50 Flyerless Ways to Advertise, Part I

50 Flyerless Ways to Advertise Oh, yes. It can be done. I promise.


Part I: The Old Standbys

Transcript of 50 Flyerless Ways to Advertise, Part I

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50 Flyerless Ways to Advertise

Oh, yes. It can be done. I promise.

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Consider This…

• On a scale of 1-10, how busy would you say you are?

• When you’re rushing from your room to class, or from class to a meeting, or a meeting to the dining hall, how often do you stop to look at a flyer on the wall?

And, most importantly…

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What makes you think any of your peers are any less busy?

Let’s face it. Flyers don’t work.

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So Let’s Try Something New.

Let’s try something…

A little more labor-intensive.

A little more thoughtful.

And a LOT more effective.

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Part I: The Old Standbys

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#1: Word of MouthI’d put this as number zero if I could. If you are holding an event, and you’re not comfortable or proud enough of it to tell your friends and classmates about it, then why are you holding it? Seriously. Tell your friends what you’re doing, and ask them to come support you. Be willing to do the same for them.(IMAGE CREDIT: Groucho Reviews)

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#2: Emmanuel College Events CalendarIn addition to making those who check the calendar aware of your event, the event calendar pushes information about your event to College Portal, the LCD screens around campus, “Today around Campus” Twitter posts sponsored by the Marketing and Communications Department, and allows the COF to feature them on their “Around the COF” posters. Taking 90 seconds to fill this form out could spread word about your event far wider than you probably think.

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#3: Social MediaIf you post to your Facebook or Twitter account, and are regularly promoting, you can offer prizes for being the nth person to share or retweet a message, or to follow an account. Let’s be real- most of you don’t need my help on this.(IMAGE CREDIT: Brock University)

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#4: Table TentsIf you’re interested in having your event ads placed in the dining table tents, contact Bon Appetit and be prepared to design an ad that fits in their tent holders. Diners all across campus could see your ad that way. (IMAGE CREDIT: Vulture)

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#5: BannersIf you feel like making a BIG statement, consider a banner in the Jean Yawkey Center. Banners are hung each Monday and Thursday; the dimensions of your banner will depend on which space you reserve. Contact Kevin to reserve this space at least two weeks before you want your banner hung or you may lose out on the opportunity to reserve limited banner locations. (IMAGE CREDIT: North Virginian Daily)

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#6: TablingYou can reserve a table in the JYC by completing the space reservation form, indicating the need for a table, and detailing how many chairs and additional supplies you’ll need. Make sure this request is in at least two weeks before the table will be needed; without that lead time, you may lose out on the opportunity to reserve limited table locations. (IMAGE CREDIT: Blu-Ray)

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#7: ChalkingIn seasons of nice weather, chalking on Emmanuel sidewalks is permitted! Remember: chalking must include the name, date, time, location, and sponsor of the event. Anyone walking by should know who is responsible for the event when they look at the ground. Also, chalking must be done where rain could easily wash away your message. No chalking under overhangs or otherwise sheltered areas is permitted. (IMAGE CREDIT: Neon Fresh)

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#8: SGA MeetingsIf you’d like your event announced at an SGA meeting, contact the board to request your information be included at the week’s announcements. This can be helpful for big events, to ensure that SGA is aware of it and can promote it to the student body. You’ll get additional exposure via social media this way- the SGA and The Hub live-Tweet meetings, so your mention will show up in their messages. (IMAGE CREDIT: The Maine Wire)

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#9: Commuter ConnectionEach week, events are highlighted in the Commuter Connections newsletter. If you’re interested in having your event featured, particularly if it happens during the “standard academic day” (8:30am-5:30pm), consider requesting it be placed there. Contact Amma Marfo for more information about that approach. (IMAGE CREDIT: Imgur/Buzzfeed)

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#10: Talk To Your ProfessorsIf your event or organization meetings could serve an academic purpose, consider approaching professors who teach in that discipline and see if they’re willing to announce it in their classes, or permit you to do so. (IMAGE CREDIT: LSU)

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#11: Attend a Hub Story MeetingThe Hub, Emmanuel’s online newspaper, holds story meetings regularly in search of topics to write about. If you’d like your event to be previewed in an upcoming article, keep an eye out for these meetings, attend, and discuss your event. Perhaps they’ll want to spread the word on your behalf! (IMAGE CREDIT: Pretty Clever Films)

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More To Come! Any Questions in the Meantime?Email Amma Marfo, Assistant Director of Student Activities, at:[email protected]