5.14.12 classwork monday

Max Roxana Joey Mitzy Joshua Johnny David Alan G Ryan Brianna Ramon Cameron Cincere Andres Adolfo Nyashia Emma Jose Brian Matthew Christopher Carlos Alan R Natalie Ricardo Massire Christian Elizabeth Angel Gia Linder Sualee Monday May 14, 2012 Pretend that you are shopping at a garage sale when suddenly you hear a toy doll speaking to you. Write about what happens next.

Transcript of 5.14.12 classwork monday

  • 1. Pretend that you are shopping at a garage sale whensuddenly you hear a toy doll speaking to you. Writeabout what happens next.Monday May 14, 2012Johnny Max Cincere RicardoLinder Brianna AngelGiaRamonRyan Christopher DavidAlan GAlan RBrian Jose Andres Christian Adolfo Elizabeth Nyashia Emma CameronSualee Joey RoxanaNatalie MatthewJoshua MassireMitzyCarlos

2. Morning WritingImagine that your family ispreparing for a garage sale toget rid of any unwantedhousehold items. Your parenthas told you that you mustselect at least three itemsfrom your room to sell. Whatthree items would you sell?Explain. Write neatly, skipping a line, and use looseleaf (lined) paper. Hand in once you are finished. The work will be graded. 3. Reading Learning From Nature (p. 567)Talk About ItWhat can people gainby learning aboutnature?Instill means "to put in orintroduce little by little."Combined means "being joined together orunited." 4. Reading Learning From Nature (p. 567)A naturalist is a person who studies things innature, especially plants and animals.Vacant means "empty."Diverse means "different from one another." 5. Reading Learning From Nature (p. 567)Reading HomeworkPractice book, page 163 6. Math Divide Mixed Numbers (p. 326)How to Divide MixedNumbers:Step 1Write both numbers asfractions.Step 2Multiply the dividend bythe reciprocal of thedivisor.Step 3Simplify 7. Math Divide Mixed Numbers (p. 326)How to Divide MixedNumbers:Step 1Write both numbers asfractions.Step 2Multiply the dividend bythe reciprocal of thedivisor.Step 3Simplify 8. Math Divide Mixed Numbers (p. 326)How to Divide MixedNumbers:Step 1Write both numbers asfractions.Step 2Multiply the dividend bythe reciprocal of thedivisor.Step 3Simplify 9. Math Divide Mixed Numbers (p. 326)Math HomeworkPractice book, page 74 10. Spelling 11. Spelling Pretest1. prewash 11. misjudge2. disable 12. discomfort3. discolor13. dismount4. mistaken14. misunderstand5. preheats15. disobey6. mistrust16. dishonest7. incorrect 17. injustice8. disconnect18. disapprove9. preview 19. inexpensive10. prejudge 20. indefinite 12. Spelling Word MeaningsWrite the spelling word that has the same, or almost the same, meaning.1. wrong incorrect 6. go against the rules disobey2. lying dishonest 7. staindiscolor3. unsure unclear indefinite8. uneasiness discomfort4. cheap inexpensive 9. divide disconnect5. frown ondisapprove10. get down or get off dismount 13. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence using the correct spelling word.mistaken11. Due to her haircut, she often was _____________ for her.12. Since Lewis and Clark had no map, it was easy to misjudge____________ distances.preview13. When Clark first saw the ocean, he had a ____________of what we see today. 14. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence using the correct spelling word.disable14. Joseph Andrews once tried to ___________ themachines that chop down trees.15. The destruction of our natural environment is a real injustice_____________.16. We began to ___________ him when he continued to liemistrustto us. 15. Spelling Word MeaningsComplete each sentence using the correct spelling word.17. When you ____________ your clothes, you use up more Prewashwater.18. His mother preheats the oven before cooking ____________dinner. 16. Language Arts Commas with Introductory PrepositionalPhrases and Interjections (p. 438)RULESUse a comma after aprepositional phrase at thebeginning of a sentence.For protection againstsunburn, I wear sunscreen.Use a comma after a mildinterjection.My, this sunburn isuncomfortable. 17. Language Arts Commas with Introductory PrepositionalPhrases and Interjections (p. 438) Use a comma to invert the order of a sentence that has a prepositional phrase. Original:Our skin can be damaged from the sun. Inverted:From the sun, our skin can be damaged.Think and WriteWhy is it important to know how to usecommas with prepositional phrases andinterjections? Write your ideas in yournotebook. 18. Language Arts Commas with Introductory PrepositionalPhrases and Interjections (p. 438)Guided PracticeName the prepositional phrase or the interjection in each sentence.1. In the shade, you can still get a sunburn.2. After a sunburn, our skin is tender.3. Gee, sunscreen can protect our skin.4. Before outdoor activity, put on sunscreen.5. Oh, wear a hat to protect the skin, too. 19. Language Arts Commas with Introductory PrepositionalPhrases and Interjections (p. 438)Guided PracticeName the prepositional phrase or the interjection in each sentence.6. Why, Darla! Apply sunscreen before you play tennis.7. Below the eyes, the skin is very delicate.8. With your fingers, apply the cream.9. Yuck! I hate the smell!10. On hot days, wear white. 20. Language Arts Commas with Introductory PrepositionalPhrases and Interjections (p. 438)More PracticeComplete exercise 1125.Writing Activity A StoryWrite a story about someone who gets a sunburn on thefirst day of vacation. Be sure your story has a strongbeginning, middle, and end.APPLY MECHANICS AND USAGE: Draw one lineunder each prepositional phrase and two lines undereach interjections. 21. Language Arts Commas with Introductory PrepositionalPhrases and Interjections (p. 438)Language ArtsHomeworkTextbook, page 499, 110 22. Religion Chapter 17 ReviewClass Work Read pages 196203 Define ALL Key Words Copy the statements:1. Jesus heals those who are sick2. Jesus Apostles preach and heal inhis name.3. The Church continues Jesushealing ministry.4. We are called to care for thosewho are sick.Homework Study for quiz on Tuesday 23. Homework Summary Monday, May 14, 2012Reading1. Practice book, page 163Math1. Practice book, page 74Language Arts1. Textbook, page 499, 110Religion1. Study for quiz 24. Range: Mode:4Median: Mean:Reward10Pizza Party89 Wheel of Fun7 Spelling6 BrainPOP45 Silent Snack23 Class Work1 No Snack 25. Attachments imgres 948869