. We discussed

what the scripture was saying to us as we learned about sharing our faith.To close the study, each member was to write what they would tell others about the class. In this arti­cle, we share some of our thoughts with you.You are welcome to come visit or to join the class. You will find us in the library on Thursdays, 10:30AM - Noon.

June Aylor

From: Anne Moore Sometimes it is hard to remember that Jesus and God are not just for church

on Sunday. I think that sometimes it takes a conscious effort to bring them into our everyday lives.We get so caught up in our busy lives that we forget to connect with God daily. We also need to re­member that we are to bring Christ into the everyday lives of others.

Stop and RememberStop during your day and become conscious of Jesus being there and what he wants you to do. Use vis­ual reminders: a cross hanging in your house, piece of scripture on your bulletin board or refrigerator,your Bible on the table.

Spiritual Activities

Prayer time, read the Bible, read other devotional books, center yourself and your day on God, go tochurch, serve in mission.

Be a Role Model

Act like you have Christ in your life so others can see it. Don't be afraid or worry about what otherpeople will think of you. The Holy Spirit will guide you.


Don't forget that you can pray anytime, anywhere, not just at prayer time. Notes, lists, even emailsfrom others can remind you to pray.


Witness is a hard word to define but to me, it means bringing Jesus into the everyday lives of others

through fellowship, conversation and demonstration.Let people see that you are a Christian: pray in public, talk about your church and its activities,engage in mission projects.

• Invite friends to church and show them the good things that happen here.

• Seek out opportunities to witness but also take advantage of them when and where they crop up.• Use a soft approach. Don't overpower the person. Be inviting and open minded.• Don't be condescending or act like you are better than others in your faith. Don't tell others

they are doing it wrong.• Tell them how wonderful it is to be a Christian.

From: Zimmie Goings Everyday life is where we are. It behooves us to meet Our Lord there ...and the "everyday" will seem magnificent in those moments we come face to face with Him. He's alwaysthere but waits for us to invite Him in. He invites us to look to Him with gladsome hearts yet humble

spirits for guidance, comfort, peace and spiritual wellbeing. He will tell us His truth and we can trust init. He will show us faithfulness that we can count on. He will show us how to love others and remind usthat we should love them as much as we love ourselves. To receive Jesus's love and to love Him back in

every way is to show us how to love others. He will show us how to fit in with others and how to meetthem on their own ground as He meets us on ours ... and how to better understand one another. Heteaches reconciliation ...and how to reach understanding and work out differences with others ...as weneed to work out differences between ourselves and Him. It goes almost without saying that communi­

cation with others is good ... just as prayer is good with our Lord ...On each "everyday day of our lives."

From: Nick Bennett We are like one big family with many personalities. Jesus didn't sit in a pri­

vate place; he walked among us. Jesus' continual presence in communities around us helps us use ourdifferences and Jesus' examples to better understand the people we see daily. We are relatively open

people sharing thoughts and encouragement about how to deal with situations around us, whether goodor bad.

In the days of the Old Testament, there were so many competing influences and interests, but so fewunderlying directions. The Good News brought forward good new direction of how to lead our lives andshare with others. There are temptations to take wrong turns, but the teachings and strength of thedirections we learned help prevent wrong turns. Jesus is strong in our lives, so we should tell othersabout him and talk regularly with him in our prayers. We look forward to his continuing role in our lives.

From: Brenda Romenius Putting Jesus into our lives everyday is to renew ourselves each day withthe reminder and commitment that we need relationship with God as much as we need air to breathe.

When we focus on that relationship, we will know a fullness of peace and satisfaction that is beyond anyother. Our lives likely will have struggles and hardships, but Jesus's love and our faith in God will helpus through them.

From Your 2013 ASP Teams

Your 2013 ASP Teams returned home safely in July, from a week of service in

Dickenson County, Virginia. Working as part of Appalachia Service Project(ASP), a Johnson City, Tennessee-based home repair ministry, the groups helped to provide urgentlyneeded home repairs to families in that area.

We will share a slide show and stories with our church family on Sunday, September 29, 2013 during

the worship service, which will highlight the accomplishments of our 28 volunteers and their experi­ences while bonding with our ASP families.

Here are the comments from the ASP Dickenson County Facebook page about St. John's and the jobs

that were completed:

It's hard to believe that the staff from Dickenson County, Va., Erin, Cami, Jason and Cheryl justsaid goodbye to our last week of volunteers and that the summer has finally come to a close. A bigthank you goes out to St. John's UMC of Springfield, VA and Fairfax UMC of Fairfax, VA for anawesome week 7 and their incredible perseverance to finish some of the projects.Here's what was accomplished:

Rick Garrison. Scott Pratt. James Ashby. Sheryl Fox. Mitchell Meaney & Katie Pacak:This week's crew laid tiles, installed a new kitchen sink, and built cabinets for the kitchen. They alsoinstalled a patch on the bridge that leads to the house. In addition to working at Robin Hood, theyfloated to Lady and Tramp and finished laying mule hide on the cricket.

Dee Dee Fox. Mike Jenninas. Kathy Paulk. Jordan Fox. Hannah Listopad. Nikki Meaney & Ty­ler Pacak:This crew completed the siding on the gable end, built the 4X8 deck with stairs. They also rein­stalled paneling around the new door. They repaired the roof transition with tar and repaired someold deck hand rails. They installed a pipe extender for the stove. They ended their week by install­ing R-19 insulation under the right half of the house.

Jay Fox. "Smitty" Smith. Dale Wilson. Dale Wurzer. Aimee Jennings. Aaron Listopad. DevinMoore & Kelly Pratt:This week's crew built a brick wall under the house and installed girders and joist in the kitchen.Then they laid down two layers of subfloor, luaun, and tiles. In addition, they sanded the kitchenwall and reinstalled the exterior wall door.

Anaie Garrison. Patti Parker. Joe Listopad. Ryan Gaffner. Brittani Gonzales. Reid Moore &Melissa Pratt:This week the outside crew finished digging the ditch, laid perforated pipe in the ditch, and filled itwith gravel. They also fixed handrails and planted grass seed. The inside crew finished drywall inboth bedrooms, and laid laminate flooring in both rooms as well.

YOUTHN£\iS ~.'ll){~uOIiTIti'lp AGE

As we await the anticipation of a Youth Director, please mark your calendars for September's Events

Sunday, September 8

Sunday, September 15

Sunday, September 22

Saturday, September 28Sunday, September 29

Back to Church Sunday - Sing Anthem in worship serviceYouth Choir members and parents lunch meeting at 12:00 noon

ALLYouth help with Baked Potato Sale

Rehearsal after worship service

ASP Rehearsal at 11:00 a.m.

ASP Sunday

Acolyte TrainingAttention - Youth in Grades 7th through 12th

There will be an acolyte training session on Saturday, September 14th at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuaryfor those of you that are interested in being an acolyte or cross bearer. If you are interested in beingan acolyte, please contact Patti Parker, 703-451-6331 or [email protected] as I can start preparations.If for some reason, you can't make it on Saturday, and are interested in being an acolyte, please con­tact me and I can work around your schedule.

Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Remembrances

1 PamelaEggerton, Michael LaMon,Marcy Mullet, Corey Quigley,Eric Steinbuechler

2 Linda Meaney3 Kristen Durbin, Devin Moore, Kim O'Neill,

Hollis Williams

4 Elijah Saunders, Nikki White5 Lynne Baker6 Tamara Kinney, Mitchell Meaney7 Sandy Listopad, Tenchoe Werner, Dale Wilson8 Philip Guglielmo9 Kathy Gilchrist, Freda Robertson10 Karen Novack-Freuler, Michele Schuck

11 Nolan Britt, Christopher Serino12 Katlyn Wilson13 PaulLeasure, Stephen Minard, Jean Summers14 Suzanne Dorick

15 Maxine Marshall, Kevin Zink16 Rachel Baker

17 Kay Donald, Sarah Etheridge,Wilda Getman, Maryann Lacheman

18 Dylan Gill, Katie Pacak, William Walton20 Brian Anderson, Carly Eike, Anne Hill,

Corrie Hoffmann

21 Alison Andrews, Sharon Lee22 Jim Brasse, Dee Dodd

23 Megan Hoffmann, Ron Kinzer,Stephanie Wilson

24 Ann Lovell, Jennifer Ward

26 Marcia Aylor, Catherine Kemp27 Michelle Burnett

28 Luke Catania, William Gill, Julie Kinzer

29 Marty Bickford30 Erin Boynton

September Birthdays

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September Anniversaries

1 Bob & Lois Augustad7 Christopher & Heather Serino,

James & Susan Stalp20 Jeff & Kathleen Stanton26 Marvin & Jennifer Ward

27 David & Cathy Klineburger

p~ Members: Lois Augustad, Margue­

rite Bickers, Luke Catania IV,

Vicki Collins, Tiny Hartzell, Linda Hitchcock,Betty Johnson, Ed Jones, Jonah Kuhlman,Margaret Marsh, Barbara Murray, Ernie Pappas,Ilene Patrick, Joann Raison, Anne Stegall,

Macel Thompson, and Connie Ward.Extended Family: Bridgett Barbarto,Tippy Cameron, Nancy Gonzales,Robert N. Giannini, Anita Lawrence, Henry Lind,Lin Mather, Dolores Martin, Kirk Marshall,

Bill and Betty Smith, Bert Wood, Jr., Danny Van­

Gorder, William Weist, and Ray Wardlow.Law Enforcement and those Serving in theArmed Forces

Chris Shephard, deployed to Afghanistan,nephew of Fran & Harlin Matkins.Garrett Patrick, deployed to Kandahar, Afghani­stan.

Hope Rampy,daughter-in-law of Betty Rampy,deployed to Afghanistan.Jared Davis, serving in the Army IntelligenceBranch at Ft. Meade, MD.

Des Walton, serving with the Army in Bangkok,Thailand.

Jeremy Honaker, nephew of Debbie & JerryAshby, Warner Robins, GA.Matt Stratton, serving in the Army, Ft. Collins,CO.

St. John's United Methodist Church

September 2013September 2013


1 234 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30

October 20.13


123456 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31

Sunday MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySeptember 1

23456f9: 15am Sunday

Labor Day-Offices Clo10:30am Jackson10:30am Sr10:30am Bible 10:00am Altar GuildSchool

CircleSaints-RehStudy MtgClasses

(Library)11 :30am Sr Saints (Library) (Parlor)

10:30am Worship

12:30pm TuesdayLunch10:30am Sr Saints 2:00pm Navy BandService

Players(Kilroys)(Aarondale: Concert

11 :30am Social

(Pizzaeria)5:30pm Cleaning6:15pm ZumbaTime

4:30pm Zumbaof BellsClass (DH)(DH)

6:30pm Bells7:00pm ChoirDinner




9:15am Sunday7:30pm Scouts10:30am Staff Mtg11 :OOam Hand10:30am Bible 10:00am Acolyte

School980 (D.H.)4:30pm Zumba ChimesStudy Training

10:30am Worship


7:30pm PSPR Mtg5:30pm Bells of10:30am Sr Saints11 :30am Social

(Library)Joy(Arden Ct)Time

6:30pm Bells of6:15pm Zumba11 :45am Trustees

PraiseClass (DH)Mtg (Pari

6:30pm UMM7:00pm Nominating12:00pm Youth/Pare

CookoutComt Mtg (Lunch

(DH)7:30pm Sanctuary2:00pm PCE-Reh

Choir (Ch



9:15am Sunday7:30pm Scouts4:30pm Zumba11 :OOam Hand10:30am BibleOctober Chimes Artli~8:00am Prayer

School980 (D. H.)(DH)ChimesStudy Ministry

Classes7:00pm Order of(Library)(Library) (Parlor)

10:30am Worship

Arrow (DH)5:30pm Bells of10:30am Sr SaintsService

7:15pm ChurchJoy(Hermitage11 :30am Baked

Council6:30pm Bells of6:15pm ZumbaPotato

(Library)PraiseClass (DH)Sale (DH)

7:30pm Joy Circle7:30pm Sanctuary11 :30am Social





8:00am Blood7:30pm Scouts12:30pm YAH11 :OOam Hand10:30am Bible 11 :OOam Youth Reh .

Drive (DH)980 (D.H.)(Magills)ChimesStudy

9:15am Sunday

4:30pm Zumba(Library)(Library)School

(DH)5:30pm Bells of10:30am Sr SaintsClasses

6:30pm Pack MtgJoy(Annandale

10:30am Worship

(DH)6:30pm Bells of6:15pm ZumbaService

7:00pm UMWPraiseClass (DH)Board -

7:30pm SanctuaryParlor




9:15am Sunday7:30pm Scouts

School980 (D.H.)

Classes10:30am Worship

Service11:30am Potluck Lunch4:00pm Troop Mtg(Parlor)

5312 Backlick Road, Springfiled, VA 22151 703-256-6655 [email protected] saintjohnsumc.org