5 Winter Care Tips for Your Orchid

Five Winter Care Tips for Your Orchid

Transcript of 5 Winter Care Tips for Your Orchid

Five Winter Care Tips for Your Orchid

Welcome to winter!

We know what you’re thinking...

My orchid is native to the tropics, so what will happen during these cold months?


These 5 simple steps will keep your orchid happy and healthy through the chill of the season.

Give It Light1Extend the life of your orchid’s blooms by making sure it’s getting enough light during shorter winter days.

Move it to the sunniest room in your home or the room with most windows.

Watch for Drafts2Whether it’s from the front door or from when you first turn on the heater, try to keep your orchid away from drafts.

If you notice your plant’s buds falling off, it likely has been exposed to the draft.

Check the Roots3Winter air not only dries out your skin, it can also dry out your orchid. Check your orchid’s roots to make sure it’s receiving enough water.

If you notice your plant’s roots are dry and gray or if its leaves are wrinkled, it probably needs a bit more water.

Increase either the amount of water you’re using or the frequency of watering until you notice the roots have turned green and plump.

Remember, overwatered roots look brown and mushy.

Make It Humid4Orchids love humid environments, which the winter is not. But it’s easy to increase the humidity around your plant.

Make a humidity tray by filling a shallow tray with pebbles and some water and placing your orchid on top.

Use a humidifier in the room where you place your orchid.

Mist your orchid with water from a spray bottle.

Keep It Cool5While orchids thrive in warm temperatures, the drier heat of winter isn’t their favorite.

If you have the option, try moving your orchid to a cooler location.

Orchids prefer cooler air to the warmer, drier air that comes with most heated winter environments.

Get more tips on how to keep your orchid healthy and happy on our resources page.