5.13 God Did Not Kill Muhammad

 T h e S wo rd o f I ntel ect B oo k - 5 G o d d i d n o t kill u ha mm d f o s pe ki g i n H i s a  M ohammed F ar eeduddin Siddique Book Number: 5 Document number: 5.13 Dated Updated: 22 nd May 2004.

Transcript of 5.13 God Did Not Kill Muhammad

8/6/2019 5.13 God Did Not Kill Muhammad

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T he S word of I ntelectB ook - 5

G od did not kill M uhammad for

speaking in H is name 

Mohammed Fareeduddin Siddique

Book Number: 5

Document number: 5.13

Dated Updated: 22nd May 2004.

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[God did not kill Muhammad s.a.w for speaking in His name] ________________________________________________________________________

Page 2 of 4 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: This document in not intended to hurt any sects religious, emotional feelings. Any thing that is written by a human being is susceptible to errors (like the presentday Bible). If there is any truth in this paper, then it is from Allâh [ forgive me for my human / typo errors. I [ سبحآنه  تعآلى]  ], the typo errors (if any) are from myself, Allâhسبحآنه  تعآلىcan be contacted at mailto:[email protected]. I will be happy to clarify any doubts from my Christian friends in particular and all others in general. Fareed Siddique

Mr. Know-it-all alleges YET again: God Killed Mohammed for speaking in his Name, as per OT Deuteronomy 18:20.

In Deuteronomy 18:20 we read "But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die ."

Muhammad (ملسو  هيلع هللا ىلص ) spoke not just a single word, but dedicated the revealed book inGod's name. For twenty three years he spoke exclusively in the name of God Almighty. Hewas given one hundred and fourteen chapters, all of which were, and are to this day, recitedday after day in God's name. Chapters in the Qur'an begin with the words "In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful." Yet he did not die, but lived to fulfill his messagecompletely. God revealed a similar verse in the Qur'an:

"And if he (Muhammad) had invented false sayings in Our (God's) name, We would have taken him by the right, then We would have severed from him his aorta, and there is none among you who could have held Us off from him" The noble Qur'an, al-Haaqah(69):46 

(Remember that the plural form of this verse is the Arabic plural of respect, not the Christianplural of "Trinity,"). If the claims of some are true: That Muhammad (  عليه  وسلم  ) was anصلى هللاimpostor, then did God go to sleep for twenty three years? Of course not! He knew full wellwhat Muhammad (ملسو  هيلع   ) was claiming. If he was not telling the truth, why did Godصلى هللاnot kill him? Why did he allow him to perpetrate a lie that would span fourteen centuries, andeventually come to cover the globe?

Our Mr. Know-it-all does not seem to answer me for six months and 14 days as of today the22

ndMay 2004.

Mr. Know-it-all alleges again that Mohammed [ملسو  هيلع هللا ىلص ] was Anti-Christ as waspredicted in the Paul’s first letter to John 4:1-3.

Let us see what verse he is speaking about:

"Beloved, believe not every spirit (prophet), but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit 

that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that [spirit] of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." 1 John 4:1-3

The last part of the verse above is a proof Mohammed [ملسو  هيلع   ] was not anti-Christصلى هللاwhen he believed that Jesus was a human [in-flesh] prophet. Even God revealed to his lastprophet not to differentiate between any of the previous prophets of God.

This one is very easy to understand: Every prophet who does not confess that Jesus ( عليه) came in the flesh was not sent by God. He is a false prophet. But any prophet thatالسالمconfesses that Jesus (مالسلا هيلع) came in the flesh was sent by God. What does the Qur'an

and Muhammad (ملسو  هيلع هللا ىلص ) say about Jesus (مالسلا هيلع)? They say that a Muslim is not aMuslim if he does not believe in Jesus (مالسلا هيلع), in his miraculous birth, in his giving life tothe dead by God's permission, in his healing of the lepers and the blind by God's permission,

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[God did not kill Muhammad s.a.w for speaking in His name] ________________________________________________________________________

Page 3 of 4 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: This document in not intended to hurt any sects religious, emotional feelings. Any thing that is written by a human being is susceptible to errors (like the presentday Bible). If there is any truth in this paper, then it is from Allâh [ forgive me for my human / typo errors. I [ سبحآنه  تعآلى]  ], the typo errors (if any) are from myself, Allâhسبحآنه  تعآلىcan be contacted at mailto:[email protected]. I will be happy to clarify any doubts from my Christian friends in particular and all others in general. Fareed Siddique

in his piety and chastity, in his truthfulness, and in the fact that he was the Messiah (theChrist). The Qur'an contains many verses to this effect.

For example, in A'al-Umran(3):40 we read: "And the angles said 'O Mary, Allah gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him, his name is Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, High honored in this world and the next, of those near stationed to Allah ."

So now we must ask: Has Muhammad (ملسو  هيلع هللا ىلص ) fulfilled this criterion or not? This is allthe more remarkable when it is contrasted with the popular opinion of the time such as theclaims of the Jews regarding Jesus (مالسلا هيلع) and his mother Mary (مالسلا هيلع) as seen in partnine of section 6.3. As a matter of fact, Jesus is referred to by name in the Qur'an fullysixteen times, as compared to only four places in the whole Qur'an where Muhammad ( عليه.) is mentioned by nameالسالم

No other religion in the whole world outside Christianity makes it an article of faith for itsadherents to believe in, love and honor Jesus except Islam. Reading the Qur'an bearstestimony to that (see for example (19):16-36, A'al-Umran (3):33-68, Al-Nissa (5): 72-77).Here we have the testimony of Jesus himself in the Bible that Muhammad was a prophet of God. If Jesus' words carry any weight at all with us then we must concede that Muhammadwas a prophet of God and therefore spoke in the name of God.

Further, Jesus gives second criteria to judge the truthfulness of a prophet [Also see mypapers “The final test of truth” and “Jeremiah and Paul”]. He says:

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are 

ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them ." Matthew 7:15-20

So, according to the testimony of Jesus, if we wish to know whether Prophet Muhammad( عليه  وسلم صلى هللا ) was a true prophet or not we need to see what sort of "fruit" his messageproduced. A moderately detailed description of these fruits can be found my abovementioned papers, however, let us listen to the words of the Hindu Professor K. S.Ramakrishna Rao. He says:

"Historical records show that all contemporaries of Muhammad, both friend and foes,acknowledged the sterling qualities, the spotless honesty, the noble virtues, the absolute sincerity, and the absolute trustworthiness of the apostle of Islam in all walks of life and in every sphere of human activity. Even the Jews and those who did not believe in his message accepted him as arbitrator in their personal disputes on account of his scrupulous impartiality " … Muhammad the Prophet of Islam, K. S. Ramakrishna Rao, p. 13

When the Muslims were taught to bless all the Prophets from Ibrahim A.S, in every prayer,we are shown and proved to be the nation that God promised to bless. God promisedIbrahim A.S in Genesis Chapter 12 verse 3 “I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves."

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[God did not kill Muhammad s.a.w for speaking in His name] ________________________________________________________________________

Page 4 of 4 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: This document in not intended to hurt any sects religious, emotional feelings. Any thing that is written by a human being is susceptible to errors (like the presentday Bible). If there is any truth in this paper, then it is from Allâh [ forgive me for my human / typo errors. I [ سبحآنه  تعآلى]  ], the typo errors (if any) are from myself, Allâhسبحآنه  تعآلىcan be contacted at mailto:[email protected]. I will be happy to clarify any doubts from my Christian friends in particular and all others in general. Fareed Siddique

O my Learned Christian readers and Mr. Know-it-all, do you really want shirk of Saul of Tarsus in your lives? Would you take man-made lies instead of truth in your lives? do youhave any sense of reason? Do they have any thinking-heads? Does God stop you from

thinking reasonably? Or would you like to regret in the hereafter. 

They will say, "If only we had really listened and used our intellect, we would not have been Companions of the Blaze." (Noble Qur’an, Surat al-Mulk: 10) or would the followers of St.Paul like to regret…!

O Mr. Know-it-all …! ”Respond to your Lord before a Day comes from Allah [ ىلآعت   هنآحبس  ],which cannot be turned back. On that Day you will have no hiding-place and no means of denial.” (Noble Qur’an, Surat ash-Shura: 47)

I invite you, O my Christian readers, to use your intellect and be a true believer, a truthful

submitter to your God Allah May Allah .[ سبحآنه   تعآلى] [ سبحآنه   تعآلى] bestow upon you his mercyand help you understand the fallacies of the Christian Pauline religion of “Saul of Tarus ”...Ameen, ya Rabbi’ziljalaal.

Allah [ سبحآنه   تعآلى] makes it very evident for you "W e shall show them Our signs on the horizons and within themselves until it will become clear to them that it is the Truth. Does it not suffice that your Lord is Witness over all things?" The noble Qur'an, Fussilat (41):53.

"Verily! this Qur'an guides to that which is most upright, and gives glad tidings to the believers who work deeds of righteousness that theirs will be a great reward" The noble 

Qur'an, Al-Isra (17):9 Sadakh’allah al’azeem.

Color codes in this document: Red italics are the words of the present day bible KJV / RSV.Blue italics are the Holy verses of Qur’an Al-Kareem, Translations by Yousuf Ali / M. Pickthal.Normal blacks are my words, bolded emphases are added from my side. In this paper I amreferring the name of the Author of the Anti-Muslim web sites as Mr. Know-it-all for the solepurpose of ease of my reader’s understanding.